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Economic Geology Vol. 82, 1987, pp.


Petrologyof the YeringtonBatholith,Nevada:Evidencefor Evolutionof Porphyry Copper Ore Fluids

Departmentof Applied Earth Sciences, StanfordUniversity, Stanford,California 94305

The Jurassic Yerington batholith, western Nevada, is a compositepluton that contains severalcentersof porphyrycoppermineralization andis exposed in structural cross section at paleodepths rangingfrom 0 to 8 km. Within these exposures the McLeod Hill quartz monzodiorite,Bear quartz monzonite,andLuhr Hill graniteform successive intrusions that are in turn volumetricallysmaller (75, 19, and 6 vol %, respectively),more deeply emplaced (topsat <1, 1.5, and2.5-5 km), andmoresilicarich (60, 66, and68 wt % SiO2).

Strontium isotope (87Sr/S6Sr initial = 0.7040)andoxygen isotope (5180 6.8 %0) values and
major andtrace elementcompositions indicatethat the earliest(parent)magmas were high K andesites, probablyderivedby fractionation of basaltcombined with lesserassimilation of crust,whichpossibly consisted of igneous arc rocks.MosthighK andesitic magma crystallized as quartz monzodiorite,but somedifferentiatedto quartz monzoniteand granite. Major and trace element variationsand the Sr isotopecomposition are consistent with a modelin which granitewasderivedfrom quartz monzodiorite by fractionation of --40 wt percentcrystals in proportions similarto the mineralogy of cumulategabbro.Differentiation occurred by downwardandinwardcrystallization interruptedby two eventsof upward intrusionof, first, Bear quartz monzonite,and then, Luhr Hill granite. Luhr Hill granite locallygradesinto graniteporphyrydikesthat are temporallyandspatiallyassociated with porphyry copper mineralizationimmediatelyabove the apicesof granite cupolasin the

Phasepetrology and mineral compositions indicate an oxidationtrend associated with evolution of magmatic aqueous fluidsduringboth differentiation of the batholithandcrystallizationand subsolidus coolingof individualintrusions. During differentiation,the water contentof magmas increased from <3 wt percentin the first-emplaced quartzmonzodiorite magmas,which containedaugite and biotite, to 4 to 5 wt percent in hornblende- and biotite-bearingquartzmonzoniteand granite.The water content,Cu content(65 ppm), and oxidation stateprior to crystallization are typicalof hydrousand oxidizedcalc-alkaline magmas. Thesewater contents require separation of --3 wt percentwater prior to solidification, estimated at 675 to 750Cat 2 to 1 kb pressure (7- to 3.5-kinpaleodepth). Oxygen fugacity(fo) increased slightlyduringdifferentiation, asreflected by decreased abundance of ilmenite andby the decreased atomicratio of Fe/(Fe + Mg) of someCa amphibole from 0.40 to 0.30. However, during crystallization and subsolidus cooling, fo increased sharplyby 2 to 3 log units from a proposedilmenite-sphenebuffer at 800C to the hematite-magnetite buffer at 500C. The highlyoxidizedconditions are alsoreflectedin the low Fe/(Fe + Mg) of all maficsilicates: biotite (0.35-0.41), Ca amphibole (0.27-0.40), andaugite(0.20-0.24). The C1/Fratio of apatitedecreases duringdifferentiation from 0.08 to 0.01, probablyreflectingpartitioningof C1 into an aqueous fluid. The compositions of alkali feldsparand Fe-Ti oxides,the halogencontent of biotite and Ca amphibole,the Ti content of mostbiotites, andthe A1TM content of Ca amphibole all appear to reflectsubsolidusconditions, compatible with the hypothesis of evolutionof abundantaqueous fluids. Granite porphyry dikes associated with Cu mineralizationoriginatedat a 3 to 6-km depth. When they were emplaced,they contained50 percent phenocrysts (K-feldsparquartz-plagioclase-hornblende-biotite) and therefore were water saturatedand near their solidus temperature( 700C). They have aplitic groundmass texturescaused by pressure quenchingduring rapid upward eraplacementand attendantexsolution of aqueousfluids. High-salinityfluid inclusions in quartz phenocrysts and Cu-bearingquartz veinssuggest that mineralizationwas causedby high-salinityaqueousfluids that separatedfrom the graniteporphyry dikesasthey were emplaced.The dikesgradedownwardin texture into

the >65-km 3LuhrHill granite. The lowCu content (--10ppm)of thegranite wouldallow
extractionof --50 ppm Cu from it duringcrystallization.
* Presentaddress: Departmentof Geology,OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis,Oregon97331-5506.





Thesedatasuggest an orthomagmatic modelin whichbothhigh-andlow-density saline aqueous fluidsformedduringexsolution of water fromthe crystallizing Luhr Hill granite; andfromwhichsalts, Cu, Fe, and S strongly partitioned into the high-density "ore" fluid. Low-density fluidsmayhaverisenfrom the magma asa vaporplume.Mineralization occurredwhen fluid overpressures caused fracturingof wall rock and upwardintrusionof graniteporphyry dikesandhigh-density saline ore fluids. Boththefo2pathduringsubsoliduscooling andthe deposition of most Sasehaleopyrite-pyrite in oresuggest thatreduction of magmatie S to sulfidemayhavebeena mechanism for oxidation of magmatie ferromagnesian silicate and Fe-Ti oxide minerals.


The area aroundthe Ann-Masonporphyry copper

waschosen because it offersthe mostconTHE problem of the relationship between granitic deposit tinuous (unfaulted) exposures of the batholith and plutons and porphyry copper depositshas long because igneous events can be directly related to been an issueof debate.Currently, two theoriesare
popular: the orthomagmatic theory that ore fluids and metals are derived directly from the crystalliz- geologic and alteration-mineralization mapping ing pluton (e.g., Gustafson and Hunt, 1975; Burn- were conductedat a scaleof 1:4,800. Petrographic of 140 thin andpolished thin sections were ham, 1979) andthe remobilization(meteoricwater) studies conducted on the freshest rocks; ten of them were theory that the plutonsmerely serveasheat engines by electron microprobe.The to drive hydrothermal convective cells which leach selectedfor analysis petrography is summarized in AppendixA and the metalsfrom the surrounding wall rocks(e.g., Noranalytical techniques for electron microprobe analton, 1982). yses are given in Appendix B. Selected samples This paper addresses someunresolvedquestions in the orthomagmatic theory on the basisof a pet- were also analyzed for major and trace elements isotopecomposition (14), and oxyrologic and geochemical study of the Yerington (21), strontium gen isotope composition (8). batholith in the area of the Ann-Masonporphyry copperdeposit. Chemicalandisotopic compositions Geologic Setting are usedto constrainthe origin and differentiation mechanisms of the magmas, and the petrography, mineralogy,and phasecompositions are usedto esThe Yeringtonmining districtlies in westernNetimate temperature,water content, and oxygenfu- vada within the volcanic-arcterrane of the early gacityduringcrystallization and subsolidus cooling Mesozoicmarine province (Speed, 1978) (Fig. 1). of the batholith.The emphasis is placedon the evo- The districtis thoughtto be underlainby late Prelution of the magmaticaqueousfluids, which are cambrian or Paleozoic oceanic crust which is overpotential ore fluids for porphyry copper minerali- lain by Paleozoiccontinentalmargin-arcvolcanic zation, during crystallization of the batholith. A rocksandvolcaniclastic sedimentary rocksaswell as subsequent paper will address the evolutionof the minor continent-derivedterrigenous sedimentary hydrothermalsystem to lower temperatures by doc- rocks(Stewart,1972, 1980; Speed,1979). These umentation of alteration and mineralization characrockslie west of the edge of inferred Precambrian teristics of the Ann-Masonporphyry copper de- cratonmarkedby the 0.7060 initial strontiumisoposit, which contains approximately 495 million plethfor Mesozoic igneous rocks(Fig. 1). tonsof '--0.4 percentCu ore (Einaudi,1982). The summary of the Mesozoicgeologythat folThe Yeringtonbatholithis a large, composite Ju- lows is taken from field relations of Proffett and rassicpluton that hoststhree porphyry copper de- Dilles (1984) andJ. M. Proffettet al. (in prep.) and posits,includingthe Ann-Masondeposit,and is as- the U-Pb zircon geochronology by Dilles and sociated with severalcopper-ironskarns. These de- Wright (in press).The oldestrocksexposed in the posits contain a total of '--6 million tons Cu district are a 1,300-m sequence of Middle(?) or (Einaudi, 1982). The Yerington districtis well stud- earlyLate Triassic, intermediate composition, calcied by detailed geologic mapping (Proffett and alkaline volcanic rocks of the McConnell Canyon They are overlainby a 1,800-m sequence Dilles, 1984), age dating (Dilles and Wright, in volcanics. carbonate, press),and detailed studiesof mineralization(Ein- of Late Triassic to Middle(?) Jurassic audi, 1977; Harris and Einaudi, 1982; Carten, volcaniclastic,tuffaceous,and argillaceoussedi1986). Importantly, Tertiary tilting associated with mentary rocks, including minor gypsum and a major event of normal faulting (Proffett, 1977) has exposedthe quartzite.In the Middle Jurassic, batholithandore deposits in cross section andfacili- volcanism plutonism, metamorphism, anddeformatated study. tion occurredin the Yeringtondistrictbetween 170
alteration and mineralization events. Concurrent





ozoicnormalfaultingand a smalladditionalcomponent of pre-Oligocenedeformation.Thus, the JurassicYerington batholith and associated ore depositsare exposedin structuralcrosssectionwith stratigraphic topsto the west.
Field Relationsand Petrography


The Yeringtonbatholithis a large composite plu-

ton,witha planareaof approximately 250 km 2 (12

X 25 km, elongate NW-SE), afterTertiary deformation is removed.The morphology, volume,andtexture of each of the phases of the batholith and co-


genetic volcanics, asshown by district-scale studies (Proffettand Dilles, 1984, and unpub. data), are


summarizedin Table 1. The batholith is composed

,. ,..,,, YERINGTON

^^";"';PO ^ 169-'68 Mo



of three major, successive granitic intrusions: the McLeod Hill quartz monzodiorite,the Bear quartz monzonite, and the Luhr Hill porphyritic granite. The latter unit includescogeneticgraniteporphyry dikes, which are closelyassociated with porphyry

coppermineralization at the Ann-Mason deposit




FIG. 1. Tectonic setting and location map. The Yerington batholithlies within a belt of Middle Jurassic arc rocks,probably related to subduction to the west in California (Schweickert,1978; Dilles andWright, in press).Early Mesozoic(MZ) arc

terrane(Speed,1978), Luning-Fencemaker thrustbelt (Oldow, 1983),andinitialstrontium isopleths (Sri)(Kistler andPeterman,

1973; Kistler, 1983) are alsoshown.

and 165 m.y. This event is part of a belt of Andeantype arcmagmatism that developed alongthe continentalmarginin response to subduction tectonics to the west (Fig. 1). In the Yeringtondistrict,magmatismwasinitiatedby eruptionof the volcanicrocks of Artesia Lake, closelyfollowed by emplacement of the cogeneticYeringtonbatholith at 169 to 168 m.y. Latite volcanicrocksof FulstoneSpringwere eruptedat 167 m.y. andlie disconformably atopthe
Artesia volcanics. The Fulstone volcanics were in-

and the Yerington mine (Proffett, 1979; Dilles, 1984' Carten, 1986). Apparentlyconcordant U-Pb zircon age datesof 169 and 168 m.y. have been obtained onearlyquartzmonzodiorite anda weakly mineralizedgraniteporphyry,respectively (Fig. 2; Dilles and Wright, in press).These datesestablish that (1) mineralizationoccurredin the Middle Jurassic, (2) the three mainintrusions of the Yerington batholith were emplaced within 1 m.y., permissive evidencethat they are cogenetic,and (3) the Yeringtonbatholithpredatesother Middle Jurassic
intrusions in the area.

The three successive intrusionsare progressively

trudedby quartz monzodiorite dikesand the large

Shamrock batholith granite (Jsg)at 165 to 166 m.y. Plutons of the Early CretaceousSierra Nevada

batholith were emplacedpredominantlywest of Yerington(Fig. 1), but a few intrude the district. Oligocene silicicignimbrites andMioceneandesitic apatite,and zircon,with traceamounts of lavasunconformably overlieMesozoic rocks(Prof- sphene, fett and Proffett, 1976). Miocene andesitesand augite and ilmenite as cores to hornblende and older rocks have been tilted 60 to 90 W during sphene, respectively, in bothmoremaficandmore Miocene to recent basin-and-range normal faulting rapidlycooledunits.The entire batholithand volthat accommodated> 100 percent east-west exten- canic cover rocks are found within a >l-km-deep sion(Proffett,1977). Structuralattitudes(Proffett volcanotectonic graben bounded by high-angle andDilles, 1984) andpaleomagnetic studies (Geiss- faultsthoughtto havebeenactiveduringor shortly man et al.: 1982) of Mesozoicrocks indicate that after plutonism (J. M. Proffett, pers. commun.,

coarser grained, more silica rich, volumetrically smaller, and more deeply and centrally emplaced within the batholith (Fig. 3). The graniticrocksof the batholith are commonlynonfoliateand range from equigranularto porphyritic. These textures suggest emplacement at shallow depthin the "epizone" or upper "mesozone"(Buddington, 1959), in agreement with the geologically reconstructed depthsof i to 6 km in the Ann-Mason area and possibly asdeep as7 to 8 km in the Luhr Hill area (Table 1, Fig. 3). All intrusive units contain the sameessentialassemblage of minerals:plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, hornblende, biotite, magnetite,

they now dip90 W as theresult ofthelate Cen-

1982; Proffett and Dilles, 1984).


TABLE1. GeneralFeaturesof the YeringtonBatholith


Name and abbreviation

Volcanics of

Age 2 (m.y.)

Vol percent a

Vol4 (km a)

Grain size 5 (mm)


Depth 6 (km)


Morphology of igneous unit

Up to 1.5 km thick,

Artesia Lake 7
McLeod Hill

centered atop








Pluton, elongate NW-SE (pre-tilt)

Cumulate lensesin QMD nearcontacts

(QMD) Gabbro (GB)

Bear intrusion


19 0.5

250 6

1-3 0.5-2

1.5-6+ 1.5-2

Hypidiomorphicgranular Graphic-porphyritic

Flat-toppedintrusion into center of


(QM) Border granite (B)

Granite series Luhr Hill

Upper border phase of QM, <300 m






intrusion into

porphyritic granite(PG)

center of






porphyry dikes (GPD)

Aplitic groundmass porphyry

Dikesemanating from PG cupolas

Names fromIUGSclassification system (Streckeisen, 1976),differing fromprevious usage ofclassification scheme ofWilliams et al.
(1955) by Proffettand Dilles (1984), asgiven in AppendixA

a Apparently concordant U-Pbzircondates fromDilleset al. (1983) andDillesandWright (in press) a Estimated volume of intrusion aspercentof Yerington batholith in well-exposed interval(1-6-km paleodepth) 4 Estimated totalvolumeof intrusion withinwell-exposed interval s Range of longdimension of plagioclase 6 Estimated Jurassic paleodepths currently exposed 7Considered to be early,extrusive cogenetic members of the Yerington batholith magmas Data fromProffettand Dilles (1984), Dilles (1984), andProffettandDilles (unpub.)

containsstronghydrothermalalteration, especially within and adjacent to the granite porphyry dike westerncontact of the Yerington batholith(Figs.2 swarm and the contact zone of the Luhr Hill granand3). If theviewerrotates Figure2 80clockwise, ite, but elsewhereit containsonly erratic weak alfresh graniticrockswere a Jurassic cross-sectional view is seen, with the teration. Petrographically available for sampling only below a 4-km paleolowerTertiary erosion surface at thetop(west) repdepth. The field relations of the intrusive units, resentingan estimatedJurassic paleodepthof 1 km based primarily on exposures at the well-studied andthe rangefrontfaultat the bottom(east) repreAnn-Mason area, follow in order of their ageandare senting a depthof 6 km. On the right (north),a fault by detailedpetrographicdescriptions slice of Tertiary volcanicrocks has been omitted accompanied from the map to expose the center of the Jurassic (Appendix A; Figs. 4 and 5). These descriptions, the deducedcrystallization sequence, are granite porphyry dike swarm that hoststhe Ann- especially used in later sections to infer temperature, water Mason porphyry copper deposit ("1 km west of Singatse Peak). The geologicrelationsin this area content,and oxygenfugacityduring crystallization. volcanicrocks are based on more than 10,000 m of drill core made Early cogenetic? The volcanic rocks of Artesia Lake comprise anby the Anaconda Company (D. L. Gustafson, J. M.
Ann-Mason area

The Ann-Mason area is located near the south-

Proffett, K. L. Howard, Jr., and others, unpub. desite and dacite flows, breccias, and shallow intrudata).

sionsas well as minor basalt flows, rhyolite tuffs, All the major phases of the Yeringtonbatholith and tuffaceoussedimentsthat are up to 1,500 m are expo_sed at Ann-Mason, exceptthe main phase thick (Proffett and Dilles, 1984). The closeassociaof the Bear quartz monzonite.Locally, the area tion, overlapping ages,and similarcomposition of





the volcanics and the Yeringtonbatholith suggest that they are cogenetic. At Ann-Mason, only rocks in the basal150 m of Artesiavolcanics crop out, and they consist of propyliticallyaltered augite-plagioclase phyric basalt flows and breccias containing
abundantmagnetite and sparseilmenite.

