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Frater Akenu

Magickal Curriculum
Table of Contents
What can you expect.............................................................................................6
Format of the curriculum.......................................................................................6
First grade..................................................................................................................7
Week 1...................................................................................................................7
Setting the goal.................................................................................................7
Keeping the ournal..........................................................................................7
Simple relaxation exercise................................................................................7
!emem"ering all dreams..................................................................................#
Week 2...................................................................................................................$
Focal meditation...............................................................................................$
%orning exercise..............................................................................................$
&leansing exercise..........................................................................................1'
&alming "reathing..........................................................................................1'
Week (.................................................................................................................11
Imagination exercises.....................................................................................11
*+o chair exercise..........................................................................................11
Week ,.................................................................................................................1,
Sacred &ham"er !itual...................................................................................1,
Willpo+er training..........................................................................................1,
*elepathy suggestion......................................................................................16
Week -.................................................................................................................1#
Intention and food charging.focus..................................................................1#
Simple elemental exercise..............................................................................1#
Week 6.................................................................................................................2,
/eep 0nosis....................................................................................................2,
Finding o+n mantra........................................................................................2,
)asic spell creation.........................................................................................26
Second grade............................................................................................................27
Week 1.................................................................................................................27
2lemental 2nergy 3ccumulation....................................................................27
4erception of the 1ital Force..........................................................................2#
3ccumulation of the 1ital Force.....................................................................2$
1ital Force manipulation for the means of self5healing.................................('
Week 2.................................................................................................................(1
1F% for healing others..................................................................................(1
*elepathy suggestion explained in detail........................................................(2
%ind reading...................................................................................................((
Week (.................................................................................................................(-
)asics of psychotherapy.................................................................................(-
)asics of character recognition.......................................................................(#
&ategori6ing people "y elements....................................................................,'
!ecogni6ing leading and lacking elements in self and others........................,1
Week ,.................................................................................................................,2
4o+er of suggestion........................................................................................,2
4o+er of image and deception........................................................................,(
4o+er of su"tle influences..............................................................................,,
Week -.................................................................................................................,-
2nchantment using elements..........................................................................,-
2nchantment using 1ital Force.......................................................................,6
Ser7itor creation using elements.....................................................................,7
Ser7itor creation using 1ital Force %anipulation..........................................,#
Week 6.................................................................................................................,#
)asics of hypnosis..........................................................................................,$
*hird grade...............................................................................................................-,
Week 1.................................................................................................................-,
)lack mirror creation......................................................................................-,
4endulum di7ination.......................................................................................--
3lpha"et of desire...........................................................................................-7
)asic format of the rituals..............................................................................-$
Week 2.................................................................................................................62
&harging the "lack mirror...............................................................................62
%agickal prayer..............................................................................................6(
4reparing o+n incantations............................................................................6,
2yeless e7ocation...........................................................................................66
Week (.................................................................................................................6$
9o+ to recogni6e a spirit:s presence...............................................................6$
)asic in7ocation.............................................................................................7'
/ream in7ocation...........................................................................................71
27ocation through smoke...............................................................................7(
Week ,.................................................................................................................7-
First scrying e7ocation; 3nael........................................................................7-
%agickal chain...............................................................................................76
Shado+ e7ocation...........................................................................................77
4hysical manifestation....................................................................................77
Final +ords...............................................................................................................7$
3ppendix 3..............................................................................................................#'
3"out %agick and /ogma..................................................................................#'
What is %agick...............................................................................................#'
4ath of %agick................................................................................................#'
9o+ to differentiate good system from dogma..............................................#1
9o+ to find a good teacher.............................................................................#2
4ersonal thanks...............................................................................................#2
Fe+ fundamental mistakes in %agick.................................................................#2
%agick is meant to "e used.................................................................................#,
Sigil design..........................................................................................................#-
3ppendix )..............................................................................................................#6
Fragment <1; &omfort....................................................................................#7
Fragment <2; %ental relaxation.....................................................................#7
Fragment <(; 1acancy of mind.......................................................................##
Fragment <,; &oncentration...........................................................................##
Fe+ recommendations;...................................................................................##
%astery of elements exercise..............................................................................$'
3ppendix &..............................................................................................................$(
Initiation Into /i7ine 8ight %anipulation...........................................................$(
Initiation Into 3ura %agick.................................................................................$6
Finding a complex= consistent and dogma5free occult system is pretty
trou"lesome no+adays= e7en +hen +e li7e in the 21st century. *his lack of
structured materials has led me to +rite one on my o+n= "ased on the teachings I
ha7e recei7ed and personal experiences from my occult practice.
I ha7e intended to create the occult system as free from any dogma as possi"le.
>ou +ill not find any religionistic= ?e+ 3ge or pseudo5scientific la"els=
explanations or theories= ust ra+ techni@ues= ready for you to practice them
+hether you are an 3theist= a &hristian= a %uslim= a +itch= anything.
What can you expect
First grade gi7es you a solid foundation for your further endea7ors in %agick= it
assures you +ill not go insane in the process of your occult explorations= you +on:t
panic +hen you need a calm head and that you +ill enoy your trip into the
mysteries of occult arcana. >ou +ill get fe+ tips ho+ to take care of your "ody and
your mind= your physical and mental health +ill impro7e significantly.
First grade should "e ust a "asic foundation= strengthening your "ody and your
mind= making you an emotionally sta"le person. )ut I didn:t resist the urge to thro+
in a couple of techni@ues that +ill help you manifest your desires and +ill gi7e you
the most important thing in %agick= 7erifia"le results.
Format of the curriculum
&urriculum is split into the +eeks. For each +eek you learn a couple of ne+
techni@ues. Some should "e added to your daily or +eekly practice. Whether you
practice daily or +eekly depends only on you= set your regime as you +ish= I +ould
ust like to add that daily practice gi7es you the most consistent results.
3s I said "efore= not e7ery techni@ue should "ecome a part of your daily
practice= some are meant to "e used only +hen needed= e.g. the calming "reathing=
the cleansing exercise= etc.
First grade
Week 1
Setting the goal
*his is the first thing you should do. Why do you +ant to practice %agickA What
do you +ant to change in your life= +hat do you +ant to achie7eA Will that
achie7ement actually make you happy or +ill it turn your life upside do+nA
Keeping the journal
4erforming the art +ithout a ournal is nearly impossi"le. Bse it to +rite do+n
your dreams= feelings "efore= during and after exercises= also performed rituals and
achie7ed results. *his is going to "e 7ery important later.
*ime "y the time +e all ha7e dou"ts= it:s ust normal= our selecti7e memories
+ork and achie7ements are 7irtually disappearing= thatCs +hy +e sometimes ha7e
dou"ts and that:s also +hy +e need ournals= to remem"er our success and our
dri7ing force.
Simple relaxation exercise
First useful exercise you +ill learn here= it originally comes from %agick "ut
found its +ay into modern psychotherapy. 8ong term effects are getting rid of the
stress and strengthening your immunity= short term effect is a nice relaxed feeling.
First of all you should sit in a comforta"le position= your surroundings should "e
@uiet and peaceful= dim light= some relaxing music on the "ackground= you can also
"urn some incense to finish the atmosphere.
*ake fe+ deep= slo+ "reaths= then raise your eye"ro+s as far as you can= stress
your forehead= hold your eye"ro+s in the highest position for a"out - seconds= then
relax them.
?o+ close your eyes and press eyelids together as much as you can= hold for -
seconds= then release.
Form fists +ith your hands= expand your arm in front of yourself +ith el"o+s
slightly "ent. ?o+ stress muscles on your hands as hard as you can= hold -
?o+ go for your shoulders= mo7e them up and "ack as far as possi"le= once
again hold for - seconds.
*hen continue +ith your legs= your a"s and your pecs.
3fter all aforementioned muscles +ere relaxed as descri"ed a"o7e= ust close
your eyes and enoy the feeling for fe+ minutes= relax and let your "ody and mind
to regenerate on their o+n.
Remembering all dreams
%agick is mostly intuition "ased= unconscious processes are 7ery important as
they reflects our current spiritual state and can also affect our conscious actions.
*he dreaming is one of these processes.
We all dream= and +e dream a lot. In a7erage +e ha7e a"out - different dreams
per night. Some of them are affected "y our diet= "y the mo7ie +e had seen "efore
falling asleep= some "y our actions or e7ents in our life. Some can also sho+ us our
future or ne+ possi"ilities. We can e7en get 7isits "y astral entities during the
dream5state. *hat:s +hy it:s 7ery important to remem"er our dreams.
%ost usual +ay ho+ to remem"er our dreams is "y repeating affirmation DI +ill
remem"er all my dreamsD or D*his my +ill to remem"er all my dreamsD "efore
falling asleep. 3nother +ay +ould "e to use Sigils= formulas= or middle sleep +ake
up Eonce you are "eing a+oken after first ( hours of sleep and you go to sleep
again= then you usually remem"er your dreams much "etterF.
Gnce +e got to the point +here +e remem"er some fragment or a +hole dream=
+e should +rite it do+n. *he reasons are that the memory tends to fade o7er time=
dream might contain some sym"olism +e don:t understand yet or +e +ant to use
the dream as a recall trigger= reading a"out your past dreams also greatly impro7es
chances to remem"er the ne+ ones.
When you +ake up in the middle of night and you remem"er some dream= you
should immediately +rite it do+n= else chances are you +ill forget it till morning.
Still= if you are too la6y to get up or you don:t kno+ +here your ournal is= you
can try to use an anchor catchphrase. &reate a simple sentence summari6ing
important key+ords from your dream and repeat it till you fall asleep again. In the
morning ust repeat the phrase and the dream +ill reappear in your mind. I ust
ha7e to +arn you= if you forget the phrase= the dream +ill "e lost fore7er.
Week 2
Focal meditation
3s the next step +e should learn ho+ to focus our mind= the concentration is a
7ery important a"ility in occult practices.
For the exercise +e +ill need some o"ect to stare at= eg candle flame= dot on the
+all= some occult sym"ol= you can also sigili6e your intent for concentrating "etter
and use that as your focal point for meditation.
Sit in a comforta"le position +ith straight "ack= your focal point should "e a"out
( or more feet a+ay= on the le7el of your neck.
Stare at the chosen o"ect= close your eyes as needed= your "reathing should "e
slo+ and deep= "ut still natural. 3nytime a thought appears Eduring this exercise
you should "ecome thoughtlessF= ust admit existence of the thought and regain
concentration on the focal point.
>ou can s+itch focal points "et+een sessions "ut for each session you should
use only one focal point.
4ractice a"out 2' minutes daily= prefera"ly after the simple relaxation exercise.
Morning exercise
0ood health is 7ery important for %agicians Eand people in generalF= e7ery
morning after +aking up you should spend at least - minutes to 7itali6e your "ody.
>ou should create your o+n routine so I +ill gi7e you ust fe+ hints. 8ittle running
in the "eginning is a great +arm up= then stretching your arms= legs and "ack=
follo+ed "y a headstand is all pretty good for your physical "ody.
3s for the energy "ody +e should remo7e energetic "lockages and help the life
force circulating "etter. For this purpose +e can use follo+ing simple exercise.
Stand straight= "ut relaxed= your feet should "e apart on the +idth of your
shoulders. place your hands in the front of you= arms lightly "ent= shoulders and
hands relaxed= palms directing each other= "eing apart the +idth of shoulders as
+ell= this is the "asic posture.
*ake a slo+= deep inhale to your a"domen= during that inhale mo7e your hands
in front of your "elly= one hand a"o7e the other Ehands should "e still the same
distance apart= as if you +ere holding some o"ectF.
?o+ exhale and during that mo7e your hands through the "asic posture and "ack
in the front of your "elly= hands should s+itch places.
/o at least ten repetitions of this exercise= don:t forget that you should "e relaxed
during this exercise= optionally you can also imagine your "ody "eing in +ater pool
to enhance its effects.
Cleansing exercise
*his exercise is especially good for handling situations you +ouldn:t normally
handle= it can "e used against depression or to @uit smoking.
Whene7er you experience emotional state you do not +ant Eeg sudden
aggression= urge to smoke= etcF imagine all the e7ents that are causing this E"ossy
chief= annoying mother5in5la+= high taxesF and gi7e it a name Eeg 9ulk or )o"F.
?o+ +e ha7e faced our pro"lem and named it= it:s time to get the upper hand.
Imagine a solid +ooden "ox= next 7isuali6e putting D)o"D in there and sealing the
"ox. For the sealing you can use a duct tape= chains= +hate7er you like= seal it +ell
in your imagination and then get rid of it= "ury it on some island= shoot it to the
outer space= thro+ it into a portal to some other dimension= etc= use +hate7er feels
?o+ I +ould like to say that suppressing emotions isn:t a 7ery healthy thing= you
should al+ays sol7e your pro"lems. Hust sometimes +e need a distance from our
pro"lems +hen +e are supposed to handle them o"ecti7ely.
Calming breathing
*his is good +hen things go 7ery +rong= eg +hen you get a panic attack=
"reathing feels hea7y= emotions o7ercome you= etc.
*he point is that "reathing should "e slo+ and deep= "ut still enough natural. 3n
exhale should "e longer than an inhale= for this purpose count to ( during inhaling
and count to , during exhaling= the pro"lem usually disappears in a matter of
seconds= rarely in matter of minutes.
Week 3
Imagination exercises
?o+ +e should de7elop our imagination faculty for the purpose of controlling
our energy.
Simplest exercise for this purpose is as follo+s.
Start +ith a flat 2/ o"ect= choose a shape and a color Eeg a red triangleF. &lose
your eyes and imagine the o"ect you ha7e specified on the "lack surface.
3t first your 7ision +ill perish nearly instantly= "ut "y practicing it +ill stay
longer and longer= till it can persist for a matter of minutes.
?ext step is to practice this exercise +ith open eyes= proecting the imagination
on a sheet of paper. >ou can also start +orking +ith (/ images= putting some
plasticity into your imagination.
3s the next step you can start "uilding your astral cham"er. Imagine you are in
"lack 7oid= then start "uilding +alls= colors= in7entory= or you can tra7el to some
distant planet and "uild it there= "e creati7e and your imagination +ill thanks you.
?o+ +e should learn a thing or t+o to do +hen things go ugly. )anishing is a
form of cleansing the space= for no+ I +ill sho+ you ust fe+ "asic +ays.
Banish by laughter: *here isn:t anything simpler= ust laugh your ass off= laugh
as hard as you can= at first it +ill "e forced= then it +ill slo+ly turn into cra6y
madman laugh= laugh as long as you can "reath= let it o7ercome you.
Banish by smoke: For this +e +ill need some her"s for the incense Eor "uy
incense sticksF= eg +hite sage= "ut Hasmine and Santhal +ood can also "e used.
Banish by denial: *his is also a 7ery potent +ay of "anishing= reect your astral
pro"lems their existence= ground yourself to our plane. *o do it= say something like
this; D*here is no pro"lem= astral entities "elong to different plane= I am right here
and right no+ on this plane= there is a floor under my legs= oxygen in my lungs and
an empty space all around me= there is nothing to "e +orried a"out. *here is ust
me and this empty roomD. *hen go do some manual +ork to center and ground
"etter= eg go make a food= drink some +ater= fix some stuff= etc.
Two chair exercise
*his exercise also origins in experiential psychotherapy. It helps us to get rid of
our negati7e character traits Eunderstand Dnegati7eD as the stuff you don:t like a"out
For this purpose you need t+o chairs= sit on the one and let the other one empty.
!elax yourself and then imagine your alter ego that possess the negati7e trait sitting
on the other chair= imagine its clothes= haircut= e7erything.
3s for the next part= critici6e your alter ego= yell at it= say all the "ad thing it
caused to you.
3fter fe+ minutes you should s+itch chair and act from the position of your
alter ego= say your feelings regarding the criticism. Keep s+itching places and ha7e
a dialogue. *his is the famous t+o chair exercise.
*arot is a pretty interesting %agickal tool. 3nd as the %agickal tool= tarot is
charged +hen "eing used. *his article sums up my experimentation +ith
tarot and also conclusion of my proect. *his method +ill help you to
charge your *arot properly= to learn faster the di7ination process and
also to learn ho+ to feel 7arious energies and ho+ to differentiate
them. 3ll you need for this method is a deck of the *arot. I ha7e personally
used &ro+leyCs *hoth *arot= "ut itCs a matter of personal choice= use +hat
feel aesthetic to you.
Asking question
First important step is to ask a @uestion correctly. We need to get correct
data and +e need to 7erify correctness of our data= for that purpose +e
ha7e to ask the tarot +hat +ill happen tomorro+= not in , +eeks or in a
year. So a good @uestion +ould "e +hat +ill happen tomorro+ or +hat +ill
tomorro+ "e like. 3fter stating our @uestion +e shuffle our deck and
spread it across the ta"le Eor floor or +hate7er surface you like to
+ork onF.
?o+ ru" your hands against each other to make them really +arm and itchy=
this +ill impro7e the perception of energy in your hands. It +ill also
impro7e "lood circulation in your hands.
Gpen your left hand and mo7e it a"o7e the tarot deck. 4lace your hand a"o7e
each of *arot cards and use it to locate the card that ans+ers your
@uestion. I personally feel that the card is pulsing and the air is pretty hot
a"o7e the card= "ut your experience may differ.
When you found the right card= pick it and turn it o7er to see it. 3fter you
pick your card you can collect the rest of the deck and put it aside=
ust one card is needed for this training.
Focus on your card
?ext step is focal meditation. 4ick one point on the card that appeals you= keep
focused on the point. /uring this step you +ill find hidden
images on the card Emostly faces or +hole ne+ figures hidden in the pattern
of the cardsF= so it might happen you +ill +ant to change your point of
focus on that image. >ou can do that= ust "e sure to ha7e one point of
focus and donCt rapidly mo7e your eyes from one place to the other. In
other +ords= keep "asic rules of focal meditation.
