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Fluenz version German full international software + crack key download pc-mac _software_%2B_crack_key_download_pc-mac.rar

Fluenz version German full international software + crack key download pc-mac

Fluenz German is led by Germany native Nora Naatz. She takes you step-by-step th rough the language, showing you how it works through explanations rather than fo rcing you to simply match pictures and words as if you were a child. And because the culture of the language is critical to understanding, the Fluenz tutor prov ides context and anecdotes that make the process meaningful. Learn Chinese with Harvard Graduate Yi Wei The biggest companies shun explanations of any kind, instead claiming to offer a n "easy", "natural" approach. But anyone who has ever tried to learn a language knows that it requires focus and practice. And without explanations, it's nearly impossible to master many of the fundamental parts of German. With Fluenz, you are guided every step of the way through the language, making sure you master al l the key aspects of the language. We offer rock solid explanations showing how German works and an honest approach that will guide you through high and low. Which is why we smile when the big co mpanies tell us that learning languages is simple and easy--it doesn't work that way. To be fluent in German is the most beautiful thing in the world, but you'r e going to need a smart approach and there is going to be work involved. Great explanations make a big difference because we don't learn like children anymore. Every language is different, so it only makes sense to teach them differently. W e've spent years picking apart German in order to create a unique path through t he language that makes sense to English-speaking learners. Each session features an extensive tutorial where all the new aspects of German are thorougly explain ed--from verb tenses to vocabulary and pronunciation.

Our unique approach is currently being used by elite units of the US Navy, senio r personnel at the UN and UNICEF, executives of Fortune 500 companies, and stude nts at Harvard Business School and other leading universities. Fluenz version German full international software + crack key download pc-mac

Fluenz German is organized around one-on-one tutoring sessions that each take up to two and a half hours to complete. How Fluenz begins Each session with a brief introduction. This provides an understanding of how th e new material will take you a step closer to fluency, while immersing you in th e cultural context and the experiences of everyday German. Introducing useful, everyday language This is followed by a realistic conversation between native speakers that uses a ll the words and structures to be learned in the session. These conversations pl ace you in the most common, everyday situations right from the very beginning. To inspire, great tutors need to speak your language. That's where "natural immersion" falls short.

Immersive one-on-one tutorial Immediately after the conversation, the tutor presents a full tutorial explainin g in detail and in English how every single new word and structure works. Beyond in-depth explanations, these tutorials offer strategies, tactics and personal e xperiences that give you valuable insights. Workout to fluency After each tutorial, the program turns to over a dozen different types of increa singly challenging workouts that cover reading, writing, speaking, and listening . These workouts reinforce and expand your communication at the same time. Coaching you forward At the end of the session, the Fluenz tutor returns to offer a conclusion, along with the kind of inspiration only a human teacher can provide. Fluenz German was born out of the belief that there was a better way to learn th e language. From our own educational experiences, we knew the pivotal role a gre at teacher could play in making challenging concepts clear. And we saw how innov ations in media and interactive technologies could allow this great teacher to b e placed in a one-on-one tutoring environment in hundreds, thousands, tens of th ousands of homes. Built around an amazing, one-on-one tutor, Fluenz German provi des the kind of step-by-step guidance and deeper cultural understanding that lay s the foundation for real fluency. Fluenz version German full international software + crack key download pc-mac German is much more than words and images. Our tutors will take you on an unbelievable journey of discovery. Audio CDs German for your car or iPod Fluenz German comes with Audio CDs that supplement the DVD-ROM sessions. Listen to them periodically as you make your way through the software to further intern

alize what you're learning. Refine your listening skills and perfect your pronun ciation. The Fluenz Navigator Your Essential Phrase Book Fluenz German also comes with the Fluenz Navigator, a useful quick-reference gui de for travelers with all the most critical words and phrases for getting by abr oad.

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