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Question 1

Below is a possible combined heat and power application with data as shown. What is the thermal efficiency of the steam cycle?

a. 17% b. 28% c. 21% d. 32% 20 points

Question 2
Which of the following are needed before a plant can utilize CHP? a. low electricity costs b. high natural gas costs c. demonstrated use for electricity d. suitable location for thermal storage e. demonstrated use for thermal energy 10 points

Question 3
According to analysis from ice cores, historical levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, dating back 650,000 years, have never exceeded 1. 300 ppm 2. 100 ppm 3. 50 ppm 4. 200 ppm 10 points

Question 4
Why do atmospheric CO2 measurements go up and then back down each year, creating a sawtoothed time history? 1. Because most of the earth's vegetation is in the Northern Hemisphere. 2. Because fossil fuel combustion is less in the winter. 3. Because most of the earth's population is in the Northern Hemisphere. 4. Because the oceans absorb more CO2 in the summer. 10 points

Question 5
The approximate chemical composition of a biofuel is C0.41H0.77O0.2. The amount of CO2 produced (in kg) per kg of biofuel burned is approximately (you will need to calculate this): Answer 20 points

Question 6
The approximate chemical composition of wood is C0.51H0.06O0.42. The amount of CO2 produced (in kg) per kg of wood burned is approximately (you will need to calculate this): a. 3.50

b. 1.75 c. 4.25 10 points

Question 7
Current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are about a. 100 parts per million b. almost 400 parts per million c. 200 parts per million d. 300 part per million 10 points

Question 8
According to Colin Campbell, "to imagine that there's anywhere missed as big as the North Sea is just implausible." True False 10 points

Question 9

Below is a T-s diagram and data for a combined cycle. What is the thermal efficiency of the topping cycle if it is operated independently (without the steam cycle)?

a. 32% b. 55% c. 58% d. 52% 30 points

Question 10
Below is a T-s diagram and data for a combined cycle. What is the thermal efficiency of the bottom cycle if it is operated independently (without the gas turbine cycle)?

a. 38% b. 52% c. 32% d. 55% 30 points

Question 11
1. Below is a T-s diagram and data for a combined cycle. The cycles are operated in cascade as shown and the air exits the heat exchanger connecting the two cycles at state 9. What is the thermal efficiency of the combined cycle?

a. 55% b. 32% c. 58% d. 52% 30 points

Question 12
The thermal efficiency of a typical combined cycle is

a. about 20% - 30% b. about 30% - 40% c. about 40% - 50% d. about 50% - 60% 10 points

Question 13
The thermal efficiency of a typical Brayton cycle is a. about 20% - 30% b. about 30% - 40% c. about 40% - 50% d. about 50% - 60% 10 points

Question 14
14.7 The current global energy demand is ___________terawatts. Blank 1 10 points

Question 15
According to David Goodstein, in 1956 M. King Hubbert was regarded as an ingenious analyst for his prediction that US oil production would peak in 10 to 15 years. True False 10 points

Question 16
According to David Goodstein, how many of the largest nuclear power plants are needed to replace current use of fossil fuels?

1. 5,000 2. 10,000 3. 1,000 4. 50,000 10 points

Question 17
In the recent Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), what topic suddenly appeared and is discussed in detail? 1. high cost of fuels 2. challenges deploying to varied theaters 3. climate change 4. don't ask, don't tell 10 points

Question 18
According to Richard Alley, energy efficiency holds promise to reduce _________ of our current global energy needs. Answer 1. 25% 2. 25% 3. 33% 4. 50% 10 points

Question 19
Who devised a method of estimating ultimate production of a fossil fuel by plotting percentage growth (year over year) versus cummulative production? 1. Colin Campbell

2. Stanley Jevons 3. Kenneth Deffeyes 4. M. King Hubbert 10 points

Question 20
According to Richard Alley, geothermal energy holds promise to supply _________ of our current global energy needs. 1. 25% 2. 100% 3. 3 times 4. 11 times 10 points

Question 21
Which of these are greenhouse gases? Check all that apply... a. Water vapor b. Carbon dioxide c. methane d. Carbon monoxide e. nitrogen 10 points

Question 22
According to Richard Alley, which of the following are ways we know that recent buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere is the result of burning fossil fuels (check all that apply)? 1. simple bookkeeping 2. "ask the air" (see that CO2 and O2 levels oppose each other)

3. examine isotopes of carbon 4. measure radioactive residues 5. results of IPCC report 10 points

Question 23
A Hubbert analysis of world oil production (1930-1960) assuming 2.5 trillion barrels of ultimate recoverable oil indicates that oil production a. will peak in about 20 years (2028). b. is peaking now (2012 - 2013) c. peaked in the year 2000 10 points

Question 24
In Hubbert's analysis, the plotted curve is the _____________, while the area under the curve is the _____________. a. ultimate production, annual rate of production b. annual rate of production, ultimate production c. total reserves, amount extracted 10 points