Feel the energy
*his step +ill help you to "etter remem"er the card= deepen your understanding
of its meaning and it +ill also help you to feel 7arious energies. 8ay
do+n on the floor +ith your face up and put the tarot card on your
forehead. &lose your eyes and calm your mind. G"ser7e your thoughts and
also o"ser7e energy of the card. Keep state of a"solute calmness for
couple of minutes.
When you are done +ith the first part of this exercise= you can try to focus on
the energy of the card and you can try to spread it across your "ody.
*his +ill help you to attune yourself for tomorro+ and it +ill also help
you to de7elop your clairsentience.
Learn the meaning
When you are done= take a "ook that explains meaning of the card. >ou might
"e surprised ho+ your feeling is actually close to the definition
+ritten in your "ook. 3lso= enoy the tomorro+ and ha7e the card in your mind
so you can find ho+ +ell that day relates to the card you ha7e picked
the day "efore.
I hope you +ill like this exercise and you +ill find it useful. I guess
you +ant to kno+ ho+ much time you need for the practice. ?eeds can "e
7ery indi7idual= from couple of minutes to matter of hours= trust your
feelings and "elie7e in yourself. If you are not sure a"out the time=
stick +ith - I 1' minutes for each step= at least "efore you impro7e.
Week 4
Sacred Chamber Ritual
Stand still and take fe+ deep "reaths. 1isuali6e a"out 1ft +ide or" of +hite light
a"out 1 or 2 feet a"o7e your head.
4oint at the or" +ith your index finger and say; D&ro+n a"o7e my head= KetherD.
1isuali6e a ray of the +hite light descending through your "ody do+n to the core
of 2arth +hile guiding it +ith your index finger.
Say; DKingdom under my feet= %alkuthD.
Gpen your arms like you are +elcoming someone and during opening your arms=
7isuali6e the ray of the light "ecoming thicker and thicker till it co7ers the +hole
room or space around you. /uring this say D*hrough the +orldsD.
When you are finished= standing +ith your hands +ide open= say D)ack to the
3dam KadmonD.
illpower training
What is a willpower
3 lot of things +ere said a"out the +illpo+er in the past "ut the topic +asn:t
explained really +ell. If our real Self is our Will= then the endurance of this Will is
+hat +illpo+er stands for. It:s like a muscle strength for the muscle or a "ullet for
the gun.
Why is the willpower important for Magicians
Willpo+er is a measure of affecting the +orld. %agician +ithout +illpo+er is
like an artist +ithout his tools or a musician +ithout his e@uipment. %agician +ith
stronger Will +ins= same as a "ody"uilder +ith stronger "ody can lift up more
Willpower in the history
>ou should ha7e already heard some story of old shamans= going +ithout food
for months= keeping their "odies in cold +ater for days or e7en +ounding their
"odies in states of trance "efore doing their rites.
*he !eason is simple= the +illpo+er.
)y specifying a task that is hard to achie7e= and "y achie7ing that task= you train
your +illpo+er= the strength of your Will.
How to train your willpower
In the modern society +e don:t ha7e much time to go to the +ilderness for ,'
days= +e ha7e to feed our families and oursel7es= +e ha7e to pay taxes.
Fortunately= +hen you kno+ that the reason for "eing in cold +ater for a num"er
of days is not a"out "eing in cold +ater for a num"er of days= "ut real reason is to
do a difficult task= no matter +hat the task is= you can easily come up +ith your
o+n training.
/o you smokeA 3re you a chain smokerA &an you "e +ithout smoking for one
dayA *hat:s 7ery hard= "ut not impossi"le. )ut "e+are= make a task a difficult= "ut
not impossi"le to maintain= if you fail= your +illpo+er +ill go do+n= rapidly.
30 minutes rule
*his is my fa7orite training method. 0ood old &6ech %agick ;F.
1. 3re you hungryA Wait (' minutes "efore eating
2. 3re you thirstyA /rink in (' minutes
(. 3re you tired and you +ant to go to sleepA 0o for a (' minutes long +alk.
/uring the +alk you can remem"er all your good friends and old enemies and send
positi7e thoughts in their directions.
Simple training way for ery !usy people
First of all= this is not a 7ery effecti7e +ay= it does ha7e a minor "enefits "ut
compared to the (' minutes rule or oppressing your ha"it for days= it is nothing.
4oint is to simply specify +hat you are going to do "efore you do it.
I am going to "rush my teeth in sake of increasing my +illpo+er
3nd after "rushing;
I ha7e finished my task for increasing my +illpo+er
I kno+ it sounds retarded= "ut it +orks.
?o+ it:s time to learn something a"out a protection. *he %agickal "arrier is
used to protect us from any harm +hen +e are expecting trou"les or +e already are
in trou"les= a lot of times a shield is casted "efore falling asleep= after all "efore +e
learn the astral proection= the sleep is our "iggest +eakness= keep in mind that
%agicians are most 7ulnera"le +hen sleeping.
First of all +e should say something a"out a shape and a purpose of the "arrier.
For the shape= use a simple sphere. *he Sphere is easy to imagine= easy to maintain
in the imagination= easy to strengthen and also pretty sturdy. In 4hysics you could
learn that the round o"ects can +ithstand more pressure than the o"ects +ith sharp
edges. *he reason is that in case of round o"ects= the pressure doesn:t act only at
the pressure point "ut gets distri"uted on the +hole surface of the o"ect= therefore
minimi6ing the effects of a pressure. )y applying the principle D3s 3"o7e So
)elo+D +e can say that +hat +orks on a lo+er plane must +ork on a higher plane=
as +ell.
3s for the purpose= generally you cast "arriers to feel safe and to "e safe Ethese
t+o reasons are partially interconnectedF. Shield:s design should match these
criteria. >ou can imagine your sphere "eing created from +hate7er material you
+ish= eg metal= fire= ice= spikes... It can "e also dynamic= there can "e chainsa+s
flying around it= etc. )ut generally keep it simple.
)arrier creation starts +ith a relaxation= you can also use the Sacred &ham"er
!itual to get centered= later you +ill also learn ho+ to enter deep gnostic state to
enhance the effects.
?ext step is to close your eyes and imagine a "lack space all around you. *here
is ust you and the 7oid= nothing else.
*ake a fe+ deep "reaths in the 7oid to get accustomed to the en7ironment= "e
?o+ start forming the sphere in your imagination= "it "y "it= slo+ly +rapping
around your "ody. *his +ill take some time.
?o+ you are in your little imaginati7e or"= it:s the time to gi7e it some strength.
>our "reathing should "e slo+= +ith small pauses "efore and after inhales. /uring
each exhale imagine your sphere getting thicker= harder= more 7isi"le= more solid.
/o this for a couple of minutes.
?o+ gi7e it a purpose. Inhale deeply and eg say something like; D%y creation= I
command thee. *hou shalt "e li7ing and protect me from any harm until I finally
+ake up in the morningD. )y the +ay= excuse my crappy old 2nglish skills.
?otice there is an expiration specified. Without this the "arrier might ust
disappear on its o+n Einfinite time also doesn:t +ork as there is ust a limited
amount of energy you put inF.
?o+ comes the last step= simple 7erification that the "arrier is there. 2xpand
your hand and try to touch the closest +all= if the sphere is there= you +ill feel it.
*his is a"out all the "asics you need to kno+ a"out shielding. *ry to experiment
+ith shape= si6e= color= DmaterialD and other accessories= "e creati7e.
Telepath! suggestion
*elepathy suggestion is a simple +ay ho+ to de7elop some po+ers and ho+ to
gain some @uick results. For practicing telepathy suggestion you need some person
that doesnCt kno+ you are a"out to suggest action to= prefera"ly turned "ack from
you. 8ook at the "ack of skull skull of the su"ect and keep repeating in your mind;
J>ou ha7e to turn "ack at me. >ou ha7e to look at me. >ou must turn "ackK.
3t first= the su"ect +ill start getting ner7ous. *hen the su"ect +ill slo+ly start
looking around and after a +hile= the su"ect +ill look at you.
?e7er start this exercise +hen you cannot finish it and ne7er stop till you get the
result. Interrupting the action in the middle is a huge shock for your +illpo+er and
next time= it +ill "e harder for you to get results. In opposite case= e7ery time you
practice this exercise= getting results +ill "e easier for you.
Week 5
Intention and food charging"focus
Food and +ater= some of the main resources of 7ital energy= the essence of life.
In physics it is said that for a one eaten candy5"ar you could ump a"out 6' or 7'
meters up= this is ho+ much energy such a snack contains. *he reason +e cannot do
that is that our "odies are imperfect= heating a lot of energy out L our muscle tissue
and our "ones can also take only a certain pressure. ?othing +e can do a"out that=
"ut at least +e can di7ide and process energy +e o"tain from food and +ater.
First of all you should control conscious eating. &onscious eating is +hen you
are ha7ing a meal and percei7ing the meal +ithout any distractions= like *1= nasty
thoughts= etc.
When +e can do that +e can start +ith the food impregnation. 4lace your hand
a"o7e your meal or drink and imagine a +hite energy "eing emitted from your
hand. /uring that focus on the goal= +hat do you +ant to use the meal:s energy for=
Finishing current @uest at handA *o get some creati7e ideaA *o help your "ody +ith
regenerationA &hoose +hat suits you the "est. 3s the next part ust eat the meal.
It is understanda"le that +e cannot al+ays +a7e our hands a"o7e meal like some
Hedi= fortunately nature thought a"out that one. *he "iggest energy emitter Ee7en
"igger than the tips of fingersF is the tip of your tongue. *asting the meal +hile
eating and simply focusing on +hat +ill "e the energy used for= is enough.
Simple elemental exercise
I ha7e made my mind to once more "reak the oath of silence and share +ith you
another ad7anced techni@ue. *his techni@ue is "asically the essence of %agick. It is
a simple techni@ue= you +ill immediately remem"er it= "ut it:s dangerous for
"eginners and you +ill find out +hy during the course.
"uality of elements
*hose of you +ho kno+ II9= you also kno+ that each element has "oth a
positi7e and a negati7e @uality. In %94 +e don:t really care a"out these @ualities=
elements are taken as +holes. 3d7antage of doing this is +ithin much greater
source of energy= the energy %94 can use is ra+= po+erful and aggressi7e. *hat:s
+hy there is also a disad7antage. 8eading unfiltered full elemental energy into your
"ody creates a great distress and if this energy is kept in the "ody= maor elemental
im"alance happens. Such stress to your "ody can easily de7elop into a sickness=
"eing it mental= emotional or physical.
#rocedure of the e$ercise
*he procedure is pretty simple= one "y one= you in7oke elemental energies into
your "ody and then you let it out. In the "eginning you 7isuali6e "eing surrounded
"y the specific element= then you slo+ly start inhaling the energy +ith the pore
"reathing. 3fter your astral "ody is full of the energy= then you exhale the energy
+ith the pore "reathing.
/uring the fire element= you should see flames all around you and you should
feel sensations of the heat. *ransparent +ater 7isuali6ation comes +ith sensations
of cold for +ater element= transparent 7isuali6ation +ith feeling of lightness for the
air element and green."ro+n."lack 7isuali6ation +ith feeling of the hea7iness for
the earth element.
%ake sure that after +orking +ith each element you feel ust like "efore the
exercise. 27en a small fragment of the element left in your "ody may lead to maor
changes. 3l+ays make sure that e7erything of the in7oked element gets out of you.
*his is the one of the most acti7e topics in Sigil %agick; 9o+ to charge sigils
properly. *here are 7arious death postures= "reathing and meditation exercises=
e7en a drug a"use. *he reason is to enter the gnostic state to @uickly charge the
sigil. *hen you usually ha7e to @uickly forget a"out the sigil and its purpose so you
don:t interrupt the +ork of your unconsciousness.
La%y charging
*his is my fa7orite approach I ha7e de7eloped o7er the years "ased on +orks of
Spare= Frater B/ and e7en 4atrick /unn. 4artial influence also came from my
original system of choice= 2nochian %agick.
&erything is in mind
%ost important thing you ha7e to understand is that the route to success and the
route to failure are hea7ily "ased on your mind. >our tastes and also your
expectations are the limiting factors. 2sthetic feeling is also 7ery important= I am
going to present my approach "ut make sure to modify it or use some different
approach if it doesn:t suit you. Feel free to experiment.
What do we need
First of all +e +ill need one complete sigil created from clear intent. ?ext part
consists of creating a formula for the sigil. I ha7e already descri"ed creation of
formulas in D%agickal FormulaeD article so feel free to use any of these methods.
I +ill ust note here a one method you can use. *ake your intent Eeg *his my +ill
to o"tain strength of the tigerF and select some important key+ords EG"tain= tiger=
strengthF. *hen re7erse these +ords and modify them so they are easily
pronounced= you can also omit repeating letters.
*he result could look like this; ?iato"ah !eget hatog nertas.
3s you can see you can also split +ords into more= add more letters= etc= "e
4lace the sigil in front of you. !elax and take fe+ deep "reaths to clear your
mind and gain focus. 4lace your hand a"o7e the sigil= palms facing to the center of
the sigil. %ake sure your hands are in a position that still allo+s you to see the
Start chanting the formula. 2xperiment +ith your 7oice= someone has "etter
effects +ith @uiet repetition and someone needs to yell it= you can also try throat
singing or repeating the formula solely in your head= "e creati7e.
4eople usually ask me ho+ many repetitions should "e made= I say there is no
limit. >ou can repeat it till it feels right or till you get tired. >ou can also repeat this
charging for a couple of days or till it gets fulfilled Ein that cases you do not need to
forget a"out itF.
Gnce you perform this ritual= your mind makes association "et+een the sigil and
the formula= so you can place it else+here and charge it DremotelyD EIn fact the
paper dra+ing is ust reference point= not the magickal @uality itselfF. *his means
you can also "oost the charging "y repeating the formula "efore you fall asleep.
9o+ do I kno+ that I chose the +ay to create.chant formula that suits my needsA
First of all= it +ill "e pretty easy for you to remem"er the formula.
Secondly you +ill ha7e a lot of mysterious experiences during the chanting
EImmediate loss of the perception of time= 7isual hallucinations regarding flashing
or"s of light= strong hissing sound= acoustic hallucinations= etcF.
3nd thirdly; your results ;5F.
'raditional way of working with Sigils
I decided to create an article a"out ho+ to +ork +ith Sigils as originally
intended "y 3. G. Spare.
Sigil is a result of DencryptingD a message or intent so it can get past the psychic
censor and get implanted directly into our unconsciousness. Sigil can "e 7isual or
aural= hidden in picture= sound= mantra or e7en in a "ook. Sigil can also "e a
gesture or feeling "ut in this article +e +ill focus on 7isual Sigils.
hat is a psychic censor
4sychic censor Esometimes called 9oly 0uardian 3ngelF is a filtering
mechanism attached to the communication channel "et+een conscious and
unconscious mind. *his psychic censor is "elie7ed to filter all %agick related
communication to assure security of the person. /esires are not the only pro"lem=
+ithout psychic censor= your fears could manifest as +ell.
!heory behind "igils
3fter our intent is sigili6ed Etransformed into a SigilF= +e ha7e to temporarily
disa"le the censor. *his is done "e reaching altered state of consciousness called
0nosis. In 0nosis our thoughts are interrupted and the +hole mind concentrates at
one point. *his state is used to focus on the Sigil= implanting it into our
*hen +e ha7e to make sure that the Sigil is "anished from our consciousness
"efore 4sychic &ensor is reacti7ated else our spell +ould "e canceled.
#e$uirements %or basic "igil Magick
3ll you need is a pen and paper. Specify your intent and +rite it do+n on the
paper= this part is important for formulating +hat you really +ant.
>ou can use some %agickal alpha"et to assure your conscious mind is not going
to interrupt the process if you are going to use the same paper for the finished Sigil.
"igili&ation process
3fter assuring our intent is +hat +e really +ant= +e take letters of the intent and
com"ine them into the sym"ol of our intent= our Sigil. 8etters that are presented
more than once are dra+n into the Sigil ust during the first occurrence.
3fter +e are done +e can keep mo7ing= com"ining and reshaping letters till +e
are satisfied +ith the result.
We can also use curls= crosses= crescents= flo+ers and other sym"ols to impro7e
the Sigil= to make the intent e7en more distant for our conscious mind.
If you are ne+ to Sigils= make them more complex so it:s easier for you to forget
them E"anish them from consciousnessF.
3nother +ay of sigili6ation is a pictorial one. >ou create a picture for +hat you
+ant and then you start simplifying it and reshaping till you get a Sigil. *his
method is also used for distant healing= you ust ha7e to create picture of the person
you +ish to heal= add initials of the person and some mark of the place that needs a
healing= sym"ol of a needle is usually used for such mark= then you deri7e a Sigil
from it.
3nother +ays of creating Sigils are; automatic dra+ing= thro+ing stones on the
floor= splashing paint on the +all= etc.
#eaching 'nosis
0nosis needed for the charging is split into t+o categories= inhi"itory and
Inhi"itory 0nosis is the result of long and deep meditation= gi7ing you the
perfect state for any spell casting.
2xcitatory 0nosis is @uick "ut hard to control= usually induced "y sensory
depri7ation= choking= o7er5"reathing or e7en a drug a"use= some of these are
usually contained +ithin /eath 4ostures.
(eath )osture
/eath 4osture is a +ay of reaching the 2xcitatory 0nosis. *raditional one has
follo+ing key5points that should "e maintained;
5 Stand on your tiptoes.
5 &onnect your hand "ehind your "ack and stretch your "ody. Keep stretching
your "ody.
5 )reathe 7ery deeply "ut 7ery fast.
5 9a7e your eyes closed till you reach the point ust "efore losing your
consciousness= then open your eyes and stare at the Sigil.
5 %ake sure you +on:t hurt yourself +hen you are falling on the floor.
Another (eath )osture
*his /eath 4osture is used "y myself. >ou can sit +hen performing this one so
the possi"ility of getting hurt in the process is significantly lo+ered. I found this
posture in 4ractical Sigil %agick "y Frater B./. and I really like it.
