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Kraus Recreation and Leisure in the Modern World, Eighth Edition

Daniel D. McLean, Amy R. Hurd, and Nancy Brattain Rogers

Index by S. Jane Henderson, Indexplorations

A Ability to pay, 165 Academic success, leisure and, 129 Accreditation process, 329331, 337 Adams, John, 72 Addams, Jane, 28, 78, 8082 Administration on Aging, 205, 219 Adolescents, 133, 135137, 178180, 365366, 374 See also Juvenile delinquency Adult education movement, 7172 Adults, and recreation, 104, 137144 Adventure Island, 277 Adventure travel, 286287 African Americans, 77, 161, 165, 363 See also Racial discrimination; Racial minorities, and recreation After-school programs, 178 Age, and recreation, 130131 See also specific age groups Age diversity, and future challenges, 359362 Agon, as type of play, 29 Agricultural Stabilization Service, 204 Alcohol consumption, 64, 68, 135136, 259260, 307, 349350 Alea, as type of play, 29 Allison, M., 45 Altman, Barbara, 255 Amateur sports, 70 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD), 332 333 American Association for Leisure and Recreation (AALR), 105 American Association for the Study of Group Work, 87 American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 140 American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, 8586, 332 American Camping Association, 333, 337 American Civic Association, 79 American Institute of Park Executives, 78, 95, 332 American Land Trust, 97 American National Red Cross, 88 American Park and Recreation Society, 332 American Psychological Association, 133 American Recreation Society, 95, 332 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (1990), 184, 205

American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA), 99, 237, 242244 Amusement parks, 71, 84, 277278 Ancestral tourism, 283 Anchorite movement, 57 Ancient civilizations, 5256 Anderson, Chris, 12 Angier, N., 127 Animals, and play, 27 Antipoverty programs, 100, 108 Antiquities Act (1906), 78 Antisocial behavior, prevention of, 176180 Appalachian Mountain Club, 224 Arab World Fest, 180 Aristotle, 2627, 34 Armed forces recreation comparison of, to other leisure-service organizations, 268 fiscal support of, 252253 goals and scope of, 249250 in leisure-service delivery system, 18 MWR, 249253, 356 recreation career areas in, 321322 during World War II, 88 Armed Forces Recreation Centers (AFRC), 252 Armed Forces Recreation Society, 332 Arts adult education movement and, 73 baby boomers and, 101 and economic health, 186 and enriched cultural life, 187188 federal involvement in, 205206 interest in, following WWII, 99100 in primitive societies, 50 Protestantism and, 60 Arts councils, 225226 Asian Americans, 77 Association for Experiential Education, 225 Association for Outdoor Recreation and Education, 333 Association of Junior Leagues, 226 Assyria, ancient, 52 Athenians, 26, 3334, 53, 55 At-risk youth, 178180 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 134 Austin, David, 37 Auto racing, 124, 177, 214, 310

B Baby boomer generation, 101, 126, 139141, 359 361 Babylonia, ancient, 52 Banff National Park, 74 Barnett, L., 132 Baseball, 6869, 120 Basketball, 13 Beckham, David, 302 Beecher, Henry Ward, 67 Benefits-based management approach, 351352, 356 Benefits of parks and recreation, 124126, 143, 170 171, 178 Berger, A., 255 Berger, Bennett, 36 Bettelheim, Bruno, 3132 Bicycling, 6970, 130, 145, 309 Bisexual individuals, 103 See also LGBT people Blank, J., 50 Bly, Robert, 155 BMX racing, 3 Bolla, P., 118 Bollinger, J. C., 308 Boston Common, 76 Boston Sand Garden, 76 Bowen, W. P., 47 n.4 Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of the American Community (Putnam), 39 Boxing in armed forces recreation, 250 and catharsis, 28 in Civil War era, 69 corruption of, 309 in early recreation, 5253, 56 in recreational sport, 261 women and, 152 Boys and Girls Clubs of America, 106, 178, 219 220, 335 Boy Scouts of America, 84, 154, 218219 Bradley, J., 260 Bradsher, K., 107 Breughel, Pieter, 58 Bronner, E., 259 Brown, P., 171 Bryant, J., 260 Bryant, William Cullen, 74 Bullaro, J., 227 Busch Gardens, 277 Bush, George W., 15, 288, 349 Business and Professional Womens Club, 226 Busser, J., 174, 178 C Caillois, Roger, 2829 Camp Fire USA (Camp Fire Girls), 84, 173, 220221

