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Mission 1 Pea ajuda a outro membro da equipe.

Entenda o ambiente de trabalho do desenvolvedor Notes Essa apostila de nossa biblioteca ir ajudar (Notes Link) Verifique se sua mquina de trabalho contm o Notes Designer instalado Saiba com seu colega como criar uma nova base de dados Entenda os conceitos de: Base LOCAL e base NO SERVIDOR Rplica Conflito de rplica Notes ID Lista de controle de Acesso (ACL) Entenda a estrutura de uma aplicao Notes Arquivo NSF Formulrios Visualizaes Pastas Agentes Indice "Full-Text"

Mision2 Aprender a navegar no Notes Acessar Servidores Abrir bancos de dados Acessar vises Ler documentos Assistir uma demonstrao do XTR (Agendar com GD / MV) Dominar atalhos do Notes (Ctrl + Shift + L) Ler correios Responder Com histrico A todos Arquivamento Pastas Apagar correios Anexos Visualizar Desanexar Executar Excluir Endereamento: Entender Grupos ATIVIDADES CONSISTE No use o calendrio da sua caixa de correio Seus compromissos sero agendados atravs do XTR-ATIVIDADES (Notes Link) Marcao de compromissos Alarmes Rotina interna: todo dia, mes adiante

Anotaes repetitivas
Leitura do site (conhecer os Mdulos XTR)

Leia: O que o XTR? XTR - Mdulos Viso geral dos mdulos Marketing Direto Agenda Corporativa Atendimentos Souvenir Ligaes Marcos de Projetos Documentos Biblioteca Cronmetro Geopoltica CRONMETRO (essa base onde voc est lendo esse documento) Toda atividade interna sua ser registrada nessa base para apurao do tempo (Notes Link) Os passos so: 1. Criar uma nova atividade Veja as regras para nomear um projeto Se o trabalho no for para um cliente especfico, o cliente ser CONSISTE 2. Iniciar e parar a atividade 3. Concluir a atividade Voc pode editar o corpo da atividade para acrescentar suas observaes MD Registro de nossos contatos e mquina de relacionamento (Notes Link) ATENDIMENTOS Registro de ocorrncias de qualquer natureza junto a clientes (Notes Link)
MO Nosso Manual Operacional vivo (Notes Link) MEMRIA CONSISTE Registro de eventos e outros dados histricos da CONSISTE (Notes Link) BIBLIOTECA Registro de nossos livros fsicos e acervo eletrnico de livros e apostilas ( Notes Link) PONTO Base de controle de assiduidade onde so registrados as entradas e sadas dos membros da equipe (Notes Link)

Mission3 Criar Formulrio Nome do formulrio Entender Alias - so criados dois documentos iguais com diferentes tipos de visibilidade, o que determina que so iguais so as alias. Determinar ttulo da janela -

Campos: Tipos numricos, textos e datas Computados, editveis, autores e leitores

Formulas bsicas: @If Syntax - @If( condition1 ; action1 ; condition2 ; action2 ; ... ; condition99 ; action99 ; else_action ) @Failure Syntax - @Failure( string ) - mensagem que quer mostrar em caso de falha (Indicates that input to a field does not meet validation.) ex: @If(AreaCode<1000;@Success;@Failure("Area codes have only 3 digits")) @Success Syntax - @success - Use @Success in input validation formulas for editable fields. ex: @If(Price<100;@Success;@Failure("Price too large"))

@UpperCase Syntax - @UpperCase( string ) ex:

1. 2. 3. This example returns ROBERT T. SMITH.
@UpperCase("Robert T. Smith")

This example returns MA if the State field contains "ma," "Ma," or "MA."

This example returns FLETCHER if "William Fletcher" is the name associated with the current User ID. @UpperCase is used in conjunction with @Right to find and convert only the user's last name.
@UpperCase(@Right(@UserName;" "))

If the user id is a hierarchical id, the following code returns FLETCHER:

@UpperCase(@Right(@Name([CN]; @UserName); " "))


This example returns ROBERT and SMITH in a list.