4lace a Sigil in front of yourself and close your eyes. 9old your "reath and use
the fingers of your "oth hands to "lock your eyes= your ears and your nose. Keep
holding your "reath as long as you can. When you cannot hold it any longer= keep it
for a +hile till you really can:t Efun fact; you cannot choke yourselfF. *hen open
your eyes and ga6e at the Sigil for a moment= e7en a split of a second is enough.
hat to do a%ter charging
3fter the Sigil is charged you should immediately "anish it from your mind=
experience sho+s that faster you do so= more potent the sigil +ill "e.
*o do so you should close your eyes= dispose of the Sigil and e7oke the laughter.
(isposing o% the "igil
Sigil disposal can ha7e 7arious formats. From "urning the paper through
thro+ing it a+ay up to simply closing the notepad you use for Sigils.
E*ocation o% +aughter
*his is the final piece. Hust start laughing like some cra6y +eirdo= the laugh +ill
"e forced in the "eginning= "ut then it +ill "ecome something more. *he laugh is
also great for your health and it is also a perfect spiritual protection.
Week 6
#eep $nosis
*he time has come to speak a"out the deep inhi"itory 0nosis= the "est possi"le
state for using %agick= the state +here no mental chatter exists= +here emotions do
not influence our results and +here external factors do not influence us to the point
+e +ould fail in our attempts. Sounds good= doesn:t itA
*o get into the deep inhi"itory 0nosis +e ha7e to relax our "ody and our mind=
lay flat on your "ack= relax each of your muscles to the point you cannot feel and
cannot mo7e your "ody= ha7e closed eyes during the +hole relaxation process and
don:t fall asleep. *his relaxation process can take e7en an hour so "e patient.
/uring the relaxation your "reathing should "e deep and slo+= "ut regular= you
should also "e thoughtless. 3ny thought that appears should "e ust admitted and
let "e= no more thinking a"out the idea "ut also no force should "e applied to
suppress your thoughts= ust "e phlegmatic a"out the +hole thinking process till
thinking stops.
When you reach the thoughtless state of the complete relaxation you are ready to
enter the state of inhi"itory 0nosis= say to yourself that +hen you count up to 2'=
you +ill enter the %agickal trance= then count each exhale till you reach 2'= and
that:s it.
*o consciously lea7e the state ust count exhales "ack+ards from 2' to 1.
Finding own mantra
?o+ I don:t kno+ ho+ much you kno+ a"out mantras. )asically mantras are
%agickal formulae= +idely used eg in >oga. *he story is that "y a certain num"er
of repetitions a specific mantra can gi7e you certain "enefits= manifest certain
effects. *here are mantras for those that seek enlightenment= memory impro7ement=
a guru or e7en a "etter financial situation.
3 skilled guru can also find out and gi7e you your 7ery o+n secret mantra=
supposedly a mantra you +ere gi7en during your "irth= the mantra that resonates
+ith your +hole existence. )y using such a mantra you can unleash your hidden
So= if you cannot find a good guru or you do not "elie7e in teachers at all= here is
ho+ to find your mantra for yourself.
First of all let:s talk a"out ?ada= a sound flo+ing through all the things. It
usually manifests during meditation as a +hite noise= you might ha7e already heard
it during the relaxation or the inhi"itory 0nosis practice= it:s really a sort of a
"u66ing sound.
So= reach the deep inhi"itory 0nosis= say an affirmation that you +ish to gain the
kno+ledge of your personal mantra and then focus on ?ada. Gnce you hear ?ada=
focus on the noise more and more. %ore you focus on the noise= more you +ill
hear it= then you +ill actually feel it as +ell= your "ody +ill "e 7i"rating= you +ill
get a sense of your "ody disappearing= don:t "e afraid= ust let your mind "e clean=
+ithout thoughts. 3s this continues= you +ill lose the sense of your "ody and also a
sense of your consciousness= you +ill "e ust the 7oid= nothing else. *hen snap=
your identity is "ack and your mantra is singing in your ears= remem"er it +ell= it:s
the key to your hidden a"ilities.
Well= the time has come to talk a"out 7isions. 1isions fall into follo+ing
"at5shMt insane
4rophetic 7isions sho+ you some distant future or e7ent= they can actually go
years into the future= "ut frankly= you ne7er kno+ the exact time +hen e7ents
happen= so not a "ig ad7antage. 4rophetic dreams can also include meetings +ith
higher or lo+er "eings.
4recogniti7e dreams sho+ you some near e7ents and near future= that can "e
7ery useful= sometimes.
!egressi7e 7isions are 7isions "ased on your daily experiences= simply during
the trance state your "rain has some time to process the data o"tained from your
+aking life= you can see that the 7isions +ork the same +ay that the dreams do.
3nd the last category are cra6y dreams; 6om"ies= unicorns= rain"o+s= monsters=
this kind of stuff. Hust like regular nightmares.
*he analysis of the 7ision is similar to the dream analysis= "ut made harder "y
one fact= straightfor+ard 7isions are rare= commonly they are affected "y your inner
sym"olism= t+isting the plot and meaning of the 7isions into other shapes. In
summary if you are a horror lo7er= your "at5shMt insane 7isions might "e actually
the prophetic or precogniti7e ones= "ut turned into something more
Dunderstanda"leD for your consciousness.
*o figure out your internal sym"olism= simply +rite do+n your 7isions Eust like
your dreamsF= and return to them time "y the time= if there is a meaning= it +ill
"ecome apparent.
?o+= the simplest +ay ho+ to attain 7isions is to in7oke the 3ir element into
your "ody +hile "eing in the gnostic state and then +ait= if a 7ision appears= don:t
focus on it= that +ould "reak it= ust maintain the 0nosis and o"ser7e your 7ision
Basic spell creation
8et:s say something a"out the spell creation no+. >ou could ha7e already noticed
there are certain time consuming practices. For example setting up a sufficient
shield takes a"out an hour to "e finished. !eaching the inhi"itory 0nosis takes
another hour= you also need a"out (' minutes to relax your +hole "ody or a"out
another hour to o"tain 7isions.
3ll things mentioned a"o7e are ust mind states. 3 State of the mind can lea7e
you thoughtless E0nosisF= or e7en protected EshieldF. When +e kno+ that a shield is
DustD a state of the mind Efor an occultist= a mind means much more than for
othersF= +e can create shortcuts for these states= generally called spells. *o create a
spell= firstly you ha7e to enter a desired state of the mind. Secondly you should
choose a +ord= a phrase or a hand gesture you +ant to associate +ith the desired
state and say to yourself; D?ext time I use this gesture.+ord it:s my +ill to achie7e
this state of the mindD. 3nd then= +hen you +ant to enter the state again= ust use
+hate7er you ha7e chosen and take a fe+ deep "reaths= and you are there.
Spells tend to DdischargeD +hen not used for a longer period of time. Keep that
in mind= +hen that happens you need ust to re5charge the spell.
Second grade
Week 1
&lemental &nerg! 'ccumulation
In the first grade +e ha7e learned ho+ to percei7e elements= no+ I am going to
sho+ you ho+ to actually accumulate them in your "ody +ithout causing maor
im"alances resulting in stress= depression or sickness.
Griginally you +ere supposed to gather each element and then to let all of it go=
that +as supposed to teach you ho+ to feel elements and ho+ to maintain your
original "alance. ?o+ +e are a"out to learn ho+ to keep elements in the "ody
+hile keeping the elemental "alance= therefore strenghtening your energetic "ody.
(e rela$ed
First of all +e should relax our "ody and our mind= there +ere already some
relaxation and calming exercises in the first grade= so you can use those.
Imagine your !ody is hollow
Similar to the mastery of elements "ody= "efore +e can gather elements +e ha7e to
make some DspaceD for them. Hust imagine 3?/ feel your "ody "eing hollo+.
)ne !y one
?o+ +e should start accumulating elements. *he process is that you 7isuali6e and
feel the @ualities of the in7oked element and then you inhale these @ualities into
your "ody and +ith each inhale you accumulate these @ualities.
For the "eginning start +ith - inhales for each element= +ith time you can slo+ly
start "uilding it up to ,'= "ut I recommend to simply keep +ith - inhales for
follo+ing reasons;
1F Fi7e repetitions are easier to "e kept= you +ant the elements to "e "alanced.
2F In the future you +ant to accumulate more and more energy= "ut you don:t +ant
to +aste your time. What one +ould do +ith 1'' repetitions you +ill "e a"le to do
+ith -= therefore sa7ing your time and impro7ing effecti7ity of your spells= simply
"y recei7ing more energy per a "reath instead of increasing the num"er of inhales.
"ualities of the elements
Fire is hot= red and dry
Water is cold= "lue and moist
2arth is hea7y= green= cold and dry
3ir is light+eight= transparent= +arm and moist.
)rder and effects
53l+ays start this exercise +ith Fire element= the rest +ill go easier.
5Bse Water as the second element if you are unsure or scared= elements +ill "e
more "alanced "ut partially negated +ith each other
5Bse 3ir element as the second one if you +ant or need more energy and "etter
effects. ?aturally 3ir feeds the Fire and is also +armened "y the Fire= feeding your
"ody +ith greater deal of oxygen and "oosting your meta"olism= ust "e careful for
your "ody not to get too hot= that:s dangerous. 3ir element is also a natural dam
"et+een Fire and Water.
52arth element must "e al+ays last for its limiting factors. 2arth limit three
pre7ious elements= therefore it is good for controling them.
(erception of the %ital Force
What is the *ital force+
1ital force is the energy you ha7e in your "ody= it:s the energy that allo+s you to
control your "ody= +ithout this energy you feel tired. *hat:s enough explanation for
no+ I think. 8et:s ust say that this energy allo+s you much more than ust mo7ing
the 7ehicle called your "ody as you are a"out to learn in this curriculum.
How can I control the *ital force+
First of all you ha7e to learn ho+ to percei7e the energy= +hich is @uite hard
"ecause it is +ith you the +hole time= it:s hard to start percei7ing something +hen
you ha7e it the +hole time.
&onsider your health= most people do not care a"out their health as long as they are
healthy. *hey usually miss health only +hen they are sick= that:s the only time they
appreciate their health.
How to perceie the *ital force
First of all make yourself comforta"le and relax= use eg the Simple relaxation
exercise as found in the pre7ious grade.
Gnce you are relaxed= direct all your attention to your "ody= feel the "ody as the
+hole. >ou should clearly feel e7erything= all the place your "ody takes.
?o+ focus on your left hand= you can use your eyes as +ell for this= "ut mainly feel
Focus on your right hand= then left hand again. Keep s+itching the focus "et+een
hands and soon you +ill notice something changing in your hands= the handyou
are focused on feel different. *his feeling can "e one or more of the follo+ing;
heat= tingling= "u66ing= pressure= +eighting more... it depends on your personal
?o+ you can also start s+itching your focus "et+een more places on your "ody=
not ust your hands.
'ccumulation of the %ital Force
8et:s say something more a"out 1ital Force. It:s the energy inherent to you= you
cannot accumulate it from outside= only +ay is accumulating it from the inside. *o
understand ho+ to do that +e firstly ha7e to understand ho+ 1ital force gets into
our "ody.
Where can I get the *ital force+
First of all= He+s and some other nations that the Soul is stored in "lood= that +ould
"e for a longer discussion "ut +e certainly kno+ that the 1ital force truly is in the
"lood. So to affect our energy +e ha7e to learn ho+ our "lood can "e affected.
*o affect our "lood Eand 1ital forceF indirectly +e ha7e to drink and eat= a "alanced
meal on regular le7el does great things to your energy le7el. Semi5direct +ays of
influencing our energy le7el are sleep and Sun= sleep helps to restore our "ody and
our mind= sunrays maintains our "ody and our emotional sta"ility.
/irect +ay of affecting one:s "lood is a "reathing.
*he "reathing should "e slo+ and deep= "ut still natural= +ith slight pauses "efore
and after inhales.
!eleasing the energy from storages
?o+ +e kno+ +here our "ody gathers the energy from= +e should also say
something a"out energy storages.
?ot all your 1ital force is a7aila"le to you= most of it is stored for emergency cases
Efear= adrenaline rush= etcF= "ut there are se7eral +ays ho+ to release these;
&offee doesn:t really gi7e you energy Eunless you like your sugar +ith a "it of a
coffeeF= it releases it from your storages. *hat:s also the reason +hy you cannot li7e
on coffee for years. Firstly your "ody needs to relax and regenerate and secondly
your energy storages need to "e refilled.
In (' minutes after one shot of a strong li@uor a lot of energy is released and your
mind "ecomes "righter= this state usually lasts for a"out an hour. It +orks only
once= another shots +ill ust make you drunk.
,elease without supplements
*o release the energy +ithout external tools including caffeine= alcohol= drugs= etc=
there is also another +ay.
>ou should "e already a"le to feel your 1ital Force= focus on it. Focus on the intent
to release your dormant energy= take a really really slo+ and deep inhale= it:s the
same inhale that your "ody does automatically ust "efore ya+ning= it is highly
possi"le that inhale +ill actually force ya+ning to you= "ut hold it= inhale a "it
more= still +ith the intention in mind and you +ill feel a @uick out"urst of energy
"eing released into your "ody.
%ital Force manipulation for the means of self)healing
So= +e ha7e hopefully learned ho+ to feel 1ital Force= +here do +e get it and ho+
to accumulate it "y releasing our reser7es. ?o+ let:s talk a"out a simplest use of
1ital Force= self5healing.
*his isn:t really a healing= it ust makes some part of our organism to +ork a little
"it faster Eeg in case of +ounds or flusF or at least to relie7e some pain Eeg
headaches= etcF. )y no means it is a replacement for doctor appointment in serious
cases= remem"er that.
Bse the process of energy accumulation descri"ed in the pre7ious exercise. When
the energy is accumulated= focus all of it into the trou"lesome area Ea +ound= a
head for headache = nose or throat for flu= etcF= +ith this focus all of the released
should go to the designated place. *his might take a couple of tries for the first
time= "ut you +ill e7entually get the hang on this.
When the energy +as clearly mo7ed to the designated place Eal+ays choose ust
one place per sessionF= keep focusing on the place for a"out another 1' minutes.
*his is not an instant cure for all diseases= it ust allo+s our "ody to regenerate
faster= ho+ faster depends only on your practice= in other +ords on your physical
and spiritual condition.
Week 2
%FM for healing others
9ealing others is pretty similar to the self5healing= same rules and la+ apply. *o
heal another person you ha7e to learn ho+ to send the 1F out of your "ody and
ho+ to control it outside your "ody.
0et a long piece of stick Ecan also "e a "roomF and hold it in your hand in the
3ccumulate the 1ital Force in your "ody as +e learned "efore.
3ll this accumulated energy mo7e to your hand that is holding the stick. 3s you are
doing this try to feel the energy that is out of your "ody= feel the energy and +ith
that also feel the shape= the surface and the content of the stick.
%o7e the energy from one tip of the stick to the other a couple of times= then
expand it across the +hole stick. Keep it this +ay for a couple of minutes.
*hen shrink it "ack and mo7e it "ack into your "ody Edo not +asteF.
3fter you are good +ith a stick= you can try it onto other person.
Telepath! suggestion explained in detail
In the first grade +e ha7e learned a"out a techni@ue called telepathy suggestion.
*his training +as a"out focusing on someone and making him turn "ack at you Eor
you could also try something elseF.
?o+ let:s talk ho+ it +orks.
1ital force= also called a neural energy or also a magnetic fluid= is the energy
DcreatedD "y your 7ery o+n "ody "y processing energy from food= from sleep and
from the oxygen.
>our 1ital force is naturally emitted from the tip of your fingers= from your mouth=
especially your tongue= and also from your eyes= ears and nose.
)y focusing on a certain person +ith a certain intent you ha7e directed the
emission from your eyes and DprogrammedD it +ith a certain action. *his is ho+
your suggestion tra7elled across the air to the su"ect of your suggestion +ithout
saying a +ord. )ut +hy did it +orkA
>our energy oined the su"ect:s energy and transmitted the message. *his +ould
normally "e stopped "y the psychic censor= the mechanism suppossed to protect us
from occult phenomena= to protect us from oursel7es. )ut there exist one place
+here this proection is +eak. )ase of the skull= +here spine gro+s into the skull=
also place +here the root of the "rain is stored.
!oot of the "rain controls your "ody:s mechanics through the neural net+ork= in
other +ords it controls your "asal functions. In certain cases it also happens that the
consciousness is fully shutdo+n and the "rain:s root takes the full control= this
usually happens in extreme cases +here sur7i7al instincts ha7e to ump in. 3s an
example +e can talk a"out car accidents. If you e7er +ere in a serious car accident=
you most pro"a"ly doesn:t remem"er the crash itself and also a couple of seconds
"efore and after= and if you do= it resem"les a dream more than a memory.
So= "y focusing on the place +here the "rain:s root is= you are inecting the "asal
functions and also the +hole neural net+ork. Fortunately it +ould take excessi7e
amount of energy to cause a harm to the person this +ay= still= it:s a cool feature.
Mind reading
First of all= this is not a"out ho+ to hear thoughts of other people= mind reading in
%agick is "ased on o"ser7ation and intuition and it is mainly a"out something +e
all had "ut must of us suppressed it during childhood.
*here is this pro"lem +ith gro+ing up= +e ha7e to adapt to our society:s standard.
We ha7e to stay @uiet a"out certain things +e percei7e "ecause it:s rude to mention
them. )ecause of that +e suppress certain feelings= +e do not +ant to "e rude=
rightA *hat:s ho+ +e lose our mind reading a"ility instead of practicing it.
