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Claudia Lars

(Carmen Margarita Brannon Vega; Armenia, 1899 - San Salvador, 1974) Poetisa salvadorea, una de las voces ms sobresalientes de la lrica centroamericana del siglo XX. Hija de Peter Patrick Brannon, ingeniero norteamericano, y de la salvadorea Carmen Vega Zelayanda, estudi en el colegio La Asuncin de la ciudad de Santa Ana, donde la joven Claudia se decant por los estudios humansticos. Religin y poesa se vincularon en su hogar para acrecentar su sensibilidad natural. Desde muy pronto recibi la influencia de los clsicos antiguos y espaoles (Gngora, Quevedo, Fray Luis de Len), as como la de los romnticos ingleses y de Rubn Daro. Tambin coincidi con algunos de sus contemporneos, como el cuentista salvadoreo Salarru. Poetisa precoz, con diecisiete aos public un breve poemario que pas inadvertido: Tristes mirajes, que vio la luz gracias al mecenazgo del general y poeta Juan Jos Caas, uno de sus primeros mentores. Por esa poca Claudia Lars mantena relaciones sentimentales con el poeta Salomn de la Selva. Pero en 1919, cuando haban ya formalizado su compromiso de matrimonio, el padre de Claudia decidi romper el vnculo y enviar a su hija a los Estados Unidos, a casa de unos familiares afincados en Pennsylvania. All conoci a Le Roy Beers, con quien contrajo matrimonio tras un breve perodo de noviazgo. Sin abandonar el pas norteamericano, la poetisa se instal en compaa de su nuevo esposo en el barrio de Brooklyn de Nueva York, donde ejerci como profesora de lengua castellana en la Escuela Berlitz. En 1927 tuvo ocasin de regresar a su pas junto con su cnyuge, que acababa de ser nombrado cnsul de los Estados Unidos en El Salvador. Aposentados en la capital salvadorea, a finales de 1927 naci su primer hijo, Le Roy Beers Brannon, que sera el nico vstago de Claudia Lars. Claudia Lars volvi a frecuentar los cenculos literarios, en especial el congregado alrededor del poeta Alberto Guerra Trigueros, compuesto por escritores como Alberto Masferrer, Salarru y Serafn Quiteo. En ese nuevo ambiente la poesa de Claudia Lars fluy de nuevo con espontaneidad y soltura, lo que se tradujo en 1934 en una nueva entrega lrica: Estrellas en el pozo, publicada en las famosas Ediciones Convivio por voluntad expresa de su director, el intelectual costarricense Joaqun Garca Monge. Esta obra, bien recibida por crticos y lectores, allan el camino del siguiente poemario de Claudia Lars, Cancin redonda (1936), al que sigui, tras un parntesis, La casa de vidrio (1942). En este frtil periodo public tambin Romances de norte y sur (1946), Sonetos (1947) y Ciudad bajo mi voz, libro premiado en el Certamen Conmemorativo del IV Centenario del Ttulo de Ciudad de San Salvador.

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Claudia Lars (Margarita Carmen Brannon Vega, Armenia, 1899 - San Salvador, 1974) Salvadoran Poet, one of the most outstanding voices of the twentieth century

American poetry. Daughter of Peter Patrick Brannon, American engineer, and the Salvadoran Carmen Vega Zelayanda, studied at the Assumption College of the City of Santa Ana, where the young Claudia opted for the humanities. Religion and poetry are linked to your home to enhance their natural sensitivity. From early on was influenced by the ancient classics and Spanish (Gngora, Quevedo, Fray Luis de Leon), and that of the English Romantics and Ruben Dario. It also coincided with some of his contemporaries, such as the Salvadoran Salarru storyteller. Poetess early age of seventeen published a short book of poems that went unnoticed: Sad mirages, which saw the light thanks to the patronage of General Juan Jos Caas and poet, one of his early mentors. By the time Claudia Lars kept affairs with the poet Salomon de la Selva. But in 1919, when they had already formalized their commitment to marriage, the father of Claudia decided to break the link and send her daughter to the United States, home of some relatives settled in Pennsylvania. There he met Le Roy Beers, whom he married after a short courtship. Without abandoning the North American country, the poet settled with her new husband in the Brooklyn borough of New York, where he served as professor of Spanish at the Berlitz School. In 1927 he had the opportunity to return home with his spouse, who had just been appointed U.S. consul in El Salvador. Lodged in the Salvadoran capital, in late 1927 their first child was born, Le Roy Brannon Beers, which would be the only child of Claudia Lars. Claudia Lars returned to haunt the literary, especially gathered around the poet Trigueros Alberto Guerra, composed of writers like Alberto Masferrer, and Serafin Salarru Quiteo. In this new environment of Claudia Lars poetry flowed again with spontaneity and ease, which resulted in 1934 in a new lyrical delivery: Stars at the well, published in the famous Editions Convivio through the will of the director, the Costa Rican intellectual Joaqun Garca Monge. This work is well received by critics and readers, paved the way for the next collection of poems by Claudia Lars, Music Round (1936), followed, after a hiatus, The Glass House (1942). In this fertile period also published Romance of North and South (1946), Sonnets (1947) and City under my voice, award-winning book on the Fourth Centenary Memorial Exhibition Title of San Salvador.

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