Quartz monzodiorite of McLeodHill and gabbro index = 5-7; Tables 1 and 2), biotite granitewith a Fine- to medium-grained, hypidiomorphic-gran- hypidiomorphic-granularto porphyritic texture ular biotite-hornblende quartz monzodiorite of (Fig. 5F, AppendixA). Weak potassic alteration, McLeod Hill is the earliest and most voluminous characterized by biotitizationof hornblende andKunit of the Yerington batholith(Figs.2 and3, Table feldspar rimson plagioclase, is common, andits ori1). It intrudesArtesia volcanics at paleodepths of gin is discussed later herein. 1 km and Triassicvolcanics at paleodepths of 7 to Throughout the batholith, the border granite 8 km. The unit hasa purple-graycolorand is char- phasegradesdownwardinto the interior quartz acterized by a relatively fine grain size that in- monzonite phaseover an intervalof --100 m and creases with depth, a high hornblende+ augite to showsan increasein grain size, color index, and biotite ratio of '--4:1, and abundantaccessory mag- hornblende content and a decrease in quartz, Knetite and sphene(Fig. 5B, C, and D, Appendix A). feldspar, andbiotite content.The interior phase is a It was emplaced as a series of dikelike bodies, light purple-gray, medium-grained,hypidiomorshownby texturally mappableunits, igneousflow phic-granular, hornblendequartz monzonite(Fig. foliationsparallel to contacts(Fig. 2), and internal 5E, AppendixA) in whichgrainsizeincreases with contacts.Sparse,ellipsoidal,'-10-cm-long,mafic depthfrom ---1 to 2 mm at the bordergraniteconinclusions have poorlypreserved volcanic and plu- tact to 2 to 5 mm at 300 m below the contact. It is tonic textures and consistchiefly of plagioclase, characterized by a high hornblende to biotite ratio hornblende, and biotite. Locally, comb layers of of>10:l andby a colorindex(11-13), silica values coarse, bladed hornblende and plagioclase and (Table3), andquartzcontentintermediate between equant magnetite occur with country rock as sub- quartz monzodioriteand porphyritic granite (Tastrate and with euhedral mineral terminations in ble 2). quartz monzodiorite. Granite series intrusions Allotriomorphic-granular biotite-hornblende The youngestintrusions consistof hornblendegabbrooccurs aspodsandlenses up to 30 by 350 m by K-feldsparmegawithin quartzmonzodiorite in relativelydeep expo- biotite granite characterized up to 2 cm long;they are divisibleinto two sures(4-km paleodepth)at Ann-Mason and else- crysts where in the batholith. Gabbro has a color index of main cogenetic units: the medium-grainedporof granite '--60, is massive or weakly layered parallelto layer- phyriticgraniteof Luhr Hill anda series ing in quartz monzodiorite, and is interpreted porphyry dikes with ---50 percent fine-grained, (Appendix A). Despitetextural partlyfrompetrographic textures asa cogenetic cu- aplitic groundmass all of theserocksare mineralogically and mulate (Fig. 5A, Appendix A). Gabbro and quartz variations, similarand are characterized by a monzodioriteshowmutually intrusivecontactrela- compositionally tions,indicating that both behavedasfluid magmas light gray color,a colorindexof 6 to 11, a hornblendeto biotite ratio of '--1:1, and relativelyhigh contemporaneously. quartz and silica(68 wt %) contents (Tables2 and Bear quartz monzonite 3). Locally,Luhr Hill porphyriticgraniteis texturThe Bear quartz monzoniteformsa fiat-topped ally gradational upward into granite porphyry intrusion at a ---1- to 2-km paleodepth into the dikes,although whereversharpcontacts occurthe centerof the McLeod Hill quartz monzodiorite and porphyrydikesintrude the Luhr Hill granite.Imof graniteporphyrydikes consists of two units:a fine-grained border, termed portantly,emplacement mine (Proffett,1979; Carten, bordergranite,andthe main,medium-grained inte- at boththe Yerington rior quartz monzonitephase(Table 1, Fig. 3). The 1986; M. T. Einaudi et al., in prep.) and Ann-Mason with porphyry copper border phaseoccursalongthe upper contactof the (Dilles,1984) is synchronous pluton where it is up to 300 m thick, narrowingwith mineralization. The granite series also contains

depth. Everywhere border granitegradesdownward or laterally into the main interior phaseof quartz monzonite(Table 1), which indicates the two phases developedcontemporaneously. In the Ann-Mason area,the bordergraniteformsan irregular body aswell asdikesin the quartz monzodiorite (Fig. 2). It is a fine-grained, leucocratic (color

FIG. 2. Geologic mapof the Ann-Mason areaof the Yerington batholith. Jurassic cross section may be viewed by rotating map80clockwise. U-Pbzircon ages arefromDillesandWright(in press). The Ann-Mason porphyry copper deposit islocated 1 km westof Singatse Peak.

17 5 6




{1+(. +................... + .... J ....

+ ....

t ....









Granodorte ''

90 65




FIG. 4. Modalclassification of the Yerington batholith in the IUGS system (Streckeisen, 1976)based onpointcounts of thin sections andstained slabs (Table2, J. M. Proffett,unpub. data;Carten,1981).

tite dikes.

minorvolumes of leucogranite, aplite,andpegma- porphyrydikes,whichsuggests that theseminerals

formedduringlate magmatic alterationof the porPorphyritic graniteof Luhr Hill: The porphyritic phyritic granite. graniteof Luhr Hill intrudedasa deep and central Leucogranite, aplite, and pegmatite: Narrow,
intrusion into preexisting batholith units and

composite biotite aplite andpegmatitedikesare as-

porphyritic granite and pinches out southward Yerington mine immediately above where the downthe flanks of the cupola(Fig. 2). Thisborder swarm emanatesfrom the apex of a cupola of the phasegrades from a porphyrytexturewith a 0.05- Luhr Hill granite (Figs. 2, 3). The Ann-Masondike mm aplitic groundmass at the wall-rockcontactin- swarmcontainsseveraltypes of dikes that locally one anotherbut have similargroundmass ward to a porphyritictexturewith a subaplitic or crosscut graphicgroundmass of 0.5-mm quartz and K-feld- and phenocrystmineralogiesand textures. These that spar (Fig. 5H) and further inward to normalpor- relationsand otherspresentedbelow suggest phyritic granite with 0.2 to 1-mm quartz inter- all types of dikes were cogeneticand were emgrownwith 5-mm K-feldspar (Fig. 5G). Both placed within a short time interval. Narrow (5 cm-m), crystal-poor,dark "chilled" partiallybiotitizedhornblende andsparse epidote are widespread in porphyriticgraniteand are not dikes(GP-c,Fig. 5J, AppendixA) were the earliest spatially associated with younger alteredgranite dikesand were cut by the main seriesof granite

formeda cupola at Ann-Mason with its apex3.6 km sociatedwith dikes and plugs of fine- to mediumbelowthe lowerTertiary erosion surface, at an esti- grained, equigranular biotite leucogranite at a matedJurassic palcodepth of 4.6 km (Table1, Fig. >4-km palcodepth. All varieties of these dikes cut 2). A fine-grained phase of porphyritic granite with both quartz monzodioriteand porphyriticgranite a seriate porphyritic textureextends westward (up- and are in turn cut by granite porphyry dikes. ward) 1 km as a "spire" from the apex of the Granite porphyry dikes:Granite porphyry dikes cupola(Fig. ),probablyanalogous to the north form the youngestand someof the smallest intrudikeof the Nevada-Empire porphyry in theYering- sionsof the batholith (Table 1). Most dikes occur ton mine (Carten, 1986). In the spirephase,quartz within one of three main dike swarms, but a few andfeldspar forma graphic -mm intergrowth with form isolated dikes or plugs (Proffett and Dilles, minor fine-grainedinterstitialquartz and K-feld- 1984). The Ann-Mason,Yerington mine, and Macspar.Alongthe top of the cupola,a fine-grained, Arthur-Bear-Lagomarsino granite porphyry dike borderphase (PG-t,Fig. 5H) hasa sharpcontact, is swarmsare associated with porphyry copper minintrusiveinto quartz monzodiorite,and rangesin eralization, which occurs at Ann-Mason and the widthfrom>20 to <1 m. It grades inwardto normal




,:..' .;:,, '.. ' .


--'. ....

.... : ,.
.., ,

.. , ..,-. '.


- '. , .& - .
... ;' :,- .....


, : . .z- .....


-- . .%, .





TABLE 2. Representative Modal Mineralogyof YeringtonBatholith(in vol %)


Mineral Y-751 W-7 194 167B



Y-750 Total Groundmass

Plagioclase K-feldspar Quartz



50.9 15.5 7.9

52.6 15.0 9.2


50.8 17.2 17.0


37.1 31.7 18.1


30.8 (33.4)a 30.4


46.7 25.0 19.3


36.5 31.2 21.8


1.5 24.5 17.2

























1.0 0.1









Epidote Augitc

0.5 9.7






Points 836 568 500 400

721 885



I See Table 1 for abbreviations

2 Mostly chloritized a Modalplagioclase recalculated by addition of alteration epidote, chlorite, andsericite Based onpointcounts of thinsections and(forporphyritic rocks) stained slabs oroutcrops; samples 194 and167BbyJ.M. Proffett, Jr.
tr = trace

increasein grain size of the groundmass into a tex(<1-10 cm) marginson thicker granite porphyry ture similarto porphyritic granite. dikes,with whichthey exhibitintertongued, flameThe bulk of the granite porphyry dike swarmat like, and wispy contactsthat indicate both units Ann-Mason intrudesthroughthe apexof the cupola were fluid synchronously. A second variety is tex- of Luhr Hill granite and trends N 70 W and dips turally transitional betweengraniteporphyryand 45 N in mapview (Fig. 2) but trendsnorthwestand reconstruction.The the Luhr Hill porphyriticgranite.It formsa plug dips vertically in a Jurassic (0.7 X 1.0 km) intrusiveinto porphyritic granite dikeswere emplacedalong a prominentjoint set in in thatis cutby younger graniteporphyrydikes(gran- the batholith,and the irregularityof their shapes ite porphyry-transitional; GP-t in Figs.2 and 3). At map view (Fig. 2) is due to pinchingand swelling, its upper contact,the plug intrudes the Luhr Hill terminations, and en echelon offsetsin the dikes as porphyriticgraniteand hasan aplitic groundmass. well asto topographiceffects.Dikes transect4.5 However, it gradesdownwardwithin --1 km by an km of the palcoverticalexposurefrom 5.5- to 1-km

porphyry dikes. Chilled dikes also occur as thin

FIG. 5. Photomicrographs of textures andmineralogy of the Yerington batholith(crossed polars). A. Gabbrofrom 4.6 km belowthe lowerTertiaryerosion surface, showing weakalignment of hornblende andplagioclase. B. Internalcontact between younger phase of quartz monzodioriteand an older, finer grainedphaseto right at 4.6 km below the lower Tertiary erosionsurface.Subaligned plagioclase is enclosed by intergrown quartzandK-feldspar. C. Quartz monzodiorite at 4.2 km belowthe lowerTertiaryerosion surface showing weakigneous foliationand 1- to 2-mmgrainsizetypicalof deepexposures. D. Quartzmonzodiorite at 0.6 km below thelowerTertiaryerosion surface and20 m fromthecountry-rock contact showing finegrain sizeandsubporphyritic texture typical of shallow exposures, interpreted to be the resultof rapidcooling. Largercrystals are plagioclase, augitc,andbiotite,all including magnetite. E. Bearquartzmonzonite at 2.4 km belowthe lowerTertiaryerosion surface showing typicalmedium-grained, hypidiomorphic granular textureandrare largeK-feldspar enclosing otherminerals. Maficmineralis hornblende with abundant magnetite inclusions. F. Border granitephaseof Bear intrusion(Y-787) at 2.3 km below the lower Tertiary erosionsurfaceand 1 m from contact. Graphic-textured quartzand K-feldspar enclose subhedral plagioclase and irregularquartzphenocrysts. Mafic mineralis sparse biotite. G. Luhr Hill graniteat 3.9 km belowthe lowerTertiary erosion surface and 20 m from contact with olderquartz monzodiorite. Note seriate-porphyritic texture,K-feldspar megacryst to left, tabulartwinnedplagioclase, and interstitialquartz, K-feldspar, andminorbiotite.H. Border phase of LuhrHill granite at 4.3 kmbelowthe lowerTertiaryerosion surface and0.8 m from quartzmonzodiorite contact.Note chilledporphyrytexturewith alteredK-feldspar (lower right), plagioclase, and amphibole in a relatively coarse apliticgroundmass. I. Graniteporphyry dikefrommainswarm at 2.4 km belowthe lowerTertiaryerosion surface, with typical1:1 ratioof phenocrysts to groundmass andphenocrysts of plagioclase, K-feldspar (topcenter),embayed quartz(center), hornblende (prismatic), biotite, sphene, and magnetite in an apliticgroundmass (0.05 ram).J. Dark groundmass, chilledgranite prophyry dike at 4.3 km belowthe lowerTertiaryerosion surface showing typicalabsence of K-feldspar megacrysts and a low
phenocryst to groundmass ratio.