What a"ility do I meanA 8et:s say you are speaking +ith your "oss and suddenly
you get a suspicion= your "oss: "eha7ior seems strange= simply different= may"e
some other colleague or employee complained on you= after all a good scapegoat is
nearly as +elcome as a solution to the pro"lem. )ut you omit this and casually
continue in the con7ersation= "ut odds are that e7en if you asked a"out this your
"oss +ould reect it= gi7ing e7en +orse punch right into your intuition.
?ext case scenario; you come home a "it late E+ork appointment= traffic= etcF and
immediately as you see your +ife.girlfriend.partner you get this impression Dshe
thinks I am cheating on herD= "ut once again you dismiss this idea and later she
di7orces you or searcher for other partner. Gr you react on this impression the
+orst possi"le case= you try to make up for the late arri7al "y "eing more gentle or
"uying gifts= flo+ers= etc. *hat has the same effect as if you told your fiance that
you really do cheat on her E+hich is something you do not +antF.
(ut intuition sucks
Gf course= as +ith any a"ility= less you train= more you suck= it:s same +ith sport=
games or instruments. 0ra" some 7iolin and play 4aganini:s &aprice ?o2, +hen
you ne7er played 7iolin "efore= I think you can guess +hat +ill happen. )ut of
course there are +ays ho+ to enhance our intuition a "it "etter to "e a"le to read
people:s intentions "etter.
First of all you ha7e to accept the fact that the 7er"al communication is ust a small
tip of the ice"erg called communication. ?on57er"al communication makes a"out
?on57er"al communication includes;
5 face expressions
5 eyes mo7ement
5 hand gestures
5 "ody postures
5 distance
5 tone of the 7oice
5 speed of the speech
5 topics and a7oidance of some topics
5 extra5sensory communication Etelepathy= energy exchange= etcF
)y default you should "e a"le to recogni6e and analy6e these automatically= gi7ing
you a solid set of information not recogni6a"le from the 7er"al communication
alone= "ut as +e said= +e tend to reect this part of the communication "ecause of
the social annoyance and uncertainity +e feel to cause this +ay.
How to train a mind reading
Firstly you must accept you need this and act accordingly= that +ill force you to
recogni6e and use this in your daily situations. Soon you +ill disco7er you can
actually use it to your ad7antage as it gets more accurate.
Secondly you can accumulate the 1ital Force into your head and spine to get some
"oost for the passi7e o"ser7ation. *his should also maximi6e the amount of date
you can gather passi7ely.
*hirdly you can research ?84 +hich has mapped a great deal of common
communication processes and meanings.
How to regain the trust
%ost of us do not trust our intuition and it:s partially also the reason +hy our
intuiti7e accuracy is 7ery lo+= it:s a sort of a do+n+ard spiral.
*o regain the trust try the follo+ing procedure;
27ery day= right "efore you take a look at your +atches= ask yourself +hat tine is it
and ans+er yourself= then take a look. >ou +ill notice that the more you practice
the more accurate you are. Sooner or later this +ill stop "eing guesses and +ill
"ecome solid and accurate feelings.
'rain with some!ody
Simplest +ay ho+ to train mind reading is guessing a chosen card. *ake a deck of
playing cards= pick up a couple of cards E( 5 -F= let your partner secretly choose one
card and then let the card to enter your mind= don:t force it.
8ater you can s+itch into using the +hole deck of cards= then the ans+er is usually
split into follo+ing;
5the card is "lack
5the rank is Spades
5it:s a person= not a num"er
5it:s a Hack
5the card is red
5the rank is 9earts
5it:s a num"er
5it:s a lo+er num"er E3 5 -F
5it:s ,
3fter you call out all your ans+ers your partner sho+s his chosen cards.
*his +ay you can see +hat you got right and +hat you got +rong and you can also
see +hether these +ere guesses or not Eimportant= @uestioned partner do not react
"et+een ans+ers= only after a specific card +as said out loud= he sho+s itF.
*his approach helps you to practice reading people "ut it also practices your
intuition and your inner sight. )y doing this experiment often you can eg find out
you commonly mistake hearts for spades or 3ce and ,= +rite do+n= study and
analy6e your results= that:s +hat impro7es your practice and your results.
Week 3
Basics of ps!chotherap!
What to e$pect in this course
*his is going to "e a super5short 7ersion of psycho5therapy course so I +ill skip the
usual "oring stuff a"out different methodologies= +hether +e are talking a"out
&)*= psychoanalysis= psychodynamic= etc= such stuff is truly "oring.
3ll you ha7e to kno+ is that +e are going to study the integrati7e methodology=
+hich "ecame @uite fa7orite recently. *he reason is that these different
methodologies are "etter for some stuff and +orse for other stuff. Integrati7e
methodology com"ines the "est of the aforementioned "ased on different
situations. 2g you +ant to apply cogniti7e "eha7ioural therapy methods on neurotic
pro"lems= experiential psychotherapy on depressions and self5searching= etc.
*he reason +hy you should "e interested in therapy at all is hidden +ithin the
arcanum of %agick. %agick is not a ho""y= %agick is the lifestyle. If you mean it
seriously +ith %agick= it:s not okay "eing %agicians on Friday night during
conducting some static ritual or +hile trying to impress your friends. >ou must li7e
and "reathe %agick= you must eat it for the "reakfast= lunch and dinner= as +ell.
>our e7ery sleeping and +aking hour must "e filled +ith %agick. 4sychology Eand
psychotherapyF teaches us important lessons a"out mankind and a"out oursel7es.
With these lessons +e can easily help people resol7e their pro"lems or scare the
li7ing shMt out of them +ithout silly +and +a7ing and all that pompous stuff=
sometimes a +ord is more po+erful than a s+ord.
What we learned !efore
/uring the first grade +e ha7e already learned and tried some techni@ues from
experiential psychotherapy. *hese techi@ues +ere supposed to help us gain some
sta"le mental health= fight our 7ices= support our 7irtues and help us fighting a
stress= depressions and panic attacks. *hese techni@ues +ere;
5simple relaxation exercise
5cleansing exercixe
5t+o chair exercise
5calming "reathing
If you are not sure +hich is +hich I recommend to recapitulate these "ecause these
+on:t "e mentioned again. Sorry= guys= I am not )ardon= I am not going to repeat
(asic rules in therapy
1. >ou are not a pro"lem sol7er= you are supposed to listen to people and in certain
cases lead them in certain directions
2. ?odding your head lightly helps to "uild an impression of a listener= +hich helps
for your client to open to you
(. 8isten +hat your client says and remem"er it +ell= if long5term memory is
failing you= take notes= "ut rather after the session= staring at the paper and +riting
something during session looks like you are not listening to the client.
,. !epeat client:s +ords if you are unsure if you listened carefully or +hen you
think that a client needs understanding. In the latter case formulate the sentence to
"e supporti7e.
2g +hen client says; DI think no one understands meD= formulate the ans+er as
something like; DI get it= you feel as if you +ere not "eing understood "y other
Such reaction usually has a "onding effect= except for fe+ cases that +e +ill talk
a"out a "it later.
-. Feel free to talk a"out your personal experience or life if "eing asked "y the
client= ust don:t o7erdo it= remem"er that sessions are namely a"out the client. 3lso
don:t a7oid ans+ering "ecause that could se7ere the "ond.
6. 4sychotherapy +ithout "onds do not +ork= your client must trust you for the
therapy to +ork Esounds familiarAF
7. If you make a mistake during remem"ering or interpretation and the client
informs you either 7er"ally or non57er"ally= don:t "e affraid to admit your mistake=
the "ond is e7en stronger +hen client recogni6es you as a human "eing. From such
an apology the client can also learn that it is ok to "e +rong and such situations can
"e resol7ed in a kind and elegant manner.
#. Some people talk fast= some @uickly ump from one topic to another= some speak
super slo+= lea7e minute long pauses "et+een sentences and some ha7e ust an
annoyingly high5pitched 7oice. 3dapt to people:s speeds and personal settings and
don:t lose your cool. &ertainly don:t go DFor 0od:s sake= speak fasterOOOD Gr D*his is
so fucking "oringOOOD= that:s generally considered a 7ery "ad form.
What to do if your client is defensie
In the "eginning it:s normal that some people are not +illing to open= slo+ do+n
and "e patient. If the defensi7eness appears later in session it means +e omitted
something. 2ither +e forgot some information from pre7ious sessions= +e
misinterpreted +hat the client told us or +e touched some too sensiti7e topic. It can
also "e +e didn:t ask a correct @uestion "ut in such cases the client usually asks
similar @uestion he +anted to "e asked. 2g he defensi7ely asks a"out your life and
the reason is that he thinks you are not interested in his life "ecause you didn:t ask
that @uestion. >ou +ill usually notice this in non57er"al communication.
?on57er"al communication is a 7ery complex topics and there are countless "ooks
on the topic. *o make this section short +e +on:t talk a"out it in depth= let:s ust say
that non57er"al communication consists of;
5tone and melody of the 7oice
5facial expressions
5eye mo7ement and positions
5hand gestures
5"ody postures
5"ody distance
3l+ays consider these aspects and in long5term process you +ill kno+ your client
+ell enough to notice +hen something is happening and +hat is happening.
3s +e said "efore= therapists are not omniscient "eings= they are humans. /on:t "e
scared to admit your mistake and fix it.
#ygmalion effect
4ygmalion effect sho+s ho+ expectations in someone:s a"ilities can influence
someone:s future actions and also results. *here +as an experiment +here a group
of random students +ere selected. *eachers of people in this group +ere notified
that these people are highly talented= +ith a status of geniality. *hese students then
had a remarka"le impro7ement in their grade. *heir teachers considered them
special and treated them this +ay as +ell= +hich in return ga7e them "etter
moti7ation in their study.
Gn the other side= if you +ere considered idiot= you +ould either had to +ork
harder to get rid of this la"el or you could gi7e up and your grades +ould degrade.
Basics of character recognition
We like to kno+ our en7ironment= the mysteries scare us. It:s the old fear= same fear
that caused +e a7oided a dark. Fear that +e cannot control +hat +e don:t kno+.
Gn the other side= there +as a rumour in the ancient 2gypt that if you kne+ the real
name of some deity= you could control it= you can e7en command it to make you
immortal. *his is an a"stract +ay of saying; DKno+ledge is po+erD.
Most !asic schema
Intro7erted person is someone DlockedD in his o+n +orld= usually shy= ha7ing
pro"lems +ith making a contact +ith unkno+n people= day5dreaming most of the
2xtra7erted person is someone al+ays +illing to chat= sometimes may"e a "it of an
/id it say anything to youA Well..
Intro7erted person is more locked= +hich means it is more resistent to the
suggestion= extra7erted person is more open and suggesti"le types are more
a7aila"le amongs the extra7erted types. *his is also the founding stone of hypnotic
sho+= you need an extra7erted person +ho is also a "it exhi"itionist that +ould go
on stage Emore of this laterF. Intro7erted person +ould ne7er go on the stage and
+ouldn:t usually e7en try the hypnotic test Emore of this laterF.
It is easier to get to the extra7erted person and get to kno+ it. Gn the other side
intro7erts are more sta"le and +hen you finally get to kno+ them= you kno+ them
for good= they +ill hardly e7er change in such a drastic +ay as an extra7ert can.
>ou should also kno+ that extra7erts tend to "e more emotionally sta"le= intro7erts
are more inclined to 7arious depressions and usually ha7e a +eaker meta"olism= as
Schema to study
5 choleric
5 sanguinic
5 flegmatic
5 melancholic
E>es= a home+ork...F
What are schemas good for
Schemas help us to categori6e people into closer groups. )asically such a
categori6ation is stupid "ecause +e all are indi7iduals. Kno+ing that someone is a
choleric extra7ert or flegmatic intro7ert +on:t make as kno+ the person as a +hole=
"ut it +ill help us in understanding the person a "it more= ha7ing e7en a small idea
of +hat you can expect from someone is al+ays "etter than nothing.
)ut remem"er that people are not too easy to categori6e= eg extra7erted.intro7erted
is not an s+itch= it:s a scale starting +ith extreme intro7ert and ends +ith
extreme extra7ert= "ut people are usually some+here in "et+een= either closer to
one or the other end.
Creating a custom schema
*ake a piece of paper and in a 1' minutes +rite as many character traits as you
kno+= then use these +ords as a dictionary of your o+n schema. >ou +ill see that
+hen you ha7e a defined set= categori6ing +ill "ecome easier to you= especially if
you study this grade carefully.
Categori*ing people b! elements
2lements contained +ithin "ody and their portions are not some a"stract thing.
3stral and physical are hea7ily interconnected= +e could e7en say merged together=
therefore our internal elemental "alance affects our external appearance and
"eha7iour= as +ell.
(asic correspondences and implications
Fire; +illpo+er
3ir; mental plane= anything related to intellect= thoughts= memories= etc
Water; 2motions
2arth; %aterial stuff= +hether +e are talking a"out +ealth or "old "ody structure=
this all is contained +ithin the 2arth element. )efore +e also said that the 2arth
element is hea7y= 3ir element is light= +hich means +e can re7erse the rule here=
people +ith more 3ir in their "odies and lacking 2arth element Eim"alanceF +ill
ha7e light and +eak "odies.
What is this good for+
2lemental "alance affects "oth physical and mental states= kno+ledge of the
"alance state can help us understanding our su"ect or e7en influencing him.
)ut for our characteri6ation to "e accurate= +e ha7e to "e a"le to notice details.
8et:s say you meet a la6y person. 8a6iness +ill ha7e some deal of lacking
+illpo+er Elacking Fire elementF= "ut together +ith this +e can also ha7e a lacking
Water element Edecreased emotional acti7ity= no moti7ationF. 8a6iness can also
comes +ith a greater deal of the 3ir element in the "ody. In such cases our su"ect
is a great thinker= "ut spend most of his time Dinno7atingD= day dreaming= and
hardly does find some time to actual make his ideas come true Ethrough +ork=
+hich +ould re@uire the Fire element= +illpo+erF.
4erson +ith increased amounts of Fire and 2arth elements +ill "e physically
strong= doing physical +ork +ith ease and as a sort of relaxations= unfortunately
decreased 3ir element +ill cause this person +on:t think much during the process=
the +ork +ill "e ust a routine= no+ inno7ation process +ill happen. 8acking +ater
element in such cases +ill cause a lack of empathy= this person +ill ha7e a lo7e for
his o"= "ut +ill hardly ha7e a real lo7e for another person.
)est su"ects for suggestions are greatly lacking the Fire element= usually +ith
increased amount of the +ater element Eextra7ercy= sho+manship= going +ith the
cro+sF= +ith 3ir and 2arth elements "eing a"out a7erage.
Recogni*ing leading and lac+ing elements in self and others
Why should I know this
If you choose elements to "e your main occult correspondence= you +ill percei7e
charecteristics and health as "eing consisted of elements. If that:s the case= you
+ant to keep the elements "alanced in your "ody.
9o+ to accumulate elements +as something +e ha7e learned in the first grade and
an impro7ed 7ersion the first +eek of this grade. ?o+= as I said "efore= it is
dangerous if elements are not accumulated in the same amount. Such im"alance
can lead to a sickness or a maor change in characteristics of your psyche.
,ecogni%ing leading and lacking elements
%ost of this you ha7e already learned in the pre7ious exercise of this +eek=
through the character recognition. )ut not e7erytime +e kno+ the su"ect or +e are
+illing to "e truthful in our introspections Etruth hurtsF= for that there is a simple
exercise that +ill gi7e you some general summary of ho+ elementally "alanced
you are.
1. In7oke the feeling of heat to your +hole "ody.
2. In7oke the feeling of cold to your +hole "ody.
(. &ontinue +ith in7oking a feeling of the hea7iness to your +hole "ody
,. ?o+ in7oke the feeling that your "ody is as light as a feather.
*he important note is to truly feel the impressions you are trying to in7oke. >ou
might ha7e already noticed= some steps +ent "etter than the other. Some +ere eg
slo+er to achie7e or you didn:t achie7e anything at all in certain steps. *he reason
can "e that you are in a cold en7ironment so a feeling of heat made you some
trou"les or Eif your en7iromental conditions +ere okF= that there is an elemental
im"alance in your "ody.
0enerally the feeling of a heat is associated +ith the Fire element= coldness +ith
the Water element= lightness of a feather goes for the 3ir element and the hea7iness
comes do+n from the 2arth element.
#erceiing the energy of others
*his is a com"ination of +hat you ha7e learned in this grade. /o the same
procedure as +hen you are healing others +ith the 1ital Force.
When your energy enters the "ody of your client= use your hands to percei7e your
client:s energy. Focus on percei7ing the heat= the cold= the hea7iness= etc from the
client:s "ody= this +ill gi7e you some general o7er7ie+ of +hat:s going on +ith
Week 4
(ower of suggestion
Suggestion is a process of forcing some idea to other people. *his process can "e
conscious or unconscious= it can also "e 7er"al or non57er"al. Forced idea can "e
an action that should "e executed "ut it:s not al+ays the case. >ou can use
suggestion to force an ideology= as +ell.
Simplest suggestion is a direct command; D)uy this productD= "ut such suggestion
is 7ery o"7ious= that:s +ay a salesman usually composes this command into a
couple of consecuti7e se@uences. 2g D8et me tell you +hy to )B> *9IS
4!G/B&*. /on:t )B> *9IS 4!G/B&* if you are not going to use it e7er again.
8isten to the stories of happy customers that chose to )B> *9IS 4!G/B&*D
3nother +ay is a suggestion "y position. Whate7er the structure of your society or
your "ook reading clu" is= people on top usually ha7e more po+er o7er you than
you:d think= if +e imagine this sentence; DI +ill oin you for diner tonightD= said "e
a complete stranger= then a friend and then your "oss= I can you kno+ +hich +ill
most pro"a"ly force you to tidy your house and cook some "etter meal= that:s the
po+er an authority has o7er us.
1er"al suggestion can "e also hidden= using +ords and phrases similar to +hat +e
+ant to suggest= eg instead of Dgi7e me a coffeeD +e can say Dgimmick oh fieldD
E%y 2nglish suggestions suck...F.
