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Phoenix: The Eternal

Legal Stuff
Phoenix: The Eternal is an unauthorized net supplement for White Wolf Game Studio's World of Darkness. The author does not propose to challenge White Wolf's copyrights and makes no profit from this work. All appropriate copyrights, including "World of Darkness", "Kindred," "Garou," "The Dreaming," "Oblivion" and such belong to White Wolf Game Studio. "Phoenix: The Eternal" and all its related concepts is an intellectual property of the author.

Phoenix is the culmination of over two years of thought, development and playtesting. It is intended as a complete supplement for existing games, and can be run as its own game using one of the World of Darkness rulebooks. Phoenix can be combined with other net supplements with great effectiveness, and crossover rules for the most popular, including Highlander-style Immortals, will eventually be published. Comments and questions are welcomed and encouraged. The author can be contacted at: and will attempt to answer all questions thoroughly. New ideas are also encouraged; Phoenix will never truly be complete.

What is a Phoenix?
In this supplement, a phoenix, called an "Eternal," is a person with ties to one of five Elements, whose soul continually reincarnates. This phoenix carries past lives in his memory, and these "Phantoms" can interact with the character and with the world in various ways. Enough talk, on to the game!

Chapter One: Setting

Phoenix is about life and death and the cycle of reincarnation. It presupposes that not everyone stays dead, and that it is possible to transcend death and return to the world of the living. It does not mean that everyone should believe in reincarnation, but it is intended to make people question their beliefs, either to change them or strengthen them. The culture of the Eternal is unlike that of any other group in the World of Darkness. When you can live, love, hate, succeed, fail, give, take, foil, aid, laugh, cry and die just to do it all over again, over and over, you begin to develop a unique outlook on the world. So it is with the phoenixes. The theme of Phoenix is, as stated, reincarnation and the interaction of past, present

and future. Its mood is one of mystery and antiquity coupled with the Gothic-Punk of the World of Darkness. While Phoenix can indeed be played alone, it is designed for crossover use with the other games of the World of Darkness: Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascencion, Wraith: The Oblivion, and Changeling: The Dreaming. It also works well with the historical "secondary" settings of these games, like the so-far released Vampire: The Dark Ages, Werewolf: The Wild West and Mage: The Sorceror's Crusade. While Phoenix is based on characters who are, at the heart of it all, completely alien, the rules, suggestions and questions within are usable for any character who is reborn after death. Such mortals may not have access to Birthrights, but Memory is a powerful tool in its own right. The most important thing is to have fun and tell a good story. As with all games, especially in the World of Darkness, the Golden Rule applies -- there are no real rules, only suggestions.

The Eternal
Legend tells of a great flame-bird that would periodically commit suicide upon a pyre and emerge from the ashes, whole and refreshed. While this myth only partially explains the Eternal, it is a good reference point. The phoenixes are a race older than even this world, a race of beings formed from the Elements themselves. Their souls, tied to the Wheel of life and death, reincarnate, returning after death to the planes of existence as a different person after a respite in some unknown country. Only the corresponding loss of a great portion of the Eternal's memory upon rebirth keeps her from becoming unfathomably powerful as lifetimes of experiences pile up one upon the next. This loss of memory is one of the things that helps to define who the Eternal are. Too many memories can send the phoenix spiraling into what is known as Discord, but no memories at all can leave him bereft and an easy target for the machinations of others who know his nature. It is a fine line the Eternal walk. Ironic indeed is the situation the phoenixes find themselves in, able to remember distant pasts and other lives but remaining ignorant of the beginning times and why they have come this far. When the paths of two phoenixes cross, there is no telling what can happen. Even being of the same Element is no guarantee of friendship. Everything is determined on how the two have interacted in the past, what they had for breakfast, what sign the moon is in, and the price of peanut butter in Hong Kong -- in short, predictability is nigh impossible. The encounter could be violent, cold, friendly, loving, or mysterious, but it is usually fraught with emotion, memory and tension. Even those Eternal who have never met before at any time share a common beginning, and though they can not remember it, it harmonizes within them.

The Quest
There was a reason the Eternal set themselves on the path that has led them here . . . but not a single one remembers why. They simply refer to it now as the Quest. Many rumors abound. When pressed, those who claim to know will usually bend and admit that they are supposing quite a bit. Based on the actions of the Eternal in recent ages, it would seem that the Quest was a contest for supremacy initiated by a small

group of individuals that snowballed into something beyond anyone's control . . . but again, that is only a guess. The only thing that can be said for certain is that the Quest exists, and that it is moving toward a conclusion in some unforseeable future. The quest to recover the memory of the Quest's purpose consumes the lives of some Eternal, who devote many years, sometimes several lives in a row, to the search. It can be an addictive enigma, for at some times the Inkling will lead one to feel that they have found a vital clue, but the clue will often end up being a dead-end. Whether the phoenix feels motivated by self-interest or the desire to aid and protect others, none can ignore the fact that their actions sometimes seem too familiar for comfort, like some mystical deja vu (a sensation known as the Inkling). Sometimes the pattern can be broken; other times the Eternal is a helpless witness to the passage of events. This too is seen as a part of the Quest. Over the long years, many Eternal have stumbled into, upon, over, under and through various sub-plots and games-within-games. Often formalized into Compacts by the strange, powerful and somewhat dangerous ritual known as the Binding, these smaller games can be called for any purpose at all. Some are cooperative, reaching toward a common goal, while others are belligerent stuggles for supremacy.

The Five Elements

The origins of the Eternal lie with the five primal forces, or Elements, that make up the world: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Energy. Each phoenix is related to one of these elements, having sprung from it an eternity ago. Some very rare Eternal have inside them more than one Element, and there also exist exotic beings believed to be Eternal who relate to a different system of forces (Earth, Wood, Metal, Fire and Water), but the majority of the phoenixes known and encountered are of the Five. While similar to the alchemical system of elements, the Five are more than just building blocks. They govern states of mind and ways of being as well as physicality. Earth is the realm of solid matter, patterns and resilience, both mental and physical. Air governs gaseous matter and logical thought patterns, logic and reasoning. Fire rules change and heat (which is also part of Energy) as well as passion and emotion. Water commands liquid substances, flow, depth and psychic sensitivity. Energy is the province of all forms of energy (electromagnetic, nuclear, kinetic, magickal) and the force of life itself, sometimes called Spirit. The Elements can be related in some ways to the types of Avatars found among the mages: Earth to Pattern, Fire to Dynamic, Air to Primordial, Water to Questing and Energy to the as-yet theoretical Infinite. An Eternal's Element helps to determine, but does not make iron-clad, his Nature and Demeanor. Earth phoenixes are generally strong of mind and body, Air phoenixes intelligent and crafty, Fire phoenixes dynamic and unpredictable, Water phoenixes sensitive and graceful, and Energy phoenixes commanding and intense. There is chaos in order and order in chaos, however, and even change is changeable; so it is with the phoenixes -- there is no guarantee that an Earth phoenix will not be sickly and weak-willed. One constant however, is that the Element of a phoenix grants that Eternal an affinity for the corresponding Elemancy (in game terms, a newly-created phoenix gains an additional dot in the related Elemancy Birthright, known as the Legacy.)

Contrary to once-popular belief, there is no system of dominance and submission among the Elements. Water enjoys no special power over Fire, nor Earth over Air nor Energy over any of the others. The only distinction among the elements is that Energy is considered to be the primal Element and can be found in all things (a theory borne out by modern science), but this grants Energy nothing more than respect. More can be found on the individual Elements in Chapter Two.

The Wheel of Life and Death

The soul of a phoenix is bound to the wheel of birth, death and rebirth more strongly than others. Though the exact nature of the wheel itself is unfathomable, its inexorable turn is felt by all Eternal. This connection is what makes the Eternal what they are. The physical birth of a phoenix is still enshrouded in mystery. It is generally accepted that the soul of a "deceased" Eternal is joined to a physical body at the moment of conception. The phoenix is born enveloped in what is known as the Shell. Eventually some potent memory of a past beyond her current mortal life will break through the Shell and awaken within the phoenix, usually with encouragement from another Eternal. The Shell will be cracked and the reawakened phoenix will begin to remember more. As with the First Change of the lycanthropes, the Awakening of the mages and the Chrysalis of the fae, the breaking of the Shell (referred to by some flippant Eternal as the "Hatching"; the ancient term for this event has been lost) can be a bewildering period, leaving the phoenix open to attack and manipulation. The Right of Birds of a Feather (the first level of Anamnesis) is often used to find those just reawakening to their true nature (called "fledglings" by those same flippant Eternal).

Death and Phantoms

Death is never a welcome event. The body itself fears death, and the mind still reacts the same way to the threat of being extinguished even if the consciousness knows that death is not the end -- there is nothing to say that this death might not truly be the last. Beyond the primal terror of death is the inconvenience of it. Well-laid plans and longsought-after dreams fall out of one's grasp should one's life abruptly cease. When a phoenix dies her soul vacates the body and goes to an unknown place to await rebirth, possibly in another place, maybe not even as the same race. The Eternal have seen many worlds and many different planes of existence, even if they do not recall them. The past lives of Eternal do not always become simple files in a folder for the phoenixes to page through and use. Sometimes a life will remain with the phoenix like an alternate personality, a ghost of yore that shares the phoenix's mind that is called a Phantom. These past ghosts are usually memory patterns of lives that ended in spectacular ways or achieved great or meaningful successes. They can occasionally seize control of a phoenix, whether by agreement or by struggle, in a process known as Subversion. Those Eternal with particularly strong Phantoms will find themselves with "roommates" constantly vying for control, though all phoenixes must live their lives having hidden mental conversations, debates and arguments with voices only they can hear. Subversion is not always bad, and many Eternal allow their past selves

to act through them, using their own knowledge and skills for various ends, and sometimes ending up in heaps of trouble. The past of a phoenix is a continuous thread, even if the Eternal can not remember some, or even most, of it. That portion of the past that has not imprinted itself as Phantoms is summed up within the Eternal's Memory. In this way, Memory and Phantoms are related. Phantoms are not created equal. Each Phantom will have a varying degree of cohesive strength, a measure of how well it has "been imprinted" or "held together" that is known among the Eternal as that Phantom's Integrity. Strong-willed or eventful lives will generally make more of an imprint upon a phoenix's Memory than unremarkable ones. Memory is the driving force that fuels an Eternal's Elemental gifts. It is an enigmatic force, Elemental power mingled with experience, flowing out of the past in an inexorable tide, yet serving as a link to the Wheel of life and death. It is tinged with the myriad colors, tones and flavors of the cosmos and is an intimate personal experience to every Eternal. It is also potential, and that potential often gives rise to Phantoms. As Memory is the summation of an Eternal's existance, it resonates with his deeds, emotions and desires. When these are strong, they echo through the force of his Memory and establish themselves, giving rise to a Phantom in a process called Imprinting. A Phantom can be looked at as a "footprint" in the "beach" of the Eternal's Memory that remains through the tides when most other prints have been washed away. It is a recording come to life, a child of the past. A Phantom is not a "personality". It is energy given pattern, in its own way an Elemental -- an Elemental of Memory. It is a shard of the Eternal's past, a cast-off of what the phoenix used to be, a ghost of a former life. The psyche goes on to another life, its experiences of this life subsumed into Memory, but the Phantom remains, and remembers. Phantoms do not retain their supernatual powers beyond death. However, if they gain control of the Eternal's body through Subversion, they can access that phoenix's Birthright powers, Memory and Discord. Their willpower is their own: contests between an Eternal and his Phantoms are contests of his Willpower against the Phantom's Integrity.

Almost as important as the knowledge of rebirth is the capacity to remember past lives. The Birthright of Anamnesis is a powerful tool for peering back, but all Eternal have at least moderate memory of their previous incarnations. These memories may not be of practical value ability-wise, but remembering what an enemy did to you the last time around is certainly incentive to avoid the same trap this time. The buildup of past knowledges and experiences mingles with the Wheel of Rebirth itself in a force known as Memory. It is well-documented that there is no rhyme nor reason to the memories an Eternal will have in a particular life. She may recall the previous lifetime, or she may remember something that happened three thousand years ago on the other side of the

planet. Memory can be fickle even as it is one source of an Eternal's strength. Grudges between phoenixes can span times that would make an elder of the Kindred recoil. Because of the "time-outs" that death often calls and the mis-timing of rebirth, enemies can become separated, with one alive and one dead, or both in different places, and be forced to bide their time, waiting for a chance to strike at each other. The same can be said for friendship and love. The trials that two lovers can go through to reunite after dying are the stuff of legends. Emotions run deep in the Eternal, and as the past is so important to them, it can slowly consume them. More specific details on Memory, and its application in game terms, are found in Chapter Four.

Sometimes an Eternal is unable to handle all the memories floating around in his head, or is unable to integrate fully into the world and society around him. Having lived in times past, when values were different, the "modern" era can become a jumble of senseless ideals. Yesterday and today can blend and juxtapose. The blurring of past and present is known to the Eternal as Discord. While limited amounts of Discord are somewhat helpful, allowing the existence of Memory and therefore the use of Birthrights, it becomes harmful as it increases. As Discord grows, a phoenix begins to confuse the present and the past, falling out of touch with current time. Previous lifetimes can intrude on the present. The less the phoenix has been able to harmonize with her present life the more Discordant she is and the wilder the fluctuations will be. The Discord chart in the Appendix gives an idea of what happens at various stages of Discord. The Eternal have developed a Birthright known as Concord specifically to deal with this problem. Those skilled in Concord are generally treated with respect by most Eternal, whatever their aims, because without them the all phoenixes might slowly go totally insane. More can be found about Discord in Chapter Four, including its application in game mechanics.

The Shell
The mortal mind can not begin to hold and process all the experiences that a phoenix has gone through over the countless years. Slowly new memories will displace old, and old and new memories will mix. The Shell of Forgetfulness is a reflection of this degradation of memory, ensnaring newly-reborn Eternal and wiping the slate clean for a new lifetime. Though the Shell can be a hindrance, it also allows the phoenix room for new experiences and prevents an overload before the Eternal is able to deal with his Memory. Thus it is a double-edged sword. The true nature of the Shell is unknown. It is surmised that it is related to the Mists the fae encounter and the loss of memory in elder Kindred and Reborn (those strange beings commonly called mummies). The Shell and the dangerous force of Discord might also be related to the mages' bane, known as Paradox, but again this is only a theory as unbelief does not affect phoenixes.

"New" Eternal
On very, very rare occasions, a phoenix will be discovered who has hitherto not lived as another being before. It is believed that these are latecomers to the Quest, or perhaps exiles from the true home of the Eternal. These so-called "new" phoenixes can be very strong, without the crippling weight of Discord, but they can just as easily be weak, disoriented with the sudden transformation from human to something other, without the knowledge and experience of previous lives and the process of reincarnation. Eternal characters are assumed to have lived at least a few times before their current incarnation.

True Death
While "normal" death does not affect the Eternal in the same way it does others, it is still possible to completely destroy one. But it isn't easy. Like the Reborn, the souls of the phoenixes are nearly completely beyond harm. They can't even be tracked into the Underworld, because they go somewhere . . . else when they die. Perhaps great magicks can extinguish their Elemental hearts, but such powerful mages are busy with their own agendas and can't be troubled with a few "bothersome" phoenixes. It is not known for certain what happens to an Eternal who succumbs to Discord. It is widely assumed that they burn out and die, to be reborn safely within the Shell at some later date, their Memory packed away again. Rumor persists that those Eternal who fall this way may carry their Discord with them, or that this is the one true way to extinguish a phoenix. Certainly it is a jagged weapon in the hands of those who know about Discord, and it might even be true that by invoking Discord one could finally crush the soul out of the Eternal. Not even the Eternal themselves are certain how, or if, they can ever escape the Wheel by methods other than destruction. Some say that a phoenix can voluntarily give up her ability to reincarnate -- but who would want to risk oblivion for an unknown promise of something else? Most Eternal are all too happy to put up with the pains of the mortal coil, and shiver when the rare thought of never coming back crosses their minds. To most phoenixes, Nirvana is a lie. Nothingness is not bliss -- it is Hell. Identity and existence are the paramount things, the most blessed of gifts. Some more religious Eternal would consider it sacrilegious to give them up.

The Binding and Compacts

In response to the vagaries of reincarnation, the Eternal have created a ritual designed to link phoenix souls together in space and time, known as the Binding. The Binding bands Eternal together into a group known as a Compact, which then reincarnates in greater part or as a whole in relatively similar times and places. Compacts are formed for a multitude of reasons. The most common compacts are agreements of friendship, vows of neverending love between phoenixes, and statements of common purpose, but other Compacts exist for the sole purpose of keeping competitors, rivals and bitter enemies chained to each other for various

purposes. Breaking a Compact is usually accomplished when any set terms of the Binding are met. Vows of love usually do not contain such terms. Antagonistic Bindings may or may not contain set terms, depending upon the degree of animosity among the participating Eternal. Other than meeting set terms, constant resistance against the Binding's purpose can eventually, after several incarnations, can begin to weaken the Binding's force.