TABLE3. Analysis no. i 2

Major and Trace Element Analyses and CIPW Norms 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rock name



















Fe203 total
CaO NaO KO TiO P205 MnO HO Total

9.23 2.74 2.76 0.74 0.43 0.12 1.1 99.2

10.5 2.21 1.41 2.39 0.52 0.14 2.1 100.6

5.88 4.61 2.43 0.96 0.38 0.08 0.9 99.3

4.67 4.34 2.97 0.73 0.28 0.05 1.0 99.6

3.57 3.75 4.21 0.55 0.21 0.02 1.0 99.4

2.44 3.78 4.08 0.40 0.13 0.04 2.5 100.6

2.92 4.08 3.88 0.42 0.16 0.03 1.4 99.7

2.84 4.32 3.35 0.37 0.14 (0.02 1.1 99.2

Cr Cu Ni V

10 84 11 270

27 170 93 390

10 120 23 140

10 99 17 110


10 94 11 63


10 16 8 46

6.8 12 69

5.8 11 59










Sr Zr

815 101

941 120 +
21 +

1,268 162

1,053 169

1,015 130 +
11 +

621 190

1,082 141

1,033 127



25 +



25 +




K/Rb Rb/Sr Ba/Rb V/Ni

CIPW norms Quartz
Corundum Orthoclase Albite Anorthit e

398 0.069 13.2 25

384 0.032 19.7 4.2

234 0.077 14.4 6.1


338 0.069 19.2 6.5

17.85 37.34 16.77

321 0.170 12.8 5.8

25.34 32.31 12.43

232 0.029 7.7 5.7

0.14 24.61 32.65 11.49

354 0.084 18.7 5.4

23.36 35.17 13.03

343 0.078 16.0 5.8

0.04 20.21 37.20 13.45

16.74 23.79 27.45

8.55 15.05 23.06

14.59 39.64 19.65

Nepheline Diopside Hypersthene


13.57 8.81

2.24 21.63

6.06 7.63

3.97 5.20

3.38 3.11


0.53 3.76





Apatite Color Index4

1.05 31.00

1.26 49.87

0.91 19.31

0.67 13.42

0.51 9.46

0.31 6.21

0.39 6.70

0.34 5.68

FeO*/MgO 5









See Table 1 for abbreviations

All ironreportedasFe20 For normcalculations the ratio of Fe203: FeO (atomicFe) wasassumed to be 2:3 for 55 percentSiO and 1:2 for 55 percent SiO 4 Sum of normative mafic minerals FeO* is total iron calculated as FeO

Major elementoxides reportedin weightpercent,fromwavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyses (errora _ 1-2%) andby CHN analyzerfor water (error a ___ 10%) by U.S. Geological Survey,Denver, Colorado. Trace elements by emission spectroscopy (error a _+10%) by the U.S. Geological Survey,MenloPark,California, exceptRb, Sr, Zr, Y, andNb analyses without"+" symbol, done by energy dispersive X-rayfluorescence (Kevex machine) (errora _+ 5-10%) at Stanford University. Samples wereprepared using 1.5 to 5.0 kgof unweathered andfresh(except Y-797 andY-787)rockforfine-andmedium-grained samples, and5 kgforporphyritic rocks; samples were brokento 1 cm with hammer, thencrushed to -300 mesh with a tungsten carbide jaw crusher andshatterbox. The CIPW normative mineralogy wascalculated using the PETCALcomputer program of Bingleret al. (1976)

depth (Fig. 2). Crosscutting relations betweendikes northwarddowndippart of the dikesformsa knot or indicate that the swarm was emplaced as several plug that is the center of the Ann-Masonporphyry magmapulses.In the central part of the swarm, the copper deposit.



Within the main granite porphyry dike swarm, the grainsizeof the groundmass andthe phenocryst to groundmass ratio increase with palcodepth. Groundmass grain size increasesfrom shallowest exposures to deep exposures in the porphyritic granitecupola(Fig. 2) from 0.02 to >0.2 mm, coincidentwith a change froma fineapliticto a graphic texture and an increase in the phenocryst to groundmass ratio from as low as 1:2 to >1:1 (AppendixA). Somedikespenetratethe deepestexposures (5.5 km) of porphyriticgraniteandmusthave had a deeper source.However, the rate of coarsening of dike groundmasses suggests that dikeswould be indistinguishable fromporphyritic graniteat an additional "-0.5 to 1.0-kmdepth. Granite porphyry dikes are characterizedby a "-50 percentgray aplitic groundmass of quartz, alkali feldspar, and minorbiotite and oligoclase and "-50 percent 1- to 5-mm phenocrysts of oligoclase, microcline ("-1 cm),biotite,hornblende, embayed quartz, and accessory sphene,magnetite,apatite, andzircon(Tables2 and4, Figs.4 and5I, Appendix A). Hornblendephenocrysts are commonly slightly

when the groundmasscrystallized. In both the chilled and transitionaldike phases,hornblende is commonly completelyreplacedby shreddyaggregates of biotite. Becausephenocrysts are considered to be preserved crystals in the melt, whichwas subsequently quenchedto form the groundmass, the phenocrystto groundmass ratio representsthe prequenchcrystalto melt ratio.
Major elements

Major element compositional data indicate that the rocks of the Yerington batholith are plutonic eqivalents of high K20 orogenic(arc) andesites and dacites.The Yeringtonbatholith(exceptcumulate gabbro)is hypersthene normativeand contains 55
to 69 wt percent SiO2, 2.2 to 4.2 wt percent KO,

and <1 wt percent TiO (Table 3, Fig. 6). Therefore, the composition falls within the definition of orogenicandesites of Taylor (1969), Ewart (1979), and Gill (1981, p. 711). The high KO contentof embayed and biotitized,whichsuggests that they the Yeringtonbatholithis a primary feature andnot were slightly unstablewith respect to the melt the resultof hydrothermal alteration because: a
TABLE4. Strontium Isotope Compositions



Rock name






S7Sr/SaSri 2

Pre-Yerington batholithigneous rocks

W-36c Y-797 Wassuk diorite Artesia basalt 26.8 57.6 522 829 0.0513 0.0695 0.149 0.201 0.70572 0.70438 0.70524 0.70390

Y-751 Y-785 Y-767 Y-788 Y-800 Y-787 Y-753 Y-781 Y-593 Y-478A Gabbro Early quartz monzodiorite Main quartz monzodiorite Late quartz monzodiorite
Bear quartz monzonite

Bear border granite Porphyriticgranite Granite porphyrydike Leucogranite dike Aplite dike

30.5 77.9 97.1 86.9 109 168 118 87.5 174 158

941 1,208 1,268 1,179


587 1,007 987 634 97

0.0324 0.0645 0.0766 0.0737 0.107 0.286 0.117 0.0887 0.274 1.629

0.0938 0.187 0.222 0.213 0.311 0.828 0.339 0.256 0.794 4.71

0.70426 0.70450 0.70491 0.70456 0.70486 0.70578 0.70480 0.70459 0.70592 0.71415

0.70403 0.70405 0.70438 0.70405 0.70412 0.70379 0.70399 0.70398 0.70401 0.70310

Post-Yerington batholithMiddle Jurassic igneous rocks


Fulstonevolcanics quartz latite ignimbrite Quartz monzodiorite porphyrydike








2Initial strontium isotope ratio calculated from measured 87Sr/8aSr ratio and U-Pb zircon ages from Dilles and Wright (inpress) Analyses byA. Robinson and R.W. Kistler (1986and unpub. data), U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Isotopic ratios weremeasured ona Finnegan MATsolid source mass spectrometer. Calculated ratios use SSRb/S7Rb atomic ratio= 2.593;STSr/SaSr normalized to 8aSr/SSSr = 0.1194. Replicate analyses of Eimer andAmend SrCOa standard give87Sr/86Sr = 0.70800 q-.00003.
Replicate analyses of NBS987SrCOa standard give87Sr/8aSr = 0.71023 q- .00003. The coefficient of variation of measurement of 7Sr/Sr< 0.01 percent

1Rband Srconcentrations (ppm) byenergy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (estimated error q-<3%)



ROCK o []



'& BG




, ,

, ,

I ,

, ,

, ,

I ,

I ;


TiO 2



Hig hK


40 45 50 55

MnO ^,
60 65 70
40 45 50
55 60 65




WT. % SiO 2

FIG. 6. Variationdiagram for majorandminorelementoxides versus silica. Data are fromTable 3, Dilles(1984), Carten(1981), andJ. M. ProffettandM. T. Einaudi(unpub. data).Alkalic,highA1,and tholeiiticboundaries for alkalies versus silicaare from Kuno(1959); 55.7 is the Peacock index(wt % SiOn).Andesite-dacite fieldsfor the KO-SiO plot are from Ewart (1979). Note that oxidesvary
smoothly,except for slight scatterin Na, K, AI, and Ca, which is probablydue to minor subsolidus metasomatism. Abbreviations GPD = graniteporphyrydikes,PG -- Luhr Hill porphyritic granite,BG -- border granite,and QM -- quartz monzoniteof the Bear intrusion,QMD = quartz monzodioriteand GB -- gabbroof the McLeodHill intrusion, Jaf-- basaltfrom the volcanics of ArtesiaLake.

numberof analyzed samples of quartzmonzodiorite TiO2, andPO5decrease with increasing SiO (Fig. are petrographically fresh and do not containveins 6). NaO varieslittle with increasing SiO above55 or alteration minerals, andK20 increases relatively wt percentbut issomewhat scattered owingto some

manytypicalcalc-alkaline volcanic rocks(e.g.,Cascades) increases slightlywith increased SiO (Carlic fieldof Kuno(1959). The batholithhasa simple michaelet al., 1974). The major elementcomposialkali-enrichment trend at constant FeO3total/MgOtion of the basalt of Artesia Lake is consistent with ('--2.2) towardhighersilica,similarto othercalc-al- the interpretation that it is a cogenetic memberof kaline volcanic suites such as the Cascades of North the Yeringtonbatholith magmatic series(Table 3, America (Fig. 7). FeO3total,MgO, CaO, MnO, Figs. 6 and 7).
kalic fields, and hasNaO + KO valuesin the alka-

smoothly with SiO2andshows onlyminorirregularity due to potassium metasomatism (Fig. 6). The igneoussuite has a Peacockindex of 55.7, e.g., at the boundarybetweenthe alkali-calcic and calc-al-

altered samples. A1203decreases slightlywith increasing SiO2above55 wt percent but alsoshows a slightlyscattered plot (Fig. 6). In contrast, NaO in




Fe203 T



Weight Percent Oxide


K 20+ Na2y ^/ ..........


FIG. 7. AFM plot of analyses of the Yerington batholith. Triangleisbasalt of ArtesiaLake.Data are from sources givenin Figure6. Skaergaard (tholeiitic) and Cascade (calc-alkaline) trendsare from Carmichael et al. (1974).Trends of lowK arcandshoshonitic volcanic suites arefromEwart(1982).
Trace elements

Oxygenand strontiumisotopes
are consistent

The high contentsof large ion lithophile (LIL)

elements Rb and Ba in the batholith

Oxygen isotope analysesof fresh and altered rocks from the Yerington batholith indicate that

with its highpotassium content(Table 3). The high primaryvalues were approximately/isO = 6.8 per abundance of lithophile elementsand the low con- mil (Solomonet al., 1983; Dilles, 1984), as calcutents of compatibletrace elementsCr, Ni, and V lated from sampleswith equilibrium magmatic (Table 3) indicatethat the suite is more compositionally evolved than most orogeniccalc-alkaline 200 volcanicsuites, includingthe Cascade suite(Carmi[ I I i I I , I I , I I chael et al., 1974), which also contains porphyry t50
copper mineralization. However, Ti, Zr, and Nb
than values of tholeiitic basalts. Sr is abundant

havelowvalues whicharecharacteristic of orogenic suites(Gill, 1978) but which are slightly higher


(600-1500 ppm) andhigherthanin mostorogenic 60 andesites (Tables 3 and4; Gill, 1981). Owingto the Rb high Sr contents, the Rb/Sr ratio is low (-'0.07) relativeto mostandesites and other Triassic-Juras-(ppm) sicigneous rocks fromthe Yerington district(0.085O 0.33; Table 4, Fig. 8). Ba/Rb and K/Rb ratios (10-23 and -'320, respectively) are greater than mostorogenicandesites (Taylor, 1965; Gill, 1981). Rb, Rb/Sr,Ba/Rb,andK/Rb increase slightly andSr decreases slightly with increasedSiO2. At similar SiO2contents the porphyry-bearing intrusions at E1 IO
Salvador,Chile, have similarCr, Ni, and V contents but greater Sr, Ba/Rb, and K/Rb and lower Rb and





7 GB





i I I ill
600 I000


Sr (ppm)

Rb/Sr (Gustafson, 1979) thanthe Yerington bathoite series, asdiscussed below (Fig. 9, Table 3).

FIG. 8. Plot of Rb versusSr for Mesozoicigneousrocksfrom lith. Copper decreases with differentiationfrom 62 the Yeringtondistrict.Data are from Tables3 and 4. Cascade and ppm in quartzmonzodiorite to 10 ppm in the gran- Chile trendsare from Gill (1978). Abbreviations: qtz -- quartz,

ppy = porphyry, leucogr= leucogranite, seeFigure6 for others.

150 I I I

[ [ [ I


Yer[ngton Mine







Weakly altered










0 /1 H,I, i-.t / ILuhr '-Ill/

66 68 70

/-- -

Si 02 (wt%)
FIG. 9. Plot of copperversus silicain the Yeringtonbatholith,showing low Cu contentsin porphyritic granite and graniteporphyry dikes. Analyses are from Table 3 and unpublished data of R. B. Carten,J. H. Dilles, M. T. Einaudi,andJ. M. Proffett.SeeFigure 6 for abbreviations.

quartz-feldspar fractionations of 1.0 to 1.5 per mil and the assumption of a quartz magmafractionation of 1.5 per mil. The value of 6.8 per mil is at the high end of the worldwide range of basalts(5.4-6.0%0; Taylor, 1968, 1980) and arc andesites (5.5-7.0%0; Gill, 1981). Ten analyses of the Yerington batholith give an average calculated initial strontium isotope compositionof 0.7040 that is very similarto the 0.7039 value for the basaltof ArtesiaLake (Table 4) and supportscogenesisof the two units. The batholith has an Sr isotope composition that is similar to slightlyyoungerMiddle Jurassic igneous rocksfrom the Yeringtondistrict (0.7039-0.7043) but is lower than valuesof older Triassicigneousrocks,suchas the Wassuk diorite (0.7052) (Table 4) and the McCannell Canyon volcanics (0.7052-0.7057; J. M. Proffett, M. T. Einaudi, and D. E. Livingston, unpub. data). The initial Sr isotopecomposition of 0.7040 is similarto other high K andesites but is at the high end of the range of primitive basalts (0.7020-0.7040; Taylor, 1980) and of orogenicarc andesites(0.7030-0.7040; Gill, 1981).
Inferred magma origin

tiation of primitive basalts to form high K andesite magmas that crystallized into quartz monzadiorite, and differentiation of high K andesite magma to form quartz monzonite and granites.These differentiation mechanisms must account for the batho-

lith'sslightlyelevatedoxygen andstrontium isotope values, which suggest that primitive parental magmas assimilated somecrustalmaterial(Carter et al., 1978; Taylor, 1980). However,the low initial Sr isotopevalue of 0.7040 precludesassimilation of anybut traceamounts of isotopically heavy(radiogenic) Precambriansialic crust, consistent with Yerington'spositionwest of the limit of inferred
Precambriancraton (Fig. 1). Because the Yerington batholithhasa high Sr content(--- 1,000 ppm), its Sr

isotopecomposition is an insensitivemeasureof smallor moderatedegreesof crustalassimilation. Origin of high K andesite magmas: Rocksof intermediate composition such as the McLeod Hill quartz monzadiorite have been proposedto form by modification of primitive basalticmagmas from mantle sources(e.g., Hildreth, 1981) by the combined effectsof fractional crystallizationand wallrock assimilation at crustallevels (DePaolo, 1981).
A test calculation of such an assimilation-fractional

As discussedbelow, the Yerington batholith probably formed by a two-stageprocess: differen-

crystallizationprocesswas made after DePaolo's method,and it produceda best fit when the ratio of



the assimilation rate to the fractional crystallization clinopyroxene andhornblende, KD(xl/ aO for Eu is rate was "* 1:3 and the bulk partition coefficientof 0.5 for plagioclase and 1 forclind)mroxene and

Sr betweencrystals (xls)and melt (Dsr(xls/melt) was hornblende, andKD(xl/melt) for light rare earth ele-

