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13 hours ago Emma Mentor "Power of Reading" As explained to those of you who attended the meeting on Friday, the

British Council have 4 "boxes" of books for just 4 schools in our zone - KK, Kota Belud, Tuaran, Kota marudu and Kudat - 120 schools. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION: a) Teachers' experience, knowledge and interest in early childhood literacy, b) the quality of your plans, c) the chances of success, d) evidence of consultation and support from as many different stakeholders as possible - not just English teachers in level 1, different departments, school administration, pupils, parents, school community etc. e) Showing potential issues and possible solutions to these problems. These books are a mix of levels from non-readers, to guided reading to independent reading - fiction and non fiction - in English. Mentors have been asked to suggest titles and include audio books (books with CDs), activity books and nursery rhymes/songs. Therefore the level will be low enough for our pupils for level 1 and level 2. Also this will include books that are sourced from outside Malaysia. BC is worried that when similar projects have been done in the past, the books are not used, put in libraries but not used, locked libraries, locked in cupboards, left in the box under someones desk etc etc... To try and stop this happening, if you would like the chance to get 1 of these boxes (it could be up to 1,000 books), you need to do the following: SUPPORTING STATEMENTS: 1 STATEMENT FROM ENGLISH TEACHERS (at least 1 should be KSSR Teacher) Write a supporting statement in English max 200 words to say in your own words: 1) How these books might be used in your school and why. 2) Why your school should be chosen. 1) should demonstrate your (the teachers') experience, knowledge and interest in early childhood literacy (reading and writing). REMEMBER all the skills associated with reading (and writing) not just phonics. 2) should demonstrate chances for success - why it will work in your school, similar reading initiatives you are working on. 1 STATEMENT FROM EITHER GB, PK or KP BI in English max 200 words to include points 1 and 2 from School Administration's view. I SUGGEST YOU DISCUSS WHAT YOU WILL WRITE TOGETHER. YOU WILL NOT BE MARKED ON YOUR GRAMMAR! KEEP THE SELECTION CRITERIA IN YOUR MIND AT ALL TIMES AS WELL AS THE 4 ELTDP OBJECTIVES - improving teaching & learning, improving Teacher's English proficiency, improving accessing and assessing and using resources and sustainability (involving as many different stakeholders as possible in school and out). MEETING SUMMARY 1 x summary of discussion in no more than 500 words in English should include evidence that the meeting took place and evidence of what was discussed about the following points, such as pictures, photos, video, notes. The meeting is to discuss the selection criteria points above and the following: 1) Types of books

2) Target pupil age groups (actual age and reading age) 3) storage 4) security (flood proof) 5) who will be responsible and accountable 6) access - who can access the books, when, where, how? 7) How you can involve as many stakeholders as possible (pupils, parents, families, other teachers at SK PS and other teachers/schools in cluster?) Potential issues/problems AND proposed solutions 9) Anything else - such as how this could link to your teachers professional Development, school plan etc. 10) Link to as many project objectives as possible. Any questions, let me know! I need to have something in writing from your school (KSSR Teacher or KP is OK) to say you are interested in doing this, AND your 2 xSTATEMENTS and 1 x MEETING SUMMARY with evidence NO LATER than 10th JULY. Please note your school does not have to buy anything or make any alterations to any building etc UNTIL the BC have approved your application.
7 hours ago Emma Mentor KSSR Hello, just to give you some information on KSSR Year 3 and KSSR Songbook. The draft version of KSSR Year 3 Curriculum standards is now available on the link below including Teacher's Guide. It is a drafat so may change. The learning standards for grammar to be gained by end of Year 3 is either revision or building on language the pupils have already seen in Year 1 and Year 2 without it being taught as a "grammar lesson" nouns, singular/plural regular verbs - simple present and simple past conjunctions - and, or, but prepositions - in, on, under, up, infront of, behind, at. Adjectives - colour, shape, size, opinion (including adjective order) Constructing declarative sentences.