Elemental Politics: Conflicts

The Eternal are a mystery to the world around them, and probably always will be. They keep to themselves, concealing their true natures from humanity, going about their business in the shadows. Within this hidden society is a complex web of ties from ages past; grudges, friendships and alliances can last through entire lifetimes, carried beyond death. As well, there exist general prejudices among the Elements themselves about each other and themselves. Overlaying these conflicts are the circumstances of the world, which can have drastic effects on how individual Eternal will interact. Conflict is at the heart of any exciting story. There are many different types of conflict, and some of the most relevant are listed below. Memory vs. Discord: This is the major conflict in Phoenix: the Eternal. The balance between remembrance and confusion is the razor's edge that all phoenixes walk and that dominates their existences. Past vs. Present: This is the internal battle between Memory and current experience that causes Discord. Element vs. Element: Differences in philosophy can mount until physical, spiritual and psychic warfare erupts between Eternal. In historical times this was the most common conflict between phoenixes, but in modern day the fighting has split along even finer lines. This conflict can also be represented as Compact vs. Compact, with opposing groups of Eternal working against each other. Eternal vs. Eternal: The most common inter-phoenix conflict today is this, on the individual level. Ages of interaction, clashing of goals and Binding agreements can heighten tensions between Eternal until they break. Eternal vs. Others: Phoenixes are not alone in the World of Darkness. Vampires stalk the night, werecreatures defend the forests, mages bend reality, wraiths wait right across the Shroud and the fae wander in plain sight. All have their own goals and methods, which often conflict with those of the Eternal. This type of story will be one of the most common, especially if only one or two Eternal characters are present in a game. Eternal vs. Destiny: Represented by the forces of the Binding as well as many unknown factors, Destiny can be an incredible driving force in a chronicle, sweeping the characters along. Eternal vs. Self: Between divided urges and the will of Phantoms, the phoenix hosts within herself a multitude of possible opponents.

Common Parlance These are the common terms of the Eternal, used by all. Those who have higher memory scores will tend to sprinkle in the more archaic terms below, while those with lower scores or who prefer a more modern era will utilize the Vulgar Argot in conjunction with these terms. Akasha: The powers of spirit and other worlds. Anamnesis: The powers of memory and past lives. The Binding: A powerful ritual in which Eternal mingle their memories in an effort to link their souls. It causes them to reincarnate in the same general times and geographic locations until it is broken or some purpose is fulfilled. Birthright: Generally, a group of related magical abilities, also known as a Right; sometimes used to mean a specific power within the group. Compact: A group of Eternal who, through fate, luck or the ritual called the Binding (q.v.) continue to reincarnate in similar times and places; also the agreement to join in the Binding. Concord: The powers of harmony, sanity, and emotion. Used to fight Discord (q.v.). Discord: An insanity-like state caused by a misalignment between a phoenix and the world around him, the inability to integrate past life memories into present time or handle great degrees of information. The Elements: The five primal and magickal forces that make up the world, also summations of philosopical ideals, personality traits and universal archetypes; the Elements are Air, Earth, Energy, Fire and Water. Elemancy: One of the five related Birthrights that deal with the Elements: Aeromancy, Electromancy, Hydromancy, Pyromancy, and Terramancy. Also any other (much rarer) Birthright drawing on Elemental power, usually a variation or inversion of the Five. These Rights will generally be called Elemancies rather than Birthrights, but both terms are correct. Eternal: Another name for the phoenixes; singular and plural. The Five: Another term for the Elements; also the collective name given to the five Elemental groups. Inkling: Phoenix term for deja vu, but it also carries a greater weight than the common sensation. Legacy: The Elemancy associated with a particular Element; it is easier for Eternal to use this Elemancy than any other. Nemesis: The powers of fate and destiny. Phantom: A past life memory-pattern within a phoenix's mind, like an alternate personality, with its own retained personality traits and skills. Phoenix: A reincarnating soul, member of a race of elemental beings. Named for the

mythical firebird that would self-destruct, then arise from its own ashes to live again. Psyche: The powers of the mind; alternatively, the dominant personality, the "current incarnation." The Quest: The now forgotten purpose of the Eternal's existence, their goals and ambitions; also existence itself, especially concerning the phoenixes. The Shell: The mystical force which erases memories of past lives; some say it is a protective force. Subversion: The process by which a Phantom personality takes control of a phoenix. The Wheel: The cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Archaic Dialect These terms are little used in the present, but are bandied about by those who prefer the old times or wish to maintain an air of antiquity and mystery. Many reflect influences of Greek and Latin. Aquati: The name given to the Eternal whose Element is Water; singular and plural. Avatar: A Phantom (q.v.), so named because they can be seen like the Avatars of mages and often function in similar manners as mentors or adversaries, and are possibly related. Eternal who Awaken as mages often suspect their Phantoms of being mage Avatars. Elementalist: An Eternal who specializes in Elemancies. Elementalists were once common, but in modern times they have become exceedingly rare as the need for excellence in the non-Elemantic Birthrights has increased dramatically. Pyrati: The Eternal of Fire; singluar and plural. Solari: Phoenixes of Energy; singular and plural. Terrati: Group name of the Eternal of Earth; singular and plural. The Tourney: The Quest (q.v.). Zephyri: Name given to Eternal of the Element of Air; singluar and plural. Vulgar Argot These terms have come into use in the past few decades, spreading throughout the Eternal culture like wildfire. Many anachronistic phoenixes disdain these terms and those who use them. The Chains: The Binding, the forces binding a Compact. Cluster: A Compact (short for a well-known vulgar description of wild, anarchic confusion or a mob). Dreamchild: A faerie, such as one of the Kithain, or other such creatures born of dreams and creativity; an Eternal who dallies with the fae. Fish: An Eternal whose Phantom(s) constantly vie for control of her body, as in "flipping like a."

Fledgling: Slang for an Eternal who has just broken her Shell. The Hatching: The breaking of the Shell, when a phoenix begins to remember his past. Lycanthrope: A shapechanger, such as the Garou werewolves; occasionally derogatory in tone, harkening back to the mythical disease of lycanthropy. Sometimes used to describe an Eternal who spends a great deal of time with them. Merlin: A mage, especially of the Order of Hermes; also, a phoenix who utilizes Birthrights, especially Elemancies, a lot or consorts with mages. Parasite: A vampire; sometimes used for Eternal who have extensive dealings with the Kindred. Ramses: A mummy; taken from popular literature. Female Reborn are sometimes known as Cleopatras. Roomie: A Phantom, particularly a strong one that is a constant influence. The Rush; Term relating to the sensation of Elemental power running through one's body during the use of an Elemancy; in very rare cases, addictive. Spook: A wraith. Top Dog: The main psyche of an Eternal, or, in some cases, who has control of an Eternal's body. Zombie: A Risen, one of the Walking Dead.

Chapter Two: Character

The Mortal Coil
The creation of a character for Phoenix is similar to any other game of the Storyteller System, but more involved. Not only does the player need to create a character, but she must also create that character's Phantoms.

Step One: Character Concept

Before assigning any dots to any traits, you should get a general idea for who your character is. This involves choosing your chracter's name, Element, Nature and Demeanor. These traits will begin to define how your character acts, thinks and presents himself to the world. Adding the birthdate and birthplace can give further definition to your concept. Part of this stage is making a note for further development of how and when your character broke her Shell. What happened? What did it feel and look like? How did you find out what was going on? The answers to these questions can give the character life (and give the Storyteller ammunition, hee-hee).

Step Two: Select Attributes

Now, prioritize the three Attribute categories according to your character concept. Primary Attributes receive 7 dots to distribute, Secondary Attributes 5, and Tertiary Attributes 3.

Step Three: Select Abilities

Categories are again prioritized. Primary Abilities receive 13 dots, Secondary receive 9, and Tertiary, 5. No Ability may exceed a rating of three dots at this stage, but they may be raised higher than this with freebie points. Secondary Abilities and appropriate Abilities from other games may be taken at this stage. Phoenix character sheets list Abilities taken from Vampire, replacing Acting with Awareness, which can be found in Mage, but other appropriate Abilities can be found in the other Storyteller games and Players' Guides.

Step Four: Advantages

Assign one dot to the character's Legacy Elemancy, and choose 5 more dots of Birthrights. Next choose 7 dots of Backgrounds and record a Willpower of 5, a Memory of 5, and a Discord of 3. If the Variable Memory and Variable Discord rules are being used (see Chapter Four), make a note of the altered freebie point total.

Step Five: Phantoms

Assign 5 dots of Integrity among Phantoms. Each Phantom should also have a Nature and Demeanor appropriate to that life's predilections, prejudices and habits; see Chapter Four for an overview of Phantom Integrity and how it affects a Phantom's interaction with the Eternal. Next, prioritize and distribute standard character points (7/5/3 for Attributes, 13/9/5 for Abilities) for each Phantom. The player can spend freebie points on Phantoms, if she so chooses.

Step Six: Finishing Touches

Choose Merits and Flaws and spend freebie points; Phoenix characters start with the normal 15 freebie points. Players of Eternal characters are encouraged to take interesting Merits and Flaws for their characters and their Phantoms; the Eternal are a sundry, quirky group, and each one is different from the last. Freebie points can be spent to raise existing traits or purchase new ones, and can be spent on a Phantom's traits as well as traits of the main character, and Phantoms can have their own appropriate Merits and Flaws (physical are not appropriate, but psychological are, for example; subernatural are discouraged for Phantoms, but not for the main psyche). Each trait costs a specific amount of freebie points to raise by one dot: Trait Attributes Abilities Birthrights New Birthright Backgrounds Willpower Integrity Freebie Cost 5 points per dot 2 points per dot 7 points per dot (main psyche only) 7 points for one dot 1 point per dot 2 points per dot 4 points per dot

Specialties can also be chosen for any Attribute or Ability above three dots. Suggestions can be found in any main World of Darkness rulebook or Players' Guide. Each of the character's Phantoms should have its own background story, though these can be "discovered" in play.

New Personality Archetypes

Your Storyteller may want to go over these new personality archetypes before introducing them into her chronicle; be sure to ger her permission first. Alien: You aren't human and you don't care to act or think like one. You revel in being Eternal, sometimes to the point of revealing yourself, but who cares? You'll be back long after they're dead and gone. Regain Willpower when you succeed in denying your "humanity." Anachronist: The past was a better time for you. Whether you have a high Memory, a high Discord, or simply can't stand the fashions of today, you prefer an older mode of dress, speech, mannerisms or something else that marks you as "out of date." Regain Willpower when, through methods of yesterday, you overcome a modern situation or when you successfully hold on to your "outdated" viewpoint in the face of modernization. Chameleon: They'll never know you for who you really are. Your personality, likes, dislikes, hobbies, almost anything about you can change when you're with different people. Whether you do this on purpose or not isn't always up to you -- it's just something that happens. Regain Willpower when you succeed by using the methods of those around you, proving you're like them. Compatriot: You want everyone to like you, and you'll be friendly to almost anybody. After all, if you're everybody's friend, nobody will have a reason to fight. Regain Willpower when you overcome with the power of friendship or when you make new, lasting friends. Humanist: Maybe you're sick of the Quest, maybe you're just scared. Whatever the cause, you're a Reluctant Phoenix, and you wish to God you could go back into the Shell and stay there. Regain Willpower any time you successfully deny that you're anything but a normal human being. Xenophobe: If it's strange, it's dangerous, and you don't like it. You dislike anything unusual or different, usually new people, and will avoid new things. Regain Willpower when you avoid introducing anything new into your life.

Appropriate backgrounds for Eternal from other World of Darkness games are Allies, Arcane, Contacts, Fame, Influence, Mentor, Resources, Retainers, and Status. New Background -- Periapt: The Eternal possess many items of wondrous power, the equal of any talismans, fetishes or other mystic objects in the World of Darkness. Imbued with Elemental power, they become embodiments of connection to the Wheel. Though their physical forms may be destroyed, the power within will return in another form, thus "reincarnating" as do their creators. Periapts sometimes attain a degree of sentience down through the ages, and the most powerful can actually

become fully -- sometimes dangerously -- intelligent. Periapts are ranked from level one to level five, and are of comparable strength to similar level fetishes, talismans and treasures. Sentient Periapts are always level four or five. Periapt powers are generally derived from Birthrights; the Periapt will have as many "levels' worth" of powers as its rating. Thus, a level four Periapt could have four level one powers, two level two powers, a level three and a level one, or one level four. Some truly unique Periapts have powers derived from other supernatural beings and their abilities, or completely new powers all their own, but these are exceedingly rare. Periapts usually have a background story. Players are encouraged to write tales about their Periapts; Storytellers are encouraged to reward those players who create inventive and exciting backgrounds for these mystical objects. The Periapt background can also represent a Fetish, Talisman or Treasure. The Eternal can utilize these items as well as periapts; see Chapter Five for more information.

The Five
The following descriptions define the stereotypical Phoenix characters. Most characters will touch base with the descriptions, but each person is unique and will differ in many respects. The observations of each Element are not gospel; they are merely archetypes and guidelines. Only the Legacies are set in stone. Included in each entry are generalized observations of the character of each Element's members, guidelines for character creation, the Legacy of each group, the weakness inherent to all members of each Element, general stereotypes on each of the other Elements, and a quote from a typical Eternal of that Element. The Five are not the only groups in the world, but they are by far the best known and most common in the World of Darkness. Most of Phoenix is based upon the interaction of the Five with each other and the other denizens of the World of Darkness. Air Eternal of Air, of old known as Zephyri, are kin to the winds that fly across the world and the birds that soar above the land. They command the forces of air and wind to do their bidding, and can control all gaseous matter. Like the air they go where they will, moving around obstacles and stirring the world as they pass. The Element of Air is also the domain of the Mind, of learning and logic. Zephyri are intelligent and learned, though many tend to live in their heads. Of all the Eternal, the Air phoenixes are the most likely to look for the answers to the questions of their existence. However, keeping a Zephyri tied down is often a difficult proposition. They hunger to know what is beyond the horizon, or just around the next bend. The world is a treasure trove and the Zephyri like to find as much as they can. Air is an active Element and the Zephyri are active people. Character Creation: Zephyri Natures and Demeanors tend to reflect the nature of

their Element, and can at times be diametrically opposed. Mental Attributes tend to be primary, as do Knowledge Abilities. Zephyri concepts range from Professional to Wanderer, depending on their chosen path for seeking knowledge, but even the Professionals are mobile. Legacy: The Zephyri are gifted with the Legacy of Aeromancy, the Birthright of air and the winds. Weakness: The Eternal of Air, in their quest for knowledge, have become curious -sometimes too curious for their own good. When presented with the chance to learn something new, a Zephyri must make a Willpower roll, difficulty 7, to avoid accepting the challenge. Stereotypes Earth: Much too patient even for our kind; one wonders what they're hiding. We respect their love of knowledge, however. Energy: Energy may be powerful and primal, but the world is surrounded by air. Luckily most of them are able to avoid arrogance. Fire: Their passions are admirable but often get in the way of their logic. Water: Sensitivity is a key to learning, and they have it in spades. Listen to their wisdom. Quote: "Knowledge is power, and in the end I will know everything I need to succeed." Earth Like their Element, the Terrati are stable, strong and unyielding. They resemble the solids that they command, and their kin are the creatures that walk the face of the world. Terrati possess great patience, often able to outwait their brethren of the other Elements by far. The phoenixes of Earth are a stoic lot, using their powers to heal, defend and strengthen. They like order to their lives; not often given to passionate emotions like the Pyrati, they wait and learn. Like the Zephyri they quest for knowledge, but they use this knowledge for their own ends rather than keep it for its own sake. Terrati are close to the land, often delving into agriculture, herbalism, zoology, geology and anthropology. They tend to live in places close to the land, like rural countryside or wilderness, but some have an affinity for the cities, new expressions of the planet. Character Creation: The Terrati are a varied lot, including many healers, explorers and leaders. Their Physical Attributes are often Primary, along with Talents. Their Personality Archetypes most often reflect a love of patience and order. Earth Eternal often possess Resources and Mentor as Backgrounds. Legacy: Terramancy is the gift of those of Earth. Weakness: Terrati dislike chaos. Whenever they find themselves in a situation full of disorder, as determined by the Storyteller, their Natures temporarily shift to Director until peace is restored. They regain Willpower according to this Nature in these

situations. This often means that Terrati assume positions of command in combat and can be labeled "pushy" and "dictatorial" by those around them. If the Terrati's Nature already is Director, it goes one step further -- to Fanatic, aimed directly at restoring order! Stereotypes Air: They quest for knowledge, as do we, but they fail to look for the whole picture sometimes. Energy: They can see the orders of things and deserve respect for that. Fire: The chaotic balance to our love of order, we respect the Pyrati themselves, if not their methods. Water: Seeking to understand the meaning of everything leaves little time for anything else. Quote: "Patience isn't just a virtue, it is the most important virtue. Observation can reveal weaknesses and strengths. By mastering oneself, one masters the world around." Energy The phoenixes of Energy, known in the old form as the Solari, are considered by many to be the leaders of the Eternal, but this is simply a stereotype. No more or less powerful than the others, the Solari do encompass a greater range of philosophies and personality types than the other Elements, but this only serves to make the Solari more divided and variable. They tend toward positions of power and like to be in control, but few live up to the megalomaniacal standard some attribute to them. The Solari's Element, Energy, is at the heart of all things and is in turn made up of all things. It is the essence of life and spirit according to the Eternal, and it gives the Solari great power. Their actions can mystify others, as they act on a purpose only they know or understand. It is rumored that the Solari are responsible for and know something about the Quest. Solari can live anywhere, but they seem to gravitate to the areas of round-the-clock life -- the big cities. Character Creation: The Solari can literally be anything under the sun. They are as varied as the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world. The Energy Eternal can be of any concept, but they all tend to be intelligent as well as charismatic and strong. Legacy: The Solari are gifted with the power of Electromancy. Weakness: Because their Element encompases the forces of life and the spirit as well as all forms of energy, Phantoms of the Solari are often stronger than those of the other Elements. Solari characters begin with one extra dot of Integrity to assign to their Phantoms, beginning with six instead of five, and they must have at least one Phantom at an Integrity rating three or above. Stereotypes Air: Knowledge is indeed power, but it is not the only key.