"*0.5, where anassumed DRblxs/metl = "0was used.ments (La and Ce) is 0.2 for all three minerals The test suggests that assimilation-fractional crys- (Schnetzlerand Philpotts,1970; Drake and Weill, tallization proceeded until the magmasreached 1975). Assimilation of Triassic igneous rocks by "*30 wt percent of the original basaltic magma, early Yerington magmas is suggested by both the corresponding to a ' 1' 1 ratio of assimilated rock to spaceproblem presentedby eraplacement of the basaltin the high K andesitc. This 1:1 ratio repre- batholith (Fig. 3) and by the presenceof mariemesentsa maximum ratio of crustal component to ba- tavolcanicinclusions in quartz monzodiorite.Thus, salt because the estimatedSr isotopecompositions althoughfractional crystallizationof a basalticparof the basalt and assimilated crust were chosen as ent was the dominant processin deriving the Yerminimum values. Basalt was arbitrarily assigned ingtonhigh K andesitic magmas, crustalassimilation valuesof 400 ppm Sr, 10 ppm Rb, and 87Sr/86Srof older (Triassic ?) are volcanicmaterialmusthave = 0.7030, similar to tholeiitic basalts from oceanic provided an important (up to 50%) contaminant to island arcs (e.g., Lowder and Carmichael, 1970). the melt. The crustwas assumed to be predominantly arc Differentiation from quartz monzodiorite to granvolcanic rocks (e.g., Burchfiel and Davis, 1972' ite: Differentiation of the Yeringtonbatholith from Speed,1978) andwasassigned valuesof the Triassic quartz monzodioriteto granite composition appears Wassuk diorite' 500 ppm Sr, 25 ppm Rb, and to have occurredprimarily by crystalfractionation 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7052(Table 4). Thecalculation agrees without significantassimilation. The initial Sr isowith Nd and Sr isotope studies by FarmerandDe- tope composition of the Yeringtonbatholithis conPaolo(1983), whichindicatethat Mesozoic magmas stantat 0.7040 despitea ten-fold increaseof Rb/Sr in western Nevada contain25 to 40 percent assimi- during differentiation (Fig. 10). These data prelated crustal material. The bulk partition coeffi- clude significantassimilation during differentiation cient, Dsrlxs/mek ) of 0.5 impliesthat plagioclase unless the assimilated rock also had an isotopic (with KDsr../_,, = 1.8;Gill,1981)made up "*25to 30 compositionnear 0.7040, such as cogenetic volpercent of the fractionatingcrystalsbecausethe canic or plutonic rocks.The quartz monzonite and other fractionating phases exclude Sr and have the graniteshave sharpcontacts(primarily against KDs r 1. earlier phasesof the batholith) and lack wall-rock The assimilation-fractional crystallization model inclusions at the observable levels of exposure. presentedabove is consistent with the major and These facts argue againstsignificantassimilation. trace element concentrations in quartz monzodior- Modeling of crystal fractionationby the computer itc. In particular, Ba, Rb, Sr, and K are 3.5 to 9 times programXLFRAC (Stormerand Nicholls, 1978) inenriched relative to tholeiitic basalt and exceed dicates that major and minor element variations valuesachievable by simplecrystalfractionation. during differentiationfrom quartz monzodioriteto The low content of compatibleelementsFe, Ca, granite can be closely fitted by fractionation of Mg, Mn, Cr, Ni, and V requires large degrees of phasesthat crystallizedearly. Fractionationof 40 crystal fractionation. Plagioclase, augitc,magnetite, wt percent of assemblage A (plagioclase,augitc, and ilmenite (?) are the phenocryst phases in the biotite, magnetite,sphene, andapatite)givesa good basalticlava of Artesia Lake (which is alsoolivine normative),and togetherwith orthopyroxene, are the likely fractionating phases neededto generate WASSUK DIORITE andesites from basaltparents(seeGill, 1981). Removal of large amountsof augitc and olivine is reQTZ MONZODIORtTE PORPHYRY
i [ ] i

0 7052










quired both to increase the Fe2Oatotal/MgO ratio, SiO2, and alkaliesand to reduce MgO, FegOatotal,
CaO, Mn, Cr, Ni, and V. The rare earth element

o 7048



patternof Yeringtongraniteporphyry(Gustafson, 1979) istypicalof most highK Andean daeites (Gill, 1981) becauseit has a twenty-fold enrichmentof light/heavyrare earth elements(80 times/4 times ehondrite) andhasnoEu anomaly. The patternsuggeststhat plagioelase fraedonated in amounts approximatelyequal to clinopyroxene and/or horn-

0 7040





blende because KD/xymt I for heavy rare earthelementsis 0.01 to 0.1 for plagioelase and 0.6 to 6 for

FIG. 10. Plot of calculatedinitial strontiumisotoperatio versus Rb/Sr weight ratio for Mesozoicigneousrocksfrom the Yeringtondistrict.Data are from Table 4.



fit (sumof residuals squared, F(R) 2 = 0.02; Table the floor(?) of the porphyritic granite at Luhr Hill at 5), andfractionation of 37 wt percentof assemblage an '8-km depth. However, the volumeof gabbro B (plagioclase,hornblende, biotite, magnetite, exposed at a 2- to 8-km palcodepth is far too small, sphene,and apatite) in proportionssimilarto those e.g., 1 percentof the exposed volumes of quartz of cumulategabbrosalso gives a good fit ((R) 2 monzoniteand granites(Table 1), to representthe -- 0.04). Both A and B are likely fractionatingas- volume of crystal fractionates required by the semblages because,asdiscussed in the next section, model. Thus, I proposethat most of the fractionaclinopyroxene crystallizedearly and was replaced tion occurredbelow an 8-km palcodepth.
by hornblendeat a higher water contentduring solidificationof the quartz monzodiorite magma.Biotite in the assemblages requiresthat they formed at lessthan 850C (seebelow). Fractionation of either assemblage givesreasonable fits for mosttrace element (Rb, Sr, Mn, V, and Ni) variationsduring differentiationif known and estimatedcrystal-melt partition coefficientsare employed (e.g., assemblage A in Table 5). However, the model cannot accountfor the high Ba or the low Zr in differentiates, the latter which requires that Zr also fractionated (Table 5). Cumulate gabbroswithin the McLeod Hill quartz monzodioriteare good candidatesfor accumulations of crystalfractionates that may have produceddifferentiationto quartz monzonite and granite.The best evidenceof suchcrystal accumulationis found in exposuresof gabbro associated with quartz monzodiorite dikes, which intrude metavolcanic rocksimmediatelyunderlying
TABLE5. Parent Daughter

The decreaseof Cu during differentiationfrom 62 to 10 ppm cannotbe simply accountedfor by crystal fractionation, and therefore, suggests that Cu partitioned into an aqueousphase or precipitated as a sulfide. These abundances and this behav-

ior for Cu are characteristic of calc-alkaline magmas (e.g,Wedgepohl,1969; EilenbergandCarr, 1981). The Cu contentof the Yeringtonbatholithis nearly constantfrom 58 to 66 wt percent SiO but drops sharplyfrom 66 to 68 wt percentSiO (fromquartz monzonite to granite; Fig. 9). This behavior is inconsistent with gradualremovalby fractionation of
tween silicateor oxidecrystals and melt are not well

silicates. Distribution coefficients (Kt)cu,,,) be-

known, but a bulkOcuxls/melt) 40.5 for thebatholith

can be estimated(Table 5). Magnetite and augitc, the only phases presentknown to concentrate Cu, have low partition coefficients (Ewart et al., 1973; Irving and Frey, 1978). Ion microprobestudiesof

Crystal FractionationModels Calculated Residual

SiO2 A12Oa FeOa MgO




0.03 0.03 0.02 0.04


16.64 5.88 2.43


15.47 2.73 1.11


15.44 2.71 1.07


Na20 K20 TiO PgOs


4.36 3.04 0.89 0.36


4.25 3.84 0.42 0.16


4.28 3.90 0.40 0.10


-0.03 -0.06 0.02 0.06








0.31 1.3

Zr V Ni Cu

150 130 20 62

130 60 11 10

256 65 16 75

-126 -5 -5 -65

2.15 1.35 0.5

i HO is the estimated water contentof magma Daughtercompositions andresiduals are calculated by leastsquares fit by the computer program XLFRAC (Stormer andNichols, 1978) givenparentcomposition of average quartzmonzodiorite (column 2) anddaughter composition of average Luhr Hill graniteand graniteporphyrydikes(column3). Oxidesare in wt percent,elements in ppm. Sumof squares of residuals for major and minor elements is 0.02. Daughteris calculated by removalof 39.1 percent crystals consisting of 61.2 percent plagioclase, 16.7 percent augitc, 11.9 percent biotite, 5.65 percent magnetite,2.6 percent ilmenite, and 1.9 percent apatite. Major elementsand MnO were modeledusingmicroprobe phasecompositions (hereinand Dilles, 1984). Trace elements were modeledusingbulk partitioncoefficients (Derystal/melt) calculated andestimated fromempirical dataof Duncan andTaylor(1968),Philpotts andSchnetzler (1970),Ewart et al. (1973), Irving (1978), Luhr andCarmichael (1980), andmagnetiteandilmeniteanalyses herein



a 0.3- to 2-kb lithostatie pressure.For discussion purposes, a pressureof 2 kb is used becauseit is appropriatefor the deeper parts of the batholith andbecause manyexperimental studies of synthetic and natural igneous compositionssimilar to the Dcu(a,/ = <1 ' Usinga bulk Dc,( melt) x s/melt ) = 0.5, the crystalfractionation model(Table 5) givesa poor fit Yerington batholithhavebeen conducted at 2 kb. derivedphase relations in for Cu. This modelpredicts a Dcu(xk/mat) = --'12, Thus,the experimentally which is unreasonably high and further suggests P-T-XiH2o / space canbe applied generally, butnotin partitioning of Cu into an aqueous phaseor sulfide. detail, to the Yeringtonmagmas. Saturation with respectto a sulfidephaseand subof McLeod Hill sequentfractionation of Cu-bearingsulfidecannot Quartzmonzodiorite be ruled out. Trace amounts of pyrite _+chalcopy- The quartz monzodiorite magmawas emplaced rite occur in magnetite sites and could be either into the upper crust at <1,050C and <3 wt permagmatic or subsolidus in origin. However, asdis- cent H20 and crystallizedat '-'700C at 2 kb prescussed below,a magmatic aqueous fluidphase must sureand>3 wt percentH20, based on the following have been present and could have extracted Cu comparisons. The phases inferred to have crystalfrom the magma. lized early in quartz monzodiorite(and in basaltof clinopyroxene, magWater Content of Magmasduring Crystallization ArtesiaLake) are plagioclase, netite, and ilmenite (Fig. 11), which require a temThe mineralogyand crystallizationorder (Fig. perature of <1,025 _+ 25C at 5 kb and 2 to 3 wt 11) of intrusive units of the Yerington batholith percent HzO on the basis of experimental phase reallowthe estimation of both temperatureandwater lations of the Paricutin andesitc (Eggler, 1972) and contentof the magmas duringcrystallization at inferredpressures. The geologic estimates of depthof the Mount Hood andesitc(Eggler and Burnham, 1973). Eggler and Burnhamconsidered that 2 to 3 wt percentHzO istypicalof suchandesitic magmas. These conditions may have characterized quartz _Jaf monzodiorite magma when it wasemplaced into the PLAG ............... QMD upper crust. As crystallizationproceeded, biotite GPD K-SPAR became stable and crystallized, predating hornblende, at '-'850C by comparison to melting exQTZ perimentson tonalitc (59 wt % SiOz) at i to 3 kb and excessHzO (Piwinskii, 1968). Biotite should CPX have a similarliquidustemperaturein quartz monHBL zodiorite, which has higher amountsof KzO but
! ! [ i !

minerals frombarrenandmineralized plutonsshow that ferromagnesian mineralsand magnetite have low Cu contents ('-7 ppm) in westernNorth America (Hendry et al., 1985) and slightly higher Cu contents (7-42 ppm) in the southwesternPacific (Hendry et al., 1981). Both resultsindicate a bulk

emplacement rangefrom <1 km in shallowest exposures to 7 to 8 km in deepest exposures andimply

lower MgO than tonalite,despiteP(i-i2o) < P(T) beBlOT

cause biotite is stableat <1 wt percent H20 in many



granitic melt compositions (e.g., Naney, 1983). With continued cooling, crystallizationof hornblende (afterbiotite) indicates that the magmacontained >3 wt percent HzO (Burnham, 1979). Synchronously, the incongruent reaction:
:::_-:_-:_-z_-c:_-z_-z: .............. ?. .?.



.::_-::z::-. .......

? . .' . ?.
. ? ?

' 'i

melt + clinopyroxene = hornblende,

the reaction occurs in water-rich
it did not occur until <850C



? . ' ?.. ? '?. ? .


occurred(Holloway and Burnham,1972). Because

andesitic melts at
indicates that at






'-'940C (EgglerandBurnham,1973), the factthat

Percent Crystalline

FIG. 11. Orderof crystallization of minerals in the Yerington higher temperatures the melt did not contain water to stabilize hornblende (i.e., <3 wt % batholith, based on petrographic textures, assummarized in Ap- enough pendixA. For eachphase,the top line is basaltof ArtesiaLake H20). This reaction indicatesthat water contents (Jaf),second line is quartzmonzodiorite (QMD), third line is Bear increased to >3 wt percent HzO during cooling, quartz monzonite (QM), lowest line is granite porphyry dike of anhydrous (GPD). Abbreviations: plag -- plagioclase, K-spar= K-feldspar, probablyin part due to fractionation phasesand possiblydue to assimilation.Sphene qtz -- quartz, cpx = clinopyroxene, hbl = hornblende, biot = biotite, mgt -- magnetite,ilm = ilmenite,apat -- apatite. begancrystallizing synchronously with or slightly



after hornblende, and replaced early ilmenite by the probablecoupledreaction:

5CaMgSi2Oa q- 3FeTiO3

diopside(augite) + ilmenite
+ SiO2 + H20 + 02 = 3CaTiSiO5
I000 -

..H?_O - Saturation

q-melt q- melt q- gas =

900 -

+ Ca2MgsSisO22(OH)2 + Fe304.

+ tremolite(hornblende) + magnetite (2)

Reaction(2) indicates that the activitiesof H20 and O2 increased duringcrystallization andcooling. For
such an andesitic melt with >3 wt percent H20, water saturation musthave occurredduringcrystallization becausethe solidquartz monzodioritecontains only 0.5 to 1.0 wt percent H20 in hydrous minerals and fluid inclusions(Table 2). Abundant fluid inclusions,endoskarn alteration, and hydrothermalbrecciationare possible evidenceof fluids of magmatic origin(Dilles, 1984). The hornblende-

,, PI In
Bt In




PI + Af+Qz+Bt +V

plagioclase-magnetite comblayersat the wall-rock contactof quartz monzodioritesuggest undercooling and variablewater pressure during crystallization (Lofgren and Donaldson,1975). Thus, >2 wt percentH20 waslostbetweenwater saturation and
the solidus,estimated at 700 to 725C at 2 kb (after Piwinskii, 1968; Naney, 1983).
Bear quartz monzonite

DSolidus XAf

'1 I I I I I I ] I I I
0 2 4 6 8 I0 12

wt. % H20
FIG. 12. Temperature (T) - X(H=O) phase diagram for synthetic granodiorite(sampleR5 + 10M1) at 9. kb from Naney (1983). "In" lines are liquidi of plagioclase (PI), orthopyroxene (Opx), hornblende(Hbl), quartz (Qz), biotite (Bt), and alkali feldspar (Af); "Out" linesare low-temperature stabilitylimitsof mineral; "L" is silicateliquid; "V" is a separateH20-rich fluid phase, which existsto the right of and below the "H20-Saturation" curve.As discussed in the text, A-B-C-D is the inferred crystallization path of the granite porphyry dike magma,which has a composition similarto syntheticgranodiorite.