?on57er"al suggestion can "e "ased on proximity E"ody distanceF= "ut also
pictures= gestures= touches= sounds= smells= light and temperature= eg to cause a
person "eing sleepy +e can place it into a room of comforta"le si6e +ith a nice soft
sofa= dim lights= slo+ and relaxing "ackground music and no distractions Eno
maga6ines= "ooks= *1= etcF.
We can also cause a person to choose a specific shape from a predefined set of
shapes "y Ddra+ingD the shape in our communication 7ia gestures )2FG!2 +e
inform the su"ect to randomly choose some shape Ea person shouldn:t kno+ a"out
the experiment "eforehand else your suggestions +ill hardly take placeF.
(ower of image and deception
*o gain a great control o7er other people= one has to ha7e a great control o7er
himself= his +illpo+er must "e exercised and tested each and e7ery +aking hour...
or you can cheat it.
Who +ants to control others +ithout much effort= should "uild an image of mage
Eor a +itchF. Suggesti"le people +ho ha7e expectations of you ha7ing certain
po+ers +ill succum" to these po+ers e7en if they are not present. *he point is that
the su"ect:s inner "elief does the trick for you. If such a person thinks he is cursed
and some pro"lem arri7es Elike "us "eing late or ha7ing a "ad hair dayF= the curse
"ecomes his personal DtruthD.
I "elie7e +e all ha7e experieced at least fe+ occassions +hen +e +anted to help
someone= ease their pain= heal their +ounds= help them to find a "etter o"... "eing
percei7ed as a experienced adept of %agick can certainly help us +ith those cases=
all +e ha7e to do in such case is to affirm our client that +e are going to help him L
+e should do some minimal effort from our side. *his +ay you can eg heal massi7e
headache +ith fe+ affirming +ords and a minimum expense of energy.
-ou!le.edged sword
*his goes "oth +ays= expectations and "eliefs of our patient can ease our +ork= "ut
they can also render our +ork nearly impossi"le. *rying to heal a hardcore skeptic
is like trying to +in a s+ordfight +ith a lemon= in other +ords you +ill ha7e to
spend a massi7e amount of energy as compared to opened and suggesti"le people.
(ower of subtle influences
We hate direct commands "ecause +e like to keep our free +ill= our freedom to do
+hate7er +e like. /irect order is like an attack on our rights. Gn the other side if
+e change the straight command into su"tle message that passes the filter called
consciousness= +e can implant a seed into the su"conscious part of the mind= seed
that +ill hopefully "lossom into action.
I ha7e already presented this idea +ith the coffee example= so let:s talk ust a"out
,eersed sound
Fa7orite method presented in mo7ies= I ha7e actually ne7er seen this one +orking.
Cryptic message
Hust like the coffee example= sentence hidden in another= +orks @uite often.
Cryptic picture
Gne picture holding hidden message= usually encoded into the image using
steganography. *his message can "e a short text or a 7isual part of the picture= it
can "e eg your fa7orite cartoon character holding some Star"ucks coffee or a stage
"uilt in the +ay that makes you to al+ays choose a triangle from a set of a7aila"le
shapes Eyes= en7ironment is pictorial= as +ellF.
*his actually applies to people as +ell= people you meet e7ery day= +earing certain
clothes and accessories= less apparent their influence is= more it +ill "e +orking.
Soft /hints/
3ma6ing method +here you say ust DhintsD in innocent @uestions and you let the
imagination of your su"ect to do the rest. 3ma6ing example is in Shakespeare:s
Gthello. Gthello is actually forced to choke his +ife "y DinnocentD chat that makes
him thing that she is cheating on him. *ruly ama6ing piece of +ork.
Gf course there exist com"inations of aforementioned and also many many more=
starting +ith "ody postures and tone of the 7oice and ending +ith hidden frames in
mo7ies= "ut I guess this is enough for the fourth +eek. 3fter all= this +eek is
supposed to make you a+are of such processes= not to ensla7e humanity= "ut to
protect yourself "etter.
Week 5
&nchantment using elements
What is enchantment
2nchantment is a process of charging some non5magickal o"ect +ith %agickal
energy= therefore creating a %agickal o"ect. %agickal o"ect can "e a charm=
talisman= amulet or a tool. &harms and talismans are "asically to "ring you luck=
+ealth= happiness= etc= amulets are for the means of protection and tools are used in
%agickal practice.
Why to enchant o!0ects with elements
2lemental correspondence is one of the simplest= you pick a reason= then you find
corresponding element and you are ready to charge= no messing around +ith
planetary correspondences is needed.
#rocedure of enchanting the o!0ect
First of all specify +hat you +ant to achie7e and find some suita"le o"ect Edon:t
use eg socks to "ring you moneyF.
3fter you ha7e ac@uired suita"le item you should cleanse it. 8et it "athe in the
smoke of White Sage and during that say a follo+ing incantation; D&reation of
Po"ect typeQ= I Pyour %agickal nameQ command thee= "e cleansed of all material
delusion and dissol7e in the holy fire of the Sage. 3"andon your physical 7essel=
a"andon your current state of existence and "ecome as I say.D
3fter the o"ect is cleansed you can start +ith the elemental charging. For that
purpose accumulate the selected element into your "ody +hile holding the intention
in your mind= intention of +hat do you +ant to achie7e.
Gnce that is done= place your hands a"o7e the o"ect and let the energy transfer into
the o"ect= during that you can also say a follo+ing incantation; D&reation of
Po"ect typeQ= you dead creature= I charge you +ith the po+er of PelementQ. /on:t
keep me +aiting= fulfill my +ish and accomplish my desires= arise and "e li7ingD.
3fter all the energy +as transferred into the o"ect= you can say follo+ing
incantation; D&reation of my Will= a+aken= open your eyes and follo+ my destiny=
oin my ourney and help me accomplish my goals= that:s +hy you +ere created=
that is no+ your destiny= spirit of creation I conure thee.D
9o+ long time +ill the charging persist
*his really depends on the type of the o"ect= its material and your mood= "ut
"asically a completely unsuita"le o"ect might stand charged for a"out a month.
8ater I +ill sho+ ho+ to create a fluidic condenser that +ill impro7e the effects of
the charging.
&nchantment using %ital Force
Whether you are not the elemental type or you do not +ant to use elements for
particular +orking= there is a +ay of enchanting o"ects using your 7ital force.
Specify the intent
First of all you should relax your "ody and your mind Esee 1st gradeF and form the
intent in your mind. >ou should also 7isuali6e the process and the expected result
of your intent= don:t also forget to 7isuali6e ho+ +ill your life progress once your
goal is finished. If this is +hat makes you happy= feel free to continue +ith the
'he procedure
So= +e ha7e the o"ect +e +ish to enchant in front of us= +e are relaxed and +e
ha7e a clear intent formed in our mind. ?o+ +e should accumulate the 1ital Force
+hile still holding the intent in our mind= let the energy to engulf your "ody= "athe
in it.
Gnce the energy +as accumulated= mo7e your hands a"o7e the o"ect you +ish to
enchant= let the energy to flo+ into the o"ect and to stay there= fixate the energy in
the o"ect +ith your concentration= keep focusing on the process for a couple of
Gnce you are done= accumulate the 1ital Force into your lungs and exhale on the
o"ect= repeat this three times. ?o+ the +hole procedure is finished.
Ser,itor creation using elements
What is a seritor+
Ser7itor is a general term for any type of spirit= ser7itor can refer to angel= demon=
deity or an elemental Eartifical spirit= don:t mix +ith elementary spiritsF. Ser7itor is
"asically a spell +ith certain extent of indi7iduality and intelligence. Ser7itors can
"e eg info gatherers or can "e used in +orkings +here you expect difficulties and a
certain le7el of reasoning is re@uired. In other +ords a ser7itor can dynamically
change a course of action to meet the desired outcome.
27ery ser7itor should ha7e a defined lifespan Eunless +e speak a"out elementary
spiritsF= eg till it finishes his task or after a certain timespan. >ou can also create a
charging formula and simply stop charging the ser7itor +hen you +ant your
ser7itor to fade a+ay.
How to create the seritor using elements
3fter +e ha7e clearly specified the intent +hy to create the ser7itor and chose a
suita"le element for the creation "ased on occult correspondences= +e can start
+ith the process of creation.
!elax Eas usuallyF and accumulate the suita"le element. *hen close your eyes and
imagine a 7ast uni7ersum. *his uni7ersum is +ithin you "ut +hate7er happens
there= happens in your +aking life= as +ell.
In that space 7isuali6e the accumulated element flo+ing into the center and forming
the "ody of your ser7itor. 9o+ should he lookA What appearance is suita"le for the
taskA )uild your ser7itor step "y step= let yourself "e led "y reason same as "y
Gnce our ser7itor is finished= +e should specify its intent and lifespan= this +ill
assure the intent +ill "e follo+ed. 3fter this is done +e can go for the final step=
gi7e the ser7itor some name and use that name to command the ser7itor to "ecome
li7ing and that:s it.
If you +ish to recharge the ser7itor= ust accumulate the used element= then call him
into the internal uni7ersum +here you created him and 7isuali6e the element
flo+ing into his "ody.
Ser,itor creation using %ital Force Manipulation
Specify the intent= shape and name of your ser7itor and create a Sigil for him. *his
Sigil +ill "e used for calling and commanding him.
4lace the Sigil in front of your eyes and use it for the means of focal meditation.
/uring that time 7isuali6e the ser7itor and some scenes or e7ents +hen he follo+s
his intent= accomplishing your goals.
3fter ten or so minutes start +ith the 1ital Force accumulation= still focusing on the
intent. 3fter the energy is accumulated= place your hands a"o7e the Sigil Ein the
manner that allo+s you to still see the SigilF and let the energy flo+ into it= during
that say out loud your ser7itor:s name and purpose.
3fter you are finished= accumulate the 1ital Force into your lungs= then exhale
three times on the Sigil= "efore each exhale say; D)e li7ingOD. *hen you:re finished.
Week 6
Basics of h!pnosis
*his course is mainly a"out %esmerism= so here +e +ill learn ho+ to induce
hypnotic states using energy. )ut "efore that I +ould like to tell you that you are
not allo+ed to hypnoti6e people +ithout their permission.
9ypnosis is good for a couple of reasons. First of all it allo+s us to heal certain
pro"lems Emainly pho"ias= rarely it can cure psychosis= "ut most of the time it ust
+orsens psychotic statesF. Secondly +e could meet a somnam"ulic su"ect +ith a
good le7el of lucidity= therefore gain a po+erful medium for our 0reat Work.
How to recogni%e a suggesti!le person
First of all= the person must "e +illing for this test. 4ut your hands on the "ack of
the su"ect and tell the su"ect to close his.her eyes. 3ccumulate your 1ital Force
and extend it into the su"ect. 3fter fe+ moments put your hands a+ay= if the
person started falling on you= you ust met a good material for hypnosis.
3nother test is to tell the su"ect to imagine a "lack dot on the ceiling= then to close
eyes and imagine the dot going "ack and forth= +ith each iteration this mo7ement is
longer and longer. If the person +as mo7ing +ith the dot or e7en fell o7er= you
found a good su"ect
How to release a person from a hypnotic trance
It:s my hum"le opinion that +e should learn a"out the release "efore +e go for the
hypnosis. First of all= the su"ect should "e in a state of lethargy E"ody num"nessF=
later states re@uire special procedures= "ut more of that later.
*o release the person= gi7e it a follo+ing command; D3fter I count do+n from 1'
to 1= you +ill "e fully a+ake and feeling refreshed and happy.
1'= you feel great
$= you are returning "ack
#= 7= 6= you feel your "ody again
-= ,= (= you:re +aking up
2= 1= open your eyesD=
then snap your fingers and the person is fully "ack from hypnotic trance.
What is lethargy
8ethargy is the first hypnotic state= in this state the "ody of the su"ect is num"= the
su"ect appears to "e asleep. In this state it is also possi"le to program commands
to "e executed after certain e7ents E3ttention; not e7ery suggesti"le person is
suggesti"le to commands= as +ellF
#rinciples of hypnosis
Fe+ things +e should consider "efore attempting to perform the mesmeric
hypnosis. Firstly= your su"ect must gi7e you a permission for hypnosis.
Secondly= ne7er force your su"ect into something he doesn:t +ant or is against the
3nd finally= ne7er e7er @uit the session "efore your su"ect is fully a+aken Ethe
reason +ill "ecome o"7ious once +e learn ho+ to induce Somnam"ulismF
Inducing lethargy er!ally
*ell your client to sit comforta"ly= take a fe+ deep "reaths and explain to him that
you +ill +ant him to cooperate= eg to close his eyes +hen you tell him to= or to
simply follo+ your instructions. 9e should also ha7e his hands on the lap.
!he instructions:
DI +ould like you to "reathe deeply and slo+ly. *urn your attention to your "ody=
notice that +ith each inhale your hands are hea7ier= pushing more and more into
your legs.
?otice your arms are getting 7ery +arm and hea7y= "ut it:s a pleasing feeling=
notice also that +ith each exhale you feel more and more relaxed.
I +ill count to - and I +ould like you to close your eyes after I am finished.
1= your eyes are feeling 7ery +arm.
2= your eyelids are getting hea7ier.
(= you are feeling 7ery sleepy.
,= and relaxed
- Eno pause hereF close your eyes.
>ou are falling asleep= deeper and deeper into your unconsciousness= after I count
up to ten= you +ill "e completely asleep and completely relaxed.D
?o+ count up to ten= 7ery slo+ly= +ith each numer "eing said in more @uiet 7oice
than "efore= 1' should "e +hispered.
Inducing lethargy using a *ital Force
Gnce again= for these t+o methods your su"ect should "e sitting comforta"ly. 0ra"
your su"ect:s thum"s +ith your hands Eleft hand gra"s the right thum" and right
hands gra"s the left thum"F= this creates a circuit. 0a6e into one of the eyes Eright
eye usually +orks the "estF of your su"ect +ith the intention to make him fall
asleep= this usually takes a"out 2 or ( minutes= you can add 7er"al suggestion to
this method if you feel it takes too long or you can @uickly s+itch to the next
0ra" "oth thum"s of your su"ect +ith one hand Eforming fist around these
thum"sF= +ith other hand rhytmically +a7e up and do+n in the front of your
su"ect:s upper and lo+er part= a"out 1' +a7es for upper "ody and then a"out 1'
+a7es for the lo+er "ody= repeat till your su"ect falls asleep= here you can also add
7er"al suggestion "ut it:s hardly e7er needed.
1pper and lower part of the !ody
)y the upper part of the "ody +e mean head= neck and shoulders= +a7ing in the
upper part rhytmically interrupts the fixed eye contact= +hich also adds to the
"y the lo+er part +e mean from the chest do+n to the "elly "utton.
/on forget= the +a7ing should "e in the rhytmical pattern= a"out 1'
repetitions for the upper part of the "ody and *92? a"out 1' repetitions to the
lo+er part. >ou should also remem"er that a certain distance "et+een your +a7ing
hand and your su"ect:s "ody is recommended= you should "e in the personal 6one=
"ut not in the intimate one.
What is catalepsy
&atalepsy is a state of rigid= "ut stiff "ody. In this state you can position "ody of the
su"ect in +hate7er shape you desire and this state +ill "e kept.
*his state +as used a lot during hypnosis on the state= positioning su"ect:s head
and feet on the chair= the "ody DfloatedD in the air= usually also some hea7y item
+as put on the "ody to sho+ its DstrengthD. 3ccordind some legends= coming from
stage magic= a hypnotist +ould stand on the "ody. *his is a nonsense and a 7ery
dangerous attempt that could lead into possi"le inury of the su"ect= stage
magicians used +ell hidden support of the su"ect for this feat and in the most
cases the su"ect +asn:t really hypnoti6ed= it +as a paid actor.
How to induce catalepsy
>ou can either continue +ith the procedure used in inducing lethargy and in a"out a
hour= cataleptic state +ill acti7ated= the state can "e 7erified "y gra""ing the hand
of the su"ect and rising it. 3fter you drop the hand= it +ill stay in the position you
pot it into instead of falling do+n on the lap as in the case of lethargy.
*o induce catalepsy faster= you +ill ha7e to use a force= force su"ect:s eyelid open
+ith your fingers and the su"ect +ill automatically s+itch to the cataleptic state.
!emem"er= ne7er keep your su"ect too long in this state= if you reach the -
minutes limit= it +ill "ecome too hard for the su"ect:s heart to handle. &ommand
the su"ect to "ecome asleep and relaxed again to return it @uickly into lethargy.
What is a somnam!ulism
Somnam"ulism is a half5a+ake state of mind. In this state it is highly possi"le a
lucidity of the su"ect +ill acti7ate= allo+ing contact +ith spirits and clair7oyance.
Somnam"ulic su"ect appears to "e fully +oken up= for this reason it is 7ery hard to
differentiate from normal +aking state= "ut +ithout hypnotist:s energy the su"ect
+ill start slo+ly returning into the cataleptic state= for the outside o"ser7er it looks
like the su"ect got stroke.
3fter the su"ect exits the somnam"ulic state= he.she doesn:t remem"er +hat
happened in that state= that part of the memory simply isn:t accessi"le same as
+hen you can:t remem"er e7ents ust "efore and after an accident.
9o+ to induce the somnam"ulic state
3s +e said pre7iously= if you keep pumping energy into the su"ect= next state after
catalepsy is somnam"ulism. /uring the catalepsy lecture +e ha7e said that if you
force open the su"ect:s eye= the su"ect +ill immediately get into the cataleptic
state. From that state you can instantly s+itch the su"ect into the somnam"ulism if
you "lo+ onto the su"ect:s aforementioned eye.
'he crossroad
&ommand the somnam"ulic su"ect to sleep so it appears in lethargy again. *here
you ha7e 2 possi"ilities= you can either +ake up your su"ect and end the session or
you can continue +ith the +ork= inducing next le7el catalepsy and next le7el
somnam"ulism. 3 lot of times it takes at least fourth le7el somnam"ulism "efore
lucidity appears= "ut remem"er= ho+ many times you put your su"ect into trance=
so many times you should put the su"ect into lethargy and +ake it up.
