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SOFT POWER SOFT POWER ALSO BY JOSEPH 8. NYE, JR The Means to Success The Paradox of American Power: . woe IP che Waals Only Super Poser Ga’ Go estlone (2002) in World Politics Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History, 4th ed. (2002) Bouin to Lead: The Changing Nature of Ainerican Power (2990) Nuclear Bibs (1986) es JOSEPH S. NYE, JR. Horaks, Doves and Owls: in Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War, coauthored with Graham Allison and Albert Camesale (1985) Passer and Interdependence: World Poltis in Transition, coauthored with Robert O. Keohane (19775 3rd ed. with additional material, 2000) Peace in Parts: Integration and Conflice in Regional Organisation (1971) Pan Africanisms and East African Integration (1965) PusicArrams New York Copyright © z004 by Joseph 8. Nye Je | Published in the United States by PublicAffairs™, a member of the Perseus Books Group. All rights reserved, Printed in the United States of America. [No part ofthis hook may be reproiuced in any manner whatsoever without ‘written permission except in the ease of brief quotations embodied in eritiea articles und reviews. For information, address PublicAfiirs, 250 West s7th Street, Suite 1321, New York, NY 10107. PublicAffairs books are avilable at special discounts for bulk purchases inthe U.S. by corporations, institutions, and other organizations. For more information, please contact the Special Markets Department atthe Perseus Boks Group, rt Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 0242, call (647) 252-5298, or email Book design by Jane Raese “Tee set in 11-point Janson brary of Congress Cataloging Nye, Je, Joseph. Soft power: the means to suecess in world polities 7 Nye, Je Joseph $.—rst ed p. ew. Includes bibliographical references and index. Isp 1-sB648-225-4 1. United States—Foreiga relstions—Philosophy. Power (oeial sciences)—United States. 43. United States—Foreign relations — 4. Warld polities—ro89~ L Tide, sargB0.N94 2004 sen7s—der2 2003069016 24680097538 For ney mother, Elbe, cand my sisters, Deb, Naut, and Elle

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