Question 25
Hubbert's analysis for petroleum production in the lower 48 states, based on ultimate reserves of 200 billion barrels, suggested that domestic oil production would peak around the year a. 1978 b. 1970 c. 1965 10 points

Question 26
According to the film "Crude Awakening", the "hydrogen economy" could arrive, after technological development, in about 1. 10 to 20 years 2. 20 to 30 years 3. 100 years 4. 40 years 10 points

Question 27
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a group of international scientists working together to conduct basic research on climate change. True False 10 points

Question 28
If all nations consumed power at the same rate (per capita) as North America, the total 67.8 energy demand for the planet would be _________ terawatts. 10 points

Question 29
Because of the greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature of the earth is a. 47F b. 59F c. 65F d. 72F 10 points

Question 30
Without the greenhouse effect afforded by our atmosphere, the average surface temperature of the earth would be Answer a. about -10 F b. about 32 F c. about 10 F d. about 0F 10 points

Question 31
What organization is the largest energy user in the world? Answer 1. United States government 2. the military 3. Chinese industry 10 points

Question 32
In 1975, M. King Hubbert gave an interview and demonstrated a 12% efficient solar cell which he suggested holds promise for meeting energy demand after the peak in oil production. True False 10 points

Question 33
According to Matt Simmons, the "last great frontiers" of oil discovery are ahead of us.

True False 10 points

Question 34
What are the APPROXIMATE levels of per capita energy usage in Middle East : Europe : North America? Answer 1. 1,000 : 2,000 : 5,000 Watts/person 2. 1,500 : 3,000 : 7,500 Watts/person 3. 2,000 : 4,000 : 8,000 Watts/person 4. 2,500 : 5,000 : 10,000 Watts/person 10 points

Question 35
The thermal efficiency of a simple Rankine cycle is Answer a. about 15% - 20% b. about 20% - 30% c. about 30% - 40% d. about 40% - 50% 10 points

Question 36
The variations in the earths orbit and inclination alone, which occur over tens of thousands of years, can explain the temperature variations seen on the planet over the last 400,000 years. True

False 10 points

Question 37
According to a scenario envisioned by Richard Alley, renewable energy sources could constitute _____ of global energy needs by 2030. 1. 25% 2. 33% 3. 50% 4. over 60% 10 points

Question 38
Richard Alley...(check all that apply) 1. has a daughter 2. goes to church on Sunday 3. is a professor at Penn State 4. plays soccer 5. is a Republican 10 points

Question 39
According to Richard Alley, solar energy holds promise to supply _________ of our current global energy needs. 1. 25% 2. 100% 3. 200 times 4. 11,000 times

10 points

Question 40
What is the source of energy trapped in fossil fuels? Blank 1 10 points

Question 41
Below is a chart showing percentage growth in cumulative production versus cumulative production for UK coal. Also shown is an equation for a curve fit to the lower part of the line. Based on this information, what is the ultimate amount of coal recoverable?

1. 28,254 Mt 2. 27,437 Mt 3. 26,743 Mt 4. 25,237 Mt 10 points

Question 42
M. King Hubbert worked for Shell Oil Company in the 1950s True False

10 points

Question 43
According to the film "Crude Awakening", wind energy holds great promise for delivering a significant fraction of energy in the future. True False 10 points

Question 44
According to Richard Alley, wind energy holds promise to supply _________ of our current global energy needs. 1. 25% 2. 100% 3. 78 times 4. 200 times 10 points

Question 45
According to Richard Alley, the world's "biofuel" use is ______% of the total world energy budget. 1. 5 2. 10 3. 13 4. 18 5. 22 10 points

Question 46

According to Richard Alley, the world's fossil fluel use is ______% of the total world energy budget. 1. 62 2. 68 3. 72 4. 78 5. 84 10 points

Question 47
What is the cost per gallon to transport fuel to remote bases in Afghanistan? 1. $50/gallon 2. $100/gallon 3. $200/gallon 4. $300/gallon 5. $400/gallon 10 points

Question 48
There are about 7 billion people on the planet. What number of them are without access to energy and clean fuels 1. 1 billion 2. 1.5 billion 3. 2 billion 4. 2.5 billion 10 points

Question 49

According to Richard Alley, what organization performed much of the basic research confirming water vapor and carbon dioxide as greenhouse gases? 1. IPCC 2. Greenpeace 3. House Unamerican Activities Committee 4. Department of Defense (military) 10 points

Question 50
Who is this guy?

1. Matt Simmons, Energy Investment Banker 2. Roscoe Bartlett, U. S. Congressman 3. David Goodstein, Professor of Physics 4. Colin Campbell, Oil Geologist 10 points

Question 51

Who is this guy?

1. Roscoe Bartlett, U. S. Congressman 2. David Goodstein, Professor of Physics 3. Matt Simmons, Energy Investment Banker 4. Colin Campbell, Oil Geologist 10 points

Question 52
Who is this guy?

