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DEVELOPMENT OF THE UROGENITAL SYTEM AND the tubules produce proximal and distal convoluted

MALFORMATIONS - Dr Kabare tubules. Central – mid portion forms the loop of henle
• The cup shaped end of the metanephric tubule becomes
PREVIEW the Bowman’s capsule. Its invaginated by a tuft of
Embryo has three layers capillaries forming the glomerulus.
• Endoderm - forms the lining of primitive gut, part of the • Formation of urine is thought to begin at 10-13 weeks
urinary apparatus when 20% of nephrous are morphologically mature.
• Ectoderm – covers the outer surface of the embryo. • There are positional changes of the kidney due to 90o
Some of the lower genital tract. medial rotation of the kidney. Midline structures growth
• Mesoderm – muscles, skeleton connective tissues, and differential growth of the lumbosacral area and
vascular systems, major portions of the urogenital reduction of curvature of the embryo
URINARY SYSTEM • Most developmental defects of the perineum, vulva and
• The first precursor of urogenital system appears at 3 vagina are discovered when premenarchal child is
weeks. Cells sprout from the nephrogenic cord to form examined.
the pronephros. These cells further unite to form the • Those of the uterus, tubes and ovaries are rarely found
pronephric (wolffian) duct. The duct Lumen establishes before menarche.
connection with hindgut lumen and this area dilates to
form the cloaca. THE VULVA
• Pronephros is rudimentary and non functional and quickly • Position variations, contour size and texture.
disappear. The pronephric duct persists and is used by • Vulva detrousse – deeply set vulva between bulging sides
the second excretory organ, it becomes the mesonephric of perineum associated with narrow pubic arch and a
duct. narrow perineal body. Firm perineal muscles and more
• Mesonephric stage: As pronephros disappears than normal hair growth on thighs, body and arms
nephrogenic cord divides into cell masses; which • Duplication of the vulva – very rare more an indication of
becomes vesicles which form the cellular membrane of imperfect twining. Also associated with two vaginal and
mesonephric glomeruli. Mesonephric duct forms the uterus.
ureteric bud which gives origin to distal ureter. The • Labia – Hypertrophy – commonest occurrence of both
major portion of genital system in the male is of labia minor and majora in most cases no treatment is
mesonephric duct. In the female the mesonephric duct necessary.
makes pathway for paramesonephric ducts which form • Ambiguous genitalia – occur in congenital adrenacortical
most of the genenital tract mucosa. hyperplasia female and male pseudohermaphroditism
• Mesenchyme around the mesonephric duct proliferates to etc.
form the urogenital ridges. At maturity each mesonephric • They reveal – enlargement of the phallus labio – scrotal
unit has a functional glomerulus and a tubule which folds and hypospadic urethra emptying into the
empty into the mesonephric duct urogenital sinus.
• METANEPHROS (Permanent Kidney): The mesonephros
regresses cranial caudally and is replaced by CLITORIS
metanephros. This appears on the fifth week, same time • Hypertrophy variable sizes
as the gonads. • Splitting or cleavage of clitoris. Usually a part of a major
• Collecting ducts. Ureteric bud forms on the caudal part abnormality consisting of extrophy of the bladder
of mesonephric duct. It gives rise to; collecting tubules, hyposperdia or splitting of urethra. Anterior portion of
calices renal pelvis and ureter. The expanded tip of the labia majora are widely separated and pubic hair when it
bud becomes the ampulla which subdivides and appears on mons pubic is abscent on the midline.
eventually makes 12-15 generations of collecting tibules. • Agenesis of the clitoris is very rare
• Dilation of the tubular branches produce renal pelvis, • Caudal Appendage - Tail like caudal appendage – rare
major and minor calices. Middle generations form the
medullary collecting tibules. PROLAPSE OF UTERUS AND VAGINA
• Nephrons: Ureteric bud cranially grows into the dorsal Extremely rare condition and associated with lack of
end of the nephrogenenic cord, thus the bud gets into development of perineal floor.
contact with the metanephric blastema.
• Blastema becomes cap – like structure over the ANOMALITIES OF CLOACAL DIVISION
Ano-rectal malformations:
ampullated end of the bud. Blastema cells are influenced
• Imperforate anus
by the ampulla to form cell clusters which elogate and
• Fistula – urorectal communications
differentiate into metanephric tubules. Mid portion of
ANOMALIES OF THE URETHRA BLADDER AND URETER discomfort. Inspection of vulva – bulging dome – shaped
• Epispadias tense hymenal membrane
• Hypospadias – associated – incontinence of urine • May have:
• Urethral duplication – complete, partial o Hematocolpos
• Relatively Common o Tubes may be involved also
• Most of them at the external meatus obstruction of the DDx:
urethra causes distortion of the urinary tract above • labial adhesion :This rarely occurs at birth. Its as a
result of vulva inflammation. The adherent labia hides
§ Hydro – ureter
the introitus and urethra
§ Hydronephrosis
• vaginal agenesis
• Perineum is not distorted
• Symptoms – difficult in urinating, bacturia, enuresis,
• There is dimpled depression where the introitus
dribbling incontinence, frequent terminal
should be
haematuria, abdominal or flank pain.
• The hymen is marked by a rugged or corrugated fold.
• Extreme – loss of renal function
• Rectal exam – thickened cord of tissue usually
palpable when vagina is present is not felt.
1. Congenital Urethral Contratures - Occurs at • Vaginogram – no hollow cavity
vesicourethral juncture, may have serious consequence if NOTE: place a 18 gauge hypodermic needle between the
untreated. urethra and anal opening. A catheter is placed in the
2. Congenital Urethral Cysts. urethra and the examiners finger in the rectum guiding
3. Congenital Urethral Diverticulum the needle.
4. Extrophy of the bladder • A large vaginal cyst – bulging through the introitus
• Cyst does not have grayish white coluor.
ANOMALIES OF THE URACHUS • Small instrument can be passed on the side of the
This may present as umbilicovesical fistula or urachal cyst. tumuor into the vagina
Rx is surgical excision
URETERAL ECTOPY May result from failure of fusion of paramesonephrric ducts or
Position anomalies of ureteral orifices may be formed faulty growth of urogenital sinus. Most of the anomalies of
urogenital cleft, urethra, vagina, cervix, uterus, it can be one the vagina do not cause symptoms during infancy and
cause of urine incontinence. childhood. Diagnosis thus can easily be missed till late
ANOMALIES OF THE HYMEN • Double vagina – rare
• Anterior displacement May be confused with septum. In true doubling each
• Hymenal septum. Thick median septum creating two vagina has separate mucosa, lumbria propria and
orifices may have possibility of septate vagina and muscular coat. Often accompanied by double vulva
duplication of internal genitalia. urethra, bladders and two uteri
• Cribriform hymen – may lead to frequent vaginities.
• Almost imperforate hymen • Septate Vagina
• Imperforate hymen Occurs because the lower potion of paramesonephric
• Large hymenal orifice ducts fail to fuse properly thus a longitudinal saggital
septum partially or completely divides the vagina.
Imperforate hymen • Often uterus is bicornuate or separate
• This may produce mucocolpos in infancy and • Cervix usually one in incomplete septum of the
hematocolpos when the girl starts to menstruate. vagina opening into each halve of the vagina.
• The imperforate hymen is thought to be a remnant of DX – Can be coincidental, may have dysparunea
urogenital membrane. Imperforate hymen results when especially when septum lies against one side of the
mesoderm of primitive streak abnormality invades the vagina or one cavity is much smaller than the other
urogenital portion of the cloacal membrane. RX – Not required but information is necessary. In most
Dx: cases one side of the vagina is adequate for normal
• Infants – may present with abdominal pelvic mass due to coitus and delivery
mucoid distension of the vagina displacing the small
uterus up-wards. • Transverse vaginal septum
• Often diagnosis is made in early adolescence when Usually due to failure of canalization of the vaginal
menstrual flow fails to appear despite recurrent cyclic plate.
menstrual symptoms, may also present with urinary DX – Due to dysperunia or coincidental gyn exam,
difficulties, lower abdominal pain and vaginal Cryptomenorrhea
RX – Vaginal plastic operation to create a vaginal canal sexual characteristics
adequate for coitus, elective C\S is indicated in such
cases. • Aplasia of the uterus
True aplasia is rare
• Vaginal Hypoplasia In most cases accompanied by aplasia of the uterine
Usually associated to other urogenital anomalies opens in tubes. Vagina agenesis is always present in true uterine
the perineum, cloaca – like urogenital sinus or in the aplasia.

