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Before we dive further into the law of Polarity I will allow myself to introduce the whole TantraCURE system so that you will be able to see how polarity and masculinity fit into the whole picture. The TantraCURE system is made of 7 steps that you follow to permanently cure premature ejaculation. Each one of these steps in it self might be enough to solve your problem. I have seen cases of men who solved premature ejaculation through the exclusive understanding of only one of these points. So by learning all of them you are guaranteed to succeed as they to my knowledge cover the whole spectrum of body, emotions, mind and spirit. These steps are

You need to remove bad emotions you have about sexuality. Guilt, repression, lack of confidence and anxiety are major players in keeping you in a premature ejaculation mind set. What often keeps men locked in the problem of premature ejaculation is an inability to deal with emotions. Men usually set emotions aside because the energy of emotion for men is a difficult energy to deal with. Emotions often feel sticky for us, out of place. We often don!t want to have them, they disturb us, they get in the way of what we want to accomplish. By not dealing with emotions you repress them and they will come out in some other form. Repressing emotion is a huge factor in keeping you in a state where you suffer from premature ejaculation. I personally did many years of pelvic muscle exercises with little effect before I found out that I had emotional blockages, which were sabotaging my success. Many men suffer from premature ejaculation due to anxiety and low selfesteem. Why suffer from these things? They need to be fixed once and for all. Lose the heavy emotional baggage and it will feel like huge weight is lifted of your shoulders.

You have to learn to relax your mind and body. Many superficial systems tell men to think of unsexy things to keep the ejaculation back. Don!t do this! You are denying yourself the possibility to grow and expand with the pleasure. Men!s inability to handle high levels of arousal is due to tension in the body and tension in the mind. When you learn to relax you will expand your whole being and you will be able to embrace the sexual energy instead of repressing it. Remember what I said in step 1. Emotion is energy. Repress emotions and you will have a continual background state of frustration coupled with emotional outbursts. Exactly the same goes for sexual energy. Repress your sexual energy and you will for certain have an

ejaculation, not to mention sore balls from holding back and tensing in your pelvic muscles.

You need to live a lifestyle, which is congruent with your neurological typology. New research from Neuro Science shows that you can be one of 4 typologies depending on what hormone you are most receptive to. You can either be a Serotonin, Dopamine, Testosterone or Estrogen/Oxytocin type man and depending on which one of these typologies you are requires a different set of diets, lifestyles and ways of dealing with the problem of premature ejaculation. Sometimes a simple shift in mindset or a simple change of habit is enough to solve the problem.

You need to know what sexual energy is and how you can channel this energy The Taoists know it. The Yogis know it. The Tantrics know it. Sexual energy is the most powerful fuel in your being and your sexual fuel can through a process called transmutation and sublimation be raised up your spinal column awakening your centers of force giving you more power, love, intuition, intelligence etc. Sexual energy can propel you to the pinnacles of success. Sexual energy is the wind in your sails propelling you to make deep personal and spiritual transformation. This is ancient knowledge that has gone missing in a modern life where people are so preoccupied with wasting and spending energy. Learning to raise your sexual energy is actually not as complicated as you might think. A simple daily routine will help you to get started and you will feel the results immediately.

You need to have a set of exercises which you perform daily and which can help you to control your arousal To harness your sexual energy and to last longer in bed you need a daily set of exercises which involve the strengthening of the pelvic muscles, the clearing and empowering of your energetic body through breathing exercises and the taming of your mind with meditations and visualizations. You also need methods and techniques you can use while you make love so you can tell what your arousal is and whether or not you are too close to the edge.

You need to awaken the energy of masculinity in your being giving you more control, more overview and more self confidence

Masculine men don!t suffer from premature ejaculation. This statement might provoke you but I think it will become clearer to you when you understand my definition of masculinity. Please read the next section or look at the video 3 about polarity again to get a deeper intuition of what masculinity is and how it affects your ability to deal with sexual energy.

You need to fine-tune the art of love making so you know what to do and when to do it. There are many things you can do in a lovemaking session to help you to last longer. First of all you have to do awaken different energies and emotional states in the right order. For instance in lovemaking the following order is very important: Centering in your self so you can realign yourself with your core Awakening sensitivity so that the body gets prepared to receive energy and pleasure Awakening the erotic energy which needs to be awakened slowly especially for men Awakening the energy of vitality giving you stability and ability to last long Awakening the energy of masculinity giving you the ability to create sexual attraction allowing the lovemaking to continue longer and also to create control allowing you send the sexual energy upwards. Awakening the energy of love allowing you to connect deeply with your partner Awakening the meditative mindset allowing you to channel the sexual energy to the highest spheres of your being. Applying the Avalanche effect to make sure that the polarity is kept in the couple so that you don!t lose the attraction between you.

By respecting this energy flow you allow your sexual energy and the sexual energy of your partner to awaken naturally and to transmute and sublimate in your being allowing you to make love for prolonged periods. Each of these steps requires a few basic skills in your way of touching and being with your partner. These were the 7 steps that will not only expand your horizons; they will give you the fundamental building blocks to becoming a master between the sheets while giving you the tools to improve all aspects of your life. In the next section we will dive further into step 6: The Law of Polarity and what it means to be a masculine man.

Polarity is one of the deepest and most profound laws of the universe. Polarity tells us that the universe consists of two essences. Masculine essence, in Chinese called Yang, in Sanskrit called Shiva and feminine essence, in Chinese called Yin, in Sanskrit called Shakti. The masculine essence is the principle of consciousness and the feminine essence is the principle of energy.

