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Build 3.3.3.SP1 ============================= Fixes for regressions introduced in the 3.3.3 cycle.

** Bug * [NH-3429] - Exception when debug logging is enabled when using a linq expr ession that requires a proxy class. * [NH-3436] - Linq-Query with IList<X>.Contains fails with NotSupportedExcep tion(The constant for 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Guid]' is not su pported) at HqlTreeBuilder.Constant Build 3.3.3.GA ============================= BEWARE: In versions prior to 3.3.3.CR1, the handling of the LINQ Take() method was flawed - no matter where in the query Take() was placed it was always applied as if it had been placed at the end. 3.3.3 fixes this, so that Take() now correctly follows the .Net semantics. That is, in 3.3.3, the following queries might now give different results: session.Query<Foo>.OrderBy(...).Take(5).Where(...); session.Query<Foo>.Where(...).OrderBy(...).Take(5); Starting with 3.3.3, the first query will generate a subquery to correct ly apply the row limit before the where-clause. ** Bug * [NH-2408] lass * [NH-3109] tements (MySQL). * [NH-3324] axResults * [NH-3408] byte[]> * [NH-3413] fail SQL Server pessimistic locking syntax incorrect for union-subc Rounding float values in aggregate functions with group by sta HQL: ArgumentNullException when using LEFT OUTER JOIN and SetM System.IndexOutOfRangeException when using Contains on a List< Clearing a list used by Contains causes subsequent queries to

Build 3.3.3.CR1 ============================= ** Fix * [NH-3148] - ComponentAsId properties do not maintain the Column specified using property mapper when component is from base class ** Sub-task * [NH-3052] - Projection of one-to-many generates invalid SQL * [NH-3385] - Add ability to expand many subcollections with WCF Data Servic es ** Bug * [NH-2042] - Table per subclass, using a discriminator mappings with formul a in child class error * [NH-2539] - Contains/StartsWith fails when invoked via WCF Data Service. * [NH-2566] - NotSupportedException when using Skip/Take/First/Single/Any on GroupBy * [NH-2588] - NotSupportedException when using Skip/Take with Where clause * [NH-2860] - Lazy property throwing casting exception

* [NH-2979] - MsSqlCe dialect doesn't give the correct SQL type for Decimal with Scale defined * [NH-3039] - IndexOutOfRangeException thrown when web server is processing multiple sessionfactory creation requests * [NH-3057] - Collection subquery constraint on joined-subclass inherited pr operties causes invalid sql (base classes are not joined in). * [NH-3105] - ComponentAsId does not find property that belongs to a parent class * [NH-3108] - OrderBy with Select throws exception * [NH-3129] - Linq Provider doesn't recognize CompareTo method * [NH-3241] - Linq: Mixing Fetch/FetchMany with Any() throws: ArgumentExcept ion: Expression of type 'System.Collections.IList' cannot be used for parameter of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.Object]' * [NH-3261] - Linq Query throws when there is a conditional operator * [NH-3305] - SybaseSQLAnywhere10Dialect defaults a numeric datatype to (19, 255) precision, which is not compatible with the DB * [NH-3318] - Composite-id does not allow superclass properties * [NH-3320] - Exception in LINQ projection with OrderBy/Take - block using W CF Data Services projection's * [NH-3326] - Exception in LINQ with pagination - block using WCF Data Servi ces * [NH-3330] - Exception in LINQ for nullable strings in Oracle - blocks usin g WCF Data Services * [NH-3332] - The NH linq driver generates sql code that doesn't match the s emantics of the original linq query * [NH-3337] - Exception in LINQ for complex nullable conditionals - blocks u sing WCF Data Services * [NH-3357] - System.NotSupportedException : Don't currently support idents of type DateTimeOffset * [NH-3366] - LINQ query with various Compare() and CompareTo() fails (WCF D ata Services) * [NH-3369] - ToFuture/ToFutureValue should fall-back on dialects without Mu ltiQuery support * [NH-3378] - MySQLDialect incorrect handle DbType.Currency as MONEY * [NH-3379] - Oracle8iDialect and FirebirdDialect incorrect handle DbType.Cu rrency type ** Improvement * [NH-2297] - Configuration.BuildSessionFactory throws a NullReferenceExcept ion when loading an invalid ICompositeUserType * [NH-3301] - Support SqlMethods.Like() in LINQ queries. * [NH-3360] - Allow setting timeout on a LINQ query * [NH-3367] - Support string.Equals() * [NH-3368] - Add support for Equals method of sbyte, DateTimeOffset and uns igned numerics * [NH-3371] - NHibernate should log LINQ expression trees to ease debugging ** New Feature * [NH-2986] - Add ability to include collections into projections * [NH-3092] - Nhibernate Linq provider does not support Math functions like Math.Cos, Math.Sin, etc * [NH-3180] - Could not select first element of the group * [NH-3184] - Add ability to use ToFutureValue with aggregating queries * [NH-3283] - New driver: Devart.Data.MySql * [NH-3333] - Add ability to expand subcollections with WCF Data Services ** Patch * [NH-3255] - The IDbCommand that performs the cleanup of data in AbstractSt atementExecutor.DropTemporaryTableIfNecessary does not have a connection.

Build 3.3.2.GA ============================= ** Bug * [NH-2463] - Exception in LINQ projection with redundant type cast - block using WCF Data Services projection's * [NH-2688] - SelectMany with cast throws QuerySyntaxException * [NH-2898] - Retrieving object from 2nd cache with lazy property fails * [NH-3050] - Contributed patch as solution to Unable to cast object of type 'NHibernate.Impl.ExpandedQueryExpression' to type 'NHibernate.Linq.NhLinqExpres sion' at NHibernate.Linq.NhQueryProvider.PrepareQuery * [NH-3123] - Nuget package should contain the NHibernate logo * [NH-3217] - OrderBy with a parameter then Skip and Take produces sql error * [NH-3239] - Linq to NHibernate and Dynamic LINQ - query caching not workin g * [NH-3271] - Threading problem in TypeFactory ** Improvement * [NH-3296] - Tweak build system to allow keeping a constant assembly versio n between compatible releases * [NH-3297] - NHibernate 3.x NuGet package should forbid Iesi.Collections 4. 0 or higher ** Patch * [NH-3293] - SimpleExpression.ToString() returns hashes for strings and dat es Build 3.3.1.GA ============================= ** Sub-task * [NH-3167] - Support for Microsoft Sql Server 2012 sequences * [NH-3170] - Add native "iif" function to MsSql2012Dialect ** Bug * [NH-2789] - LINQ query on byte? simple property fails on MSSQL 2005 (tinyi nt) * [NH-2812] - Performing a Linq query on a non-null byte property throws an InvalidCastException * [NH-3121] - Silent truncation of binary data * [NH-3124] - invalid cast to int in generated sql with a char property * [NH-3125] - Invalid SQL when querying via LINQ with grouping (regression f rom 3.2) * [NH-3126] - InvalidCastException when cascading saves to transient diction ary values * [NH-3138] - Distinct Bug on MSSQL with OrderBy/Limit and functions in Proj ection/Order * [NH-3142] - Batch-loading of lazy children failing when key is composite * [NH-3145] - HQL query using base class entity with lazy properties throws "No Persister For" error * [NH-3147] - Calling Contains on a subquery that contains a join throws an Exception * [NH-3153] - Duplicated id generator tables if schema is specified using di fferent methods for different classes. * [NH-3162] - Byte.Equals in LINQ Where clauses throws NotSupportedException * [NH-3172] - "Duplicate dynamic module name within an assembly" ** Improvement * [NH-3104] - Typo in Warning Messages * [NH-3149] - MsSql2005Dialect should use nowait in LockMode.UPGRADE_NOWAIT

* [NH-3156] - ShowBuildMenu.bat does not work with spaces in repository fold er name * [NH-3168] - Add support for bit_length function for MsSql2000Dialect and a bove * [NH-3169] - Add supprot for extract function for MsSql2000Dialect and abov e Build 3.3.0.GA ============================= ** Known BREAKING CHANGES from NH3.2.0.GA to NH3.3.0.GA ##### Possible Breaking Changes ##### * [NH-2214] - SQL Server 2005/2008: Exception is now thrown when paging a statement that requires distinct results, and is ordered by a column that is n ot included in the result set of the query - Dialog.ExtractColumnOrAliasNames method signature and visi bility changed - may affect custom dialects that use this method * [NH-2950] - IAccessCallback.NextValue property renamed and changed to a method called IAccessCallback.GetNextValue() * [NH-2953] - SequenceStyleGenerator now forces use of a table if a pool ed optimizer is chosen and the dialect doesn't support pooled sequences. * [NH-2960] - Queries for an entity name will now not include instances of the same class mapped using a different entity name. * [NH-2664] - IHqlExpressionVisitor has new property ISessionFactory Ses sionFactory { get; } * [NH-3067] - The use of Substring() in Linq queries have been corrected so the zero-based index parameter in C# is converted to one-based index in SQL. * [NH-2528] - Throw exception instead of silently truncate string and bl ob data * [NH-3086] - The base dialect now defaults to ANSI syntax for substring . A custom dialect may need to adjust for this. ** Bug * [NH-2956] - SybaseSQLAnywhere10Dialect doesn't override OffsetStartsAtOne * [NH-3111] - Wrong SQL generated when subquery uses objects from parent que ry ** Improvement * [NH-3086] - All dialects should support substring() with two arguments Build 3.3.0.CR1 ============================= ** Bug * [NH-1477] - Saving a collection (thats been Cleared) with all-delete-orpha n using Oracle with ODP drivers * [NH-2214] - Distinct and Row_number problem * [NH-2347] - Casts inside aggregate functions are incorrectly applied outsi de of them * [NH-2419] - Linq Provider Problem with group by with an order by clause * [NH-2429] - SQL Server Linq Average function on Interger field only return s truncated interger value * [NH-2439] - LINQ 'in' query not fully interpreted * [NH-2451] - LINQ Issue - joining twice with same table when used in both s elect and where. Second join is a full select and filtered in where instead of a join .. on * [NH-2452] - NH 3.0 Linq provider does not correctly translate standard .Ke y property when grouping * [NH-2492] - Problem with ROW_NUMBER and DISTINCT operator using LINQ

* [NH-2511] - System.ArgumentException: Object of type 'System.Linq.Expressi ons.ConstantExpression' cannot be converted to type 'System.Linq.Expressions.Lam bdaExpression' when passing an expression through a method * [NH-2527] - AbstractBatcher reuses disposed IDbCommands which causes an Ar gumentOutOfRangeException with OracleDataClientDriver * [NH-2560] - NoViableAltException with ordering by projection in GroupBy * [NH-2664] - Linq, cannot query dynamic-component * [NH-2706] - subselect in LINQ query with Contains clause produces wrong SQ L * [NH-2722] - Linq Count() does not respect previous calls to Select() or Di stinct() * [NH-2744] - NewArrayInit Is not Implemented * [NH-2763] - queryover fails where referencing enum in VB.NET * [NH-2781] - linq's OrderBy by a calculated column doesn't work * [NH-2809] - Incorrect specification of VARBINARY(MAX) in MsSql2005Dialect * [NH-2828] - Persist uploads not initialized collections on flush * [NH-2833] - "where" clause not working after "group by", generates wrong S QL * [NH-2846] - Fetch on Count Throws Error * [NH-2850] - Unable to use enums in NH 3.2 QueryOver checked comparison * [NH-2853] - SetFirstResult and SetMaxResults do not work correctly on Orac le (ODP.NET) * [NH-2856] - Retrieval of cached query with Fetch throws exception * [NH-2857] - Medium Trust Bug in 3.2 * [NH-2858] - ToString() on Guid column with SQL Server Dialects * [NH-2863] - Criteria API restriction over aggregate function wrapped in No tExpression is wrongly placed in WHERE clause instead of HAVING clause which gen erates invalid SQL * [NH-2869] - Custom extension methods in the select clause are not projecte d using HQL * [NH-2880] - Proxies loose their session reference on session deserializati on * [NH-2881] - Fix not found key handling on extra lazy one to many maps * [NH-2886] - Informix support broken * [NH-2889] - QueryOver component with multiple properties results in Sql Er ror * [NH-2891] - Too many parameters removed (Pervasive SQL) - SELECT doesn't w ork * [NH-2893] - NHibernate SQL Parameter on IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries provider * [NH-2904] - Wrong query generation with LINQ subquery * [NH-2906] - Using the same parameter name for two differently typed where clauses throws an exception * [NH-2913] - LINQ query that contains .Any() produces invalid SQL * [NH-2917] - Paging error with Skip().Take(). * [NH-2925] - Improper SQL is generated for Take (pagination) for dialects which have UseMaxForLimit = true (like Oracle) * [NH-2927] - Oracle Dialect does not handle the correct resolution for time stamp version columns * [NH-2937] - Invalid index 0 for this DB2ParameterCollection with Count=0. * [NH-2940] - OracleDialect creates wrong sql using SetFirstResult with crit eria queries * [NH-2946] - Superfluous join when querying by foreign key given Id with LI NQ * [NH-2954] - PostgreSQL should SupportsPooledSequences * [NH-2959] - Polymorphic queries in MultiQuery, MultiCriteria and Futures c ause ArgumentOutOfRangeException * [NH-2960] - Query using entity name also returns entities of same type but different entity name * [NH-2967] - MySQL Schema Update tool fails with exception * [NH-2976] - AbstractPersistentCollection.Remove does not remove item from

an uninitialized dictionary * [NH-2989] - ComponentAsId does not set Id Property * [NH-2998] - Allow to use AsQueryable on child collection * [NH-3000] - QuerySyntaxException: Exception of type 'Antlr.Runtime.NoViabl eAltException' was thrown. when projection contains complex code [regression] * [NH-3001] - NHibernate.HibernateException: Query Source could not be ident ified * [NH-3002] - HQL: parser is trying to reuse parent implied join for subquer y * [NH-3003] - Linq: extra joins * [NH-3004] - DriverBase.RemoveUnusedCommandParameters removes all parameter s when UseNamedPrefixInSql = true and UseNamedPrefixInParameter = false * [NH-3008] - Excess DB parameters created when passing SqlFunctionProjectio n to LHS of InExpression * [NH-3009] - Linq trying to add parameters twice if same predicate is used in query more then once * [NH-3016] - Mapping by code does not properly support nested types * [NH-3019] - LINQ: Select Key from group by generates wrong SQL * [NH-3020] - Firebird and DB2 dialect claims to support sequences, but thro ws in GetSelectSequenceNextValString(string) (since not overriden) * [NH-3026] - Linq order by grouped count before select clause gives wrong s ql * [NH-3031] - Cannot Sum Property of Type Single * [NH-3032] - Group By and Condition Throws Exception * [NH-3036] - Wrong SqlType size set for LIKE statement * [NH-3044] - Self-joined query with subquery and where - where applied to s ubquery rather than the external query * [NH-3059] - Contains broken when used on a path (Works in previous version ) * [NH-3063] - Turkish-I problem in ValidateColumn * [NH-3064] - Schema validation fails for ODBC * [NH-3073] - Equal in Linq-provider is only implemented for string ** Improvement * [NH-1007] * [NH-2528] ata * [NH-2825] * [NH-2835] * [NH-2870] * [NH-2875] * [NH-2883] * [NH-2899] * [NH-2950] rnate) * [NH-2953] * [NH-2962] * [NH-2974] * [NH-2980] * [NH-3024] * [NH-3040] - Add a generator attribute to id - Throw exception instead of silently truncate string and blob d Add property-ref and not-found attributes in mapping by code SQL Anywhere dialect/driver improvements Simplify Development on NHibernate for Contributors Add Foreign Key to one-to-one mapping by code DisableLogFormatedSql is not useful Support for "in (<subquery>)" in Linq Update optimizers for enhanced id generators (ported from Hibe Update the SequenceStyleGenerator Fix PostgreSQL and Firebird timestamp selection and precision Add unsaved-value attribute in mapping by code. Port enhanced TableGenerator from Hibernate Mapping-by-Code does not allow Unique in Component mapping SymbolSource support along with NuGet

** Patch * [NH-2004] - SequenceStyleGenerator + TableStructure opens multiple transac tions. * [NH-2545] - Comparing strings in VB throws NotSupportedException * [NH-2840] - Improper SQL is generated for Take (pagination) for dialects w hich have UseMaxForLimit = true (like Oracle) * [NH-2864] - Fix for nuget package creation. * [NH-2905] - Support for multistep joins in Linq

* [NH-2914] * [NH-2924] alects which have * [NH-2936] * [NH-2964] like it should be * [NH-2982] lazy objects * [NH-3010] * [NH-3067] -

Functions for DateTime properties in OracleDialect CLONE - Improper SQL is generated for Take (pagination) for di UseMaxForLimit = true (like Oracle) Better Sequence Support for Firebird WhereRestrictionOn().IsInG() is a icollection not ienumerable SimpleExpression.ToString() can result in unwanted loading of Fix for batching/command behaviour in OneToManyPersister Linq - substring function does not work

** Task * [NH-2672] - Upgrade Npgsql lib file to next release after * [NH-2752] - Re-enable CriteriaQueryTest.AllowToSetLimitOnSubquries for SQL ite Build 3.2.0.GA (rev6000) ============================= ** Known BREAKING CHANGES from NH3.1.0.GA to NH3.2.0.GA ##### Design time ##### * removed obsolete "use_outer_join" property from nhibernate-configurati on.xsd (simply remove it from your xml configuration) ##### Possible Breaking Changes ##### * All Dialect.GetLimitString() methods replaced with a single GetLimitSt ring method with a new signature. For dialects the developers don't perform routine tests on, efforts we re made to ensure the new limit string method conforms to the database documentation. Please report any limi t-related bugs discovered at runtime. * [NH-2550] - Allow public access to FieldInterceptor Session (IFieldInt erceptor changed) * [NH-2593] - For Microsoft SQL Server the default batch-size ( tch_size) is set to 20 where not explicit defined in the session-factory configu ration * - ICollectionPersister added property to fix [NH-2489] * [NH-2605] Refactorize MultiQuery/MultiCriteria implementation to deleg ate responsibility to IDrive (IDrive changed). * For users who don't look at Log-ERROR, to prevent wrong behavior when lazy-properties are used the DynamicProxyValidator validates the accessability o f properties setters. * For those implementing IDrive without inherit from DriveBase: IDrive.A djustCommand * Dialect base: removed some no more needed properties ** Bug * [NH-2792] - Using a named parameter multiple times in a native SQL query r esults in invalid parameter binding (exception in some drivers) * [NH-2813] - Cache DefaultExpiration type is "byte" ** Improvement * [NH-2571] - Full PostgreSQL Support * [NH-2743] - Generic version of ISession.Merge() * [NH-2800] - Change internal primitive type constructor to protected ** Patch * [NH-2811] - Wrong logger type into AdoNetTransactionFactory & AdoNetWithDi stributedTransactionFactory classes

