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The Episcopal Church of the Nativity

22405 North Miller Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85255


October 2013

Save the Date
All Saints Celebration, Nov. 3! On All Saints Day, Nativity will celebrate with some special events: New Orleans Second Line Jazz Mass in honor of saints of the church, and all who have died, featuring favorite religious music. New Orleans Gumbo/Jambalaya Cookoff bring your favorite New Orleans dish to share at a parish lunch! Short talk on stewardship a matter of the heart and spirit. Concert performance by Desert Foothills Theater, of music from their upcoming production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

Sunday October 6th we will be having our annual Animal Blessing service! Our 11:30 service will be held at Sonoran Hills Park, 7625 East WIlliams Road. Before the service we are going to have a lunch potluck. See page 11 for details.

Watch the bulletin and the announcements for details!

Faith in Action
2014 Ingathering
I will go Lord if you lead me. I have heard you calling in the night.

I have a startling announcement to make For 2014 Church of the Nativity needs no budget and no contributions from parishioners. (Important Continue reading) However, the people of Church of the Nativity, the people we touch, our missions and ministries, and the people with whom we have the opportunity to share the life-giving spirit of Jesus Christ DO very much need your pledge and commitment to Christian stewardship at Nativity Church for 2014. Unlike any other thing you do in life, true spiritual giving to something you love is life-transforming. To experience this, we must each look deep inside ourselves and find that place where we give eagerly and with great enthusiasm for what we have and what we can share with others. I recently read, Everything we have comes from God. If we gave just 5% back to God, we get to keep 95% for ourselves. Thats not a bad deal! You know what? That is a bargain. Church of the Nativity has been blessed in so many ways and not least by our parishioner family, our spirit of communion and fellowship, our lively and welcoming worship, our clergy, staff and ministry leadership, our youth and childrens programs, our missions and most of all, our love and commitment to the love of God that has brought us so far so fast.

Article continues on page 5

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Our New Address

22405 N. Miller Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 Telephone: 480-307-9216

T ake a moment to wish a Happy Birthday T o:

Judy Peavy Austin Spencer-Treinen Alyson Orescanin Destiny Spencer-Treinen Lisa Mozilo Bob Schoenbachler Andrew Stuckey Moriah Forbes Syvlia Norell Tristan Clarke Susan Burnham Charlotte Erickson Christine White Monique Whitney Joe Banks Evangeline Clarke 3-Oct 4-Oct 4-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 11-Oct 12-Oct 13-Oct 14-Oct 17-Oct 19-Oct 19-Oct 21-Oct 24-Oct 25-Oct 30-Oct SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 8:00 a.m. Rite I Eucharist w/ Hymns 9:30 a.m. Rite II Traditional Eucharist with Childrens Chapel 10:45 a.m. Hospitality and Christian Education for all ages 11:30 a.m. Jazz/Gospel Eucharist 5:00 p.m. Youth Group, Grades 6-9 6:00 p.m. Youth Group, Grades 10-12

Every month we list those whose birthdays are being celebrated. If you would like your name added to the list, please contact Mina Rafferty at

Nativitys Vestry
Senior Warden: Jeff Jameson 480-262-7957 Junior Warden: Bill Deihl 480-595-9546 Tricia Beaird Nancy Bleasdale Mike Brown Kara Erickson George Hartz Jane Heist Lani Sambach Claire Smith David Smith

Nativity Staff
The. Rev. Susan B. Snook Rector Dr. Wayne V. Whitney Curate Dr. Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler Director of Music Ministry IlonaKubiaczyk-Adler Shelley Byrnes Director of Childrens & Family Ministries Julie Bogle Director of Youth Ministries Art Graf Treasurer Mina Rafferty Parish Administrator

480-699-7893 602 421-3631

480-342-9423 480 518- 2683 480-513-3155 480-419-1229 602-793-2808 480-285-7679 480-538-7068

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A n o t e f r o m Pa s t o r S u s a n

Page 3

Transforming lives with the love of God in Jesus Christ

All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voices let us sing: Alleluia, alleluia! Bright burning sun with golden beams, pale silver moon that gently gleams, O praise him, O praise him, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Francis founded a Christian order called the Friars - words of Hymn 400, written by Francis of Assisi

