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January - March 2009

Volume 15.1


In 2007 we

nally committed to holding a "trial" youth camp to gauge in

terest and test the waters a bit. There are no church-owned




There is no three-month sum mer vacation in which to hold

camp. And there is no culture or tradition of church camp

amongst the teenagers of Aus

tralia. Three strikes that we

youth camp in 2007. Many of the teens were as tounded at what took place. They had never experienced a spiritual program that was aimed just at them. Worship time that was fun but meaning ful, studies and messages that were relevant and inspiring, and relationships that were
real and that would last.

to serve others in their small

groups. These small groups created a sense of intimacy that helped many of our camp
ers to make decisions for the Lord.

Will is a young man that wandered into our youth group over a year ago. His relation ships in youth group grew quickly, but his relationship
with the Lord was non-existent.

hoped were not going to kill

our dreams!

This year we doubled the

number of churches involved

It was exciting to see over 30 people from our two little churches gather together to be the guinea pigs in our little ex periment. Even more exciting
were the results of that first

(4) and had over 50 people in volved in Quest '08. Though we never get to have a whole
week for camp, we did nnove from a Friday-to-Sunday week end to a long weekend in Oc-

After many months of quietly observing the different way in which many of our youth lived,

Will was tiaptized by one of

our youth volunteers in the lake at camp! April's family attended

January - March 2009

Page 2
j church at Chariestown for all of her life, but she had never taken her relationship with the Lord ivery seriously. After her experience at camp. It'inot a 'April called her parents to come out and wit youth ness her baptism in the lake on Monday morn ing! camp Keep praying for those campers who made wittiouta decisions at this year's Quest Camp. We look campfire! forward to what the Lord will do next year!"


' V

It is hard to believe that Christmas and New

' vVw!l^,

Year's celebrations have come and gone so quickly! We had our usual involvement with Christmas parties, school activities, caroling, the seniors Christmas light outing, as well as year-end celebrations. Now we have a few weeks of family time before the new school year begins again, which we always enjoy! This new year is bringing so many opportu nities our way. It is very exciting and humbling at the same time. We are looking forward to

seeing how things unfold here in Cameron

Lauren will As far as our girls are going continue at the same high school this year and start year 9. She is growing into such a young lady. She sings in the worship team at church each Sunday now and really enjoys being a part of it. She also sings at school quite a bit and continues to have a good core group of

quarie at Park, as they never seem to go as we plan!

The band


Leah will begin Year 6, where she was voted as a school leader at the end of last year, (and we were very proud of her!!!) She has im tongt pressed the teachers at the new school with her ability to care for the younger children at the school and is often asked to help the new students settle in. Anna will begin year 4 and plans to be involved in choir and dance next year. She performed in "Edgy idol" at the school and won first place in the competition. It was really great for her, as she has had a really Abbie hard time settling into the new school and mak preparing ing friends (which we really did not expect). to bap So, we look forward to a full year at the tize her new school with no interruptions to the giris' playing wonliip

schedules. Tim and I will be involved in teach

ing scripture and in helping out as much as we can in the school as part of our ministry here. We have an exciting year ahead and look for ward to letting you know how things unfold!

January - March 2009

'he Lord's hand is con
with a much-needed break

Page 3
from ministry while they fixed up the out-dated house. But eventually, the call of full-time ministry began to weigh heavy on their hearts and they approached us about advice on the possibility of stepping back into ministry. It didn't take us long to suggest a place for them in the new church plant! After much prayer and many more conversations, the
Branhams made the decision

stantly at work in our lives \and in our prayers. For years we have been praying together with you about the fu
ture of the work here in Australia. In recent

their US trip. The Branhams have always been a joy to work with over the years and we're excited to work together with them in this new relationship. They have been approved by the board of
Australian Christian Mission

prayers, we've been asking the Lord to pro vide the necessary
workers to continue
both the work at the

and are currently raising sup port. You can visit their web
site to find out more at:

Meanwhile, Jesse, Cynthia

and Josiah Frame had been

Charlestown Church of

Christ, and the future

raising support to

come to

church plant in Cam

eron Park. It seems that the Lord has been

to commit to raising funds to join the new work at Cameron

Park full-time. In order to ac

Australia for 18 months and

still not reached their goal.