* [NH-2814] - Documentation Error: Section 3.5 - Table 3.2 - transaction.fac tory_class (with patch) Build 3.2.0.CR1 (rev5976) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-2118] - GroupBy without Select doesnt work * [NH-2387] - Postgres - Unable to run LINQ query using boolean predicate ERROR: 42883: operator does not exist: boolean = integer * [NH-2435] - No order by clause generated with self referencing orderby cla use. * [NH-2583] - Query with || operator and navigations (many-to-one) creates w rong joins * [NH-2773] - ProxyObjectReference creates a new ProxyFactory for each deser ialization which disables proxy caching ** Improvement * [NH-2748] - Support % operator ** Patch * [NH-2774] - Perf - reusing same regex object in joinwalker objects Build 3.2.0.Beta2 (rev5964) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-2206] - Cast is not supported by the new Linq provider * [NH-2213] - CLONE -Wrong parameters order in IQuery with SetParameterList and Filter. SQL Server 2005 * [NH-2296] - Subselect fetching strategy with a "SetMaxResults" query gener ates *extremely* inefficient sql * [NH-2317] - Select after Take does not work properly * [NH-2318] - Template functions fail with certain combinations of arguments . * [NH-2328] - Linq query on <Any/> fails * [NH-2415] - HQL parameters not converted correctly to SQL * [NH-2657] - OrderBy After Cast Not Working * [NH-2662] - Casting a joined alias in QueryOver loses alias context and lo oks for property on QueryOver root * [NH-2700] - SqlFunctionProjection does not honor parameter order * [NH-2701] - Cannot use Linq Skip() in conjunction with FetchMany and ToFut ure * [NH-2703] - Using a "with" restriction in outer joins result in wrong SQL * [NH-2708] - Cast<>() with a where clause fails with a NotSupportedExceptio n * [NH-2712] - Linq query doesn't support enums in VB.NET * [NH-2717] - Count() after Cast<>() causes InvalidOperationException * [NH-2729] - Parameter values are not set using OffsetStartsAtOne * [NH-2733] - Using an expression in QueryOver gives: Lambda Parameter not i n scope * [NH-2736] - Inverted parameters in HQL statement using take * [NH-2739] - Can't get ByCode mapping to produce not nullable varbinary(max ) * [NH-2741] - CLONE -HQL .class query on <any> mapping does not work * [NH-2746] - Invalid SQL generated for MSSQL when using Filter and paging s ubquery together [regression from 2.1] ** Improvement * [NH-941] - One-Many Requiring Nullable Foreign Keys * [NH-1050] - Unidirectional One To Many Without Nullable Foreign Key * [NH-2070] - Better error message for "object references an unsaved transie

nt instance" * [NH-2427] * [NH-2683] r * [NH-2702] * [NH-2728] * [NH-2732] * [NH-2738] * [NH-2749] * [NH-2753] -many * [NH-2760] * [NH-2770] FormatedSql

- Support querying HasValue on Nullable types - Add common dialect functions as extension methods for QueryOve Support HQL pagination with parameters ManyToAny missing from ICollectionElementRelation<TElement> Dialect.GetLimitString simplifications and improvements Exception thrown when mapping contains empty enum Externalize Remotion.Linq namespace one-shot-insert for <list> and <map> for unidirectional one-to

- Unable to order by sub-collection's count - Property spelling of IDbIntegrationConfigurationProperties.Log

** New Feature * [NH-2616] - Support Trim() function in Linq ** Patch * [NH-2125] - Solution for NH2123 - Subselect in combination with a disjucti on query causes an enormous memory cons * [NH-2363] - Patch for ComponentCollectionCriteriaInfoProvider, fixed persi ster.ElementType cast in constructor. Build 3.2.0.Beta1 (rev5839) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-2404] - Future queries crash (MultiQuery) when using projection querie s using hql + result transformer or the linq provider (which compiles into hql) * [NH-2421] - NotSupportedException text in ToFuture and ToFutureValue does not make sense (or help) * [NH-2422] - ToFuture throws NotSupportedException on IQueryable if Fetch i s used. * [NH-2559] - NH 3.0 Linq Provider : Issue using multiple filters on the sam e entity * [NH-2615] - Linq Fetch cannot traverse through components * [NH-2690] - Linq Select() broken with .ToFuture() * [NH-2691] - Linq LongCount() behavior different from Count() * [NH-2697] - Named parameter not found in HQL with mapping using "entity-na me" * [NH-2698] - Proxying fails for methods with generic type constraints ** Improvement * [NH-2568] - Create Custom Persister for Collection Type inherited from One ToManyPersister * [NH-2695] - update default driver of firebird dialect to FirebirdClientDri ver (FirebirdDriver is obsolete) ** New Feature * [NH-2699] - Sql Azure dialect Build 3.2.0.Aplha3 (rev5803) ============================= ** Sub-task * [NH-1344] - QueryTranslator: Invalid Cast to object array when using IResu ltTransformer * [NH-1642] - one-to-many collection doesn't work if the child is mapped usi ng table per class ** Bug

* [NH-1090] - Query cache does not work when using Criteria API to create a projection query with a result transformer * [NH-1747] - Lazy load failure on items using <join> if FK for bag is in th e secondary table * [NH-2510] - Lazy-loading doesn't work with cache * [NH-2569] - IDGeneratorBinding seems broken when mixing schemas * [NH-2587] - .Cacheable().Fetch() throws 'Exception occurred getter of xxx' * [NH-2661] - NHibernate cannot handle SQL Server TIME columns when built wi th the .NET 4 framework * [NH-2673] - Nhibernate 2nd level cache and Result transformer * [NH-2685] - Unnecessary proxy initialisation in CriteriaQueryTranslator * [NH-2686] - Embedded ResultsTransformers should implements Equals/GetHashC ode ** Improvement * [NH-2505] - Querries with WHERE containing SQL Server 'bit' datatype produ ce CASE construction * [NH-2551] - Bad code practice. Function SessionFactoryImpl.GetImplementors : if type not found - value from ReflectHelper.ClassForFullName returns through TypeLoadException. * [NH-2670] - Stateless Session load no-lazy collection * [NH-2684] - More simple way to add NamedQueries by-code ** New Feature * [NH-2674] - QueryOver doesn't have support for entity-name ** Patch * [NH-2669] - Patch to prevent "NHibernate.AssertionFailure: possible non-th readsafe access to the session" error caused by stateless sessions Build 3.2.0.Aplha2 (rev5715) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-2540] - Linq generates invalid boolean case statements (was: Linq igno ring configured query-substitutions) * [NH-2640] - HQL Having clause is ignored without preceeding group by * [NH-2641] - HQL does not throw exception on unexpected trailing tokens * [NH-2642] - BatcherDataReaderWrapper.GetValue has a typo * [NH-2643] - MSSQL configuration template is still using "use_outer_join" * [NH-2652] - SchemaMetadataUpdater does not take Dialect default properties ** Improvement * [NH-2644] - schemaaction is not supported in joinedsubclass ** New Feature * [NH-2533] - Support paging in HQL ** Task * [NH-2653] - Remove just added ExpressionTreeVisitor class Build 3.2.0.Aplha1 (rev5664) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-1925] - Wrong SQL aliases generated for HQL subselect * [NH-2480] - AssertByIds test function with unordered Ids * [NH-2488] - Subclass join does not exclude lazy properties * [NH-2489] - AbstractPersistentCollection.ReadElementByIndex gives wrong re sult for missing element with lazy="extra" * [NH-2490] - Mapping.Join.IsLazy always returns true * [NH-2491] - ObjectNotFoundException in HQL query when referencing joined s

ubclass * [NH-2498] - Lazy="no-proxy" does eager load * [NH-2554] - NHibernate Formula doesnt recognize varbinary as a keyword on Sql Server 2008 or 2008 R2 * [NH-2565] - session.Persist does not work with entities with lazy properti es (no-proxy) * [NH-2584] - An entity with a lazy property cannot be saved in new session * [NH-2603] - lazy="extra" return different count than initialized collectio n. * [NH-2604] - Problem with MSTest and Relinq (possibly due to ILMerge) * [NH-2607] - Proxifier should not try to proxy sealed and non public method s * [NH-2610] - ISQLExceptionConverter doesn't work with MultiCriteria and Mul tiQuery * [NH-2622] - Proxying fails for methods with out and ref arguments * [NH-2626] - LinqExtensionMethods.Query<T> implements wrong NhQueryable<T> * [NH-2627] - Cloning subcriteria loses WithClause * [NH-2628] - Fails to create proxy for class with method that has argument "ref of Dictionary<string, string>" * [NH-2632] - Lazy Properties Causing An Exception If Containing Class Is Se t To Not Lazy * [NH-2633] - MapperByCode don't Register Component ** Improvement * [NH-1513] - MultiCriteria, MultiQuery improvements * [NH-2382] - HQL, Criteria, QueryOver need Set methods for all NHibernate t ypes * [NH-2418] - Dialect.IsQuoted fails on empty name * [NH-2495] - Support ISqlQuery in MultiQuery * [NH-2518] - disable/truncate SQL parameter logging of BLOBs * [NH-2526] - Sybase ASE 15 support * [NH-2530] - Include WHERE clause in error message if we aren't able to loc ate a 'High' value * [NH-2531] - NHibernate.Impl.CriteriaImpl.cs: Fix for possible ArgumentNull Exception in sub-criteria alias handling * [NH-2550] - Allow public access to FieldInterceptor Session * [NH-2563] - Support calls to ToString() in Linq queries * [NH-2570] - Full SQLite Support * [NH-2573] - Ability to retrieve longest registered type for a specified Db Type * [NH-2580] - "Unable to locate persister" exception message should be more helpful * [NH-2586] - Default ProxyFactory * [NH-2592] - Add ICriteria functionality missing in QueryOver * [NH-2593] - Default common values per dialect * [NH-2601] - Remove Dialect.HasAlterTable * [NH-2605] - Refactorize MultiQuery/MultiCriteria implementation to delegat e responsibility to IDrive * [NH-2612] - Move the lambda con to the same namespace than Configuration * [NH-2630] - Truncate SQL parameter logging of very long strings ** New Feature * [NH-2015] * [NH-2426] * [NH-2591] * [NH-2602] n * [NH-2635] ** Patch Implement Hibernate's Order.IgnoreCase() postgresql schema metadata Insert ordering Mapping <subselct> node in collection, subclass, join and so o

- Mapping by code

* [NH-2548] - HQL Select Clause Parameters * [NH-2590] - Missed registration of Concat function for SQLCE4 * [NH-2600] - Increase visibility of components in AbstractPersistentCollect ion ** Task * [NH-2561] * [NH-2575] * [NH-2608] * [NH-2636] Consider current_timestamp semantics Update documentation for immutable classes Integrate Remotion 1.13.100 to fix duplicate mscorlib problem Expose ExpressionTreeVisitor Members

Build 3.1.0.GA (rev5425) ============================= ** Known BREAKING CHANGES from NH3.0.0.GA to NH3.1.0.GA ##### Design time ##### * [NH-2481] - Deprecated: ISession.SaveOrUpdateCopy methods - use ISessi on.Merge methods instead ##### Run time ##### * [NH-2481] - An exception will now be thrown when an entity references a transient entity and cascade="merge|all" is not configured on the association ##### Possible Breaking Changes ##### * [NH-2461] - Signature change for IQuery.SetParameterList * [NH-2556] - NH is too tolerante to incorrect naming when access="field .XXX" is used ** Sub-task * [NH-2525] - Wrong parameter used for limit claues in MySQL ** Bug * [NH-1985] - NHibernate is allowing deletion of immutable objects * [NH-2037] - Reattaching an entity with many-to-one inside a natural-id * [NH-2130] - Reporting query containing sum crashes when there are no rows * [NH-2179] - String constants are not useable in Linq query projection * [NH-2203] - problem with orderby in linq query * [NH-2280] - LINQ Query on Composite key creates invalid SQL * [NH-2311] - .Any() extension method does not work in most cases * [NH-2362] - GroupBy with multiple fields fails with exception * [NH-2375] - OfType with a where clause fails with a NotSupportedException * [NH-2381] - Fetch clause fails with a NotSupportedException * [NH-2386] - Unecessary update / invalid SQL generated when collection upda ted with a versioned (generated) parent entity * [NH-2400] - Linq query fail when using contains from an empty Collection * [NH-2407] - Linq provider doesn't support enums in VB.NET * [NH-2412] - OrderBy generates an inner join instead a left join * [NH-2433] - When using extensions methods with generic parameters the prov ider uses the first use even if the generic parameter is different. * [NH-2441] - Logical bool values are not mapped properly (query execution r eturns incorrect result with SQLite) * [NH-2443] - Error compiling NH with ShowBuildMenu.bat -> Cannot run Tests * [NH-2450] - Multi Query in MySQL no longer working in 3.0 (was in 2.1) * [NH-2459] - LINQ provider query plan cache issue with use of type check ex pression .Where(o=>o is SomeType) * [NH-2460] - version generator is not working with DateTime2 data type. * [NH-2464] - NHibernate DLLs not built with optimization in 'release' mode. * [NH-2467] - Futures in 3.0.0.GA go bananas when using PostgreSQL * [NH-2470] - PersistentIdentifierBag not creating snapshot correctly for ne

w collections. * [NH-2482] - SerializationException when writing object to viewstate * [NH-2484] - Regression - Binary Blob SerializationException - MSSQL 2k8 / varbinary(max) * [NH-2499] - Case statement does not handle multiple when clauses * [NH-2501] - Case statement does not allow a parameter in the first then cl ause * [NH-2503] - HQL subselect with addition fails * [NH-2507] - LINQ queries tha compare enumeration values with /checked+ com piler option throw NotSupportedException * [NH-2512] - QueryOver with Where clause and Take crashes * [NH-2524] - Linq converts enums to integers prematurely * [NH-2529] - Linq on Informix using take gives an exception * [NH-2536] - Second call to OfType don't change the query * [NH-2543] - IQueryOver support is not implemented for IStatelessSession * [NH-2549] - Disposing an Stateless Session that has already been closed ca uses a SessionException * [NH-2555] - Linq with Contains doesn't work with read only collections * [NH-2556] - NH is too tolerante to incorrect naming when access="field.XXX " is used ** Improvement * [NH-1342] - Very slow inserts for large BLOB * [NH-2023] - Batch operations - introduce SetBatchSize for IStatelessSessio n * [NH-2098] - Support for transaction isolation levels in stateless sessions . * [NH-2211] - Stateless Session Linq Support * [NH-2228] - Cascading StaleStateException doesn't show which Entity caused the problem * [NH-2425] - Cache the XmlSerializer for HbmMapping class * [NH-2449] - Add IStatelessSession.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Method * [NH-2454] - Add auto-quote settings to main documentation * [NH-2455] - Centralization of proxy check to IProxyFactoryFactory (better support for static proxy) * [NH-2457] - Ability to use DetachedCriteria from stateless session * [NH-2461] - Allow parameter list as ienumerable and simplify IQuery * [NH-2471] - ShowBuildMenu.bat and Windows XP * [NH-2481] - Merge can fail when there is a transient entity reachable by m ultiple paths and at least one path does not cascade on merge * [NH-2502] - Fetch/Cacheable Should be Allowed to be Called Anywhere * [NH-2508] - Deprecate the ISession.SaveAndUpdateCopy API * [NH-2522] - ILMerge Antlr and ReLinq * [NH-2537] - Implement camelcase-m-underscore naming strategy * [NH-2557] - Improves log message, of CustomType not serializable, by addin g additional data ** New Feature * [NH-908] - Implement read-only entities * [NH-2410] - Port <properties> from Hibernate ** Patch * [NH-2153] * [NH-2172] eries in VB.Net * [NH-2445] * [NH-2473] * [NH-2474] * [NH-2478] * [NH-2513] - Unused parameter in SetCommandTimeout method in DriverBase - Unrecognised method call in expression when using QueryOver qu Add IStatelessSession.IsOpen and IStatelessSession.IsConnected EntityName + inheritance doesn't work Xsd for <properties> on subclass missing Docs for <properties> SetMaxResults issue with DB2400Dialect

** Task * [NH-2506] - Fix first example of ternary association in documentation * [NH-2541] - Upgrade ReLinq to 1.13.93 Build 3.0.0.GA (rev5290) ============================= ** Known BREAKING CHANGES from NH2.1.1.GA to NH3.0.0.GA ##### Design time ##### * [NH-2392] - ICompositeUserType.NullSafeSet method signature changed ##### Run time ##### * [NH-2199] - null values in maps/dictionaries are no longer silenty ign ored/deleted * [NH-1894] - SybaseAnywhereDialect has been removed, and replaced with SybaseASA9Dialect. - Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) dialects removed. ##### * * * t instead Possible Breaking Changes ##### [NH-2251] - Signature change for GetLimitString in Dialect [NH-2284] - Obsolete members removed Related to [NH-2358]: DateTimeOffset type now works as a DateTimeOffse a "surrogate" of DateTime

** Bug * [NH-2222] - Wrong type for constant/parameter value used * [NH-2234] - Query on Property mapped with IUserType * [NH-2244] - Linq provider does not has full supporting of components in qu eries. * [NH-2370] - NHibernate.Linq simple where clause results in a table scan. * [NH-2394] - Comparing an enum (stored as a string with a user type) to an enum literal fails * [NH-2398] - Null equality uses non-boolean expression * [NH-2402] - LINQ equality should map to SQL equality * [NH-2403] - Linq boolean constants are of wrong type (integer) * [NH-2409] - Using WithClause in Criteria API causes NH to mix up query par ameters * [NH-2416] - NHibernate.Linq does not support queries against <map> element s * [NH-2417] - NHibernate fails to correctly load a child collection if the p arent contains a many-to-one * [NH-2420] - Cannot use distributed transactions while providing connection to the session * [NH-2438] - LINQ 'in' query not fully interpreted ** Improvement * [NH-2423] - NHibernate.Linq queries against Dictionaries with ContainsKey ** Patch * [NH-2413] - Micro optimization in DefaultFlushEntityEventListener * [NH-2437] - Typo Build 3.0.0.CR1 (rev5265) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-1897] - boolean discriminator formulas broken on PostgreSQL * [NH-2154] - Booleans may not be used in expression HQL in PostgreSQLDialec

t ** Patch * [NH-2392] - ICompositeUserType support for cases where not all parameters should be set (such as dynamic-update) Build 3.0.0.Beta2 (rev5254) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-1155] - SubselectFetch doesn't take into account paging * [NH-2371] - Exception is thrown when using SetMaxResults on query using My SQL * [NH-2374] - ForeignGenerator does not support EntityMode.Map ** Improvement * [NH-1799] - Change SQL Server dialect to support variable limits * [NH-2376] - Allow IDisposable for event-listeners ** Patch * [NH-2342] - Added XDocument type * [NH-2378] - Don't currently support idents of type Int16 * [NH-2391] - Updated Chapter 4 Build 3.0.0.Beta1 (rev5241) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-2001] - Filter by Null in Linq (hql ast version) doesn't work * [NH-2077] - SQL Server Dialect: Nhibernate fails to execute native queries with parameters, separated with ';' * [NH-2084] - Future + hql queries + same parameter name leads to "NHibernat e.QueryException: The named parameter personId was used in more than one query. Either give unique names to your parameters, or use the multi query SetParameter () methods" * [NH-2331] - ICriteria: Correlated query throws "Could not find a matching criteria info provider to", works in 2.1.0 broken in 2.1.2 * [NH-2352] - Null reference exception in GetDefaultConfigurationFilePath wh en AppDomain.CurrentDomain.RelativeSearchPath is null * [NH-2358] - DateTimeOffsetType doesnt properly convert to-from database; m illiseconds are lost. * [NH-2364] - Dynamic entities with "full name" result in incorrect queries ** Improvement * [NH-1108] - Reference Data - Ability to load all rows from a table using a n HBM file. * [NH-2313] - Better logging when SessionFactory is being built * [NH-2355] - Allow composite-id without class on dynamic entity ** New Feature * [NH-2309] - Add support for Future() with the new Linq provider * [NH-2367] - Native support for System.Uri as string ** Patch * [NH-2073] - Missing QuerySequencesString override in FirebirdDialect * [NH-2082] - AdoTransaction sometimes writes to log wrong information about IsolationLevel * [NH-2357] - Support for custom boolean functions in the linq provider (as FREETEXT).