These words, written by St. Francis of Assisi, express his reverence for the earth and all its creatures as Gods blessed creation. In honor of this great saint and his love for creation, we celebrate Blessing of the Animals each year around his feast day this year, on Sunday, October 6 at our 11:30 service at Sonoran Hills Park. St. Francis is often pictured as a garden statue, covered with birds, squirrels, and rabbits. But this great saint was far more than a garden statue, and his remarkable life is worth remembering in its completeness. He was born in 1182, the son of a prosperous merchant, and in his youth, lived a life of revelry. He also joined the military and fought on behalf of Assisi, at one point being captured and held prisoner for a year. During this time, he may have had his first religious vision. After a pilgrimage to Rome, Francis had another vision in the church at San Damiano, where Jesus appeared to him and said, "Francis, Francis, go and repair my house which, as you can see, is falling into ruins." Francis interpreted this vision as an instruction to physically rebuild the church at San Damiano, which he did with his own hands. Later, however, it became clear that Francis was called to help the whole Roman Catholic Church rebuild, by calling it back to its roots of simplicity and dedication to the gospel. Francis returned to Assisi and worked in his fathers business, but infuriated his father by giving money he earned from selling his wares to a beggar in the marketplace. His father tried to reform him through beatings, and finally through a lawsuit before the Bishop of Assisi. In a dramatic confrontation, Francis renounced his inheritance, took the clothes off his back so as to owe nothing to his father, and walked away to begin a life of poverty.

Francis founded a Christian order called the Friars. Minor (the Lesser Brothers), who took an oath of poverty and lived as itinerant preachers. It was during this time that Francis became famous for preaching to animals if humans were not available to listen (and it is said that the animals listened attentively). Dressed in rough garments, barefoot, and carrying no staff or money, as directed by the gospel, Francis went into the countryside to preach repentance. In his later years, Francis became famous for inspiring St. Clare of Assisi to found a womens order, the Poor Clares; for helping inspire reforms in the Roman Catholic Church; for attempting to make peace between Christian Crusaders and the Sultan of Egypt; for setting up the first live Nativity scene at Christmas 1220; and for receiving the stigmata, the five wounds of Christ (hands, feet, and side), during a vision in 1224. He died in 1226 and became a saint in 1228. It is said that no one in history, except for Jesus himself, led so pure a Christian life as Francis. He saw humans as true stewards of Gods kingdom, placed here on earth to use Gods resources to care for all Gods people and all creation. He lived simply and influenced many with his commitment and integrity. I hope we can live a life that is a mere fraction as holy as the life of Francis of Assisi.


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Waynes World

Big Fun Bible Movie Night at Nativity

One of the things that got me so interested in the Bible when I was a kid was those Bible-based movies that were made back in the 50's and 60's. The biggie for me was the Ten Commandments which sent me scurrying for my Bible so I could track the story of the Exodus and know what was coming next. One movie that I had never seen till just recently was David & Bathsheba. Shot entirely in Nogales, Arizona, David and Bathsheba is a sprawling, actionpacked Technicolor epic film about King David that sweeps off the pages of the Bible. Recreating one of the most torrid tales of misguided passion in the history of God's people, the film tracks the life of David as he falls in love with the captivating Bathsheba. It's a story of sin and redemption--the story of every person who has ever experienced failure in following God. It's fun seeing the young Gregory Peck and Deborah Kerr from 1951 recreating this story that we know so well. We will show this movie at Nativity's first Big Fun Bible Movie Night on October 25 at 7:00 p.m in the Longley-Cook Children's Center. The movie popcorn will be gratis, you just bring your favorite age-appropriate beverage. The movie has a running time of 1 hour and 56 minutes and after a brief introduction at 7:00 the curtain goes up at 7:10 followed by a brief conversation afterward. Your hosts are David Bolger and Deacon Wayne for this whole-family event. See you the last Friday in October!

of Faith
"B" is for Bible and it is the 2nd module in our Back to Basics Curriculum which starts on October 30. The Bible Module will run for 5 Wednesdays, Oct 30, Nov 6 & 13, Dec 4 & 11. (The "A" module, Basic Anglicanism, is currently ongoing: It continues on consecutive Wednesdays through Oct 23. You can still join, just let Deacon Wayne know.) The Bible Module that starts Oct 30 is a great opportunity if you ever wanted to get a quick overview of the entire sweep of the Bible from beginning to end in a very brief time. This Bible Module is a great opportunity for you to invite friends that have inquiring minds about the unique take the Episcopal Church has on the Bible. Opportunity to register will be available in the Sunday bulletins and you can register your guests with your own registration.


