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Biometrix Recruitment Tasks

Thomas Tu July 2013

Organization of Recruitment Infrastructure

The sole purpose of a recruitment department is to bring in new subjects to the Biometrix participant pool to ll contracted studies. The recruitment department will be divided into two roles internal and external recruitment, with a single person coordinating the two. This document summarizes both roles and the tasks involved.

Internal Recruitment

Internal recruitment will deal with all recruitment eorts carried out within the oce. Including but not limited to, all social and online media, web resources such as emails, and automated phone calls. Primary Duties: Craigslist, Website Updates, Facebook, Email communication, Secondary Duties: Dealing with other online media such as Yelp, and pursuing miscellaneous site postings.



Craigslist has been demonstrated to provide the largest source of new participants of all online media. Creating a craigslist ad is simple. First you will make the advertisement, then you will post it in two or three sections it might belong. If you are posting for a safety study, you will need the following information for an advertisement. Product Name The product(s) for the study. Compensation Amount The oered compensation. Time and Date The pick up, and drop o dates as well as the location of the study. Study Requirements The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study. Contact Information Put only a phone number and website. Do not post any Biometrix related email on Craigslist - have people respond through the craigslist email. Optional: A nifty photo of the product While any arrangement of text with that information will suce, you can also check the HTML Templates section of this document to make the ad. Simply copy and paste the template into a word editor, and search for the word "TEMPLATE" . Replace all capital letters with the elements described after the word TEMPLATE. There are additional instructions that are between <!--These funky looking arrows--> so you can also search for 2

"<!--" to nd additional instructions. The login information for the Biometrix craigslist account is as follows: Email: Password: study94127 Note on Paid ads: Use paid ads for instrument studies! There is a very signicant increase in exposure since it stays near the top of the postings list for a longer period of time.


Email Blasts

Email blasts can be made through Clinical Conductor (Be sure to select the right lters). Whenever a new batch of studies is available is when a new email blast ought to be sent out. Daily contact with the safety and instrument departments is absolutely necessary, as timely emails are one of the cornerstones of Biometrix recruitment. Emails need to contain the following information: Product Name The product(s) for the study. Compensation Amount The oered compensation. Time and Date The pick up, and drop o dates as well as the location of the study. Study Requirements The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study. Contact Information Email, website, phone, a way to follow up to enroll in the study. Optional: A nifty photo of the product Emails through clinical conductor do support full HTML (far beyond what is supported by Craigslist). So feel free to write up something a little fancier than just plain text. Ultimately, the goal is to give a consistent branding and presentation, so use of templates is recommended.


IVR Management

While the interactive voice response system is still in progress as of the writing of this document, the IVR would fall under internal resources.


Website Updates

The recruitment department sta should be focused on two things in regards to the website: Updating it with new information, and getting more people to visit the website. Currently, Biometrix is using the Wix CMS (Content Management System) to manage its website. The Wix CMS has a GUI, and all text is WYSIWYG so it should be fairly easy to use. The website must be updated daily with the following information: New Safety Studies Get this list from Tomoyo/Kathy Changes to current studies Get this info from Kathy New Instrument Studies Get this list from Anya/Merry Details for everything Same list as above for the craigslist ads. 3



Somewhat self explanatory. Make new posts with the same information as the website updates. Ultimately, facebook is used to redirect people to the website, but also to answer any subject inquiries.



Periodically check posted reviews and report any particularly negative comments. If possible, reach out to reviewer, and ask to document his/her specic experience. If possible, ask for that person to come in again, (hopefully with comments in mind) and ask for that individual to update his/her review.


Miscellaneous Online Postings

Biometrix is constantly looking for new media for exposure. While other miscellaneous online postings may not be as cost or time ecient, the goal is utltimately to have as many subjects as possible. Any online presence however small the return is worth pursuing. Some sites that have been tried before involve focus group sites. Look for forums to post on, or pretty much any source where advertising for Biometrix might be appropriate. Media to try to get started: google adwords,,

External Recruitment

External recruitment refers to all sources of recruitment that are outside the oce, and that require contact with other organizations, individuals or businesses. The challenge of external recruitment will be to manage this tree of external resources, and build relations with these outside organizations. External recruitment includes yering programs, referral programs, and other innovative recruitment campaigns.