Build 3.0.0.Alpha3 (rev5226) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-1927] - Criteria generates wrong sql when eager fetching one-to-many w ith filter * [NH-1928] - SQL line comments swallow next line * [NH-2024] - Max results parameter could not provided to subquery * [NH-2061] - Merge operation causes null exception for null components that contain many-to-many relations * [NH-2096] - IndexOutOfRangeException reading zero-length binary value from MySQL * [NH-2112] - Update executed on the DB during a Session.Merge of an unmodif ied entity * [NH-2138] - Entity name support in custom SQL is broken: sql-query/return/ @entity-name attribute is ignored * [NH-2147] - default_batch_fetch_size has no effect * [NH-2188] - Exception occurs when configuration searches default config fi le and multiple search path were defined for current AppDomain. * [NH-2202] - Unable to use ICriteria with projection property that referenc es a composite key relationship * [NH-2258] - Paging params in subquery breaks query execution. * [NH-2265] - Any linq query using oracle fails when restricting the number of results returned * [NH-2270] - NHibernatethrows MappingException on Linux/Mono 2.7 * [NH-2279] - PersistentIdentifierBag fails to maintain ID map in many cases * [NH-2288] - The drop scripts from SchemaExport in SQL2005 dialect will not work for constraints when using DefaultSchema setting other than dbo * [NH-2289] - Linq query fail when using contains from ICollection<T> or ILi st<T> * [NH-2302] - MsSql Dialect, mapping an nvarchar(max) using string(10000) ca uses string truncation * [NH-2303] - Regression bug: hibernate-mapping/subclass element can no long er extend hibernate-mapping/class//subclass element * [NH-2322] - Performing updates in OnPostUpdate event causes enumeration er ror * [NH-2339] - After rev 5139 (apply NH-2335) NHibernate does not work under Medium Trust * [NH-2343] - NHibernate.Type.GenericBagType<T>.Wrap() incorrectly assumes c ollection implements IList<T> * [NH-2344] - Coalesce expression does not work on linq provider ** Improvement * [NH-626] - Adding XmlDoc to NH types * [NH-1618] - Lazy loading for one-to-one association * [NH-1894] - New SQL Anywhere NHibernate dialect * [NH-2135] - Compatible with Mono * [NH-2292] - Set Initialize in AbstractLazyInitializer as virtual * [NH-2301] - Castle Bytecode with last released 2.5 * [NH-2321] - Recommended method for xml intellisense * [NH-2340] - Workaround, for some DataProviders, in AbstractCharType for ch ar? ** New Feature * [NH-866] - SQL Server 2005 XML Support * [NH-2348] - Support polymorphism with Get and Load ** Patch * [NH-2006] - Additional test to use-many-to-one

* [NH-2111] - PersistentIdentifierBag has null reference exception when acce ssing SyncRoot on lazy loaded collection * [NH-2278] - PersistentGenericIdentifierBag instantiates wrong list type * [NH-2284] - Obsolete members can be removed * [NH-2293] - When query has only a "from" throw QuerySyntaxException instea d of InvalidCastException * [NH-2307] - Fix ByteCode Framework Targets * [NH-2332] - Update SybaseAnywhereMetaData.cs to support fetching the reser ved words * [NH-2335] - ReflectiveHttpContext support for different .NET versions * [NH-2336] - Leading and trailing ansi trim emulation functions are reverse d * [NH-2346] - Dialect.TableTypeString is not used when creating schema. ** Task * [NH-2161] - Breaking change in naming strategy from 2.0 to 2.1 * [NH-2315] - Spring version does not match antlr version * [NH-2338] - Upgrade to Castle.Core 2.5.1 Build 3.0.0.Alpha2 (rev5159) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-1653] - SubqueryExpression don't support Dialect with VariableLimit * [NH-1836] - AliasToBean transformer doesn't work correctly with MultiQuery * [NH-2133] - Incorrect number of command parameters * [NH-2148] - Not possible to call methods on Proxy for lazy-property * [NH-2149] - CAST() statements fail in MySql due to invalid type parameters * [NH-2158] - NVL Sql Function is broken * [NH-2160] - MSSql DateTime2 type is not supported when preparing * [NH-2162] - Formulas containing a DateTime data type incorrectly have that data type aliased with the outer entity alias * [NH-2224] - SQLite 'In'-Restriction with year function * [NH-2245] - AbstractEntityPersister ignores optimistic-lock when generatin g delete SQL on versioned objects * [NH-2251] - System.FormatException mixing Future and Skip/Take * [NH-2253] - SchemaExport/SchemaUpdate should take in account hbm2ddl.keywo rds * [NH-2257] - Parameter ordering not working when driver does not support Na med Parameters * [NH-2261] - Linq Count function fails with MySQL Dialect * [NH-2273] - SqlClientBatchingBatcher doesn't set timeout on batches after the first * [NH-2277] - NHibernate.Linq - Eager Fetching Superclass Collection Throws NullReferenceException. ** Improvement * [NH-1378] * [NH-1421] er lists * [NH-2103] * [NH-2117] * [NH-2191] a virtual * [NH-2217] vailable) * [NH-2220] * [NH-2226] * [NH-2263] * [NH-2266] - New Drivers using ADO.NET's DbProviderFactories - Better exception message for Invalid handling of empty paramet - Expose hbm mappings - many-to-one mapping with composite-id formula fails - Make a method FilterFragment of class AbstractEntityPersister - LinFu version 1.0.3 used is not thread-safe. (new LinFu1.0.4 a Support temporary tables within SQLite Dialect Set custom bytecode provider type in app.config Client Profile Support better exception if no concrete subclasses exist

* [NH-2267] - Prepared statements should be enabled for PostgreSQL * [NH-2268] - Substring and Replace functions for PostgreSQLDialect * [NH-2287] - Wrong HQL should throws QuerySyntaxException ** New Feature * [NH-1135] * [NH-1554] * [NH-1946] * [NH-2256] * [NH-2259] Local & Utc DateTime Type Logging Abstraction Criteria API support for HQL 'with' clause Add support for user-provided extensions to the Linq provider Add a way to reset the Any cached type

** Patch * [NH-2026] - Fix: SchemaExport fails with foreign key constraints on Inform ix * [NH-2120] - CsharpSqlite managed/embedded SQL database driver * [NH-2142] - Register function Concat fo MySql to avoid null problem * [NH-2190] - Criteria Join Restrictions Support (HHH-2308 Port) * [NH-2252] - Added paging support for SQL CE 4 * [NH-2255] - MsSql2005Dialect resets parameters' positions(for paging param eters) when lock in use. Build 3.0.0.Alpha1 (rev5056) ============================= ** Sub-task * [NH-2045] - NH 2044 Fixed ** Bug * [NH-892] - <many-to-one> associated by property-ref generates wrong SQL * [NH-1849] - Using custom sql function "contains" causes an Antlr exception * [NH-1891] - Formula - Escape characters break formula * [NH-1899] - SaveOrUpdateCopy throws InvalidCastException * [NH-1902] - QBE don't set the '%' wildcards when using an other matchmode than Matchmode.Exact * [NH-1975] - QueryOver() on char Property yields exception * [NH-1981] - Multiple SQL parameters generated for same HQL parameter * [NH-1989] - Future query does not use second level cache * [NH-2009] - Many-to-one fails when using property-ref against a joined pro perty * [NH-2020] - ISQLExceptionConverter does not get called if batch size enabl ed * [NH-2027] - NH sql-query does not support calling Stored Procedures in Pac kages * [NH-2030] - NHibernate.SqlTypes.SqlTypeFactory is not threadsafe * [NH-2035] - Wrong error "ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified." * [NH-2044] - NHibernate.Criterion.Expression.Eq with chartype has a bug * [NH-2047] - OracleDataClientBatchingBatcher writes misleading log messages in a different format than SqlClientBatchingBatcher * [NH-2052] - CLONE -Getting identifier on a proxied class initializes it wh en identifier is defined in parent class * [NH-2064] - Filter definitions should not be mandatory to be used * [NH-2069] - When touching the identifier of a proxy object a call to the d atabase is executed. * [NH-2074] - SQL Server Dialect: unicode literals in formula results in inc orrect SQL * [NH-2086] - MsSqlCeDialect fails when mapping contains schemas * [NH-2090] - ShemaValidator + Firebird * [NH-2092] - Constrained lazy loaded one to one relations using Castle Dyna micProxy throws ArgumentNullException

* [NH-2093] - When using Castle:s FieldInterceptionProxy, NHibernateProxyHel per.GuessClass() cannot guess the correct entity type. * [NH-2094] - When using Castle:s FieldInterceptorProxy, accessing an initia lized property (even nonlazy) throws LazyInitializationException * [NH-2102] - Entity with constrained, lazy one-to-one relation should not g enerate field intercepting proxy * [NH-2113] - NH force eager loading of key-many-to-one entity with override n GetHashCode * [NH-2122] - Nhibernate documentation refers to CriteriaUtil whitch is remo ved from 2.1 * [NH-2129] - FutureValue Parameters Missing Quotes * [NH-2137] - list-index with one-to-many does not work * [NH-2155] - NHibernate project files contain reference to missing Assembly Info.cs file * [NH-2166] - Custom ISQLExceptionConverter is not called in the case when u sing query.UniqueResult<T>() * [NH-2168] - Statistics.QueryExecutionMaxTimeQueryString is empty * [NH-2173] - SetMaxResults fails when Dialect has BindLimitParametersFirst == true * [NH-2175] - Cannot Cache NHibernate Future Criteria Results * [NH-2189] - Fetch Join Not Consistently Working With Future * [NH-2192] - Thread safety issue with QueryParameters.PrepareParameterTypes * [NH-2199] - Map with element doesn't support nullable types * [NH-2205] - NHibernate.Loader.Loader.DoQuery can hide exceptions * [NH-2210] - Problem with merging detached entities with components * [NH-2219] - HQL Update of multiple columns only updates the first column * [NH-2221] - The tuplizer value specified for a component within a HBM file is ignored * [NH-2225] - New Embedded LINQ Provider & Bitwise Queries * [NH-2235] - IQueryOver.SelectList uses sub-type type instead of root type * [NH-2242] - Formula - Escape characters break formula ** Improvement * [NH-1248] - Check if result of Subquery is null with Criteria API * [NH-1838] - Guid support in MySql dialect * [NH-1850] - NHibernate should log query duration * [NH-1862] - Strongly typed configuration of SessionFactory properties * [NH-1877] - Support for Projections.GroupBy(IProjection projection) * [NH-1892] - Programatic configuration of Cache * [NH-1935] - Add new WcfSessionContext to the already available ICurrentSes sionContext implementations * [NH-2021] - Exceptions serialization * [NH-2055] - hbm2ddl SchemaExport support batching (GO in ddl) * [NH-2065] - provide better exception details * [NH-2083] - Undocumented attributes on hibernate-mapping element * [NH-2150] - CreateCriteria / QueryOver inconsistency * [NH-2186] - Allow MultiCriteria to directly add IQueryOver * [NH-2215] - MsSql2005Dialect does not use parameters for paging parameters * [NH-2216] - EnumType<T> as IType * [NH-2230] - <parent> tag does not allow any accessor * [NH-2249] - DateType as IParameterizedType to customize the BaseDateValue for null ** New Feature * [NH-429] - Lazy load columns * [NH-1922] - Allow DetachedCriteria To Work with IStatelessSession * [NH-1978] - Add ability to delimit aliases in generated SQL * [NH-2152] - QueryOver equality to null should generate (x is null or x == value)

** Patch * [NH-2031] - Mod function in SqlDialect is broken * [NH-2041] - SchemaExport does not export Components in Joined tables prope rly * [NH-2046] - Release builds do not include PDB files * [NH-2101] - Missing IsNotIn for WhereRestrictionOn * [NH-2106] - DetachedCriteria.SetLockMode() is missing * [NH-2131] - SessionIdLoggingContext perf patch * [NH-2169] - ToUpper and ToLower functions are inverted in the new Linq pro vider * [NH-2194] - NHibernate.Util.PropertiesHelper class throwing FormatExceptio n when property values are in-compatible with the expected type * [NH-2201] - NDataReader doesn't reset the currentrow index when a move to NextResult is executed * [NH-2227] - Missing [Serializable] attribute on ReadOnlyAccessor * [NH-2236] - GetSequenceNextValString for Informix is wrong * [NH-2243] - 'foreign-key' ignored in join/key ** Task * [NH-2013] - HQL breaking change * [NH-2247] - Update FlushMode Documentation Build 2.1.2.GA (rev4854) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-2011] - Many-to-many inside a component will not be saved when using S aveOrUpdateCopy or Merge * [NH-2283] - CLONE -one-to-many collection with table per subclass, using d iscriminator: wrong proxies in collection ** Improvement * [NH-2022] - Allow overriding in Query By Example ** Patch * [NH-2007] - SesssionIdLoggingContext patch for big resultsets * [NH-2019] - Clarification about the use of <import> for polymorphic querie s Build 2.1.1.GA (rev4814) ============================= ** Sub-task * [NH-1368] - Check same behavior for other persistent collection. ** Bug * [NH-1255] - key-many-to-one && not-found * [NH-1476] - filtering by key-many-to-one causes invalid sql * [NH-1760] - Missing table join when use a criteria on key-many-to-one part of a Composite Id * [NH-1785] - Invalid SQL generated for join on composite id using Criteria API * [NH-1858] - Problem with MsSql2000 and 2005 Dialects GetLimitString when u sing use_sql_comments=true * [NH-1895] - delete-orphan mapping, NullReferenceException in DefaultDelete EventListener.DeleteTransientEntity * [NH-1898] - HQL query parser can't determine parameter type when using nat ive sql function in hql query. * [NH-1899] - SaveOrUpdateCopy throws InvalidCastException * [NH-1902] - QBE don't set the '%' wildcards when using an other matchmode than Matchmode.Exact

* [NH-1904] - Protected properties and public properties cannot have the sam e name with different case * [NH-1905] - Join used together with subquery generates wrong SQL * [NH-1907] - IQuery.SetParameter<T> should use DetermineType * [NH-1908] - Mishandling of filter parameters causes System.InvalidCastExce ption * [NH-1911] - Aggregate parameters in projection are not substituted * [NH-1913] - AdoNet batcher not using CommandTimeout * [NH-1914] - Collections with out native ID generation is not working * [NH-1915] - CLONE -HQL AST-Parser: Null-Pointer Exception on Non-Exsistant Entity on Joins * [NH-1917] - Not retrieving AUTO_INCREMENT identifier on MySQL because of c onnection closing * [NH-1920] - Session Filters + collection + parametrized query = bug * [NH-1926] - Oracle: Schema update crashes * [NH-1931] - NativeSQLQuerySpecification.Equals compares collections by ref erence * [NH-1938] - No 'lower' call in sql-query in LikeExpression with 'ignorecae ' = true * [NH-1939] - Missing <param> element in NHibernate mapping schema. * [NH-1941] - Custom Enum-String mapping is not written to SQL statement * [NH-1948] - Hibernate mapping file does not allow a value of 0 for the "sc ale" attribute of the "property" element * [NH-1959] - Adding/Removing items to idbag in one transaction causes KeyNo tFoundException * [NH-1963] - System.InvalidCastException on cacheable query with byte array query parameter * [NH-1964] - Byte array truncation to a length of 8000 * [NH-1969] - Criteria API does not handle property of type "System.Type" co rrectly * [NH-1973] - DateTime sent to dataase is not accurate to millisecond * [NH-1979] - cast and parameter combination in HQL fails to parse * [NH-1983] - Blobs and Clobs with Sql Server CE * [NH-1985] - NHibernate is allowing deletion of immutable objects * [NH-1987] - MultiQuery does not update statistics * [NH-1990] - Subquery filter parameters are not set as variables in SQL * [NH-1992] - BasicFormatter throws exceptions for certain types of data * [NH-1997] - Original exception information lost when error occurs NHiberna te.Engine.TransactionHelper.Work.DoWork * [NH-2000] - Problem when calling ISession.GetEnableFIilter with a not enab led filter name * [NH-2003] - IsNullable property is not set properly in ClassIdBinder.cs ** Improvement * [NH-847] - Oracle stored procedure with Ref Cursor out * [NH-1525] - IResultTransformer should override Equals and GetHashCode * [NH-1912] - Add decimal types to MySQL dialect. * [NH-1943] - Fix introduction in docs so it won't mention VS 2003 * [NH-1980] - Ignore exception when trying to set the same type of Collectio nTypeFactory ** New Feature * [NH-1922] - Allow DetachedCriteria To Work with IStatelessSession * [NH-1936] - Introduce new Interface IPostEvent in NHibernate.Event * [NH-1998] - Possibility to turn off many-to-one filters ** Patch * [NH-1903] - GetEnumerator().Current inconsistent for generic * [NH-1970] - SQLite dialect - Fix to substring function * [NH-1993] - Patch for a bug in MySQLMetaData.cs

