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There is a reason why you have your name and it s not because it sounded classy in the gossip pages

of the New York Post (which is where my mom found my name). Yo ur birth name paired with numerology can enlighten you on what motivates you in life, what warrants your true expression, and the lasting impression you leave o n others when you exit a room. It started with Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician who invented the a2 + b2 = c 2 Pythagorean Theorem, the only equation I remember from eleventh grade geometry . In 6th century BCE, Pythagoras combined mysticism with mathematics to construc t a quotient about the future of one s life. He coined it Pythagorean numerology a nd used numbers assigned to the letters in one s full name (as well as using the n umbers in one s date of birth). The numerology determined what innate abilities on e was given at birth to determine what might happen late in life, and it has bec ome the source for modern numerology today. How Numerology Works When working with a name, numbers have corresponding letters. The numbers are ad ded up and broken down into single digits in order to give you your final Destin y Number. The Number Assignments 1= A, J, S 2= B, K, T 3= C, L, U 4= D, M, V 5= E, N, W 6= F, O, X 7= G, P, Y 8= H, Q, Z 9= I, R How to Find Your Destiny Number Write down your full name (first, middle, and last). This is the name you were g iven at birth not your married name, etc. Using the table above, write down the number matched to each letter in each name (i.e. AMANDA = 1, 4, 1, 5, 4, 1). Add the numbers together for each name (i.e. 1+4+1+5+4+1= 16). You will most likely get a double digit for each name; break down each double di git number you get by adding the first and second digit to get one number (i.e. from the 16 above, add together 1+6 to get 7, which is the number for my first n ame). Add up the final numbers you get from each name (i.e. my middle name number is 8 and my last name number is 10, so 7+8+10 = 25). Once again, break down any double-digit numbers into one digit to get your final Destiny Number (i.e. from the 25 above, add together 2+5 to get 7, which is my final Destiny Number). In numerology, the basic vibrations are numbers 1 through 9, but the numbers 11 and 22 are master numbers and should not be reduced to a single digit since thes

e are master vibrations. There are plenty of books and Web sites that will give you a thorough analysis o f your Destiny Number, but here s a basic rundown on what your Destiny Number mean s for you: 1 is determined, autonomous, and self-reliant 2 is loyal, tactful, and analytical 3 is passionate, positive, and fun-loving 4 is sensible, traditional, and serious 5 is bold, temperamental, and sensual 6 is responsible, cautious, and domestic 7 is spiritual, unconventional, and somewhat reclusive 8 is money-oriented, assured, and authoritative 9 is versatile, compassionate, and worldly 11 is enlightened, deep, and high-strung 22 is ambitious, a global planner, and motivated I looked further into my 7, and found this interpretation through About Numerolo gy. A Destiny number of 7 means you will find fulfillment through teaching others. By pursuing an ongoing quest for knowledge and then sharing your findings with you r fellow man ... be it through teaching, writing or some other means ... you wil l bring joy into your own life. By following your destiny, your life should be a n interesting life, one full of the exploration of science, mysteries, the occul t, or other fascinating fields. When I think about the Amanda in me that I know, the explanation above sums me r ight up. Perhaps there s more to numbers than I originally thought.

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