3s an example for the third somnam"ulic state you +ill ha7e to command the
su"ect to sleep= then +ake it up= then put it into sleep= then +ake it up and then
again= induce lethargy and +ake the su"ect up. ?e7er @uit the session "efore
+aking the su"ect fully up and ne7er induce next le7el state +ithout a good
experience +ith first le7el states.
Third grade
Week 1
Blac+ mirror creation
What is a !lack mirror
)lack mirror is a di7ination tool used for scrying. It can "e used for telling future=
seeing past= distant places= performing in7ocations and e7ocations= distant healing
or reality manipulation.
%ay"e the first scrying mirror used +as the surface of a running +ater Eeg a ri7erF.
8ater a "lack "o+l filled +ith +ater +as used= "lack reflecti7e surface maximi6ing
the effecti7ity of the mirror.
Water +as later replaced +ith a glass= +hich +as called a solid +ater and many
people "elie7ed it has the same spiritual @ualities as the +ater.
What do I need to create my own !lack mirror+
5picture frame Eround ones look "etter "ut it really doesn:t matterF
5"lack mat spray paint
!emo7e the glass from the picture frame and spray paint it "lack on one side. %ake
sure the surface of the paint is regular and there are no +eak spots= it must "e
3fter the paint dried= return the glass "ack to the frame= painted side should "e on
the "ottom. *his makes a nice reflecti7e surface on the top. >ou can also a7oid
painting the "ottom side of the glass "y putting "lack colored paper inside the
frame= "ut the painted glass looks "etter.
We already named the ri7er:s surface and "lack "o+l filled +ith +ater. *hese are
t+o alternati7es for the "lack mirror descri"ed here.
Another alternatie is the Cagliostro2s mirror3
5crystal glass is filled +ith +ater and a candle is place "ehind it so the flame is
7isi"le through the surface of the glass. >ou then ga6e into the flame to o"tain
7isions. *his alternati7e is good "ecause it doesn:t re@uire much charging for the
mirror to "e functional "ut generally solid mirror is "etter for transportation and is
ready to use anytime +hen it:s charged. &agliostro:s mirror or any +ater "ased
mirror must "e prepared and charged "efore the operation= +asting the precious
times and it also tends to "ecome annoying o7er time.
Fluid condenser
%any people use %agickal fluid condensers= +hich simplify charging and makes it
more sta"le Emirror +ithout condenser discharges faster o7er time of not "eing
usedF. &ondensers are usually solid Eeg dust of gold and sil7er mixed togetherF or
there are fluid "ased condensers made from the mixture of her"s. *his one is
usually applied on a piece of paper hidden +ithin the mirror.
*heoretically you can also use a sigil as a condenser "ut unfortunately I ha7e ne7er
tried this idea in practice= may"e I +ill change it "efore this grade is officially
Working +ithout a condenser is fully fine= ust keep in mind that your +orking +ith
the mirror +ill ha7e to "e much more consistent.
(endulum di,ination
What is a pendulum+
4endulum is some o"ect on a piece of thread= normally used to find ho+ straight
7ertical surfaces are.
*his o"ect can also "e used for di7ination= simplified procedure is that you gra"
the piece of thread= place the pendulum into the air= you ask @uestions and the
pendulum s+ings in certain manner to gi7e you ans+ers.
%any people "uy pendulums meant for di7ination= these are usually made from
stones or crystals +ith a small chain attached to it. *rust me that you can use any
o"ect you desire as a pendulum= +hether a ring on a piece of thread or a long hair.
Important aspect is that the o"ect is hea7y enough to affect the thread Etoo light
o"ect and a human hair +ill hardly point do+nF
Charging the pendulum
*o charge the pendulum to "e ready for %agickal practice simply remem"er +hat
you ha7e learned a"out the 1ital Force during pre7ious grades. 4ump the pendulum
+ith the 1F +ith intention to use it for di7ination= that:s it.
>ou can also cast Sigils to charge it or use any other +ay you find suita"le. Gr you
can omit the charging for good= after all= %agickal tools are charged "y the use= as
#ractising with the pendulum
/ra+ a cross on a piece of paper. Gn "oth ends of the horisontal line +rite ?G. Gn
the "oth ends of the 7ertical line +rite >2S.
0ra" the piece of thread of the pendulum "et+een the index finger and thum" of of
your leading hand.
4lace the pendulum ust a"o7e the center of thecross you ha7e dra+n.
If you are sitting= your el"o+ should "e rested on the ta"le.
Bse your other hand to support the hand that holds the pendulum so there is no
shaking that +ould affect it.
&ommand the pendulum to s+ing in the direction of the >2S line Eyour hand must
not mo7eF= then command it to stop= then to go in the ?G direction= then stop it
Keep practising this till the mo7ement is fairly 7isi"le and consistent.
1sing the pendulum for diination
*o use the pendulum simply place it a"o7e the >2S.?G cross= let it rest and ask a @uestion= s+ing of the pendulum +ill "e your ans+er.
3l+ays command the pendulum to stop "et+een different @uestions so ans+ers
are:t mixed and confusing.
3lso if you don:t like the ans+er don:t ask again= that +ould "e ust stupid and
could force the pendulum to tell you only +hat you +ant to hear instead of +hat
you +ant to kno+.
Hust a @uick note; don:t take pendulum too seriously Edon:t take any di7ination
method too seriouslyF= use it rather as a recommendation than some +ritten5in5the5
'lphabet of desire
What is the alpha!et of desire
3lpha"et of desire and simply a collection of pre5made sigils that can "e used to
@uickly form a ne+ Sigil.
*he idea is to sa7e some time and also to gain some additional punch in your
%agick "y actually re5using the Sigils= charging them stronger and stronger= plus it
looks like some mystical occult alpha"et= +hich is cool= too.
How to make your own Ao-
8et:s start traditionally= make a list of opposing aspects; yours can look like
something like this;
&ontinue till you run out of ideas.
?otice that some things on my list do not seem to "e opposing= the reason is that
+e all are indi7iduals and +hat:s opposing to me doesn:t need to "e opposing for
you EI also did it so you +on:t ust copy.paste it instead of doing actual +orkF.
3fter your list is finished= make a Sigil for each and e7ery force on the item= that
means do a Sigil for 8o7e= for 9ate= etc= till you are finished.
Charging the Ao-
Well= no+ you should associate each indi7idual glyph +ith its intended meaning.
>ou can do it "y meditating upon each indi7idual Sigil +hile holding some
example of the intended purpose in your mind= you can also go for old5fashioned
death postures= make some ritual to charge them all at the same time or ust charge
them on the fly +hile you are using them.
1sage of the Ao-
>ou can create an old fashioned Sigil and then include some glyphs of the 3o/ as a
decoration Ee.g. in the circle around the Sigil= or to fill some empty spaces= et
ceteraF or you can "uild your Sigil purely from the glyphs= composing them in
ama6ing structures or simply putting them on the horisontal or 7ertical line as if it
+ere a sentence in some unkno+n language.
Additional glyphs
>ou might find out that your glyphs are not e7erything you need. *hinking super
a"stractly is not for e7eryone= +e are practical people and "y com"ining glyphs +e +ill hardly make our sexy accountant to lo7e us. *hat:s +hy +e
also need 7er"s and other +ords. Feel free to add them to your 3o/= also feel free
to use one5time glyphs for specific things= for eaxple I surely don:t need permanent
glyph in my alpha"et for some client or a friend +hen I need to use it only once.
&$ploiting the Ao-
So= +e can re5use Sigils so +e can "e more la6y in dra+ing them +ith a little side
"enefit called Dmore po+erD= "ut +hat else is thereA
>ou can also associate each glyph +ith a +ord or a sound +hich then can help you
to use your 3o/ on the fly= literally creating your 7ery o+n "ar"arian language.
*his gi7es more 7ariety and usa"ility into your %agickal practice.
So= +e can pronounce our glyphs no+= +hat else is thereA >ou can add anything
you +ant. If you add gestures and "ody postures to your glyphs= you ha7e
effecti7ely re5in7ented !une %agick.
>ou can also print or dra+ your glyphs on separate cards and then you can "uild
your Sigils "y simply placing some cards together to gain a desired outcome and
then use your fa7orite method to charge your Sigil. I hope I don:t need to mention
that such a deck of 3o/ ca also "e used for di7ination instead of tarot cards. >ou
can also car7e your glyphs into the stones or pieces of +ood= re5in7enting the rune
di7ination system.
0enerally ha7ing each glyph of your 3o/ imprinted on some deck or a collection
of stones is a 7ery good idea thanks to the porta"ility and efficiency. 3 lot of times
+e are in conditions +here +e cannot use a pen and paper for our Sigils= "ut cards=
stones= sounds and gestures are al+ays ready for use.
Basic format of the rituals
For a successful ritual +e need to fulfill a list of procedures Eno 7irgin sacrifice
included= duhF. So= first of all let:s make the checklist;
*oo generalA Well= let:s take a look at these parts in depth;
4reparation starts +ith a pen and paper. >ou +rite do+n the intended outcome and
then starts an annoying process of research... can I use some ser7itor for my
purposeA Is there one already a7aila"le or need I create oneA /oes the tradition I
am "orro+ing from ha7e any conditions re@uired to call the ser7itor= e.g. a specific
planetary time= incenses= color decorationsA 9o+ many of these can I cheatA
3fter the study is done and conditions filled or "ent for the purpose +e can start
+ith the pre5ritual preparations;
1. centering and grounding
2. casting the circle around us to make us look more 7isi"le in the spiritual +orld
(. in7oking.in7iting deities.angels.demons.forces.di7inity.+hate7er to gain
spiritual authority
For centering and grounding you can use the Sacred &ham"er !itual I ha7e
presented to you earlier in this "ook or thousands of other practices a7aila"le
For casting the circle you can use the method a7aila"le in your practice or you can
dra+ a circle +ithin circle on the floor using a chalk and into the space +ithin these
t+o circles you can +rite do+n your 3lpha"et of desire. >ou can also ust +alk (
times around in the circle or let your 1ital force to lea7e your "ody= dra+ the circle
( times around you and then return "ack to your "ody Eno +astingF.
*he circle itself is like a lighthouse= it gra"s the attention of all near"y
spirits.forces.+hate7er to turn their attention to you.
!egarding attaining the authority part the simplest +ay is a prayer to your
deity.+hate7er to "less your ceremony to "e succesful "ut can "e prolonged "y
litanies= glosolalia= "egging= asking= commanding= +hate7er feels suita"le for the
dramatic effect Eif you are scared of +hat you are in7iting into your place= more
po+erful experience the ritual +ill "eF.
*he performance itself is to e7oke.in7oke the desired ser7itor Eif anyF and state
your +ishes as commands coming from the authority you ha7e attained during the
preparation. 3lso keep in mind to get straight to the point and "e specific= as +ell.
Bsing 7ague and general terms "ecause you are scared to "e DselfishD usually lead
to 7ague and general misinterpretations on the spirits:s side +ith @uite a mischief at
the end.
3lso remem"er; ne7er offer anything in return= you are not exchanging= you are
commanding and the only one you are responsi"le to for you actions is the
authority you ha7e called prior the ritual= not during it.
)anishing is generally a no5no unless something really sick starts happening.
Bnless that is the case= use a standard license to depart= either "orro+ed from your
tradition or use something like this one;
DG= mighty spirits= I thank you for your assistance during this ritual. ?o+ you can
return to your places and grant my +ishes. 4lease lea7e @uietly and don:t "ring any
harm to me or my lo7ed ones and "e ready for my next call.D
Sometimes it happens that ser7itors lurk on your place e7en after the license to
depart. If that happens= don:t freak out= mostly they ust like your place and +ant to
stay for a little +hile= lea7ing fe+ minutes or hours later. *hat is actually pretty
usual= ust don:t mind them and mind your o+n "usiness.
3s the next thing you should go to do something physical to get "ack the touch
+ith a physical reality. For example take a "ath= exercise= make a sand+ich= smoke
a cigarette= ust do some acti7ity.
Week 2
Charging the blac+ mirror
?o+ it:s time to charge our mirror. *he mirror= ust like any %agickal tool= must "e
DyoursD= it must "ecome a part of your Self. First part of this process is hidden in
the creation of the mirror= tools you craft +ith your o+n hands ha7e a much "igger
sentimental 7alue then things you simply "uy and more time you spend +ith
crafting and decorating your items= more 7alua"le these items +ill "e for you.
4ut your mirror in the front of yourself= you can "e sitting= standing= the mirror can
"e on the ta"le= floor= simply any+here. %y personal approach is to sit do+n and
place the mirror on my lap= that makes me more sentimental for me.
?o+ it:s time to let your mirror a"sor" your magnetic and electromagnetic fluids.
4lace your right hand ust closely a"o7e the mirror= +a7ing o7er the mirror as if
you +ere petting its surface Edon:t touch the surface= ha7e your hand ust a"o7e itF.
/on:t make the mo7ement regular= use different patterns= speed= play +ith it as if
you +ere touching your lo7er= "e kind and gentle.
/o the Dmirror petting procedureD for a"out - minutes= then s+itch your hands and
repeat the process for another - minutes +ith your left hand. 3fter you are finished
you can put the mirror a+ay= +rap it in clothes or +hate7er method of storing the
mirror that you ha7e chosen.
*his procedure should "e repeated e7ery day for at least a +eek "efore you use the
mirror for the first time. 3lso remem"er= more often you charge the mirror= more
po+erful tool it "ecomes.
Some of you might find it a "it pro"lematic to hold your hand a"o7e the surface for
- minutes= if your mirror has a thick frame= you can use it to support your hand to
ease the pain= "ut this shouldn:t "e the concern as you are still supposed to do your
daily physical exercises as presented in the first grade of this curriculum and
therefore your physical "ody should already "e much stronger than "efore.
Magic+al pra!er
What is a Magickal prayer
3ccording to 4apus the %agickal prayer is the most pure and di7ine 7ersion of
%agick ceremony= as such it shouldn:t "e done regularly "ut only during special
occassions so it doesn:t "ecome a mindless and "oring ha"it= "ut al+ays stems from
the heart.
How to perform the Magickal prayer
First of all= I am going to present my modified 7ersion here= if any of you +ant to
learn the original= you should study 4apus: ama6ing +ork.
First of all= the prayer is a ritual= check for the "asic format of rituals as descri"ed
in pre7ious section regarding preparation and finishing of the ritual Ecentering=
grounding= casting the circle= etcF= as for the content of the ritual= you stand facing a
direction of 2ast= or ?orth= or "lack mirror= or a chair and you pray to the force you
"elie7e in E0od= deities= spirits= &haos= life current= +hate7er...F.
I understand this might look too simple= "ut it really isn:t. >our +ords should come
directly from your heart= +hich at first goes really slo+ly as you don:t really kno+
+hat you can talk a"out. &an you cussA &an you "eg for somethingA &an you ask
for cursing of your enemiesA &an you ask for anything at allA
*he prayer should come from your heart so there really isn:t any limit of +hat you
can say or ho+= I should ust +arn you a"out fe+ things. First of all= praying people
tend to ha7e moral limitations. *hey think they shouldn:t ask a"out anything
specific "ecause that +ould "e selfish. So they usually ask for a Dmore opportunity
to gro+D. I +ould say that the force you pray to ha7e a 7ery specific form of humor
and you often get +hat you ask for. Well= ho+ Dopportunity for gro+thD "e
translatedA Sometimes you get some cra6y illness no doctor kno+s ho+ to cure=
sometimes your house "urns do+n and sometimes you lose your o" and "ecome a
homeless. &onsidering that you originally +anted a ne+ ferrari this fate is far a+ay
from your desires.
Secondly don:t do the prayer "ecause you ha7e to= it must "e a D+antD= not a
DneedD= you must ha7e a correct mood for it else don:t do it at all.
/on:t try to "e too formal. 3fter all +e speak a"out forces that kno+ a"out all your
mastur"ations= cussing and drug a"use e7en sooner than you do Ethat:s a "it creepy=
isn:t itAF. )ut don:t "e too informal= a little "it of respect +on:t hurt you. 3fter your
prayer is done= close the ritual as you are used to.
(reparing own incantations
What is an incantation
3n incantation or enchantment is a charm or spell created using +ords. 3n
incantation may take place during a ritual= either a hymnor prayer= and may in7oke
or praise a deity. In magic= occultism= and +itchcraft it is used +ith the intention of
casting a spell on an o"ect or a person and may employ the use ofpharmakeia. *he
term deri7es from 8atinDincantareD Etr.F= meaning Dto chant Ea magical spellF upon=D
from in5 Dinto= uponD and cantareDto singD. 55Wikipedia
What to e$pect
*his grade is mainly a"out e7ocations so that +ill "e our focus here. Sorry there
+on:t "e much detail for anything else "ut readers can hopefully fill these gaps +ith
&$isting incantations
4ro"a"ly e7ery grimoire has its o+n incantations= most famou pro"a"ly "eing the
)ornless ritual from 0oetia Emost pro"a"ly &ro+ley:s addition= "ut I can "e
0rimoires usually ask you to memori6e their incantations= +hich actually isn:t a
7ery good practice. Firstly it makes the incantation a routine= somethig you can do
+ithout really thinking a"out it. Secondly it kills the creati7ity and honesty.
>our incantations should al+ays come from your heart and "elief= partially scripted
and partially created on the fly. >ou can actually e7en memori6e some passages
from +ell kno+n incantations and use them during yours for the dramatic effect or
+hen +ords are not exactly coming to you.
Sample incantation
First of all +e should specify the type of the operation= in this case it +ill "e an
e7ocation. Secondly +e should specify an entity +e are going to e7oke. I don:t
+ant to mention any real entity yet so let:s go for a fictional one.