This fall, Nativity is offering a number of opportunities to deepen your faith through adult Christian formation, on Sunday mornings and other times. Sunday morning programs include Power Bible Study with Deacon Wayne: Bible Stories - The Ones You Thought You Knew or Wish You Did - in the Music Room each Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Parents' Coffee Klatch: Topics of Conversation for parents and by parents - hosted by Shelley Byrnes while the children are attending Sunday school. In the Longley-Cook Children's Gathering Area. Pre-game/Post-game - Pastor Susan will lead a session reviewing the current Sundays lessons and sermons. Bring your thoughts and questions! Then we will preview next weeks lessons. The sessions will be held in Dr. Waynes office.

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Faith in Action
2014 Ingathering
I will go Lord if you lead me. I have heard you calling in the night.

(continued from page 1) But now it is time to climb new mountains and meet new challenges on our vision path to transform lives through the love of Jesus Christ. Each year, the Vestry sets two budget targets. One is the keep the lights on budget and hopefully continuation of most current activities. The other is always called the Dream Budget. I know that we are we ready to hear Gods calling and follow our vision. Consider this - The Dream Budget is a forecasted dollar number that doesnt just keep the lights on and hope we dont have any major surprise expenses, it is the budget that says in the words of our powerful hymn Here I am Lord. It is I Lord. Who will bear my light to them? Who will I send? It is I Lord! The Dream Budget is our objective for the coming year. The Dream budget will give us the means to hear the people crying in the night and offer our hand to save. This year we have formed teams of Saints to work with all parishioners on your stewardship journey. Soon everyone will receive information on your Saint Team, team events, objectives and opportunities. The campaign will begin on Sunday October 27th and run till Ingathering Sunday on November 17th. On All Saints Sunday, November 3rd, we will have a special ensemble presentation of Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor DreamCoat presented by the Desert Foothills Theater and enjoy the 2013 All Saints Sunday Mens Gumbo cook-off. More information and details on everything to follow soon. Who will bear my light to them? Who should I send?

The Nativity Book Club will start with the C.S. Lewis classic "The Screwtape Letters", in which a senior devil advises a junior devil on the best ways to lead his assigned human "into temptation" and deliver him "unto evil". The book was written in 1942, so the writing is somewhat old fashioned, or perhaps that is how devils really write and talk. But the book raises fascinating questions and provocative issues, and should be a great launching pad for spirited discussions about faith, temptation, the importance of a church community, etc. It should be a lot of fun. You can buy it on Amazon for $7.99, or both the Scottsdale and Phoenix libraries have numerous copies of the printed book, audio book, and e-book. We will meet over lunch and libations at Tavern Americana at 20469 N Hayden Rd on Sunday, November 10th at 12:45. Please let George Hartz know, at480-513-3155 or, if you are planning to join us reading and discussing "The Screwtape Letters".

ADULT CONFIRMATION Confirmation preparation is underway! If you are an adult member of Nativity, and would like to be confirmed as an Episcopalian, received into the Episcopal Church, or would simply like to reaffirm your faith, we will be doing confirmations when the PResiding Bishop visits on June, 8, 2014. If you are interested, please let Pastor Susan know at or by calling the church office at 480-307-9216. Our Wednesday evening ABCD class will count as adult confirmation classes; if you cant attend then, Pastor Susan will make other arrangements with you.