Earth: Their near-phlegmatic patience can lead to their downfall. Fire: While they must learn control, they get things done. Water: To understand one's world is only natural. Quote: "I am the primal essence. In my veins runs the essence of everything. My destiny lies beyond anything you can dream." Fire Pyrati are passionate folk. Intense, mercurial and action-oriented, the Fire phoenixes embody the essence of change and flame. Charging in head-first is seen as the most common Fire tactic for dealing with problems. Often referred to as bulls in the proverbial china-shop of the world, Pyrati have little time for plotting, planning and scheming. They are stereotyped as adrenaline junkies, out for any thrill they can get. The reality is, if not totally different, at least not the same. While Fire Eternal are indeed impatient at times, they understand like no others the powers of emotions. Unlike the others, who often seek to hide their naturally strong emotional hearts behind walls of logic, Pyrati let go of their control and jump into the fire of emotion and synergy. They are the status quo breakers, the explorers, the sensualists, but they can also rage with all the power of a holocaust. Their powers reflect their inner flame, bringing fire and change to the world around them. Pyrati generally prefer to live in warmer climes. Character Creation: Fire phoenixes can have any concept, but, like Zephyri, generally detest staying locked down to one place for too long. They like to move about, often times becoming explorers or vagabonds. Their Archetypes mirror their dynamic Element and they can change their Demeanors as often as Zephyri. They can be prone to moodiness. Pyrati Primary Attributes are often Social, and their Talents are usually primary as well. Backgrounds will include anything that can help the Pyrati achieve his goals. Legacy: For the Pyrati, Pyromancy comes as second nature. Weakness: The Eternal of Fire are hot-tempered. When they become agitated, which can be quite often, they are at +1 difficulty on all Willpower rolls they make, except in combat. Stereotypes Air: Though they understand change and motion, they apply it with a logic so cold it can wound. Earth: Sometimes we find ourselves being swept away by our emotions. They help keep us grounded. Energy: Our closest kin. We tend to see eye-to-eye on most things. Water: It isn't always necessary to try to understand everything you feel or experience, but it can help. Quote: "Let go of your inhibitions and feel the strength that comes from your passions. Then you will understand why I am who I am."

Water The Aquati hold true to the archetypes of their Element, Water. They delve into the mysteries of the mind and soul, seeking the underlying truths and conundrums. Only by understanding why can one truly know, according to those of Water. The Element of Water is deep, holding the secrets of life, and depth is the one attribute that Aquati all hold in common. Aquati use their powers to defend, to heal and to comprehend, but they can be vicious fighters when the time comes. Seeking understanding does not necessarly make one good, nor tame. Secrets can be dangerous weapons. As water can flow, it can also crush and wash away, and the Aquati can utilize the force of their Element for good or ill. Aquati like to live near the water, be it a pond, a stream, a river or the wide ocean. Character Creation: Water phoenixes tend to be seekers, scientists and explorers who probe the mysteries of the world. They often range into field of medicine, especially psychology. Aquati have an intuitive grasp of the soul and use it to their advantage. Their Archetypes reflect their Element, flowing, sensitive and inexorable. Social or Mental Attributes are most often Primary, as are Knowledges. They can have any Backgrounds. Legacy: Aquati are adept at the Birthright of Hydromancy. Weakness: Aquati seek to not only know, but to understand. Given time, they will attempt to fathom any enigmas they have come across. In game terms, the character must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to ignore the urge to find the reasons and methods of things they learn. Aquati also tend to make things more complex than they really are and ignore the obvious. Stereotypes Air: They resemble machines; they have the information, but do not grasp its true meaning. Earth: One would think they would do more than sit and wait. Energy: Their position is enviable. We seek what they take for granted -- and most often ignore. Fire: They have achieved great awareness of emotion and change. Quote: "To know without understanding is to ignore the soul of knowledge. It is far better to understand one thing than to know ten thousand things and understand none of them."

A legacy of their origin and their connection to the Wheel, the Birthrights (often shortened to "Rights") are supernatural gifts known only to the Eternal. Five of the Birthrights are related directly to the Elements. A phoenix will always know at least one level of the Right associated with his Element, a gift known as the Legacy. Five others are related to the Wheel. As yet the relationship of these powers

to the Elements is hinted at, at best. Each of the Rights has five distinct levels or sub-powers within it. The names given to those levels here are, just as the Birthrights themselves, not the only ones, but these common names are known throughout the Eternal. Each level of a Right must be learned in order before the levels after it; one cannot learn specific powers within a Right out of order. Each level utilizes more force than the one before it and makes more of a "noise" that others with the right power can sense. The fifth level of a Birthright is a truly awesome endowment, not to be trifled with. It can take many years to learn the secrets of some of the higher-level powers, making those abilities accordingly rare. Because they are adaptable beings, phoenixes sometimes become Awakened mages, shapechangers, or even changelings at birth. They also can be Embraced, becoming one of the unaging Kindred. (Due to the nature of Eternal, they can not become wraiths, mummies, or Kuei-Jin). But all of these transformations cause a unique problem -- the phoenix who becomes one of these supernatural beings loses the ability to utilize her Birthrights. It is surmised that this is caused by a displacement of the Birthrights by the powers of the new form of the incarnation, and may also have something to do with a temporary removal from the cycle of rebirth in the case of Kindred. (Rules and information relating to these strange occurrences are given in the Crossover chapter.) In game terms, the dice pool for using a Right is an Attribute plus the Eternal's rating in the Birthright he is using; thus, if a phoenix were to use Scent of Fate, his Perception was 3 and he had two levels of Nemesis, his pool would be five dice. Costs for Birthrights Level one and two Rights cost nothing to activate. Levels three and four require the Eternal to expend one temporary Memory point or one temporary Willpower point. Level five powers cost both one Memory and one Willpower in order to summon up the energies necessary.

The five Elemantic Birthrights are not subtle. Because they deal with the physical aspects of the primal forces of creation they are inherently powerful, dangerous and sometimes chaotic. Many are combat-oriented powers, but others help by healing or strengthening. Because of the nature of the Elemantic powers, they draw almost exclusively upon the physical Attributes of the Eternal when they are used. When using his Legacy Elemancy, difficulties for an Eternal are one lower than normal. Element Air Earth Energy Fire Water Legacy Elemancy Aeromancy Terramancy Electromancy Pyromancy Hydromancy

The fifth level of each Elemancy is known as an Elemental Attack, wherein the Eternal unleashes the raw power of her Element upon a foe. These attacks have their own special damage table in the Appendix. These are not the only fifth-level Rights, but they are by far the most common. Aeromancy The air is a precious, fickle thing that can carry one aloft or rip anything to shreds. Aeromancers are able to call upon the raw forces of the air itself and command it in many spectacular ways. * Breath of Aeolus: This Right calls up a thick cloud of fog around the Eternal, allowing her to confuse enemies and hide her escape from tricky situations. This fog is natural in all respects except for its origins, and will behave as any fog would, burning off in hot sun, blowing in wind, and making breathing difficult for asthmatics. (Dexterity + Aeromancy, difficulty based on the local weather; a late London night would be difficulty 4, while Las Vegas afternoon would be difficulty 9 or 10. Successes determine the size and thickness of the fog.) ** Sylph's Dagger: By concentrating his will, the phoenix can use the air itself as a weapon to slash and pierce, causing jagged slices in an opponent's flesh with a floating knife of shimmering wind. This Right can also be used to cut ropes and other similar objects. (Strength + Aeromancy, difficulty 6. Sylph's Dagger can be dodged like a melee attack at +1 difficulty. The damage caused by the "weapon" is Strength +1.) *** Wall of Wind: The air solidifies into a roiling, wavering wall in front of the Eternal that will protect him and others from both melee and projectile attacks. (Stamina + Aeromancy, difficulty 7. The wall materializes as an eight foot by eight foot square of shimmering air. The wall has seven damage levels and five soak dice. When all seven damage levels have been inflicted upon the wall, it disappears. The wall will protect from most forms of attack, including firearms [deflecting the bullet] and lasers [refracting the light beams].) **** Wings of Icarus: This power bestows the ability to fly, as glistening, ethereal wings grow upon the Eternal's back. The wings are not physical, but are a psychic symbol for the freedom this Birthright grants; they can not be damaged, nor are they actually large enough to support flight. (Dexterity + Aeromancy, difficulty 8. The flight lasts for one minute per success. The Eternal can fly twice as fast as he can run.) ***** Tempest: the phoenix is now able to summon up storm winds that can cause terrible damage as she unleashes the full fury of the Element of Air. These hurricaneforce winds do more than bash and lift; they cut and tear as well, scouring and slashing at flesh. When a phoenix uses this power, she is surrounded by swirling air in an aura of power. (Strength + Aeromancy, difficulty 8. Tempest has two forms -- an assault against a single target, which can be dodged as a firearms attack at +2 difficulty, or an area of effect equal to five feet in radius for every point of the Eternal's Memory, which can be resisted with Willpower. Remaining successes determine damage on the Elemental Attack Damage Table; this damage is

aggravated.) Electromancy The lifeblood of the universe itself is the plaything of the Electromancers. Any form of energy can be controlled, including sound, light, electricity, motion and electromagnetic radiation. Though heat is energy (whether viewed as kinetic energy of molecules or as infrared radiation), it is generally considered under the sway of the Birthright of Pyromancy. Electromancy is also capable of manipulating darkness, technically the lack of light, as easily as light itself; in the same vein, it can manipulate silence. * Electron Spider: This power allows the phoenix to control existing electricity, sound, light and (to some degree) other types of electromagnetic radiation for various purposes (Dexterity + Electromancy, difficulty 6. If used to attack, the damage this Right does is not aggravated. Damage done is one die per success.) ** Will o' the Wisp: This Right gives the Eternal the ability to create small amounts of light and sound or cause objects to glow or emit noises, providing distractions and lures. (Dexterity + Electromancy, difficulty 6. If used to produce light, the light is pale and flickering; sounds produced are wavering and indistinct. Actual voices can not be created or mimicked..) *** Kineticism: Motion is a type of energy just like light and sound. The Eternal with this power can control kinetic (and potential) energy, slowing down or speeding up objects, or lifting them like telekinesis. (Strength + Electromancy, difficulty 6. More successes will allow the phoenix to make significant changes in an object's speed, but keep in mind that more massive objects have more kinetic energy and more inertia than less massive objects at the same speed. Multiple successes will also allow the phoenix to lift and manipulate more massive objects more effectively. To determine if an Eternal can "lift" an object, check the Feats of Strength table, using his Memory as his base "strength" and adding the successes gained when activating this Birthright.) **** Mercury's Alacrity: An Eternal using this power can move at unnatural -supernatural -- speeds, crossing amazing distances in the blink of an eye or performing multiple actions in the time it normally takes for only one. Phoenixes using this power are wreathed in a faint halo of crackling, bluish electricity; this halo has no effect other than visual and a faint "buzz" that can be felt by others in close proximity. (Stamina + Electromancy, difficulty 7. Each success gives the Eternal an "action point" to be used at the start of a turn for extra actions. The Eternal can spend these action points as she sees fit, up to a number equal to her Stamina in one turn. Mercury's Alacrity cannot be used cumulatively; the "action points" gained must be used before the Birthright can be activated again.) ***** Dynamic Storm: The phoenix with this power is a dread adversary indeed; he can unleash primal energy in a terrific tempest, be it a lightning strike, a shock wave, or a concentrated light blast. The Eternal using this power is surrounded by a shimering halo of raw energy that reaches out to strike his enemies. (Strength + Electromancy, difficulty 8. Dynamic Storm has two forms -- an assault against a

single target, which can be dodged as a firearms attack at +2 difficulty, or an area of effect equal to five feet in radius for every point of the Eternal's Memory, which can be resisted with Willpower. Remaining successes determine damage on the Elemental Attack Damage Table; this damage is aggravated.) Hydromancy Calling upon the powers of Water, Hydromancers are gifted with a variety of abilities related to that Element. * Triton's Gills: The phoenix is able to breathe underwater without any penalties, but he can not breathe air unless he releases this power. Despite the name of this power, there are no outward physical modifications to the Eternal's body. (Stamina + Hydromancy, difficulty 6. Only one success is needed. Triton's Gills last until the Eternal deactivates this power.) ** Purification: Eternal with this power can remove toxins from water and normally drinkable liquids, and to a lesser degree from such things as air and food. The resulting "purified" substance will have a somewhat bland taste, if consumable, or a lack of odor. This Birthright does not transmute one substance into another. (Stamina + Hydromancy, difficulty 6 for water, 7 for liquids such as wine and soft drinks, 8 and up for food, 9 and up for air. Successes will determine how completely the substance is purified, depending upon the type and amount of toxin being removed.) *** Rain's Gift: This power allows the Eternal to create pure, unspoiled fresh water from the ether by condensing the water vapor in the surrounding air. Logically, it is easier to "create" water from humid atmospheres than it is from dry desert winds, but some vapor is always present. After using this Right, the air around will have a noticably "dry" feel to it for a short period of time. (Strength + Hydromancy, difficulty 7. Each success allows the creation of one liter of fresh water. Successes are limited by the surrounding environment; a sunny desert will yield only one success, while a temperate forest or grassland might give three, and a steamy jungle will be almost unlimited.) **** River's Flow: The phoenix, by emulating the flow of a river, can render herself more difficult to strike in combat and can flow through tight spaces. Her body becomes translucent and semi-liquid while using this power, almost as if she is changing into water. (Dexterity + Hydromancy, difficulty 7. If used in combat, for every success, one success is removed from all strike and damage rolls against the phoenix. One success is also removed from all strike and damage rolls she makes. If used to squeeze through a tight space, no roll is needed, but the process does take time; it is not instantaneous.) ***** Deluge: Hydromancers who possess this power are able to summon up vast, crushing blasts of pure Water to smother and wash away their enemies. A tangible aura of flowing water surrounds the phoenix and will lash out to strike at opponents. (Strength + Hydromancy, difficulty 8. Deluge has two forms -- an assault against a single target, which can be dodged as a firearms attack at +2 difficulty, or an area of effect equal to five feet in radius for every point of the Eternal's Memory, which can be resisted with Willpower. Remaining successes determine damage on the Elemental

Attack Damage Table; this damage is aggravated.) Pyromancy The powers of Fire are a dangerous lot. Flames and heat (as well as cold) are the bailiwick of Pyromancers, who command the manifestation of raw change. Those who practice this Birthright make deadly opponents, but are also valued as allies because of their combat capabilities. * Apollo's Touch: This Right allows the Eternal to control flames to a limited degree, such as making candles flare or parting a blaze long enough to pass unharmed. Apollo's Touch can not create flames, but might be used to extinguish them. (Strength + Pyromancy, difficulty depending on the size of the fire being controlled; candles are difficulty 4 or 5, bonfires 6 or 7, blazing buildings 9 or 10. Successes determine how much or how well the flames can be altered; three successes will allow complete control for most actions.) ** Flare: This power allows the Eternal to create flames out of the air by igniting the oxygen it contains. These flames appear in her hand without causing damage and can be used to light flammable objects or thrown to cause small amounts of damage, but will extinguish if they do not hit anything flammable. (Dexterity + Pyromancy, difficulty 6. To throw the flames as a strike, the Eternal needs to make a standard Dexterity + Athletics [or Throwing] roll, which can be dodged as normal. Thrown flames inflict one die of damage per success.) *** Fist of the Efreet: The phoenix can surround her limbs and melee weapons with a wreath of flames, allowing her to inflict great damage on foes. Fist of the Efreet can ot be used on projectile weapons such as arrows or bullets. (Stamina + Pyromancy, difficulty 7. The flames created do not harm the Eternal, but cause one level of aggravated burning damage per success in addition to any damage the attack normally does.) **** Aegis of Helios: Eternal using this Birthright can render themselves completely immune to flames and to extremes of heat and cold. This power physically manifests as a flickering aura of red, orange and yellow very close to the Eternal's skin. (Stamina + Pyromancy, difficulty 7. For each success the phoenix becomes untouchable by flames for one minute, or immune to temperature extremes for one hour.) ***** Inferno: This frightening power allows the Eternal to summon devastating attacks to consume her enemies. The effects can take the form of fireballs, heat waves or lava bursts, anything related to Fire. A blazing halo of flame and heat will surround the Eternal who uses this Right, showing the power of Fire to everyone nearby. (Strength + Pyromancy, difficulty 8. Inferno has two forms -- an assault against a single target, which can be dodged as a firearms attack at +2 difficulty, or an area of effect equal to five feet in radius for every point of the Eternal's Memory, which can be resisted with Willpower. Remaining successes determine damage on the Elemental Attack Damage Table; this damage is aggravated.) Terramancy

The stability and healing of Earth and the strength of the planet itself are at the command of those who utilize Terramancy. These powers deal with the realm of form and solidity. * Gnome's Mattock: With this power the phoenix can dig through solid materials, such as earth, stone and concrete. Materials such as metals are more difficult to penetrate, but it can be done. This power has multiple applications, from digging to punching holes in a car (or an enemy's torso). There is no physical manifestation of this Birthright other than the hole that appears. (Strength + Terramancy, difficulty 6 for "soft" materials like soil, flesh, stone and concrete, 7 and up for harder materials. If used as a weapon, Gnome's Mattock can be "dodged" with a Stamina roll as well as being soaked. Damage inflicted is one die per remaining success.) ** Stoneskin: The Eternal's skin becomes as hard as gemstone, able to withstand a great deal of punishment. His skin will become hard and granite-like, marblized, crystalline, or perhaps even wooden; in any case, the resulting "armor" is resilient as the mountains and the ancient trees. (Stamina + Terramancy, difficulty 7. Each success adds an exta die to the phoenix's soak pool for the remainder of the combat or scene.) *** Gaia's Kiss: The phoenix now has the ability to heal. This power can heal all types of wounds, both normal and aggravted, internal and external. Both the recipient and the user will be wreathed in a faint glowing green aura as the healing power of life flows around and through them. (Dexterity + Terramancy, difficulty 5 for normal wounds, 7 for aggravated wounds; if both types of wounds are being healed, the difficulty is 7. Each success heals one Health Level.) **** Alchemy: This unique power allows the phoenix to alter the physical characteristics of solid and liquid (and sometimes even gaseous) objects, from color, hardness and shape to composition. Total mass cannot be altered. (Dexterity + Terramancy, difficulty 6. Successes determine how far the characteristic is altered; 1 success will allow the phoenix to change a color from one shade to another or soften a hard substance, three will allow a complete color shift, a solidity phase change or a minor chemical change, like stainless steel to aluminum alloy. Five successes will allow for major alchemical changes -- like lead into gold. Substances cannot be altered into other substances that do not normally exist, like "kryptonite" or totally pure ("lunargent") silver. The changes effected by Alchemy last for one hour per success.) ***** Seism: Great shocks ravage the ground around, throwing everything into havoc, casting enemies to the earth and assailing them with sharp stone. These quakes can cause great damage not only to opponents but physical structures as well. When inciting a Seism, the Eternal is surrounded by images of Earth: crystal, stone, soil and wood, a tangible aura of the power of this Element. (Strength + Terramancy, difficulty 8. Seism can be "dodged" with a Dexterity + Athletics roll, difficulty 9. Remaining successes cause damage on the Elemental Attack Damage Table. Seism only has one mode, affecting an area five feet in radius for every point of the Eternal's permanent Memory score.)

