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10 Qualities That Make You a Fierce Priesthood Man

(Adapted from 10 Qualities that Make you a Fierce Gentleman)

How would you know a Fierce Priesthood Man (F.P.M. for short) walking down the street, and how would you tell him apart from just another Joe Schmoe (excuse me a Man who has not yet come to the realization that the current global situation was calling him urgently to become a Fierce Priesthood Man)? Below is the sure-fire ways to tell if the guy youre seeing is, in fact, a Fierce Priesthood Man: the ten characteristics that set the F.P.M. apart from other blokes.
1. His style and manner of dress is impeccable. This ought to go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: the Fierce Priesthood Man is dressed for success every single day. He takes no days off from excellence, and this is reflected in his dress as well as in his attitude. Prophets of God have continually counseled His children to dress modestly. When you are well groomed and modestly dressed, you invite the companionship of the Spirit and you can be a good influence on others. Your dress and grooming influence the way you and others act. . . Ask yourself, Would I feel comfortable with my appearance if I were in the Lords presence. (For the Strength of Youth, pg. 6-7)
2. Hes considerate. None of this fake-Alpha machismo stuff: He doesnt cut in line or selfishly think of himself. To the contrary, he holds doors for people (not just women, although he does hold doors particularly for women), lets others cut in line at the grocery store if they have fewer items than him, and generally goes out of his way to accommodate others and pay them consideration in matters big and small. 3. Hes chivalrous. His approach to women is a mixture of respect, adoration, and cherishing amusement. He will hold doors for her, doff his hat on her approach, rise if she approaches when he is sitting, and take her coat, offer to seat her, push in her chair as she sits. An entire group of F.P.M.s, seated together when a woman approaches, make for a stirring sight as they all rise simultaneously

and offer to take her things or provision her with a seat. Although this may seem old-fashioned and unnecessary at first (and many do say so) women as well as men enjoy it. 4. He understands that his life is about service to others, not serving himself. This goes beyond being polite and considerate: those are just rules of etiquette and polite society and as such, are meaningless without a deeper conviction. For a F.P.M., service to others is that underlying conviction. He understands that all ego-gratification plans are scheduled for failure; and, similarly, that his efforts to enrich the lives of all those around him are destined for eventual success. A disciple is willing to bear other peoples burdens and to comfort those who need comfort. Often Heavenly Father will meet the needs of others through you . . . Seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost each day to know whom to serve and how to help meet their needs. Follow the example of the Savior as you serve others. (For the Strength of Youth, pg. 32) 5. He has done, and is doing, his work. A F.P.M. works diligently and consistently to improve himself in all ways, and to continually remove the limits on his degrees of freedom in all aspects of life: physical, mental, emotional, financial, social, and spiritual. Developing the capacity to work will help you contribute to the world in which you live . . . Develop self-discipline, and be dependable. Do your best in you Church callings, schoolwork, employment, and other worthwhile pursuits. Young men should be willing to do what is needed to be prepared to serve a full-time mission . . . The Lord has commanded us not to be idle . . . One form of idleness is spending excessive amounts of time in activities that keep you from productive work, such as using the Internet, playing video games, and watching television . . . Remember that God has a great work for you to do. He will bless you in your efforts to accomplish that work. (For the Strength of the Youth, pg. 40-41) 6. He is in demand. If you need something done, ask a busy person to do it. An F.P.M. is notable by the pace and volume of his output and throughput and does not seem perturbed or winded by what others would consider a blistering pace. This ability to conscientiously and thoroughly execute makes F.P.M.s highly desirable in any school club, work place, and especially in upholding important ward and priesthood duties. An F.P.M. will jump at the chance to accept an assignment extended by the bishop, quorum leader, or other church leader. The F.P.M. does not become conceited about this ability, however, and will smilingly offer to help others if they are becoming swamped, even if his plate already seems full. Despite all this. . . 7. He has backbone. Despite being accommodating, considerate, helpful and fundamentally of service, the Fierce Priesthood Man is the farthest thing possible from a doormat. Because of his awareness of his own limits and his constant striving to live and playing at his edge, he knows what he can and cannot do, and has no qualms about saying No to unreasonable or unrighteous requests. Because he has done and is doing his work, he knows his own weak areas, and is very careful to avoid them altogether or navigate around them. An F.P.M. will not join an activity or put himself in a situation where his worthiness may be put in jeopardy. Because he knows what he is about in life, he follows the Holy Ghost with integrity, and categorically refuses to be pulled off-mission by this or that influence or request. A Fierce Priesthood Man is so consistent and trustable in this regard that a person may set their own compass by his. 8. He has access to, and follows, the direction of the Holy Ghost. The Fierce Priesthood Man has cultivated this gift, has regular access to it, and minds what it tells him. To help you become all that the Lord wants you to become, kneel each morning and night in prayer to your Father in Heaven. Express to Him your gratitude and the desires of your heart. He is the source of all wisdom. He will hear and answer your prayers. Study the scriptures . . . Strive each day to be obedient . . . attend the temple and feel the joy and peace that come from serving in the house of the Lord . . . commit to serve a full-time mission . . . follow the teachings of the prophets, other authorities of the Church, and your local leader . . . Be humble and willing to listen to the Holy Ghost and respond to His promptings. Place the wisdom of the Lord above your own wisdom. (For the Strength of Youth, pg. 42-43)