?ame; 4osmiol
2lement; 3ir
4lanet; 1enus
3"ility; *o find long lost friends
4osmiol is a mighty spirit= commanding 7 legions of familiar spirits. 9is fa7orite
form is an unicorn and he sho+s in this form most of the time. 9e can "e
commanded "y the %agician to take a human form= then he appears as a tall old
man +ith long +hite "eard and his forehead has a sym"ol of pyramid tattooed on it=
this tattoo represents the horn of his unicorn form.
In his human form he is a"le to speak a"out your long lost friends and gi7e you the
description of their fate. 9is unicorn form makes him una"le to speak "ut in return
his a"ility "ecomes more po+erful. 4osmiol in his "asic form is a"le to "ring your
friends to your doorsteps or force them to contact you in a 7ery short period of
It:s possi"le that many of you +ill actually try this and 4osmiol +ill start his
existence= "ut he doesn:t really need to exist for no+.
+et,s start
So= +e ha7e our fictional spirit= no+ +e can finally prepare the incantation to call
him= "ecause +e didn:t see our friend Su6 for @uite some time and +e +ould like to
get in touch again. *he prepared incantation could look as follo+s;
4osmiol= I call you in the name of e7erything di7ine and pure= I call you in the
name of e7erything that is "lack and dirty= I call you in the name of &haos= appear
"efore me and grant my +ish. 3ppear "efore me in your fa7orite form of the
unicorn= I call you "y the name of all the Sylphs= elementals of the 3ir element=
your "ase element. Sho+ yourself in the mirror.+ater.dream. I command you "y
the forces of 1enus= don:t make me +ait. I command you in the name of 9aniel=
mighty spirit= grant my +ish and find my friend Su6= make him.her to contact me
+ithin next ( days. 4osmiol= grant my +ish and "ring no harm to me or those close
to my heart.
When the incantation is ready= read it a couple of times= may"e modify it a "it= let
your creati7ity to lead you. When you think you are ready= toss your notes a+ay
and do the incantation. If some +ords are forgotten= ust replace them during the
process= impro7ise= that:s +hat makes you part of the ritual= part of the incantation.
&!eless e,ocation
What is the eocation
27ocation is a practice of summoning spirits to appear outside of you as opposed to
in7ocation +hich calls spirits inside yourself Emore of that laterF.
Will the spirit !e isi!le
For the spirit to "e 7isi"le you either ha7e to de7elop a specific clair7oyant sight or
the spirit has to manifest physically E+e +ill learn that laterF. For no+ +e +ill ha7e
to stick +ith Dfeeling the spirit:s presenceD= +e +ill ha7e to stick +ith eyeless
What is an eyeless eocation
2yeless e7ocation is a ritual performed +ith a closed eyes. /uring the ritual you
+ill ha7e feelings of Dthere is someone in this room +ith meD= actually there +ill "e
multiple signals= as +e specified "efore= there are al+ays a lot of lurking spirits
around rituals.
*his feelings you +ill ha7e +ill allo+ your mind to get to the gnostic state= right
frame of the mind to perform %agickal practice. *he reason is that the feeling of
someone "eing in your space and you cannot really see him +ill force your
su"consciousness to allo+ you to access other senses= in return you +ill "e a"le to
feel these spirits e7en more and freak out e7en more= it:s a recursi7e cycle. /uring
the first try you +ill pro"a"ly hear humming= random +ords or parts of phrases=
you might also see a flash of a figure or something like that.
I ha7e already told you ho+ the ritual looks like= ho+ to prepare your incantations=
you are pretty much ready for the e7ocation= "ut there is one thing I +ant to tell
you a"out the eyeless e7ocation. Gnce you close your eyes to perform the ritual=
keep them closed till you finish the ritual. ?o matter +hat you see= hear or feel=
don:t open your eyes. >ou might e7en hear 7oices of your relati7es standing next to
you= chances are these +on:t "e +hat you think it is. For that reason lock your room
or hide in some distance place for the ritual.
What happens if you open your eyesA In "etter case you +ill see nothing= your
mind +ill drift "ack to the normal +aking state and you ust +asted your time. In
the +orst case you +ill see something that +ill earn you a lifetime in a padded cell
"ut I cannot really say you +ould "e actually a"le to notice that in such a condition.
Well= or you +ill see ust an entity you ha7e e7oked= "ut still= don:t risk.
Fe+ impro7ements for the ritual setup
If you don:t "elie7e in yourself= use a "lindfold. If you +ant to at least kno+ +here
the spirit is= put t+o chairs in your ritual space facing each other. Sit on one of the
chairs and you can expect the spirit you are calling +ill sit in the other one.
If you +ant to stand during the ritual= ust place a summoning triangle on the floor.
Solomon:s summoning triangle is pretty easy to find on the internet or you can ust
dra+ a triangle +ithin a circle= that:s it= no "rainer.
/on:t use normally lit room Ethat +ould "e stupidF= "ut don:t sit in the darkness
either Ethat +ould "e a 7ery creepy experienceF= use candles to light the room.
/ancing shado+s +ill add to the gnosis= plus candle light is 7ery +arm and
calming= ust make sure no open flame is too close to you so you +on:t "urn
yourself accidentally.
9a7e a "ag of salt ready in your pocket. If you really ha7e to @uickly interrupt the
ritual= take the salt from the "ag and thro+ it around yourself in all four directions.
/on:t panicO ?o matter +hat you see= hear= feel or fear= don:t lose your cool= the
other chair might fall "ack= stuff can fall from the ta"les= glass can "reak=
something may appear to "reathe at your face from the distance of fe+ inches= "e
ready for that and keep calm. If it is unpleasant either tell the spirit to stop it or you
can use license to depart to stop the +hole ritual or you can use your emergency
Week 3
.ow to recogni*e a spirit/s presence
*o detect the presence of spirits at your home or ritual space is crucial a"ility. It is
crucial for the success of the operation= it is crucial for your health= your sanity= and
it can "e crucial for sa7ing your life= as +ell.
Strange occurences
When things fall from the ta"le= tele7ision s+itches on and off no matter +hat or
your +ardro"e sings= it certainly means there is some spirit present Eor it can also
mean you should stop doing drugsF. *he thing is that this usually doesn:t happen=
spirits do not usually le7itate ta"les= pets= mother5in5la+s... they do not "reak 7ases=
+indo+s= they do not turn on and off *1s and they certainly +on:t pay for your
ca"le to +atch adult mo7ies. It can happen Eand sometimes this happens during the
ritualsF= "ut most of the time symptoms of ha7ing a spirit companion are more
*he flo+ of a +ind in closed room= feeling like someone:s +atching you from
"ehind= tapping your shoulder= touching your "ack= sometimes there are also marks
from scratching= "ut these are someho+ attracted ust to sensiti7e indi7iduals. 3ll
these can ha7e alternati7e reasons. 2.g. the +indo+ lacks the isolation +hich
explains the "ree6e= feeling of "eing +atched from "ehind is intuiti7e process that
happens during the night= scratches can "e from your o+n hands +hen you +ere
scratching your o+n "ack= tapping can "e a little mischief of your neural net+ork.
/uring the spirit:s presence there is usually more than ust one symptome.
/uring spirit:s presence there are more indicators= one of them is a changed @uality
of sleep. >ou usually ha7e to sleep more= you al+ays feel tired and e7en shortly
after you +oke up= you are out of energy. 8ack of energy 48BS +ild sex oriented
dreams can mean the presence of a succu"us or incu"us= simply sexual demons.
*hese demons use sexually oriented images= 7isions and dreams to ro" you of your
sexual energy= your 7itality and e7en your sexual desires.
&$ternal erification method
It is a good idea to ha7e some external 7erification= as +ell. Something that isn:t
"ased on our feelings and ideas. /o you feel tired after +aking upA Well= may"e
you ust didn:t sleep +ell enough. *o 7erify if there really is some spirit that haunts
your en7ironment= put a glass of +ater on the ta"le next to your "ed= you can put a
lid on it= it doesn:t really matter. If there is a spirit in your house= the +ater +ill "e
full of small "u""les during the morning. I kno+ this can sound stupid= "ut it really
+orks. If you find "u""les in the +ater= do the "anishing ritual and try once more.
?ext day use ne+ +ater and check it in the morning. *he result +ill "e different.
>ou can also try this test for your rituals. Someone explained to me that presented
spirits like DrefreshmentsD during rituals and "u""les +ill appear in no time if your
e7ocation goes smoothly. Sometimes it happened to me that "u""les appeared in a
matter of minutes +hen I +as ust talking a"out spirituality +ith my apprentice=
sometimes "u""les didn:t appear during the +hole ritual and the result +as usually
a failure then.
Basic in,ocation
What is an inocation
In7ocation is a process od summoning entities DinsideD oursel7es. 27ocation calls
the entity so +e can make our demand. In7ocation calls the entity +ithin so +e can
temporarily or permanently gain ne+ a"ilities or "oost older ones.
Sometimes during the in7ocation it happens the %agician "ecomes temporarily
possessed "y in7oked entity and starts talking +ithout conscious control. *his
memory is usually lost after the consciousness is regained= actually dreams and
possessions are related so "ased on ho+ +ell you remem"er your dreams= you +ill
also remem"er your possessions. >ou can also use a recording de7ice during your
in7ocations to check later.
Simple form of inocation
3 simple +ay ho+ to attune yourself to the entity and slo+ly gain its a"ilities is
using its name as a mantra= repeating it again and again through the day. %ost usual
names for this use are names of deities= e.g. >9W9= I3G= 2heieh 3sher 2heieh=
3083. Sometimes the mantra can also contain an action or intent= e.g. Gm namah
%y DSpirits= "eings of *he 8ight and of *he /arkness= don:t forget me= stand "y my
side and do my WillD is also an in7ocation mantra.
,itualistic form of inocation
*here is also a +ay of temporarily "oost your a"ilities in a ritualistic approach.
>ou close your eyes and repeats entity:s characteristics +hile trying to picture the
entity in your mind= say as much as you can and the +hole incantation repeat (
*hen 7isuali6e the entity looking at you and repeat the +hole incantation ( times as
if you +ere talking to him. So if e.g. your pre7ious incantation started +ith D9e is
4osmiol= the spirit of 1enus...D then no+ it +ill "e D>ou are 4osmiol= the spirit of
1enus...D. >our 7isuali6ation can start changing on its o+n= don:t panic= it means it
started +orking.
For the last step imagine you are the entity= looking from its eyes at you. Gnce
again repeat the incantation ( times= replacing DyouD +ith DID= so it +ill look like DI
am 4osmiol= the spirit of...D. 4icture yourself as "est as you can= you mean literally
feel like you are really the in7oked entity. /uring this process the possession
usually "egins.
-ownside of the ritualistic approach
For the ritualistic approach you should ha7e at least a decent 7isuali6ation skills
and you also should ha7e something to 7isuali6e. %any deities are formless=
spaceless= timeless and therefore incompati"le +ith this method.
#ream in,ocation
What is a dream inocation
We ha7e already learned a"out in7ocation= so let:s talk a"out one specific "ranch of
this practice= the dream in7ocation.
/ream in7ocation is a "it misleading term "ecause this practice is more similar to
e7ocations than in7ocations= except the e7oked entity is commanded to appear in
your dream= it is in7oked into the dream "ut there appears external to your Ddream
(asic usage
Some entities are supposed to gi7e us some information or kno+ledge. *his means
+e are someho+ expected to actually communicate +ith entities= to exchange
information +ith them. *his can "e done either through higher senses
Eclair7oyance= clairaudience= etcF or through tools Emirror= pendulum= ouia "oard=
*ools like tarot are too general for the exchange of specific information= pendulum
is a "it one5sided and ouia is not suita"le for longer communication Eplus most of
us need at least one another person for ouia to +orkF.
)lack mirror is not a "ad tool= it helps greatly during e7ocations and e7oked
entities can also partially communicate +ith us using images +ith sym"ology= "ut
that:s still not sufficient enough to replace actual talk. So= unless you ha7e greatly
de7eloped higher senses= you +ill ha7e to +ork +ith 7isions and dreams.
How to
/uring e7ocation you command the summoned spirit to appear in your dream in a
human form a"le of speech= you also should demand that you +ill remem"er the
dream after+ards= you can actually use pendulum or other tool to communicate
conditions of the dream. *his +ay you can e.g. find out that the entity +ill appear
in your dream= "ut you +on:t remem"er it E+hich sadly is sometimes the spirit:s
condition to appear during your sleepF.
4eople usually think that forgetting the con7ersation renders the ritual useless= "ut
the su"consciousness is a strong tool. 27en if you don:t remem"er the actual e7ent=
you can still feel assurance and relief Eor oppositesF "ased on the information you
gained. *hat:s especially useful in desperate situations.
-angers of dream inocation
4eople also often ask me a"out security issues. /ream in7ocation has the same
dangers as astral proection= if you allo+ something to happen= it +ill happen= so if
you are seriously +orried a"out your life= rather a7oid this procedure. It:s not like
the +orry a"out instant death can cause instant death= that +ould "e a 7ery rare
case. %ost of the times +hen a dream in7ocation goes +rong you +ill ust +ake up
tired in the morning +ith a 7ery shady recollection of +hat happened.
Spirit possession is a"out the same risk as the death= 7ery 7ery rare and only if you
allo+ it. 0enerally a strong +ill +ith no dou"ts is a 7ery important tool of %agick=
this +hole curriculum is "ased around it. If you got this far Eand didn:t cheatF=
dream in7ocation should "e no danger to you. >our dream is yours only and
nothing in your dream can go against your Will.
&,ocation through smo+e
Smoke e7ocations are pro"a"ly the most used ones in ceremonial magick. *he
setup is simple= has a lot of 7ariations and can "e done +ith any le7el of
Idea !ehind the smoke
%any %agicians "elie7e that to ha7e a 7isi"le contact +ith an entity= one needs a
physical 7essel to operate upon. For that purpose sensiti7e mediums +ere used to
get possessed "y the entity and hadle the message. Bnfortunately this method
makes the +hole ritual fraud accessi"le. Is the medium a real dealA &an +e really
identify a genuine medium. In the second grade I ga7e you fe+ tips a"out ho+ to
recogni6e suggesti"le Somnam"ulic su"ects= "ut it can happen that some fraud
+ill kno+ %esmerism or +ill "e lucky enough to pass the test= so naturally +e had
to come up +ith something to get rid of our human oracle.
?aturally= the next step +ere inanimate o"ects Eanimals are not 7ery good
mediatorsF. )ut +hat o"ect is light enough and easy to manipulate= after all +e
usually do not possess the po+er to craft clay golems... smoke +as the ans+er.
Smoke is light= naturally mo7es in s+irls= curls Ethanks to the air currentsF and is
easy to shape= e7en a small "lo+ can change its shape. So if +e force an entity to
manifest its presence through a smoke= +e can ha7e a nice little proof that the ritual
+orks. 4lus smoke:s natural mo7ement is 7ery mesmeri6ing and adds to the
atmosphere of the ritual and the mind state of the practitioner= multiplying the
chances of success.
3ctually +e can also use incenses in the "urnt material to enhance the atmosphere
e7en more. We can pick a specific incense for a specific entity "ased on its
planetary correspondence= +e can color the light of the flame +ith shaders to attain
e7en "igger planetary influence= smoke is actually a 7ery 7ersatile ritual tool.
For the smoke +e can use pre5fa"riced incense sticks to "e compact= +e can "urn
coal on incense plates +ith a fe+ drops of +ater for a 7ery thick smoke Eusing hot
or cold +ater actually lightens or darkens the smokeF= +e can also make our o+n
incense sticks= ust put a "unch of plants together= tie really hard and let dry.
Spirit2s manifestation ia smoke
*here are 7arious +ays a"out ho+ the spirit +ill manifest 7ia a smoke. *he least
noticea"le Eand most often in the "eginningF= is that the smoke +ill split into t+o
straight lines +ith a lot of curls at the eye le7el. Sometimes it also Dfree6esD in the
air. *he positions of the smoke is so sta"le it looks like it +as a solid o"ect.
3fter some experience= you +ill start seeing faces= hands= e7en parts of e7ents in
the smoke= rarely the smoke +ill take a full "ody shape of an e7oked entity Eto "e
frank I ne7er sa+ that oneF= "ut parts of the "ody are @uite usual.
*he source of the smoke can "e put on the chair= on summoning triangle or simply
"e carried in your hands at the arms: length a+ay from your "ody during the ritual
or some com"ination of these. I personally like to sit during e7ocations= so I
usually place a summoning triangle on the ta"le in the front of me and put an
incense stick in the holder on the triangle. It:s compact= @uick and easy to set up.
Week 4
First scr!ing e,ocation0 'nael
Who is Anael
3nael is one of angels of 1enus. 9e is associated +ith the Fire element and he is
called the messenger of 0od. anael:s field of +ork are 7isions= messages=
predictions= simply contact +ith the di7ine. *hat:s also +hy 3nael should "e the
first one to "e e7oked through a "lack mirror.
First scrying eocation
4repare your incantation. %ake sure you call 3nael a couple of times and you ask
him to "less the mirror to gi7e you messages through him.
%irror should "e placed in an angle so you can see a reflection of your face
Escrying "o+ls and crystal "alls do not ha7e this re@uirementF. >our en7ironment
should "e completely dark except t+o candles placed on the sides of the mirror.
4lay around +ith the position of the candles= your reflection in the mirror should "e
neither too sharp nor too 7ague. *he reason is that your mind needs some reference
point in the mirror to start +ith "ut ha7ing too sharp reflection +ill "eat the idea
and too 7ague image +on:t gi7e you the sense of depth needed to successfully
operate the mirror.
&hoose some point on the reflection and o"ser7e it= repeat your incantation a
couple of times out loud= then silently as +ell. >ou +ill feel your 7ision getting
"lurry and distorted. Bsual reflex is to re5focus to gain "ack the sharp image= "ut
you ha7e to a7oid this process so the lucidity can kick in.
