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2 October 1982 Saturday 06:15:00 hrs Marhaura, Bihar, India

Birth Chart

Ju 18:10

Ma 14:46

Ve 06:21 Su 14:55 MeR 15:21 As 21:14 Sa 29:31

6 9 12 3

5 4

Ke 15:04

Ra 15:04

10 11

Mo 02:20



1 Ra 3

Mo 12 9 6

11 10 Ke 7 Ju 8 Ma

Sa 6

Ke 5

As Mo 7 4 1 10

MeR Su

Ve Su MeR As

Ma 8

12 Ju 11 Ra Ve
Status SB Enemy 0.86 Enemy 1.32 Own 1.02 Moolt. 1.37 Neutr. 1.11 Debil. 1.11 Neutr. 1.22 Moolt. Moolt.
BKS-Matching 1

Planet Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

R/C Sign Degree Vir 21:14:16 Vir 14:55:22 Pis 02:20:28 Sco 14:46:20 RC Vir 15:21:28 Lib 18:10:48 C Vir 06:21:14 C Vir 29:31:37 Gem 15:04:01 Sag 15:04:01

Speed 00:57:13 12:57:28 00:41:45 -01:10:08 00:11:46 01:13:42 00:06:59 -00:07:19 -00:07:19

Nakshatra Hasta Hasta Poorvabhadra Anuradha Hasta Swati Uttara Phalg. Chitra Ardra Poorvashadha

Pada RL NL SL SS 4 2 4 4 2 4 3 2 3 1 Me Me Ju Ma Me Ve Me Me Me Ju Mo Mo Ju Sa Mo Ra Su Ma Ra Ve Ve Ju Ra Ra Ju Mo Me Sa Ke Ve Ma Ve Me Ma Ma Mo Ra Ra Sa Sa

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Hora (wealth)
Ve Su MeR As Sa

Divisional Charts #1

Ma 8 Ju 7 Ke 10 11 5 Ra 1 2 4

6 3 12 Mo

MeR As Sa 5 8 2 11

Ra Ke Mo Ju Ve Ma Su



Dreshkana (happiness siblings) Ke Ma 3 1 As Sa 4 12 Mo 2 Ju 5 11 8 MeR Ve 6 10 Su 7 9 Ra Saptamsha (children) Ma Su MeR Ra Mo 5 3 As 6 2 Sa 4 Ve 7 1 10

8 9 11 Ju 12 Ke

Chaturthamsha (destiny) Ju Ma MeR Mo 1 11 2 10 As 12 Ke Sa 3 Ra Su 9 6

4 5 Ve 7 8

Navamsha (spouse) Ke 5 Sa 6 As Mo
7 Ma 8 9 4 1 10

MeR Su

12 Ju 11 Ra Ve

Dashamsha (great successes) Ra Mo Ma 10 8 Sa 11 As 7 MeR

12 Ju 1 2 Ke 9 6 3 Su 4 Ve 5

Dwadashamsha (parents) Ke Ma Mo 3 1 Ju As 4 12 MeR 2 Sa Su 5 11 8

6 7 Ve 10 9 Ra
BKS-Matching 2

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As 11 8 5 2 7 6

Divisional Charts #2

Shodashamsha (conveyances)
Mo 9 10 Ju

Vimshamsha (spiritual progress) Mo Ma 8 6 Ve 9 As 5

10 11 12 Sa 7 4 1 Ju 2 Su 3 MeR Ke Ra

MeR Ra Ke 3 4 Su

Ve Sa 12 Ma 1

Chaturvimshamsha (knowledge) Ve Ju 9 7 As 10 6
11 12 1 8 5 2 Mo Ra Ke 4 MeR 3 Sa Ma Su

Saptavimshamsha (strength) Mo As Ma 12 10 1 9 Ve Ju 11 Ke Ra 2 8 5
3 4 Su MeR 6 Sa 7