Jesse had visited and worked

orchestrating an an swer to those prayers. Almost two years ago Rob & Lynne
Branham moved back

complish this, Rob would need to resign from his full-time po sition as a manager at a local grocery store in order to pro
vide the time needed to ar

in Australia a few years ago and he and Cynthia were pas sionate about returning fulltime.

to Australia after serv-

range a fund-raising trip to the


ing in ministry in the

IUS for a number of

years. Rob is an


American, Lynne is an
family home in

9 Australian and had reP cently inherited her


This seemed to be the per fect opportunity for the church at Charlestown to help out. Since they were in need of someone else in ministry, they
offered to hire Rob as an in

Jesse and I began an email conversation about a year ago. He was looking for information and trying to develop relation ships with those who are al ready working Down Under. It wasn't until a few months ago, however, that he began to contemplate working with us in

move provided them

terim minister (part-time) until such time as the family left for

Of course, I was a little

Left: Rob &Lynne

Sranliani wlio are

currently raising support to join the newcM plant in

(ameron Park.

Right: Jewe.Cynttiia
SJodah Frarne, who

are spending February March investigating apermanent role at

the (tiarlestown

Church of Christ.

January - March 2009


Page 4
town Church of Christ for about two months. This will be

an extended "try-out" for them and for the church. If things seem to "click", they'll be re turning to the US to apply for a permanent solution to immigra

We have known Cris for many years and are honored to help him fulfill his internship require
ments at Johnson Bible Col

lege by serving in ministry in Australia. Contact us if you'd

like to know more about Cris.

tion. [A visitor's visa is only good for 3 months; a perma

nent residency permit must be

We'll have more details about

his internship in our next news


applied for outside of Australia] One of the most exciting

things about the Frames' visit
is that the Charlestown Church

As always, we thank each of you for your continued love and support for us as we serve
the Lord Down Under. We

(rii BanEroft will be aRiusic/wontiip intern ttiii year

more than biased when I sug gested to Jesse that if he were
to come to minister at Charles-

of Christ is funding the entire trip. This is not just a sign of generosity, but a sign that the congregation is actively in
volved in their next level of

look forward to partnering with you for another year. God bless and keep in touch!

growth and maturity. Keep praying for them! To find out

more about the Frames, visit:

town, the church would be able

to provide just about what he and Cynthia needed to fulfill their proposed budget! As they prayed and considered it, we both grew excited about the possibilities. In February, the Frame family will fly out to Australia to
live and work with the Charles-

Lastly, Cris Bancroft has applied for an internship in

Australia for the US summer.

P.S. - you can now find us on
Facebook! Look for Tim

Pleaie Pray For: The Branhami at ttieyraiie support The frame! aitlieyviiit Australia Crii Bancroft a! he plans for his internship The continued groundwork at Cameron Park





Australian Christian Mission!

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April - June 2009

Volume 15.2

AuMm ftiffiM Histion

A P l a c e t o Meet!
JK couraging the Jik local resi-

What could A,,

be bet- /
ter than build-k

ing a brand new building

for new a brand church

aSS^ '^^Sganize a HHT "fWcommunity Jl group that can repre^^^^^^^^sent the

needs the the

JIw dents to or-

answer: have govbuild

community to

A m a z 1n g

BR^^I^Snl government
friend and

Council (local



to be happennew church

plans for our^^^H^_

eron Park. It was never our intention to

An aitlst'i imprestion ofthe new (onmunity Centre building

hum (the school's first), we thought that this might be the
answer to our needs for a

take up the challenge and arranged

meet with members of the local



Council who were responsible for the development of public


build a church building. Our plan from the beginning was to use an existing community building in order to connect with the community from the very beginning. But because it is a brand new development, there are no existing commu nity buildings in which to meet. Last year I explained that we had already begun to teach Scripture classes in the local public school. This has led to a very positive relationship
with the school and administra

building in which to meet. In fact, the principal had already agreed to let us use it! Their plans, however, have been caught in a sea of gov ernment red-tape and they still have not yet broken ground
almost two years later. Though it is still available for us to use, we wonder whether

Our primary concern was

the construction of the commu

nity center, which was part of the Council's master plan for the area. Though other open areas and parks were on the drawing board, this was one of the main pieces of public areas
that was to be built.





we can wait two more years (or more)!