Build 2.1.0 ======================== ** Known BREAKING CHANGES from NH2.0.xGA to NH2.1.0 ##### Run time ##### * If you want work using lazy loading with LinFu.DynamicProxy now you mu st deploy NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu.dll * If you want work using lazy loading with Castle.DynamicProxy2 now you must deploy NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.dll * If you want work using lazy loading with Spring.Aop now you must deplo y NHibernate.ByteCode.Spring.dll * compatible only with .NET2.0 SP1 or above (System.DateTimeOffset) * In SchemaExport.Execute the parameter "format" was removed; (NH-1701) enabled configuration property format_sql (default true) * Antlr3.Runtime.dll is required * the syntax or is not longer s upported. Use the alternative syntax of elements( or indices( r.baz) instead Note: in some case, where a sub-select is needed, the collection is enough example: FROM m IN CLASS Master WHERE NOT EXISTS( FROM m.Details d WHERE NOT d.I=5 ) * INamingStrategy.PropertyToColumnName does not include the component pr operty path ##### Possible Breaking Changes ##### * ISession interface has additional methods * ICriteria.SetProjection now takes a params array of projections, inste ad of a single projection Only a breaking change if you are implementing ICriteria, there is f ull source code compatability * IStatelessSession interface has additional methods * DefaultProxyFactoryFactory removed * IProxyFactoryFactory now provide the IProxyValidator implementation * Now filters are working even with many-to-one association for Criteria and HQL (NH-1293, NH-1179) ##### Initialization time ##### * The ProxyValidator check for "internal virtual" (to be intercepted by proxy need "protected internal virtual") * The session-factory configuration property "proxyfactory.factory_class " is mandatory; You must choose one of the availables NHibernate.ByteCode ##### Breaking Changes ##### * see NH-1633 if you are using SQL native queries * CriteriaUtil is gone. NHibernate.Transform.Transformers now returns pr edefined IResultTransformer. * ISessionFactory.Settings is gone (moved to ISessionFactoryImplementor. Settings) * Obsolete ORACLE dialects was removed (new implementations are availabl e) * ISQLExceptionConverter was changed in order to have more flexibility a bout information available for the conversion and followed management. * ADOException now use string instead SqlString * IParameterizedType is using IDictionary<string, string> Build 2.1.0.Beta2 (rev4501) ============================= ** Sub-task * [NH-1827] - SchemaUpdate exception * [NH-1843] - Precision and scale for MySQL is not working, too

** Bug * [NH-1734] - NHibernate aggregate function sum() to return Int64 instead of floating point value * [NH-1810] - Use of custom sorted set leads to "collection not processed by flush" exception * [NH-1812] - Aggregates + IsNull bug (AST parser) * [NH-1821] - Wrong SQL executed when the SQL contains new lines * [NH-1822] - CLONE -NHibernate.Util.TypeNameParser doesn't parse correctly generic types * [NH-1830] - Missing MatchMode Parameter * [NH-1831] - AST Parser & Bitwise queries * [NH-1834] - Formula node in Many-To-One is ignored * [NH-1835] - prepare_sql = true (creating prepared queries) makes NHibernat e set up wrong size for byte arrays larger than 8000 * [NH-1837] - UniqueResult<T>() executes sql query twice. ** Improvement * [NH-473] - order-by in <bag> is ignored if FetchMode is Join * [NH-1069] - Add context information to LazyInitializationException. * [NH-1097] - Should not parse column names, and consider them as failing HQ L queries * [NH-1192] - Support bitwise operations * [NH-1266] - ISQLExceptionConverter for various Dialects * [NH-1672] - Unnecessary calls to planCache.Put * [NH-1820] - PostgreSQL: support for Temporary Tables * [NH-1824] - MySQL: support for Temporary Tables * [NH-1826] - PostgreSQL: support iff() function * [NH-1833] - OverflowException instead of expected FormatException when try ing to parse a "long" literal * [NH-1846] - DbTimestampType (from H3.3.1) ** New Feature * [NH-1623] - Configuration of UserCollection for any collection type * [NH-1817] - Allow <typedef> for Id generator class ** Patch * [NH-1829] - AbstractEntityPersister.Delete is not virtual * [NH-1842] - Type.CharBooleanType.ctor(SqlType) is internal for no reason. Making it protected supports better extensibility. Build 2.1.0.Beta1 (rev4424) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-959] - HQL queries with math operators and aggregates fail * [NH-1092] - An Aggregate Count(*) on on an Abstract Base Class (Polymorphi c) with UniqueResults returns 1 result per subclass when using the table per sub class approach * [NH-1171] - Named parameters in SQL query are not substituted when query c ontains comments with apostrophes * [NH-1182] - Calling session.delete() causes unnecessary update to timestam p before sql:delete * [NH-1400] - HQL string literals with dots in are tried loaded as types (cl asses) and fails * [NH-1427] - XML Comments inside <join> tag cause exception * [NH-1444] - broken implicit join * [NH-1487] - schema generation of unique-key with column involved in multip le unique constraints * [NH-1507] - NHibernate misplaces JOIN conditions when WHERE references the

ir columns and others altoghether * [NH-1517] - SaveOrUpdateCopy does not call "public LifecycleVeto OnUpdate( ISession s)" * [NH-1601] - Problems when accessing lists through property * [NH-1617] - Formulas containing a data type incorrectly have that data typ e aliased with the outer entity alias * [NH-1735] - TicksType used as entity version causes exceptions on cache pu t operation. * [NH-1789] - A proxy sometimes doesn't call the overriden Equals() method ( mapping interface instead class) * [NH-1801] - Cross join with a where clause where lhs and rhs are different types of associations breaks with the new AST Query Translator * [NH-1802] - Query Cache does not include filters in QueryKey.ToString * [NH-1805] - Does ignore <meta> on <subclass> * [NH-1813] - Not understandable exception message ** Improvement * [NH-1019] - Improve error message for HQL in when entity not recognised * [NH-1814] - Autoregister ReservedWords from MetaData ** New Feature * [NH-188] - Should Table/Column names be quoted automatically? ** Patch * [NH-1044] - IdBag for component not in XSD * [NH-1804] - Expiration property of session factory not handled when config ured via XML Build 2.1.0.Alpha3 (rev4378) ============================= ** Bug * [NH-1098] - Problem in filters with parameters and associated logging info rmation * [NH-1179] - Filter not applied in explicit join * [NH-1264] - Eager fetching with Criteria/DetachedCriteria does not seem to be working properly * [NH-1307] - Parameter Postion incorrect in the sql query . * [NH-1343] - In HQL, when having only one Class for query it fails to work if we forget the Alias. * [NH-1388] - Map does not delete keys if value of the key is null * [NH-1574] - Stateless Session isn't ignoring untouched proxy properties on update * [NH-1725] - When using SELECT NEW <Entity>(iif(a=0, 2, 1)) From .... Retur ns error '(' expected after HQL function in SELECT * [NH-1727] - Hql parameter problems (Sql2005dialect) * [NH-1736] - NHibernate.Util.TypeNameParser doesn't parse correctly generic types * [NH-1741] - DetachedNamedQuery is ignoring mapped properties * [NH-1742] - Wrong parameters order in IQuery with SetParameterList and Fil ter. SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000 * [NH-1744] - Open/Close a session inside a TransactionScope fails. * [NH-1751] - DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer assumes source ILists are always ArrayLists * [NH-1754] - cast HQLFunction don't cast the result * [NH-1756] - Updating newly saved entity with generated version causes Stal eObjectStateException (explicit flush before commit) * [NH-1764] - TableHiLoGenerator fail in a TransactionScope with MySQL datab ase * [NH-1767] - Multiple TransactionScopes inside one Session do not work prop

erly * [NH-1770] - Not posible to have system properties in web.config and sessio n-factory properties in external hibernate.cfg.xml * [NH-1773] - HQL Queries with projection and join fetching fail with AST qu ery translator * [NH-1775] - AST Parser & Bitwise queries * [NH-1776] - Query executed twice on session with enabled Filter will cause NullReferenceException * [NH-1780] - Section 18.4 - Incorrect method name IsUnsaved() * [NH-1788] - Dynamic Update & generated timestamp cause NH to try to update the readonly timestamp column * [NH-1792] - Invalid Sql for Paging when Subquery contains Order By clause using MsSql2005Dialect ** Improvement * [NH-514] - Allow expansion of the "on" clause in joins. * [NH-1051] - Port AST-based HQL parser / QueryTranslator from H3 * [NH-1093] - Invalid caching probably shouldn't throw exceptions, but shoul d log warnings. * [NH-1516] - HQL doesn't support "update" statements * [NH-1553] - SQL Server 2005: Support for wrapping snapshot isolation updat e conflict SQLException into a NHibernate StaleObjectStateException. * [NH-1670] - MutiCriteria and MultiQuery results may be loaded directly int o a generic List<T> instead of an ArrayList * [NH-1745] - SQL formatters for DDL and all others SQLs * [NH-1750] - Mark NHibernate.Util.WeakHashtable [Serializable] * [NH-1765] - Add ISessionImplementor property to PreDeleteEvent * [NH-1791] - Allow passing params of projections to ICriteria.SetProjectios * [NH-1794] - Allow query only properties and associations * [NH-1797] - MsSql2005Dialect uses paging query when no offset specified ** New Feature * [NH-322] - case when...then...else...end in select clause * [NH-917] - Allow NHibernate to enlist in arbitrary IDbTransaction * [NH-1701] - format_sql property of hibernate * [NH-1786] - IObjectFactory (implementation responsibility by ByteCode prov ider) to concentrate all Activator.CreateInstance. ** Patch * [NH-1726] - ISessionFactory.Settings gone - breaking change * [NH-1769] - Transaction completion on rollback with TransactionScope can c ause ObjectDisposedException * [NH-1777] - Removed some duplicated casts * [NH-1783] - DateType should store only the date part of a System.DateTime to a column Build 2.1.0.Alpha2 (rev4167) ======================== ** Sub-task * [NH-1688] - System.Boolean type incorrectly mapped to YesNoType when the c riterion is created by using a projection instead of a property name ** Bug * [NH-1635] column * [NH-1671] * [NH-1693] * [NH-1694] g a comma while - <many-to-one formula="select id from..."> should not require a - SoftLimitMRUCache has a softReferenceCache which is NOT soft - Wrong parameters order in query with subselect and filter - SQL2005Dialect - Sorting fails on a Formula property containin using paging (MaxResults)

* [NH-1700] - union-subclass with same name as abstract superclass causes NH ibernate.DuplicateMappingException. * [NH-1706] - property-ref does not work for different data type than PK typ e * [NH-1710] - Decimal fields are not create correctly in SQL Server 2005/200 8 using SchemaExport * [NH-1711] - Failure of DTC transaction with multiple durable enlistment wi ll crash the process * [NH-1715] - Timespan type doesn't work with SqlServer 2005 ** Improvement * [NH-1707] - MsSQL : prepare_sql should be true by-default * [NH-1716] - By default map TimeSpan as int64 ** New Feature * [NH-1222] - <Join> elements: collections support * [NH-1718] - CurrencyType * [NH-1719] - Current TimeSpan moved to TimeAsTimeSpan and TimeSpanInt64 mov ed back to TimeSpan ** Patch * [NH-1708] - MS SQL CE Metadata implementation * [NH-1712] - Release notes missing info about removal of CriteriaUtil * [NH-1713] - NH-1707 results in buggy PrepareStatement behavior Build 2.1.0.Alpha1 ======================== ** Sub-task * [NH-1379] * [NH-1649] * [NH-1650] * [NH-1656] Allow <typedef> for version custom type DateTime2 and DateTimeOffset data types support FileStream data type support Date and Time data types support

** Bug * [NH-1083] - When using a proxy with an interface access strategy on the Id does not get applied * [NH-1177] - Save/Delete/Evict/Save does not work if collections are mapped * [NH-1197] - Some tests related to paged subselect are failing under Postgr eSQL * [NH-1251] - TypeFactory.GetSerializableType race condition * [NH-1253] - Named paramaters with numeric suffix may cause problems * [NH-1297] - <idbag> with native ID generator throws InvalidCastException * [NH-1329] - Expression.Sql with parameters (inside of functions) is broken * [NH-1345] - PersistentGenericList.GetEnumerator missing Read * [NH-1357] - ICriteria.ClearOrders is mispelled and belongs on DetachedCrit eria too * [NH-1358] - SchemaUpdate fails for Firebird in released binaries only - NH ibernate source and local builds from this source work fine * [NH-1385] - System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException exception in P ersistentGenericMap.GetDeletes() * [NH-1395] - Unsaved value null for ValueType * [NH-1422] - incorrect parameter replacement when one variable is the prefi x of another * [NH-1443] - default_catalog is not used in create table * [NH-1445] - CriteriaImpl.Clone does not propertly maintain the persistentC lass * [NH-1446] - cast case sensitivity * [NH-1447] - boolean ConstantProjection fails with MSSQL2005 * [NH-1480] - SchemaUpdate & Oracle

* [NH-1495] - using access=field.camelcase with interface to create proxy * [NH-1499] - NullReferenceException construting Criteria query * [NH-1502] - Order by with projections uses invalid parameter characters * [NH-1505] - LikeExpression when using projections is invalid * [NH-1520] - SQLite Dialect does not properly escape names surrounded by ba ckticks * [NH-1521] - The drop scripts from SchemaExport in SQL2005 dialect will not work when using DefaultSchema setting other than dbo * [NH-1522] - AdoTransaction.CloseIfRequerid * [NH-1526] - Cannot use projection for Count in OrderBy * [NH-1527] - Using projection on order by in conjuction with set max result s with parameters passed to the projection will fail * [NH-1528] - Using order by with a parameter and set max results on 2005 mi x up the parameters * [NH-1549] - Accessing Id of proxy with base class intializes proxy * [NH-1552] - Paging in NHibernate builds buggy SQL query string, when pagin g is used against a MS SQL 2005 Database * [NH-1556] - Cannot order by aggregates in HQL * [NH-1572] - Small typo in AbstractType.Compare() * [NH-1573] - "collable" typo in nhibernate-mapping.xsd * [NH-1578] - The "not" criteria does surround the following or inner criter ia with parens only when using MySQLDialect. * [NH-1584] - one-to-one compositions to a joined subclass don't load * [NH-1587] - PocoEntityTuplizer don't use ReflectionOptimizer for instantia tor * [NH-1590] - NHibernate.Util.ReflectHelper.TryGetMethod not returning inher ited id-getter/setter * [NH-1593] - SchemaUpdate not create property index. * [NH-1594] - When setting property in hbm type="Decimal(precision, scale)" - "DECIMAL(19,5)" is always generated * [NH-1608] - LRUMap Memory Leak * [NH-1609] - MSSQL2005 dialect: paged query in multicriteria uses wrong par ameter values when preceeded by other queries * [NH-1611] - One-To-One Mappings Fail with Composite ID * [NH-1612] - Native SQL queries for value collections fail with NullReferen ceException * [NH-1619] - NHibernateUtil returns a wrong IType for Boolean on Postgres * [NH-1627] - lazy=extra causes the where=".." to be ignored when using coll ection.Count() * [NH-1633] - Native SQL queries with addJoin or <return-join/> return objec t arrays instead of single Entities * [NH-1637] - Oracle9Dialect Paging based on rownum is not valid. * [NH-1640] - FETCH JOIN query doesn't work in a StatelessSession * [NH-1654] - Reserved words in formula * [NH-1668] - Ingres .NET Data Provider name changed * [NH-1675] - Problem using distinct query with SetMaxResult * [NH-1677] - Bug in Criteria API with EntityMode == Map * [NH-1679] - System.Boolean type incorrectly mapped to YesNoType when the c riterion is created by using a projection instead of a property name * [NH-1685] - Generated Version Not Reloaded After Update * [NH-1687] - Version tag are ignoring child column tag ** Improvement * [NH-298] - After, deleting an item which belongs to a <list> the list indi ces are not modified * [NH-545] - Distributed transactions support * [NH-645] - Support for scalar functions which don't return a value in wher e clause * [NH-727] - Allow using sql-insert with generator class="identity" * [NH-1047] - Add overloads to IQuery.SetParameter to accept System.Type