Campus recreation, 18, 70, 259263, 269, 322 Canada, 99, 118, 170, 178, 279280, 282 Cardiovascular health, 121 Career opportunities in recreation, 318323 Carl, C., 257 Carlson, D., 326 Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, 137 Carr, Harvey, 28 Carruthers, C., 174, 178 Catharsis theory of play, 2728 Catholic Church, 57 Catholic Community Services, 88 Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), 223 CBS, 137, 301 Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio, 279 Central Park, New York, 14, 7374, 89, 100, 187, 198 Central Park Conservancy, 110 Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP), 331, 334 Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS), 334335 Chandler, R., 306 Chautauquas, 7273 Chavez, D. J., 163 Chicago, Illinois, 81, 99, 175, 179, 189 Children, and play, 3031, 58, 131134, 299, 363 365 Childrens Bureau, 205 Chivalry, code of, 5758 Christians, 5657, 306 Chubb, H., 124 Chubb, M., 124 Church recreation programs, 221 Chutes and Ladders (Snakes and Ladders), 129 Circuses, 5556, 68, 228 Civilian Conservation Corps, 8687 Civil Rights Act (1964), 104 Civil Works Administration, 86 Clean Water Restoration Act (1966), 97 Climate change, 369370 Clough, P., 118 Club Corporation International, 265 College sports, 70, 161 College students, 123, 138, 259260 Colonial period, 6265 Commercial amusements, early, 67, 7071, 82 Commercial recreation, 1718, 107, 227232, 321 Commodification of leisure, 89, 109110 Communities, disadvantaged, 106 Communities, retirement, 266268 Community Action Programs, 100 Community benefits of parks and recreation overview, 170171 community cultural life enrichment, 187189

Community benefits of parks and recreation (continued) economic health and community stability, 185 186 health and safety promotion, 189191 intergroup and intergenerational relations improvement, 180181 neighborhood and community ties, 182183 personal development, 172173 physical environment, improvement of, 175176 prevention of antisocial uses of free time, 176 180 quality of life, 171172 special populations, meeting needs of, 184185 Community centers funding for, 205 gay and lesbian, 157 Jewish, 223224 municipal agencies and, 212 partnerships and, 263 and quality of life, 172 and recreation, 3 and trend toward commodification, 8 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), 205 Community gardens, 182 Community life, 171, 182183, 185186 Community model of therapeutic recreation service, 240 Community recreation programs, 103, 112, 172174, 255256, 318 Community service projects, 262263 Company-sponsored programs, 18, 254258, 269, 322 Competence-effectance theory of play, 32 Comprehensive model of therapeutic recreation service, 240 Confer, J. C., 282 Connelly, M., 137 Conservation, 65, 7374, 204, 207, 224225 Continuing education, 144 Control Data Corporation, Minneapolis, 258 Cooperation among agencies, 224226, 232234, 246247, 355 Coors Brewing Company, 256 Corruption of entertainment, 56 Counterculture movement, 100101 County governments, 75, 210211 Coyle, C., 248 Credentialing, 243, 334337, 340 Crompton, J., 255, 277 Cruises and cruise ships, 3, 157, 228, 280281, 324 Cultural life enrichment, 187189 Cultural programs and organizations, 225226, 262 Cultural tourism, 281282 Curricula, of Playground Association of America, 84

Custodial model of therapeutic recreation service, 239 Cziksentmihalyi, M., 32, 171172 D Dance halls, 70, 8184, 230 Dark Ages, 5657 Dave and Busters, 280 Dawson, D., 118 De Grazia, S., 109 Delinquency prevention, 176180 Demographic changes between 2000 and 2005, 311312 diversity and, 359366 population distribution, 1011, 366367 population trends, 910 in postwar years, 96, 98 in twenty-first century, 112113 Depression, economic. See Great Depression Depression, mental, 127, 132, 134137, 143 Desegregation, 102 Dial, M., 266 Digital natives, 362, 371 Disabled persons. See Persons with disabilities Disadvantaged communities, 106 Discretionary time, 5 Discrimination, 77, 100, 102103, 161, 165, 265 Disney entertainment empire, 3, 227, 278279 Disney theme parks, 19 Diversity, age, 359362 Diversity, environmental, 370 Diversity, ethnic and racial, 184, 362363 Dollywood, 279 Donahue, Jim, 330 Drag-racing, 177 Drinking, as pastime, 64, 68, 135136, 259260, 307, 349350 Driver, B. L., 171 Driving range, 3-tiered, 95 Drug abuse, 135, 349350 Drug Demand Reduction Task Force, 251 Duncan, M., 80 Dustin, D., 348 E Earth Day, 15 Economic benefits of parks and recreation, 170 Economic health, 185186 Economic Opportunity Act (1964), 100 Economic stimulation, 86 Economic stratification, 8, 107 Economy of abundance, 1213, 86 Ecotourism, 286287 Edginton, C., 227