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Pa g e 6

U p c o m i n g Ev e n t s a n d O p p o r t u n i t i e s
It is such a blessing that our new building has brought new faces. It is great to see so many people coming to worship Sunday Mornings. We on the hospitality committee would be so grateful for some volunteers to help with morning duties. It is a great way to meet people. Hospitality hour is after the 9:30 service. But, if you are an 11:30 person we could also use your help- we always have clean up to do:) We have 4 teams so that if you join you would only have to help one time a month. We also always need people to bring in treats! Please contact the Hospitality Committee Chair, Suzanne Cohen at:



The men of Nativity will be volunteering at the Phoenix Rescue Mission on Tuesday, October 1st. All interested in participating, please meet at church no later than 8:15am. We will car pool to the Mission and generally return to the church around lunch time. All those who would like to, will go to lunch after working hard in the kitchen .

1s and 2s GATHER
Ones and Twos is a social group of adults at Church of the Nativity which meets about once a month. It is open to all adult members, visitors and guests! The first Ones and Twos of the Fall will be held on October 11th from 6-8 at Judy Peavy's House, 8882 E. Rusty Spur Place, Scottsdale 85255. Judy lives in D C Ranch and for complete directions email Annie Blum ( and she will email them to you. Please bring an appetizer or cheerful libation to share with your Nativity friends. And please know that guests who might like to know about us and Nativity are most welcome. Looking forward to seeing you then and don't forget to sign up at the coffee hour between Services.


On Thursday, October 3rd, we are getting together again at Armitage Bistro at DC Ranch which is located at 20751 N Pima Rd #120 in Scottsdale. The time will continue to be from 5-7 on the first Thursday of each month. If you have any questions, please contact Brenda Burke at OMEN OF ATIVITY Please add the following dates to your Nativity Calendar for the Women's Group. We will meet the second Thursday of the month, and the first meeting/program of the Fall is scheduled for October 10. Details to follow. Make a note of November 14 and December 12. All are welcome to help plan and organize so don't hesitate to let us know if you have a thought to share. Please contact Kathy Graf (480)570-2276; Donna Hartz (480)215-3759; or Annie Blum (480) 502.2005. Thank you for your support and look for details of the upcoming October 10th meeting.


Monday, October 7th, 6:30pm Home of Claire & Steve Smith, 6839 E. Kelton Lane Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Please join us to find out about the upcoming volunteer trip to Veracruz, Mexico, to install a weather-proof roof on the new school of our sister parish. ALL ARE WELCOME!

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E v e n M o re U p c o m i n g E v e n t s and Opportunities

Pa g e 7

THE NATIVITY CHRISTMAS BAZAAR FUND RAISING EVENT IS SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 9 A.M. THRU 4 P.M. In preparation for the event, Santa elves are scheduling 5 or 6 Santa Workshops at Nativity where volunteers will assemble the many crafts that will be sold at the event. This is a great opportunity for congregation members, youth groups and families to fellowship together while creating Christmas crafts for the Bazaar. For Information Please contact: Mary Dexter: or Don Balint: A few of the items we will be working on included: 10/12 10/26 11/9 Counted cross stick ornaments, folded fabric ornaments, pillowcases, ribbon roses. Bead and ribbon bracelets, paracord bracelets. Finish up all projects from previous workdays.

FALL BREAK MINICAMP From 9:00am - 12:00pm on October 15th-19th, Play-Well TEKnologies will be holding a Pre-Engineering with LEGO Camp for ages 5-8! With over 150,000 pieces of LEGO, your child will take on real-life engineering challenges that explore concepts in physics, mechanical/structural engineering, and architecture. From motorized machines, to castles & catapults, this is a hands-on and minds-on class suitable for LEGO building system novices to "maniacs." Designed by engineers, the curriculum challenges both new and returning students to reach the next level of engineering comprehension all while having fun. You will have the chance to build what you have only dreamed of with the support of a Play Well engineering instructor to guide you. Cost for parishioners will be $135 for the whole week. Non-parishioners will pay $170 for the week. Register online at

ARE YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER A VETERAN? If you or a member of your family have served or are currently serving, please let Bill Worthington know. We would like to recognize all those who have served during the very special Nativity Veterans Day concert. Bill may be reached at 480-575-7830,