* [NH-1053] - Allow short class name for collection-type * [NH-1202] - Improve the error messages when compiling queries * [NH-1274] - Give the option to exclude a mapped class from the SchemaExpor t.Create loop. * [NH-1291] - Example.Create with anonymous objects * [NH-1336] - Native id generator as default and make generator optional in config * [NH-1354] - Add support for keyed retrieval of MultiCriteria results * [NH-1381] - Add support for keyed retrieval of MultiQuery results * [NH-1396] - Allow override of EmptyInterceptor.GetEntityName * [NH-1398] - Allow access to EntityMode from ISession * [NH-1402] - Support Cache for Dynamic entities (entity-name without entity -class) * [NH-1468] - InFragment ToFragmentString() needs more information in error * [NH-1496] - Configuration.AddAssembly(Assembly) should do some logging if no mapping files where found * [NH-1500] - Spelling error of NHibernate.Cfg.ConfigurationSchema.ParseCole ctionsCache * [NH-1515] - Proxy validator doesn't check "internal" methods * [NH-1560] - AbstractDataBaseSchema: Make GetIndexInfo and GetIndexColumns virtual * [NH-1564] - Generic EnumString Mapping * [NH-1588] - "Relax" PocoEntityTuplizer * [NH-1589] - ReflectionOptimizer override CreateCreateInstanceMethod * [NH-1605] - Typedef support in sql-query/return-scaler/@type attribute * [NH-1613] - Allow custom action for schema script create/update * [NH-1643] - Allow to use ICollection<T> and HashSet<T> for <set> * [NH-1644] - Oracle Lite Driver With Working Query Parameters * [NH-1657] - TimeSpan as DbType.Time * [NH-1658] - current_timestamp_offset: current_timestamp for DateTimeOffset * [NH-1659] - current_timestamp in MsSql2008Dialect using SYSDATETIME() * [NH-1661] - DriverConnectionProvider.GetConnection doesn't dispose IDbConn ection in case of an exception * [NH-1665] - Supports Hibernate-Quoting sequence name * [NH-1669] - Add guid.native support to MySQL5Dialect * [NH-1678] - Add a CreateCriteria<T> method to session * [NH-1684] - MS SQL Server Dialect - UNION ALL * [NH-1686] - IStatelessSession.CreateCriteria(System.Type entityType) * [NH-1703] - Configuration full serializable * [NH-1704] - AliasToBeanResultTransformer should hold ConstructorInfo ** New Feature * [NH-791] - Add always-wrap As a Configuration Option On Collections * [NH-855] - Port lazy="extra" from Hibernate 3 * [NH-871] - Implement SelectGenerator * [NH-1033] - Add support for polymorphic criteria * [NH-1106] - SQL Anywhere 10 Driver and Dialect * [NH-1173] - Generic Ordered Set * [NH-1176] - Trigger generated identities * [NH-1188] - Provide a method to delete by Id * [NH-1232] - Enums as discriminators * [NH-1233] - EnumCharType * [NH-1305] - Add BuildMappings method to Configuration to eagerly configure mappings * [NH-1359] - Ability to create an IProjection from a DetachedCriteria * [NH-1370] - Allow short name for <type> * [NH-1371] - short name for UserType (<typedef>) * [NH-1373] - shorter name for UserCollectionType (<typedef>) * [NH-1393] - Ability to use Aggregate Projections on Projections * [NH-1394] - Ability to use "order by projection"

* [NH-1397] - <tuplizer> from H3.2 * [NH-1401] - Support for EntityMode.Map and for DefaultEntityMode in Settin gs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [NH-1416] [NH-1451] [NH-1458] [NH-1479] [NH-1493] [NH-1518] [NH-1537] [NH-1538] [NH-1561] [NH-1562] [NH-1563] [NH-1571] [NH-1596] [NH-1621] [NH-1632] [NH-1646] [NH-1662] [NH-1664] Support DEFAULTs, for properties values, in mappings Port of <natural-id> from H3.2.6 Collections events (from H3.2.6) Add Guid native generation BackingField accessors Log info per Operation Threshold in statistics (from H3.2.6) Comments in Query Configuration property use_sql_comments (from H3.2) Dialect, Driver + MetaData for SQL Anywhere 9, and 10 SQLite MetaData LinFu ProxyFactoryFactory (LinFu.DynamicProxy) MSSQL 2008 Dialect Support Connection to Oracle Lite Read only property accessor System.Transactions support issue Support for IQuery.Future<T>() sequence-identity generator from H3 Identity style generic generator support

** Patch * [NH-1094] - DecodeCaseFragment ignoring 'returnColumnName' * [NH-1127] - Use default assembly name and namespace from the <hibernate-ma pping> element (more than at present). * [NH-1209] - TableHiLoGenerator Jumps 1 number each lo > maxLo * [NH-1280] - Adds HAVING support to CreateCriteria queries, Fixes parameter order bugs * [NH-1295] - ISynchronization support * [NH-1314] - Change signature of AbstractPersistentCollection.IdentityRemov eAll() from ICollection to IEnumerable for generics * [NH-1322] - DeleteEvent constructor does not check its parameter properly * [NH-1356] - Fixes Generic List of Composite Elements * [NH-1409] - Includes Patch : nant build scripts ignore -D:sign=false * [NH-1429] - Oracle GUID to Raw(16) * [NH-1467] - some comment clean ups * [NH-1485] - MultiQueryImpl.GetResultList does not use Result Transformers correctly. * [NH-1491] - NoArgSQLFunction is not cls compliant * [NH-1503] - Support for Sybase ASE ADO.NET 2 Provider * [NH-1532] - Class called SystemConfiguration does not persist properly * [NH-1539] - Oracle dialect - incorrect CONCAT behaviour * [NH-1540] - Oracle dialect - allowing pagging in subqueries * [NH-1541] - Oracle Dialect - Extra lazy collection count not working under Oracle * [NH-1542] - Oracle dialect - Fix to some HQL functions * [NH-1543] - SQLite paging broken * [NH-1547] - SqLite Paqing does not page properly after the 2nd page * [NH-1550] - Oracle dialect - pagging correction (+left/right functions) * [NH-1551] - Update some tests to support Oracle * [NH-1555] - Add some helper methods for the transformers class * [NH-1570] - Revision 3859 broke paging support in SQL 2005 dialect for ord ered queries * [NH-1575] - Revision 3860 introduced bug where paged Hql Queries can break unpaged Hql Queries in Sql 2005 * [NH-1582] - DbType.Date support for SQLite * [NH-1586] - Informix driver * [NH-1591] - SetCacheable isn't exposed by DetachedCriteria * [NH-1592] - Informix dialect update

* * * * * lect

[NH-1595] [NH-1603] [NH-1606] [NH-1607] [NH-1614]

SQLite dialect does not support the "extract" function MSSql2005Dialect - Better Data Paging Strategy Timestamp in Oracle8 Dictionary<T,U> should use ContainsKey to check for values Add support to primitive type (es: unsigned type) to MySql Dia

* [NH-1660] - Faster retrieval of tuplizer * [NH-1691] - Nested component broken by fix for NH-1612 * [NH-1695] - MySQL MetaData implementation * [NH-1698] - MS SQL Server 2005 creates a clustered primary key by default. Requesting nonclustered as a default to simplify the creation of optimized clus tered indexes. * [NH-1702] - Make AliasToBeanResultTransformer able to return types with a non-public constructor ** Task * [NH-1511] - Correctly spell IPropertyAccessor.CanAccessTroughReflectionOpt imizer Build 2.0.1.GA ======================== ** Bug * [NH-1293] - Changed behavior of Filters for many-to-one associations brin gs up possible bug when used with outer joins. * [NH-1464] - C++ and Dispose method * [NH-1466] - current_session_context_class = thread_static doesn't work * [NH-1473] - IsEqual and Compare broken in EntityType * [NH-1481] - Named Hql queries w/ Named Parameters broken after upgrade to 2.0 from 1.2.1 * [NH-1483] - Subclass Not Loaded From Cache as Baseclass * [NH-1488] - Table per class hierarchy and OUTER JOIN * [NH-1490] - Wrong order of parameters in query when session uses IFilter * [NH-1492] - Parameter mismatch enabling filters * [NH-1499] - NullReferenceException construting Criteria query ** Improvement * [NH-1484] - first chance exception 'NHibernate.MappingException' when star ting a webapplication * [NH-1496] - Configuration.AddAssembly(Assembly) should do some logging if no mapping files where found * [NH-1500] - Spelling error of NHibernate.Cfg.ConfigurationSchema.ParseCole ctionsCache ** Patch * [NH-1034] - HQL functions - parameters support * [NH-1434] - Some unit test supplies non-character value to LIKE: not porta ble across every RDBMS * [NH-1435] - Explicitly order query in NH-1179 to ensure reliable results * [NH-1436] - Mapping of NH-1250 not portable across every RDBMS * [NH-1437] - Mapping of NH-1408 not portable across every RDBMS * [NH-1438] - Some queries from FooBarTest fixture are not portable across e very RDBMS * [NH-1439] - Handle Dialect.GetIdentityColumnString(DbType type) * [NH-1459] - Sybase dialect * [NH-1462] - StringHelper.GetFullClassname fails to parse generic types Build 2.0.0.GA ========================

** BREAKING CHANGES from NH1.2.1GA to NH2.0.0 ##### Infrastructure ##### * .NET 1.1 is no longer supported * Nullables.NHibernate is no longer supported (use nullable types of .NE T 2.0) * Contrib projects moved to ##### Compile time ##### * NHibernate.Expression namespace was renamed to NHibernate.Criterion * IInterceptor have additional methods. (IsUnsaved was renamed IsTransie nt) * * * * * * * * * ##### * * * * * * INamingStrategy IType IEntityPersister IVersionType IBatcher IUserCollectionType IEnhancedUserType IPropertyAccessor ValueTypeType renamed to PrimitiveType Possible Breaking Changes for external frameworks ##### Various classes were moved between namespaces Various classes have been renamed (to match Hibernate 3.2 names) ISession interface have additional methods ICacheProvider ICriterion CriteriaQueryTranslator

##### Initialization time ##### * <nhibernate> section, in App.config, is no longer supported and will b e ignored. Configuration schema for configuration file and App.config is now ide ntical, and the App.config section name is: <hibernate-configuration> * <hibernate-configuration> have a different schema and all properties n ames are cheked * configuration properties are no longer prefixed by "hibernate.", if be fore you would specify "hibernate.dialect", now you specify just "dialect" * All named queries will be validated at initialization time, an excepti on will be thrown if any is not valid (can be disabled if needed) * Stricter checks for proxying classes (all public methods must be virtu al) ##### Run time ##### * SaveOrUpdateCopy() returns a new instance of the entity without changi ng the original * AutoFlush will not occur outside a transaction - Database transactions are never optional, all communication with the database must occur inside a tra nsaction, whatever you read or write data. * NHibernate will return long for count(*) queries on SQL Server * <formula> must contain parenthesis when needed * The HQL functions names may cause conflic in your HQL (reserved names are: substring,locate,trim,length,bit_length,coalesce,nullif,abs,mod,sqrt,upper, lower,cast,extract,concat,current_timestamp,sysdate,second,minute,hour,day,month ,year,str) * <any> when meta-type="class" the persistent type is a string containin g the Class.FullName (In order to set a parameter in a query you must use SetPar ameter("paraName", typeof(YourClass).FullName, NHibernateUtil.ClassMetaType) ) ##### Mapping ##### * <any> : default meta-type is "string" (was "class")

Build 2.0.0.CR2 ======================== ** Sub-task * [NH-1407] - Actualize documentation of <any> Build 2.0.0.CR1 ======================== ** Bug * [NH-1361] - ProxyTypeValidator: Non-virtual public methods are accepted * [NH-1389] - Sybase SQLAnywhere 8/9 support broken in Beta1 onword * [NH-1399] - Database constraint names and hash collisions * [NH-1403] - Support <any> with meta-type="class" * [NH-1405] - composite-id property is nulled when related composite many-to -one mapping returns null. * [NH-1406] - IQuery.SetTimeout work incorrect for ExecuteUpdate * [NH-1408] - CriteriaTransformer don't clone a DetachedCriteria with sub De tachedCriteria * [NH-1413] - Paging with multiple orders fail in MSSQL2005 ** Improvement * [NH-1304] - Reflection optimizer on != property access * [NH-1415] - Adding multi query support to MySqlDataDriver ** New Feature * [NH-1412] - Allow custom accessors to define if the ReflectionOptimizer ca n be used. ** Patch * [NH-1254] - Sybase ASA10 - Dialect + Driver * [NH-1390] - Union subclass support for PostgreSQL ** Task * [NH-1410] - Spelling mistake in error message: sublcass must be subclass Build 2.0.0.Beta2 ======================== ** Bug * [NH-1030] - DB2400Dialect : mod(x,y) function triggers a parse exception * [NH-1077] - Pessimistic locking for SQL Server fails on cached objects * [NH-1258] - Oracle Sequences mappings without Schema information throwns I nvalidKeyException * [NH-1279] - AggressiveRelease tests fail for MySQL * [NH-1300] - Detached Entities that have many-to-one associations improperl y throw LazyInitializationExceptions when accessing the association outside the loading session * [NH-1355] - Custom Version type (IUserVersionType) not allowed * [NH-1362] - Nested cascades on ISession.Refresh() * [NH-1375] - Disable Multi Query support for Npgsql * [NH-1383] - Components with (non-C#) Nullables do not follow documentation sect. 7.1 "if all component columns are null, then the entire component is null " * [NH-1384] - Support for latest Npgsql2 (PostgreSQL) Data Provider ** Improvement * [NH-693] * [NH-803] * [NH-824] * [NH-938] Better error message when user forgets to supply table name Support DML type batch sql statements GetClassname cannot parse generic classnames Escape characters in Like expressions

* [NH-978] - show_sql: Transaction Begin, Commit, Rollback * [NH-1101] - component directy detection should consider null component val ue to be equiv to all component member's being null * [NH-1151] - Improve Configuration to Support ASP.NET Configuration File Hi erarchy and Inheritance * [NH-1216] - SchemaExport creates varchar(255) on MySQL when Property Type is StringClob * [NH-1236] - XML Entity support in mapping files broken * [NH-1257] - lazy=true and fetch=join doesn't work together it will be nice to receive a WARN * [NH-1364] - LinkedHashMap.RemoveImpl can be improved (using try/catch for common scenario) * [NH-1382] - Oracle Dialect support for Unsigned Int (UInt32, UInt64) ** New Feature * [NH-1115] - Add support for "Refresh" cascade style * [NH-1367] - Add Interceptor or Event to Batcher ** Task * [NH-1144] - Apply patch for NH-1022 (Oracle command batching) to trunk * [NH-1210] - "table" attribute documented as required when in fact optional Build 2.0.0.Beta1 ======================== ** Bug * [NH-1238] - NH_1155_ShouldNotLoadAllChildrenInPagedSubSelect fails for MsS ql2000Dialect * [NH-1318] - Enum fields cannot be mapped to database on DB2 * [NH-1329] - Expression.Sql with parameters (inside of functions) is broken * [NH-1346] - SchemaUpdate.Execute fails on MS SQL Server 2005 With Locale T URKISH_CI_AS * [NH-1347] - SetMaxResult does not work with SQLite (SQLiteDialect) * [NH-1348] - Cannot use multiple listeners for the same event type ** Improvement * [NH-1172] - ASA 10 Driver for NHibernate * [NH-1315] - ForeignGenerator.cs property Key is not found if the generator tag is empty causes exception * [NH-1335] - Performance improvment of PersistentEnumType class ** Patch * [NH-1254] - Sybase ASA10 - Dialect + Driver * [NH-1326] - ISession.Disconnect() creates zombied transactions * [NH-1327] - PostCommitXXXEventListeners invoked even when transaction fail s Build 2.0.0.Alpha2 ======================== ** Bug * [NH-1100] - Introduce exception if two columns are being selected, but onl y one being returned by NH * [NH-1145] - MultiCrieria Does Not Respect MaxResults on Criteria * [NH-1161] - Java mentioned in NHibernate Documentation * [NH-1203] - Problem to resolv property name * [NH-1205] - Various subselect bugs in MultiCriteria

* [NH-1246] - Reading BinaryBlob triggers update when transaction is committ ed. * [NH-1250] - Failure with MsSql2005Dialect when paging in polymorphic queri es with discriminator formula * [NH-1252] - Inconsistent behavior of ISession.Get() under certain conditio ns * [NH-1263] - CreateSchema works ok for mappings in different schemas but Dr opSchema not * [NH-1281] - Regression: Criteria Query does not deliver right result when compared to similar HQL query * [NH-1285] - Drop schema script generated by SchemaExport has bug * [NH-1290] - AuxiliaryDatabaseObject with no params causes crash * [NH-1296] - SQLite dialect does not support empty inserts * [NH-1301] - Cascade doesn't work for Refresh * [NH-1309] - Cannot recreate db when using schema and fK * [NH-1313] - SqlFunctionProjection does not look at custom sql functions * [NH-1332] - PostCommitDelete only fires when PostCommit is also used (in 2 .0.0.alpha1) * [NH-1334] - SesssionFactoryImpl.BuildCurrentSessionContext does recognize "web" property * [NH-1340] - Ordering by Formula Property when paging will cause invalid SQ L on SQL Server 2005 ** Improvement * [NH-763] - NHibernate Does Not Recognize Dependent Resources * [NH-1158] - Upgrade to DynamicProxy 2 * [NH-1283] - SetGuid is missing in IMultiQuery interface * [NH-1303] - UUIDStringGenerator#Generate Improvement ** New Feature * [NH-1134] - Allow property-ref for collection keys ** Patch * [NH-1058] - automatically create indexes for foreign keys in postgresql di alect * [NH-1140] - Getting NullReferenceException when using SimpleSubqueryExpres sion within another subexpression * [NH-1146] - Expose DetachedCriteria in SubqueryExpression * [NH-1162] - Add list-index element and property-ref attribute to key eleme nt in mapping schema * [NH-1163] - Add more complete identity column support to SQLiteDialect * [NH-1166] - Sql server lock patch, pessimistic locking for SQL Server 2000 /2005 * [NH-1201] - Patch: MultiQueryImpl.GetResultList does not use Result Transf ormers correctly. * [NH-1292] - No-Dialect Patch * [NH-1302] - Patches for Visual Studio 2008 / .Net 3.5 * [NH-1308] - Patch to get a MappingException when association references un mapped class * [NH-1310] - IStatelessSession invalid return type from Get<T>() * [NH-1320] - CriteriaTransformer does not properly transforms to rowcount w hen using subcriteria * [NH-1325] - Source code does not compile ** Task * [NH-802] - Investigate possible use of MSBuild to build the project * [NH-1321] - Add NCache Express provider to documentation Build 2.0.0.Alpha1 ========================