The crystallization conditions of Bear quartz monzonite,Luhr Hill granite, and granite porphyry dikescan be inferred by comparison of the crystallization ordersof their minerals(Fig. 11) with the 2

kb T-X(uzo) experimental phaserelations of Naney

(1977, 1983) on a syntheticgranodiorite(Fig. 12), which has a similar composition (67.5 wt % SiO2). In the main interior quartz monzonitephaseof the Bearintrusion,the rarity of augite(ascores)andthe early crystallization of hornblendeand sphenerequire that reaction (2) occurredearly and that the magma hadinherentlyhigherH20 andO2 activities than quartz monzodiorite. The crystallization of hornblende before biotite requires >4 wt percent H20 (Fig. 12) and indicatesthat the magmawas at
biotite below 740 ___ 15C (Fig. 12). The reason why hornblende is stableto the solidus in the quartz monzonite (and not in the border granite) is not clear, but it couldbe due to the higher solidus temperature, lower K20 content, or higher CaO content of the quartzmonzonite. The graphictextureof

border granitesuggests that it wasmoderatelyundercooled and water saturatedduring crystallization (after Fenn, 1977), whichis consistent with the or near water saturation at 825 to 875C and 2 kb. estimateof >3 wt percent H20 from Naney's data The rarity of biotite also suggests that hornblende (Fig. 12). had a significantlyhigher liquidus temperature. During cooling,the magmaintersectedthe water Luhr Hill granite and granite porphyry dikes The porphyriticgraniteof Luhr Hill and granite saturationcurve prior to solidification and lost 3 wt percent H20 during cooling to its solidus at porphyry dikes are cogeneticand show a similar crystallization history,exceptduringthe late stages. 675C (Fig. 12). of dikesis reviewed In the more silicic,graniticborder phaseof the Therefore, only crystallization augite(?), magnetite,andilmenite Bear intrusion,a similarcrystallizationsequence is here. Plagioclase, inferred, but biotite replaced much hornblende at crystallizedearliestand were followed shortlyby plagioclase,hornblende,biotite, near-solidus temperatures (as discussedbelow). the assemblage This effect is consistent with Naney's data, which magnetite, and sphene (Fig. 11), which requires show that hornblende is unstablewith respect to conditionsof 740 to 830C and >4 wt percent



H20 at 2 kb (Fig. 12, point A). The absence in crystalline graniteof orthopyroxene, which is not stable below "--780C (Fig. 12), suggests that the magma completely equilibrated at <780C. At point A (Fig. 12), the granitemagmawould havebeen '-- 10 percent crystalline and within "1 wt percent of water saturation. With cooling below "750C,

occurred rapidlyandcontinuously downward along dikes and produced crystallization to aplitic groundmasses. Within the cupolaof Luhr Hill granite, dikescrystallized more slowlyat lower degrees of undercooling.Here, graphic-texturedground-

mass with local cuneiformtexture suggests "50 to 100C undercooling and synchronous growth of alhornblende would have become unstable within the kali feldsparand quartz at a crystal-meltinterface, melt (Fig. 12), which is consistent with its embayed which waseither water saturatedor supersaturated habit andpartial replacement by biotite. Continued (Fenn, 1977, 1986; Osiecki, 1981). cooling into the stability fields of first quartz and Mineral Compositions and the Cooling then K-feldspar,asobserved in the naturalcrystalliPath of the Batholith zationsequence (Fig. 11), requiresthat the magma, if not initially saturated, became water saturated Textural, mineralogic,and compositional data on before the K-feldsparliquidus.Continuedcooling Fe-Ti oxides, feldspars,biotites, amphiboles, and and crystallization followed the vapor saturation apatites are presented in this section in order to curve (e.g., path B-C, Fig. 12) and requiresthat an constrainthe cooling history of the batholith and aqueousfluid separated from the magma. At 50 link magmatic processeswith hydrothermal propercentcrystallization (Fig. 12, point C), the gran- cesses. Althoughphasepetrology allowssomeconite magma would have been within '--10C of its straintson crystallizationconditions,most mineral solidus ('--675C) andwater saturated with --1 to 3 compositions largely reflect subsolidus coolingconwt percent H20. Low degrees of magma under- ditions,perhapsbecausethe presenceof magmatic cooling(<40 ) duringthe late stages of crystalliza- aqueous fluidspromotedreequilibration.

tion mayaccount for the K-feldspar megacrysts and the bipyramidal quartz, as proposed by Fenn (1977), Swanson(1977), and Swansonand Fenn (1986) (e.g., nearpoint C, Fig. 12). Figure 12 showsthe likely P-T path (C-D) for formationof the 0.05-mm aplitic-texturedgroundmass composed of quartz, alkali feldspar,minor plagioclase, andminorbiotite, the stablesolidus assemblage. Such aplitic textures indicate quenching (Jahnsand Burnham, 1969) and form by high nucleation rates and low crystal growth rates, which are causedby '--200C of magma undercooling with respectto the alkali feldsparliquidus,asproposedby Fenn (1977). Suchundercooling couldbe achieved by a temperature drop from 675 to 475C or, more likely, by a pressure quench(Jahns and Burnham, 1969), in which coolingof the melt through '--10C to the solidusreduceswater solubility to <0.3 wt percent and causesan effective 220C undercooling with respectto the alkali feldsparliquidus(Fig. 12, path C to D). Intrusionand solidification of graniteporphyry dikesprobablyoccurred by rapid upwardemplacement of dikesinto coldcountryrock,which resulted in a decreasein temperature and pressure,water exsolution, and quenching of the dike magma. The releasedwater would have expandedowing to its PAV energy (Burnham, 1979), fractured the rock, andcaused a dropin confining pressure, possibly to values aslow ashydrostatic. Near hydrostatic values were required for synchronous circulationof non-

Feldspar Althoughplagioclase shows a wide rangeof corebody-rimcompositions (An72-0), the bulk of crystals show a restricted range of normal and oscillatory zonation (An3s_16).Anorthite-rich plagioclase (An72-40) occursonly asphenocrysts in the basaltof ArtesiaLake and asresorbedcloudycoresin quartz monzodioriteand gabbro(Fig. 13). In the latter two units the compositional range of plagioclase bodies is An40-17 and An42-22, respectively.In the Bear intrusionandthe porphyriticgraniteseriesintrusions, calciccoresare absentand plagioclase bodieshave compositionalranges of An37_17 and An8_16,respectively.Calcic plagioclase coresare interpreted to represent nonequilibrated,higher temperature relics, whereasnormally zoned plagioclase bodies reflect solidus compositions. The correlationof decreasing anorthitecontentwith differentiation(Fig. 13) probablyreflectsdecreasing CaO content and crystallization temperatureof the magmas (Table 3, Fig. 6). Narrow rims (Ans_0)probably represent subsolidus deuteric alterationcompositions. All alkali feldspar (referred to elsewhereas Kfeldspar) is microperthitic microcline (exceptin the

groundmass granite porphyrydikes, whereitsstructural state is unknown).Alkali feldsparshave high mole fractionsof orthoclase molecule[Or/(Or + Ab

+ An) = 0.83-0.97] and variablebut high barium contents (BaO up to 2 wt %). Bariumis particularly abundantin the megacrysts in porphyritic granite magmaticconnate or surfacewaters, which caused series. The compositions of the perthitic microcline muchof the hydrothermalalteration(Dilles, 1984). require subsolidus exsolutionat <500C (Tuttle Pressurequenching,water release,and fracturing and Bowen, 1958). Equilibrationtemperaturesof



Leuco-G reinire


(4, 32)
(?, 42)



..... CORES


(6,45) (2,33) (24,240) (6,60
(i, 28)

(5,52) (No oi:Scumpies, No of Points)


No or Co





.510 610





FIG. ] 3. Compositions of igneous pIagiocIase of the Yerington bathoIith.Opticaldetermination from 59 samples were madeby the a-normal method,with an estimated error of <2 molepercentanorthite. Microprobe analyses for eightsamples are shown also.SeeFigure6 for abbreviations.

<500C are also indicated by a maximum microcline structural state (after Bernotat and Morteani, 1982) of a K-feldspar megaerystin a granite porphyry dike.
Iron-titanium oxides

The iron- andtitanium-bearing phases magnetite, sphene,and ilmenite occurthroughoutthe Yerington batholith. Magnetite crystallizedinitially and throughoutthe crystallization sequences, whereas ilmenitecrystallized initiallyandwasreplaced early by sphene(Fig. 11). In gabbro and quartz monzodiorite mostilmenite occurssparsely(<0.25 vol %) asfree grains,whereasin youngerunitsit occurs in traces,only enclosedin sphene.Sphenereplaced ilmenite successively earlier in more differentiated unitsof the batholith (Fig. 11). Magnetite:Magnetite commonlyoccursasequant or octahedralgrains (averaging0.1-0.5 mm), that are invariably rimmed by small (<0.05 mm), discontinuous,discrete sphene grains or rarely enclosedby a large sphenegrain. In all cases, magnetite is completelyseparatedfrom enclosing hornblende and plagioclase by a narrow sphenerim. In deep exposures of the batholith, magnetiteis relatively fresh,but in higher exposures, particularly near areas of hydrothermal alteration, it may be partly converted (1-25%, avg 1-5%) to hematite along grain boundariesand in octahedralpartings (diminishingtoward grain center). This hematite is interpreted to have formed entirely at subsolidus temperatures, and possiblyby oxidation during low-temperature hydrothermalalteration.Rarely, within quartz monzodiorite and gabbro phases, large magnetite grains contain lamellae and intergrowthsof ilmenite, which are interpreted to be magmatic-stage oxidation-exsolution productsof Ti magnetite(e.g., Haggerty, 1976). Microprobeanalysesof magnetitehave high totals("-'99%), which

indicates little or no hematitein the analyzedgrains (Table 6). Magnetiteshave low Mg, Si, Mn, and A1 contents, ranging from 0.0 to 0.24 wt percent oxides.Vanadiumis the only appreciabletrace element, rangingfrom 0.26 to 0.37 wt percentV203. The low titanium content (TiO2 < 1 wt %) and the reactionrelationshipof magnetiteand sphenesuggestthat exsolution of titanianmagnetiteoccurred to produce Ti-free magnetite and titanian ulvospinel;the latter reactedwith the melt during crystallization or with calcium-bearingsilicatesduring cooling to form sphene. A possible reactionof ulvospinelto sphenemay be written asfollows:

2Fe2TiO4+ Ca2MgSisO22(OH)2 + 2/aH20 ulvospinel + tremolite(hornblende) + melt

+ /aKA1Si3Os + /aO2 = /aKmg3A1SiaO0(OH)

qmelt q- fluid = biotite

q- 2CaTiSiOq- 6SiO2 q- 4/aFe304.

q- sphene qquartz + magnetite (3)

This reactionof the ulvospinel component of magnetiteto sphene, whichisindicated by petrographic textures,is therefore promotedby increased activities of 02, H20, and KA1Si3Osin the melt or, at

subsolidus temperatures, in an aqueous phase. Ilmenite: Ilmenite mostly occurs as discrete roundedgrains without associated magnetite andis interpreted to have crystallized directly from magma.All ilmenite except that in contact with magnetiteis rimmed by small, irregular sphene grains or is entirelyenclosed in large,euhedral to subhedralsphene crystals.In one quartz monzodiorite sample,severalilmenite grainsform optically continuous inclusions within a largesphene. Thesetextures suggest that sphene replaced ilmenitc by reaction relationat the magmatic stage (reaction 2) and probably at a shortly postmagmatic stage.Possible late magmatic or postmagmatic reac-





tionsmaybe written similarto reaction(3) aboveor asthe followingreaction:

FeTiO3 + CaA1Si2Os + K20

proportional to 1/T(K)),where Fe+2/Fe +3 is also

high. T-fo estimates: The compositions of coexisting ilmenitc and magnetitehave been used to estimate the temperature (T) and oxygen fugacity 0Co) of magmaticequilibrationby the method of Buddington and Lindsley (1964), as modifiedby Spencer and Lindsley (1981). The method yields tempera-

ilmenite + anorthite(plagioclase) + melt 5SIO2+ 1/aO2 = CaTiSiO5 melt + gas = sphene

turesof <450 to 555Candfro = <10 -25- 10-2

+ K-feldspar + magnetite (4)

As shownby reaction (4), the replacementof ilmenire plus ealeie plagioelase by spheneplus Kfeldspar,asobserved during differentiation, is promoted by increasedactivitiesof K20, SiO2, and O2 in the magmaor in subsolidus magmatieaqueous

+ 2KA1Si3Os + 1/3Fe304.

(Table 6, Fig. 14). However, becauseof the high

Mn contents and exsolution of ilmenites, the low Ti

Ilmenite andhematiteshowtwo stages of exsolution textures.First-stageexsolutionoccursonly in quartz monzodioriteand gabbro and is characterized by broad lamellae (0.1 mm) of hematite in
ilmenite hosts and of ilmenite in hematite hosts.

These texturesprobably formed during cooling of magmatie ilmenite below the ilmenite-hematite solvus, whichhasa maximum at "800C (Lindsley, 1976). Further exsolution at a secondstageis characterized by <1 to 5 percent fine (<0.001-mm) wavy lamellaeof hematitein ilmenite hostsand by sparsehematite hostscontaining<1 to 5 percent the reaction: fine, wavy ilmenite lamellae. Ilmenite hostswith CaFeSi206 + 1/302 the second stage of exsolution textures are the FeTiO3 + characteristic rhombohedral Fe-Ti oxide minerals ilmenite + hedenbergite(augite) + gas of the Yeringtonbatholith;the microprobeanalyses = CaTiSiO5+ 2/3Fe304+ SiO2. (Table 6) are the averageof ilmenite hostsplus hematite lamellae, which were too fine to avoid. In the

content of magnetites,and the possibilityof nonequilibrium, the estimatesare consideredonly to approximatecrudely the conditionsof subsolidus reequilibration. The T-fo2conditions of crystallization of the Yerington batholith can be estimatedby comparison with volcanic rocks with similar mineralogies. Hornblende- and biotite-bearing volcanic rocks have inherently high fo (Carmichael,1967), and spheneandilmenite-bearing volcanic rockssuchas the Paintbrush andTimber Mountaintuffs(Lipman, 1971) have even higher fo. By comparison,the sphene- and ilmenite-bearingYerington batholith alsohad a highfo, asshown in Figure 14. It is probable that ilmenite- and sphene-bearing mineral assemblages define T-fo buffers. Fe-Ti oxide-sphene buffers are defined for the quartz monzodioriteby reactions(2), (3), and (4) and by

=sphene + magnetite + quartz(or melt) (5)

Bear intrusion and the granite series intrusions, mostilmenite hasfurther broken down by oxidation The position of reaction (5) can be calculated to a fine intergrowth of hematite plus rutile. fromthe thermodynamic dataof Robieet al. (1978) Ilmenites have small amounts of most minor elefor all phases excepthedenbergite.Accuratemeaof thermodynamic valuesfor hedenberments, including V, Mg, Ca, and A1, rangingfrom surements 0.0 to 0.6 wt percent oxides(Table 6). Manganese, gite are not available. However, Helgesonet al. however, is abundantand rangesfrom 2 to 12 wt (1978) estimatedvaluesfrom experimentalreacpercent MnO, and rarely ashigh as20 wt percent. tionsof hedenbergiteat elevatedtemperatureand Thus, ilmenitescontain1 to 8 mole percentFe2Oa pressure and deduceda free energyof formation component and 5 to 44 mole percent MnTiOa com- (AGfo) value of-639,218 cal/mole,which is only ponent. If MnTiOa can be ignored in the solution 593 cal/mole greater than the AGfovalue recently model, the low mole fraction of Fe2Oa suggests recommended 'by Davidson and Lindsley (1985). equilibration at <600C from the ilmenite-hema- The AGf of hedenbergite at elevated temperature from Helgeson et al. (1978) andthen rite solvusrelations (Haggerry, 1976). Czamanske wascalculated and Mihalik (1972) and Neumann (1974) have also was converted to the standard state of Robie et al. reported manganoanilmenites from the shallow (1978) by subtracting a term for the free energyof plutonsof the Oslo graben,Norway, and have ar- formationof its constituentelements(sumfor elegued that Mn occursentirely within the +2 oxida- mentsof (GrT-G298.15)). The AG of reaction (5) tion state, which stronglypartitions into ilmenite. yields the ilmenite-sphene buffercurvethatisplotMn+2,which substitutes into oetahedralsitesoccu- ted in Figure 14 when the activities of mineralsolid piedby Fe+2,wouldtendto partition morestrongly solutions for quartz monzodiorite are used: into ilmenite at low temperatures(becauseKD is ahedenbergite(augite) = 0.20 (Table 7)' aFeTiOa(ilmenite)












