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Facultad de Humanidades, Artes y Ciencias Sociales

Contrastive Analysis

Teacher: Maria Eugenia Hormaiztegui Student: Cristhian Bourlot

Selecting the right kind of job can cause difficulties for young people. But for Susan, a second woman to rise successfully through the ranks to become a chief constable, it was impossible to consider anything else. Her education had been different. She changed schools eleven times! After university, she joined an accelerated police promotion scheme. She only realized later what an achievement it had been to pass the exam. Seleccionar el tipo adecuado de trabajo puede provocar dificultades a los jvenes. Pero para Susan, la segunda mujer en ascender exitosamente a travs de los rangos para convertirse en jefa de polica, era imposible pensar en otra cosa. Su educacin haba sido diferente. Cambi de escuela once veces! Despus de la universidad, se uni a un programa acelerado de promocin de la polica. Slo despus se dio cuenta del logro que haba sido pasar el exmen.

Selecting the right kind of job can cause difficulties for young people. Selecting: this sentence is non-finite expressed by a verb in the progressive aspect Kind: not marked for gender

Seleccionar el tipo adecuado de trabajo puede provocar dificultades a los jvenes. Seleccionar: this verb is in the infinitive form. Tipo: marked for gender (masculine) Adecuado: adjective marked for gender (masculine) in agreement with the noun tipo A los jvenes Mismatching of preposition (for a) and article ( los) The article los is marked for gender and number in agreement with the noun jvenes. In Spanish we use the article when generalizing the nouns. jvenes comprises the idea expressed in English by the adjective young and people. We could also translate it la gente jven. In this case the adjective jven is posponed to the noun. The article la is marked for gender (feminine) and number in agreement with the colective noun gente Pero para Susan, la segunda mujer en ascender exitosamente a travs de los rangos para convertirse en jefa de polica. la segunda mujer

For young people The adjective young is preposed to the noun (attributive position)

But for Susan, a second woman to rise successfully through the ranks to become a chief constable

Mismatching of article la (definite article in contrast to a indefinite article used in the original text); the article is marked for gender and number in agreement with mujer. segunda is marked for gender and number in agreement with mujer (noun-feminine) en ascender exitosamente a travs de los rangos para convertirse en This is is a kind of complement which has a preposition (en...) as a head. In English, it is a non-finite phrase with an infinitive verb as a head (to rise...) Chief constable: it is a sort of compound noun (with two nouns, one acting as a head (constable) the other as a classifier (chief) Jefa de polica: the noun jefa is marked for gender (feminine) and number (singular). de polica modifies the noun, here it is introduced with a preposition I do not translate the proper name Susan (Its cognate in Spanish is Susana) since, I think it is not fashionable anymore to translate proper names. In the past we may find this sort of translations in the names of kings in history books, writers, etc. Today, there is a tendency to keep the original name. Era imposible pensar en otra cosa. Noun pro-drop.(it is not translated since the verb indicates which person is speaking). The preposition en is introduced. (pensar en) Su educacin haba sido diferente. The possessive adjective is marked for number, although it is not marked for gender. The adjective is governed by the thing possessed (education). Cambi de escuela once veces! Subject pro-drop cambi expresses who is speaking (Third person singular) the verb cambiar in the sense it is used here, needs to be followed by the prepostion de.

It was impossible to consider anything else.

Her education had been different. The possessive adjetive her is marked for gender but not for number. The adjective her is governed by the possessor (She) She changed schools eleven times!

After university, she joined an accelerated police promotion scheme.

escuela marked for gender (feminine) and number (singular). The generic use in this case needs the singular form in Spanish. veces noun marked for number (plural) and gender (feminine) Despus de la universidad, se uni a un programa acelerado de promocin de la polica. Mismatching of preposition and article, de usually follows the adveb despus in this construction. The definite article la is used. It is marked for gender(feminine) and number(singular) in agreement with the noun universidad.

Accelerated police promotion scheme

Se uni: morphological quasi-reflexive use of se. It is part of the pronominal verb unirse. unirse a. This verb in the sense it is used here is followed by the preposition a un progarma ascelerado de promocin de la polica. Unlike the English version, in which the noun is modiefied by directly putting the classifiers and adjetives before the head noun, in Spanish we need prepositional phrases to modify the and classify the noun head.

She only realized later what an achievement it had been to pass the exam. The adverb olny is in intermediate position between the subject and the verb. later comparative form of late acting as an adverb. what an achievement The adverb what premodifies the noun pharse an achievement.It is used to give emphasis to the expression. the exam. Definite article the not marked for gender or number.

Slo despus se dio cuenta del gran logro que haba sido pasar el examen. The adverb slo is in initial position. despus adverb preposed to the subject. Se dio cuenta: morphological quasireflexive use of se. It is part of the pronominal verb darse (cuenta). gran logro the noun logro is premodified by the adjective gran. In this way, in my opinion, the idea of emphasis is kept, since a literal translation is not possible. Mismatching of article. In the Spanish version there is no article present.

Later, she realized it had been a great achievement to pass the exam.

que haba sido pasar . complementiser que to join the different clauses. el exmen. Definite article el marked for gender (masculine) and number (singular) in agreement with the noun exmen.

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