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Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church

Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Sports Registration Form

Child’s Name: ___________________________________ Date of Birth:______________ [ ] Male [ ] Female

Address: ___________________________________ City:___________________ Zip_________
Current Grade:_____ City of Birth: ____________________ Age as of September 1, 2009:________
Please check one of the following:
________ Reside in St. Mark’s CYO Boundaries (see map)
________ Registered Parishioner @ St. Mark:
________ Reside in / or registered parishioner at Holy Trinity or Padre Pio – please circle which parish.
________ Reside in another parish or need a release – Please list parish________________________
Religion:____________________ School Attending:________________________
Father’s Name: __________________Home #______________Cell / work #_______________
Mother’s Name: __________________Home #______________Cell / work #_______________
Father’s Email: _______________________ Mother’s Email: ___________________________
Will your child be a:
[ ] Returning Player - last year’s coach’s name: _______________________ OR [ ] New Player

I will be using my child’s uniform shirt from last year. Old Jersey # ___________ {Initial here ______}
New Uniform Shirt Size: (Please circle size) New Uniform Shorts Size: (Please circle size)
Child: Sm. Md. Lg. Child: Sm. Md. Lg
Adult: Sm. Md. Lg. XLg. Adult: Sm. Md. Lg. XLg.

Parent(s) interested in: [ ] Head Coach [ ] Assistant Coach [ ] Team Minister [ ] Team Mom [ ] Team Sponsorship

St Mark CYO participation requires parents/guardian to choose one of the following

a) ____________ Donate time to work concession stand when team has Concession duty day.
b) ____________ Pay $30.00 fee to pay staff to work on your behalf.
Liability Policy: {Initial here _________}
I/We, the parent/guardian of the above named child who has applied for participation in the athletic activities
of the CYO, hereby give my/our consent and approval to his/her participation in any and all of the CYO
and it’s affiliates during the current year. I/We assume all risks and hazards incident to the conduct of
such activities, including any and all transportation, and in consideration of the education instruction
he/she will receive in connection therewith. I/We herby agree to release, do by this instrument, release,
absolve, indemnity and hold harmless CYO and it’s affiliates, the Archdiocese of San Antonio, and any and
all supervisors, organizers, or sponsors of an from any and all liability for any injury to my or foresaid
child, and we waive all claims of any kind against any or all of the organizations or persons hereinabove
enumerated including any and all claims against a person or persons transporting my/our child to/from
any such activities hereinabove named.
Uniform Policy: {Initial here _______}
I/We understand that I/We are responsible for the cost of the uniform for each sport registered. There are no returns on
uniforms indicated by wrong size information.
I/We have read, fully understand and agree to comply with the policies stated above.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________
[ ] Soccer (Age 4 & up) [ ] Flag Football (Ages 4/5, 6/7 & up) [ ] Volleyball (Age 7 & up)
Indicate Level of Participation:
Tot 1 (age 4) Tiny 1 (age 6) PeeWee 1 (age 8) Mite 1 (age 10) Cub 1 (age 12) Jr 1 (age 14)

Tot 2 (age 5) Tiny 2 (age 7) PeeWee 2 (age 9) Mite 2 (age 11) Cub 2 (age 13) Jr 2 (age 15)
Information below is for the CYO Board Use Only
Registration fee: $65 for 1st child, $60 for the 2nd child, $55 for the 3rd, 4th, etc.; City Fee: $12; Uniform Fee: $25

Registration Fee: ____________ City Fee: ________ Uniform Fee:_______ Total amount: __________________

Cash or Check #: _________________ Check Amount:__________________

St. Mark CYO Letter of Understanding

By registering my child in the St. Mark’s CYO Sports

Program, I acknowledge and agree to the following:
1) CYO is an active ministry of St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church.
Moreover, CYO is open to all denominations throughout our community.

2) By participating in the CYO, we are encouraged to build upon this

church ministry while our child learns new skills.

3) CYO is a volunteer organization in which our individual efforts make a

difference in the ultimate success of the program.

4) Our field complex, the concession stand, & bathroom cleanliness is

maintained by parents and volunteers.

5) I will, unless otherwise documented by paying a fee, agree to help with

one of the following activities:
a) Assist in field complex clean-up days
b) Volunteer to work @ the concession stands.

6) I understand that my payment to CYO will be deposited within

approximately 15 business days.

My signature acknowledges the above:

Signed this _______ day of ________, 2009.

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