• Vagina Atresia
Complete or partial failure of canalization of vaginal • Failure of Paramesonephric duct Fusion
plate. § Bicornuate uterus
DX made on infant exam at birth or if the uterus has fully § Arcuate uterus
formed when menstruation begins, they have symptoms § Partially septate uterus
like those of imperforate hymen. § Unicormate uterus with rudimentary horn
RX; surgical approach both via the abdominal and vagina § Septate uterus with single cervix
routes § Unicornuate uterus
§ Complete septate uterus
• Vagina Agenesis
Failure of proliferation of uterovaginal plate ANOMALIES OF THE UTERINE TUBES
Atresia of the vaginal plate. • Important in terms of fertility purposes.
DX; at birth on examination – no vaginal opening. In • Small supernumerary or accessory tubes attached to the
most cases there is concomitant aplasia of upper part of fabriated ends or communicating with the isthumus or
the paramesonephric ducts, thus the uterus and uterine ampulla portions.
tubes are rudimentary.
The ovaries are normal (different origin) OVARIAN ANOMALIES
• Failure of normal ovarian descent – remains in the fetal
• Imperforate hymen
position above the pelvic inlet.
• Labial adhehesion
• Large vaginal cyst
• Intersex anamalies • Ovarian Aplasia rare
RX – In absence of the uterus objective is to create DDX – Undescended testis in a male, gonads are inguinal
functionally satisfactory coital canal. or external genitalia
Torsion, necrosis and resorption rather that of aplasia.
• Congenital vaginal cysts May occur
Usually develop from occluded persistent fragments of
the mesonephric ducts; from unfused portions of the • Accessory Ovaries
paramesonephric ducts or obstructed paraurethral ducts. Forms a third ovary, lie along the path of ovarian
RX – For big ones excision but note injury to urethra descent.
bladder, ureter or bowel may occur Accessory ovarian tissue may exist extraperitoneally.

• Ovarian Hypoplasia
Rarely present in childhood. Most of the problem they create
Ovary poorly developed due to:
is infertility or complications of pregnancy and labour.
• Intersex problem
• Rudimentary gonad (turmers)
• Cervical stenosis – rare • General endocrine disturbances

• Atresia of the cervix – Due to failure of development and • Ovarian Agenesis

canalization of the cervical portion of the fused
paramesonephric ducts. Its rare . When menstruation
begins may cause hematometra

• Hypoplasia of the uterus

Lesser degrees are of no consequence
Severe hypoplasia – uterus is small cord of tissue, usually
without a cavity.
Causes 1o amenorrhea but the ovaries may be normal
functionary – well developed , thus normal female

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