Trimshamsha (misfortunes) Ra Ke Ma Su 11 9 As 12 8 Sa MeR 10 1 7 4

Mo 2 3 Ju 5 6 Ve

Kvedamsha (ausp. inausp. effects) Mo Sa 12 10 Ke Ju 1 As 9 Ra 11 Ma Su 2 8 5 Ve 3 7 MeR 4 6 Shashtiamsha (all areas) Ma 1 As MeR 2

Ke 3 12 9 6 Ve

Akshavedamsha (all areas) Sa Ma 5 3 Ve 6 Ju As 2

Su Ra Ke MeR 8 9 7 4 1 10 11 12 Mo

Su 11 10 Ra 7 Ju 8

Mo 4

5 Sa

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BKS-Matching 3


Sudarshan Chakra
Outer Circle : Surya Chart Middle Circle : Chandra Chart Inner Circle : Birth Chart

Sudarshan Chakra


8 2

Sa AsMeRSu Ve 6 Ju Mo 7 5 12 1 11 MeR SuVe SaAs Ju 6 7 5 Ma 10 8 4

Ke 9 Ra 3 Ke 9

10 2 11 5 12 Mo 6 Ve Su As Sa MeR 12 Mo 1 7 Ju 1

3 Ra 9 Ke 3 Ra

4 10



Sudarshan Chakra represents the comparative positions of the planets in the Sun Chart, the Moon Chart and the Birth Chart simultaneously, from outer to inner circle respectively. To study a house, consider the signs in all the three charts simultaneously.

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BKS-Matching 4


Shad Bala
Sun Moon 212.28 36.43 115.17 55.81 51.42 4.14 475.24 7.92 360 1.32 2 47.79 12.21 Mars 215.59 12.28 33.55 41.83 17.16 -14.26 306.15 5.10 300 1.02 6 38.71 21.29 Mercury 258.63 58.04 158.87 59.34 25.74 13.37 574.00 9.57 420 1.37 1 59.61 0.39

Graha Bala and Bhava Bala

Jupiter 160.61 51.02 158.57 21.09 34.26 8.93 434.47 7.24 390 1.11 4 23.35 36.65

Venus 143.76 24.91 133.58 9.11 42.84 13.45 367.64 6.13 330 1.11 5 8.00 52.00

Saturn 154.43 2.76 178.23 9.16 8.58 11.60 364.76 6.08 300 1.22 3 31.17 28.83

1. Sthana Bala 111.48 2. Dig-Bala 32.23 3. Kaala Bala 92.49 4. Chesta Bala 25.55 5. Naisargika Bala 60.00 6. Drig Bala 13.43 Total Shadbala 335.18 Shadbala in Rupas 5.59 Minimum requirements 390 Percentage of required 0.86 Relative Rank 7 Ishta Phala 17.76 Kashta Phala 42.24

Bhava Bala
Rashi Degree From Lord Dig Bala Drishti Planets in Day-Night Bhava Bala Total I Vir 21 573 60 12 -60 0 587 II Lib 21 367 50 7 60 0 485 III Sco 21 306 20 -22 -60 0 243 IV Sag 21 434 0 -36 0 0 398 V VI Cap Aqu 21 21 364 50 5 0 0 420 364 10 34 0 0 409 VII VIII Pis Ari 21 21 434 30 -68 0 15 411 306 40 2 0 0 348 IX X Tau Gem 21 21 367 50 3 0 0 421 573 30 26 0 0 630 XI Can 21 475 20 5 0 0 501 XII Leo 21 335 40 6 0 0 382

Vimshopaka Bala
Sun Shadavarga Saptavarga Dashavarga Shodashavarga 7 7 7 8 Moon 12 10 12 12 Mars 19 18 19 18 Mercury Jupiter 13 14 14 14 14 12 12 13 Venus 10 11 10 11 Saturn 9 8 9 10 Rahu 15 14 12 13 Ketu 14 14 14 14