Meanwhile, I have been ac


tion. As they were getting ready to build a new audito-

tively involved in our commu nity. The property developer

for our estate has been en-

learned that the plans had al ready been changed slightly. They had decided that rather than building a series of smaller community buildings,

April - June 2009

Page 2



Activity Room Two

tliey would
construct a



Council are that the center will

earmarked funds

in order to substantial

community centre at the heart of the new development. The result? A building that looks as if it were designed by a church congregation! As you can see above, there is plenty of room in the main hall, with seating for 150-200 peo ple. There's a full kitchen, two large activity areas for chil dren/youth programs, a fullyfenced children's playground, a sports field, many offices and plenty of parking. In addition, the center will be fully air con ditioned (not that common here) and is handicapaccessible. All indications from the

not be run by council, but by a non-profit community group. It seems important, therefore, that we are a part of the com munity group from the begin ning. Our first official meeting will be in May, when we hope to
select officers and start the

stay plugged into community needs. By being an office

board member of the commu

process of incorporating. Once incorporated, we will be

able to raise funds, receive

grants and operate the com munity center when the time

Please pray about this op portunity to be involved. Our hope is to be in a position to help run and maintain the building for the Council in a way that allows our church to

nity group, I would not only be able to have an open door to renting the center for the church on a regular basis, but would also have a positive in fluence on the types of pro grams that could be run to bet ter serve the community. At the time of this writing, the Council has not yet ap proved the Development Appli cation. Pray that it is approved soon and that they would then call for tenders to get the job done. If all goes well, the com munity center might be com pleted in 2010. Later than we hoped, but certainly timely for
us to meet there.

April - June 2009

Page 3

There's no better way to de

scribe this year than a "year of transition". The
Charlestown Church of Christ

is working hard to find some one to fill our vacancy at the church. In January, Rob Branham was asked to serve as

.interim minister (parttime) to allow us to pull

back a bit from our full-

m gg

time involvement, In May of this year,

I Rob and his wife,

i Lynne, and daughter,

ito iKatie, will fly to the

U.S. to raise support to

'fl ijoin us in the work of

(hurcli elden pray for tlie Frames at the end oftfieir vHIt If all Churclieldenpr well, the^^M^^^^^H
wi iI


the new church plant

in Cameron Park.

then apply
to the

Please pray with


5 ithat their full support

will be raised, even in

partment of^B^^H[^^BH
Im m ig r a to


2 [financial climate.
Cynthia and

Uk Ithe midst of the current


s p o n s o



the Frames
to move Australia. We have

church paid for Jesse,


J? Frame to fly over from

^ IFrames have raised ^ 2

5 ;the U.S. to "trial" for K Ithe position on a 7^ Iweek visit. The

an immigra-^^p^
who seems to
think it will be

a Ir e a d y spoken to

JCHC organizing orgai Jewe the Friday night Toutli Group
a more than

;approximately half of
Iin Australia full-time,
with the other half.

jthe financial support they would need to be

be able to supply them




they would not be able to fly too close to Cynthia's duedate, and the baby needs to be old enough to fly before they could climb aboard such a massive journey! We con

jThe church here would

I write these words only a couple of days after the

Frames returned to the U.S.

couple of months. As soon as the church is approved for this sponsorship, Jesse can apply to fill the position, which is mostly a formality. Theoretically, the Frames
could arrive back in Australia within three to four months.

gratulate the Frames on their upcoming new child. If things

fall into place, the Frames could easily be here full-time by the end of the year. Please pray for the church and for the Frames as they each consider the possibilities.

Their visit here was very prom ising and we hope and pray that they will be able to return full-time very soon. In late-April, the Charlestown Church of Christ will vote

However, there is one minor

hitch to the plan... Cynthia is

due to have their second child

in early September! Obviously

April - June 2009

<ieali (far right) with
fj-iends on her netball

Page 4

> Anna (right) and friend receiving their "captain"

badge at school

VLauren (left) celebrat

ing heri4tii birthday with


As you can see, my little girls are not so little anymore. I am really enjoying this stage of
motherhood... most of the time!