1. Colin Campbell, Oil Geologist

2. Roscoe Bartlett, U. S. Congressman 3. Matt Simmons, Energy Investment Banker 4. David Goodstein, Professor of Physics 10 points

Question 53
Who is this guy?

1. Colin Campbell, Oil Geologist 2. Roscoe Bartlett, U. S. Congressman 3. David Goodstein, Professor of Physics 4. Matt Simmons, Energy Investment Banker 10 points

Question 54

Who is this gal?

1. Vickie Anne Staples, Research Biologist (Cal Tech) 2. Jenna Johnson, Oil Geologist (Purdue) 3. Terry Lynn Karl, Political Scientist (Stanford) 4. Mary Lynn Jones, Social Scientist (Baylor) 10 points

Question 55
The fissile material in most nuclear power reactors is U-238 (uranium isotope 238). True False 10 points

Question 56
In a chain reaction, generation and control of escaping electrons is key to sustaining the reaction. True False

10 points

Question 57
Reactors fueled with enriched uranium can be moderated with a. deuterium b. heavy water c. ordinary water 10 points

Question 58
What is the concentration of fissile uranium is needed for light water reactors? Answer 1. 99.3% 2. 2%-3% 3. 0.7% 4. 0% 10 points

Question 59
What is the concentration of fissile uranium found in nature? Answer 1. 99.3% 2. 2%-3% 3. 0.7% 4. 0% 10 points

Question 60

Which of the following are functions of the control rods in a nuclear reactor? (check all that apply) 1. slow fast neutrons 2. maintain "critical" condition 3. cool the reaction 4. stop reaction completely 10 points

Question 61
Boron and cadmium are materials that are used to make control rods for nuclear reactors. True False 10 points

Question 62
How much energy is released when uranium 236 decays into krypton and barium? 1. about 10 eV 2. about 200 MeV 3. about 226 J 4. about 2.4 kJ 10 points

Question 63
Fast breeder reactors are not used in the United States due to nuclear proliferation concerns. What fissile material is produced in fast breeder reactors? 1. Uranium 2. Krypton 3. Barium

4. Plutonium 10 points

Question 64
Upon fission of a uranium atom, "fast" neutrons are released which, if not moderated, would escape the fuel assembly without causing further fissions. True False 10 points

Question 65
Which of these uranium isotopes are fissile? 1. U238 2. U239 3. U237 4. U235 10 points

Question 66
How many neutrons are released (on average) when uranium 236 decays into krypton and barium? 1. about 1 2. about 2.5 3. about 3 4. variable but more than 4 10 points

Question 67

What component of a nuclear reactor is responsible for creation of thermal neutrons from fast neutrons? 1. moderator 2. non-fissile fuel 3. coolant 4. control rods 10 points

Question 68
Match each person with their occupation Roscoe Barnett Colin Campbell Matt Simmons David Goodstein Answer A. Physics Professor B. investment banker C. oil geologist D. Congressman from Maryland

10 points

Question 69
Match each person with a publication they authored Colin Campbell David Goodstein Terry Lynn Karl Matt Simmons Answer A. Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy B. The Paradox of Plenty: Oil Booms and the Petro-States C. Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil D. The End of Cheap Oil

10 points

Question 70
According to Josh Fox, the 2005 Energy Bill exempts oil and gas industry from (check all that apply)

Safe Drinking Water Act Clean Air Act Superfund Law Clean Water Act 10 points

Question 71
In what year was the Clean Water Act signed into law? 1968 1972 1976 1982 10 points

Question 72
Which American President signed the Clean Water Act into law? Lyndon Johnson Richard Nixon Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan 10 points

Question 73
In the film, Gasland, Josh Fox first visits multiple homeowners in the Dimock, PA area that claim water quality problems began only after fracking operations commenced in their area. True False

10 points

Question 74
Josh Fox says that Dick Cheney asked ______________________ to find new ways to make public lands available for oil and gas exploration. the Bureau of Land Management the Office of Indian Affairs the National Parks Association the Department of the Interior 10 points

Question 75
According to Josh Fox, fracking fluid is a mixture of over ________ different chemicals. 431 293 1,048 596 10 points

Question 76
According to Josh Fox, each new well requires ______________ gallons of water to drill. more than 10,000,000 less than 2,000,000 between one and seven million about 20,000 10 points

Question 77

According to Josh Fox, about _____________ of the hydraulic fluid that is pumped into the well in fracking is recovered. Answer about half about 90% only 25% most 10 points

Question 78
Josh Fox talked to folks in Wyoming that have glycol ethers in their water well. True False 10 points

Question 79
According to Josh Fox, the "Halliburton Loophole" in the Safe Drinking Water exempts oil and gas industry from litigation related to water quality issues removed EPA oversight of oil and gas drilling operations releases oil and gas industry from most regulatory oversight allows injection of fluids for hydrualic fracturing directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies. 10 points

Question 80
Hydraulic fracturing typically begins with a horizontal well bored __________ underground. about 8,000 feet

about 1 mile about 1,000 feet about 2 miles

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