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Biografa de Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela naci el 18 de julio de 1918, en Umtata (Sudfrica). Sus padres fueron Henry Mandela y Nose Keni, ambos de la etnia xosha. Estudi derecho en la Universidad de Fort Hare. Cuando tena 23 aos consigui trabajo en un estudio jurdico de Johannesburgo. Poco despus se uni al Congreso Nacional Africano (CNA), una organizacin que haca campaas pacficas contra la discriminacin y excesiva explotacin que sufran los negros sudafricanos. En 1943, Nelson Mandela fund la Liga Juvenil y organiz movilizaciones de protesta contra el sistema de segregacin racial denominado apartheid. El gobierno blanco reprima a sangre y fuego a los manifestantes, por lo que en 1961 Mandela fund una organizacin llamada Umkhonto we Sizwe ("Lanza de la Nacin") con la cual pas a la lucha armada. Pero al ao siguiente fue capturado en Johannesburgo, lo sometieron a juicio y lo condenaron a cadena perpetua. Tena 46 aos cuando fue llevado a la prisin de la isla Robben, frente a Ciudad del Cabo. En los siguientes aos sus seguidores continuaron luchando contra elapartheid dentro y fuera de Sudfrica. Muchos gobiernos del mundo empezaron a exigir la libertad de Mandela y la abolicin de la segregacin racial. Winnie Mandela, propag los ideales de su esposo y lider muchas movilizaciones que buscaban su libertad. Recin en 1990 el presidente moderado Frederik de Klerk liber a Nelson Mandela, quien ya tena 71 aos. En los siguientes meses ambos lderes negociaron la eliminacin del apartheid, la que qued derogada oficialmente en 1991. Los dos fueron galardonados con elPremio Nobel de la Paz en 1993. En 1994, Mandela fue elegido presidente de Sudfrica y gobern hasta 1999. En este periodo se esforz por reconciliar a los sudafricanos y coadyuv en el cese de varias guerras del continente, como en Zaire. En la actualidad est retirado de la vida poltica, pero su opinin es consultada en asuntos importantes de su pas.

Traduccion Biography of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in Umtata (South Africa). His parents were Henry Mandela and Keni Nose, both of ethnic xosha. He studied law at the University of Fort Hare. When I was 23 got a job at a law firm in Johannesburg. Shortly after he joined the African National Congress (ANC), an organization that was peaceful campaign against discrimination and excessive exploitation suffered by black South Africans.

In 1943, Nelson Mandela formed the Youth League and organized demonstrations in protest against the system of racial segregation known as apartheid. The government suppressed white blood and fire at the demonstrators, so Mandela in 1961 founded an organization called Umkhonto we Sizwe ("Spear of the Nation") with which went to the armed struggle. But the following year was arrested in Johannesburg, he was subjected to trial and sentenced to life imprisonment. He was 46 when he was taken to Robben Island prison, compared to Cape Town.

In the following years, his followers continued to fight elapartheid inside and outside South Africa. Many governments around the world began to demand the release of Mandela and the abolition of racial segregation. Winnie Mandela, spread the ideals of her husband and led many demonstrations seeking freedom.

Only in 1990, the moderate president Frederik de Klerk released Nelson Mandela, who was already 71 years. In the following months the two leaders negotiated the elimination of apartheid, which was officially repealed in 1991. The two were awarded the Nobel Peace elPremio in 1993.

In 1994, Mandela was elected president of South Africa and ruled until 1999. During this period he strove to reconcile South Africans and has been instrumental in the removal of several wars on the continent, as in Zaire. Currently retired from political life, but his opinion is consulted on important issues of his country.

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