Non-Elemantic Birthrights
These are some of the most common non-Elemantic Birthrights. They are of a much wider variety than the Elemancies and deal with a greater range of possibilities. Akasha The realm of spirit, the Umbra, is accessible to the Eternal who possess this Right. It allows the phoenixes to reach into and interact with the Umbra in many ways. Akasha can not be used to command or compel wraiths or chimera. It deals with denizens of the Middle (and High) Umbras only. * Spirit Eyes: The Umbra and its inhabitants are visible to those with this Right. The vision of the phoenix using this power is opened to the spirit world temporarily, allowing the Eternal to see spirits, magick and the Umbra itself. (Perception + Akasha, difficulty of the local Gauntlet. One success allows hazy, blurred vision, while three successes grants clear sight.) ** Evocation: The phoenix can now summon spirits, though the spirit that arrives is not bound to do anything it does not wish. (Charisma + Akasha, difficulty of the local Gauntlet. Successes required is determined by the type of spirit summoned; lesser gafflings will come on one or two, greater gafflings on three, and jaglings on four or five.) *** Authority: This Right allows the Eternal to command the spirits he encounters or summons, either by friendship or coersion. Spirits that are bullied about by this Birthright may turn on the wielder at the first opportunity, while those who are manipulated with skill and cunning may never even notice. (Manipulation + Akasha, difficulty equal to the spirit's willpower. As with Evocation successes required are determined by the type of spirit summoned.) **** Benediction of Arachne: With this power the phoenix can weave the ephemera of the Umbra into new spiritual items, or strengthen or weaken the Gauntlet. Users of this Right can sometimes "pull things out of thin air," though such objects last only a short time. (Wits + Akasha, difficulty 5 to 9 to weave ephemera depending on the complexity of the item created, or difficulty equal to the local Gauntlet to change the Gauntlet's strength. If changing the Gauntlet, each use of this power raises or lowers its strength by one, and each success extends this change for one hour. If applied multiple times, only the first roll's duration is counted until the effects wear off. If an item is woven in the Umbra, no further action must be taken; however, if the item is woven from the ephemera while the Eternal is in the "physical" plane, she must spend a Willpower point to "solidify" the spirit-stuff. An object created in this way lasts for one scene per success.) ***** Gauntlet Rend: At this level of power the phoenix is strong enough to tear gaping holes in the barriers between the realms of form and spirit, allowing her and others to slip through -- or let the other side penetrate. (Intelligence + Akasha, difficulty of the local Gauntlet, with a number of successes needed equal to the Gauntlet level minus four, minimum one. If used for travel, one additional success is needed for every two extra people brought across.)

Anamnesis The power of Memory itself is at the command of an Eternal with this Right, whose powers can reach into the past and drag it into the present. Anamnesis extends the capability of the Eternal beyond his own Memory, letting him tap into past incarnations of others and accessing long-buried parts of himself. Most Eternal know at least the first level of Anamnesis, allowing them to find each other with relative ease. To determine times for Anamnesis powers, consult the Time Table in the Appendix. * Birds of a Feather: This Right allows the Eternal to sense others of her kind by alerting her to the energies of Memory. Very useful in locating other phoenixes just emerging from the Shell, it acts as a kind of "phoenix radar." The "ping" sensation varies from Eternal to Eternal; some will feel a tingling in their spines, while others will hear an audible buzz or pinging sound. In any case, the phoenix will feel a "tug" in the direction of another pheonix, or more than one if others are within range. (This power is automatic up to a range of one mile. The phoenix may roll Manipulation + Anamnesis, difficulty 6; each success increases the range of the Eternal's sense by one mile. This extension lasts for one scene.) ** Reminiscence: The Eternal can now look into the past of another person, whether phoenix or mortal. The target does not normally see what the phoenix using Reminiscence sees unless the Eternal also uses Memory Projection, though Eternal who are having this Birthright used upon them can use their Memory to try to "watch" and perhaps redirect this power. (Charisma + Anamnesis, difficulty 7. Time is determined by successes as per the Anamnesis Time Table. If an Eternal is the subject of this power, she can roll Memory, difficulty of the other's Willpower; with one success, she can see what the other is seeing; with three successes, she can hide some details; with five successes, she can show false memories and confusing patterns.) *** Memory Projection: Instead of looking into another's memory, the Eternal can show her own Memory to someone else. This can be used for information sharing, but it can also be used as a weapon as the phoenix projects pain and loss onto another in an overwhelming wave of sensations and emotions. (Manipulation + Anamnesis, difficulty 6. With one success, the phoenix can show selected images. Three allows for a more detailed story, while five gives an almost complete view. If used as an attack, the target can resist with a Willpower roll; remaining successes become a dice pool penalty for a number of rounds equal to the successes. Each round the penalty is lowered by one; i.e., with three successes, the penalty is -3 the first round, -2 the second, and -1 the third.) **** Manifest: Previously the past could only be glimpsed, but at this level the phoenix can actually tap past knowledges, borrowing Abilities from Phantoms in much the same way that Psyche **** Echo will from others. This Right is sometimes jokingly referred to as the "Eureka Factor," for its resemblance to sudden flashes of insight. (Intelligence + Anamnesis, difficulty 8. Each success allows one dot of an Ability trait to be "borrowed" from a past incarnation. If the phoenix possesses the Ability being "borrowed," the Ability is replaced, not added. If the Ability being Manifested has a specialty, the specialty Manifests and will replace as well,

representing the different "flavor" of the Ability. Effects last for one hour per success.) ***** Time's Window: With this Right, an Eternal has learned to channel the essences of his past incarnations, allowing them to act through him for a brief time. The phoenix physically changes to a different person, shapeshifting to the form the Phantom remembers having, though this shape may be highly idealized. Use of Time's Window is highly controversial, especially in public view. (Stamina + Anamnesis, difficulty equal to ten minus the Phantom's Integrity; only phantoms with Integrity can be channeled with Time's Window. Each success extends the time the Phantom may act, one round per success in combat or one scene per success in noncombat situations. When a Phantom is channeled with Time's Window the phoenix effectively becomes the incarnation. While Health Levels do not transfer between the two, if the incarnation is slain, the phoenix is also killed. Time's Window is not recursive -- channeled phantoms may not channel other phantoms.) Concord This Right stands between the Eternal and a doom of Discord for all of their race. By fighting the overwhelming wash of Memory or the shock of sudden forgetfulness, those who utilize Concord can be valued allies and friends. Concord is a doubleedged sword, however; because it can manipulate the minds of others, it can also be used as a weapon. * Reprieve: This Right reduces temporary Discord for a set period of time, after which the Discord returns. Though the effect is temporary the subject can attempt to reinforce the "alignment," in effect making the Reprieve permanent. (Perception + Concord, difficulty equal to the target's permanent Discord. Each success lowers the subject's temporary Discord by one for one hour. During this time, the subject may spend one Willpower point and one Memory point for each temporary point removed. Reprieve can only bring about a drop in permanent Discord if all temporary Discord points are removed in this way.) ** Coherence: The Eternal can now permanently realign small amounts of Discord in other Eternal. (Wits + Concord, difficulty of the subject's Discord + 3, maximum 10. Three successes removes one point of temporary Discord. This could bring about a drop in permanent Discord. Coherence can only be used once every ten days on any particular Eternal, no matter who used it; thus, it is not possible for one phoenix to use Coherence on another, and then have a third make a similar attempt immediately afterward.) *** Serenity: The phoenix is able to calm another's emotions with this Right. Not only can mere anger be steadied, but frenzying vampires and shapeshifters can be affected as well. (Charisma + Concord, difficulty of the subject's Willpower, Rage in the case of those shapeshifters with the trait, or the Eternal's Discord in the case of a phoenix using it on himself. Three successes will calm the subject to a relaxed state or bring the target out of frenzy. Five successes will render the subject lethargic and apathetic. The effects last for one hour.) **** Heart of Fury: With this power the Eternal can cause unreasoning emotions

such as lust, awe, terror or rage in another. As Serenity can halt frenzies, Heart of Fury can incite them. (Wits + Concord, difficulty of the target's Willpower. Three successes will cause a full-blown effect for whatever emotion is invoked. When attempting to incite frenzy, each success counts as a one-difficulty penalty, whether added or subtracted, to the target's frenzy check [Self-Control, Instincts or Rage roll]. Those shapeshifters who have no Rage will not frenzy, but will feel the effects of the emotions just the same.) ***** Integration: This incredible Birthright allows the Eternal to reduce permanent Discord in others. Exertion of such magnitude is draining, however, leaving the phoenix who used this Right weak for a time, and highly straining, opening the wielder to the dread force himself. (Manipulation + Concord, difficulty equal to the target's Discord. Three successes are needed for each point of Discord removed. For each point of Discord removed, the Eternal using this Right is at -1 on all dice pools for one hour; thus, if an Eternal removed two points of Discord from another he would be at -2 for two hours. In addition, the Eternal using Integration gains a number of temporary Discord points equal to the number of permanent Discord points lost by the subject.) Nemesis The Eternal armed with this Right may see the Fate's weavings. Once Fate has been glimpsed it may be altered or encouraged. The further into the future a phoenix attempts to see with this power the more vague and uncertain the images become. Legend states that this Birthright was taught to the Restless Dead and became the Arcanos of Fatalism. Nemesis is the Eternal equivalent of fortune-telling. It is often performed at the same time as a mundane Tarot reading or some other form of scrying. Its results should be described in terms of such scrying's mundane results. * Scent of Fate: Fate comes to bear stronger on certain individuals at certain times. This Right allows the Eternal to sense when Fate is paying particular attention to someone, alerting the Eternal to upcoming important events. (Perception + Nemesis, difficulty 6. One success will give a vague feeling of "importance," while five may actually allow a very small glimpse of some working of the target's Fate -- but not the fate itself.) ** Weave of the Moerae: With this Right the phoenix may sense whose destinies are intertwined like a kind of sixth-sense. This can be used to examine group dynamics or in a crowd. (Wits + Nemesis, difficulty 7. Each success allows for a greater view of entwined destinies, adding more complex weavings to the pattern. This Right returns a vague sensation in the mind indicating that one particular person is tied to another and how, that one to a third, and so on.) *** Atropos' Blade: At this stage the Eternal has become sensitive to how a single action's effects change the weave of destiny. This Right also allows a limited glimpse into the Fate of a single person other than herself. (Intelligence + Nemesis, difficulty 8. One success will show a very small detail, three will reveal several near-future events, and five may show some unexpected or previously unsensed shift of destiny

and a chain of events leading to it. Even the slightest actions can change this destiny, however; the future is not set.) **** Lachesis' Yard: Now the complex relationships of groups and courses of action are visible to the phoenix. Where only one person's Fate could be determined before, now the destinies of circles of friends or enemies may be sensed. (Perception + Nemesis, difficulty 9. Successes as Atropos' Blade. Because of the influx of information this Right gives, the Eternal must make a willpower roll, difficulty 7, or gain a point of Discord for each success on the roll for the power.) ***** Clotho's Blessing: One's own Fate is something most people claim to be better left unknown, but the Eternal blessed with this power has fully realized that even destiny itself is not completely set. However, because one's own Fate is the Fate most likely to be altered by any action on the part of the scryer, it is also the hardest to see. (Spend one Willpower, Intelligence + Nemesis, difficulty 9. Roughly twice as many successes must be gained in this roll to see the same images given by previous powers. Use of this power infuses the Eternal with a point of Discord as a reminder that Fate is the province of the gods.) Psyche This Right allows mastery of the powers of the mind and perception. It is rumored that some of these powers were either taught to the Kindred or were developed by embraced Eternal into the Disciplines of Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate and Presence. * Sharpened Senses: The phoenix is able to heighten one or all of her senses to a supernatural degree at will, effectively doubling sight and hearing ranges, giving the phoenix a bloodhound's nose, and making the slightest variation in texture noticeable by touch, or the slightest hint of ingredient by taste. Sudden or violent sensations may render a character overwhelmed temporarily. (No roll is required; it can be "activated" and "turned off" with a round of concentration. This Right, like the vampiric Discipline of Heightened Senses [Auspex 1], should be role-played.) ** Befuddle: This Right allows the Eternal to confuse his target. While the effects of this power are not permanent they can be debilitating to the weak-minded. (Manipulation + Psyche, difficulty of the target's Willpower. The number of successes determines how confused the target becomes: one indicates a moment's hesitation, perhaps allowing a spy to slip past, two or three will make the target pause, forget what he was doing and attempt to remember for several minutes, and four or five will stun the target with confusion for at least a scene. Even more successes can cause Derangements such as schizophrenia.) *** Ascendancy: The Eternal is able to exert his force of will and influence others' actions. This can happen in one of two ways -- simple, direct commands and longterm, indirect influence. Commands are given by staring into the target's eyes and activating this power, holding them in a hypnotic state. Influence does not require eye contact but the subject retains free will. (Manipulation + Psyche, difficulty of the target's Willpower. Commands can only affect one person at a time, but influence can affect one person for each success rolled. If attempting to influence a group, the highest Willpower is used for the entire group. Influencing others is generally an

extended action requiring successes equal to the target's Willpower. Commands can not be contrary to a target's Nature, but influence can eventually lead to such actions or change the target's Nature entirely.) **** Echo: The Eternal with this Right has the ability to "mimic" the Abilities of others nearby by opening up his mind and touching the mind of another. Only one Ability can be Echoed at one time. The range of Echo is approximately one hundred fifty yards. (Perception + Psyche, difficulty 8. To Echo a random Ability requires only one success. Three successes allows the Eternal to attempt to choose an Ability, but if the target does not have this ability the attempt fails. Five successes allows the player to continue choosing until a desired Ability is found. The ability is Echoed at its full score, and if the Ability is the same as one the Eternal has, the Echoed score replaces the phoenix's own.) ***** Telepathy: Telepathy allows the Eternal to either read minds or establish mind-to-mind communication with others. (Reading minds requires a roll of Perception + Psyche, difficulty equal to the target's willpower. Communication is Intelligence + Psyche, difficulty 7 to contact non-Eternal, difficulty 5 to contact another phoenix, difficulty 4 to contact another Eternal with Telepathy, or automatic if both wish to establish contact. Successes determine the clarity and depth of thoughts read or the clarity and range of the mental contact.)

