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Vdico I

Curso impartido por el profesor Alexander Zavisa von Schlauter;

Descripcin del curso

El curso Vdico I ofrece una introduccin al Rigveda, el libro ms sagrado del hinduismo y, en su composicin, la obra ms antigua indoeuropea (compuesta entre el ao 4500-2500 antes de Cristo, preservada durante milenios por tradicin oral, puesta por escrito solamente a principios de la Edad Media (el manuscrito ms antiguo datado en 1464, guardado en el Instituto de Estudios Orientales de Bhandarkar (Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute) en Pune (Maharashtra, India) e incluido en el Registro de la Memoria del Mundo por la Unesco en 2007). Se ofrecern textos selectos del Rigveda. El curso alberga los mismos contenidos y categoras gramaticales que han sido estudiados en Snscrito I y Snscrito II, y ofrece el estudio de formas ms antiguas y arcaicas de los mismos. El curso Vdico I es el primero de los dos cursos del estudio de la lengua vdica, variante arcaica del snscrito clsico.

Es imprescindible haber terminado el curso Snscrito II o bien tener conocimiento preliminar del snscrito clsico para acceder al presente curso.

Recorrido del curso

El curso consiste en 30 clases anuales (una por semana), independientemente de festivos, puentes u otros eventos (es decir, la clase que no tenga lugar se recuperar al final del ao acadmico, llegando as a una totalidad de 30 clases).

Literatura obligatoria*

Brunet, P., Brunet, G. (2012): Los himnos mgicos del Rigveda. Madrid, Librera Argentina. Kaegi, A. (1886): The Rigveda: the oldest literature of the Indians. Boston, Ginn and Company. Lanman, Ch. R. (1963): A Sanskrit Reader. Cambridge (Massachusetts), Harvard University Press. Macdonell, A. A. (2005): A History of Sanskrit Literature. New York, Cosimo Classics, chap. II V (The Vedic Period, The Rigveda, Poetry of the Rigveda, Philosophy of the Rigveda, The Rigvedic Age). Panikkar, R. (2011): Iniciacin a los Veda. Barcelona, Fragmenta.

Literatura recomendada*

Adrados, Fr. R. (1992): Vdico y snscrito clsico. Madrid, CSIC. Apte, V. S. (1988): The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. New Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass. Arnold, E. V. (1905): Vedic Metre in its Historical Develepment. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Aufrecht, Th. (1877): Die Hymnen des Rigveda. Bonn, Adolph Marcus. Benfey, Th. (1866): A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (with references to the best editions of Sanskrit authors and etymologies and comparisons of cognate words chiefly in Greek, Latin, Gothic and Anglo-Saxon). London, Longmans, Green, and Co. Bergstedt, C. Fr. (1845): Metriska fversttningar frn Sanscrit. Upsala, Wahlstrm & Lstbom. Bhtlingk, O., Roth, R.(1879): Sanskrit Wrterbuch. St. Petersburg, Buchdrukerei bei Keiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bloomfield, M. (1908): The Religion of the Veda: the Ancient Religion of India (from Rig-Veda to Upanishads). New York-London, G. P. Putnams Sons. Bryant, E. F., Patton, L. L. (2005): The Indo-Aryan Controversy. London-New York, Routledge, pp. 50-74, 181-233, 494-500. Cappeller, C. (1891): A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (based upon the St. Petersburg Lexicons. Boston, Ginn and Company. Clayton, A. C. (1913): The Rig-Veda and Vedic Religion. London - Madras, Christian Literature Society for India. Dasgupta, S. N. (1947): A History of Sanskrit Literature. Calcutta, University of Calcutta, vol. 1.

Delbrck, B. (1874): Vedische Chrestomathie mit Anmerkungen und Glossar. Halle, Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses. Derakhshani, J. (2001): Some earliest traces of the Aryan (Evidence from the 4 th and 3rd millennium B.C.): Iran & the Caucasus. International Publications of Iranian Studies, vol. 5, pp. 7-26. Dowson, J. (1888): A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion, Geography, History, and Literature. London, Trbner & Co. Dutt, R. Ch.(1889): A History of Civilization in Ancient India, based on Sanskrit Literature. Calcutta (Thacker, Spink, and Co) London (Trbner and Co), vol. 1 (Vedic and Epic Ages). Eckstein, F. baron d. tudes sur la grammaire vdique : Revue Archologique, Paris, 1859, Nr. 15. Frawley, D. (2005): Myth of the Aryan Invasion of India. American Institute of Vedic Studies. Frazer, R. W. (1907): A Literary History of India. London, T. Fisher Unwin. Gubernatis, A. de (1874): Letture sopra la mitologia vedica. Firenze, Le Monnier. Gnther, H. F. K. (1967): The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans. London, Clair Press. Hillebrandt, A.: Vedische Mythologie. Breslau, Band 1 (1891), Band 2 (1899), Band 3 (1902). Liebich, B. (1905): Sanskrit-Lesebuch (zur Einfhrung in die altindische Sprache und Literatur). Leipzig, Lesebuchverlag (in Komission bei Otto Harrassowitz). Macdonald, K. S. (1881): The Vedic Religion. London, James Nisbet & Co. Macdonell, A. A. (2005): A History of Sanskrit Literature. New York, Cosimo Classics. Macdonell, A. A. (1893): A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London, Longmans-Green-and Co.

