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2 types of ultimate reality of Brahman

1. cosmic (personal) 2. acosmic (impersonal)

3 jewels of Buddhists

-duhka: suffering -sangha: monks -dhamma: teaching

-composed a text in a 3 classes -apastamba -hiranyakesin -baudhayana: all the listed above attributed to: Sravta, Dharma, and Grhya -Brahman: political people (Head) - Ksatriya/ Rajaya: priests warriors (Arms) -Vaisya: producing economically, commoners (Abdomen) -Sudra: serfs (Feet) then the Untouchables (under all of the body parts)
1. That all life is enevitably sorrowful 2. sorrow is due to craving 3. only can be stopped by stopping craving 4. only done by a course of carefully disciplined and moral conduct, mediation led by a buddhist monk, can lead to nirvana: this is part of the true doctrine, fundamental moral law of the universe

3 sages

4 Castes

4 Noble Truths

4 stages of life according to Brahman belief

1. Brahmacary- celibate student 2. grhastha- householder 3. canapastha- forest dweller 4. samnyasa- renouncer
1. Rupa- form and matter 2. Vedana- sensation 3. Sanna- perception 4. Samkhara- psychic dispositions or constructions 5. Vinnana- consciousness or conscious thought

5 components of the Universe



Aham Brahmasmi

-'I am absolute' -affirms all life have a piece of divinity making it sacred as all life is non-violence





that doing good deeds or bad deeds did not lead to one receiving a reward or punishment. according to era


Aphoristic period of Hinduism

-400 BCE- 400 CE -basic philosophical teachings started


-gave mystical explanations of secret or dangerous information concerning with the fire sacrifices -material for meditation serves as a link between the brahmanas and upanisads


supports one's personal development



Atman Jainism

chief characteristic of a soul is awarness, and function is knowledge. "soul-substance", most primitive feature of Jainism, not materialistic souls.


Ignorance (Upanisads)


-sadhu- renouncer -maya: cosmic illusion -agehananda: homeless bliss


to participate


-Devotion -God as: master, friend, child, parent, husband, and beloved. - The great abundance of devotionall cults - semar: sick cotton tree




-RG Veda: oldest - Sama Veda: songs - Yajur Veda: sacrificial formulas - Atharva Veda: fire-priests -portion or the Veda is filled with treaties pratical everyday duties, and rules of conduct -many hinduism ancient legends, cosmogonic mutis, and linguistic and etymological explanations
-believe everything in the universe including gods and souls were in a constant state of flux -if one did not accept the flux they would be in a constant state of duhka -had to abandon the sense of individuality to reach nirvana -had to follow the fundamental truths in Buddhism, which were psychological. -head saved for simplicity of life -they give, because they believe giving is getting -bc they have to ask for money they have to drop their pride


Buddhist Monks

Buddhists and the autmun

they do not believe in souls, except that we are body beings and that is all.


-everyone is made different dharma, according to varna and asrama

Classical Age of Hinduism

-400 BCE -600 CE - 2 great epics (puranas): kamayana and mahabharata -devotional traditions of visnnavispi, saivism, and satsm -heterodox reforms: jainism and buddhism

context free

blind justice, that your caste/class doesn't matter such as in Jainism and Buddhism.

Context sentivity

that the caste you are born into is the caste/class you are stuck in. Color, age, and sex matter. Found in Hinduism. -life prevades the whole world and that all lives of even the humblest living things should be respected seeing and being seen by the deity

Creatures great and small Jains



comes in many different forms. Truth, ethics, duty, law, cosmic, order "What holds together"
-had the first stage of meditation, following breath, under a tree -no gods existed, just superhuman angels -realized he has options in life, left the kingdom -his son's name was Rauhula "bondage, fetter" -the horse that takes him out of the kingdom can fly -asks many wise monks "who am I" -the religion started off with 5 monks, believed to be jains. -when he died it was called the "great decease"=dead -died because he had eaten bad pork, when a buddhists is offered anything they have to accept it and he was offered pork and sadly died

Facts of Buddha

Formative Period of Hinduism

-2000- 800 BCE -skeptics, naturalists, determinism, and materialists - pre-vedic age (2500-1500 BCE)


Visnu or Siva or Brahman


svara or Deva


was people who practiced Buddhism


-500 BCE - Sanskrit work 'Sinhu' -Vedic name for major river

Hindu devotion, Gods

-Parvati: motherly form of mother goddess gauri jagadamba, Trinity -Ganesa: elephant, lord of obstacles, beginnings -Krsna: little blue god, 8th incarnation of vishnu -Radha: beautiful goddess, cowardliness -Visnu: understanding god - Caksmi: wealth and fortune (aim and goal) has 4 arms for the end of the 4 stages of life -Sarasvati- art, music, knowledge, wisdom
-never really left India until about 100 yrs ago. -believes in asceticism, renouncing fasting etc. -spiritual conquering -has many prayers and theories on the concept of karma -only monks and nuns can attain infinity bliss; it cannot not be people in America bc of cars, airplanes etc. -they have a hierarchy of what life goes above what, ex) chair, feel eat, feel eat taste, feel eat taste see, etc. The chair being the lowest -they eat fruits and grapes, bc it does not kill the tree -they do not eat onions, potatoes bc of pulling and plowing of the ground -walk barefoot everywhere -karma is attracted to you bc of you likes and dislikes -nuns and monks do not touch the opposite sex -to have compassion but nothing more