** Bug * [NH-987] - Schema creation on SQL Server 2000 uses SQL 2005 system views * [NH-1028] - Duplicate column names in queries * [NH-1042] - MultiQuery force to use parameter in all queries * [NH-1045] - CastleLazyInitializer throws null pointer exception during pro xy creation * [NH-1055] - Multi Criteria ignored Result Transformer * [NH-1059] - Join mapping for a subclass is incorrectly applied to the base class * [NH-1084] - Subclass with Join fail when trying to query * [NH-1088] - Wrong exception text referring to config property hibernate.di alect * [NH-1104] - RowCountProjection type should be Int64 * [NH-1147] - Minor bug with AbstractFlushingEventListener * [NH-1149] - Second Level Caching with Quey Caching is not working * [NH-1154] - Delete object broken * [NH-1168] - HQL functions 'length()' and 'bit_length()' doesn't support a non-string argument type under PostgreSQL 8.3 * [NH-1170] - Multiple queries issues for UniqueResult * [NH-1178] - Example.Create(exampleInstance).ExcludeZeroes().ExcludeNulls() seems has a bug.(version * [NH-1179] - Filter not applied in explicit join * [NH-1181] - NHibernate.JetDriver - replace 'upper(' with 'ucase(' * [NH-1187] - concat function fails when a parameter contains a comma, and u sing MaxResults (MSSQL 2005) * [NH-1223] - To Change hibernate mapping.xml schma value change for at the runtime * [NH-1229] - Formula fails when using the pagging on MSSQL 2005 dialect * [NH-1234] - PersistentEnumType incorrectly assumes enum types have zero-va lue defined * [NH-1235] - SetMaxResults() returns one less row when SetFirstResult() is not used * [NH-1237] - Cannot set PostLoadEventListener event listeners. * [NH-1246] - Reading BinaryBlob triggers update when transaction is committ ed. * [NH-1249] - Bug in GetLimitString for MSSql 05 when ordering by aggregates * [NH-1255] - key-many-to-one && not-found * [NH-1259] - Recursive call in SetListener(type,null) causes stack overflow * [NH-1260] - SessionImpl.EnableFilter returns wrong filter if already enabl ed * [NH-1261] - HQL Functions with no arguments add the return type twice * [NH-1265] - Generated Id does not work for MySQL * [NH-1268] - one-to-one can never be lazy? * [NH-1275] - FOR UPDATE statements not generated for pessimistic locking * [NH-1286] - Binary types are not compared properly and always sent to upda te ** Improvement * [NH-364] * [NH-421] * [NH-568] in HQL * [NH-628] * [NH-865] * [NH-913] * [NH-924] * [NH-969] * [NH-970] * [NH-975] - IdBag doesn't work with Identity columns - Dialect Improvements - year(), month(),date() and some other functions: not supported HQL functions mapping Change SQL Server dialect to use COUNT_BIG for count make Flush() - return int value for records affected ICriteria - Inspection/traversal, modification and cloning IIf for MS SQL OnPreLoad & OnPostLoad Lifecycle Events Add a way for the user to specify their own ProxyFactory

* [NH-993] - Document MultiCriteria * [NH-1063] - NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes - Support ImportAttribute when s erializing an assembly * [NH-1085] - When using multi query, allow missing parameters in queries ** New Feature * [NH-280] - Using constants in select clause of HQL * [NH-424] - Add [ Table per subclass, using a discriminator ] Support to Nh ibernate * [NH-543] - Adding GetEntityName to IInterceptor (H3.0 feature) * [NH-786] - Port statistics from H3 * [NH-831] - Add MutliCriteria * [NH-979] - Allow cloning of DetachedCriteria * [NH-1036] - IQuery.executeUpdate() * [NH-1111] - PostgreSQL 8.3 dialect with Guid type support ** Patch * [NH-387] - Rolling back identifiers * [NH-466] - Add join mapping element to map one class to several tables * [NH-982] - Patch for Castle DynamicProxy2 Support * [NH-1073] - Remove #if NET_2_0 directives * [NH-1078] - .NET 2.0 Configuration section to store nhibernate configurati on * [NH-1109] - HQL functions 'current_timestamp', 'str' and 'locate' for Post greSQL dialect * [NH-1110] - Enable Multi Query support for Npgsql (PostgreSQL) driver * [NH-1113] - Test DetachedQueryFixture.ExecutableNamedQuery fails on case-s ensitive databases * [NH-1114] - Tests NHSpecificTest NH898 and NH958 failed on databases witho ut DbType.Guid support * [NH-1231] - Add support for SetResultTransformer to ISQLQuery queries (aut o-discovery of return types) * [NH-1240] - VetoInterceptor - Cancel Calls to Delete, Update, Insert via t he IInterceptor Interface * [NH-1242] - Change path delimiter to '/' to be buildable on non-Windows pl atforms * [NH-1243] - NHibernate.Search is not CLS compliant. * [NH-1244] - NHibernate uses ConfigurationManager which is in System.Config uration.dll which is not referenced. * [NH-1245] - Update mono targets. * [NH-1273] - Generic version of AbstractQueryImp.UniqueResult<T>() called t wice ** Task * [NH-1087] - Discard <nhibernate> section and substitute it whit <hibernate -configuration> * [NH-1221] - Implement FullTextQueryImpl.ExecuteUpdate() * [NH-1239] - Update build script to include configuration templates. Build 1.2.1 ======================== Bug Fixed: * * * * * * [NH-111] - Oracle "Invalid identifier" exception [NH-989] - Assemblies are not registered in the correct order [NH-995] - Problem with CompositeId+"key-many-to-one"+Caching [NH-999] - One Shot Delete doesn't work - and cause reference violations [NH-1006] - Invalid SQL order generated by JetDriver [NH-1011] - update=false attribute ignored

* [NH-1012] - DetachedCriteria CreateAlias with joinType (new in1.2) is brok en * [NH-1018] - 'DistinctRootEntity' result transformer throws InvalidCastExce ption * [NH-1023] - using projections and transformer causes invalid column name w hen property and alias are the same * [NH-1039] - NullReferenceException for dynamic-component containing a set * [NH-1061] - Schema name missing when quering for highest key value * [NH-1064] - wrong association owner when fetching eagerly * [NH-1068] - Typo in example-mappings.html * [NH-1086] - SerializationException when using MemCacheProvider as cache be cause some classes miss the SerializableAttribute. * [NH-1124] - Problem in NHibernate.Type.ComponentType.NullSafeSet * [NH-1155] - SubselectFetch doesn't take into account paging * [NH-1156] - MS2005Dialect doesn't handle same column & alias names correct ly * [NH-1167] - SubCriteria.CreateCriteria(string associationPath, string alia s, JoinType joinType) always uses JoinType.InnerJoin Improvements: * [NH-901] - ComponentType mappings for with value types (structs) cause inc orrect dirty checking * [NH-1049] - classes which inherit Order can't override ToSqlString New Features: * [NH-1022] - Add command batching support for OracleClient driver Patches Applied: * [NH-585] - Unknown version when using replicate and joined-subclass * [NH-903] - IQuery.SetFirstResult and SetMaxResults break in MsSql2005Diale ct for ISQLQuery using WITH keyword * [NH-990] - Abstract CurrentSessionContext management and add more implemen tations * [NH-1014] - NHibernate Cross Join Syntax Causes Issues With SQL Server 200 0/2005 * [NH-1054] - Add hibernate.transaction.factory_class setting * [NH-1056] - Command batching support for OracleDataClientDriver * [NH-1076] - Sybase11 Dialect * [NH-1080] - HQL parser incorrectly registers a many-to-one association as a one-to-one. * [NH-1119] - valuetypes in uniqueresult<T> give an error when query result is null * [NH-1160] - Parameter compatibility problem in cached Sql command. * [NH-1193] - Limit string in MsSql2005 dialect can sort incorrectly on mach ines with multiple processors Task Completed: * [NH-1002] - Document undocumented configuration properties Build 1.2.0.GA ======================== Patches Applied: * [NH-992] - AuxiliaryDatabaseObject enhancement

Bugs Fixed: * [NH-980] - Table name not quoted with increment generator Improvements: * * * * [NH-974] [NH-976] [NH-985] [NH-988] Build and distribute a binary zip file along with the installer Better error description when subclass table name is wrong Map DbType.Guid to CHAR(38) for Oracle Proxy validator should complain on non-virtual internal members

Build 1.2.0.CR2 ======================== Patches Applied: * * * * * * * ses Bugs Fixed: * [NH-898] - ArgumentException from EntityKey constructor when running a HQL query * [NH-926] - Identity insert fails with SQL Ce dialect and aggresive connect ion release mode. * [NH-929] - session.Save(object) sets bogus ID fields using MySQL with defa ult hibernate.connection.release_mode * [NH-930] - Schema Export generates duplicate constraints * [NH-932] - hbm2net: Troubles using "classname, AssemblyName" in Extends at tribute of joined-subclass * [NH-933] - Expression.In does not support Generic lists * [NH-940] - domain model exception badly handled by proxy NHibernate * [NH-952] - AddAssembly doesn't seem to order joined-subclass correctly * [NH-958] - ISession.SaveOrUpdateCopy throws exception when class has <any> mapping * [NH-965] - Error with computed property (property ... formula="... ) insid e <compsite-element> block * [NH-966] - Unsafe type cast code in DetachedCriteria.GetExecutableCriteria New Features: * * * * [NH-305] [NH-428] [NH-915] [NH-936] Generated properties Support Multiple Collections join fetch Add pessimistic locking for SQL Server 2000/2005 Sys Cache with SqlCacheDependencies [NH-859] [NH-931] [NH-934] [NH-937] [NH-954] [NH-955] [NH-962] Improve SubselectFetch performance Error Message Improvement for SingleTableEntityPersister.cs Fix Spelling in comments and parameter lists Improve comments and parameter lists Fix build for mono-1.0 on Linux JetDriver breaks on non-standard cultures, on the DateTime fix Parent-Child relationships not properly persisted in certain ca

Improvements: * * * y for [NH-944] [NH-947] [NH-948] enabling - Provide API for specifying JoinType in subqueries - Add IInterceptor.SetSession - Documentation needs update: "Copy the xsd files to ... director IntelliSense"

Build 1.2.0.CR1 ======================== Patches Applied: * * * * g() Bugs Fixed: * [NH-857] - Filter parameter is mandatory and should be optional * [NH-864] - Dynamic update of NULL column using Nullables.NullableInt32 wit h "dirty" optimistic locking fails * [NH-870] - Expression.Disjunction has wrong semantics when empty * [NH-872] - SetCacheable(true) with an enabled filter fails * [NH-873] - Setting hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache to false throws NRE in SessionFactoryImpl constructor * [NH-876] - NullReferenceException on query exection with SetCacheable(true ) and null parameters * [NH-882] - using binary type in filter does not work * [NH-883] - Update to Bag cannot be flushed more than once. * [NH-890] - hbm2net cannot handle wildcards without a path * [NH-891] - Parameters do not work in HQL array access expression * [NH-897] - An index attribute in the property tag does not create an index * [NH-906] - SubselectFetch does not properly handle forumla properties cont aining "from" * [NH-907] - Test WhereAttributesOnBags fail on PostgreSQL * [NH-909] - Test CastFunc() fails on PostgreSQL * [NH-911] - Allow subqueries with joins using Criteria API and Subqueries w ith DetachedCriteria * [NH-912] - NullReferenceException in TypedValue.ToString * [NH-914] - Test NH826 fails on PostgreSQL * [NH-916] - Test SelectSqlProjectionTest() fails on PostgreSQL * [NH-918] - wrong parameters passed to AddIdentitySelectToInsert() * [NH-920] - DB2400Dialect does not support "mod(x,y)" function New Features: * [NH-888] - RFE: IQuery.SetGuid Tasks Completed: * [NH-862] - Document that aggressive connection release does not work well with System.Transactions * [NH-867] - Write a migration guide from 1.0.x to 1.2.0 Improvements: * [NH-868] - Add optimistic-lock attribute to all elements that have it in H 3 * [NH-869] * [NH-879] Classic. * [NH-880] * [NH-881] * [NH-887] * [NH-902] - Implement IInterceptor.BeforeTransactionCompletion and others - Deprecate ILifecycle and IValidatable; move them to NHibernate. Move IUserType and ICompositeUserType to NHibernate.UserTypes Add Configuration.AddSqlFunction Support superclass property reference in property-ref Remove usage of string.Intern [NH-859] [NH-874] [NH-875] [NH-923] Improve SubselectFetch performance Named Parameters do not work in Having Clause Query cache does not work when filters are enabled The NHibernate.Expression.Order class doesn't implement ToStrin

* [NH-910] - PostgreSQL 8.2 dialect with "IF EXISTS" * [NH-922] - PostgreSQL support for identity column using "SERIAL" type Build 1.2.0.Beta3 ======================== Breaking Changes * ConnectionReleaseMode support ported from Hibernate. By default, connectio ns are released after every transaction, or after every operation if no NHibernate transaction is in progress. Patches Applied: * [NH-807] - Criteria Tests * [NH-813] - CacheKey key is invalid - memcached fails to store objects. Bugs Fixed: * [NH-793] - NHybridDataReader.ReadIntoMemory fails when the result is 0 rec ords. "Invalid attempt to read when no data is present". * [NH-812] - PostgreSQL - for update no wait * [NH-815] - SQLQueryImpl fails to bind parameter lists * [NH-816] - Criteria using class with discriminator * [NH-818] - NHibernate.JetDriver Not Working at all in 1.2.0.Beta2 (encount ers System.NullReferenceException) * [NH-819] - Memcached.Client library is using log4net 1.2.9, instead of 1.2 .10 * [NH-825] - QueryKey doesn't take into account the entity ID when generatin g ToString() * [NH-826] - Using Criteria to query for an item throws on Flush in some sit uations * [NH-829] - pagination select doesn't support 'distinct' for NHibernate.Dia lect.FirebirdDialect * [NH-830] - ICriteria does not automatically flush the session for many-tomany association change * [NH-837] - Error using Limits with DB2400Dialect * [NH-839] - PersistentGenericMap GetSnapshotElement InvalidCastException * [NH-841] - generator class="native" not works with NHibernate.JetDriver * [NH-845] - Queries and imports in separate hmb.xml are not parsed (re-open ing) * [NH-850] - Non-portable file path for generated source files by hbm2net New Features: * [NH-370] - Add Configuration.SetDefaultAssembly and SetDefaultNamespace me thods * [NH-752] - Informix Dialect * [NH-828] - Port connection release mode from H3 Tasks Completed: * * * * [NH-796] [NH-801] [NH-833] [NH-834] Document ISessionFactory.GetCurrentSession functionality Upgrade NAnt libraries to 0.85 Document SQL Server command batching functionality Document hibernate.connection.connection_string_name

Improvements: * [NH-383] - SessionFactory should implement System.IDisposable * [NH-442] - Medium Trust level support

* [NH-648] tor] and [Key] * [NH-666] * [NH-729] * [NH-730] ntBag.cs * [NH-743] * [NH-780] * [NH-808] * [NH-810] * [NH-817] * [NH-835] * [NH-840] exception msg * [NH-851] projections * [NH-852] * [NH-856] erfaces

- NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes - Allow [(Jcs)Cache], [Discrimina at class-level - IQuery.SetParameterList should support generics - Add ICurrentSessionContext implementation for ASP.NET apps. - make the bag Attribute protected instead of private in Persiste change BatcherImpl to public Obsolete code in the tips 'n tricks Type of count(*) should be Int64 Prevent use of many-to-one association in Expression.Eq DetachedCriteria Serializable Document MultiQuery Include Inner Exception on 'Duplicate identifier in table for:'

- More descriptive error message for 'Cannot find constructor' on - Report proxy validator errors in bulk - NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes - Allow mapping attributes on int

Build 1.2.0.Beta2 ======================== Breaking Changes: * XML schema versions have been changed from 2.0 to 2.2. * This version includes an updated Castle.DynamicProxy library. However, its maintainers have not changed the version number with the update. Remem ber to update Castle.DynamicProxy when updating NHibernate from an earlier ver sion. Patches Applied: * [NH-247] - Expression.InsensitiveLike support for Firebird * [NH-335] - discriminator formula * [NH-723] - SqlTest for Firebird * [NH-725] - null reference exception which attempting to flush a versioned object * [NH-747] - Invalid number of SQL parameters when calling ISession.Delete o n an optimistic-locked object with 1 or more NULL properties * [NH-749] - NHb tests using Firebird * [NH-751] - hasDataTypeInIdentityColumn to support Informix and similar * [NH-757] - Patch for JetDriver * [NH-762] - Patch to fix errors in Expression.AbstractEmptiness * [NH-765] - Use "(" and ")" to enclose the ToString of LogicalExpression.cs Bugs Fixed: * [NH-528] does not work) * [NH-555] * [NH-585] * [NH-593] ection types * [NH-600] * [NH-622] * [NH-623] * [NH-637] * [NH-642] Fix GROUP BY example in documentation (GROUP BY object instance Problems with complex aggregate queries Unknown version when using replicate and joined-subclass Throw a meaningful exception when using Expression.In with coll TimestampType precision problems Collection of subtypes with discriminators not working Where attribute of collection not rendered when eager fetched Between Criterion Parameters Applied Incorrectly for Component ArgumentNullException if no setter exists and no access strateg

y was specified * [NH-681] - Generic List Error * [NH-697] - System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: Int32 System.R untime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(System.Object). * [NH-704] - Lock(obj, LockMode.None) not working when there is collection * [NH-716] - Dirty Checking exception (many-to-one, select-before-update) * [NH-732] - Can't use UserType for keys * [NH-734] - ArgumentOutOfRangeException when setting LIMIT parameters using MySQL * [NH-735] - Oracle Driver/Dialect * [NH-739] - Saving transient item in the PersistantBag results duplicate it ems * [NH-740] - Logging for tests is sometimes not configured properly * [NH-741] - Invalid parameter handling when using functions * [NH-742] - Error with computed property (property ... formula="... ) insid e <component> block * [NH-746] - NHibernate.SqlCommand.Template quoted Token when not required * [NH-750] - <not-found> with many-to-many * [NH-753] - Composite ID with Positional Parameters in sql-query * [NH-768] - Delete fails when using optimistic-lock and bags * [NH-775] - IQuery.SetResultTransformer() doesn't work * [NH-776] - one-to-one to proxied types not handling missing associated cla sses correctly (as null) * [NH-777] - ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Reflection excepti on. * [NH-782] - Update to latest DynamicProxy to fix race condition * [NH-798] - Custom insert/update/delete SQL ignored for collections New Features: * [NH-432] * [NH-499] * [NH-515] * [NH-755] * [NH-758] r TextWriter * [NH-783] * [NH-795] Port sessionFactory.getCurrentSession() from H3.1 NHibernate filters Port subselect fetching from Hibernate 3.1 Port DetachedCriteria from Hibernate 3 Allow Schema Export to work directly against an IDbConnection o