off this year. The first thing she

wants to do is bite into a





Lauren recently celebrated her 14th birthday. She continues to do well in 9th grade and is very excited to be getting her braces

crunchy apple. Leah just turned 11 and is now playing netball for Sugar Valley. She is really en joying it and doing quite well.
She does have to work on her

aggressive skills though! She is

Pleaie Pray For; The building of the Cominunity (enter Myinvoivementin the Community Group The Branhami ai they raise support TheFramei as they consider their
(iiture in Australia

dance this year, which is a gr-eat opportunity for her. Anna, 9, is part of the school council and a house captain at school. She recently started keyboard les sons and can play several songs and chords already. We are very proud of our girls and how they are trying to be a light in a totally non-Christian

(ris Bancroft as he plans for his intern ship

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July - September 2009

Volume 15.3

Auitralian (hrhtian Ninion

eron Park. In some^^^H since we had it in our^^^H hearts to plant new^^^H churches here since our^^^B arrival in Australia way^^HJ
ways it has been years,
back in 1998!

-Awaiting years to begin waitino vears to beain the new work at Cam-

SIX A40NTHS TO LAUNCH Seems like we've been^j^J^^jm^U^^^^^^j^RWfc^tunities for the the church church t i^^^unities for to
dudes volunteering to assist with reading programs, playground activities, etc. We hope to plug our church members into community
needs like this.

nPt further furth^^r involved invoivc^H with wit H^get ^^^^kthe school. This in-

finally arrived, we are^^^B quickly realizing how^HjH

to be done before we

Now that the time has

have our first




much work really needs PJP^

meeting of the Northlakes Community Asso-

can even think about BjHlf

closer than ever. wEng It wasn't too far into^^H our work with the local com-^^
munity group that it became
apparent that the local coun-

having public services! The good news is, we're

^^^^July 1st. Lord willing,

we will

elation in our home on have the mini-

ft^^Bfrnum number of members to incorporate the

association, which will

An aerial m ofthe Cameron Park community

to US, since Dawn and I now coor

raise funds and lobby the

local council.

provide a better means to

The contacts

cii was in no hurry to build the

$2.5 million community centre

that we featured in our last news letter. We are confident it will be

built, and we're confident it will be

dinate the Scripture teaching at Edgeworth Public School. Our meeting was extremely positive and his welcoming attitude toward
the new church convinced us that

we've made through the commu nity group have been so valuable.
We never would have had contact

with members of the community in this way on our own.

We're excited to announce that we have settled on a name for our new church... Northlakes Christian Church! After weeks of

the permanent home of the new

church. However, we cannot de

the Lord was already at work.

The new auditorium falls under

pend on the completion a govern ment project to begin the church we've been working so hard on.
When it became obvious that we needed to find another venue if we were to start the new work in

the government's stimulus pack age to invest in school construc

tion and as such, has been fast-

discussion and consideration, we

decided to name the new church

tracked for approval and con

struction. All indications are that

the short-term, I made an ap pointment to see the principal at

the local school. It seemed rea sonable to us that we should fol

low-up on the offer he made last year for us to use their new audi

the building will be available be fore it's proposed completion date in early December... the Lord is good! Not only is Mr. Dwyer happy for us to begin renting the audito rium on a weekly basis, he has

after the development where it will be located. Not really origi nal, we know, but strategically important for what we hope to
After we had decided on the

name, we also decided that since

the owner of the development

had created the name, we would

Principal Dwyer is no stranger

also given us a number of oppor-

seek their blessing on using it.

July - September 2009

It's not so much of a le- X

Page 2 church-?lant \Mish-Ust

"X cializes in church web-

gal issue, since the/

community centre will


at a reduced

be located on Northlakes



making it a public referHowever,

Logo/I Logo/Mentit'f Peveiopment v^ebsH V^ebsite Setup/Pevelopmeni

Mac^ooV: ?ro Laptop ?ro?resenter ?rojettion ^foftware Video/Data Video/ Projector
Audio /^udio

$500 $1000
$i500 $4oo $1^00


price. Fortunately, sufficient funds were do-


nated here in Australia

to pay the initial setup

certainly didn't want to

cost of $1000! We're

happy to have checked
that off our list, and

give the developer any

reason to oppose us. The unexpected blessing in all of thisl

Equipment Musit equipment

$1000 $1500

hope that the new web

site will be up and run-

was the opportunity toV Signs/Banners

discuss what we're doing with the developers. I'll never forget the phone call I received concerning what the church was
all about.