The principle of consciousness transcends the material universe. It is beyond anything that can be seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted. It is the blueprint of the universe, the master plan, the mind of the creator. The principle of energy on the other hand is the body of the universe. It is everything that can be sensed, that can be seen, heard, touched, smelled and tasted. A masculine man is a man who is in contact with the essence of consciousness. He knows who he is and what he has been put here to do. He knows what his mission in life is and he knows what it is he must offer the world. He is in contact with this deep well of consciousness within from which inspiration and inner guidance flows. A boy on the other hand does not know who he is, why he is here and where he is headed. He seeks money, fancy cars and superficial relationships in a desperate attempt to fill out the void inside of him. A man on the other hand knows the answers to the questions. He lives a life of integrity and alignment. He is true to his brothers and to his ideals. He is a committed man. He has a mission that serves himself, his community and the whole world. Such a man is ready to die for his ultimate truth. He will go to battle to defend what he values. He knows that he alone bears the responsibility for everything that happens to him in his life. Such a man does not fear death because death is his deepest identity. In fact he seeks death in its form of transcendence. He seeks the eternal. He seeks the solitude and freedom on the other side of life. He seeks that brief vision of infinity and transcendence whether it manifests in the total blanking out of the mind in an orgasm, the absolute feeling of euphoria when his favorite football team scores a goal or in the successful stopping of the mind in deep meditation Masculinity is vertical seeking upwards to the heavens. Masculinity is the erect phallus, it is the tall skyscrapers towering upwards, it is the beautiful spires of churches piercing the

sky, and it is the mast of the ship standing tall and straight in the middle of the stormy seas of the feminine. It is the different sciences of philosophy, physics and spirituality flying high above the terrain in the never-ending quest to penetrate into the mysteries of the universe and to the promise of freedom, understanding and union which lie beyond. A man who has embraced his masculinity is a man who is completely present in front of the feminine. He is there with his entire being. He embraces his woman and he treats her as a goddess. He melts any resistance she might have with his unwavering love. He is not affected by anything she does or says for his truth comes from within him and is not dictated by her. He has all the time in the world for he is the king in his own reality. In TantraCURE I outline the 5 laws of masculinity and how they translate to things you need to do in lovemaking sessions and in life in general to firmly install the attitude of masculinity in your being.

The essence of the feminine is the opposite of masculine essence. The feminine is ephemeral. It is ever changing, transforming and moving. While the masculine is eternal, directional, silent, unchanging and transcendent, the feminine is vibrant, fragrant, colorful, shimmering, throbbing, dancing and living. She is the lowest valleys and the highest mountains. She is the beautiful Forests. She is the ocean itself. She is Mother Nature and mother Earth. She is the whole universe of planets, stars and galaxies. She is everything that we can see, touch, hear, smell and taste. She is everything that exists. She is the upholder of life, the bearer of love, and the nurturing power. Men and women both have the masculine and feminine within them, but for attraction and harmony to exist between men and women, the man has to embrace his masculine qualities and the woman has to embrace her feminine qualities. The law of polarity is a fundamental principle which when correctly understood will lead to miracles in your sex life, in your dating life, in your relationships and in your whole way of dealing with life itself.

Sexuality is feminine in nature. It is passionate, vibrant and unpredictable, Masculine energy without the presence of feminine energy is dry, abstract and lifeless. Feminine energy without the presence of masculine energy is chaotic and destructive so without a strong masculine consciousness your sexual energy will become chaotic and out of control.

Learning to fully embrace your sexual energy, to use it and to align it with your purpose is one of the great tests of masculinity that you will meet in this life and for you to succeed in your quest to master your sexual energy you need to cultivate your masculinity. Sexual energy must be tamed with purpose, discipline, dedication, courage, self-confidence and perseverance, all qualities of the awakened masculine man. In western mythology the harnessing of the sexual energy is compared with the slaying of the dragon. When the brave knight goes out and vanquishes the dragon he is in fact taming his own sexual energy to thereby save his princess, his own inner feminine. In Indian lore, the sexual potential is correlated with the snake of kundalini that resides in the spine. When the flute of Shiva symbolizing masculine essence is played, kundalini dances up along the spine awakening the centers of force one by one and she merges with her beloved in the top of the head, in what is called the crown center. With this merging comes the birth of the Buddha, the saint, the enlightened human being.

The drive that you have to solve the problem of premature ejaculation and which has brought you this far in this series of videos, is the same drive which will make you understand what sexuality is, how you can harness your sexual energy and how you can make those first steps towards becoming one of the 1% of men who have learned to harness their sexual energy to gain miracles in their lives. Understand polarity and masculinity and you will cure premature ejaculation. In the last 3 videos I have introduced some of the main concepts you have to understand to become a sexual energy manager. You have seen that sexuality is fuel. You have understood the importance of being able to relax deeply in body and mind and you have been introduced to the concept of polarity, of masculine and feminine. This is just the tip of the iceberg next to what you will receive in the TantraCURE system.

The TantraCURE system is the most comprehensive, the deepest, the most practical and yet at the same time also the most spiritual online manual that exists teaching men how to harness their sexual energy for deep transformation. With this system, you will not only cure premature ejaculation, you will be placed firmly on the path to mastery so you can join the great people of this earth who use these principles to raise themselves above mediocrity to lead and to inspire.

Thank you for following me on this journey and I wish you the best of luck on your path to sexual mastery.


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