There will, once in a great age, come a time when not even the Birthrights are enough to overcome a mighty foe. When this time comes the Eternal have a last, desperate resort that, if they have achieved this level of power, they can unleash. This is known as the Metamorphosis. By focusing all his lifeforce, Memory and Willpower the phoenix can summon up the essence of his Element and take on the form of an Elemental creature. This incredible eruption of Elemental power can only be summoned up a few times in a mortal lifetime, and is only used in pitched, desperate battles against overwhelming odds. The Metamorphosis is treated as a Level Six Elemancy power; only Eternal who have achieved mastery of the Level Five Birthright that is their Legacy and have a Memory of six or higher can use it. To accomplish this feat, the Eternal must spend two Willpower and three Memory, then roll Stamina + her Legacy Elemancy against a difficulty of 8, with three successes needed. Once the roll is made, she loses all Willpower. Should she fail, the attempt has drained her and rendered her lethargic (see the rules for zero Willpower in any World of Darkness rulebook). Should she succeed, the effect is awe-inspiring. In a process that is direly painful, downright frightening and definitely noticeable to any with the proper powers or the Awareness Talent, the Eternal's body is cloaked in raw Elemental energies and begins to shapeshift into a large creature made of pure Elemental power. Anyone beholding this transformation (except phoenixes) must roll Willpower versus difficulty 8 or be stunned with astonishment. Eternal witnessing a Metamorphosis may roll either Willpower or Wits + Alertness against difficulty 6. In the Metamorphic form, the Eternal's Willpower rating is 10, and she regains all

temporary Willpower up to 10. All damage is healed in the Metamorphosis. Each form confers changes to physical and social Attributes. A phoenix in Metamorphic form can utilize any other Birthrights. All damage inflicted by physical attacks the phoenix makes in this form is aggravated. The transformed Eternal will remain in the Elemental form for a number of turns equal to his Memory, or a number of minutes equal to his Memory, whichever is more convenient for the Storyteller. Once the phoenix shifts back to her mortal form, she will lose all temporary Willpower except one and be unable to utilize any Birthrights for one hour. She will also suffer a -1 penalty to all dice pools for that hour. After the hour is over, Willpower will return at a rate of one point per ten minutes. Damage suffered while transformed carries over when the Eternal returns to his human form; the Metamorphisis is often a phoenix's last desperate act. An Eternal using the Metamorphosis will lose all but one temporary Memory points and gain a permanent point of Discord when he returns to his human form. Such is the price for majestic power. Aeromantic Metamorphosis: the Air Element Eternal can become a gigantic bird of prey with iridescent feathers and blazing eyes. This majestic creature grants Strength +2, Dexterity +5 and Stamina +3, while Charisma and Appearance become 0. The raptor can fly at speeds up to 100 miles per hour and is immune to all gas-based attacks and toxins, but does breathe. It can attack with its Strength +2 beak (difficulty 7) or its Strength +2 talons (difficulty 7). The raptor can grasp and lift opponents of weights up to 100 pounds per dot of Strength with a successful talon strike at difficulty 7; this inflicts no damage, but those grasped must achieve a number of successes equal to the raptor's Strength on an extended Strength + Athletics roll (difficulty of the Eternal's Strength) to break free -- and then risk falling damage. Electromantic Metamorphosis: Energy phoenixes change into beings resembling a 10-foot-tall winged dragon-man made of crackling energy. In this form the Eternal is at Strength +4, Dexterity +4 and Stamina +2. Charisma and Appearance are effectively 0. The draconian can run at speeds up to 75 miles per hour or fly at up to 90 miles per hour. It is immune to flame, electricity and radiation and does not breathe. The draconian may attack with its Strength +1 claws (difficulty 6) or bite with its Strength +2 fangs (difficulty 7). The draconian radiates a field of intense energy to a radius of five feet. This energy causes two Health Levels of nonaggravated electrical damage to anyone within the field. Anyone in this range must soak this damage each turn. Hydromantic Metamorphosis: The Eternal of the Element of Water transform into a creature resembling a fifteen to twenty foot long serpent made of pure Water. The serpent form gives Strength +3, Dexterity +3 and Stamina +4. Charisma and Appearance in this form are 0. The serpent can swim at speeds up to 60 miles per hour and does not need to breathe. The serpent can attack with its Strength +2 tail (difficulty 7), bite with its Strength +1 fangs (difficulty 6), or attempt to grapple and coil around its opponent to crush (Strength damage, 5 Strength + Athletics successes [difficulty of the phoenix's Strength] to break free). Sharp or piercing attacks such as blades, claws and such do no damage to the Eternal in this form, but blunt attacks do an extra die of damage.

Pyromantic Metamorphosis: The Metamorphosis of the Fire Eternal unleashes the legendary firebird that gives the phoenixes their name. A fifteen-foot long bird of flame with a wingspan of twenty-five feet, this form bestows Strength +3, Dexterity +4 and Stamina +3, but Charisma and Appearance are considered 0. The firebird can fly at up to 100 miles per hour, is immune to heat and flame, and does not need to breathe. It can attack with its Strength +1 claws (difficulty 6) or Strength +2 beak (difficulty 7). The firebird radiates a field of heat to ten feet which inflicts two Health Levels of non-aggravated damage to anyone in range; anyone within this range must soak this damage each turn they remain inside the field. Terramantic Metamorphosis: The Eternal of Earth transform into a huge, lizard-like creature made of stone and gems. In this form the Eternal has Strength +4, Dexterity +2 and Stamina +5. It can run at speeds up to 50 miles per hour, climb sheer surfaces with no penalty, or dig through earth and stone at speeds up to 20 miles per hour (stronger materials will hamper this). The lizard may attack with its Strength +2 claws (difficulty 7), its Strength +1 tail (difficulty 6) or its Strength +2 teeth (difficulty 7). Its skin, encrusted in metals, gems and stones, counts as armor with 3 additional soak dice (effectively giving Eternal in this form 8 additional dice to soak with -- break out the bazookas).

A Word of Caution
Caveat magnus -- while many of the Birthrights listed here are powerful indeed, such blatant displays of "supernatural" strength are bound to attract unwanted attention. Many phoenixes have defeated enemies with dazzling displays of Birthrights, only to mysteriously disappear soon after; this is the World of Darkness, and Big Brother is watching -- with all of his friends. Like the rest of the denizens of the World of Darkness, the Eternal must hide their powers -- especially the Metamorphosis. They are encouraged to learn from the mages and make things look like interesting "coincidences" whenever they can to avoid drawing unwanted attention to themselves.

Appropriate Merits and Flaws

Compiled from the various World of Darkness Players' Guides, these Merits and Flaws are the most appropriate for Phoenix. Storytellers may wish to discard some or make others available; not everything is taken into account here. As previously mentioned, Phoenix players are encouraged to take Merits and Flaws to give their characters more depth. Psychological: Berserker, Compulsion, Dark Secret, Driving Goal, Hatred, Intolerance, Low Self-Image, Nightmares, Phobia (both), Over-Confident, Short Fuse, Shy, Soft-Hearted, Speech Impediment, Vengeance Mental: Absent-Minded, Calm-Heart, Common Sense, Concentration, Confused, Eidetic Memory, Iron Will, Lightning Calculator, Self-Confident, Time Sense, Weak Willed Awareness: Bad Sight, Blind, Color Blindness, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, One Eye Aptitudes: Ambidextrous, Computer Aptitude, Crack Driver, Daredevil, Fast Learner, Inept, Mechanical Aptitude, Natural Linguist, Pitiable, Uneducated, Unskilled, Jack-

of-all-Trades Supernatural: Charmed existence, Danger Sense, Destiny Group Ties: Favor, Enemy, Twisted Upbringing / Mentor Society/Human Ties: Church, CEO, Corporate, Hunted, Judicial, Media, Police, Political, Underworld, Ward Physical: Deformity, Disfigured, Double Jointed, Huge Size, Lame, Longevity, Mute, One Arm, Short

New Merits and Flaws

In addition to those Merits and Flaws the Storyteller deems appropriate to his or her Chronicle, these Eternal-specific traits should be considered if the system is in use. Variable Element, Dual Element, Element Natural, Supernatural Companion and Elemental Ban are Supernatural; Elemental Friendship is Group Ties (Eternal). Elemental Friendship: (2 point Merit) You have the friendship of the phoenixes of an Element other than your own. Perhaps you have done something to further their goals in the past. You are at -2 Social difficulties in dealing with the Eternal of this Element, and might be able to call upon small favors at the Storyteller's discretion. Supernatural Companion: (3 point Merit) This is a catch-all Merit, replacing such things as "Vampire Companion." It represents an individual of another supernatural type, such as a vampire, a werecreature, a mage, a wraith or a changeling. This individual is created by the Storyteller. Element Natural: (5 point Merit) You are strongly identified with your Element, understanding it even better than the others of your type. Its power flows through you easily and you can control it with greater ease. To advance in your Legacy Elemancy costs you only 3/4 the normal amount of Experience Points. Dual Element: (7 point Merit) Almost unique among the Eternal, you have a truly powerful soul. You are equally of two Elements and can draw from both of them. You begin with one dot in each Elemancy. However, you begin with one additional dot of Discord, representing the doubling of the power within you, and you suffer the Weakness of both Elements. This Merit can not be taken along with Element Natural. Elemental Enmity: (2 point Flaw) There's trouble between you and the Eternal of another Element. Either they wronged you, or you hurt them, but one way or another you just don't like each other. Perhaps it's a fundamental philosophical difference. Whatever the reason, you are at +2 difficulty on all Social rolls dealing with phoenixes of this Element. Physical manifestations of the Element in question make you uneasy, such as crystals for Earth, open flame for Fire, strong wind for Air, bright light or lightning for Energy or the ocean for Water. Elemental Ban: (4 point Flaw) You simply cannot identify with one of the Elements. You can not use its Elemancy. You have trouble bending your brain around its concepts. Even more than with Elemental Enmity, you may find yourself annoyed or uneasy with even the Element's physical manifestations.

Advanced Role-playing Merits and Flaws

These Merits and Flaws are suggested only for veteran Phoenix players. They are complex and involve tricky role-playing. Past Life Compact: (2-5 point Merit or 1-4 point Flaw) You entered into an agreement with several other Eternal at some point in a past life. If the Merit is taken, the compact is beneficial in some way. Examples include protection, aid and frinedship. If the Flaw is taken, it's all coming back to haunt you as some wierdness from the past rears its head; there's no telling what could happen next because of something stupid you did before. Examples include failed contracts, broken promises and pure, simple revenge. Botched Compact: (3 pt Flaw) Taken in addition to the Compact Merit/Flaw, Botched Compact causes the character to have another Eternal as a Phantom! This Phantom always has an Integrity of 5, does not count toward an Eternal's Integrity total, does not have its own Willpower or Birthrights, and is usually hostile to the dominant psyche. Upon death, the two (or more) Eternal will engage in a violent and swift conflict of wills to determine the next incarnation's dominant personality, with the other being relegated to Phantom status. Lucky you, you won out this time. Getting out of a Botched Compact is even more difficult than resolving a normal Compact. This Flaw can be taken multiple times, representing a terrible accident from the past. Chaotic Element: (5 point Flaw) This Flaw resembles the Dual Element Merit, with several important differences. The character is of two Elements, but cannot control them. From time to time her Elements will "switch" from one to the other; the Storyteller dictates these shifts, not the player. The character receives the starting dot for both Legacies, but can only utilize the Legacy of his current Element (i.e., the dot "switches" back and forth) and suffers from the appropriate Weakness for the "dominant" Element. This Flaw gives starting characters an extra point of Discord.

Chapter Three: The Umbra

Though the physical world is nearly boundless and filled with many wonders, it is not the only world by far. Lying across a mystickal barrier known as the Gauntlet is the Velvet Shadow, known more commonly as the Umbra. It is the world of the spirit, woven of ephemera, shaping and shaped by the physical and interacting with it despite the best efforts of the static mages who seek to isolate the Earth. Together, the physical world and the Umbra are called the Tellurian. The Umbra lies next to, over, inside and around the world of matter, but is not a part of it. Once a part of the "real" world, it was separated ages ago and has remained separate. Very few can cross the Gauntlet and enter the Umbra; the Eternal are some of those chosen few. Anything that can be dreamed can and does happen in the Velvet Shadow. Realms, pocket universes with their own laws of reality, spread out to infinity. Spirits populate it like living beings populate the physical world. The Umbra is thoroughly covered by both Werewolf and Mage and their various supplements, especially Umbra: the Velvet Shadow, Axis Mundi: the Book of Spirits, and The Book of Worlds.

Reflections of Reality
The Penumbra, called Earth's Shadow, surrounds the world like the skin of an onion, just outside the Gauntlet. It is a land of spirit matter that is lit by the moon, a grey and silver world of night. It reflects the spiritual nature of the corresponding physical world; physical objects that stand the test of time gain a spiritual resonance and will appear in the Penumbra, as will old living things, while newer objects and vegetation do not. Awakened beings, such as mages and the Eternal, will have a visible resonance within the Umbra, a sharply-defined astral self. Mages' Avatars will be seen as identifying with their Essences, while the Eternal will be seen as having halos of Elemental energies. Those Eternal with strong Phantoms (rating three or above) will also be seen as having "ghosts" trailing them. Beyond the Penumbra lie the Near and Deep Umbras. The Near Umbra contains 13 known "Near Realms" and countless smaller realms called Domains and Zones. It is also divided into three areas: the High Umbra, or the world of thoughts and concepts; the Middle Umbra, or the world of spirit; and the Low or Dark Umbra, the land of the Restless Dead. Most of these realms are described in Werewolf and Mage; the Underworld is described in detail in Wraith. The Deep Umbra is the home of three great archetypal spirits, called the Triat by the werewolves: the Weaver, personification of pattern and order, the Wyld, a gestalt spirit of creation and chaos, and the Wyrm, at one time a destructive balance between the other two but now supposedly standing for corruption, annihilation and oblivion. Analogies can be drawn between the Triat and various aspects of the Elements, such as Earth to the Weaver, Fire to the (original) Wyrm and Energy to the Wyld, but that begs the question of, "What about Water and Air?" Between the Near and Deep Umbras lies another barrier, called the Membrane by the Garou and the Horizon by mages. It is here that many mages establish their chantries, isolated from the physical world and allowing them to practice their Arts without fear of Paradox. There is another area of the Umbra, more accurately a state of existence, known as the Periphery. It is where the Umbra trickles across the Gauntlet to spill over into the physical world, and is felt only by some Awakened beings. Humans can enter the Periphery through rituals, drugs, religion, art, exercise, meditation and other methods; doing so allows them to surpass mundane reality just a little bit and glimpse some of the true nature of the universe. It is in the Periphery that humans can have contact with spirits, both benign and malevolent.

The Gauntlet
The Umbra is held apart from the physical world by the Gauntlet. It is reinforced by a denial of spiritual things, cold reason and a belief that there is only one true reality where the world of spirit is mere fiction. In the wild, the Gauntlet is relatively weak, but in areas of technological influence, such as cities and especially scientific labs, it grows stronger and stronger until it is very nearly impenetrable. Areas with a weak Gauntlet are hotly contested by certain parties in the World of Darkness. The Garou guard their caerns jealously, and the mages defend their nodes with equal fervor.

The denizens of the Umbra are many and varied. There are more types of spirits than could ever be listed, but the mages and shapeshifters have cataloged a host of otherworldly beings. Many of them are listed in Werewolf and Mage and their various supplements. Unlike the Garou, Eternal have an intuitive grasp of spirit speech. They can automatically understand the communication of any type of spirit by rolling Memory against difficulty 7.

Eternal deal with many types of spirits, but most commonly those of Elemental nature. These spirits are usually predisposed to aid their physical kin, and are at worst neutral to those Eternal of other Elements. The statistics for the most common elementals are as follows: Air Elemental Willpower 3, Rage 8, Gnosis 7, Power 40 Charms: Airt Sense, Create Wind, Reform, Updraft Earth Elemental Willpower 10, Rage 4, Gnosis 5, Power 40 Charms: Airt Sense, Armor, Materialize, Umbraquake Energy Elemental Willpower 6, Rage 7, Gnosis 5, Power 40 Charms: Airt Sense, Control Electrical Systems, Lightning Bolts, Short Out Fire Elemental Willpower 5, Rage 10, Gnosis 5, Power 30 Charms: Airt Sense, Blast Flame, Create Fires Water Elemental Willpower 6, Rage 4, Gnosis 10, Power 30 Charms: Airt Sense, Cleanse the Blight, Flood, Healing If the Storyteller is not using Werewolf or Mage, she can assign appropriate Birthrights for the Spirits to use. A Memory score can be created by averaging the given Rage and Gnosis; this score is used to attack and do damage, as well as being the dice pool for using Rights. Willpower stays the same. Treat Power as Health Levels with no dice penalties as well as Willpower and Memory "points"; any Willpower or Memory spent or damage taken is deducted from this total.

Fragments embody the philosophical ideals, personality traits and abstract concepts represented by the Elements rather than the physical delineation. They are archetype spirits, gestalts, personifications of a single ideal, along the lines of Epiphlings. It is

rumored in circles of Eternal mystics that these Fragments, many Elementals, and some Jagglings that are combinations of the two serve five Elemental Celestines, two of whom are Luna (Energy, also the spirit of the moon) and Helios (Fire, the spirit of the sun). The other Celestines in this framework, though never yet seen, are known to these rare phoenixes as Neptune (Water), Pluto (Earth), and Uranus (Air). Air Fragment Willpower 5, Rage 4, Gnosis 8, Power 30 Charms: Dream Journey, Insight, Umbrastorm Earth Fragment Willpower 9, Rage 4, Gnosis 6, Power 30 Charms: Disable, Ease Pain, Iron Will Energy Fragment Willpower 6, Rage 7, Gnosis 8, Power 30 Charms: Assess Character, Kindle, Suggestion Fire Fragment Willpower 5, Rage 8, Gnosis 6, Power 30 Charms: Inner Pain, Shapeshift, Suggestion Water Fragment Willpower 6, Rage 3, Gnosis 8, Power 30 Charms: Assess Character, Insight, Purify

The Eternal in the Tellurian

With the powers of Akasha, the phoenixes can access the worlds of the Umbra. They can interact with its spirits as easily as the shapeshifters or the mages. They have explored its wonders for as long as they can remember, yet they have found few, if any, clues to their origins. Perhaps the answers lie in the recently-discovered Elemental Realms, or perhaps not. Only time will tell. Regardless of this setback, the Umbra is a source of power and wonder for the phoenixes. Its mystery and majesty can refresh the Memories of even the most jaded Eternal. Some have established homes beyond the Gauntlet, preferring the Umbra to the physical worlds. Sometimes Eternal reside with mages in their Horizon Realms as consors, and a few phoenixes have visited the courts of the Celestines.