^ J n\r\g sometime in Au01^ gust.

Our logo/identity and the web site are critical at this stage of the church plant. We will begin to use them in the lead-up to the church launch, which we hope and pray wili be some time in January. All of our advertising will direct people toward our web site, which will look professional and appealing, and will inform
those interested about who we

more, possibly even giving a thor ough explanation of the tenets of

the Restoration Movement. But

"If I understand correctly, this

Is an inter-denominational church

isn't it amazing to see God use even the smallest suggestion to begin the change that's needed?
I don't know if what I said will take

that will welcome people of all Christian faiths, right?"

"No," I said, "Not at all. It will be a non-denominational church,

where all are welcome to worship and live out their faith according to what the Bible says, rather than what an organization or creed says." "Oh," was the reply. "We're quite happy with that and would love for you to use the name

root and grow, but I'm happy to have been there to say it! Following our decision to use the name Northlakes, we began to work with a graphic designer in Atlanta who also happens to be a Christian. He agreed to develop our logo/identity at a fraction of
the normai business cost! As I

are and what's being planned.

There are a number of other

items we would like to get before

the official church launch, which
we've listed on our "wish list"

am writing, we are already into our second drafts and hope to have something to share with you
in our next newsletter. We have also decided to have

here. Keep in mind that this is exactly as the name implies... a WISH list of all the things we
would love to have, but not nec


I can't wait for the

opportunity to invite the directors to attend our first worship service!

Now I know there are those of

you who would have said a lot

a more professional web pres ence, and have chosen to go with Cloversites, a company that spe-

essarily everything we'll end up with! Some are necessary, some we'll have to compromise on, and there may be a few things we'll

never see... but we'll

""X. never know until We have had a great time having Cris Bancroft \ we try!
from Canton, OH with us for well over a a month now. now.

As you can

He has been doing a great job with the youth, as well as worship ministry and getting involved in the local public high school. He has been a great bless ing to us during this time of transition in the church. Growing up with 3 brothers, Cris, has been get ting a good dose of what having 3 sisters would have been like! Poor guy! The giris are enjoying having him around as well! He is very easy going and willing to do anything. He is very good at making homemade pizza! We will be sad to see him go at the end of his internship in August.

July - September 2009

Page 3

^-^i^njoyed usI



% Jback to the
and have a

generally raising awareness of what the Lord is doing Down


|^^^^Swith family

US to visit

Most of their time will



nice vacation, but as rnost you

spent in Rob's home state of Missouri, but they also have trips to Indianapolis, Nashville and Florida planned. If you or a

church that you know^

would like to hear from (
the Branhams,
let us

w f.t'j

that's not

^ '


much of an


see if they have room in 9|

the schedule.

know and

ji Rob.LynneSKatieBranham

Ifunds! All of

you're trying to raise

You can find out 2

more about the Bran- S

For more than amonth now, fa

the Branham family have

been flying, driving, speaking, presenting and doing their best

to raise support to join us on the new church plant here in Australia. I'm sure they would have

Mheir reports so far say that they are having a fa fantastic time, but they certainly he have a way to go to raise their fu full budget. Please pray that they con tir tinue to do well in raising start up costs, a monthly budget, and X tional meet-

website at:

hams by visiting their *

You can also get to

theirwebsite from the


home page of our website.

plication was submitted
on June 24th, and is ex-


A ing


held to offi-

: daily invite

pected to take around 3 months to go through.

jthe Frames
to fill the

In the midst of all S

this, Cynthia is due to W

position. By June 1st, Jesse

in early September! JJ?

We're certain the W
M ate your prayers that everything goes well with the baby. Also, we would ask your prayers

have their second child JP

the tion

invita and

Frames would appreci- J|Q


began the , long proc.. . . . . . e s s of getting

that this would not delay

the immigration

JeHc,(ynttiiaSJosiah Frame me




since there will be an additional

For years we have been

praying for the next minister
at the Charlestown Church of

Christ. In early 2009, the Frame family visited Australia in an extensive "try-out". On April 26th, a congrega-

Now begins a long list of prayer requests. First of all, we would ask your prayers about the immigration process. It's changed a lot since Dawn and I moved to Australia, so in many ways we are learning. The ap-

family member by the time they hope to arrive in early Novem ber! We'll keep you up-to-date!
For more about the Frames

and their plans, visit their blog from our website, or by typing the following:

July - September 2009

Page 4

The girls are near the end of

their second term of


school this year. They are all doing very well. Lauren had
her braces taken off in June,

Anna is doing very well with her keyboard. She is a very fast learner and is enjoying it very much. It is so nice hear
ing her play.
volved in the

so I'm sure they will have a lot of input as things draw closer! Thank you for all of your prayers and support as things
unfold for us here and fall into

and has joined the stage band at school as one of the sing ers. She is enjoying it very much. She is always inviting new friends along to youth group and getting involved any
way she can.

She is also in
school dance

group and loves performing. She keeps us on our toes, that

is for sure!

Leah has had a great time

working on "Starstruck" and is currently sitting exams to enter high school in the extension class, on her principal's recom mendation. She has really

We are looking forward to the new church plant and it is very exciting to see how things are unfolding. It will be so nice to have some workers along side us when we are finally up and running. The girls are al ready excited to start a youth

piace. God has blessed us in so many ways here on the field and we are most blessed by knowing you are behind us and support us in the work God is doing through us here in our little community in Aus


come out of her shell this past

group and get things moving,

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October - December 2009

Volume 15.4

One, Two, Three Ifates girls baiptirecil There's no question take long for us to decide this

that this is the most

exciting and meaningful

newsletter that we, as a family, have written! On Sunday, October 4th,
while at our annual

would turn into a family event! Our fear that they might be doing
it in order to not be left out was

eased by the fact that they came

to their decisions on their own.

Quest Youth Camp, Lau

ren, Leah and Anna were all three baptized! We had been talking
about this on and off in

We were thrilled that the Holy Spirit was working in the tender hearts of our three little girls, and the fact that they were all bap tized on the same day is just icing
on the cake!

our household for quite

some time, so it was no

surprise that all three of them were thinking about it as we began camp this year. What was a surprise was when ithey all three indicated (independently) on Sun day morning that they

What a family celebration we had! It was also very special to us that some very good friends of the family were there to witness the baptisms. Tony and Seth Amerine were here for this year's camp, and the Amerine family has been a tre mendous source of encourage ment and friendship for many



A f t e


each one of^^lIu^H

them about

the impor-^^^H^E

In order of age, Lauren, Leaf) &Anna are baptized by Daddy

it didn't

Mom readi akripture to the girh after their baptiini

October - December 2009

Page 2

years. Angus and Sonja McFarlane are also very close friends that moved to Western Australia at the beginning of this year. They came back especially to attend our camp and were thrilled to be a part of the celebration. Rob and Lynne
Branham, our co-workers at Cameron Park, were also there and were excited for the girls as their daughter, Katie, was


baptized while they were in the U.S. just a few months ago. That's not the only good news we have to share, though! Three other young people were baptized at camp on Mon day morning. Please keep Brooke, Naomi and David in your
prayers as they begin their Christian journeyl Needless to say, the youth camp this year was a very big success, despite some early setbacks. We were at a new campground this year, choosing to head for the mountains
instead of the lakeside.

As we journeyed the one-hour trip toward the camp, the rain became more and more consistent. I am not exaggerat ing when I say that we had some sort of precipitation every hour of camp from Friday night to Monday afternoon! It was
wet, it was cold and it was almost unbearable at times.


[I :il
bove: The Jiieit Camp Band; (ampen write their responies on the {ueit (amp banner; Communion time on Sunday morning. Right: A Scouting Party group paints their team banner

S eth is

Those of you who have organized this sort of event before know that this also affects almost every activity that is planned. The entire weekend was one improvisation after another, especially when the church van becomes hopelessly lost and was an hour and a half late on the first night! It seemed as if every effort was made to thwart our purposes. The teens never complained, though, and really embraced the challenges. The enthusiasm of being at camp quickly trumped any feeling of disappointment. This year, Seth Amerine was asked to be our main