9. He follows his own passions, wherever they may lead. Living in an age of near-perfect access to information and know-how, the Fierce Priesthood Man takes time to pursue his passions ardently and in a way that expresses his innate creativity. Because of this, he is often a fount of knowledge on an obscure topic you may have never heard of, or have a special skill or talent refined over years of practice that may or may not be valuable or desirable as the world defines such things (and little does he care for the worlds approval!) Or he may have dabbled in a variety of diverse areas, jack of all trades and master of none. Education is an important part of Heavenly Fathers plan to help you become more like Him . . . Education will prepare you for greater service in the world and in the Church. It will help you better provide for yourself, your family, and those in need. It will also help you be a wise counselor and companion to your future spouse and an informed and effective teacher of your future children . . . Maintain an enthusiasm for learning throughout your life. . . Your education should include spiritual learning . . . This spiritual learning will help you find answers to the challenges of life and will invite the companionship of the Holy Ghost. (For the Strength of Youth, pg. 9-10) 10. He is a fierce warrior. Why call him a Fierce Priesthood Man? So far, his qualities seem to involve a great deal of service, gentleness, and consideration for others. How can such a one be called fierce? Isnt this word to be reserved for menacing & dangerous wild animals, the violently intense, the threatening and the savage? Well, while all those descriptors could apply to a Fierce Priesthood Man whose loved ones have come under threat or attack and who realizes that he is the sole line of defense in the preservation of their persons, the word fierce also and equally means: resolute or strenuously active of exceptional quality, exhibiting boldness or chutzpah and very, excellent. These are the meanings we apply when we say a man is a Fierce Priesthood Man. Although he has principally banished violence from his life, this man is nevertheless a warrior, confronting the biggest and baddest dragons that plague the modern world, brooking no cowardice, shrinking from no challenge, stepping through his own fear and staying brave 5 minutes longer than the ordinary man, as Emerson said. Because of this, an F.P.M. stands up for truth and what he knows to be right at all times, in all things, and in all places, regardless of opposition. You will be able to tell this from your dealings with this man. You will be able to feel his strength, unafraid, in each moment. It is impossible to fake.

There you have ten ways to discern a Fierce Priesthood Man and worthy priesthood holder. If even a few of them are present, he is surely on the path towards becoming a full-fledged F.P.M. If all ten are present, then you are lucky indeed to have made his acquaintance. Treat him well, for he will certainly treat you well, regardless of who you are. The effects of having a Fierce Priesthood Man join an organization or group are of particular interest. Most commonly his presence will serve to sharpen the ambition (and improve the behavior) of men who witness his conduct. His treatment of the women in particular can cause initial confusion, and sometimes brings derision, until others see the results that come from a man treating a woman as a cherished, unique equal from a position of self-respect and without supplication. In this way, the 11th characteristic of the F.P.M. may be that he inspires others to live better, by his mere presence. This inspirational / aspirational aspect of the F.P.M. is part of what makes them so powerful in a world so bereft of role models.
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