Dispositors in Shad Varga

Sun Sa (2) Mo (1) Me (1) Ju (1) Ve (1) Moon Ju (3) Mo (2) Ve (1) Mars Ma (3) Ju (2) Mo (1) Mercury Jupiter Venus Ju (2) Me (1) Su (1) Ve (1) Sa (1) Ve (2) Mo (1) Me (1) Ju (1) Sa (1) Me (3) Mo (1) Ma (1) Sa (1) Saturn Su (2) Me (2) Ma (1) Ve (1) Rahu Ju (2) Mo (1) Me (1) Ve (1) Sa (1) Ketu Ju (2) Mo (1) Ma (1) Me (1) Su (1)

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BKS-Matching 5


Shad Bala
Sun Moon 39.78 82.50 30.00 60.00 0.00 212.28 36.43 27.25 55.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.11 0.00 115.17 55.81 51.42 4.14 475.24 7.92 360 1.32 1.60 0.73 1.15 1.86 0.80 2 47.79 12.21 Mars Mercury 35.59 165.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 215.59 12.28 27.25 4.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.11 0.00 33.55 41.83 17.16 -14.26 306.15 5.10 300 1.02 2.25 0.41 0.50 1.05 0.11 6 38.71 21.29 59.88 123.75 0.00 60.00 15.00 258.63 58.04 60.00 4.19 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.68 0.00 158.87 59.34 25.74 13.37 574.00 9.57 420 1.37 1.57 1.66 1.42 1.19 1.16 1 59.61 0.39 8.36 43.12 0.00 60.00 0.00 111.48 32.23 32.75 4.19 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 25.55 0.00 92.49 25.55 60.00 13.43 335.18 5.59 390 0.86 0.68 0.92 0.83 0.51 0.85 7 17.76 42.24

Shad Bala and Bhava Bala

Jupiter 25.61 90.00 15.00 30.00 0.00 160.61 51.02 32.75 55.81 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.01 0.00 158.57 21.09 34.26 8.93 434.47 7.24 390 1.11 0.97 1.46 1.42 0.42 0.33 4 23.35 36.65

Venus 6.88 61.88 15.00 60.00 0.00 143.76 24.91 32.75 55.81 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.02 0.00 133.58 9.11 42.84 13.45 367.64 6.13 330 1.11 1.08 0.50 1.34 0.30 0.75 5 8.00 52.00

Saturn 53.18 41.25 0.00 60.00 0.00 154.43 2.76 27.25 4.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 60.00 41.79 0.00 178.23 9.16 8.58 11.60 364.76 6.08 300 1.22 1.61 0.09 2.66 0.23 2.09 3 31.17 28.83

Ochcha Bala Sapta-vargaja Bala Ojhayugma bala Kendradi Bala Drekkana Bala 1. Sthana Bala 2. Dig-Bala Nata-Unnata Bala Paksha Bala Tri-Bhaga Bala Varsha Bala Maasa Bala Vaara Bala Hora Bala Ayana Bala Yuddha Bala 3. Kaala Bala 4. Chesta Bala 5. Naisargika Bala 6. Drig Bala Total Shadbala Shadbala in Rupas Minimum requirements % of required Sthana Bala % req. Dig-Bala % req Kaala Bala % req. Chesta Bala % req. Drig-Bala % req. Relative Rank Ishta Phala Kashta Phala

Bhava Bala
Rashi Degree From Lord Dig Bala Drishti Planets in Day-Night Bhava Bala Total I Vir 21 573 60 12 -60 0 587 II Lib 21 367 50 7 60 0 485 III Sco 21 306 20 -22 -60 0 243 IV Sag 21 434 0 -36 0 0 398 V VI Cap Aqu 21 21 364 50 5 0 0 420 364 10 34 0 0 409 VII VIII Pis Ari 21 21 434 30 -68 0 15 411 306 40 2 0 0 348 IX X Tau Gem 21 21 367 50 3 0 0 421 573 30 26 0 0 630 XI Can 21 475 20 5 0 0 501 XII Leo 21 335 40 6 0 0 382
BKS-Matching 6

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Ashtkoot Guna Chart


Koot Varna Vashya Tara Yoni Grahamaitri Gana Bhakoot Nadi

Max. Marks 28 Dosha D645 Dr Sonam Sri - JS-ZARU2608 gun Marks gained (Mrigasira-3) Shudra Manava Vipat Sarpa Mercury Deva Gemini Madhya 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 36.0 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 0.5 5.0 7.0 8.0 25.5

Area of life Work Dominance Destiny Mentality Compatibility Guna Level Love Health

Brahmin Jalachara Mitra Simha Jupiter Manushya Pisces Adya

Ashtkoot matching between Vishwajeet and D645 Dr Sonam Sri - JS-ZARU2608 28 gun is good.