League of Extraordinary Churchmen - will gather on Saturday, October 5, 10:00 a.m. At Nativity. See Wayne Whitney for more information.
365 DAYS OF NATIVITY: A DAILY DEVOTIONAL BOOKLET 140 submissions received. YEAH!! Have you participated yet? Yes, You. You know who you are. If you are a procrastinator, time is up!! Send submissions to Any questions call Lani 480-451-6995 or Mina at the church office. The Deadline is December 1. Hurry, Hurry!! MARK YOUR CALENDAR: PRESIDING BISHOP TO VISIT NATIVITY Nativity is excited to announce that the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, +The Most Rev.Katharine Jefferts Schori, will be visiting Nativity and celebrating and preaching on Sunday, June 8, 2014. We are looking forward to her visit! Confirmations will happen then also, as our own bishop, The Rt. Rev. Kirk Smith, will also be visiting that

THE MENS PUB FELLOWSHIP Mens Pub Fellowship - Gathers Friday October 5th at Tavern Americana on Thompson Peak and Hayden at 5:00 p.m. All adult males are welcome to join in this fellowship group. w w w. T h e N a t i v i t y. n e t

Faith Formation - infant through fifth grade,

By SHELLEY BYRNES, Director of Childrens and Family Ministries Page 8
Hi everyone! We've had a great start to the new Sunday School Year! It's wonderful to see new faces in the Sunday School and Children's Chapel as well as returning ones! There are so many events coming up that I want to make sure you get them on your calendar! 10/6 - Animal Blessing during 11:30 service with potluck during the Christian Formation hour (Sonoran Hills Park) 10/20 and 10/27 - Christmas Pageant Auditions (see details below!) 11/3 - All Saints Day extravaganza! This will be a fun event for all ages and will include amazing entertainment and food! The Christmas Pageant is really just around the corner! It seems early but even getting started with auditions in October we will still only have 7 rehearsals! We are blessed to have Darrell Spencer as our director this year. Julie and I are excited about this original pageant which will allow ALL Children and youth to participate even those that are visiting for the first time on Christmas Eve! The younger children and anyone without speaking parts will only be required to attend the three dress rehearsals scheduled from 10:00 to noon on 12/14 and 12/21 and 12:30 - 2:30 (with a lunch included) on 12/15! That said, we will be having Auditions at 12:30 on October 20 and 27 after the 11:30 service for any teens and upper elementary students who are interested in having speaking parts in the pageant. Everyone who tries out will be included. Auditions are just to assign roles to the appropriate actor! That said, in order for this to be successful we will need full participation from our cast members! So be aware that there will be additional rehearsals for those with speaking parts scheduled from 12:30 - 2:30 (with a lunch included) on the following Sundays: 11/10, 11/17, 11/24, 12/8 and 12/15.

Sunday School Snack Schedule

Thank you to all the parents who have been bringing snack to our Sunday School this September! Thank you also for all the volunteers for October! I had some days where I had more than one volunteer sign up for snack so I assigned the days on a first reply, first assigned basis! Please check the schedule below before you bring snacks in! Just a reminder: When you bring snacks we'd like you to stay in the room with the children until the teachers arrive so it give our teachers who are in the choir a chance to dis-robe and get to the classroom! 10/6 - Blessing of the Animals in the Park - No Sunday School 10/13 - Jen Goins 10/20 - Diana Lubondi 10/27 - Diana Lubondi 11/3 - All Saint's Day - No Sunday School 11/10 - Kelly Alley 11/17 - OPEN 11/24 - OPEN 12/01 - St. Nicholas Day (1st Sunday in Advent) - No Sunday School 12/8 - OPEN 12/15 - OPEN 12/22 - Part I of Christmas Pageant - No Sunday School

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Fa l l o f f e r i n g s f o r C h i l d r e n a n d Fa m i l y M i n i s t r i e s :