Referral Program

The recruitment department must manage, proliferate and help modify the Biometrix referral program. The main task will be to track referrals and ensure referrers are being paid the correct amount. External recruitment will be responsible for assigning codes for tracking, and recording referral slips to whatever database is being used by External recruitment to track referrals. Recommended method for tracking referrals: In a spreadsheet, create the following columns: Participant name, Current Study, Source (Referral) Name. Take the list of participants in each ongoing study to ll out the participant name and current study columns. To ll the Source Name column, work with the safety department to make it a required eld during the sign in process of a study and collect the enrollment list at the end of each study. Use a pivot table in Microsoft excel to summarize the counts associated with each source. Subjects who are referring people must be told how much they will be compensated per referral, and what the current referral policy is (get this info from Tomoyo/Robert). Note on compensation amounts: Talk to Dr John about adjusting compensation amounts. Certain studies which require ethinicities that are harder to recruit may require a higher compensation. Note on referral policy: More data on how much of subject enrollment is needed to adjust referral policy. Collecting the following information will also be of some importance Number of new referrals for each study with what compensation, number of referrals regarding long inactive subjects (those who havent participated in a year or some time frame that might imply a previous subject no longer wishes to participate on his/her own.)


Flyering Program

External recruitment is responsible for creating and proliferating iers, postcards and other drop os and physical postings. Fliers are typically used for instrument studies. But if time permits, individual iers for the constantly rotating safety studies might also be successful. Use of a template is highly, highly recommended. Below is an outline of the yering process: 1. Design/create the ier 2. Make copies. Recommended to do this through Copy world, or for higher quality posters, Vistaprint. 5

3. Keep a stack for in oce distribution (during studies for product returns so subjects can view upcoming studies) 4. Contact yer distribution service. Biometrix has used The Daily Bugle in the past. Fliers must contain the following information: Description: What is this study for? Requirements: Whom are we trying to recruit? Timeframe: What are the dates of this study? Compensation: How much does this study pay? Follow up: How does someone sign up for this study?


Newspaper, Radio and Muni Advertisements

Has not been tried extensively. Contact advertising departments of each of these media, come up with a budget and present to Dr John. For any source that has not been tried extensively, it is of the utmost importance to TRACK, AND RECORD subjects coming in from these sources. Recommended method for general tracking: Assign each newspaper, radio station, and for muni each busline (if possible), a code. Create source specic advertisements, work with safety department to track subjects at study sign in process. Compile list of participants as for referral tracking, use pivot table displaying code as a label, and how many counts under Source Name column to easily count and track each source.


Business and Community partnerships and relations

Has not been tried. External recruitment is responsible for developing programs to work with local businesses, or community centers (like schools) to bring in participants. Suggestions in the past include working with school PTAs to conduct fundraisers based on how many people show up for studies. Referral programs for businesses (such as funding small discounts for people who participate in studies.) Of utmost important that new programs have a tracking system in place to measure eectiveness.


Templates and Guidelines

HTML Guidelines

Make pages clean, short and concise. Wordiness is bad. Colored text is also bad. Backgrounds are recommended to be some gradient of sky blue. Use lots of tables, and nested tables to get the format you want. 3.1.1 HTML Template For Safety Studies

<html> < t a b l e ><t r ><td width =1000px background=http : / /www. use . com/ images / t e m p l a t e s / backgrounds / ura0104 . j p g s t y l e =background r e p e a t : yes r e p e a t ; padding : 0px frame=box> <! Study header g o e s here > <br ><br > < c e n t e r ><h2>TEMPLATE.CATCHYTITLE <br > Compensation : $TEMPLATE. COMPENSATIONAMOUNT </h2></c e n t e r > <hr > <! B r i e f d e s c r i p t i o n o f s t u d i e s > < c e n t e r >< t a b l e width=98%>< t r > <td width=60%> < c e n t e r ><h4><u>How Our S t u d i e s Work: < /u></h4> The way our s t u d i e s work i s s i m p l e You come i n t o our c l i n i c t o p i c k up t he product , and t a k e i t home . You use th e product f o r a few weeks . A f t e r a few weeks , come back and drop i t o f f . F i l l out a survey , and you r e c e i v e a check f o r your p a r t i c i p a t i o n ! I f you r e i n t e r e s t e d , check out our a v a i l a b l e s t u d i e s below and c a l l in , o r e m a i l us t o s i g n up! < / c e n t e r > </td > <td width=10%></td > <td width=30%> < t a b l e frame=box> < t r ><td >Phone: < / td ><td > (415) 239 8006 < / td ></t r > < t r ><td ></td ><td > (415) 871 0031 < / td ></t r > < t r ><td >Email : < / td ><td ><u>s t u d y @ b i o m e t r i x i n c . com</u></td ></t r > < t r ><td >Web: < / td ><td ><a>www. j o i n b i o m e t r i x i n c . com</a></td ></t r > <t a b l e > </td > </t a b l e > </c e n t e r > <br > <hr > <! A v a i l b l e s t u d i e s s e c t i o n > 7