P(T)=P(H20)= 2kb I





700 800 T(C)




FIG. 14. Temperature-oxygen fugacity (T-fo)diagram, showing the inferredcrystallization and cooling path of the Yerington batholith (YB;stippled pattern).For reference, the oxygen buffers hematite-magnetite (HM-MGT;Chou,1978),Ni-NiO (NNO; Huebner andSato,1970),andquartz fayalite-magnetite (FMQ;Hewitt,1978)areshown. T andfo trends forigneous rocks areplotted onthe basis of coexisting magnetite andilmenite composition's by themethod of Spencer andLindsley (1981). Olivene _+ clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene _+ clinopyroxene, andbiotite+ hornblende-bearing volcanic suites (Carmichael, 1967)areshown asCOL,COP,andCB,respectively. Also plotted aretherhyolitic Bishop Tuff (BT,containing biotite; Hildreth,1979),the dacitic Loma Seca tuff(LS,containing orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene _+hornblende above tick, andorthopyroxene + clinopyroxene _+ biotite
belowtick;Grunder,1986), andthe quartzlatiticPaintbrush-Timber Mountain Tuffs(PTM, containing biotite + hornblende _+sphalerite below tick, biotite + clinopyroxene abovetick; Lipman,1971). Yeringtonmagmas crystallized alongthe ilmenite-sphene T-fo buffer (ILM-SPH, discussed in text). X(Fe) gives atomic Fe/(Fe+ Mg) forbiotitein equilibrium withpureK-feldspar andmagnetite (Wones

andEugster, 1965).Biotiteis plotttedat a lowerT thanindicated by X(Fe) (seetext).Magnetite-ilmenite (MGT-ILM)pairs givesubsolidus temperatures (Table 6). Opencircles arepairs withmagnetites containing <1 percentulvospinel component (USP-1), whichfall beyond the limit of Spencer and Lindsley's model, andcould plotfarther to theleft asindicated by arrows. Thestability fields of pyrite (PY)andpyrrhotite (PO),asdefined by the reactions (notbalanced with 02) PY = PO + S,PY = MGT + S, PY = HM + S, PO = PY + MGT, andPO = MGT + S, andthe boundary betweenHzS-and SO2-dominant fieldsare derivedfromRobieet al. (1978), BartonandSkinner (1967), andOhmoto (1986).Notethattheinferred crystallization path liesat high oxidation state throughout, crosses from the SOz-to the H2S-dominant field duringcooling, andliesin the pyrite field at T < 770 C. Cu-Fe sulfides wouldalsobe stable in the pyrite fieldif sufficient Cu were present (M. T. Einaudi, pers.
commun., 1987).

The oxidation state of the batholith during crystallizationand cooling,asdeducedfrom the iron-tia(sphene) = 1.0 (Dilles,1984):aSiO2 quartz ormelt) 1.0 tanium oxidesand phase relation data presented (<800C) and 0.9 to 0.8 (>800C). The curveis above, is summarized in Figure 14. The magmas ilmenitebut no sphene andhad a valid only for quartz monzodioriteat temperatures initially contained of '750 to 850C where augitc, ilmenite, and high oxidationstatesimilarto other biotite-bearing magmas. During early stages of cryssphene coexist in the melt, and it agrees well with calc-alkaline Lipman's(1971) data. Due to the uncertainties in tallization, the magma became slightly more oxithe thermodynamic data,the position of the curveis dized, crystallizedsphene,and cooledfor '50 to

'aFeaO4(magnetitite ) ' 0.5 to 0.9 (estimatedfrom

Spencer and Lindsley, 1981' Stormer, 1983);

not well constrained.

100Calongthe ilmenite-sphene buffercurve.So-












lidification occurred at 700C, slightly above the ilmenite-sphene buffer, '--2 to 3 log units of fo
below the magnetite-hematite buffer. The iron-tita-

niumoxidephase relations andcompositions in all unitsof the Yerington batholith indicate that they havereequilibrated at subsolidus temperatures at <550Candoxygen fugacities ashighasthe magnetite-hematite buffer(Fig. 14). Thus,during crystallization andcooling from-,800to -'500C, fo2 increased ---2 to 3 log units with respectto the magnetite-hematite buffer.A slightoxidation trend duringdifferentiation is indicated by the factsthat spheneappeared earlier in the crystallization sequence (Fig. 11) and that ilmenite was more com-

pletelyreactedto hematite plusrutile in granite

than in quartz monzodiorite.

Biotite compositionsand their phase relations

provide additionalmeansof estimating the T-fo2 cooling path of the Yerington batholith. Petrographic textures of biotite, which occursin all in-

trusiveunits,indicatethat it is a late crystallizing phasein gabbro, whereasit began crystallizing earlyto midwayin all the otherplutonic unitsand wasstillgrowing whensolidification occurred (Fig. 11).It forms hexagonal platybooks up to 3 mmin all
igneousunits except for some biotite that has re-

placedhornblende in gabbro, border granite,and

the porphyritic granite series.Fresh biotite from

the batholithcommonly hasred-brown pleochroism,contains inclusions of apatiteandrare zirconas

well asminorsagenitic rutile (needles) formedby exsolution, and may be rimmedby smallsphene

Biotite chemicalcompositions are characterized phyry copper mineralization. by variableTiO2 (1.3-4.2 wt %), low atomicratios Similarbut slightlyhighertemperatures of biotite ofFe/(Fe + Mg) (0.34-0.41) relativeto biotite from equilibrationare deducedfrom the breakdownreSierra Nevadagranites(Dodge et al., 1969), and actionof Fe biotite (annire):

mun., 1978; Dilles, 1984). In the porphyrycopper environment of the Yeringtonbatholith,Ti content of biotite increases with increasedtemperature of lastequilibration.Relict biotite in the youngest and lowesttemperaturehydrothermalalterationassemblages (e.g., sericite-quartz-pyrite;Dilles, 1984) hasthe lowestTi content,whereasbiotite in potassicallyaltered rocks(characterized by shreddyaggregates pseudomorphous after hornblende) hasan intermediate Ti content,andbiotitein freshigneous rockshasthe highest Ti content(Fig. 15A). The Ti contentof igneous biotite decreases with depth of emplacement, regardless of the intrusiveunit (Fig. 15A), from4 wt percentTiO at 1-kmpaleodepth to 1.3 to 2.1 wt percent TiO at 5.5-km paleodepth. Comparison of Ti/Fe of Yerington biotite with biotite compositions for other rocks,for which equilibrationtemperatures havebeen derivedfrom oxygen isotope fractionation (Goldman and Albee, 1977; Brigham,1984), suggests that the Yerington biotite equilibratedat 700 to 800C in shallowor marginal exposures but equilibrated to approximately 500 to 550C in deepestexposures (5-6 km).The formermayrepresent igneous crystallization temperatures andthe latter mayrepresent subsolidus reequilibration temperatures. This theoryis consistent with the presence of sagenitic rutile needlesin biotite andsmallsphene grains rimming biotite in the deepest exposures. Some of the highest Ti contentsoccur in biotite from the border granite phaseof the Bear intrusion,in which biotite shows textural evidenceof replacinghornblende(Y-787, Table 8). These facts suggestthat such biotite formedat a magmatic stageand not asthe resultof subsolidus potassic alterationassociated with por-

appreciable fluorine (0.57-1.02 wt %;Table8, Fig. + 1/20 15).Lowvalues of Fe/(Fe+ Mg)reflect highvalues KFe3A1Si3Oi0(OH) ofbothFe+/Fe +2andfo2 of theYerington magmas, annite(biotite) + gas similarto other porphyrycoppermagmas (e.g., = KA1Si3Os+ FeO4 + HO, MooreandCzamanske, 1973; Mason,1978; Chivas, = K-feldspar + magnetite + fluid(6) 1981). Fe/(Fe + Mg) of igneousbiotite doesnot vary systematically during differentiation and is whichwas experimentally determined by Eugster similarto that of hydrothermal biotite in potassi- andWones(1962) at Pnot = 2,070 bars.Wones cally altered rocks(Table 8, Fig. 15B; table 4 of andEugster (1965) extended the experimental data
Carten, 1986). Low totals of samplesY-751 and to natural Fe-Mg biotites and gave equationsfor

Y-789 (Table8) maybe due to H20 exchange for univariant T-fo2 curves in terms of log(fno), Fe/(Fe + Mg) andmole fractionof OH in OH siteof KO at subsolidus temperatures. The titanium content of biotite increases with biotite,andthe activities of K-feldspar andmagnetemperature (e.g., Roberts, 1976; Brimhall, 1977; tite (Xre curves,Fig. 14). Assuming the fo values Hewitt andWones, 1984)andhas beenproposed as estimated abovealsoapplyto the biotite equiliba potentialgeothermometer for rockscontaining rium,Wones andEugster's (1965)curves yieldtemmagnetite and a Ti phase(rutile, sphene, or ilmen- peraturesof 730 to 880C (plotted in Fig. 14) ite) (Price,1977; I. S. E. Carmichael, pers. corn- whenone employs appropriate activity-composi-





( 00000000





0 (LTS)


tion relations, microprobe compositions of biotite,

magnetite, and K-feldspar (Tables 6 and 8; Dilles,





1984), anda correction for the K-feldspar structural state (after Helgeson et al., 1978). Substantial errors are introduced into these calculationsby nonstoichiometry of the naturalA1-and Ti-bearing





biotitesrelativeto the synthetic annite-phlogopite of Wonesand Eugster(1965) and alsoby the additionalstability of biotitecaused by octahedral Fe+3, as discussed by Wones (1981) (note that although 10-30% of Fe in biotite probablyoccurs asFe+3, Table8 reports all Fe asFe+2because Fe+ wasnot



Symbol Type











Amphiboleand pyroxene Blue-greento light green calcicamphibole forms subhedralprismsup to 5 mm, which have bluegreen ('y), green (/), and pale yellow (a) pleochroism of variable intensities. Amphibole contains abundant magnetiteinclusions; sometimes contains relic augitc cores,which it texturally replaces;and is intergrown with plagioclaseand sphene,which indicatesit begancrystallizing relatively early (Fig. 11). Rarely, in structurallydeep exposures, amphibole contains rutile needlesand may be rimmed by smallsphenegrains,which both formed by exsolution.


Amphibole rangesin composition from magnesio-hornblende to actinolitic hornblende, with one



....----"'] xPotassic "B" Alteration

sample (gabbro) of magnesianhastingsitichornblende in the classification systemof Leake (1978) T R WQssuk diorite -"/ J. ShamrockBathollth(A1203 = 4.2-10.0 wt %, TiO = 0.4-1.7 wt %,
Na=O = 0.7-1.7 wt %, and K=O = 0.3-1.1 wt %;


Table 8). Tetrahedral A1and octahedralTi decrease from values characteristicof hornblende in quartz monzodioriteand gabbro to valuesnear the hornblende-actinolite boundaryin graniteporphyry and porphyriticgranite(Fig. 16). The coupledsubstitution of tetrahedral A1 and Ti occurs in a ratio of

7Ah1Ti, comparedto a ratio of 4Ah1Ti for amphi IZP, KOIOulQ bolesof the Finnmarka complex, Norway(Fig. 16B; B P-3, FinnmarkQ Czamanskeand Wones, 1973). The transitionfrom hornblendeto actinoliteis interpreted to reflect a 02I , I decreasein temperature of last equilibration,with 0 02 0.4 0.6 O the lower tetrahedralA1and Ti valuesoverlapping AiTM with the field of hydrothermal amphiboles(Fig. FIG. 15. VAriAtions o[ biotitecompositions in the Yerington 16). Actinolite-bearing rocksprobablyequilibrated btholith. AnAlyses wereby electron microprobe (TAble 8; Dilles,
1984). A. Ti contento[ biotiteplottedversus pJeodepth. The lowerTerrify erosion sur[ce is estimated to represent l-m pleodepth.Ti contentdecreases with depth in biotRes [reshigneous rocks s well s in potssiclly ltered nd low T (lte) lteredrocks. B. XF, (tomicFe/Fe + g) is plotted versus octhedrl Aluminum (A1TM) [or biotiteson the bsis nionicchargeo[ gg oxygen equivalents. Fieldso[ biotites grAnodioriteo[ FinnmArAcomplex (P-3) (CzAmAnseAnd Wones,1973), the minerJized Inmumuzonedpluton Koloul (Chivs, 1981), nd the pottssic, hydrothermal biotite zone("B" Jtertion) [romAnn-son (DiJJes, 1984),re shown

at <500C,

based on the hornblende-actinolite

transition temperatureat low pressure in maficmetamorphicrocks(Winklet, 1976, p. 171). The mole fractionFe/(Fe + Mg) is stronglycorrelated with total A1 and tetrahedral A1. This feature

suggests that the lower Fe/(Fe + Mg) valuesare also due to low temperaturesof equilibration(Fig. 16). Fe/(Fe + Mg) values range from 0.26 to 0.40. Fe/(Fe + Mg) values of amphiboles in gabbro [or compAriso,. Biotite symbols Are: solid = Altered roc,open (0.38-0.40), quartz monzodiorite(0.26-0.37), and = [rash roc,hl[-6lled= wely lteredroc or shreddy biotite quartzmonzoniteand granites(0.30-0.34) suggest texture. See Figure 6 [or brevit[ons. a slightdecreasein the ratio during differentiation.

] I I i




08 []


hosed on 2:30xyg.Equiv. Yermgton

0 QM /3G ' 'botholith



Altered batholifh

<:g> Shornrock

Wassu dorite

Na+K+AI 4

by Chivas (1981) for the igneouscomplexat the Koloulaporphyry coppersystem. Very pale green augitc occursas phenocrysts in the basalt of Artesia Lake and as sparsecrystals rimmed by or largely replaced by amphibolein quartz monzodiorite. Augitesin quartz monzodioritc and basalt have similar Fe/(Fe + Mg) values (0.21 and 0.24, respectively),whereashornblende enclosingthe analyzed augitc in quartz monzodiorite has a value of 0.30 (Table 7). A calculated partition coefficient from these values

experimental determined/n{K)) = 0.4fortonaActinoli t e


(ln{Kp(ug/ve)(d.oy ...... /ho.Ue.a)) = 0.48) is similar to an


litc at 800C and 15 kb (HuangandWyllie, 1986), suggesting equilibrium Mg/Fe partitioning.