the Disci-



at the

Christian Church in

KY. Seth
IS a re-

October - December 2009

Page 3

cent graduate of Kentucky Christian University and has spent many years on camp travelling teams for KCU, even training the other camp teams in his final year. Seth did a great job of challenging the teens with this year's theme, "The Epic". Seth's father, Tony Amerine, also joined us this year. Tony is the minister of the Greenwood Christian Church in Canton, OH and was the speaker for our conference two years ago at Charlestown Church of Christ. He couldn't pass up the opportunity to join his son in a trip to Australia, and we benefited by having him at campfires, communion, etc. at the camp, as well as preaching in the West Sydney Church of Christ the following Sunday morning. As we mentioned before, Angus and Sonja McFarlane and their family also joined us for this year's camp. They trav eled from Western Australia to be here... that's like flying from California to New YorkI Truly they have a big heart for what is happening at our youth camps. We enjoyed seeing them so much, and they have already been talking about next year! Pray that they can make it again! Our theme this year ("The Epic") was inspired by a small book by the same name written by John Eldridge. Though we didn't use the book for our material, the themes of the book fit perfectly into our format. Each of us is on a journey, those journeys are part of a bigger story in our lifetime, and those stories are ultimately a part of God's Grand Epic. Along with the six baptisms at camp and one following

camp, many other personal growth decisions were made this year. Please pray for all of those who were touched by
God's Message in their lives over the weekend. May it in spire all of us to journey in the right direction, be a positive

part of the^ story we /

find our-



Above: Scouting Parties working togetlier on different projects titrougiioiit camp. Left: Saturday morning Simulation Game.

brace the

Epic that ^


Mission Services 2004 E. Magnolia Ave.

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P.O.Box 13U5 Knoxviile, Tti 5(oroniandel(ove Cameron Park, NSW 22S5

Return Service Requested

Phone: 865-251-^1)5 Robin Hueiinberry, FomardingAgenr

Phone: 6>i-4<)65-8550 email:

internet: auHiechriitian.eom facebook: Australian Christian NKiion

October - December 2009

couple of weeks with us over
Christmas... we are VERY excited! Robin and Lisa have

Plans for the new church^ 6hurtll-?\ant VJish-Ust

plant at Cameron Park are

continuing. The development Ugo/ldentit^ Pevelopment application for the new com- vJebsite "Detup/Pevelopment
munity center has been ap- Mac&ooic ?ro Laptop proved! It will. Lord willing, be Vro'Prcscnter "Projection Software completed by the end of 2010. Video/Data Projector
in the mean time, the school auditorium is nearing comple^u< ^udio &c^ulpment

Mu Music Ec^ulpment

tion and should be available by ySig Signs/Banners

January. Lord willing, this will X, be our start venue. Please pray that my involvement in the School Council will continue to be positive.
We have decided on a name and

$500 $1000 $1500 $4oo $1500 $1000 $i5oo $1000

spent their own personal sav ings to pay for the trip, but they (and we) would be most grateful for any financial assis tance you might be able to pro vide. They have been so dedi cated and giving over the years and we'd really like to "go to bat" for them as they plan the trip. If you or your church can help, just
contact us. You can also send a

completed design work for the new church. This is our logo:

Northlakes (Q) <.JIRIST!AN C\\VRCA\\J^

Eobin, Liia, Becky S Danielle (Jueiinberry
We have now moved on to our

check in and designate it "Quesinberry Gift"... we'll see that it gets to the right place! Once again, we are humbled by your prayers and support over the past year. Like Paul, we thank God every time we think of you. Have a
blessed Christmas season and a

happy new year from all of us all of this list by the end of the year! if you would like to help, please
contact us.

web development work, which will be a key part of our strategy. That should be up and running by our next newsletter, so we'll share that
web address later.

"Down Under"!

Lastly, our wonderful, suppor

tive, loving and dedicated forward ing agents, Robin and Lisa Quesinberry, have finally gotten the op portunity to visit us and the work here in Australia! They will spend a

We have not received any dona

tions toward our "wish-list" since

our last newsletter.