@UpperCase("Robert" : "Smith")

@LowerCase Syntax - @LowerCase( string )

1. 2. 3. 4.

Ex: This example returns juan mendoza.

@LowerCase("Juan Mendoza")

This example returns arm chair if the Furniture field contains "Arm Chair," "Arm chair," "arm chair," or "ARM CHAIR," or any other variation.

This example returns fletcher if William Fletcher is the name associated with the current hierarchical User ID.
@LowerCase(@Right(@Name([CN];@UserName); " "))

This example returns juan and mendoza in a list.

@LowerCase("Juan" : "Mendoza")


Syntax - @Subset( list ; number )

Ex: 1. This example returns New Orleans;London.

@Subset("New Orleans":"London":"Frankfurt":"Tokyo";2)

2. 3.

This example returns London;Frankfurt;Tokyo.

@Subset("New Orleans":"London":"Frankfurt":"Tokyo";-3)

This example returns New Orleans;London;Frankfurt if the field named BranchOffices is made up of the list "New Orleans" : "London" : "Frankfurt" : "Tokyo" : "Singapore" : "Sydney."


Syntax - @Left( stringToSearch ; numberOfChars )

@Left( stringToSearch ; subString ) Ex: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

This example returns Len.

@Left("Lennard Wallace";3)

This example returns Lennard Wal if the string in the Contact field is Lennard Wallace.

This example returns Tim if the string in the Author field is Timothy Altman.

This example returns Timothy if the string in the Author field is Timothy Altman.
@Left(Author;" ")

This example returns L and W in a list.

@Left("Lennard" : "Wallace"; 1)

Syntax - @Right( stringToSearch ; numberOfChars ) or

1. 2. 3. 4.

@Right( stringToSearch ; subString ) This example returns "ace," the rightmost 3 characters in the string.
@Right("Lennard Wallace";3)

This example returns "Wallace," which represents everything to the right of the first occurrence of the blank space.
@Right("Lennard Wallace";" ")

This example returns "man" if the Author field contains "Timothy Altman."

This example returns "Altman" if the Author field contains "Timothy Altman."

@Right(Author;" ")


This example returns "ard" and "ace" in a list.

@Right("Lennard" : "Wallace";3)


Syntax - @Middle( string ; offset ; numberchars )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

@Middle( string ; offset ; endstring ) @Middle( string ; startString ; endstring ) @Middle( string ; startString ; numberchars ) This example returns h C. The offset is positioned at the "t" (the fourth character from the left), and the count starts with the first character after the offset, moving from left to right.
@Middle("North Carolina";4;3)

This example returns ort. The offset is positioned at the "t" (the fourth character from the left), and the count begins at the offset, moving from right to left.
@Middle("North Carolina";4;-3)

This example returns Car. The offset is positioned at the first space in the string "North Carolina" and the count starts with the first character after the offset.
@Middle("North Carolina";" ";3)

This example returns or. The offset is positioned at the substring "th" and the count starts with the first character after the entire offset, moving from right to left.
@Middle("North Carolina";"th";-2)

This example returns " is the " with spaces before and after "is the." The return string is everything from the fifth character through the character before "text."
@Middle("This is the text"; 4; "text")

This example returns " the " with a space before and after "the." The return string is everything after " is" and before "text." The startString " is" begins with a space; this prevents @Middle from returning a string that starts at the "is" in the word "This."
@Middle("This is the text"; " is"; "text")


This example returns "Hello" and "This" in a list. The offset is the beginning of each text element and the end text is the first space.
@Middle("Hello world" : "This is the time"; 0; " ")

Syntax - @Text( value ; format-string ) - Converts any value to a text string.

Syntax - @TextToNumber( string ) - Converts a text string to a number, where possible.

Ex: 1. 2. 3. This example returns 123 as a number.


This example returns 123 and 456 as a number list.

@TextToNumber("123" : "456")

This example returns @ERROR if the contents of the field named Cost cannot be converted to a number.

Syntax - @Date( year ; month ; day )

@Date( year ; month ; day ; hour ; minute ; second ) @Date( time-date )

Syntax - @Year( time-date ) - Extracts and returns the year from the specified time-date value. Ex: 1. This example returns 1995.