< c e n t e r ><h4><u> A v a i l a b l e S t u d i e s </u></h4></c e n t e r > <!COPY FROM HERE > < c e n t e r >< t a b l e width=98% c e l l s p a c i n g =10 frame=box>< t r > <td width=70%> < t a b l e width=100%> < t r ><td > < t a b l e width=100%> < t r ><td width=30%><u><b><c e n t e r >TEMPLATE.PRODUCTNAME </c e n t e r ></b ></u></td ><td width=70%>TEMPLATE.PRODUCTDESCRIPTION</td ></t r > </t a b l e > </t r ></td > < t r ><td > < t a b l e >< t r > <td width=60%> < t a b l e width=100%> < t r ><td ><c e n t e r ><b><u> S t a r t Date </u></b></c e n t e r ></td ><td ><b><u>< c e n t e r >End Date </c e n t e r ></u></b></td ><td ><b><u><c e n t e r > Compensation </c e n t e r ></u><b></td ><td ><u><b><c e n t e r >Web Link </u ></b></c e n t e r ></td ></t r > < t r ><td ><c e n t e r >TEMPLATE.STARTDATE </c e n t e r ></td ><td ><c e n t e r > TEMPLATE.ENDDATE </c e n t e r ></td ><td ><c e n t e r >TEMPLATE. COMPENSATIONAMOUNT </c e n t e r ></td ><td ><a h r e f =TEMPLATE. URLTOWEBFORM> C l i c k h e r e t o s i g n up! < /a></td ></t r > </t a b l e > </td > </t r ></t a b l e > </t r ></td > </t a b l e > </td > <td width=15%> <img s r c =TEMPLATE.URLTOIMAGEOFPRODUCT h e i g h t =100px> </td > <td width=30%> To p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h i s study you must f u l f i l l t h e f o l l o w i n g requirements : < ul > < l i >TEMPLATE.REQUIREMENT </ l i > < l i >TEMPLATE.REQUIREMENT </ l i > < l i >TEMPLATE.REQUIREMENT </ l i > </ul > </td > </t r ></t a b l e ></c e n t e r > <!TO HERE, AND PASTE IN ORDER TO CREATE ANOTHER BOX FOR ANOTHER STUDY > <hr > 8

<!About b i o m e t r i x s e c t i o n > <h4>About Biometrix , I n c .: < / h4> S i n c e 1 9 9 8 , B i o m e t r i x I n c . was a p r i v a t e l y h e l d company c o n d u c t i n g phases I IV c l i n i c a l r e s e a r c h s t u d i e s . Cosmetic , h e a l t h c a r e , d e r m a t o l o g i c a l p h a r m a c e u t i c a l and t o p i c a l m e d i c a l d e v i c e t e s t i n g i s our s p e c i a l t y . <br ><br > Today , you can change t h e f a c e o f c o s m e t i c s ! Our c l i e n t s a r e high end c o s m e t i c companies t h a t need your h e l p i n d e v e l o p i n g new p r o d u c t s t h a t a r e s o l d i n r e t a i l department s t o r e s throughout t h e world . They count on d i s c e r n i n g consumers l i k e you t o use t h e p r o d u c t s and g i v e your h o n e s t o p i n i o n . Your o p i n i o n does matter ! <hr > 2419 Ocean Ave . San F r a n c i s c o , CA 94127 | ( 4 1 5 ) 239 8006 | Website : www. j o i n b i o m e t r i x i n c . com | General e m a i l : s t u d y @ b i o m e t r i x i n c . com <br ><br ><br ></td ></t r ></t a b l e >

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