Halogencontentof hydrousminerals The fluorine and chlorine contents of biotite,

0 TremoliteI
0 0.1

I 0.2

I O.:3

I 0.4


hornblende, and apatitevary systematically within the Yeringtonbatholith.In general,F in thesemineralsis high relative to the Jurassic Shamrock batholith and increases with the silica content of the


Yerington batholith, whereas C1 is low relative to

i i I I

the Shamrock batholith

and decreases with the sil-

ica content.Igneousapatite variesmostconsistently and contains a 2.37 to 3.74 wt percent F (i.e., 60-100 mole % fluorapatite)and 0.03 to 0.35 wt percent CI (1-7 mole % chlorapatite)in the YerI.O

ingtonbatholith(Table 9, Fig. 17A). C1andF contentsof apatitein gabbroand quartz monzodiorite overlap with halogen contents of apatite in the
Shamrock batholith and the basalt of Artesia Lake,

whereasthe lower C1and higher F contents of apaHornblende tire in the granite series,the Bear quartz monzonite, Actinol/te and border granite overlap with the halogencontents of apatite in potassically altered and mineralized rocks at Ann-Mason(Fig. 17A). Both biotite I B Ol f j and amphibolevary similarlybut have lower halo0 0 05 0 IO O.15 0.20 gen contentsand more restrictedranges.Biotite Ti contains0.37 to 1.73 wt percent F (5-20 mole % F FIG. 16. Compositions of amphiboles in the Yerington batho- biotite) and 0.04 to 0.27 wt percent C1(0-1 mole % contain lith by electronmicroprobeanalysis (Table 7; Dilles, 1984). A. CI biotite) (Table 8, Fig. 17B). Amphiboles Plot of atomic (Na + K + A1)/4 versusFe/(Fe + Mg), showing 0.18 to 0.74 wt percent F (4-17 mole % F amphistrongcorrelation.B. Plot of tetrahedralA1 versusTi. Note the bole) and 0.02 to 0.11 wt percent C1 (0-1 mole % strong coupled substitution of A1TM forTi in a ratioof "'7:1 aswell C1amphibole)(Table 7, Fig. 17C). as the compositional range of igneousamphibolefrom horn-



blende to actinolite.For comparison, amphiboles from the Finnmarkacomplex,Norway, are alsoplotted as + and X symbols (Czamanske and Wones, 1973). See Figure 6 for abbreviations.

The F, CI, and OH contents of biotite, horn-

blende,and apatiteappearto representa mixtureof magmatic and lower temperature compositions. They fall withinthe compositional rangeof minerals
from mineralized and unmineralized, intermediate

In singlegrains,there is no obviouscore-edgedecrease in Fe/(Fe + Mg), as reported by Mason (1978). In one hydrothermally altered sample, a core of actinolitic hornblende is replaced by patchesof actinolite, similar to those reported by Czamanskeand Wones (1973) for Finnmarka and

composition plutons from the Basin and Range province(ParryandJacobs, 1975; Jacobs andParry,

1976, 1979). Although the KD(avatit/mdt) for F is not

known, Stormerand Carmichael(1971) havenoted that apatite in volcanic rocks commonly contains high atomicF/(F + OH) ('--0.9) and thereforethat KDis probablylarge.However, StormerandCarmi-



TABLE 9. Fluorine and Chlorine Contentsof Apatite


Rock type
Artesiabasalt Gabbro Gabbro

Sample no.
Y-797 Y-751 Y-751

2.93 2.37 2.77

0.39 0.35 0.34

F/(F+ OH) 2
0.84 0.68 0.79

0.071 0.079 0.066

Quartz monzodiorite Quartz monzodiorite Quartz monzodiorite Quartz monzodiorite Quartz monzonite Quartz monzonite Quartz monzonite Border granite Porphyritic granite Granite porphyry
Shamrock batholith Shamrock batholith

Y-651 Y-754 Y-767 Y-789 Y-800 Y-800 Y-800 Y-787 Y-753 Y-781
Y-391 Y-828

3.05 3.45 3.39 3.16 3.74 3.40 3.39 3.49 3.58 3.69
2.93 2.87

0.22 0.08 0.14 0.34 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.09
0.45 0.30

0.90 0.97 0.94 0.90 0.98 0.93 0.92 0.95 0.99 0.97
0.85 0.83

0.039 0.012 0.022 0.020 0.007 0.008 0.007 0.009 0.004 0.013
0.082 0.056

Potassic alteration (QMD) Potassic alteration (QMD)

D-222-917 D-222-917

3.36 3.16

0.03 0.08

0.92 0.89

0.005 0.014

Partial microprobe analysis (without P.zOs), recalculated to 10 (Ca+ Mn + Fe);standard error_+ 0.05 wt percentfor CI andF
Molecularfraction,with OH calculated by difference: F + C1+ OH = 2.0
Molecular ratio

chael (1971) found that biotite in volcanic rocks contains a lower F/(F + OH) ratio than apatite and is more susceptibleto low-temperature F-C1-OH exchange. Yerington apatite has atomic (F/(F + OH) = 0.9 (Table 9), similarto volcanicrocks, and therefore probably preservesmagmatic compositions,whereas Yerington biotite has a lower F/(F + OH) than either apatite or volcanicbiotite and therefore probably reequilibrated at submagmatic temperatures. At magmatic temperatures, C1 strongly partitions into aqueousfluids relative to

opedbelowby including additional constraints providedby other studies of the Yeringtondistrict,and then it is comparedwith previous models (e.g.,
Gustafsonand Hunt, 1975; Burnham, 1979).

One of the centralquestions of the orthomagmatic model is whether the mineralizingmagmas have

any peculiarmodes of originor whetherthey are

"normal" magmas.The Yerington magmaswere

high K andesites and dacitesthat fall within the compositional rangeof normal calc-alkaline magmas generated in continental arc settings, asdefined by (1979), granitic magma KDCl (mcll,l/mclm,t) = 30-40; Kilinc and Ewart (1979) and Gill (1981). Gustafson (1979), and Cornwall(1982) all reached Burnham, 1972), whereas F tends to partition Burnham

regardingmineralizing,calc-alslightly into magma (Burnham,1979). Therefore, similarconclusions The originof this type of magma is the observedtrend of decreasingC1/F in apatite kalinemagmas. with differentiation can be ascribed to a trend of the fundamental question of andesitc genesis andis evolution in increasing amounts of magmatic beyondthe scopeof this paper. However, the iso= 0.7040,So - 6.8 %0) aqueousfluids during crystallization,as suggested topicdata(878r/86Srinitial datafor the Yerington batholith by Candela (1983). However, the similar trend of andcompositional with a model indicatingthat high K C1/F in both biotite and hornblende probably re- are consistent characteristic of the early flects subsoliduspartitioning between aqueous andesitccompositions, fluids and minerals. Thus, both the inferred mag- McLeod Hill quartz monzodiorite intrusion, were matic and subsolidus trends are consistent with derived (after DePaolo, 1981) by fractionalcrystalevolutionof greateramounts of aqueous fluids(and lization of a basalticparent combinedwith lesser of assimilation of crust,whichwaspossibly possiblylower temperatures)in the most differen- degrees composed primarilyof Triassic igneous arc rocks. tiated magmas of the porphyritic granite series. Owing to Tertiary normal faulting and conseDiscussion and Conclusions quent90W tilting, the Yerington batholithis now in structural crosssectionat palcodepths The dataandarguments presentedabovestrongly exposed from 0 to 8 km. Within theseexposures supportan orthomagmatic model in which Cu-rich ranging aqueous fluidswere derived from crystallization of the McLeod Hill quartz monzodiorite,Bear quartz the Yerington batholith magma and causedpor- monzonite, and the Luhr Hill granite (and assoinphyry copper mineralization.This model is devel- ciated granite porphyry dikes) form successive






0 I

F om





- '



bed o23 Oxyge.eqmv





0 02 04
F otoms

06 08


showng ncreasin$ F and deereasn$ CI durin$ derentation an in succeedins subsolidus potassic

ydrothermal Biodte (B)alteradon. Analyses weremade Byelectron mcroproBe (Tables ?, 8, and9;
Dfiles, 1984). SeeFisure 6 Forarevatons.

FIc. 1?. F and CI contents oapatite (A),biotite (B),and amphbole (C)ntheYerin$ton batholith,

trusions thatarein turnvolumetrically smaller (ap- the batholithdifferentiated by inwardand downproximately 75, 19, and 6 vol %, respectively), ward crystallization interruptedby two eventsof
moredeeplyemplaeed (topsat <1, 1.5, and 2.5-5

km),and more silica rich(approximately 60, 66, and two differentiated magmas crystallized as the Bear
variations, Sr isotope data, and field relations are

upward intrusionof differentiatedmagma.These

68 wt % SiO2)(Table 1). Major and trace element quartz monzoniteand the Luhr Hill granite. The

Luhr Hill graniteand closelyassociated granite porphyry dikesare compositionally similar, contain the samemineralogy, and locallygradetexturally intooneanother, all of whichindicate thattheyare eomagmatie. The two represent the end stages of eralogy of pods of cumulate gabbro (Table5). The crystallization of the batholith andareclosely assoconsistent with differentiationof quartz monzodiorite to quartz monzonite andgranite by fractionationof '--40 wt percentcrystals of minerals that crystallized early in proportions similarto the min-

fieldrelations (Table 1, Figs. 2 and3) suggest that ciatedwith porphyrycoppermineralization. afteremplacement of quartz monzodiorite magma, Intensive properties of the magmas duringerys-



tallizationhavebeen derived from phasepetrology and mineral compositions. By inference,the original quartz monzodiorite magmas(containing augitc)were emplaced at 850 to 1,050Cat ---2 to 3 wt percent H20. However, the presenceof hornblende and biotite during much of the crystalliza-

Although the cause of magmatic oxidation is not

known, the close association of oxidationwith the

tion sequence of quartzmonzodiorite andall of the

sequence in quartz monzoniteand granite (Fig. 11) indicatesthat these magmas contained>3 wt percent H20, which led to water saturation during crystallization (Burnham, 1979; Nancy, 1983). The granitemagmas contained'--4 to 5 wt percentH20 (Fig. 12), which is compatiblewith derivationby fractional crystallization of quartz monzodiorite
containing 3 wt percent H20. Increasing water

evolution of magmatic aqueous fluidssuggests a genetic link. Regardless of the meansby which it occurs,oxidationof the magmarequiresthat the magma behaves asanopensystem andloses or gains components to change the oxidation state.One possibilityis that H2 gasescaped from the magma as proposed by Henley andMcNabb(1978) andEas-

toe (1982).The highdiffusivity of H2 (103times

H20; Burnham,1979) and the high vaporpressure of H2 gas('--1 bar at magmaticfo-T; Eastoe,1982) allow it to escapefrom the magma,which causes water in magma to dissociate by the reaction:

content during differentiation indicates earlier water saturationin successive differentiates.Crystallizationtemperatures are estimatedat ---675 to 700C and 750C at 2 and 1 kb ('--7- and 3.5-km palcodepth),respectively (Burnham,1979; Nancy, 1983). Fe-Ti oxidesand the phaseassemblage of mafic mineralsindicatethat fo2 of quartz monzodiorite was initially high (near an ilmenite-sphene fo2buffer, ---2-3 log unitsbelowthe hematite-magnetite buffer at 800C), similar to many relatively oxidized andesitc magmas.The decreasedabundanceof ilmenite and the decreased Fe/(Fe + Mg) of Ca amphibole from '--0.4 to '--0.3 indicate a slight increaseof fo during differentiation.However, FeoTioxide compositions indicatethat during crystallization and subsolidus coolingof eachintrusive, fo increased strikingly by "- 2 to 3 log unitsto as high as the hematite-magnetite buffer at ---500C (Fig. 14). These highly oxidized conditions are alsoreflected in the low Fe/(Fe + Mg) of all mafic silicates,includingbiotite (0.34-0.41), Ca amphibole (0.26-0.40), and augitc (0.20-0.24). Similar data for the Finnmarka complex, Norway, have been interpreted by Czamanskeand Wones (1973) as indicating magmatic oxidation. Other studies have concluded that porphyry copper magmasare inherently more oxidized than most calc-alkalinemagmas(e.g., Moore and Czamanske,

H20 = H2 + 1/202.


The O2 gasfrom thisreaction wouldcause magmatic oxidation(Burnham,1979; Eastoe,1982). A second means of magmatic oxidation isby separation of sulfurfrom the magma.When water satu-

ration occurs duringmagmatic crystallization, sulfur partitionsstrongly into the aqueous fluid phase

(KD(s.u,dSm,,,) = 4-40 at P(,o)= 2-0.5 kb;Burnham,

1979). Sulfuroccurs in the magma primarilyasHS(Burnham,1979), but in the aqueous fluid SO2is predominant (50-90%) overH2Sat magmatic T-fo2 conditions (Ohmotoand Rye, 1979). During coolingof the aqueous fluidalong anfobuffer,the fluid
must crossthe SO2-H2Sboundary and the ratio

SO2/H2S mustdecrease (Fig. 14) by a reaction such


SO2(a,) + H20(a,) = H2S(,) + 3/202(g). (8)

The O2 from reaction(7) would oxidizethe magma

or crystalline plutonby converting Fe+2to Fe+3,

whereasthe H2S could separatefrom the magma (pluton)by flow of the aqueous fluid or couldreact with metals in the fluid to precipitate sulfides. These processes would drive reaction (8) to the

right.Bymass balance, removal of reduced sulfur or

sulfides in the aqueous fluid would causeoxidation of the magmatic ferromagnesian silicateand Fe-Ti oxide assemblage. Pyrite would be the stableFe 1973; Mason, 1978; Chivas, 1981; and as discussed sulfide at <770C (Fig. 14), but Cu-Fe sulfides also by Wones, 1981). The Yerington data, however, wouldbe generallystableat theseT-fo conditions Cu (Eastoe,1982). The sulsuggest that porphyrymagmas initially had high ox- if there were sufficient idationstates similarto the states of manycalc-alka- fur removal model is consistent with the occurrence in reducedform aslarge line magmas,and that very high oxidation states of mostsulfurat Yerington were only achievedduring crystallization and sub- quantitiesof pyrite and chalcopyritein the porquantities in crystalsolidus cooling.Thus,the rapid oxidation is spatially phyrycopperoresandassmall and temporallylinked closelywith the exsolution of line igneousrocks. Most miieral compositionsrecord subsolidus magmatic aqueous fluidsdescribed above.This posconditions, whichareinterpreted to sibility is also supported by the low C1/F ratio of reequilibration alterationproduced apatite, which decreases from 0.08 to 0.01 during be the resultof deuteric-style fluidsderivedfromthe magmas. These differentiation and which suggests increasing parti- by aqueous tioningof CI into an aqueous phase (Holland,1972; effects include decreases in the Ti content of bioCandela, 1983). tite, the C1/Fratioof biotiteandamphibole, andthe



mole fractionof albite in alkali feldspar;all these effectsincreasewith both depth of emplacement and differentiation of the batholith.In igneous amphibole, the correlation of decreasing Fe/(Fe + Mg)

posit (K. L. Howard, pers. commun., 1980; Dilles, 1982, 1984). These authorsdescribed the hydrothermalalterationeffectsthat overlapandpostdate

withdecreasing A1TM andTi andtheoverlap of compositions with the field of hydrothermal amphiboles (Fig. 16) suggest that low Fe/(Fe + Mg) couldbe partly due to subsolidus aqueous alteration,a conclusion alsoreachedby Chivas(1981) for the Koloula porphyry copper complex. However, Czamanske andWones(1973) andMason (1978) have interpretedthis trend to be a magmatic effect. An orthomagmatic model (after Burnham, 1967, 1979), in whichCu wasintroduced duringemplacement of granite porphyry dikes, is proposedfor porphyrycoppermineralization in the Yerington district(Fig. 18). At the Yerington mine porphyry deposit,Cu introduction is directly associated with the emplacement of individual granite porphyry dikes that were successively intruded (Proffett, 1979; Carten, 1986; M. T. Einaudi et al., in prep.).
A similar relation is inferred for the Ann-Mason de-

The details of the orthomagmatic model at the magmaticstageare as follows.Field relationsindicate that graniteporphyrydikesare mineralizedat '-'2- to 4-km paleDdepth immediately abovewhere they intruded (upward) through the apicesof cupolasof the Luhr Hill granite (Fig. 2). The dikes gradedownward into granite,andassuming that the dikes were emplaced upward or laterally, their source wasthe graniteat 3- to 6-km depth (Fig. 3). A graphic-textured border on the apexof the gran-

ite cupola(Fig. 2) andabundant aplite andpegmatite dikes in granite indicate water saturationoc-

curredthroughout the Luhr Hill graniteasit crystallized. The Luhr Hill granite crystallized downwardand inward at Ann-Mason(Fig. 2), attendedby successive upwardemplacement of granite porphyry dikes (Fig. 18). These dikes contain '-'50 percent phenocrysts set in an aplitic-textured,

A /X A


















H20- SALT-Cu

/,,"/ '"