This example returns 1995 and 2008.

@Year([9/29/95] : [9/29/08]

Syntax - @Month( time-date ) - Extracts the number of the month from the specified time-date

Ex: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This example returns 1.


This example returns 1 and 2 in a list.

@Month([1/15/88] : [2/15/88])

This example returns 12 if it is December.


This example returns 2 if it is any date in December other than the 30th or the 31st. If it is December 30th or 31st, returns 3.

This formula returns a formatted date string based on the contents of the dueDate field. For example, if dueDate contains "06/26/95" the formula returns June 26, 1995. If dueDate contains "01/24/96 3:40:43 P.M.," the formula returns January 24, 1996.

6. space:= " "; 7. comma:=","; 8. month:=@Select(@Month(dueDate);"January";"February";"March"; 9. "April";"May";"June";"July";"August";"September";"October"; 10. "November";"December"); 11. day:=@Text(@Day(dueDate)); 12. year:=@Text(@Year(dueDate)); month + space + day + comma + space + year

Syntax - @Day( timeDateValue ) - Extracts the day of the month from the specified date.

1. 2. 3.

This example returns 15 if today is July 15, August 15, September 15, and so on.

This example returns 20 and 21 in a list.

@Day([11/20/95 8:58:12] : [11/21/95 8:58:12])

This example returns the string "Payment received on or before the 15th" if the PaymentReceived field is filled in on or before the 15th of the month; otherwise, it returns the string "Payment received after the 15th."
@If(@Day(PaymentReceived)<16;"Payment received on or before the 15th";"Payment received after the 15th")

Syntax - @Now( flags ; serverNames ) - Returns the current time-date.

1. 2.

This field value formula returns 01/21/96 7:30:45 AM at 7:30:45 A.M. on January 21, 1996.

This agent displays the times on the two servers named Snapper and Tornado.

3. @Prompt([Ok]; 4. "Server time"; 5. @Implode("Snapper" : "Tornado" + " " + 6. @Text(@Now([ServerTime] : [LocalTimeOnError]; "Snapper" : "Tornado")); @Char(13)))

Syntax - @Today -- Returns today's date.

1. 2.

This example returns 02/19/93 if today is February 19, 1993.


This example sets the field named ReceivedDate to today's date.

FIELD ReceivedDate:=@Today

Syntax - @Trim( string ) - Removes leading, trailing, and redundant spaces from a text string, or

from each element of a text list. 1. 2. 3. 4. This example returns ROBERT SMITH.
@Trim(@UpperCase("Robert Smith ")) Smith"))

This example returns ROBERT SMITH.

@UpperCase(@Trim(" Robert

This example returns Just a quick reminder, if the original Topic field is "Just a quick reminder."

This example returns Seattle;Toronto;Santiago;USA;Canada;Chile if the list of values contained in the City field consists of Seattle, Toronto, Santiago; the StateOrProvince field contains no values; and the Country field contains the list of values USA, Canada, Chile.

5. 6.

This example returns 45 if the content of the field Date is 8/29/89 16:30:45.

This input translation formula replaces all tabs and newlines with spaces then trims the field.
@Trim(@ReplaceSubstring(@ThisValue; @Char(9) : @NewLine; " "))

Syntax - @Round( number )

@Round( number ; factor ) - Rounds the designated number to the nearest whole number; if an additional number is specified, it is used as the rounding factor. 1. This example returns 2.


This example returns 3.


***fazer a logica p os campos da figura

Mission 4 Criando vises Frmula de seleo de registros @IsResponseDoc Form Colunas Ordenao Totalizaes Quantidade de documentos Atributos de cores e fontes Marcas de leitura

Mission 5
COMO USAR FRMULAS: Trabalhar com frmulas Computar valores Trabalhar com @Functions Usar frmulas em vises Concatenar valores em uma coluna de viso Frmulas em formulrios Definir titulo da janela Exibir valores computados Armazenar valores computados Converter valores de campos Validar valores de campos

Mission 6
Criando vises escondidas para o usurio Campos do tipo "Palavra chave" (keywords) com frmula para as opes Frmulas de iterao: Sintax - @DBName - Returns the name of the current Domino server and database.
1. 2. This example returns ";PERSONAL.NSF" if the current document is in the PERSONAL database stored in the data directory of the user's own computer.