Macdonell, A.A. (1916): A Vedic Grammar for Students. Oxford, Clarendon Press. Macdonell, A. A. (1917): A Vedic Reader for Students. Oxford, Clarendon Press. Macdonell, A. A. (s. a.): Hymns from the Rigveda. London, Oxford University Press. Macdonell, A. A. (1897): Vedic Mythology. Strassburg, Karl J. Trbner. Monier-Williams, M. (1876): Indian Wisdom or Examples of the Religious, Philosophical, and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus. London, Allen & Co. Muir, J. Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people of India. London, Trbner & Co, vol. 1 (1868), vol. 2 (1871), vol. 3 (1873), vol. 4 (1873), vol. 5 (1872). Mller, M. (1859): A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature. London-Edinburgh, Williams and Norgate. Mller, M. (2004): Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners. New York, Hippocrene Books. Mller, Fr. M. (1877): The Hymns of the Rig-Veda in the Samhita and Pada Texts. London, Trbner and Co, etc. Mller, M. (1899): The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy. New York, Longmans, Green, and Co. Mller, M.: Vedic Hymns. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, Part 1 (Hymns to the Maruts, Rudra, Vyu, and Vta, 1891), Part 2 (Hymns to Agni, 1897). Oldenberg, H. (1894): Die Religion des Veda. Berlin, Wilhelm Hertz. Oldenberg, H. (1897): Vedic Hymns. Oxford, The Clarendon Press. Peterson, P. (1890): A Handbook to the Study of the Rigveda. Bombay, Bombay Sanskrit Series Nr. 41. Pischel, R., Geldner, K. F.: Vedische Studien. Stuttgart, Band 1 (1889), Band 2 (1897), Band 3 (1901).

Pollack, Sh. (2003): Literary Cultures in History: Reconstructions from South Asia. Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, University of California Press. Ragozin, Z. A. (1899): Vedic India as embodied principally in the Rig-Veda. New York, G. P. Putnams Sons. Reed, E. A. (1891): Hindu Literature or the Ancient Books of India. Chicago, S. C. Griggs and Company. Renfrew, C. (1990): Arqueologa y lenguaje: la cuestin de los orgenes indoeuropeos. Barcelona, Crtica. Schmidt, R. (1924): Nachtrge zum Sanskrit-Wrterbuch in kurtzerer Fassung von Otto Bhlingk. Hannover, Orient-Buchhandlung Heinz Lafaire. Small, G. (1866): A Handbook of Sanskrit Literature. London-Edinburgh, Williams and Norgate. Stchoupak, N., Nitti, L., Renou L. (1959): Dictionnaire Sanskrit-Franais. Paris, Librairie dAmrique et dOrient. Stephen, D. J. (1918): Studies in Early Indian Thought. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Vaidya, L. R. (1889): The Standard Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Bombay, Radhabai Atmaram Sagoon. Valle Poussain, L. de la (1909) : Le vdisme. Paris, Bloud et Cie. Vasconcellos-Abreu, G. de (1878): Investigaes sobre o caracter da civilizao rya-hindu. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional. Wall, Ch. W. (1888): An Essay on the Nature, Age, and Origin of the Sanskrit Writing and Language. Dublin, R. Graisberry. Wallis, H. W. (1887): The Cosmology of the Rigveda. London-Edinburgh, Williams and Norgate. Weber, A. (1904): The History of Indian Literature. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trbner & Co. Whitney, W. D. (2003): Sanskrit Grammar. New York, Dover Publications.

Wilkins, W. J. (1882): Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Purnic. Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & Co. Wilson, H. H. (1866): ig-Veda Sanhit. London, N. Trbner and Co. Winternitz, M.: Geschichte der indischen Litteratur. Leipzig, C. F. Amelangs Verlag, Band 1 (1909), Bnde 2-3 (1920). Zimmer, H. (1952): Philosophies of India. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul LTD.

* Tanto la literatura obligatoria como recomendada est disponible online o/y en PDF.

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