Education adult, 7173 continuing, 144 physical, 310 play as, 59 professional curricula, 46 requirements for careers in recreation, 327331 Education Amendments to Civil Rights Act. See Title IX Education and training model of therapeutic recreation service, 239 Efficacy research, 248249 Egypt, ancient, 52 Eight-hour work days, 67, 86 Eisenhower, Dwight, 9697 Elderhostel, 144 Elderly people, 104, 141144 Elements of recreation, 4041 Elkind, David, 16 Emergency work programs, 86 Emotional motivators, 127 Emotional well-being, 126127, 133134, 174, 246, 257, 285 Emotions and catharsis theory, 2728 and children's play, 3031 recreation and, 4243, 119, 124125 and wellness, 122 Employee fitness and efficiency, 254255 Employee recreation programs, 18, 254258, 269, 322 Employee Services Management (ESM) Association, 258 Employer-employee relations improvement, 254 Employment opportunities, 318323 England, 6061 English garden parks, 61 Entertainment events, in campus recreation, 262 Entrepreneurship, 227, 258, 345346, 355357, 359 park and recreation agencies and, 17 Environmental benefits of parks and recreation, 170 Environmental initiatives, 110, 348349 Environmental issues, 1415, 97, 175176, 366371 Equality of services, 101 Erikson, Erik, 3132 Essex County park system, New Jersey, 75 Ethics, code of, 338 Ethnic discrimination, 77, 161 Ethnic diversity, 184, 362363 Ethnicity and leisure, 158163 Ethnicity hypothesis, 160161 Ethnic Minority Society, 332 Exclusion gender-based, 153154 in private-membership organizations, 264, 276

Extension Service, 204 Extreme sports, 3, 310311 Extrinsic motivators, 118 F Families, 16 Family fun centers, 230 Family recreation in MWR programs, 250251 Family structure, 1516, 98, 132, 142, 365366 Family values, 1516, 114, 140, 356 Farmers Home Administration, 204 Federal Emergency Relief Administration, 86 Federal government, 198201 See also U.S. entries Federal parks. See National parks; National Park Service (NPS) Fee-based programs, 105, 214215, 217 Fellowship of Christian Athletes, 306 Feminist movement, 151152 Fernandez, B., 312 Fitness and academic performance, 129 emphasis on, 9697 recreation and, 1314, 18, 93 and recreation trends, 96 sports and, 206, 307 Fitness centers, 257 Fitness programming commercial clubs, 229230 employer-provided, 254255 municipal agencies and, 213 in MWR programs, 250 Flick-Reedy Corporation, 257 Flow principle, in play, 32 Floyd, M., 160161 Flutes, Chinese, 51 Foley, J., 106 Football, 13, 63, 70, 84, 283, 300301, 306, 308 For-profit ventures, 230 See also Commercial recreation Franchise values in spectator sports, 302 Frank, Lawrence K., 3031 Frank, Robert, 108 Fraternal clubs, 226 Freedom, leisure and, 3738 French formal gardens, 61 Freud, Anna, 32 Freud, Sigmund, 3132 Freysinger, V., 140 Froebel, Friedrich, 26 Fun centers, 280 Funding cutbacks, 104105 impact of, 106107 Future challenges, 357362

G Gambling, 57, 136, 165, 287288, 350351 Games, early, 50, 58 Gardens, 42, 44, 6061, 76, 182 Garfield, James, 71 Gates, The (Christo and Jeanne-Claude), 187188 Gay individuals, 103 See also LBGT people Gender and leisure, 150152, 165 See also LGBT people; Men, and leisure; Women Gender-based discrimination, 102103 General Federation of Womens Clubs, 226 Generation X (Gen X), 126127, 138139 Generation Y (Millenial generation), 126127 Gentrification, 10 Girl Scouts of America, 84, 173 Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., 219 Globalization, 363, 374376 Global warming, 369370 Godbey, G., 3537 Goeldner, C., 273274 Golf clubs, 153, 162 Golf driving range, 95 Goodstein, L., 137 Gore, Al, 368 Goss, T., 308 Government agencies, 18, 7475, 78, 206216, 230 231, 354 See also U.S. entries Gray, D., 42, 94 Gray Panthers, 104 Great Depression, 67, 8687, 89, 126, 318 Greben, S., 42, 94 Greece, ancient, 30, 5354, 164 See also Athenians Greeley, Horace, 71 Greenfield, Karl, 310 Groos, Karl, 27 Gross, J., 154155 Gulick, L. H., 29, 7879, 81, 84 Gymboree, 230 H Haenn, N., 286 Harden, P., 253 Harrington, Michael, 100, 118 Hauglie, J., 258 Health cardiovascular, 121 and fitness, 1314, 18 (See also Fitness programming) mental, and recreation, 127, 135, 151, 170, 345, 352 for older adults, 143

Health (continued) public, 189191 recreation and, 42, 111112, 114 wellness concept of, 120, 122, 190, 250 Health-care management, 248 Health-related tourism, 285286 Health spas, commercial, 229230 Healthy People 2010, 13, 121 Hedonism and leisure, 135, 138 Hedonistic tourism, 287288 Hedonist/individualist approach to recreation services, 349351 Hemingway, J. L., 44 Heritage tourism, 281282 Hierarchy of needs (Maslow), 127128 High school subcultures, 135 Highway Beautification Act (1965), 97 Hobbies, 69 Holidays, 5, 7, 5556, 58, 6263 Home-based recreation, technology and, 12 Homo Ludens (Man the Player) (Huizinga), 30 Homosexuality, 103, 156158 See also LGBT people Hopp, R., 144 Hornik, David, 1213 Horse racing, 61, 69, 95, 152 Hospitality industry, 18, 274 See also Travel and tourism Housing and Urban Development Act (1964), 100 Hudson Institute, 94 Hughes, R., 109 Huizinga, Johan, 3031 Hull House Settlement, Chicago, 75, 80 Hulme, E., 58 Human needs, hierarchy of, 127128 Human services approach to recreation services, 346 347, 355356 Hunnicutt, B., 67, 86 Hunting in ancient civilizations, 5253, 55 commercial recreation and, 229 and environmental concerns, 14, 97 equipment sales, 229, 294295 on federal lands, 203205 in Middle Ages, 5758 national affluence and, 95 tribal people and, 50 Hunting grounds, 61 Hunting seasons, 65 Hyde Park, 61 Hyland, Angelyn, 337 I Ice skating, 75, 87 Ilinx, as type of play, 29