This example returns "SALES1;ADMIN\STATUS.NSF" if the current document is stored in a Domino database named STATUS.NSF in the ADMIN directory on the SALES1 server. If the database is stored at the server's root directory (that is, it is not stored in a subdirectory), the result would be "SALES1;STATUS.NSF." You can extract just the file name of the list by combining @DbName with @Subset, as shown in the example below.

3. 4.

This example returns "STATUS.NSF", the file name, since this is the last element in the returned list.

This example returns the path of the current database, without the file name. For example, if the current database is SENSES\SOUNDS\SIGH.NSF, this formula returns "SENSES\SOUNDS."


This example displays the server, path, and file name of the current database, substituting the common name for the hierarchical name of the server.

6. database := @Subset(@DbName; -1); 7. server := @Name([CN]; @Subset(@DbName; 1)); @Prompt([OK]; "Database name"; @Implode(server) + " " + @Implode(database))

@DBLookup - Returns view column or field values that correspond to matched keys in a sorted view column.
Sintax: @DbLookup(dbName:string, viewName:string, key:string, fieldName:string, keywords:string) : any

@DbColumn - Returns the values of a view column.

Sintax: @DbColumn(dbName:string, viewName:string, colNumber:int) : any

@Picklis - Displays a modal window that contains either:

A view you specify from which the user can select one or more documents. @PickList returns a column value from the selected document(s). A dialog box, displaying information from all available Domino Directories. The user can select one or more person, group, server, room, or resource names, and @PickList returns those names


@PickList( [CUSTOM] : [SINGLE] ; server : file ; view ; title ; prompt ; column ; categoryname ) @PickList( [NAME] : [SINGLE] [; selectedoptions]) @PickList( [ROOM] ) @PickList( [RESOURCE] ) @PickList( [FOLDERS] : [SINGLE] ; server:database ) @PickList( [FOLDERS] : [SHARED] ; server:database ) @PickList( [FOLDERS] : [PRIVATE] ; server:database ) @PickList( [FOLDERS] : [NODESKTOP] ; server:database )


This formula displays the Products view of PROD.NSF in a dialog box. If the user selects a Staple remover and Stapler from the products view, the temporary variable choice gets assigned the following text list: Staple remover; Stapler
choice:=@PickList( [CUSTOM] ; "" ; "Products" ; "Select a product" ; "Please select the products you want to order" ; 1 );


This formula achieves the same result as the one above, but uses @DbName to display the Products view of the current database.
choice:=@PickList( [CUSTOM] ; @DbName ; "Products" ; "Select a product" ; "Please select the products you want to order" ; 1 );


This formula also displays the Products view of the current database, but returns the contents of the second column in the view.
choice:=@PickList( [CUSTOM] ; @DbName ; "Products" ; "Select a product" ; "Please select the products you want to order" ; 2 );

Entender os limites (64K) Interagindo com outros Bancos de dados

Mission 7 Entender o que so agentes Agente so programas independentes criados para acessar, processar, e gerenciar dados de maneira simples em todo o aplicativo. Use para conduzir pesquisas, arquivar documentos, enviar mensagens e gerenciar documentos em pastas. - Agentes pessoais criados pelo usurio, no pode ser executado por outros usurios. - compartilhados o designer cria para todos os usurios.

Formas de iniciar um agente Onde aplicar agentes Agentes programados

Conhecer o ambiente de desenvolvimento em LotusScript Pea ajuda - pea a seu colega uma viso geral do editor e dos objetos usados na programao LotusScript

Conhecer o depurador Entender os eventos nos objetos: Eventos do formulrio Eventos do Campo Eventos da viso Eventos do Banco de dados Eventos do Ponto de acesso Trabalhando com variveis em script Funes bsicas Decises e loops

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