- Port Subquery support for the Criteria API - Implement lazy="proxy|false" for *-to-one associations

Tasks Completed: * [NH-412] - Improve build files * [NH-663] - Update readme.html Improvements: * [NH-372] - Allow insert="false", update="false" for components * [NH-575] - Enhance user types support * [NH-606] - Throw an meaningfull exception when collectionType.GetGenericAr guments() returns 0 arguments. * [NH-608] - Add ICriteria.CreateCriteria and CreateAlias overloads taking a JoinType parameter. * [NH-614] - Optimize generic IQuery.List implementation * [NH-615] - Change XML schema names to -2.2 * [NH-632] - Change the error message for a database driver assembly that wa sn't found. * [NH-696] - upgrade to log4net * [NH-712] - Improve returned error message when default constructor is not present on a class mapped as a component * [NH-726] - Document that custom insert sql ignored when id generator not "

assigned" * [NH-744] * [NH-760] on * [NH-761] like in H3.2 * [NH-778] * [NH-792] n

- Add DDL logging to SchemaExport - Allow replacing a registered function in Dialect.RegisterFuncti - Change ISession.Get() to initialize a proxy if it returns one, - Adding pascalcase-m (without the underscore) - Do not wrap exceptions in DriverConnectionProvider.GetConnectio

Build 1.2.0.Beta1 ======================== Patches Applied: * [NH-604] - Excessive memory consumption bug with heavy HQL usage * [NH-636] - Add parametrized type * [NH-638] - Add tests for UserCollectionType * [NH-650] - DB2400Driver and DB2400Dialect * [NH-668] - Support Sqlite ADO.Net 2.0 DataProvider * [NH-673] - SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition Driver (SqlServerCeDriver) * [NH-680] - Updates to NHibernate.Tool.hbm2net-2.0 to map nullable types co rrectly (and more) * [NH-689] - NHibernate.SQL - Log the SQL parameters on the same log line as the statement * [NH-698] - Firebird Dialect Limit Support * [NH-701] - Log SchemaExport errors using log4net * [NH-713] - Port property level optimistic-lock functionality from Hibernat e 3.0 * [NH-715] - SQL00029 error on INSERT INTO DB2/400 (with identity column) Bugs Fixed: * [NH-559] * [NH-621] on methods * [NH-643] * [NH-649] * [NH-669] * [NH-687] * [NH-690] used * [NH-705] he cache * [NH-709] * [NH-719] * [NH-720] New Features: * * * * * [NH-258] [NH-268] [NH-617] [NH-629] [NH-640] Stored Procedures "not-found" attribute on relation mappings Add support for projections in criteria queries Ingres Driver and Dialect IList parameter for Criteria.List - Memory leak associated with HQL queries - IdentifierGeneratorFactory.Get() should use Id's IType conversi Parent child problem when using SysCacheProvider Firebird dialect (repeated RegisterFunction) Generic map is not working ISession.Get() strange behavior (probably a bug) SupportsIdentitySelectInInsert property in Dialect class never

- With SysCache impossible to strore object after the gc clears t - CommandTimeout property should not be global - Caching of "any" reference to lazy classes - Cache regions are not being used

Improvements: * [NH-530] - Config loader error messages * [NH-535] - Allow all ID generators to return all integer types, not just I

nt16/32/64 * [NH-541] - Error Message Improvement * [NH-581] - Make MsSql2005Dialect use nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), and va rchar(max) instead of ntext, image, and text * [NH-613] - Guid for Firebird * [NH-625] - Add Configuration.AddUrl NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes: * [NH-494] - RawXmlAttribute: Insert XML as-is in the mapping * [NH-684] - AttributeIdentifierAttribute: Change a string value in an Attri bute (column name, ...) * [NH-589] - Registration of properties' types patterns: Transform FQNs of p roperties types * [NH-644] - Pass UnsavedValue as object: Use UnsavedValueObject (in Id, Ver sion, ...) * [NH-651] - Add methods to HbmSerializer returning a stream * [NH-652] - Order (joined-)subclasses when they extend each others * [NH-587] - HbmWriter.WriteUserDefinedContent(): Improve extensibility * [NH-588] - MappingException: Exception thrown by this library Build 1.2.0.Alpha1 ======================== Important Breaking Changes: * Entities and collections are lazy by default. Change by setting default-la zy="false" in <hibernate-mapping>. * Types used as proxies are now validated (a check is done that all public m embers are virtual). Validation can be disabled by setting hibernate.use_proxy_valida tor to false. * ISession.Get/Load now obey where="..." attribute of <class>. * Assemblies are signed using a new, publicly available, key. * Assembly.LoadWithPartialName is no longer used to load assemblies. If you want NH to load an assembly from the GAC, use <qualifyAssembly> element in the configurati on file to specify its fully qualified name. This change will primarily affect loadin g of ADO.NET data provider assemblies. Patches Applied: * [NH-595] - Possible bug in SessionImpl.EndLoadingCollections method Bugs Fixed: * [NH-242] - Hbm2Net looks for template file in the current directory but sh ould in the program directory * [NH-467] - Many-to-one ignores "WHERE" class mapping element on associated Class * [NH-511] - IVersionType.Seed should be set to 1 instead of 0 for integer t ypes * [NH-532] - PropertyNotFoundException ctor throws NullReferenceException * [NH-538] - config.AddDirectory doesn't work * [NH-540] - Register of AnsiChar type * [NH-544] - Small Issue about Iesi.Collection.Set * [NH-548] - Component Parent set to null on 2nd-level cache hit * [NH-550] - Incorrect SQL Generated when using SetMaxResults() with DB2

* [NH-551] - Unable to use DB2 in .NET 1.1 when 1.1 & 2.0 installed side by side * * * * * * * * * * [NH-552] [NH-560] [NH-563] [NH-571] [NH-574] [NH-579] [NH-580] [NH-582] [NH-607] [NH-609] Collection of "nullifiables" not updated when object saved back Bad alias generated for Generic class Exception in NDataReader.cs when loading BinaryBlob class keyword in WHERE broken for table-per-subclass mappings sort="natural" doen't work when namespace and assemply were set Cannot load class="System.DayOfWeek" Possible bug in hbm2net All IType implementations should be serializable session.GetEntityIdentifierIfNotUnsaved can return null SysCache re-caches items without expiration policy

New Features: * [NH-449] - SQL Server 2005 dialect * [NH-553] - Driver for Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0 Tasks: * [NH-155] - Look at TableHiLoGenerator Impl Improvements: * * * * pes * [NH-353] * [NH-416] match Hibernate * [NH-441] * [NH-457] * [NH-547] * [NH-602] Assembly.LoadWithPartialName is obsolete in .NET2 Change default laziness of classes and collections to "true" to 3.1 Make proxy validator optional SysCache slidingExpiration property doesn't work properly Add IL-based reflection optimizer Support for new Firebird provider [NH-179] [NH-243] [NH-259] [NH-338] Add Proxy Validator Hbm2Net is unable to extent with own renderer Type-Safe Collections Support .NET 2.0 CLR/BCL features, esp Generics and Nullable Ty

Build ======================== Bugs Fixed: * [NH-409] - Sybase - Polymorphics Queries - wrong SQL generation about alia ses/quotes * [NH-418] - Custom persister cannot be instanciated. * [NH-464] - DateTime does not work in composite-element mapping * [NH-470] - Disconnect and Close should not close user-supplied connections * [NH-471] - Misspelled property in ICriteria throws NullReferenceException * [NH-476] - GetSetHelperFactory doesn't work with external dependencies * [NH-477] - IncrementGenerator reads Int64 even if Int32 or Int16 is used. * [NH-479] - One-To-One SaveAndUpdateCopy - Reference Identifier Bug * [NH-480] - Should use invariant culture with ToLower and other string call s * [NH-496] - Reflection optimizer should throw a more informative exception when a property is mapped using a wrong type * [NH-505] - Reflection optimizer does not work with structures * [NH-508] - changes to idbag collection not persisted correctly * [NH-509] - ILMerge is not packaged in the distribution * [NH-512] - Custom properties accessors do not work * [NH-523] - SaveOrUpdateCopy throws PersistentObjectException

New Features: * [NH-513] - FOR UPDATE NOWAIT in Postgresql 8.1 Improvements: * [NH-483] - Improve type resolution to handle dynamic assemblies * [NH-488] - Change log level for GetSetHelper messages to DEBUG so that use rs are not confused * [NH-489] - Remove logging from ADOException constructor * [NH-491] - SQLite dialect should use DATETIME type for date/time columns * [NH-493] - Correction in the NHibernate.Type.CharType.cs * [NH-497] - Add more Hibernate-compatible type names * [NH-506] - Make Environment.UseReflectionOptimizer property writable * [NH-516] - Log SQL parameter values * [NH-521] - Locking an unitialized entity causes its initialization * [NH-525] - Upgrade to latest DynamicProxy Build ======================== Bugs Fixed: * [NH-406] - NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration.Configure("MyAssembly.dll.config") results in System.NullReferenceException * [NH-407] - session.Refresh(myObject) does not refresh/load the object from the datbase if it does not exist in the cache. * [NH-414] - Need to process <cache> and <collection-cache> in configuration files * [NH-417] - Column Alias bug * [NH-422] - <meta-value> child tag missing from <many-to-any> * [NH-440] - one-to-one unique foreign key mapping fails during query * [NH-415] - AddXmlString should rethrow exceptions it catches * [NH-463] - IncrementGenerator returns Int64 but uses an Int32 internally New Features: * [NH-113] - drop table SQL will now check if the table exists on MS SQL to avoid unnecessary warnings. * [NH-450] - Added hbm2ddl NAnt task by James Geurts Improvements: * [NH-403] - BinaryType.Get should now perform faster * [NH-398] - Bulk property get/set optimization in AbstractEntityPersister contributed by Roberto Paterlini. The optimization is enabled by default, set hibernate.use_reflection_optimizer property to false in your App.config file to disable it. Note that the property is global, thus it is only possible to set it in the app.config file in <nhibernate> session (see above). * [NH-443] - Added more details to "broken column mapping" message * [NH-448] - NHibernate configuration process is now closer to Hibernate: - file corresponds to <nhibernate> section in app.config (mapped to NameValueSectionHandler) - configuration through hibernate.cfg.xml is supported - instead of hibernate.cfg.xml, <hibernate-configuration> section in app.config (mapped to NHibernate.Cfg.ConfigurationSectionHandler) can also be used. - creating a new configuration instance in version 1.0 would cause it to read <hibernate-configuration> section immediately. In 1.0.1 this

was changed so that the section is only read when Configure() is called * HashCodeProvider is now merged into NHibernate assembly during build, thus it does not have to be distributed along with NHibernate.dll. Build ======================== Improvements: * ITransaction.Commit and Rollback will not wrap exceptions that derive from HibernateException into TransactionExceptions, those exceptions will instead be propagated untouched. * FieldAccessor now includes correct type in PropertyNotFoundException. * Oracle9Dialect will now generate a column of type TIMESTAMP(4) for date fields mapped as "datetime". Build (1.0-rc3) ======================== Bug Fixes: * [NH-376] - Expression.In w/ an empty collection causes a SQL exception * [NH-382, NH-392] - problems with ADO transactions that plagued previous 1.0-rcX versions should all be resolved now. * [NH-391] - Bug in ReadWriteCache when session is opened with existing connection * [NH-394] - NullReferenceException in debug print of session objects. * [NH-396] - User-provided class names should be trimmed before use * [NH-397] - ConfigurationSectionHandler doesn't reads empty properties Improvements: * [NH-388] - Support for the "Any", "Meta-Value" tags * Added fetch attribute from Hibernate 3 with values "select"/"join". fetch="select" is equivalent to outer-join="false", and fetch="join" matches outer-join="true". Build (1.0-rc2) ======================== Bug Fixes: * [NH-377] - Allow whitespace around dialect name in cfg.xml * [NH-380] - Error with query after comitted transaction * [NH-385] - ADOException thrown instead of StaleObjectStateException when updating stale record * [NH-386] - Aliases generated for properties with initial underscores should NOT begin with an underscore * Using Expression.Eq on a many-to-one property now works again (it was broken by mistake in 1.0-rc1) Improvements: * [NH-329] - If unsaved-value for <id> or <version> is not specified, NHibernate will now try to guess it by instantiating an empty object and retrieving default property values from it (as Hibernate 3 does it). * The documentation has an "installer" to integrate it in VS .NET Help. Build (1.0-rc1) ======================== Breaking changes to external API: - Updated to a newer version of Castle.DynamicProxy. WARNING: this new version has the same number ( as the version used by the previous release of NHibernate, but the binaries are in fact

different and the old will not work with 1.0-rc1. - NHibernate no longer configures log4net internally. It is now up to the user to configure logging. - Accessing a disposed or closed ISession or ITransaction now causes an ObjectDisposedException. HibernateException or TransactionException could be thrown in this case before, such cases were also changed to throw ObjectDisposedException. - Renamed SQLExpression to SQLCriterion per Hibernate 2.1. Now, {alias} should be used instead of $alias in SQL criteria. - Unused constructors for some exceptions were removed. Breaking changes to NHibernate extension interfaces: - Renamed IClassPersister.IsDefaultVersion to IsUnsavedVersion. It now takes as argument an array of property values instead of an object. - Renamed IClassPersister.CurrentVersion to GetCurrentVersion to follow naming conventions closer. - Fixed MatchMode.Start and MatchMode.End for Like expressions, their meanings were reversed. - Dialect.AddIdentitySelectToInsert should now return null if the functionality is not supported, instead of throwing an exception. Bug fixes and enhancements: - Ported almost all remaining Hibernate 2.1 features to NHibernate: * subcriteria * meta attributes * optimistic-lock setting * query cache * select-before-update * batch lazy loading * dynamic components Missing features are Databinder, ScrollableResults and SchemaUpdate. - Allow serializing an unflushed session (NH-292, Yves Dierick). - Check that composite id classes override GetHashCode and Equals. - Throw QueryException when attempting to fetch multiple collections in a query. - Added a SectionHandler to allow using .cfg.xml syntax to configure NHibernate from App.config files. (This was already part of 0.9.1 release but was not announced in the release notes.) - Fixed bug when using joined-subclass with key-many-to-one (NH-369). - Added IType implementations and constants in NHibernateUtil for unsigned integer types. - Added index attribute for <property>. - SchemaExport now generates SQL to create an index when index attribute is used on <property> or <column>. - SchemaExport will add an "if exists" clause to "drop table" statement, if supported by the dialect. - Heavy refactoring of the documentation; it now contains the documentation for NHibernate Contributions. - Fixed a bug when generating a TOP clause for MS SQL Server - the whole SQL string was being converted to lower case. Build ======================== - Fixed bug in limit clause generation on MySQL. - Fixed bug in Configuration.AddDocument. - Fixed <version unsaved-value="negative" /> not working with ints or shorts. - NHibernate now checks whether object identifier passed to its methods is of th e right type. - Fixed bug with YesNo type generating CHAR(255) column, it now generates CHAR(1 ).

- Implemented hibernate.show_sql feature, logging all SQL executed using NHibern ate.SQL logger. Build ======================== - Added ISession.Clear(). - Added configurable command timeout property (hibernate.command_timeout). - Added named SQL query support. - Allow to specify an isolation level when starting a transaction. - Upgraded Castle.DynamicProxy library to the latest version (1.1.5). - Upgraded log4net library to the latest version (1.2.9). - Fixed bug with Get/Load loading wrong subclasses because of class discriminant not being included in the generated query (Alexander Popov). - Fixed VersionNegative unsaved-value strategy not to treat 0 as the unsaved val ue. - Fixed bug in SchemaExport for a many-to-many relationship, it now generates a table with non-null columns and a primary key. - Added IncrementGenerator (Mark Holden). - Fixed bug with <discriminator> insert attribute not being declared in the sche ma and having a wrong default value. - Fixed bug in proxy Equals method always either returning true or failing with a NPE. - Changed LazyInitializer to match Hibernate 2.1, proxies now don't have their o wn special implementation of Equals and GetHashCode, either System.Object's or t he real class methods are used instead. - Added more naming strategies (lower case, pascal-case underscored). - Fixed bug with custom access strategy not working for components. - Allow using structs (value types) as components. - Added ISession.Replicate(). - Added support for using MS SQL TOP clause for paging (Yves Derrick). - Added persister attribute for collection mappings. - Fixed a NPE in Junction.ToString(). - Disabled nullability checks when deleting an object. - Fixed SchemaExport not to generate duplicate foreign key constraints (this cau sed problems with Oracle). - Implemented Copy methods for various ITypes, so that SaveOrUpdateCopy actually works. - Changed visibility of CollectionEntry class to public to aid XML serializabili ty of collections. It should not be expected to work in all cases since XML seri alization has many limitations in .NET. - Several Oracle-related improvements. - More informative error message for a bad identifier generation strategy. - Fixed bug with SchemaExport ignoring foreign-key attribute sometimes. - Fixed bug with Get/Load not updating the internal nonExists collection of the session (Jerry Shea). - More informative error message for foreign key problems. - Throw a more informative exception when attempting to set the value of a non-e xistent query parameter. - Do not allow reconnecting a closed session. - More informative error message when executing ISession.Find("from NonexistentC lass"). - Added more information to the exception thrown when expected and actual row co unts from a command do not match. - Remove underscores from the beginning of generated aliases for fields (Oracle cannot handle them). - Search the current AppDomain's bin directory for hibernate.cfg.xml, in additio n to the application directory. - Added <cache> element as a synonym for <jcs-cache>. Build

======================== - Added limited support for storing an enum type using its string representation . See the documentation of EnumStringType and TypesTest\EnumStringTypeFixture.cs for an example. - Fixed bug with BatcherImpl cached commands being disposed. The caching functio nality was removed. - Fixed bug when property paths were used in criteria queries and caused an exce ption. - Modified DB2Dialect, Oracle9Dialect and PostgreSQLDialect to use Int32 for lim it and offset parameters. - Various code clean-ups and commenting. Build ======================== - Added name of Property to the PropertyNotFoundException message. - Fixed bug with <joined-subclass> that has a <property formula="..." />. - Fixed bug with extra "AND" being added to sql. - Fixed NullReferenceException that could occur in InstantiationException. - Improved efficiency of GuidCombGenerator (Marc C. Brooks). - Modified BinaryType to work with MySql's buggy version of GetBytes(). Build ======================== - Fixed default value of "unsaved-value" for <version> in xsd. - Fixed default value of "unsaved-value" for <timestamp> in xsd. - Modified "proxy" to use "namespace" and "assembly" from <hibernate-mapping> Build ======================== - Fixed bug with <version> defaulting to "null" instead of "undefined". Build ======================== - Added "namespace" and "assembly" attributes to <hibernate-mapping>. - Added lazy="true" as short hand for proxy="full type name" - Added insert attribute to <discriminator>. - Added ability to set INamingStrategy on Configuration class. - Added property-ref attribute on <many-to-one> and <one-to-one>. - Added "foreign-key" attribute to <many-to-one>, <one-to-one>, <many-to-many>, key allowing a different column to be the foreign key target - Added check attribute to column element. - Added <sql-query> element. - Added "unsaved-value" to <version>/<timestamp> as DateTime can't support null, use 1/1/0001 to align with .NET default value for DateTime - Added SaveOrUpdateCopy() which allows synchronisation for detached objects - Added Expression.Example for Query By Example. - Added IDriver and Dialect for Sybase (Steve Corbin). - Added UniqueResult() to ICriteria and IQuery. - Added default value of hibernate.connection.driver_class to Dialect so most of the time this configuration is not needed. - Added SByteType to built in ITypes. - Fixed <one-to-one> so that two queries are no longer issued when one side is n ull. - Fixed bug with ISet.AddAll(ICollection) not being implemented. (Bill Hawes) - Fixed bug with <set> being initialized from Cache. - Fixed bug with hql "select new ClassName(...) from ..." where one parameter wa s an Enum. (Luca Altea) - Fixed bug in mapping that required type="" to be required ins tead of NH correctly inferring type. (Luca Altea) - Fixed bug with a decimal <id> and unsaved-value.