Inclusive recreation, 184, 237, 242243, 245, 247 248 Individual benefits of parks and recreation, 170 See also Quality of life Industrial Revolution, 6667, 69, 71, 80 In-line skating, 312 Instinct-practice theory of play, 27 Integration in public recreation, 100 Intellectual growth, play and, 128129 Intellectual motivators, 127 Intercollegiate athletics, 300 Intergenerational and intergroup relations improvement, 180181 International Study Group on Leisure and Social Science, 36 Internet and cyberporn, 351 and decision making, 372373 and gaming, 350 key events, 371 and leisure, 3, 5, 311, 344 older adults and, 144 teens and, 366, 374 travel and tourism, and, 12, 275276 users in U.S., 11 Interpersonal constraints on leisure, 155156 Interscholastic athletics, 300 Intrinsic motivators, 118 IPod, 11 Iron John (Bly), 155 Islam, 162 Iso-Ahola, S. E., 127 Israel, ancient, 53 J Jacoby, Marcus, 161 James I, King of England, 60 Jefferson, Thomas, 72 Jeffreys, S., 288 Jewish Community Centers, 223224 Jewish Welfare Board, 88 Job Corps, 100 Johnson, Lyndon, 100 Jousting, 5758 Junkins, Jerry, 254255 Juvenile delinquency, 82, 137, 170, 177178, 188, 192193, 220 K Kasson, J., 83 Keillor, Garrison, 281282 Kelly, J. R., 100101, 118 Kennedy, John F., 126 Kerstetter, D. L., 282 Kinney, W. B., 248 Kivel, B., 135

Kiwanis Club, 84, 226 Kleiber, D., 46, 124 Knopf, R., 229 Knudson, D., 348 Kondrasuk, J., 257 Kraus, M., 62 Kraus, R., 320 Krebs, L., 275 Kyoto Protocol (1997), 369370 L Labor unions, 67 La Croix, P., 62 Land and Water Fund Conservation Fund, 207 Land redevelopment, 176 LaPage, W. F., 14 Larkin, J., 68 Lazarus, Moritz, 27 League of Conservation Voters, 15 League of Fans, 305 Lee, Joseph, 2829, 7879, 81 Leisure in ancient civilizations, 5256 commodification of, 89, 109110 concerns about, 71, 82 connotations of, 140 history of, 49 meaning of, 3334 relationship to play and recreation, 4546 views of, 34, 3439 Leisure: A National Issue (Lindeman), 87 Leisure ability model of therapeutic recreation service, 240, 242 Leisure ethic, 356 Leisure-service delivery system, 18 Leisure-service field, 1617, 2122, 353354 Leisure-service organizations, 198, 230234, 268 269, 335336 Leisure-service professionals, 317318 Leisure-service system elements, 199 Lesbians, 103 See also LGBT people LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) people, 156158 Libraries, public, 73 Lifestyles of early 20th century, 8182 Light, P., 139 Lindeman, Eduard, 87 Lions Club, 84 Lippke, L., 8, 308 Little League, 225 Litton Laser Systems, 255256 Lobo, F., 177 Local governments, 210211 Locke, John, 59 Long Tail, The (Anderson), 12

Lotteries, 64 Love, L. L., 255 Ludus, as style of play, 2930 Luxembourg, Paris, 61 Luxury fever, 108 Lyceum movement, 72 Lytton, Lord, 71 M MacArthur Foundation, 140 MacDonald, Heather, 218219 Machiavelli, 57 Major League Baseball (MLB), 294 Managed recreation, defined, 105 Mannell, R., 46 Marginality hypothesis, 160161 Marine parks, 279 Mariposa Grove of Big Trees, 73 Marketing orientation approach to recreation services, 105, 345346, 355356 Maslow, Abraham, 101, 127128 Mason, B., 28 Mass culture, 83 Mather, Stephen, 8586 Maughan, R., 118 McCracken, Jarrell, 306 McDowell, C. F., 122 McGuire, F., 160161 McIntosh, R., 273274 Media influence on youth, 133, 136 Medical-clinical model of therapeutic recreation service, 239 Men, and leisure, 154156 Mental depression, 127, 132, 134137, 143 Mental development, 129 Mental health, and recreation, 127, 135, 151, 170, 345, 352 Mexican Americans, 77 Middle Ages, 5658 Middle-class, 83 Midlife years, 140141 Millar, S., 131 Millenial generation (Generation Y), 138139 Miller, N., 60 Mimicry, as type of play, 29 Mining Reclamation Act (1968), 97 Minority population, changes in, 362 Mitchell, E. D., 28 Monopoly, 129 Montaigne, Michel de, 59 Monuments, national, 78 Moorman, M., 173 Morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) programs, 249253, 356 Moral values, 83, 307 More, T. A., 255