Eternal in the Middle and High Umbra

Seen from and in the Umbra, Eternal carry a faint resonance of their Element. Circling winds will surround Zephyri, ripples of water will cover Aquati, flames will limn Pyrati, electric sparks flit about Solari and crystalline Earth encases Terrati. Phantoms will be perceived as ghostly images overlapping the Eternal's body, transparent overlays that carry the forms they did in life. These images appear and fade as Phantoms "speak" to an Eternal and carry on their internal arguments. Should a Phantom Subvert the phoenix, that image becomes more "solid" around the body,

signaling its control.

The Elemental Realms

Deep within the Middle Umbra lie five hidden planes known as the Elemental Realms. These concentrations of Elemental essence function as "homelands" for the Eternal, though they are little-known in these times when the phoenixes are so intent in their attention on the planet Earth. Those Eternal who have fathomed their secrets have found near-limitless worlds of nearly pure Elemental power. The realm of Air is a world of endless sky and small floating islands, filled with winged creatures both mundane and mythical, including Air elementals. Winds billow and drift in all directions, never ceasing. The world is lit as if on a bright, sunny day, but no light source is visible. Small cities dot the skyborne rocks, abandoned and dusty. The previous residents have left no trace of their existence beyond the buildings, a mystery that is still unsolved. The realm of Earth is a world of caverns in stone, full of glowing crystals, minerals and soil, thriving with plant life. Again, abandoned cities lie silent, their secrets unfathomable, and the light seems to come from all around, especially the crystals. Tunnels appear and disappear as the world shifts and unseen creatures, including Earth elementals dig and consume. The realm of Water is an infinite fresh-water sea of rock islands adrift in the expanse of watery light. Once again, abandoned cities can be found, their architecture resembling spiraling conch shells and coral reefs. Leviathan beasts patrol the ocean devouring everything smaller than they are, and being eaten in turn and fought by Water elementals. The realm of Fire is a plane of lava, glowing stone and blazing infernos, a sulfurous atmosphere and a blood-crimson sky. On what little solid surface exists stand the empty cities. The lava-seas are home to fire dragons, salamanders and Fire elementals. Finally, the realm of Energy is a mysterious combination of all the others, a dark, roiling expanse of lashing storms and flashing lightning filled with varied islands of rock, some volcanic, some covered with small lakes, some wreathed in growing forests. Energy elementals play in the tempest, and the abandoned cities hold silent council. Each of these Realms contains small portions of the other Elements, and oftentimes these "pockets" are portal passages to the other Realms. Eternal visiting the Realm of their Element are immune to its adverse effects, if any, but others must take special care. Eternal of the corresponding Element to a Realm find their Willpower and Memory refreshed up to normal maximums upon first entering that plane, though one of their Phantoms will make a Level Four Subversion attempt (the phoenix is, in some ways, "coming home"). Mysteries abound in the Elemental Realms, the most prevalent being the source of the ancient, silent cities that are found in each Realm, similar, yet different. Another unanswered (and, some say, unanswerable) question is this: are these Realms the true home of the undying Elemental souls of the Eternal? No one can say for sure. If these planes are not the birthplace of the Eternal race, they make a good adopted home.

Those phoenixes who subscribe to the theory of the five elemental Celestines propose that these great god-spirits have Incarna avatars that reside in the Elemental Realms, but none have ever been found.

The High Umbra

Phoenixes of a philosophical bent can find heaven in the lofty worlds of the High Umbra. Concepts are given form in this place, and the natures of the Elements can be explored. One could even search for the incarnation of Memory itself, if the stories are to be believed. The High Umbra can also be a dangerous place, with mental tricks and traps ready for the unwary and denizens unforgiving of trespassers lying in wait. Seekers should be cautious when exploring these fantastic places, as in all the spirit worlds.

The Shadowlands
Eternal rarely, if ever, voluntarily visit the Land of the Dead. This place, the Low Umbra, is anathema to their very existence, and yet somehow it reaffirms faith in the strength of Will and its victory over Death. The very existence of wraiths proves that if your will is strong enough, not even death can stop you. Phantoms are not visible in the Low Umbra. They become hidden aspects, much the same as they are in the physical world, and can be sensed by those wraiths who have power over the Shadow. Like Shadows, Pardoners and other practitioners of the Castigate Arcanos can affect Phantoms in various ways, though any Pardoner would be incredibly surprised and frightened by a being with "multiple Shadows," many of which are working in perfect harmony with the being they see before them. Shadows and spectres can also sense the presence of Phantoms, and try to lure them to Oblivion. Eternal who know all agree that falling into Oblivion is certainly another way to destroy a phoenix, but even they will not allow themselves to think of what might happen if, like some spectres, that Eternal were spat out to wreak havoc on the Shadowlands, and then the physical world...

The Dreaming
This most mysterious of all spirit worlds defies definition. Should an Eternal find herself in the Dreaming, the Storyteller is encouraged to pull out all the stops. Forget systems and let imagination rule the field.

Chapter Four: Systems

Nuts and Bolts
This chapter details the game systems for Phoenix: the Eternal. As always, these rules are guidelines, not set in stone. If the Storyteller doesn't like something, she can change or remove it.

Memory Systems
The trait of Memory on the character sheet represents the amount of knowledge carried over from past lives to the current incarnation, and the energy force that those

memories become. This trait has both "temporary" and "permanent" portions, represented respectively by the squares and the circles listed under the Memory heading on the character sheet. Permanent Memory represents the degree of a character's connection to the past and to his Eternal self. Temporary Memory measures degrees of this connection and is "spent," consuming the power of the memories for various reasons. A character has at most as many temporary Memory points as he has dots in his permanent Memory. Should the temporary score fall to zero, the character loses one permanent Memory point and gains a number of temporary Memory points equal to the new permanent Memory level. Both of these cases cause temporary Discord (q.v.). Should the Memory trait ever reach zero, the phoenix has in effect retreated back into the Shell and loses the use of all Birthrights until she "hatches" once more, repeating the process she went through originally. Memory can be "regained" by reconnecting with one's past, either through research or physical contact (touching something you used to own, visiting a place you used to live in, meeting people you once knew) with things from either the past of the current life or previous incarnation. This connection is vital to all Eternal and the need to keep in touch with the past can become a consuming passion. In game terms, the Memory trait limits the number of successes a phoenix can obtain on any roll for a Birthright power. She can roll no more successes than she has permanent Memory. More importantly, a phoenix can use no Birthright of a level higher than her permanent Memory score. While the knowledge of such powers is unaffected, the ability to put them to use is restricted. If a phoenix's Memory drops below his rating in a Right, he simply can not use the higher-level Right power until his Memory increases once more. The Memory trait itself can be utilized as a dice pool when the character is attempting any feat of memory (guidelines for appropriate situations can also be found in World of Darkness: Mummy, using the Memory Virtue). This roll can be modified with other traits or in difficulty when the gamemaster decides situations are similar to something the character has encountered before, whether in this lifetime or in a past life. A Memory roll is made when encountering significant people, places and things from the past, with a difficulty determined by the Storyteller based upon that significance; average difficulty for this roll is 7. Each success allows the Eternal to regain one temporary point of Memory, to a maximum of their current pemanent Memory. Characters can regain their temporary Memory on their own, spending time reminiscing and perhaps meditating on their pasts. If the character makes an effort to remember, he or she will regain a point of Memory every two or three game days, at the Storyteller's whim. A successful Perception + Meditation roll (difficulty 8) might yield a Memory point as well; this method should take several hours of deep, uninterrupted meditation.

Discord Systems
Like Memory, Discord is measured in "temporary" points (the squares on the sheet) and "permanent" points (the circles); when speaking of the Eternal's Discord rating,

the permanent points are counted. Through loss or gain of past knowledge, stress and Concord, Discord can grow and shrink like Memory, with ten temporary points becoming one permanent point upon Discord increase, and one permanent point becoming five temporary points if temporary Discord is lowered below one. The "average" Eternal's Discord rating will be three. This represents the most natural state of balance between past and present. The game traits of Memory and Discord are linked. Any reduction in permanent Memory will cause a gain of an amount of temporary Discord equal to half the Memory score that was lost, rounded down; i.e, if a Phoenix dropped from Memory 4 to Memory 3, he would gain 2 points of Discord (5 lowered to 4 would also be 2 points). A rise in permanent Memory will cause a gain of temporary Discord equal to half the Memory score attained, rounded up; to go from Memory 3 to Memory 4 causes 2 points of temporary Discord, while 4 to 5 causes 3 points of Discord. These increases can be combated by Concord. Should permanent Discord reach ten, the phoenix is in danger of complete insanity. Each day the Eternal's permanent Memory will increase by one as the floodgates swing wide open (this will not affect Discord). When Memory reaches ten, the phoenix has lost all ability to distinguish present and past, reality and fiction. If the character can not diminish his Discord by this point, the character should be handed over to the Storyteller. Phoenixes who succumb to Discord can sometimes be helped, but it is very rare. Discord normally can not be reduced below 1 except by the Concord Birthright. Should this somehow occur, the phoenix has become so ingrained into his current life that he will lose all Memory and cannot be brought back out of the Shell in this lifetime. He will not remember anything about being an Eternal and will usually discount such things as rubbish. Being wounded to the Incapacitated level will give a Phoenix one temporary Discord points. Botching a Memory roll will grant temporary Discord as well, one point for every "1" rolled in the botch (it takes more ones to cancel more successes; this represents the forces of Memory surging to the fore, then turning chaotically lose through the Eternal's mind). Botching a Willpower roll will give the Eternal one point of temporary Discord. Discord has one other game mechanic function, representing its influence over a phoenix. Once per game day, the Storyteller should roll the character's Discord rating against a difficulty of 6. For each success, one mundane Ability roll that day will increase in difficulty by one as the character finds himself battling confusion and discomfort. Alternatively, the Storyteller can apply multiple penalties to one roll, "using up" the modifiers.

Phantom Integrity and Subversion

Personality traits of important past lives leave an imprint on the Eternal's Memory, giving the life a sort of mind of its own, almost like a "multiple" or "split personality," known as a Phantom. In this system, some of the character's past lives and experiences will be able to influence the character's present.

Starting characters have 5 dots of Integrity to assign to Phantoms (Solari have 6). Phantoms can be assigned these dots from a rating of one, indicating that the life's personality has achieved a degree of coherence, up to a rating of five, which indicates that that particular life is nearly as clear and distinct as the character's current lifetime. Integrity also is an indication of the Phantom's relative strength of will. At the first level of Integrity, a Phantom is like a background noise, hiding in the buzz of Memory. A one-Integrity Phantom can very rarely communicate directly with the Phoenix, but more often generates empathic impressions and vague images, and the communication is never thorough. To contact the Phantom, the Eternal must concentrate on that past life and actively seek communication. Phantoms with an Integrity of two resemble seldom-seen acquaintances, speaking only when the situation concerns them. Two-Integrity Phantoms will carry on short conversations with the phoenix, offering viewpoints and opinions, but usually not much else, and a conversation with one is likely to be only partially successful. Finding a Phantom of this strength is much easier, requiring only partial concentration. At the next level of Integrity, a Phantom is a constant presence, like someone watching over the phoenix's shoulder. The Eternal can speak with the Phantom without needing to "search" at all, often at surprising moments, and they can often offer several options. A Phantom with an Integrity of four is a companion, a "roommate in the head". The Phantom will make commentary, answer questions directed to the Eternal, offer advice and chatter on as it pleases about anything it likes. They can be quite a nuisance to the phoenixes carrying them around. Phantoms of Integrity level five resemble bodiless people, with all the attendant moods, preferences, prejudices and attitudes. These strongest of Phantoms are most often the ones to contest control of an Eternal's body. Imagine being attached to someone for all of eternity -- that's the relationship of a phoenix to a Phantom this strong. The Integrity rating serves two purposes. The first is aiding in Anamnesis. When attempting to use Manifest or Time's Window, each dot of Integrity for the particular Phantom involved can be added as an extra die to the roll. More coherent memories of past lives will be more readily accessible. The second purpose is more of a plot device. Occasionally a Phantom will "come to the fore" in a process known as Subversion, changing how a character acts and reacts to situations. Every once in a while, when relevant experiences trigger memories, the Storyteller should choose one of the character's Phantoms and roll a number of dice equal to its Integrity against a difficulty of ten minus the character's Discord (10 Discord). The character can resist by rolling Willpower against a difficulty of her Discord plus the level of the Subversion. The Eternal can spend Memory to lower the difficulty of resisting the Subversion by -1 for each point, to a maximum of -3, as well as the usual spending of Willpower for a success. Subversions are not all the same. Events and places that resonate deeply with a Phantom will bring on a stronger attempt to gain control; thus, Subversions are given

a rating of One to Five. The "level" of the Subversion is added to the Phantom's Integrity for the Subversion attempt dice pool. Normally a Phantom will eventually give up control (no system required), but not always. To return forcibly from Subversion, the character's modern psyche must attempt to Subvert the Phantom, rolling Willpower against a difficulty of the Phantom's Integrity plus the level of the Subversion. The Phantom in control can resist with an Integrity roll against a difficulty of the character's Willpower, adding the level of its Subversion to its Integrity. The Eternal can spend Memory and Willpower in this effort. A character can voluntarily accept a Subversion, lowering his defenses and attempting to coax a past life to the surface, often when a Phantom has a better chance of getting out of a situation than the Psyche does. If the Phantom doesn't want to come forth, good role-playing will be required to coax it out (or perhaps a good Charisma + Leadership or Subterfuge roll).

Effects of Subversion
When a Subversion is successful, the Eternal's Charisma, Manipulation, Perception, Intelligence and Wits Attributes will become those of the Phantom. The Phantom uses its own Ability ratings, not those of the psyche, and has an effective Willpower of its Integrity. Phantoms can make use of the psyche's Memory -- both Permanent and Temporary -- and all Birthrights except for Anamnesis **** Manifest and ***** Time's Window.

Subversion Rolls and Subversion Levels

Listed below are various times when a Subversion roll could be called for, and what level the attempt might be made at. This list is far from comprehensive, and Subversion rolls need not be made at every instance of these occurrences (in the same vein as Rage rolls in Werewolf.) Storyteller discretion is the most important factor. Four or more successes on a Memory roll (Level One). Following the end of an especially successful use of Anamnesis **** Manifest (Level One) Minor Inkling (encountering a language, situation, or sensation familiar to the Phantom making the Subversion attempt) (Level One) Gain of permanent Discord (Level Two) Gain/loss of permanent Memory (which invokes Discord) (Level Two) Moderate Inkling (familiar area, clothing, scenery) (Level Two)

Becoming wounded to the Incapacitated Health Level (Level Three) Botching a Willpower roll (Level Three) Strong Inkling (Phantom's home country, dressing as the Phantom would, performing ceremonies, being in similar important situations) (Level Three) Major Inkling (Being in the Phantom's home town, touching an item that belonged to the Phantom or a loved one/Compact-mate) (Level Four) Incredible Inkling (Being in a place that was linked with a major event in the Phantom's life, encountering someone important to the Phantom) (Level Five)

When dealing with the Inklings, characters will often times find themselves refreshing their Memories and battling Subversion attempts at the same time. It's a small price to pay for the strength the Eternal hold, and most phoenixes just accept it as the way of the world.

Creating New Birthrights and Powers

The powers of the Eternal are not rigid. New powers and entirely new Rights are possible to create with enough study and work. To create the first power of a Birthright, a phoenix must spend at least a year researching and meditating (any systems are left up to the Storyteller). Then, by spending fifteen experience points, the phoenix can manifest the first power of an entirely new Birthright. New levels can be created at a cost of ten times the current level (thus a third level power in a new Birthright will cost twenty points.) To develop a new power in an existing Birthright, the Eternal should spend at least a month studying (although the spontaneous creation of new effects under extreme stress is not unheard of). The cost for a new power is always two more points than that power would cost to be learned; thus, a new third-level power in Aeromancy would cost 26 points instead of 24.

Spending Temporary Memory

Instead of using Willpower to gain automatic successes when using Birthright powers, Eternal characters may spend temporary Memory in addition to any other cost to lower the difficulty of a Birthright attempt by one, to a maximum of -3. The character can also spend a Willpower point for an automatic success in the same turn, as normal. Temporary Memory can also be spent for successes when making a Memory roll in an attempt to remember details. The Eternal can spend temporary Memory points to cancel the gain of temporary

Discord on a one-for-one basis. This really helps if nobody nearby has Concord.