Page 9

Scottsdale Fall Break Mini-Camp with Play-Well TEKnologies at Church of the Nativity!
From 9:00am - 12:00pm on October 15th-19th, Play-Well TEKnologies will be holding a Pre-Engineering with LEGO Camp for ages 5-8! With over 150,000 pieces of LEGO, your child will take on real-life engineering challenges that explore concepts in physics, mechanical/ structural engineering, and architecture. From motorized machines, to castles & catapults, this is a hands-on and minds-on class suitable for LEGO building system novices to "maniacs." Designed by engineers, the curriculum challenges both new and returning students to reach the next level of engineering comprehension all while having fun. You will have the chance to build what you have only dreamed of with the support of a Play Well engineering instructor to guide you. Cost for parishioners will be $135 for the whole week. Nonparishioners will pay $170 for the week. Register online at

I know it is hard to believe we are already discussing Christmas, but that time is quickly approaching! On October 20th & 27th Darrell Spencer, Shelley Byrnes, and I will be holding auditions for the Christmas pageant. At this time we are only casting for everyone in the 3rd grade and older. However, children of ALL AGES who want to be included in the Christmas pageant WILL be involved! If you have any other questions please contact Shelley Byrnes or Julie Bogle.

Parents Coffee Klatch!

Thanks everyone for making this group such a success! We appreciate all the parents contributing to our topics and supporting each other. Here are the topics and leaders for October! 10/6 - Animal Blessing in the Park - No Parents' Coffee Klatch 10/13 - "Organized Bliss" De-cluttering your life - Jackie Howell and Ali Roeschley 10/20 - Open Forum (monthly) Bring your own issues! 10/27 - Nutrition for Parents (tentative) Andrea Conner 11/3 - All Saint's Day (Special Event) The rest of the weeks are still to be decided but the kind parents have offered to help create Christmas Pageant Costumes during Parents' Coffee Klatch in November. Feel free to email with topic and/or speaker ideas for future coffee klatches!


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Halloween Booing:
On October 26th our youth group will be having a lock-in. During the night we will be traveling around to our congregations home to "Boo" them. This is simply us traveling around dropping off a plate of goodies on our congregations front steps and running away in hopes you do not catch us! But, we are also making this into a fundraiser for our mission trip we are going on next summer. So, if you are interested in purchasing a plate of goodies to have yourself or one of your friends "Booed" please sign up after church in the first 3 Sundays of October. The cost will be $5 dollar suggested donations. If you have any other questions please contact Julie Bogle.

Halloween Lock-In:
Saturday October 26th we will be having our Halloween Lock In! This is going to be a great night! We will be talking about All Saints day, going around to Boo people, playing some fun games, and enjoying time together! Students may arrive at 6:00pm on the 26th. We will all go get breakfast together at 8am, and be back in time for 9:30am.

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Julie Bogle, Director of Youth Ministries

Nativity Youth At the 2013 Dodgeball Tournament

Confirmation Preparation is underway. Pastor Susan and Julie will be teaching the curriculum Confirm not Conform. This is a time to ask questions, have group discussion, and learn more about our faith and why we believe what we do! If you have any interest in being Confirmed please contact Pastor Susan.

Animal Blessing
Sunday October 6th we will be having our annual Animal Blessing service! Our 11:30 service will be held at Sonoran Hills Park, 7625 East WIlliams Road. Before the service we are going to have a lunch potluck. So, if you have a last name that begins with the letter: A-G please bring a side dish. H-N please bring a dessert. O-T please bring a beverage. U-Z please bring bread or crackers Lunch begins at 10:45. Following the lunch, we will have Our 11:30 service with Eucharist and a presentation from the youth. We will have chairs available, but if you would like to bring a blanket or picnic chairs from home please feel free!

We are looking forward to a wonderful afternoon with all of our furry friends!
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The Episcopal Church of the Nativity Mailing Address: 22405 North Miller Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 Worship Sunday 8:00 & 9:30 & 11:30 a.m.

Upcoming Events at Nativity

Sunday, October 6 Sunday, October 27 Sunday, November 3 Blessings of the Animals at Sonoran Hills Park, 7625 East Williams 10:45 a.m. Potluck Picnic (See page 11 for more information) 11:30 a.m. Eucharist and Blessing Service Bach Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Celebrate the music of J.S. Bach as we worship. All Saints Sunday Second Line Jazz Service, Gumbo/Jambalaya Cookoff Concert Performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

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