Motivations for leisure activities defined, 118 emotional, intellectual, and spiritual, 127129 intellectual, 129130 psychological, 124127 social, 122124 spiritual, 130 MP3 players, 1112 Muir, John, 73 Municipal agencies, 7475, 78, 211216 Murphy, J., 41 Murphy, W., 106 Muscular Christianity movement, 69, 307 Muslim population, 162 Muslim youth groups, 222223 MWR (morale, welfare, and recreation) programs, 249253, 356, 366 N Nash, Jay B., 3637 National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), 328 National Association of Boys Clubs, 84 National Association of Recreation Therapists, 332 National Association of State Park Directors, 207 National Audubon Society, 15 National Basketball Association (NBA), 294 National Commission on Technology, 94 National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, 136 National Conference on State Parks, 332 National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC), 243 National Education Association, 85, 87 National Employee Services and Recreation Association (NESRA), 88, 254, 258, 328 National Endowment for the Arts, 99, 109, 205206 National Football League (NFL), 186, 213, 295, 304 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act (1965), 205 National Industrial Recreation Association, 88 National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 171 National Institute on Drug Abuse, 135 National Institute on Recreation Inclusion (NIRI), 247 National Intramural Recreational Sports Association, 333, 339 National monuments, 78 National Outdoor Leadership School, 225 National parks, attendance compared to population, 369 National parks, endangered, 370 National Park Service (NPS), 7374, 78, 8586, 105, 201202, 319

National Park Trust, 110 National Playground Safety Institute, 191 National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) benefits categories, 170171 certification procedure, 334 code of ethics, 338 and curricula, 95 diversity policy, 184 establishment of, 318 and fitness programs, 13, 213 inclusion for people with disabilities, 237, 247 and managed recreation, 105 membership benefits, 330331 overview, 332 partnerships of, 234 Playground Safety Institute, 191 as professional organization, 339 See also National Therapeutic Recreation Society (NTRS) National Recreation Association, 84, 87, 95, 318, 332 National Society for Park Resources, 332 National Therapeutic Recreation Society (NTRS), 99, 240, 332 National Travelers Aid, 88 National Urban Recreation Study, 106 National Wildlife Federation, 15, 368 National Wildlife Refuge System, 203 National Youth Administration, 8687 Native Americans, 51, 77, 165, 220, 256 Natural Resources Defense Council, 369 Nature Conservancy, 15, 97 Neighborhood life, 182183 Neighborhood Youth Corps, 100 Neulinger, J., 37 New Deal, 87 New England, 63 New Leisure Challenges the Schools (National Education Association), 87 New York City Central Park, 7374, 187 funding innovations, 215 parks and public open space in, 14, 44, 74, 141, 187 playgrounds of, 76 Stonewall Riot, 156 travel and tourism, 280 University Settlement, 75 New York Society for Parks and Playgrounds, 76 Nightingale, Florence, 238 Nike, 308 Nixon, Richard, 96 Noe, F., 160161 Nonprofit organizations concerns of, 231 fee-charging, 217

Nonprofit organizations (continued) and land for recreational use, 97 in leisure-service system, 216217 recreation career areas in, 320321 role in meeting leisure needs, 354 as service providers, 18 youth-serving, 218227 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), 328, 333, 339 Nussbaum, G., 261 O Obesity, 111112, 120121, 254255, 257, 311, 358 Office of Community War Services, 88 Older Americans Act (1965), 205 Old Faithful, Yellowstone, 72 Oliver, Dylan, 310 Olmsted, Frederick Law, 74 Olson, E., 177 Olympic games, 54, 309 See also Special Olympics OMorrow, G., 239 Open space, loss of, 367 Operational philosophies of recreation and leisure overview, 345 benefits-based management, 351352, 356 entrepreneurial, 345346 hedonist/individualist, 349351 human services, 346347, 355356 marketing orientation, 105, 355356 philosophical, 352353 prescriptive, 347 quality-of-life, 345 resource manager/aesthetic/preservationist, 347 349 Opryland, U.S.A., 277, 276 Orlando Islands of Adventure, 279 Outdoor Amusement Business Association, 277 Outdoor areas, comparison of use, 208 Outdoor ethic, loss of, 368 Outdoor leadership programs, 225 Outdoor recreation activities, 14 in campus recreation, 261262 children and, 133134 commercial, 229 in early 20th century, 8586 in MWR programs, 250251 opportunities for persons with disabilities, 246 organizations, 224225 resources and programs, 207 and technology, 11 Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission, 97 Outward Bound, 179, 225