Jains two mean of dharma (the eternal law)

1. Sort of secondary space, without which movement would be impossible 2. universal rule of nonviolence, "the eternal law"



Jiva Jainism

Life, hence the essence of a person's soul


fatalists, that what you are now is due to bad karma and you can't change that.




cycles of life

King Nami Jainism

-left the world at town Mithila -Indra god tests him by telling him his town is on fire, to build a wall so that it would be protected, and to make him make other kings bow to him. He says no to all things bc "if he conquers only himself, this is his greatest conquest". To Nami nothing is pleasant or unpleasant. He says no to the wall bc patience is his wall.

Life/ Asrama

"stage of life"


Ancient and extensive 2 categories: 1. sruti- heard 4500 BCE Veda, 1,028 hymns (prayers) 2. smrti- seen




Freud, whether the soul exists is unclear, we are just material beings.


poer of god universe, neither real or unreal

Medieval Age of Hinduism

-600-1600 CE -Hindu-Deities: Visnu, Siva, and the Devi -6 orthodox philosophical schools -tantric traditino: different from Veda

Meditation in Jainism

being completely mindful

Middle Path

a golden mean to life, not defined by material or renouncing. One takes a deep meditation and finds one's self.
-1600- present -rise and fall of 2 great empires: muslim rughal, and christiam british -renaissance 19th century -20th century it went global

Modern Age of Hinduism

Moral verses Jainism

-great classic, "The 400 Quatrains": contains no god references, and differs from other Jain classicals -approved by Hindus, Jains, Muslims, and Christians because of the similar values in it.
-monks and nuns are the ideal life -can only sleep in small spaces, and have to brush every time they turn -taking pictures is destroy life, sinful, filming is violence -rip out hair -run animal shelters -check their robs for any dead bugs all day -eat very little and beg for food, 3x a day -no touching the opposite sex, even children -thinking violence is wrong: thought, word, deed -wear masks to keep from sucking and killing insects -have the swastika as their sign -Kuma, a famous Jain monk drops belief bc he questions it after seeing that ships can go to the moon "if you doubt one part of your religion you doubt all"

Movie: "The Frontiers of Peace"



must cheerfully endure all things Jainism

-Jain monks strive for complete imperturbability, he should feel calm, patient, fearless, and know his pains will lead to full salvation -do not cause temper, anger -even if beaten he should think "it might be worse"


to starve the body to get to the mind, so the needs of the body do not get in the way of what the mind actually needs. Buddhists do not believe in this, not in the severe ways such as Hindu's and Jains.


blowing out of the candle, supremely blissful.


-social order -Hindus don'e believe in sin


to say


to do

other paths to moksa

Yogic Tantric Mantric Ascetic Synthetic Disciplines

Path of action

mahatman ghandi

path of devotion

bhakti, human side of worship Puja is involved, differing in gods worshiped, and god is active in the world. Context sensitivity.

path to 'moksa'

-liberation: trimarga 1. karma-marga 'path of duties' 2. jnana-marga 'path of knowledge' 3. bhakti-marga 'path of devotion' -Duties: selfless performance of ritual and social obligation -Knowledge: mediative nondual wisdom, gain supper intellectual insight into identity with the absolute -Devotion: devoted to persona god


it denotes a diversity of views and stands rather than a single approach or method of interpretation

Politics in Jainism

-inevitably sinfull -3 aims: righteousness, profit, and pleasure -gods cannot attains salvation, only men worship of many gods





offering, devotional attention

Puru Sartha 4 aims of human beings

1. artha 2. kama: economics and a inquisitive values 3. dharma: ethics, morals 4. moska: liberation from samsara which 1 and 2 are supposed to do
-enoightened self-interest is the most important thing, not entirely devoid of human feeling. -many souls embody water -fire is a form of life, earth, grass, leaves, wood, cow dung, dustheaps, jumping creatures. etc. -"Just as it is the nature of man to be born and grow old, so is it the nature of a plant to be born and grow old"

Respect for Life Jains


-V or U is for Visnu worshipper -3 white lines is for Siva and one with a red dot in the middle of them is for Dev -Red dot is for married women


general dharma

Sakyamuni Sage

Buddha's tribal group name

Salvation Jainism

to gain salvation man must be absolutely sinless, he needs to become a monk -must be a hero, detached and strenuous, subduing anger and fear, won't kill living, but cease from sin and are happy.



sanatana- dharma





absolute existence

Sidhartha Buddga

Buddha means "awake", one religion where it has a founder. Or his other name Buddha Gautma, his family name. poster modernists, nothing is certainly known.



what is remembered, Tradition

Somsarasas 3 major questions

1. who am I really? 2. what ties the world together? 3. what are the essence of a human being?

