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Fermats last theorem

General: The uses of numbers laid base to mathematics but the advancement of mathematics is owed to the devotion to numbers. Mathematicians arent as concealing as many people believe they are in fact a tight community and spend time to share ideas and communicate with one and other to develop on mathematics. Yes when we work we prefer to be isolate but it is in that isolation that mathematicians can find true focus in dedication to their field. Ramanugan died at 33, Henerikabel aged 27 (prime 19s), Egyptians and Babylonians gave formula as recipes Pythagorus scoured the world to find facts, formula and recipes for mathematics when he returned he started a school in Samos but was forced to flee. He then went to southern Italy where he met Milo a man of herculean properties (Athlete) who took him in and provided space to start the brotherhood. Pythagoras found the perfect number a number by which the sum of tits dividers/factors is the number. Ie 6, 28, 496, 8128. He observed numbers in form of religion and so was so devoted to finding proofs for such numbers although for this example he fell short. People who followed his work, Euclid in example, found and proved that the perfect number is the product of a power of two and the preceding power minus 1. Pythagorass quest for numbers led him to find many numerical proves to physical phenomenon and not only further his belief in numbers but also encourage the study of mathematics.Such as his finding of the haarmonies of ratios 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 etc. These ratios when applied to objects can be used to find harmonious sounds when caused to vibrate and is used in these days for Hellenic music. Isaac Newton made calculus because there was no maths for his purpose which immortalised his skill as a mathematician. Mathematical proofs: powerful, rigours, absolute if axioms correct and logic is flawless, devoid of doubt, infallible logic, irrefutable, Scientific proof: merely highly likely, bases on observation and perception, fallible, inevitably fickle and shoddy, judicial system, beyond all reasonable doubt Difference between math and science: subtle, profound Fermat in his time did not only ponder in number theory but also parented the upbringing of probability and calculus. Fermat collaborated with Blaise Pascal the creator of pascals triangle to form the bases of probability. In order to make the link between maths and a natural phenomenon they first like in other cases must look for set axioms that can be used to describe the laws of chance. They found that the bases of chance in purely based on the limitations of what could happen and what will happen. Fermat first discovered calculus by finding the relationship between two quantities its tangent and thus its gradient but also the maxima, minima and integration. By

creating these methods fermat built on what later would be known as calculas which would be later developed upon by Issac newton leibniz. Alexandra the great built the first ever university comprised with a copy of every book they could find. Euclid led the mathematics department in the university. Euclid like Pythagoras believed in the search for mathematical truths rather than the applications for them. The Elements was the second most read book in the world after the bible. Euclid enjoyed the use of reducto ad absurdum. Pythagoras saw the existence of irrational numbers with abhorrent. Diophantus of Alexandria was the last champion of the Greek mathematical era lived to 84 though. Fermat was first inspired by the arithmetica and solving strenuous problems as he was told not to socialise due to bias as a court judge. The arithmetica was based on diophantuses work and work made by other mathematicians before his time. Fermats eldest son made a copy of the arithmetica with all of Fermats conjectures and later were rediscovered by the mathematical community in order to build on said proves. Even Leonard Euler joined in proving that the first type of prime 4n+1 can be written as x^2 + y^2 whereas its brother group 4n-1 could never be written as a^2 + b^2. What makes a proof creditable in mathematics: 1)Universal truth True for a single many or entire groups of numbers; 2)Unravels greater things A proof uncovers a vast array of understanding that can be built upon; 3)Impact on other fields. Leonard Euler born 1707 was the first to challenge Fermats last theorem and get results finding proved for both n=3 and n=4. But this was practically his only great contribution to number theory as he was drawn to the applications of numbers rather than the beauty of them. Euler was encouraged by his father to become a man of god and so study theology and persue a career in the church. But his father was also great friends the father of a mathematician legacy the Bernoulie and thus allowed Euler to persue his devotion to mathematics. Euler had wide ranging applications to mathematics from science to finance and from acoustics to irrigation. He helped in navigation by creating algorithms that position the moon to a certain accuracy. He applied his knowledge to create the networking sub-field within mathematics and thus created optimisation for travelling merchants in visiting streets/houses. He also somehow proved God existed by the use of mathematics. Rofellobombelli found the existence of imaginary numbers when he considered the square root of being not only 1 but -1 in this moment he considered the root of -1 and found there was no mathematical based answer. Which means our set of mathematics was incomplete. From that point onward the mathematical base number system existed on 2 planes not just 1. His discovery was mocked at first but it none the less was accepted which mimicked the past of mathematics from the creation of zero to the extension to negative numbers. And actually it had great applications for moving objects like the pendulum. Leonard Euler was one of the most magnificent minds in mathematics his work covered his lifetime upto and much over G.H Hardies over 50s comment. Even at the loss of his sight his ingenuity stayed prime and he continued to work on the lunar problem that confounded many geniuses of the time.MUST RESEARCH LEONARD EULER