P Paidia, as style of play, 2930 Parks and park systems in colonial era, 65 development of, 7375 development of, early, 6062 employment opportunities in, 319 private, 6162 Parks and Recreation Federation of Ontario, Canada, 170 Participant input, 355 Participation outcomes, 352 Partnerships among agencies, 224226, 232234, 246247, 355 Pay to play, 165 Peiss, K., 81 Personal development, 172174 Personal income and expenditures, 68 Personality development, 3031 Persons with disabilities, 99, 104, 241, 243246, 262 Peterson, G., 171 Phillips Petroleum, 257 Philosophical approaches to recreation services, 352 353 Philosophies, operational, 345 Philosophy, meaning of, 344 Physical education programs, 310 Physical environment, improvement of, 175176 Physical fitness. See Fitness Physical motivators, 119120 Piaget, Jean, 129 Plato, 26, 54 Play attitudes toward, 6970 children and, 58, 131134, 299, 363365 as cultural phenomenon, 3031, 5152, 64 defined, 3233 as education, 59 Gulick on, 79 history of, 5052 and intellectual growth, 128129 lack of outdoor, 133 meaning of term, 26 relationship to leisure and recreation, 4546 theories of, 2628, 32 types and styles, 29 types and styles of, 2930 Playground and Recreation Association of America, 8485 Playground Association of America, 81, 84 Playground movement, 28, 71, 7577 Playground programs, 82, 8586 Playground safety, 20, 190191, 336 Play in Education (Lee), 79

Police Athletic Leagues (PAL), 178, 220 Population, and the environment, 366367 Population distribution, 1011, 360, 366367 See also Demographic changes Population growth, and park attendance, 369 Population trends, 910, 66, 75, 13435, 160, 359 364 Postwar era trends, 9394 Poverty in affluent society, 6, 8, 107108, 164 children and, 113, 133, 145, 177, 364365 Native Americans and, 165 in over-65 population, 361 program sponsorship and, 96 recreation's role in counteracting, 100, 102, 171 and settlement houses, 28 Prater, Vienna, 61 Pratt and Whitney, 258 Prebish, C., 306 Pregnancy rates, teen, 136 Prescriptive approach to recreation services, 347 President's Challenge Physical Fitness Program, 206 President's Conference on the Fitness of American Youth, 96 President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 206 President's Council on Youth Fitness, 96 Priest, S., 119 Principles of Psychology (Spencer), 26 Private-membership organizations, 18, 264269, 322 Privatization, 105106, 109110 Prize fighting, 69 Professional advancement promotion, 209 Professional education curricula, 46 Professionalism current status, 339 in leisure-service, 317318 in recreation, 323324 in recreation programs, 1920, 217 in sports, 68 Professionalism, elements of certifications, 243, 331, 334337 code of ethical practice, 337338 preparation in recreation and parks, 327328 professional development opportunities, 338339 professional organizations, 331333 public recognition, 2021, 325326 social value and purpose, 325 specialized preparation, 327331 Professional organizations, 258, 332333, 339 Protestant Reformation, 5960 Protestant work ethic, 59, 356 Psychological analysis of play, 3033 Psychological benefits of recreation, 124126 Psychological motivators, 119, 124

Public agencies, 18, 7475, 78, 206216, 230231, 320, 354 See also U.S. entries Public health and safety, 111112, 189191 Public Health Service, 205 Public libraries, 73 Public recreation movement, 7176, 82 Puritanism, 60, 6364 Putnam, Robert, 39 Q Quality of life, enrichment of, 171172 Quality-of-life approach to recreation services, 345 R Rabelais, Franois, 59 Racial discrimination, 77, 100, 161, 165, 265 Racial diversity, 184, 362363 Racial integration, 100 Racial minorities, and recreation, 96, 102, 158163 Racing auto, 124, 177, 214, 310 BMX, 3 horse, 61, 69, 95, 152 Rader, B., 307 Ramsey, H., 35, 38 Rand Corporation, 94 Ranney, S. R., 14 Ratings and broadcasting fees in spectator sports, 300301 Reality television, 8 Reclamation Act (1902), 78 Recreation in ancient civilizations, 5256 antipoverty role of, 100 careers in, 318320 definitions of, 45 elements of, 4041 history of, 49 in modern community, 353 relationship to leisure and play, 4546 social acceptability of, 4344 as social institution, 4445 types of behaviors, 4142 varied views of, 34 Recreational facilities, 6062, 7778, 8687 Recreation and park agencies, 95 Recreation and park movement, 520, 7881 Recreation field, 1920, 105, 320323 Recreation participation, 45, 4142, 95, 118120 Recreation services, 8385, 9699, 107 See also Operational philosophies of recreation and leisure Recreation spending, 7 Recreation theory of play, 27 Recreation therapy as treatment, 242243

