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MT-318-Topic A Wk 1 Lec 1 P1


Numeric designations of figures, tables, equations, and text material are in reference to APPLIED FLUID MECHANICS, 6th Edition, by Robert L. Mott. Text material : Chapter 1 A-1 FLUIDS, LIQUIDS, AND GASES Unlike a solid, which has a fixed shape, a fluid does not have a fixed shape ; fluids include liquids and gases. A liquid in a container will take the shape of the container, and if the container is open then its top surface, in contact with the atmosphere, will maintain a uniform level, so that the liquid will pour out if the container is tipped ; a gas on the other hand, will expand to fill out a closed container and will escape from an open container by additional expansion. Liquids are nearly incompressible while gases are readily compressible. Fluid mechanics is the study of the behavior of fluids, either at rest (fluid statics), or in motion (fluid dynamics) ; applications include domestic and industrial fluid distribution systems, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and fluid power systems (pneumatic and hydraulic). A-2 MASS AND WEIGHT The mass m of a body is the quantity of matter it contains, while the weight w of the body is the force of gravity pulling downwards on the body ; the two quantities are related by Newtons second law through the gravitational acceleration g , expressed as either meter, m , or foot, ft , per second per second, depending on whether the SI (metric), or Imperial (U.S. Customary) system of units is being used.
w = mg


w : Weight (either newtons, N , or pounds, lb ) m : Mass (either kilograms, kg , or slugs) g : Gravitational acceleration (either 9.81 m/s , or 32.2 ft/s )
Thus the weight of a body that has a mass of 200 kg is w = mg = (200 kg)(9.81 m/s) = 1962 kg.m/s = 1962 N , while the mass of a body that has a weight of 644 lb is m = w / g = (644 lb)/(32.2 ft/s) = 20 lb.s/ft = 20 slugs.

MT-318-Topic A Wk 1 Lec 1 P2

A-3 TEMPERATURE : ABSOLUTE ZERO The two common temperature scales use either degrees Celsius (C) with the SI system, or degrees Fahrenheit (F) with the Imperial system ; both are related to the freezing and boiling of water at sea level atmospheric pressure, thereby defining the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures TC and TF respectively, and conversions.
Water freezes at TC = 0C , or TF = 32F Water boils at TC = 100C , or TF = 212F

TC = (TF 32) / 1.8 TF = 1.8TC + 32 Since temperature is a measure of molecular motion, there is a minimum temperature where all such motion ceases, this occurring at -273.15C , or -459.67F , and is called the absolute zero, thereby defining the Kelvin temperature TK (K) for the SI system and the Rankine temperature TR (R) for the Imperial system.
Absolute zero at TK = 0K , or TR = 0R

TK = TC + 273.15 TR = TF + 459.67 A-4 PRESSURE : PASCALS LAWS Pressure is the amount force exerted on a unit area of a substance.



p : Pressure ( N/m or pascal, Pa , lb/ in or psi ) F : Force ( N , lb ) A : Area ( m, mm, in )

Unit prefixes (with reference to Table 1.1) are frequently used with pressure, particularly with the SI system, so that one kilopascal, kPa , equals 1000 Pa, one kilopound per square inch, ksi , equals 1000 psi , and one megapascal, MPa , equals 1 000 000 Pa ( 1 MPa = 1 N/mm) ; an additional pressure unit, the bar, approximately equal to the standard atmospheric pressure, is sometimes used, where 1 bar = 100 kPa .

MT-318-Topic A Wk 1 Lec 1 P3

Pressure acts uniformly in all directions on a small volume of a fluid, and acts perpendicular to boundaries ; these two principles are referred to as Pascals laws.


FIGURE 1.3(f)


A phenomenon associated with liquid boundaries is surface tension, arising when the attraction forces between the molecules of the liquid and the boundary (solid or gas) are different from those in-between the molecules of the liquid ; this results in water droplets being spherical, and in capillary action (with reference to Section 1.12 ) A-5 DENSITY, SPECIFIC WEIGHT, AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY The density (rho) of a substance is the mass of a unit volume V of the substance, while its specific weight (gamma) is the weight of a unit volume, with the two being related by the equation w = mg ( Equation 1-2 ) ; the specific gravity sg is defined as the ratio of the density of the substance to the density of water, usually at 4C , which is identical to the corresponding ratio of the specific weights, although a water temperature other than 4C is sometimes used (with reference to Subsection 1.11.2 ).
m V

Density (rho) =

( kg/m, slug/ft )
w V

(1-5) (1-6) (1-9)

Specific weight (gamma) =

( N/m, lb/ft )

Specific gravity sg =

W @ 4 C

W @ 4o C


W @ 4 o C = 1000 kg/m = 1.94 slug/ft W @ 4 o C = 9.81 kN/m = 62.4 lb/ft

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