- Fixed problem with loading ADO.NET Data Providers from GAC. - Fixed issue with TableGenerator not disposing of IDbCommand. - Improved memory consumption of Configuration, smaller footprint and releases o bjects faster. - Improved nhibernate-mapping schema to more schema constructs instead of direct dtd port. - Improved message from NullableType when DataProvider can't cast the database v alue to .net class. - Modified <discriminator> to use "null" or "not null" as the value. - Modified Dialect to use Hibernate 2.1 methods. - Modified Expression to return ICriterion instead of Expression class. This wi ll break existing code. - Modified nhibernate-configuration-2.0.xsd to not require <mappings>. - Modified TestFixtures in NHibernate.Test to only execute create/drop ddl in th e TestFixtureSetUp/TestFixtureTearDown. - Split QueryFunctionStandard into ISQLFunction interface and StandardSQLFunctio n. - Upgraded to nant-0.85-rc3 and nunit-2.2.0. Build ======================== - Renamed class NHibernate.NHibernate to NHibernate.NHibernateUtil. This will b reak alot of code if you were using ISession.Find with parameters - migrate to I Query instead. - Fixed bug with DateTime type where any value less than 1/1/1753 was written to the database as null. If you were relying on this then the Nullables library i n NHibernateContrib is the way to code null values for DateTime properties. - Added ISession.Get() as an alternative to ISession.Load() (Sergey Koshcheyev). - Added IDisposable to EnumerableImpl, ISession, ITransaction, IBatcher, and ICo nnectionProvider. - Added default value of hibernate.connection.driver_class to Dialects. - Added default value of hibernate.prepare_sql="false" to MsSql2000Dialect. - Added [ComVisible(false)] to NHibernate AssemblyInfo. - Added OracleDataClientDriver for Oracle.DataAccess assembly (James Mills). - Added IDriver and Dialect for SQLite (Ioan Bizau). - Fixed messages in exceptions from GetGetter and GetSetter in BasicPropertyAcce ssor and NoSetterAccessor. - Fixed problem of LazyInitializationException losing InnerException. - Fixed problem of Collections not always getting cached. - Fixed Id.TableGenerator so it works with Oracle. - Fixed problem with SequenceHiLoGenerator and converting to Int64 (Yves Dierick ). - Fixed problem of some NHibernate Exceptions not being serializable. - Improved documentation in IQuery to explain how SetMaxResult is working. - Improved messages in Exceptions thrown by ISetter. - Improved messages in Exceptions for Persisters with problems parsing discrimin ator values. - Improved Configuration.AddAssembly() to process hbm.xml files with subclass/jo ined-subclass files using "extends" in correct order (Mark Traudt). Also added overload of AddAssembly(Assembly,bool) that can be used to skip ordering. - Many internal cleanups from FxCop reccommendations. - Modified ISession.Lock() to allow reassociating transient instances like hiber nate 2.1 (Sergey Koshcheyev). - Modified Exception thrown by Preparer when the IDbCommand.Prepare() method fai ls to ADOException. - Modified SqlCommand.Parameter to be immutable. - Modified how constraints are generated to work with MySql 4.1 (Bill Hawes). - Modified Dialect to throw an ArgumentException when an unsupported DbType is u sed. - Modified constructors on NHibernate Collections to be internal instead of publ

ic. - Renamed Transaction to AdoTransaction. Build ======================== - Added support for proxy="" on classes. proxy="" must either specify an Interf ace or the properties that need to be proxied have to be virtual. - Added a configuration parameter "hibernate.prepare_sql" to turn on or off call s to IDbCommand.Prepare(). - Added NHibernate Type for System.SByte. (Sergey Koshcheyev) - Added support for mapping subclasses and joined-subclasses in different files through addition of extends attribute. (Andrew Mayorov) - Added support for LIMIT to MySQLDialect. (Sergey Koshcheyev) - Improved error messages when IDbCommand and IDbConnection can't be found by th e IDriver. - Improved error message when mapped class is missing a constructor with no args . - Fixed problem with spaces in sql generated from hql and MySql. - Fixed bug with Configuration when there is a class without a namespace. - Fixed bug with Sql generated for an IN clause that contains a class/subclass w ith a discriminator-value="null". - Fixed potential threading problem with QueryTranslator. - Modified logging in Transaction to not generate as many messages. - Modified how exceptions are rethrown so call stack of original exception is no t lost. - Moved NHibernate.Tasks and NHibernate.Tool.hbm2net to the NHibernateContrib pa ckage. - Removed DbType {get;} from IUserType. Build ======================== - Added Iesi.Collections Library that contains an ISet. Code was taken from htt p:// - Fixed hbm2net problem with spaces in arguments. (Kevin Williams) - Added a NHibernateContrib project that contains Nullable Types for .net 1.1 de signed for WinForm Databinding. (Donald Mull) - Added DB2Driver and DB2Dialect to core of NHibernate. (Martijn Boland) - Fixed IQuery.SetParameter() when the value is an Enum - Updated to latest MySql Data Provider and changed classes to MySqlDataDriver. Removed binaries from CVS since they are GPL now. - Isolated test and classes that use DbType.Time into their own fixtures. Data Drivers don't implement this consistently. - Fixed problem where HQL was not parsing Enums correctly. (Peter Smulovics) - Fixed Int16 not working as a <version> Property. - Added CLSCompliantAttribute(true) attribute to NHibernate and Iesi.Collections . - Fixed how Exceptions are rethrown to not lose the stack trace. - Added more comments around ISession.Find and ISession.Enumerate to explain Cac he usage. - Fixed bug with dynamic-update generating SQL for all properties. (Sergey Koshc heyev) - Add Clover.NET into NHibernate build process thanks to license donated by Cenq ua ( - Modified TableGenerator to default first id to "1" instead of "0" to work bett er with unsaved-value. (Karl Andersson) Alpha Build ======================== - Started work on documentation. - Improved Cache to use pluggable CacheProviders like Hibernate 2.1. (Kevin Will

iams) - Removed properties UseScrollableResults, BatchSize, and FetchSize - not applic able to ADO.NET. - Fixed problem with object not getting removed from Cache when Evicted from Ses sion. - Added to MySqlDialect a mapping from DbType.Guid to varchar(40) for schema-exp ort. (Thomas Kock) - Added lowercase-underscore naming strategy. (Corey Behrends) - Fixed bug with access="field" and no type="" attribute causing Exception in Re flectHelper. - Removed IVersionType implementation from TimeType and DateType. - Moved Eg namespace from NHibernate core to NHibernate.Eg project. - Added guid.comb id generator. (Donald Mull) - Added ability to configure with a cfg.xml embedded as a resource in an assembl y (Thomas Kock) - Fixed PostgreSQLDialect binding of Limit Parameters. (Martijn Boland) - Began restructure of lib folder to support net-1.0, net-1.1, net-2.0, and mono -1.0 in build. Still only 'officially' supports net-1.1. Alpha Build ======================== - Removed property AdoTransaction from Transaction. - Added MsSql7Dialect. - Added PostgreSQL Driver and Dialect (Oliver Weichhold & Martijn Boland). - Fixed bug with Expression.Ge() not returning correct Expression. - PersistentCollection now implements ICollection (Donald Mull). - BatcherImpl and PreparerImpl were combined and code cleaned up thanks to probl ems found when using Ngpsql (Martijn Boland). - ITransaction is now responsible for joining IDbCommand to IDbTransaction inste ad of IBatcher - if applicable. - Modified code to help improve performance of Drivers that don't support multip le Open DataReaders on a single IDbConnection. - Fixed bug with hbm2net and VelocityRenderer throwing Exception (Carlos Guzmn lva rez & Peter Smulovics). - Clean up of hbm2net (Peter Smulovics). - Modified internals of AbstractEntityPersister to help with buiding on Mono (Ol iver Weichhold). - Renamed to to help with building on Mono (Ol iver Weichhold). - Removed Dialect.GetLimitString(string) should use Dialect.GetLimitString(SqlSt ring) instead. - SqlStringBuilders were modified to set an initial capacity for the ArrayList. - Added properties to SqlString to help with SqlStringBuilders and Hql. - Marked Exceptions as [Serializable]. - Fixed bug with Hql not being able to use a constant in an imported or mapped C lass. - DateTimeType.DeepCopyNotNull() cleaned up (Mark Traudt). - Added VersionProperty to IClassMetadata. - Renamed PrimitiveType to ValueTypeType to be more .net style consistent and fi xed them up so they inherit from the appropriate class. - Fixed bug with caching an ObjectType. - Much code cleaned up for FxCop (Peter Smulovics). - Fixed bug with <bag lazy="true">, doing an Add, and then a Flush() resulting i n the entity in there twice. Alpha Build ======================== - Removed support for <dynabean> mapping since it doesn't exist in .net. - Fixed bug in file when not signing NHibernate.dll. - Fixed bug with Hql and SetParameter() where there were 2 parameters with same

name. - Fixed bug with Hql and "IN (:namedParam)". - Fixed bug with Hql and multi column IType. - Fixed bug with Hql and scalar queries - Fixed bug with NullReferenceException and TypeType class. - ISession.Filter() is now working. - Compiled Queries and Filters are now cached. - Refactored Hql to use a SqlString instead of string containing sql. - Dialect has had public API changed because of Sql to SqlCommand refactoring. - IPreparer has had methods removed from public API. - type="System.Object" no longer matches to SerializableType - instead it matche s to ObjectType. Use type="Serializable" instead. - Added "access" attribute for NHibernate to get to fields and properties with n o setters. See NHibernate.Property.PropertyAccessorFactory for all valid value types and how to plug in your own implementation of IPropertyAccessor. - Added Types to read BLOB/CLOB columns to a byte[]/string Property. - Modified Expression.Sql() to require use of SqlString if parameters are used. - TypeFactory was modified to allow the attribute "type" to be the Assembly Qual ified Name, Full Name, NHibernate IType.Name, or Hibernate name to help with por ting hibernate hbm.xml files and Net2Hbm that John is writing. - hibernate.connection.isolation configuration now affects the IDbTransaction's IsolationLevel, it is parsed as the name value of the IsolationLevel enum - "Cha os", "ReadCommitted", "ReadUncommitted", "RepeatableRead", "Serializable", and " Unspecified". - ICriteria.SetMaxResults() is now working. - IQuery.SetMaxResults().Enumerable() is now working. - Modifed Test Fixtures to help isolate problems caused by DataProviders. PreAlpha Build ======================== - NHibernate and HashCodeProvider are now strong named assemblies. The key used to sign the assemblies is not in CVS. - Many more Tests implemented. - Added Examples into CVS and zip. - ConnectionProvider uses settings passed to it by ConnectionProviderFactory ins tead of default settings. - Hbm2Net moved from NHibernate folder to its own folder and NAnt Tasks for it c ontributed by Kevin Williams. - Adding properties to Cfg instead of using app.config/web.config or cfg.xml now supported. - In cfg.xml, an assembly where the resource can be found is now needed - ie: <m apping resource="" assembly="" />. - nhibernate-configuration-2.0.xsd schema was updated to .net friendly names and all cfg.xml files are now validated. - Fixed bug with classes having dynamic-insert and dynamic-update causing IndexO utOfRangeExceptions. - Modified length of string for CultureInfoType. - Added Firebird fixes contributed by Carlos Guzmn lvarez. - Changed TimestampType.Set to behaive like hibernate. Will not write a null va lue anymore - instead replaces it with DateTime.Now. - Removed IVersionType interface from DecimalType. - Add PropertyExpressions contributed by Carlos Guzmn lvarez. - Fixed bug with referencing joined classes properties in hql. - Fixed IndexOutOfRangeException with NormalizedEntityPersister for versioned en tities. - Added ObjectType to TypeFactory and NHibernate. - Fixed problem with hql subselects referencing a class in main query. - Limited support for Serializing a Session. Sometimes a Refresh() is needed af ter Deserialization. - Fixed bug with sending a one-to-many collection to be updated that involves in

serting a new row. PreAlpha Build 6 ======================== - Fixed Configuration so app.config/web.config behaives like hibernate.propertie s and a hibernate.cfg.xml. Settings in app.confg/web.config are no longer requi red if a cfg.xml file is used. - Dialects now set default values for outer joins. - Fixed bug in ArrayHolder with null elements. - Added IDisposable to ISession - Fixed bug with lazy loaded SortedSet during Flush(). - Fixed problem with Loading using LockModes because of missing columns with For umlas. - Added SetAnsiString to IQuery - Fixed bug with IDbCommands used in a Session that is Disconnected and Reconnec ted not being associated with the correct IDbTransaction. - Driver can disable calls to IDbCommand.Prepare() for Data Providers that don't support it. - Removed requirement to set length with type attribute - ie, can use type="Stri ng" instead of type="String(50)". - schema-export now functions just like it does with hibernate 2.0.3 - Converting a SqlString to an IDbCommand is now a Driver specific function beca use different Driver's have different requirements for IDbCommands. - Added HashCodeProvider.dll to remove problems with RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode causing MissingMethodException with App Domain reloading with ASP.NET and NUnit. PreAlpha Build 5 ======================== - Added check in Configuration for 1.1 version of runtime. - Removed reference in NHibernate.csproj to nunit.framework.dll. - Fixed update="true" when values different than insert attribute. - Enumerable with HQL now works with multiple results. - Fixed NullReferenceException in EvictCollections. - Fixed bug with lazy loaded sorted collections not loading correctly. - Fixed problem with cascading deletes causing OutOfMemoryException. - Implemented more TestFixtures. PreAlpha Build 4 ======================== - Implemented most DomainModel classes and hbms for testing - Implemented more TestFixtures (both migrated and new) - Added Oracle Dialects and Drivers (thanks to feilng for contributing those!) - Modified classes in Type namespace to support reading values from Oracle Drive r - Added DotNetMock.dll to NHibernate.Test assembly to help with testing Type nam esapce - Fixed parameter parsing so both Named Params (:name) and ? can be used in HQL - Fixed problem with joins in HQL - Fixed problem with <set>, <map>, and <bag> where lazy="true" - Fixed problem with <idbag> being bound to a Bag instead of IdentifierBag - Fixed problem with CollectionPersister.WriteRowSelect and IdentifierBags - Fixed problem with <array> when a null value was in the array - Fixed problem with sending an unneeded Update before a Delete - Fixed problem with null aliases and Parameter.Equals() - Cleaned up HQL parsing so it internally throws fewer exceptions - ConnectionProvider's now provide internal IDbConnection cache like h2.0.3 - no t on by default - Fixed problem with StringHelper.Replace being passed a null template - <property forumla="some sql forumla" ... /> is now supported - <class dynamic-insert="true"> is now supported

- read only <property> and a read-write <property> can now refer to the same col umn without problems. - changed value of Dialect.SupportForUpdateOf to false, like h2.0.3 has it - Id generation strategies that use TableGenerator now work for all Drivers - Modified IdentityMap to use SequencedHashMap instead of ListDictionary (thanks to feling for finding the performance problems that ListDictionary was causing) - Fixed problem with Expresion.Juction.GetTypedValues() not returning correct Ty pedValue[] PreAlpha Build 3 ======================== - Synched Cache Namespace with cache package in H2.0.3 - Synched CollectionPersister with H2.0.3 - Synched Config Namespace with config package in H2.0.3. - Synched Cascade strategies with H2.0.3 - Synched Dialect Namespace with dialect package in H2.0.3 - Started HQL Namespace synch with hql package in H2.0.3. There are still some i ssues in there. - Synched Id Namespace with id package in H2.0.3 - Synched Mapping namespace with mapping package in H2.0.3. - Added ForUpdateFragment - hbm2net created. - Added AnsiStringType. - Added GuidType. - Fixed problem with IdentityMap that caused <set lazy="true"> to not work. - Added support for <bag> and <id-bag> mappings. - Implemented sorted collections. - Build files rewritten. - MsSql Dialect now issues one statement to Insert and retrieve identity value. - Fixed a bug with <generator class="sequence"> - Implemented SqlExpression for Criteria queries. - Initial fix of Multiple IDataReaders being opened with Entities that contain < component> mappings. - Fixed problems with Alias and Ms Sql Server. PreAlpha Build 2 ======================== - Continued to synchronize NHibernate with Hibernate 2.0.3's features. - Modifed BooleanType to use GetBoolean instead of GetByte - Modified MsSqlServer2000Dialect to maps a BooleanSqlType to a bit column type. - Fixed bug with IdentityMap that caused problems with Session.Flush() loading l azy collections - Added TicksType to TypeFactory - Fixed bug with SchemaExport committing a non existing IDbTransaction

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