Please pray

that we will be able to fulfil most or

Georgia Sharpe
From: Sent: To:

Timothy Yates [] Thursday, October 01, 2009 10:32 PM Drew Stewart; William Heid; Wendy Barnes; Wanda Halloway; Wanda Blazer; Tyler Sergent; Tony Amerine; Tom & Eleanor Huffman; Timothy Cornell; Tim Wingfield; tim parks; Tim Bancroft; Tiffany Baker; Terry Pepple; Steve Hinton; Steve Allen; Stephanie Rosenik;; Shelly Sweeney; Shelley Vaughn; Sharon Bechtel; Sarah Hensley; Ronald Krolak; Ron Williams; Roger Wright; Rochester CC chrisbacus; Robin Quesinberry; Robin Ledford; Robert Lienhardt; Richard & Debbie Lee; Reggie Hundley; Randall Brooks; Randall & Sharon Bechtel; Rachel Hogue; Phyllis Thomas; Phil Rosenik; Paul Nevel; Norman Weaver; Norm Dungan; Neil & Carole Wheeler; Matt Wilmeth; Martin Brooks; mferrisS; Mark Young; Lynn Hilderbrand; Lois Adams; Lisa Quesinberry; Linda Reid; LEW PARROTT; Leonard Thompson; Leann Womacks; Laura Baker; Kevin Poshethwaite; Kerry

Schultz; Kerry and Anita Schultz;; Ken Harrell; Keith Lashley; KAY
MOLL; Karen Williams; Karen Crumpacker; June Weston; June Rossman; Julie Nevel; Julia Ronk; Joy Gaertner; Jonathan D. Miller; John Ferris; John D. Linsenbigler; John Collins; John Baynes; Jim Sayers; Jim Newman; Jim and Karen Crumpacker; Jim & Pat Cowan; Jill Shaw; Jill Riepe; Jennifer Smith; Jennifer Seegert; Jeff Williams; Jay Nevel; Jason Koster; JarofclayS; Jared Henke; Jan Plemons;; Jacob Ronk;; Hazel Zook; Georgia Sharpe; Gabriel Huff; Ethelyn Linsenbigler; Eddie Wilson; Ed Conerty; Ed & Amy Baynes; Doug Modlin; Don Rucker; Don Dugan; Dick Smelser; Dick & Janelle Lewis;; Dennis J. Wheeler; Denise Woodward; Dena Palmaymesa; Debbie Letson; Dean Davis; Dean & Katrina McNamara; Daytona CC Dale Parrish; Dawn Hillard; Dawn Carney; David Wheeler; David Shelton; David Reid; David Legg; David Fannin; Dara Beam; Daphne Gordon; Cydnee Bancroft; Connie Iscrupe; Chris Porter; Cheryl Elliott; Cheri Amerine; Chad and Jennifer Huddleston;; Abingdon First Christian; Alex Wilson; Andy Hudelson; ANITA CONTE-SCHULTZ; Annette Allen; Anthony Roe; Arthur Liphard; Becky Newman; Bennie Hill; Beth and Alex Stone; Bethany CC Mike Crosley;; Betsy Chastain; Betty Gray; BevGoughnour; Bill Burton; Bill Backus; Bill Baugus; Bill Hoff; Bill Morgan; Bill Suffel; Bob & Marilyn Waites; Bob Ballard; Bob Chafin;; Brenda Himes; Brent Brewer; Brian/Nealy Walton;; Buford Smith; Carl DeCaspers; Carol J. Linsenbigler; Carole Wheeler; Cathy Gummow; Cathy Parks; Ann Wolfe just a quick note


Just a quick note:

As many of you may have heard, mid week last week, we had a huge orange dust storm here in Newcastle (along with many other areas in AUS). It was nothing dangerous. It was actually really quite intriguing. The dust, was not so pleasant to clean up, but it is definitely something people will be talking about for years to come. We are on our way for our third annual Quest Youth camp in a few hours. Tony and Beth Amerine arrived safely from Greenwood Christian Church in Canton, OH yesterday morning. Seth will be our main speaker at camp. We are very excited to have them here! They brought us an overwhelming amount of American goodies, which I think will keep us in supply for another year! What a blessing! Tony and Seth have already been such an encouragement to us, and they have only been here a day!!!! The girls are just soaking up all the attention. It is SOOO good for them! This is a "long weekend" in Australia, so we will go from Friday to Monday afternoon. We just ask that you remember us, along with the staff and teenagers, this weekend, in your prayers. It is an exciting time, as we have seen the Lord do some amazing things in the past through the ministry of this camp! We will have a full update in our upcoming newsletter to share on the recent events in our life here down under! We love and appreciate you all so very much! In His Love,
Tim, Dawn, Lauren, Leah, and Anna Yates

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