PG Magma

-"" - -""UPWARD



FIG. 18. Orthomagmatic modelfor generation of porphyry copper ore fluids duringcrystallization of the graniteseries magmas, asdiscussed in text.A. Very earlyduringcrystallization, beforeemplacement of graniteporphyrydikes.B. Early to late duringcrystallization. Graniteporphyrydikesand magmatic hydrothermal fluidsare emplaced upwardin successive pulses, causing multiplemineralization events.Hydrothermal alterationeventsabovegraphitecupolasummarized from Dilles (1984), Carten (1986), and M. T. Einaudi et al. (in prep.). SeeFigures3 and 6 for abbreviations.



granitic groundmass. The phenocrystassemblage requiresthat the graniteporphyrydikeswere water saturated and near their solidus temperatureprior to emplacement (after Naney, 1983), andthe aplitic groundmass indicates pressurequenching (Jahns and Burnham, 1969; Fenn, 1977), which in turn impliesrapid upwardemplacement andwater exsolution. Granite porphyry dikesare sparse or absent in deep exposures (>6 km) of Luhr Hill granite,and
dikes are not associated with the older, more shal-








lowly emplaced Bear quartz monzonite (Fig. 3). 600 700 800 900 C Thesefactssuggest that the 3- to 6-km-depth interval may be a controllingfactorin the generationof FIC. 19. P-T projectionof granodiorite and NaC1-H20phase graniteporphyrydikes,as proposed by Burnham relations. The water-saturated granodiorite solidus and the (1979). water-saturated liquidusfor biotite (BIOT-L) are modifiedfrom In the modelpresented here (Fig. 18), a separate Burnham(1979) andNaney (1983). NaC1-H20relationsare from Sourirajanand Kennedy(1962) and Bodnaret al. (1985). In the aqueousphase coexistedwith the crystallizing region of two NaC1-HeOfluids, separatehigh- and low-salinity granite and flowed upward alongthe hot, highly fluid phasescoexistwhere the bulk composition is appropriate permeable granite porphyrydikesshortly afterthey (e.g., 2-60 wt % NaC1at 800C and 1 kb). Dashedlinesshowwt were emplaced (Dilles, 1984). As proposedby percent NaC1 of the high-salinityfluid. Stippling indicatesthe Burnham (1979), "second boiling" of aqueous preferred area for a magmaticorigin of high-salinityfluidsfrom coppermagmas, suchasthe Yeringtonbatholithgranite fluidsseparating from graniteat thesepaleodepths porphyry magmacontaining>4 wt percent HO. would createPAV energythat couldproducefluid overpressures (>P lithostatic),which would in turn

-v* oc,s ,-

fractureoverlying rockandallowupwardemplace+_hematite _ other salts).Hydrothermallyaltered mentof dikesandupwardflow of aqueous fluids.

A slight,but important,variationadvocated here magmaat 3- to 6-km depth (0.9-1.8 kb), would further separateinto a low-density aqueous fluid coexisting with a saline,high-density aqueous fluid. This possibility, discussed but dismissed by Burnham (1979), has been proposedby Bodnar et al. (1985) on the basisof recent experimentalstudies
rock at the Ann-Mason porphyry copper deposit

is that aqueous fluidsseparating from the granite containsabundant halite-bearing inclusions,some

of which have up to 62 wt percent saltsand homogenizeat 500 to 550C (Dilles, 1984). Low-density aqueousfluids, possibly including H, were probablylost during the rise of a "vapor plume" (HenleyandMcNabb, 1978), whereas high-density fluidsremainedwith the magma,to be released upward only upon emplacementof porphyry dikes (Fig. 18). Na, K, Ca, Fe, Cu, and S would have stronglypartitioned into the Cl-rich, high-density, aqueousfluid relative to either the magma or the low-density aqueous fluid (Holland, 1972; Candela and Holland, 1984, 1986). Candela and Holland (1986) calculatethat up to 80 wt percent of Cu couldbe partitionedinto Cl-rich aqueous fluidfrom the magma.The Cu versusSiO trend during differentiationof the Yeringtonbatholith (Fig. 9) suggeststhat --80 wt percent of the Cu or '--50 ppm Cu was extracted uniformly from the entire Luhr Hill granitefrom 3- to 8-km paleodepth.Extraction of 50 ppm Cu from a minimumestimated volumeof

whichindicate that the two-phase field of the system NaC1-H20 extendsto >1.5 kb and >1,000C

(Fig. 19). This hasalsobeen documented by coexisting high-salinity fluid,low-salinity fluid,andglass inclusions in quartzphenocrysts from the Panguna porphyry copper deposit(Eastoeand Eadington, 1986). For example,a reasonable parent magma,
containing 0.1 wt percent C1, upon cooling to 750Cat 1.1 kb pressure wouldlose'-3 wt percent H20 (due to water saturation), into which 75 wt percentof C1wouldpartition(KilincandBurnham, 1972). The resultant aqueousfluid would further

splitinto two phases: '--98 wt percentlow-salinity fluidcontaining 4 wt percentsalts and ---2 wt percent high-salinity fluid containing51 wt percent salts(Fig. 19). Fluid inclusions with high salinity (40- >60 wt % salts) andhighhomogenization temperatures(400-800C) are common in the porphyry environment(Roedder,1971, 1984) and commonlycoexistwith a low-salinity,vapor-rich fluid (Bodnar,1982). In the Yeringtonbatholith,

65 km3 of Luhr Hill granite(Table 1) wouldyield

10 million tons of Cu, more than sufficient to

producethe '-6 milliontonsof Cu deposited in the Yeringtondistrict (Einaudi, 1982). The concentration of saltsand Cu into high-density aqueousore fluids containingonly 3 wt percent of the water originallyin the granite magmareducesthe probmodelsof igneousquartz commonlycontains abundanthigh- lem inherentin previousorthomagmatic large volumesof dilute aqueous fluids salinityfluidinclusions (containing halite +_sylvite transporting



from the crystallizing magmaupwardthroughthe smallcross sectional area of the stockapex. The proposed orthomagmatic model can in
theory provide all the Cu deposited. However, whether it is practicableto uniformly remove 50

ship,the Anaconda Company,the Harvey S. Mudd Fund of the Departmentof AppliedEarth Sciences, and Geological Societyof AmericaPenrose grants. Critical reviews by and discussions with Einaudi,
A. L. Grunder, G. A. Mahood, and E. Seedorff have

ppm Cu from >65 km3 of magma is debatable. As substantially improvedthis manuscript. The preshownabove, the mineralizinggranite porphyry vious work and ideas of J. M. Proffett, M. T. Eindikesand therefore ore fluidsappearto have their sources at '--3- to 6-km depth in the upper part of the Luhr Hill granite. However, Cu must also be extracted fromdeeperparts(6-8 km) of the granite magmaby evolutionand upward migrationof an aqueousfluid to <6 km. How aqueousfluid migrates through magmais problematic. However,
granitic magma containing 4 to 5 wt percent water

audi, R. B. Carten, K. L. Howard, Jr., and other Anaconda Company geologists providedthe framework for this study. M. L. Rivers assisted with the microprobe analyses. Reviews of the manuscript by two Economic Geology refereeswere helpful.
August 19; 1986; March 25, 1987

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Acknowledgments This paper representspart of a Ph.D. dissertation v. 64, p. 343. Candela,P. A., and Holland, H. D., 1984, The partitioning of completedat StanfordUniversityunder the direccopper and molybdenumbetween silicatemelts and aqueous tion of M. T. Einaudi. Supportwasprovidedpartly Cosmochim. Acta, v. 48, p. 373-380. transfermodelfor copperandmolybdenum in by a National ScienceFoundation graduatefellow- -- 1986, A mass

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Petrographic Descriptions of Units of the YeringtonBatholith Biotite-hornblende quartz monzodiorite(QMD) of McLeod Hill is fine to medium grained (0.5-2 mm), increasing with depth and distancefrom wallrockcontacts, andis commonly grayto purple-gray, with a color index of 15 to (Fig. 3, Table ).It is characterized by tabular plagioclase, prismatic hornblende,and/or anhedralaugite, euhedralbiotite, equant opaqueoxides,and accessory sphene,

euhedral apatite, and zircon enclosedby intergrownmicrocline and quartz.Augite occurs only with hornblendecoronas and is only abundantin structurally shallow, fine grained biotite-hornblende quartz monzodiorite (compare Fig. 5C and D). Hornblende containsabundantinclusionsof magnetite and minor sphene and ilmenite. The hornblende (+ augite) to biotite ratio is high



("-4:1), magnetite and sphene are abundant,and ilmenite forms sparse isolated grains sometimes rimmed by discontinuous sphene.Biotite includes apatite_ zirconandis stablewith augite (Fig. 5D). Spheneformsanhedralgrainsintergrownwith and overgrowing magnetite,hornblende,ilmenite, and locally biotite, showingthat it is paragenetically late. In shallowexposures plagioclase formseuhedral normallyzoned(tn4o-17)tabletswith fine-scale oscillatory zoningand sparse, resorbed,calciccores (An65-5o). K-feldsparand quartz poikiloblastically enclose plagioclase and maficminerals. In deep exposures, subhedral plagioclase is less zoned (An35_17), doesnot containcalciccores,and is intergrownwith K-feldsparand quartz. Biotite-hornblende gabbro (GB) is allotriomorphic andfine to mediumgrained,with a colorindex of '-'60. It is composed of hornblende,zoned plagioclase (An42_22 with coresascalcicasAn72),biotite, magnetite,sphene, apatite,ilmenite,andtraces of augite(Table2, Fig. 3). Exceptfor prismatic apatite, all grainsare subhedral to anhedraland subequant, showing no interlocking textures. The hornblendeto plagioclase ratio variesfrom >2:1 to 1:1. Most biotite occursas a replacementof hornblende along cleavage,but someoccursas poikilobiastic grainsenclosingplagioclase, augite, minor hornblende, and opaques.Sphene forms isolated subhedral grainsbut alsocommonly formssmaller <0.1-mm grains rimmingilmeniteandin some cases partially rimming magnetite. Bordergranite(BG) phaseof the Bearintrusionis fine grained (0.5-1 mm) and leucocraticwith a colorindexof 5 to 7 (Tables1 and 2). Texturesvary from granitic to graphic to distinctly porphyritic (proceeding towardthe country-rock contact),and the porphyriticrocks containphenocrysts of plagioclase, maficminerals,and rare resorbedquartz up to 2 mm (Fig. 5F). Subhedralto euhedralplagioclase(An37_7) tablets are enclosed by graphically intergrownmicroclineandquartz (0.1-1 mm) and are locally overgrownby K-feldspar. Hornblende and biotite contentsvary inversely; hornblende is more abundant toward the gradational contactwith the interior, quartzmonzonitephaseof the Bear intrusion.Equant magnetiteand euhedral sphene,apatite, and zircon are accessories. Biotite contains abundantexolvedsagenitic rutile and most formsshreddy aggregates of fine disoriented grains, interpreted asreplacements of hornblende. Hornblende quartz monzonite (QM) forms the main phase of the Bear intrusion. Grain size increases with depth from ' 1 to 2 mm at the border granite contactto 2 to 5 mm 300 m below the contact. Hornblende quartz monzonite commonly is equigranular, but at a >3-km paleodepthdisplays a porphyritic texture characterized by K-feldspar

megacrysts up to 2 cm, which include all other min-

erals.Hornblendequartzmonzonite is light purplegray and hasa hornblendeto biotite ratio of >10:1 and a colorindexof 11 to 13. The mineralogy consists of subhedral normallyzoned(Ana,_so) tabular plagioclase, prismatichornblende,equant magnetite andeuhedralsphene enclosed in an intergrowth of quartz and microcline.Euhedralzirconand apatite, subhedral biotite, and anhedral resorbed il-

menite inclusionsin sphene are accessory phases (Table 2). Hornblende is commonlythe only ferromagnesian silicateand contains abundantinclusions of magnetite,sphene,and very rare resorbedaugite.

Porphyritic granite (PG) of Luhr Hill is medium grained (2-5 ram) and consists of subhedralzoned (Ana,_i6)plagioclase tablets, subhedralhornblende prisms,euhedralbiotite, equantmagnetite,and euhedral spheneenclosedin graphicallyintergrown quartz (0.2-1.0 mm) and microcline (Tables i and 2, Fig. 5G). Nine to twelve percent megacrysts of microperthitic microcline contain abundantinclusionsof plagioclase,hornblende, and biotite and sparsequartz. Hornblende contains abundant inclusions of magnetiteand euhedral spheneand is commonly partly or rarely totally replacedby biotite along cleavages.Minor epidote is ubiquitous and formsdiscrete0.01-mm grainsassociated with hornblende, biotite, and/or magnetite. Euhedral apatite and zircon crystallized early as accessory phases that are included in plagioclase, K-feldspar, and biotite. Ilmenite occursonly as extremelyrare rounded and embayedgrainscommonlyassociated with magnetite and everywhere enclosedwithin euhedralsphene. Granite porphyry dikes (GPD) commonly are characterized by '"50 percent gray (where fresh) or white 0.05-mm aplitic groundmassand "-50 percentphenocrysts (Tables2 and 4, Fig. 5I), consistingof 1- to 3-mm zoned (Anas_17) plagioclase tablets, 5 to 8 percent 'l'-cm microcline megacrysts, euhedral biotite books, subhedral hornblendeprisms,1 to 5 percent1- to 3-mmembayed, bipyramidal quartz phenocrysts,and accessory 1-mm rhombic sphene,0.1- to 0.5-mm equantmagnetite, and 0.1-mm euhedral apatite and zircon. Hornblendeis commonlyslightlyembayedand replaced by biotite along cleavages. Quartz pheno-

crystscontaininclusions of spheneand dendritic quartz-feldspar intergrowths (quenched melt?). The groundmass consists of subequal amounts of equant to subangular quartz and alkali-feldspar, sparse plagioclase laths,and sparse biotite (Table 2). In shallowest exposures ('1 km, Fig. 2), the groundmass is commonly dark, flow banded,and finer grained (0.02-0.05 mm), suggesting local quenching to a glass (J. M. Proffett,pers.commun.,



1982). In deep exposureswithin the porphyritic increases downward from as low as 1:2 at shallow granitecupola(4.6-5.5 kin, Fig. 2), the groundmass levels to 1:1 characteristicof most exposures,to is coarsergrained(0.1- > 0.2 mm, increasing with slightly greater than 1:1 in the deepestexposures depth)andisgraphic textured,with localcuneiform within the cupola of porphyritic granite. The texture. In deep exposures groundmass quartz chilled dike phasediffersby havinga lower phenoratio (<1:4 to 1:2; Fig. 5J), commonly formsnarrow (0.1-mm) overgrowths in cryst to groundmass optical continuity upon embayed quartz pheno- sparserquartz phenocrysts,no K-feldspar megabiotite (up crysts.Sympathetic with the increasein ground- crysts,and more abundantgroundmass graniteporphyrydikes. mass grainsize,the phenocryst to groundmass ratio to 10%),relativeto common

Analytical Techniques for Electron Microprobe Analyses Analyses wereperformed onminerals in polished terference using Bence and Albee (1968) correcthin sections andgrainmounts by anARL electron tion factors by the computer program PRMAIN
microprobe at the University of Californiaat Berke- (M. L. Rivers).Most reported analyses are the averley.Eightelements perrunweredetected by wave- age of four to 10 spot analyses. Where more than

lengthdispersive spectrometers at the following eight elements were analyzed, points were relooperatingconditions: filamentvoyage-- 15 keV; sample current___ 0.2 nA; beamdiameter_ 2 #m. Counting time was ten seconds per point. Each point was correctedfor background(mean atomic
numbermethod),drift, deadtime,and elementalincated for additionalelements.Estimatedanalytical errors are ___0.05 wt percent (la), except for SiO2 and A12Oa, which have errors of _0.1 wt percent where they exceed 5 wt percent.

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