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BKS-Matching 7


Dashkoota Guna Chart

(According to Kalaprakashika method)

Koot 1. Dhinam 2. Ganam 3. Mahendhram 4. Stree-Dheergam 5. Yoni 6. Rasi 7. Rasyadhipati 8. Vasyam 9. Rajju 10. Vedhai


Marks Auspicious/ Area of life D645 Dr Sonam Sri - JS-ZARU2608 28 gun gained Inauspicious (Mrigasira-3) Mrigasira Deva Mrigasira Mrigasira Sarpa Gemini Mercury Gemini Siro Mrigasira 0.0 5.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 7.0 0.5 0.0 8.0 2.0 Inauspicious Average Inauspicious Auspicious Average Auspicious Inauspicious Inauspicious Auspicious Auspicious Luck Wealth Attachment/well being General welfare Sexual Growth of family Food Posterity Felicity in marriage Sons

Poorvabhadra Manushya Poorvabhadra Poorvabhadra Simha Pisces Jupiter Pisces Nabhi Poorvabhadra

Other Considerations 1. Gender Male Nak. 2. Gothram Poorvabhadra 3. Caste Brahmin

Hermophrodite Nak. 0.5 Mrigasira 1.0 Shudra 1.0 : 29.0 of 44 : 23.5 of 36 : 25.5 of 36

Average Auspicious Auspicious

Total Points (Kalaprakashika method) Total Points (BV Raman method) Total Points (AshtKoot method)

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BKS-Matching 8


Dash-Koota Compatibility between Vishwajeet and D645 Dr Sonam Sri - JS-ZARU2608 28 gun
There are ten considerations necessary to judge the suitability of a proposed marriage. Out of these ten considerations at least five must be favorable for the couple to be compatible.

1. Dhinam (luck)
Due to an unfavourable Dhinam, there is a tendency of disagreement in the relationship. It also brings less good luck.

2. Ganam (wealth)
The Ganam of the bridegroom and of the bride are Manushya Gana and Deva Gana, which is of middling quality.

3. Mahendhram (attachment/well being)

There is lack of compatibility in this respect. That will cause less wellbeing and attachment in the relationship.

4. Sthree-Dheergam (general welfare)

The asterism of the bridegroom is beyond the 13th asterism from that of the bride, causing compatibility in this regard. This will promote welfare.

5. Yoni (sexual)
The yonis are different but not hostile, compatibility is medium.

6. Rasi (growth of family)

The moon sign of the bridegroom is in the 10th from that of the bride which is auspicious; the couple will grow rich. It also indicates growth of the family.

7. Rasyadhipati (food)
The lords of the Moon signs are mutual enemies, which is very inauspicious.

8. Vasyam (posterity)
The Moon sign of the bridegroom and that of the bride, are not concordant either way; this will deminish harmony between the couple. It also doesn't favour development of posterity.

9. Rajju (felicity in marriage)

The Rajju's of the bride and groom are different. This enhances the compatibility, brings felicity in married life and immunity from widowhood.

10. Vedhai (sons)

The asterisms of the couple are not repellent. There is compatibility in this regard; it gives many children.

Other Considerations
1. Male/Female
The asterisms of male and female are respectively male and hermophrodite, which is not good or
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BKS-Matching 9



2. Gothram
The Gothras of the man and the woman are different, which enhances the compatibility.

3. Caste
The castes of the rashis cause compatibility.

Total Points : 29.0

Parashara's Light 7.0.1 GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to .

BKS-Matching 10

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