Memory and Experience

As Memory increases, characters can remember or "gain access" to prior abilities. Abilities (Talents, Skills and Knowledges) can also be "taught" by Phantoms. For each point of Memory above five, an Eternal earns one extra experience point per story (not game session). When attempting to learn an Ability from a Phantom, the Phantom must make an Intelligence + the Ability being taught, difficulty of the Eternal's Discord + 3, maximum 10. Each success lowers the number of experience points to learn the skill by one.

Variable Memory and Discord

Rather than starting at the normal Memory rating of 5, a character created with this rule could start at any Memory rating, allowing for the creation of more "seasoned" Eternal. With this system, as the character's starting Memory rating goes up, freebie points available for later in the creation process go down. Conversely, the player could decide to start with a lower Memory rating, inhibiting her character a little but gaining extra freebie points. Memory Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Freebie Points +12 (27) +9 (24) +6 (21) +3 (18) +0 (15) -3 (12) -6 (9) -9 (6) -12 (3) -15 (0)

Analogous to the variable Memory, by spending freebie points, a player can lower his starting Discord. By taking extra Discord he can gain more freebie points. Discord Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Freebie Points -10 (5) -5 (10) 0 (15) +2 (17) +4 (19) +6 (21) +8 (23) +10 (25) +12 (27)

Note that these two methods somewhat balance out. For example, by raising Memory to 6 (taking 3 freebie points, for a total of 12 left) and then raising Discord to 5 (giving back 4 freebie points, for a total of 16) a more experienced character is possible.

Freeform Elemancies
Instead of a one-to-five ranked system of powers, Storytellers may wish to simply allow the Eternal to accomplish effects related to the Element by rolling her rating in the appropriate Elemancy, a la Mage's freeform magick system, with difficulty set by the Storyteller and successes determining the degree of success for the effect. Under this system, Elemancies could be combined like Spheres to create more detailed effects. Assign a difficulty to each Elemancy used, and roll each one. Failure with one Elemancy doesn't always mean total failure, but the result will be changed in some aspect. Another option is to use Memory as an Arete-style rating. Using the given Elemancy powers as guidelines, Eternal can create effects at each level similar to those powers. Extrapolation of this system can be made to non-Elemantic Birthrights as well, allowing the Eternal to accomplish a range of effects in a category. This makes the system completely freeform.

Eternal and Hedge Magic

Known as Shadow Craft by the Bastet, Thaumaturgy by the Kindred and some mortals, and Static Magic by the mages, Hedge Magic is a method of utilizing formulas to cause specific effects. It is not nearly as powerful as Sphere ("True") magick, but it does not draw Paradox, the mages' bane. Hedge Magic is open to all Eternal characters. It can be purchased with freebie points during creation or experience points further along in the chronicle. Eternal, with their capacity for great power, can learn vampiric Thaumaturgical paths, with the appropriate substitutions of stats, but keep in mind that the Tremere and Tzimisce do not take kindly to outsiders who know the secrets of their power.... Rules for Hedge Magic can be found in World of Darkness: Sorceror, as well as in various other sourcebooks.

Phoenix Combat
Note: This system uses the V:tM 2nd Edition Initiative system of Wits + Alertness, difficulty 4. The spectacle of two or more Eternal clashing in open combat is an awe-inspiring event. Ages of memories flood to the fore, especially clashes the combatants have had in the past. Emotions reach the flash point and reason falls by the wayside. Adrenaline floods into veins and past pains become fresh once more. This optional combat system attempts to capture that pulse-pounding, sweat-dripping feeling. When fighting against other Eternal, phoenixes regain three temporary Willpower at the beginning of conflict (just before the first Initiative roll), up to a maximum of their permanent Willpower. All phoenix characters must roll Willpower against difficulty equal to their Discord as the first turn's Initiative, reflecting the fight against an overwhelming flood of memories. Failure is treated as normal. Botches cause Subversion attempts by a Phantom that either is related to Phantoms of the opponents, or has a better chance to survive the combat -- either by fighting or running away. If the Eternal in the combat have a Compact with each other, the emotions and

memories become even more intense. In addition to the initial Willpower check as the first Initiative, each turn all characters must resist Subversion attempts by appropriate Phantoms before their first actions, at +2 difficulty. No Willpower can be spent to resist these Subversion attempts. Eternal who possess 4-point Compact Flaws (or 4- or 5- point Compact Merits -- that kind of betrayal hurts!) with each other face an additional danger beyond Memory overload and Subversion. Upon being wounded to the Wounded (-2) Health Level, they must begin making Willpower checks at a difficulty equal to their Memory scores; if they fail, they enter a berserk state of frenzy, attacking all present, friend or foe. Once all foes have been Incapacitated, killed or otherwise eliminated, the frenzying phoenix may begin making Willpower rolls (difficulty of Memory) to "cool off" once per turn. "Appropriate Phantoms" means those Phantoms who had the most important interactions during life, often those past incarnations who originated the Compact. Betrayals, murders, grand thefts and the like are good indications that Phantoms will come into later conflict. Also, note that if there are multiple Eternal on one side of a conflict and none on the other, these rules naturally do not apply. Should one phoenix turn traitor, however, they do come into effect.

Reincarnation Rules
Upon death, the dying character's Willpower rating determines if that life's personality will become a Phantom, and if so, what the Phantom's Integrity will be. Willpower 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Phantom No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Integrity N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 2 3 4 5

The "Integrity" column represents a number of dice the Storyteller rolls against a difficulty of 6. If successes are gained, the new Phantom's Integrity equals the successes rolled. A failure means the life becomes part of the Memory. A botch means nothing; it's the same as a failure. (Use the new Vampire botch rule on this roll, if you aren't using it for everything already. Those 1's come up more often than they have a right to.) Storytellers can modify the results as they see fit in cases of extreme importance, following the guideline of story over numbers. If the character's personality becomes a Phantom, its Archetypes, Attributes and Abilities are preserved. Phantoms do not have Birthrights of their own. Integrating reincarnation into an existing chronice is problematic at best. Solutions

such as time warps can ruin the flavor and feel of a campaign, engendering a blas sense of, "Oops, I died, let me get my next copy of my character." Unless the Storyteller is willing to bend the already-bent reality of the World of Darkness even further, death is an incredible inconvenience for the Eternal, effectively removing the character from the game. If the chronicle spans time periods, beginning in history and moving forward to modern time, the problem becomes a story plus. Players will have more in-depth knowledge of their character's pasts and will have experience with the Phantoms that reside in their Memories. Because there are so many differing theories about reincarnation, its processes and implications, the issues and specific details of the experience of reincarnation are left up to individual Storytellers to create and tailor to their own chronicles. Possibilities include brief trips to the Shadowlands, Wraith-like confrontations with Phantoms, umbral encounters, Harrowing-style rides through the character's Memory, anything the Storyteller thinks is appropriate to her style of gamemastering and the character.

Damage and Healing

Like everyone else, the Eternal will eventually end up hurt. There are very few phoenix-specific changes that need to be made to the base damage and health system; those changes are given here.

The Eternal, because of their links to Elemental power, heal at a much more advanced rate than mortal humans. While not quite as rapid as lycanthropes, phoenixes heal incredibly quickly. Normally, they can heal even in the middle of combat, but certain wounds require full rest (see Aggravated Wounds, below). As well, when at the Crippled Health Level or below, Eternal do not lose a point from their Physical Attributes. The times for healing for phoenixes are given on the Healing chart in the Appendix. When at the Incapacitated Health Level, the phoenix is one wound away from death, as is a mortal human. If any more damage is inflicted on the Eternal (or if bleeding can not be stopped) the Eternal will pass on into her next life.

Aggravated Wounds
Sometimes Eternal suffer wounds that they can not heal normally, wounds that fester, burn and persist. These wounds, known as aggravated damage, are most often inflicted by the claws, fangs and powers of other supernatural beings, though radiation and fire are more mundane sources. Aggravated wounds should be marked on the character sheet with an X rather than a check or slash. Storytellers can also deem other, severe types of injury (like falling from 10,000 feet) aggravated. Aggravated damage takes twice as long to heal as normal damage for Eternal. Thus, a phoenix healing from the Wounded Health Level normally needs one hour to move to Injured; if the wound suffered causing him to drop to Wounded was aggravated damage, it would take two hours to heal that Health Level. Eternal can soak Aggravated damage with the usual Stamina roll, but the difficulty

increases by one (to 7). Healing aggravated damage requires that the phoenix rest, not becoming involved in any stressful situations. This means no combat, no marathons, no love affairs, no golf, and plenty of tender loving care and easy listening music (just kidding!)

Sources of Injury
There are many different ways to incure damage. Falling, fire, extreme heat, diease, poison, and suffocation are just some of the ways that a character can become harmed. The charts for calculating damage from falling and fire are in the Appendix, and the rules for these types of damage and more can be found in any World of Darkness main rulebook.

Chapter Five: Crossovers

Into the Mix
The Eternal are not alone in the World of Darkness. It is very rare that a game will involve nothing but phoenix characters. Presented here are rules for adapting, converting and meshing the various Storyteller games with Phoenix. Some of these rules take into account the optional rules presented in the Systems chapter; if you are not using these rules, feel free to make adjustments.

The Eternal are only one of many different "supernatural" types of beings, such as vampires, shapechangers and ghosts. The phoenixes are not as well known in legend as the others but some aspects of their culture have come through, including the popular fascination with reincarnation. As there are many subgroups within each larger category there are far too many opinions to cover here; only the pertinent ones, the ones most often encountered by the Eternal, are covered.

One of three known types of immortal beings (vampires of both types, mummies and phoenixes; mortals, lycanthropes, mages and fae who reincarnate are said to be immortal in the phoenix fashion), Kindred can live for thousands of years, watching the Eternal through successive lifetimes. Those phoenixes who remember their pasts can often times find the very same vampires who took their lives . . . or saved them. "The parasites can make good allies and deadly foes. Some of 'em fight to stay human, some of 'em don't give a flying pig. Always watch your back when dealing with vampires." "I've lived for three hundred years, and I've never seen anything like that. You must be joking."

More information on Eternal relations with the Cathayans and the effects of their powers upon each other will be presented in the upcoming Kamiyoso: Eternal of Asia. "I don't know whether to call these guys the best or the worst of all worlds --

immortality, spirit power and philosophical might. Treat them with respect." "These beings that call themselves the Kamiyooso, or the Eternal -- they carry the wisdom of the Ages. As the Fifth Age gives way to the Sixth, we may find ourselves with them as allies."

Caught in an eternal war against a personification of corruption they call the Wyrm, the lycanthropes consider themselves heroes. Most Eternal are smart enough to stay out of their way, but a few have made good friends if their goals align with the shifters', and some have discovered they share the lycanthropes' blood. "Lycanthropes are generally good guys, if you can stand their mannerisms. Seems there's a split among the different races, but maybe they'll get their act together." "These creatures might be of Gaia -- then again, they might not. Some of them help us, some of them fight us. Most just keep to themselves. What are they really?"

The Awakened are so varied that there can never be a concise definition of the relationship between mage and phoenix. Of all the Traditions, the Euthanatos know the most about the Eternal, but even that is not enough to prevent a lot of misunderstandings, miscommunications and general confusion. Traditions "Why is it that these guys all go around and around the mountain of what they call Ascension telling everyone else as loud as they can that their way is the only way to go up the mountain?" "Their very nature appeals to certain ideals of Ascension. We must strive to understand them." Euthanatos "Should I love these guys, or hate 'em? They think something like we do, but they sometimes get too interested in the death aspect of it. Generally they have a clue." "These 'phoenixes' must certainly represent the proof of our vision of Ascension." Technocracy "Get a life! Big Brother can't save the world; all he'll do is crush everybody under his bootheel." "We officially deny the existence of any such creature. If there were such a thing it would be exterminated." Nephandi and Marauders "These guys are great examples of Discord. Avoid them." "These supposed reincarnations are nothing more than stories told to stave off the fear of the Everlasting Night." "Of course I know what a phoenix is . . . wanna see one?"

Phoenixes and ghosts do not mix much. When an Eternal dies he is transported to an unknown place to await reincarnation; wraiths go to the Deadlands and (generally) don't ever come back. On those rare occasions where Eternal and Restless come into contact, the results are . . . interesting. "To be stuck at the bottom of the Wheel like that must drive you nuts. Thank the Elements that doesn't happen to us." "Don't torture me with false and unattainable hopes. I have enough to worry about."

"These folks are downright scary. They give the word 'obsession' a whole new meaning." "I could care less about whatever those things are. I have a job to do."

In elder days there were pacts of peace between many Eternal and the fae. Gifts of power were exchanged between them and some Eternal volunteered to become hosts for fae souls during the Shattering. Many of these pacts remain in place, awaiting rediscovery. "The Dreamchildren make for great companions, but if you stay with 'em too long you'll start thinking like they do, and then it's 'Hello Discord!'" "We remember their gifts to us so long ago. With their help we can fight through the Winter to a new and glorious Springtime."

Mummies, the second of the three known immortal groups, are the closest to the Eternal in terms of a "life" cycle. The only major difference is that they reinhabit their own bodies after a short respite in the Underworld where phoenixes take on whole new guises. Eternal and Reborn have been known to cooperate and to clash from time to time. "Must be pretty creepy coming back into a cadaver like that. Still, I understand how they think, and they understand us pretty well too." "They do naturally what we do through magic. We do not suffer their constant memory loss, but they can summon their past selves for aid on occasion. A fair trade in my opinion."

The World of Darkness may "belong" to the supernatural beings, but its major inhabitants are "ordinary" mortal humans. There are more varieties of mortals than grains of sand or stars in the heavens; this makes them special in many ways. Mortals are the parents, children, friends, lovers and enemies of so many lifetimes. One particular group of mortals, the Gypsies, seems to know much more than the others.

Children are special in many ways as well, able to sense fae Glamour, see through the Shroud and pierce the Veil, among other amazing abilities. "What can I say? Except for a few things, I'm almost mortal myself. I just happen to know more than most people." "A phoenix? That's the firebird that rises from the ashes of its own pyre, isn't it?" Gypsies "These folks know how to live. I wish they would trust a little more; I'd love to travel with them for a while." "We have seen them, yes. They must be judged on their own individual merits."

Comparing Powers
The following excerpt is adapted from the Changeling Book of Storyteller Secrets, and is not a challenge to White Wolf:

Power Comparisons
"When one character uses a power against another, and the issue of whether the character is powerful enough to pull it off comes up, use this scale: compare a vampire's Discipline rating, a Garou's Rank, a mage's Sphere rating (highest Sphere rating of a conjunctional effect), a wraith's Arcanos rating, a changeling's Art rating or a phoenix's Birthright rating. The supernatural with the highest score wins. In the case of ties, make a resisted roll. You should use these charts when you and your players reach an impasse as to how two powers coincide. If you can reach an agreement, then common sense should prevail over these tables. The scores compared are the being's own ability, not necessarily the level or rating of the power used. In other words, a vampire with Dominate 4 will use the level one Discipline ability Command the Wearied Mind more effectively than a vampire with Dominate 1. Elements like duration, damage and range do not change, but the effect's potency over other supernaturals does. Example: A Nosferatu vampire has Obfuscate 3 and is using Obfuscate 2, Unseen Presence. A Rank Four Garou nearby is attempting to use the (level one) Gift: Sense Wyrm to find any corruption in the area. The Storyteller knows the Nosferatu bears the scent of the Wyrm (the Nosferatu has a low Humanity). If the vampire is using Obfuscate, can the Garou sense him? The Garou is Rank Four, and the Kindred's Discipline rating is only 3, so the Garou has a chance of detecting him. 'Has a chance' is the operative phrase here. This system does not override the existing systems: the ability is not automatic. In other words, the Garou must still roll Perception + Occult (just like any other Garou using Sense Wyrm); if he has no succeses, then he doesn't detect the corruption. With one success, he will detect the Nosferatu. Now, what if the Garou were Rank Three? He would have power equal to the Nosferatu's Obfuscate 3. The result would depend on a roll. The Garou would roll Perception + Occult, while the Nosferatu would roll Wits + Stealth (just like any other Kindred using Unseen Presence). Whoever has the most successes wins. If the

Nosferatu won, he would remain unseen and undetected. If the Garou won, he would sense the Nosferatu. Ties go to the defender; in this case, the Nosferatu would remain hidden. Since the Garou is the only one actively searching, the Nosferatu gains the benefit of the tie. What if the Garou were only Rank Two? His Gift would not be powerful enough to penetrate the Obfuscate. However, the Storyteller should let the player roll anyway and simply tell her that her character senses nothing." -- Book of Storyteller Secrets

Power Trait Equivalencies

When crossing over systems, the question will invariably arise of how Eternal abilities relate metaphysically to those of the other denizens of the World of Darkness. Each individual section below gives specific details relating to the relevant type of being. When traits are in question, a good general rule of thumb is to compare Memory to "positive" traits such as Quintessence, Glamour, Pathos, Rage and Gnosis, and Discord to "negative" traits such as Paradox, Banality and Angst (though Rage can also be considered negative in many instances). For instance, when using a lycanthrope fetish item, the Eternal would roll Memory against the fetish's Gnosis in the activation.