Euclid proved that there is an infinite number of primes by multiplying the abstract list of all numbers we know and adding 1 this causes a new number to be made which is either prime or is composed of a number that we missed out that must be prime. George cantor first put forward the definition and unravelled work of infinity and stated that there different sizes of infinity where some are much larger than others. Research prime theory. Prime theorys uses can explain why insects in their short lifespan have a life span of a prime. Prime numbers lowest common multiple is actually the number multiplied by each other as they have no factors thus no common factors to simplify. If insects wanted to avoid their insect predator/parasite evolution/natural selection would converge their lifecycle on prime numbers thus optimising the number of years needed for a clash to take place. Prime theory has other uses such as its uses in coding. 1 key being 2 large prime numbers multiplied together to create a much larger number the second key to unscrambling a message. MUST RESEARCH. Gauss was mentioned by E.T Bell as the Prince of mathematicians whereas Perrie de Fermat was only considered the prince of amateurs! Fermats last theorem saved a life the German mathematician planned his suicide but was 6 hours early so he drowned himself in his books and came across an attempt to prove the Theorem by Kummer not Lamme and working through his attempt he found a gap in logic. Which was a momentous discovery as kummers work was used for other applications other that the last theorem and for an armature professional to find a gap in logic in a legend of mathematics we can why he chose to walk away from suicide. In fact the German mathematician felt he had a debt to the last theorem and as a wealthy business men put up a prize as 100,000 marks to the person whom could solve Fermats last theorem. Godel proved to be the most infuriating mathematician to have ever preceded mathematics not in choice or due lack of contribution just because he flawed the very founding of mathematics casting a dark shadow of doubt upon mathematicians thereafter. To put it simply he proved that no matter what axioms used mathematics would never be complete as some theorems are out of reach to be proven even if they are true. The brute force of mathematics has its application but will never be truly capable enough to preform mathematics to a credible degree. This is true as brute for has 1 major but simple issue its ungeneral approach to mathematics means that no matter how brutish a proof may never be completely true. One example of this was of Eulers conjecture much like feramats last conjecture x^4 + y^4 + z^4 = w^4 was proven to be solvable with a use of values of x, y, z and w over a million! One fundamental lesson to this there are no shortcuts to logic. When Wiles finished his tripos he began his forth year under a tutor at Cambridge and so started his research on the recommended elliptic curves. To his surprise eliptic equations were infact linked to Fermats last theorem and he would use to his advantage and at long last put to rest the illusive conundrum. A bit about E-series: y^2 = X^3 + ax^2 +bx +c; are shaped like dognuts; preferred to be known nas l-series after their creator; mathematicians solve these elliptic equations through the use of thewmodula technique much like a 12 hour clock network is based on a 12 modula, preforming

these techniques allow mathematicians to see patterns and interesting behaviour in the elliptic curves. MUST RESEARCH HYPERBOLIC SPACE. Modular forms are existent on four dimensional planes and so exist in hyperbolic space. Anyhow two Chinese mathematicians made a link between modular forms and elliptic equations which would further the pursuit to solving mathematics in the 20th century Fermats last theorem. The taniyama-Shimuri conjecture was to be proven but that even though the conjecture was shown to be true many times the actual proof was harder to find. Mathematicias even with this massive gap in logic started to build upon the newly acquired knowledge between the two distant fields modular forms and elliptic equations in hope that they could use techniques of the other field to proof conundrums of their own. In other words the pillars supporting the logical construction that is was supported by Schrodingers pillar. Finally someone had penetrated the barrier that surrounds fermats last theorem, linking it to elliptic equations also linked it to modular forms and so there were many more ways in which it could be tackled. But one of the most powerful was the taniyama-Shimuri conjecture that states all elliptic equations are linked to modular forms. Y^2 = x^3 + (AN-BN)x^2 (ANBN). If the taniyama-Shimuri conjecture was true, the elliptic equation has no solutions for A, B and so proving fermats last theorem as true. Vice Versa. Galois was an aggressive and rebellious genius and so even though his discoveries were immaculate his publications and admissions were continuously rejected. This eventually led to his downfall but the night before he died he sent a letter containing several years of research to mathematics to a friend whom sent his findings across the globe to the various leaders in mathematics at the time including Gauss and Jaccobi. Soon after when edited by louville was recognised as a mathematical breakthrough finding solutions to quantic equations and separated the higher powers of x into soluble and insoluble sets. RESEARCH GROUP THEORY Wiles describes his journey through Fermats last theorem like entering a pitch dark mansion. This mansions content is unknown and so upon stumbling on each part of the mansion only one part the light switch will illuminate your way. And we cannot simply believe that are first try will always lead us to the light switch but understand that a lot of stumbling in the dark will be needed in order to progress. Wiless proof to fermats last theorem was based on proving the Taniyama-Shimuri conjecture but in order to do so he had to use group theory to link modular forms to elliptic equations, Proof by induction for the base case M1 and E1, Mn and En and then M(n+1) and E(n+1) but to do this he had to incorporate a newly claimed technique for mathematics and build upon it the Kolygavin-Flach method. This particular method grouped the elliptic equations and thus the modular forms takeing apart the infinitum of types of curves and forms in suitable chunks.

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