Recruitment and retention, 255 Reebok, 308 Regional park districts, 210211 Rehabilitation Act (1975), 205 Rehabilitation Services Administration, 205 Reich, Robert, 108 Religion and leisure, 38, 6465, 69 Religion-based tourism, 284285 Religiously affiliated agencies, 221224 Religious revivalism, 67 Renaissance, 5859, 61 Residence-connected clubs, 265266 Resort and Commercial Recreation Association (RCRA), 328, 333, 339 Resource manager/aesthetic/preservationist approach to recreation services, 347348 Retirement communities, 266268 Riley, B., 248249 Ritchie, J. R. B., 273274 Robinson, D., 60 Robinson, J., 35 Robinson, T., 283 Rockefeller, Laurance S., 332 Rojek, C., 43 Roller-skating, 70 Roman Colosseum, 55 Rome, ancient, 5456 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 87, 198 Roosevelt, Theodore, 73, 78, 84 Rotary International, 84, 265 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 26, 59 Rush, Benjamin, 238 Russell, R., 152153 S Sabbath laws, 63 Safety, 111112, 133, 189191, 209, 299 Salvation Army, 84, 220 Sand gardens, 76 Schiller, Friedrich von, 26 Schleien, S., 347 Schley, R., 276 School district programs, 13, 85, 263264 School for Christian Workers, 79 Schoolman, Abby, 324 Schor, Juliet, 35 Schreyer, R., 119 Segregation in public recreation, 100 Self-actualization, 37, 127 Self-expression theory of play, 28 Selye, Hans, 125 Seplow, S., 111 Service clubs, 226 Service provider categories, 1719 Settlement houses, 28, 75, 80 Sex, commercial, 71, 82, 288, 351


Sex, in commercial media, 133 Sexual activity among adolescents, 136 Sexual orientation, and leisure, 156 Shank, J., 248 Shapiro, J. Sheehy, G., 140 Shepherd, J., 118 Shinew, K., 160161 Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 99 Sierra Club, 15, 73, 224 Sightseeing, medieval, 58 Skalko, T., 248249 Skating, 6970, 75, 87, 312 Skype, 372 Slaves and slavery, 55, 64 Smith, R., 245 Snowmobiling, 94 Soccer War, 306307 Social acceptability of recreation, 4344 Social benefits of recreation, 143 Social capital, leisure and, 39 Social changes, early 20th century, 83 Social class, 34, 55, 62, 6869, 83, 108, 163164 Social justice, in leisure opportunities, 45 Social motivators, 122124 Social policy, conservatism in, 108109 Social values in recreation planning, 232, 325 Society of Park and Recreation Educators, 332 Sociocultural factors, and leisure, 149 Socioeconomic status (SES), and leisure, 163164 Softball, 152 Solid Waste Disposal Act (1965), 97 Space tourism, 287 Special-focus agencies, 268269 Special interest organizations, 218, 221, 224226, 235, 322 Special Olympics, 99, 184 Special park districts, 210211 Special populations, 184185 See also Persons with disabilities Special recreation, 243245 Spectatorship, 118 Spectator sports, 300306 Spencer, Herbert, 26 Spiritual expression, leisure as, 3839 Spiritual growth, leisure and, 130 Spiritual motivators, 127 Spiritual values and outcomes, 130 Sporting goods, 295, 297, 312 Sports amateur, 70 evolution of, 307309 extreme, 3 moral values and, 306307 nontraditional, 310 origins of, 50

Sports (continued) and persons with disabilities, 185, 246 and physical fitness, 206, 307 professionalism in, 68 recreational, 261, 293294 shifts in interests, 310311 and spectatorship, 300306 women and, 16 youth organizations and, 225 Sports management, 18, 323 Sports participation, 296300, 312 Sport tourism, 283284 St. James Park, 61 Standards development and enforcement, 209 Starr, Ellen Gates, 80 State fairs, 208 State governments, 206209 State parks, 74, 87, 369 Stebbins, R., 36 Steps to a HealthierUS, 121 Stimulus-arousal theory of play, 32 Storm, J., 111 Stormann, W., 29, 4445 Strategies for the future, 357362 Stress management, 125, 250 Substance abuse prevention, 176180 Suburban areas, 10, 113, 142, 215, 217 Suburbanization, 96, 210, 265, 280 Summerfield, L., 121 Suren, Asuncion, 251 Surplus-energy theory of play, 26, 28 Sylvester, C., 38, 240 Synagogue recreation programs, 221 T Tacitus, 56 Tannehill, D., 310 Taverns, 68 Tax revolt, 104 Taylor, Frederick, 86 Technology and leisure, 3, 5, 1113, 111, 362, 371 376 Teens, 133, 135137, 178180, 365366, 374 See also Juvenile delinquency Television children and, 133 and family leisure, 111 influence of, 136137 and LGBT people, 157 and national affluence, 95 and nontraditional sports, 310 and recreation, 1213 and sexual pornography, 351 and spectator sports, 300301 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 204 Terrorism, and leisure, 352