Sri-Lanka for Buddhists

they were occupied by buddhists for 2,000 yrs


solemn, ritual


-what is heard, Revelation - corpus of the revealed


woman's dharma


-aphorism: if it ain't broke don't fix it - pithy: sort and sweet -commentary (bhasya): cuarttka, sub-commentaries interpretations


own dharma according to test

The 4 signs of Buddha's future

old, sick, dead, and renouncer

The Final Penance Jainism

- suicide, it is also known in Hinduism - It is called a "terrible penance" but it really means a big sacrifice -monks usually when they cannot fulfill jain tasks anymore they starve their selves to death.
-man is chased by a elephant and demoness into the woods. He tries to climb a banyan tree and can't. See's a well and gets in using the roots of the reed-clump. Mice start chewing roots. There are snakes and a python at the end of the well. Elephant gets angry and hits tree causing a bee hive to drop on man causing many stings. Honey gets on his tongue and in this mist of chaos he takes the pleasure and wants more. Meanings: -Elephant, death -Well, life -Demoness, old age -Snakes, passion -Reed, man's allotted spar -Mice, dark and bright fortnights -Python, hell -Bees, manifold diseases -woman named Kuberasen, is a courtesan in Mathura -Honey, trivial pleasures -gives birth twins, boy and girl but madame of the house tells her to get rid of them, she does -Banyan tree,to salvation liberation

The Man in the Well

The story of Kuberadatta and Kuberadatt from the dharmabhyudayamajakavya

-she puts them in a jeweled basket, and makes them singlet rings with their names on it -merchants find children, raise them, and then has them married -sister, Kuberadatt, realizes they are related when the brother gives her the singlet ring -she becomes a nun, brother doesn't goes to Mathura, becomes a trader, marries a woman, and makes a son. -woman ends up being his mother -he renounces the world, and the mother becomes a householder jain.

The story of Mahesvara from dharmabhyudayamahakavya

-famous city tamainlini -wealthy merchant, mahesvaradatta, and misstress Nagila -the ex-lover of Nagila is actually the son, who he fed the buffalo to as well, the buffalo he sacrificed for the death anniversary of his father is actually his father, and the dog who he fed the bones of the buffalo was actually his mother -he gave up the world and renounced it
-City Ujjain -it's a king named Prajapala and his wife Suprabha -there is a jeweler, Sudrsti, and his wife Vimala and his student Vanka -Vimala and Vank have an affair, wife tell student to kill husband, he does. -wife gets pregnant and the son is actually the reincarnation of Sudrsti -they figure out it is him because the queen had lost a jewelry, and when it was found it was broken and only the son, Lazybones; who was lazy bc he remember his hard past lives, could fix it -the king asks him how is this so, and Sudrsti tells him what happened. The king renounces the world and the rest of the people of Ujjain followed. -In the end Sudrsti dies a good death as a jain monk, meditation

The story of the monk Sudrsti from the Crhatkathakosa

Three Offenses Jainism

self-control in thought, words, and deeds.

Time 4 Ages

-Golden age- 1,782,000 yrs -Silver age- 1,296,000 yrs -Bronze age- 164,000 yrs -Dark age- 432,000 yrs


crossing, pilgrimage site


luck for fertility, which when Buddha was born he was born painlessly.

two religions branched from Buddhism

-Mahasnghikas 'great order' -Theravada 'the teachings of the elders'

Upanisadic age

-800-400 BCE -upanisads tried to recover Veda through meditation

-800-300 BCE -kicked out sacrificial worldview -persues life- transforming: god as absolute (brahman) and atman(self) -developed vedic-hindu -form the end of the Veda -yajnacalkya- camp up with samasara -Upa (nearby) and Sads (sitting)





social order

Veda or Vedas

-Vedic period 1500-600 BC -PPL who reject the Vedas, Nstika -sacred text -about present life, not the after life -sacrificially based -born with pre-dispositions -what a Hindu does is more important than what they believe -hyms -central truth


-jnana: houselholder -sannyasin: renouncer -sannyasa: renunciation cycle of birth, death, and rebirth

vis-a-vis/ Samasara

Well known Gods

Indra: warlike cosmic power Agni: Deva of fire, divine will, mediator between humans and gods Varuna: guardian of the cosmic principle, ruler of heaven Varu: wind Soma

White elephant

emperor, which was seen in his mother's dream of what he would become. It would either become the emperor of the spiritual world or their kingdom.



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