Therefore I am confident that any Year 1/Year 2 teacher that I have worked with, who may be asked to teach Year 3 next year will have the level of grammar/English to do so. In addition, I shall ask Alison, the Mentor covering me, to make sure she arranges group meetings at each school during UPSR week to cover some of these grammar points to help ease any worries you have! KSSR SONGBOOK and "CD" Some mentors in another area have put together the words and music that are mentioned in the KSSR Year 1 and Year 2 textbooks and added some extras. I have not been able to download this myself so remember to ASSESS FOR SUITABILITY FOR YOUR PUPILS 1ST.

Salam hormat tuan / puan.

Mohon sampaikan maklumat ini kepada rakan-rakan anda kerana mungkin ada yang tak dapat maklumat ini. 1. Jadual Interaksi
Disertakan jadual interaksi ppg sesi jun-nov 2012. Interaksi akan bermula pada 7.7.2012. Bilik interaksi pendidikan islam dan baha melayu telah dipindahkan di bangunan berdekatan dengan kantin (seperti tertera di dalam jadual). Bilik interaksi yang baru agak kecil jadi mohon kerjasama anda untuk sesuaikan diri. Akan terdapat interkasi yang berlangsung pada bulan puasa.

2.Keputusan peperiksaan dan peperiksaan ulangan

Interaksi sepatutnya bermula hujung bulan Jun tapi saya tundakan ke 7.7.2012. Ini adalah kerana ramai pelajar Ambilan Jun 2011 yang gagal dan saya berusaha untuk memberi tutorial tambahan kepada mereka yang gagal. Masalahnya semasa pembentangan keputusan peperiksaan pada 22.6.2012, saya telah meminta izin dari ahli sidang majlis mesyuarat untuk memaklumkan nama pelajar yang gagal namun saya tidak mendapat keizinan tersebut. Ini adalah kerana keputusan peperiksaan tersebut mesti dibentang dan diluluskan oleh ahli majlis senat IPGM di cyberjaya yang akan berakhir pada 29.6.2012. Tarikh peperiksaan ulangan pula terlalu dekat dan mungkin bermula pada 7.7.2012. (Jadual penuh peperiksaan ulangan belum diperolehi). Ini bermakna mereka yang gagal akan mula dihubungi pada 2.7.2012. Yang tak dihubungi bermakna anda lulus. Jika diperhatikan tarikh tersebut (bermula 2.7.2012) bererti peluang untuk melaksana tutorial

tambahan untuk mereka yang gagal mungkin tidak dapat dilaksana kerana peperiksaan ulangan akan bermula pada 7.7.2012 (yang gagal terpaksa meninggalkan interaksi pada hari tersebut untuk menduduki peperiksaan ulangan). Maklumat keputusan peperiksaan yang saya boleh maklumkan hanyalah seperti berikut: EDU3102 TSL3103 TSL3104 PJM3105 PJM3106 PIM3101 PIM3102 BMM3101 BMM3117 17 orang gagal 13 orang gagal 14 orang gagal 12 orang gagal 14 orang gagal 1 orang gagal 1 orang gagal 1 orang gagal 1 orang gagal

Saya memohon maaf sekiranya tutorial tambahan untuk mereka yang gagal tidak dapat dilaksana kerana saya terpaksa akur kepada peraturan IPG. Sekiranya saya telah diberi keizinan untuk memaklumkan pelajar yang gagal lebih awal maka tentu tutorial tambahan dapat dilaksana.

Big akan mula dilaksana pada semester ini. Kemungkinan besar akan diadakan pada bulan Julai. Penyelaras BIG masih menyusun jadual untuk mengelak BIG diadakan pada bulan puasa. Kami sedang berusaha untuk melaksana BIG di luar IPG kerana keadaan dewan IPG yang panas. Apa pun, kesemuanya bergantung kepada kelulusan pengarah IPG Kampus Gaya. BIG akan dilaksana dengan dua mod: 1.IPG-based dan 2.Schoolbased Maknanya hanya beberapa jam sahaja BIG dilaksana di peringkat IPG (taklimat dan garis panduan) tetapi selebihnya pelajar PPG akan melaksana aktiviti BIG di sekolah masing-masing.

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