Texas Instruments, 254256 Theaters, in 19th-century America, 68 Theme parks, 277279 Theory of the Leisure Class (Veblen), 34 Therapeutic milieu model of therapeutic recreation service, 239 Therapeutic recreation careers in, 320, 322323 comparison of, to other leisure services, 268 early development of, 238239 emphases in, 242 in leisure-service delivery system, 18 managed-care systems and, 15 models of, 239241 and needs of special populations, 184185 persons with disabilities and, 99 professional leadership in, 20 service models, 239243 state governments and, 208209 as treatment, 242243 Therapeutic treatment model of therapeutic recreation service, 242243 Tiergarten, Berlin, 61 Time Warner, 8, 232 Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972 to Civil Rights Act, 16, 103104, 152, 154, 261, 299 Tlachtli (game), 50 Tourism. See Travel and tourism Tournaments, medieval, 58 Track and field events, 70 Transgendered individuals. See LBGT persons Travel and tourism career areas in, 320, 323 defined, 273274 economic impact of, 208 expansion of, 3 key elements of, 275 as leisure service provider, 18 major areas of, 276283 marketing advances in, 288289 scope of, 274275 technology and, 12, 275276 Travel Industry Association (TIA), 282 Traveling shows, 68, 276 Treatise on Politics (Aristotle), 26 Trends, 107, 135, 248, 358359, 371374 Tribal cultures, 5051, 165 Trust for Public Lands (TPL), 97, 233 Tuileries, Paris, 61 U Underparticipation, 160 United Service Organization (USO), 88 Universals Orlando Islands of Adventure, 279 University Settlement, New York City, 75

Urbanization, 66, 7576 Urban League, 165 Urban sprawl, 367 U.S. Army, 88, 204, 249253 See also Armed forces recreation U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, 204 U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 201, 203, 233234 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 203204 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 204 U.S. Department of Education, 171 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 205, 219 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 205 U.S. Department of Labor, 88 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), 97, 201, 203204, 229 U.S. Forest Service (USFS), 78, 8586, 202203 USO (United Service Organizations), 88 Uysal, M., 288289 V Vacation homes, 266 Values family, 1516, 114, 140, 356 moral, 83, 307 social, 232, 325 spiritual, 130 Victorian, 83 See also Benefits of parks and recreation Van Doren, C., 277 Vaux, Calvert, 74 Vauxhall, 61 Veblen, Thorstein, 3435, 108 Viacom, 8 Victorian values, 83 Video gaming, 311 Village greens, 65 Violence on television, 133, 136 VISTA, 100 Voltaire, 62 Voluntary organizations, 75, 84 See also Nonprofit organizations Volunteerism, 38, 143 Vrooman, Walter, 76 W Waller, Steven, 251 Wal-Mart, 367 Wankel, L., 121 War, as play, 154155 War Camp Community Service (WCCS), 85 Ward, A. Montgomery, 175 Ward, V., 106 War on poverty, 100


Waterfront revitalization programs, 175, 215 Water parks, 277, 279 Water Quality Act (1965), 182 Web sites of associations, 333 Wehman, P., 347 Weissinger, E., 106, 127 Wellness concept and programs, 120, 122, 190, 250, 257258, 358 Wheelchair Sports, USA, 185 Wilderness Act (1964), 97 Wilderness Education Association, 336 Wilderness Society, 15 Wilderness therapy, 179 Wildlife parks, 277, 279 Will, G., 68 Williams, D., 119 Williams, L., 376 Women armed forces and, 250251 and boxing, 152 in early 20th century, 81 and leisure, 37, 54, 118, 150154 and physical activity, 120121 in postwar decades, 98 and private clubs, 153, 264 progress for, in 1960s and 1970s, 102103 recreational opportunities for, 70, 79, 149, 164 and retirement, 361 and service clubs, 226, 265 and sex industry, 288 and social programs, 80 and sporting good purchases, 297 and sports, 16, 261 stress levels of, 138 taverns and, 68 as war workers, 88 and white slavery, 82 See also Title IX

Womens Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, 88 Woods, Tiger, 162, 302 Workaholism, 127 Work days, 67, 86 Work days and workweek, 7, 35, 67, 86, 94 Work ethic, 59, 101, 356 Working class, 83 Work/leisure dichotomy, 37 Works Progress Administration, 87 World Leisure and Recreation Association, 333 The World Sponsorship Monitor (TWSM), 296 World Tourism Organization (WTO), 274 World War I, recreation programs in, 85, 249 World War II, 1516, 8788 World War II generation, 126 X X Games, 3, 311 Y Yellowstone National Park, 73, 110 YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) in 1920s, 84 and amateur sports, 70 and armed forces recreation, 88 desegregation of, 102 and funding cuts, 106 and managed recreation, 105 and partnerships, 232233 and physical recreation, 69 and recreation professionals, 217 as social agency, 221222 YM-YWHA (Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association), 223224 Yosemite, 73, 197, 370 Youth, 133, 136, 178180 See also Adolescents; Children Youth Conservation Corps (YCC), 204 Youth-serving organizations, 218227 YWCA (Young Womens Christian Association), 10, 75, 84, 88, 181, 221222, 325 Z Zoos, 279


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