Vampire: The Masquerade

Vampires Feeding: The average "Blood Pool" size for a phoenix is 25. They have no more blood than any mortal, but their blood is more potent than mortal blood because of their natures. Any Kindred feeding from a phoenix must make a Self-Control roll (difficulty 6 plus the number of Blood Points ingested, maximum 10). Failure subjects the vampire to a burst of the Eternal's memory, rendering him helpless for a number of turns equal to the number of Blood Points ingested. A botch gives the vampire a Derangement on top of the incapacitating memory (if the Eternal has Discord Derangements, it will usually copy one of them). Disciplines Auspex 2 (Aura Perception) will allow the vampire to see the Eternal's Phantoms as separate, varying patterns of color slightly fainter than the Eternal's own aura (depending upon the Integrity, anywhere from almost as bright to just a faint hint of color) if their Intregrity is 3 or more. Those Kindred with the knowledge: Phoenix Lore will be able to recognize these signs as indicating an Eternal, though this Knowledge is so ridiculously rare that Eternal have nothing to be concerned about.... Mytherceria 1 (Fey Sight) can give faint indications of a non-mortal nature, but will not reveal the fact that the character is a phoenix; perhaps the Kiasyd could mistake the character for a changeling, lycanthrope or perhaps a mage of some ability.

Phoenixes Birthrights Psyche 2 (Befuddle) will not affect Malkavians or Kiasyd. The Embrace: Upon being Embraced, the Eternal keeps both Memory and Discord, but they never change one way or another. The phoenix-turned-vampire can never make a Memory roll or spend Memory points, as she is cut off from most of what made her a phoenix; all she really remembers is that she was a phoenix in the first place. The Discord no longer causes the same trouble it once did, unless the Storyteller is feeling vicious. Phantoms fall silent.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse

Shapeshifters The Delirium: Eternal are immune to the effects of the Veil and do not suffer the Delirium when witnessing lycanthropes in Crinos form (or Chatro, for Bastet). Gifts Create Element (Metis level one): Metis who associate with Eternal learn of the element of Energy and can utilize it accordingly. Sense Wyrm (Metis level one): Eternal normally will not show any Wyrm taint, but particularly cruel or nasty ones (Storyteller's discretion) might. Madness (Metis level five): This will cause a rise in temporary Discord of two. Sense the Unnatural (Lupus level two): The difficulty of this is 10; success will indicate an elemental kami-like nature in the phoenix. Elemental Gift (Lupus level five): As with Create Element, Garou in the know can use this to control the element of Energy. Thieving Talons of the Magpie (Ragabash level five): This can copy Birthrights. Firebringer (Ragabash level six): This also can copy Birthrights. Feral Lobotomy (Theurge level five): This will definitely inspire a Subversion attempt. Scent of the True Form (Philodox level one): This can detect a phoenix, but the Garou will probably not understand what the Eternal is (putting it down to a kami-like spirit). Song of Rage (Galliard level three): With enough successes (five or more) this can cause a phoenix to Metamorphose! True Fear (Ahroun level two): This could cause a Subversion attempt. Snarl of the Predator (Get of Fenris level two): This Gift can cause a Subversion attempt. Elemental Favor (Red Talons level three): Again, those who know the Eternal can use Energy with this.

Curse of Dionysis (Red Talons level five): The transformation lasts only for the duration of the scene (and might cause a Subversion attempt; at the very least, the Eternal will probably be pissed off.) Icy Chill of Despair (Shadow Lords level three): This might cause a Subversion attempt. Sense Magic (Uktena level one): This Gift can sense Birthrights. Call Elemental (Uktena level four): Another one that can be used for Energy with the proper knowledge. Sense Primal Nature (Bastet Metis level one): The Eternal's Elemental nature will cause this Gift to show them as being of Nala (the Wyld). The Paradox of Time (Bagheera level four): Eternal are usually resistant to this Gift, but if their Discord is 6 or over, they are just as likely to become confused as any other (and gain a temporary point of Discord to boot). Mousemaze (Bubasti level two): Three successes will cause a Subversion attempt at -1 difficulty for the Phantom. Weight of a Heart (Swara level one): A radical shift can cause the gain of temporary Discord. When a Gift states that it might cause a Subversion attempt, this effect is due to one simple thing -- the shifter scaring the bejezus out of the psyche so that a the mental "driver's seat" is left wide open. Birthrights Akasha 1 (Spirit Eyes) can sense a shifter, as well as detecting spirits and Fetishes. Concord 3 (Serenity) can temporarily relieve Harano. Phoenixes Birthrights Akasha 1 (Spirit Eyes) can detect shapeshifters. The Change: Those phoenixes born into bodies destined to becopme shapeshifters can utilize their Birthrights up to the time of the First Change (which generally means most of these Eternal don't even realize they're Eternal by the time they realize they're Garou or such). As with vampires, the character can no longer spend or roll Memory. The character gains a level in Past Life equal to one dot of Past Life for every two dots of Memory she has, however, so use the Past Life system from Werewolf instead of rolling Memory. Discord does not change and has no other effect unless the Storyteller feels strange. Phantoms "vanish." Spirits of their Element will be more inclined to be friendly toward the Eternal/shapeshifter.

Mage: The Ascension

Mages Time Sphere: Eternal can resist distortions of the time stream by rolling Memory as a

counter against the magick; Time magicks can also be used to invoke Discord if properly applied. Countermagick: Mages with the appropriate Spheres can attempt to counter Birthrights. Elemancies will usually require Forces (and occasionally Matter), while non-Elemantic Rights involve Mind (Psyche and Concord), Entropy (Nemesis), Spirit (Akasha), or Time (Anamnesis and Concord). Prime can be utilized in all instances. Detection: Mages using Prime can determine a phoenix's supernatural nature, while Forces (or Matter) can give an exact definition. Quintessence: Quintessence can be siphoned off an Eternal using Prime and Forces (Matter in the case of an Earth Eternal); a phoenix has as many points of Quintessence as permanent Memory plus Willpower. Taking this Elemental Quintessence has a couple different effects beyond inflicting one aggravated Health Level of damage for each two points of Quintessence taken; first, if all the Quintessence is taken, the phoenix will undergo a Subversion attempt; second, the Quintessence is charged with Elemental Resonance. A phoenix can resist this siphoning with Memory opposing the Arete roll, difficulty 6. Phoenixes Birthrights Akasha 1 (Spirit Eyes) can sense magick as well as an Avatar. Nemesis 1 (Scent of Fate) can detect Entropy magicks. Awakening: Eternal destined to become mages can utilize their Birthrights up until the instant of Awakening; then, they become mages, with Arete and Avatars. The new mage gets a rating in the Avatar background, one dot for every two points of Memory. Use this to calculate Quintessence as a starting mage. Discord does not change and has no other effect than giving the new mage Paradox points equal to the Discord rating. In this change and no other do Phantoms remain, but only as "voices;" they cannot Subvert nor be "tapped." Eternal who become mages learn the Time Sphere at 3/4 experience cost, but can not take the Sphere Natural Merit. Eternal who become mages favor Time and Forces magics.

Wraith: The Oblivion

Wraiths Lifesight: Wraiths will see the aura of a phoenix as a bright halo of colors and patterns corresponding to her Element. Light blues, yellows and whites for Air, reds, oranges and yellows for Fire, blues and greens for Water, browns, greens and blacks for Earth, and white, silver and gold for Energy are generally good references to use. You could also use these for a vampire's Aura Perception if you really wanted to. Lifesight can also be used to detect Phantoms of 3 or more Integrity. These are seen as ghostly images overlapping the phoenix. Deathsight: Wraiths will perceive the undying nature of the Eternal's soul with this ability overlapping the mortal nature of the phoenix's body, an enigma certain to draw

attention from any wraith watching. The Fog: Eternal are immune to the effects of the Fog after witnessing activity of Wraiths. Characters will react as they wish. Arcanoi Mnemosynis: All difficulties for this Arcanos when used on Eternal are one less, assuming the Mnemoi has some way of actually using this Arcanos on the Eternal, such as Skinriding another target or making use of Inhabit to become part of an object the phoenix is touching, or Embody to touch the Eternal physically in some way. Keening 5 (Requiem) can cause a Subversion attempt. Pandemonium: Eternal are immune to Pandemonium 5 (Tempis Fugit). Puppetry: Eternal cannot be skinridden or possessed. Phoenixes Birthrights Concord: This can be used to fight the Shadow, replacing Discord with Angst.

Changeling: The Dreaming

Changelings Banality: Eternal have a base Banality of three; this can go up or down according to Storyteller whim. Enchantment: Fae enchantment lasts for twice normal duration. The Mists: By rolling Memory against a difficulty of the character's Discord, the phoenix can attempt to fight off the Mists of Forgetfulness after being enchanted or witnessing fae activity. Three successes are needed for total recall. Kenning: Fae can sense the presence of an Eternal with a Perception + Kenning roll, difficulty of 10 minus the phoenix's Memory. The phoenix might feel like an Inanimae. Arts Chicanery: Eternal are immune to the effects of Chicanery 2 (Fugue). Chronos: Fae using this Art are at +2 difficulty to affect Eternal. Spirit Link 1 (World Sight) can detect Eternal's elemental natures. Realms Fae 4 (Elusive Gallain) is the proper Realm for affecting Eternal. Phoenixes The Chrysalis: Phoenixes who are also changelings lose their Birthrights at the moment of the Chrysalis, but the Chrysalis itself is usually more intense and bewildering (and full of Glamour bursts) than normal. The character's new Glamour

rating is equal to his Memory rating, and he gets a dot in the Remembrance background for every two points of Memory he has. He can not spend or roll Memory. While Discord vanishes entirely, it leaves behind its mark -- if the Eternal had a Discord of 5 or 6, the new changeling winds up in Stage One of Bedlam; if the Eternal's Discord was 7 or 8, she is in Stage Two; and if her Discord was 9 or 10, she immediately enters Stage Three Bedlam. Starting Banality is three, regardless of age. Phantoms disappear. Birthrights Akasha 1 (Spirit Eyes) can be used to see Glamour, and a changeling's Kith form. Concord 3 (Serenity) can be used to fight off Bedlam.

World of Darkness: Mummy

Mummies Hekau Paths Necromancy: The level five spell Call the Khaibit cannot affect Eternal, since their souls are not in the ba/ka/khaibit/ khat arrangement. Phoenixes The Great Rite: If an Eternal should ever attempt to undergo the transformation into a mummy, she will die. The process of death and life in the mummies is too alien for the Eternal; they can not become one of the Reborn. Birthrights Akasha: All levels of this Birthright can affect both ba and ka of a mummy, but they can not be commanded to do anything they would not do themselves (a ka will not leave an area, etc.) Concord: This Birthright can affect Reborn; Concord 5 (Integration) can remove Virtue Derangements at the cost to the Reborn of one Willpower point (difficulty is ten minus the appropriate Virtue).

Highlander: The Gathering

These crossover rules allow Phoenix to mix with the rules for Highlander-style Immortals as envisioned by Gavigan and Driskill. These are the Immortals rules I use. Feel free to adapt Phoenix to other Immortals systems if you choose. This crossover section only details things relevant to the main Phoenix rules; Kamiyoso will contain its own details. Immortals Quickening Powers Sense Quickening: This does not detect Eternal normally, but an Eternal who becomes Immortal will have a unique feel, allowing other (or "true") Immortals to "sniff her out."

Phoenixes The Quickening: Probably one of the strangest things in the entire World of Darkness is the ability of an Eternal to behead an Immortal and take his Quickening! This renders the phoenix Immortal, and all hell breaks loose from there. The new Immortal has a Quickening of one and a "Quickening Experience" calculated from half the defeated Immortal's Quickening. He cannot use nor spend Memory, and Discord will not change (but evil Storytellers can allow it to still cause mental havoc). Phantoms become silent. Storytellers feeling particularly nice might allow the Eternal-turned-Immortal to keep one Birthright power as a manifestation of the Quickening. The power might be altered in some way, such as becoming uncontrollable. Try bribing the ST with pizza before you ask for this one! This power could be represented by the "Quickening Power" Merit from the An Immortal Player's Guide for Highlander: the Gathering <htg_players.html>, compiled by Mark Antill. The problem with being an Immortal is this: if you get absorbed into another Immortal who defeats you, how the hell do you reincarnate? Simple: you don't. You'd better win the Prize, or you're finished! Eternal sunlucky enough to be born into bodies that is destined to become Immortals, as per the usual method, have to deal with the same problems of Memory blockage and death, but their Quickenings start at the usual 1 with no "Quickening Experience." An Eternal/Immortal experiences strange, tormenting visions of the Wheel of Rebirth and feels a definite sense of accusation and loss any time he "dies." Should she win the Prize, and then die, she can go back into the cycle like usual. That life will most definitely become a Phantom of high Integrity, screw the chart and roll! Special Note: In my chronicles, I have established that Kalas (remember him?) was the first phoenix to ever become an Immortal by beheading an Immortal opponent. This is just a nifty suggestion to other Storytellers. Birthrights Terramancy 3 (Gaia's Kiss) is resisted just like any other healing power.

Charts and Tables
Here it is: all the number-crunching and chart-checking you can stand, all lumped into one easy-to-find section. Any other charts you might need can be found in the other Storyteller System books and on Storyteller's Screens.

Discord Chart
Di sc or d Description

12 3 45 67 89 10

The phoenix has achieved a state of remarkable harmony with his past. There are no effects at this point, other than the knowledge of past lives. This is the "normal" level for an Eternal. At this stage there is a subliminal sense of "otherness" about the phoenix; many Eternal grow up as misfits. While it does not cause an adverse reaction it does mark the phoenix in unconscious ways. At this stage the past has become very important to the phoenix, and he will spend a considerable amount of time dealing with it. Unless he is careful his "normal" life will begin to suffer. Now the past is becoming dangerous. It has begun to dominate the mind of the phoenix, and mild paranoia, euphoria, hallucinations and delusions will manifest from time to time as the boundary between past and present things. A psychologist would recommend treatment by this point. The past has become all-important to the Eternal. The effects of the previous category become much stronger and much more frequent. The world becomes like an uncontrollable dream most of the time. The phoenix would definitely be diagnosed as mentally ill, probably dangerously so. Discord has claimed the phoenix and the past and present are one. Reality closes in on itself and madness disrupts the Eternal's mind. Difficulty 3 5 6 7 8 9

Gauntlet Strength Table

Area Magickal site (Caern, node) Deep wilderness Rural countryside Typical (sub)urban Downtown Scientific lab*

The Science of the Sons of Ether and similar boundary-breaking technomancers and human scientists is in truth magick, and their laboratories are treated as magickal sites with difficulties ranging from three to seven. It is only the dry, limiting "science" of the Technocracy that is counted here.

Anamnesis Time Table

Successes One Two Three Four Five Six+ Successes One Two Three Timespan 1 year 5 years 10 years 50 years 100 years 500 years+ Damage 1 Health Level 3 Health Levels 5 Health Levels

Elemental Attack Damage Table

Four Five Six+

7 Health Levels 9 Health Levels Ouch...

Note: All damage from pure Elemental attacks is aggravated.

Spirit Combat
Stage One: Initiative Spirits roll Willpower for initiative. Stage Two: Attack Willpower (6) unless a Charm is being used. Dodge: Willpower (6) or split WP pool between attack and dodge. Stage Three: Resolution Damage: Rage (6), one HL agg. per success or one Power point per success. Soak: Spirits cannot soak damage.

Falling Damage
Distance Five feet Ten Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Injury 1 Health Level 2 Health Levels 3 Health Levels 4 Health Levels 5 Health Levels 6 Health Levels 7 Health Levels

and so on, to a maximum of 10 Health Levels.

Walk Jog Run 7 yards per turn 12 + Dex yards per turn 20 + (Dex x 3) yards per turn

Jumping Roll: Strength + Athletics Difficulty: 3 (varies) Type of Jump Vertical Hoizontal Feet per Success 2 4 Soak 1 2 3 Diff Penalty 0 +1 +2

Class One (clothing) Two (armored T-shirt) Three (vest)

Four (flak jacket) Five (full suit)

4 6

+3 +4

Dodging Difficulties
Normal melee or brawl is 6; for firefights, see below: Diff. 2 4 6 7 8 Terrain By moving back a step, full cover Full cover in diving distance (1 yd) Full cover in running distance (3 yd) Partial cover in running distance (3 yd) Flat, no cover (diving to the ground) Heat of Fire Candle (1st degree burns) Torch (2nd degree burns) Bunsen burner (3rd degree burns) Chemical fire Molten metal Size of Fire Torch; part of body burned Bonfire; half of body burned Raging inferno; entire body burned Mortals One day Three days One week One month Three months Three months Three months Eternal One minute One turn Three turns One hour Three hours One day One week

Difficulty 3 5 7 9 10 Wounds One Two Three Health Level Bruised Hurt Injured Wounded Mauled Crippled Incapacitated

Healing Times

Nate: healing times are cumulative.

Feats of Strength
Strength 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Feats Crush a beer can Break a chair Break down a wooden door Break a 2x4 Break open a metal fire door Throw a motorcycle Flip over a small car Lift 40 100 250 400 650 800 900

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Break a three-inch lead pipe Punch through a cement wall Rip open a steel drum Punch through 1" sheet metal Break a metal lamp post Throw a car Throw a van Throw a truck

1000 1200 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Successes on Willpower roll (9) are added to Strength, maximum 5; character with Strength of 4 needs three successes to flip a car.

Experience Point Costs

Trait Attribute Ability New Ability Legacy Elemancy Birthright Create new Right power New Birthright Create new Birthright Willpower Memory Cost current rating x4 current rating x2 3 current rating x6 current rating x8 +2 10 15 current rating current rating x8

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