If you manage to o"ser7e passi7ely +ithout refocusing the image +ill start looking
sharp again "ut the appearing face +ill "e completely different from your o+n=
hopefully that +ill "e 3nael. *hen proceed as +e ha7e learned "efore in the chapter
descri"ing "asic format of the rituals.
Magic+al chain
What is a Magickal chain
%agickal chain is a protection ritual. 4apus called it the a"solute defense. *he
practice itself is split into t+o categories; the ritual and the use of the chain.
4oint of the ritual is the creation or re5assurance of the chain= usage in7ol7es
calling the master of the chain to acti7ate it.
How to create the chain
First of all you should already ha7e some experience +ith the %agickal prayer=
these t+o are closely related. Secondly you should choose a master of the chain.
*his can "e any long diseased occult master that someho+ influenced your art Ee.g.
&ro+ley= )ardon= 4apus= Spare= 4aracelsus= 4ythagoras...F
/uring the ritual you call and pray to the master of the chain. *hen you call for
guardians of cardinal directions= elementals= spirits= demons= angels... in other
+ords you start at the "ottom of +hate7er hierarchy and you +ork your +ay up till
you reach +hate7er force you are used to pray to in %agickal prayer. 2ntities in the
chain can "e called specifically or generally= for example you can call specific
entities you ha7e already +orked +ith or ust elementals generally.
3fter all re@uired entities are called you then re@uest them to "ecome your chain
and appear to protect you any time the master of the chain calls them= you then ask
the master to come at your call to acti7ate the chain.
*hen you can end the ritual as usually.
1sing the chain
So= the chain is already created and you get into a really "ad situation and you need
to acti7ate the chain. *o do so you don:t need to call all the entities again= ust call
the master of the chain +ith the re@uest to acti7ate it and that:s it.
*ime "y time the chain should "e re5assured= for that use the same ritual you used
for the creation of the ritual= it:s actually a good idea to keep the ritual description
and used incantations in your ournal.
Shadow e,ocation
What is a shadow eocation
/uring e7ocations +e need some 7essel for the spirit through +hich the spirit +ill
manifest. It can "e a smoke= "lack mirror= fog= +ater= or light. /uring shado+
e7ocations you use your o+n shado+ as the 7essel for the entity to appear through.
*o set up the operation you need a 7ery dark room. Sit on the floor and put a "ig
candle +ith strong flame "ehind your "ack= far enough so you +on:t "urn yourself=
it is actually not a good idea to ha7e the candle too close= "ecause you need to ha7e
a good sharp shado+ proected on the +all in the front of you. Gh= yes= you should
"e facing a +all if you didn:t figure this out already.
*he candle should "e the only lightsource in the room so there is only one sharp
shado+ +ithout any distur"ances.
'he operation
*he format of the ritual is as al+ays= ust for the incantation you are sitting on the
floor and you passi7ely o"ser7e your shado+ on the +all= repeat the incantation a
couple of times and then you can also sit a couple of minutes in silence "efore
repeating again.
/uring the operation the shado+ should start forming its o+n shape and
DthicknessD= it should "ecome plastic and start mo7ing on its o+n as the spirit
enters it as its 7essel for manifestation.
&ontinue +ith the ritual as you are used to.
(h!sical manifestation
What is a physical manifestation
4hysical manifestation is purpotedly an e7ent +hen a spirit attains a physical form
during +hich it can freely communicate and interact +ith the %agician or anyone
We split the physical manifestation into t+o categories; full manifestation and
partial manifestation.
Full manifestation is +hen the spirit is fully materiali6ed= its +hole "ody is 7isi"le
and the manifestation is consistent Esta"leF. 4artial manifestation can "e arms= legs=
head= shoulders= usually also flo+ing from one "ody part to the other one during
the course of the e7ocation.
Concerns regarding physical manifestation
I am not a "ig fan of the idea of spirit "eing Dmateriali6edD= I +ould rather explain
it as D3stral light "eing densified to the point of "eing 7isi"leD than Dassemling
particles to the form of a spiritD. It:s true that I +as a"le to achie7e only a partial
manifestation= ne7er a full one= "ut I dou"t the process is any different. What I
"elie7e is really happening during the manifestation is the %agician getting to the
right trance state of seeing the spirit as real as it +as truly physical.
*here also is a claim that anyone +ill "e a"le to see such a manifested spirit= not
only clair7oyant mediums. Well= I +orked +ith people "efore and they really did
see +hat I sa+= "ut +as it "ecause the spirit +as truly physically materiali6ed or
+as it "ecause they +ere part of the e7ocation from the "eginning to the end and
the ritual itself had the same effect on me as it had on themA Would they see the
same +hat I sa+ if they came in after the manifestation occuredA I personally dou"t
How to for physical manifestation
*he setup is as al+ays= ust in the "eginning you state your re@uest for the spirit to
manifest its presence in a 7isi"le form. Shado+ e7ocation techni@ue +e learned
"efore has ama6ing results regarding physical manifestation= and it can also help
you to pinpoint the exact location of the manifested spirit Ein the middle of distance
"et+een you and your shado+ on the +allF.
%ain pro"lem regarding physical manifestation is time. >ou must "e sure you are
a"le to spend a"out t+o hours performing the ritual= calling the spirit to manifest
again and again= cursing it and commanding it "y all godly and godless names you
can think of and doing so till the spirit appears. I kno+ you +ere expecting a "it
more= "ut this is really no5"rainer= it:s ust time consuming.
Final words
*hank you for reading this "ook. I don:t kno+ if you ha7e chosen to practice
according to the curriculum or not= "ut at least hope you found some useful
techni@ues here and that you enoyed your study at least a "it.
Keep in mind that you should al+ays practice responsi"ly and you should also
enoy it= there is nothing +orse than dogmatic= lined5up practice= that gi7es you no
flexi"ility= no space to "reathe. 3l+ays make your practice enoya"le= modify it to
suit your personal needs and tastes= and if you ha7e any @uestions or you +ant to
ask a"out something= feel free to contact me= for example 7ia my personal "log;
I +ish you the "est for your current and future occult endea7ors.
'ppendix '
In this section I +ould like to add fe+ of my older articles to offer you a "it
closer look at my philosophy.
About Magick and ogma
hat is Magic+
%agick is kno+ledge of interaction of higher planes and kno+ledge of
manipulation of these planes to cause change that can "e seen as miracle "y non5
magicians. *he end.
(ath of Magic+
%agick is like an ocean +ith all its hidden "eauty and mundane people are like
cra"s li7ing in the "ottom seeing no "eauty of the ocean for all the sand they ha7e
to +alk on. When practitioner enters his 4ath it is like he is trying to learn ho+ to
s+im. When he learns ho+ to s+im= he can explore the "eauty of the ocean= the
mysteries of %agick.
0ood s+immers tend to help the others that +ere not so lucky and are trying to
learn them ho+ to s+im.
For that purpose they +rite do+n their notes= ideas= experiences and teach the
non5s+immers +hat they s+imming style is. *his might look like good and
generous idea= "ut poor execution is sometimes used and dogma is created.
/ogma seems to gi7e a solid and concrete "ase for the practitioner and ease their
practice= "ut in fact it is the same concrete that makes shoes of the same
practitioner and make them sink. 4ractitioner held +ith dogma has to +ork much
harder to learn ho+ to s+im together +ith his concrete shoes= "ut there is al+ays
the same point +here he +ill lose his energy and get "ack do+n.
/o you remem"er the first time you ha7e learned ho+ to play chessA /id you
learn ho+ to mo7e the figures or names and definitions of millions of styles of
playing chessA /id you learn the french defense or ho+ to mo7e a pa+nA /ogma
teaches on ho+ to +in the game in french style= "ut +ill hardly sho+ you +hat the
pa+n is.
.ow to differentiate good s!stem from dogma
Starting from scratch is may"e an interesting idea= "ut +e al+ays ha7e to follo+
some solid "ase= itCs in human nature. So ho+ to find out +hich system is the right
oneA 9o+ to find out +hich system is the +rong oneA
Simply enough dogmatic systems present their ideas as the only right ones and
do+n5si6e others. /ogmatic practitioner +ill tell you all great things a"out his
system and +hat it did for him and +ill force you to strictly follo+ his instructions
to gain the same feats. Whene7er you hear something in sense of Jmy +ay is "etter
than your +ayK you should raise your caution and "e prepared to "e thro+n to the
unkno+n "ecause thatCs the only thing that happens +hen dogma is "roken.
9uman ego is scared of unkno+n. 2go is scared that there +ill "e something it
doesnCt kno+ and has no +ay of understanding it. *hatCs +hy +e search dogma.
/ogma gi7es the clarity of kno+ledge= solid and concrete rules and +ays +hich +e
can follo+.
/o this to gain this= do that and you +ill ha7e this= etc. *his is common asiyatic
"eha7ior of ego. 3siyatic 7ie+ is not completely +rong= ust too limited "ecause
+hate7er is "eyond limits of 3siyah is challenging for ego and ego doesnCt like
2go doesnCt like challenges "ecause these challenges can sho+ uselessness of
the ego +hich could result in egoCs destruction. In other +ords ego is scared of its
o+n mortality.
*he same thing I ha7e ust said could "e taught "y dogmatism= too. 3nd that
dogmatism +ill also tell you to "e the lo+est of lo+ and to ser7e to pu"lic good=
etc. *his "asically means you ha7e to force yourself to do something and you ha7e
to force yourself to "e something.
*his path is "lind and full of mistakes. *rue path of >et6irah= ust one +orld
"eyond 3siyah doesnCt mean you +ill force yourself to "e something= you +ill
"ecome something.
8etCs say you +ant to reduce your +eight. 3siyah +ill teach you that "y mo7ing
more you +ill reduce your +eight. >ou ha7e to fight for ha7ing your re+ard. >ou
ha7e to do something and you +ill get something in return.
>et6irah sho+s you +hy you actually are o7er5+eighted and +ork in >et6irah
changes you. It "asically means you donCt ha7e to force yourself to mo7e more=
you +ill simply mo7e more.
.ow to find a good teacher
Why to search for +hat isnCt lostA >ou are ust like the cra" not seeing the ocean
for all the sand on the "ottom. Forget the sand and look a"o7e= stay ama6ed for a
+hile and feel those emotions that raise +ithin. 3ccept these emotions as yours.
?ot as ego challenging= "ut as cure for your ego. *hat is the first step.
(ersonal than+s
I +ould like to take this part to thank all of my friends and 1eritas mem"ers for
ha7ing patience +ith me and my ideas. I also +ant to pu"licly thank my personal
903 for listening all of my "a""ling and supporting me during e7ery of my
success and failure. I also +ant to thank him for allo+ing me to speak +ith him
"efore the time has come for that and gi7ing me insight that no dead or li7ing
practitioner could e7er gi7e me.
Fe! fundamental mi"take" in Magick
)nly my tradition is the real one
?ope. 4eople of different traditions and practices can easily achie7e same
results. It:s not e7en true that some traditions are "etter for something and +orse for
something else. If you find some tradition that really suits you= you +ill "e a"le to
do anything +ith it.
)nly chasing enlightenment is the right path
Well= reaching enlightenment is possi"le only through selfless and de7oted
practice= I am sorry "ut that:s not really possi"le if you are consciously chasing the
enlightenment "ecause that:s selfish= practicing to gain the ascension is a selfish
act. ?ot helping others "ecause you are sa7ing energy for you enlightenment is
e7en more selfish. !ather than that do stuff for yourself= it +ill ha7e "etter results
in means of enlightenment than this.
Magick is !ased on the su!consciousness
Simply no. 3ll +orlds= +hether physical= mental= emotional= astral or spiritual=
are merged together. Is %agick part of the su"consciousnessA >es= same as of
e7erything else.
Casting a circle is for the means of protection
9e he= no. *he circle is casted "ecause its energy shines +ith a 7ery "right light
and is 7isi"le in great distances like a lighthouse.
4oint of the circle is to drag attention= to say to near"y spirits and forces; D9ey=
something:s happening o7er there= come closerD.
3lso= the circle lifts its energy up in a tornado like manner= that can effecti7ely
destroy anything a"o7e it. &ups and dishes falling from the shel7es= glass is
cracking= smaller o"ects DdisappearingD. Gne fello+ %agician e.g. reported that
his fa7orite chinese tea cups +ere "roken +hen they fell from the middle of the
ta"le +hile he +as performing a ritual in the floor ust "elo+ the ta"le.
If you +ant a protection= then "anish= then enclose yourself +ithin a %agickal
chain= or "u""le= or +hate7er.
(anish !efore eery ritual
&ongratulations= you ha7e ust effecti7ely made your ritual useless= "anishing
e@uals to no energies around= +hich means no spare energies for the ritual.
It:s important to "anish time "y time to get rid of negs or +hate7er you call
these= "ut "anishing once or t+ice per month is good enough.
(anish after eery ritual
*ake a follo+ing scenario= your friend kidnaps you from your home= threathens
you to do his "idding and then tells you to piss off his house "efore he gra"s his
shotgun. *hat:s +hat "anishing after the ritual looks like.
*o do it right= use a license to depart= +here you gi7e an allo+ance to lea7e to
the near"y spirits= you also remind you of the "idding and re@uest them not to "ring
any harm to you and your family. 3lso= don:t "e scared if they don:t lea7e right
a+ay= sometimes they like to stay around for an hour or t+o "efore lea7ing. Bse the
"anishing ust only +hen the shMt hits the fan.
I can use any practice of any tradition without the knowledge of its !ackground
Hust no= same as you cannot and should not pilot a plane +ithout a proper
training and tests= you shouldn:t "orro+ practices from traditions you kno+ nothing
a"out. Same goes +ith the mixing= you can analy6e and take the core of some
practice and create ne+ method "ased on the core that you +ill put into your
custom system= "ut don:t mix different practices from different traditions unless
you +ant your life to "ecome a misery.
&erything in grimoires must !e done e$actly as it is written
9e he. 0ra" your grimoire and check the language it is +ritten in and it +as
translated from. &hances are that these t+o are completely different= +hich means
someone had to translate it for you= and trust me he could had translated it in
hundres different +ays= each and e7ery sentence.
Words of po+er that should "e kept in its original manner should "e kept in the
original language= +hich means that e7erything that W3S translated can "e
considered as Ddo something like this= say something like thatD instead of Ddo this=
say thatD.
%odifying procedures to suit your needs is also fundamental to the healthy
occult practices= it helps you to de7elop intuition= reasoning and also understanding
of the matter. )ut really= take grimoires only as a inspiration= not as the only
possi"le strict procedure.
Magick i" meant to be u"ed
%any people no+adays take %agick as something a"stract= mystical= thinking
you can reach higher +isdom and mystical experiences "y reading a"out it.
If you +ant a good read= go for *he /isc+orld. If you +ant to impro7e your life
or e7en get yourself out of the dump= do %agick.
%agick is a tool= created for some purpose= and as a tool= it +ants to "e used for
that one purpose. &onsider a knife= the tool created for cutting. It +ants to cut and it
doesn:t matter +hether you use it to slice "read= car7e into +ood or use it for the
self5defense= that:s its purpose. )ut you +on:t make the knife to sing= it doesn:t sing.
0ra" the knife into the hand and feel its resonance= try to hear +hat it +ants you to
do= feel your hand trem"ling= slo+ly +a7ing the knife= letting it:s "lade taste the air
mo7ing around it= trying to fulfill its destiny= its purpose.
It:s the same +ith %agick. %agick is a tool and has a purpose. %any ?e+ 3ge
practitioners tried to use %agick for something else and failed. %any !94
practitioners +ere tricked "y the Ddark sideD to taste the po+er. *here isn:t really
any Ddark sideD= ust %agick +anted to ser7e its purpose. >ou +on:t teach the knife
ho+ to sing and you +on:t slice "reads +ith headphones.
4ractice is +hat makes %agick po+erful= practice is +hat makes it real and
undou"tful= practice is +hat makes results. !eading a"out %agick is like reading
a"out craftsmanship= it +on:t impro7e your a"ility to actuallt make ama6ing pieces
of art= it ust might gi7e you a techni@ue or t+o to make it look "etter= "ut hands5on
is the thing that impro7es the art.
#igil de"ign
What is a sigil design+
Sigil design is a personal +ay of an indi7idual using Sigil %agick. It:s the style
one de7elops through fre@uent use of Sigil %agick. *he design is influenced "y the
method a practitioner uses for the Sigil creation= his personal "ackground and also
his personal tastes.
Some Sigils are dra+n.+ith a lot of curls= some contain flo+ers= crosses Eas in
old grimoire "ooksF= some are more smooth or sharp= some are e7en used as a
filling +ithin geometric sym"ols Emostly rectangles and circles= "ut s@uares and
triangles can also "e found= rarely e7en more complex geometry can "e foundF=
some are symmetrical in t+o or more sides.
*he design can also "e used as an indi7idual:s signature. If you see your friend:s
Sigil you should "e a"le to recogni6e its origin "ased on the design. Sometimes the
Sigil e7en clearly gi7es a+ay the intent +ithout any use of clair7oyant and
scanning techni@ues.
Why is the Sigil design important+
Sigil design influences the success of the Sigil. Whether you need more complex
Sigils so you can easily forget them or your unconsciousness prefers simplicity and
complex Sigils +on:t +ork for you. Same it goes for sharp and smooth edges=
geometry= symmetry= fillers in a style of ancient grimoires= alchemy sym"ols or
planetary correspondences.
How do I acquire my own Sigil design+
1. )e creati7e. /on:t "e scared to experiment and mark your results
2. Study. Studying grimoires and Sigils of your friends can gi7e you some
(. 4ractice. %ore Sigils you make= more de7eloped and o"7ious your style +ill
,. 8og and compare your results. )y ha7ing a log of Sigils that +orked and of
Sigils that didn:t +ork= you can easily spot +orking patterns in your Sigils and
"uild your style around them.
-. !inse and repeat. /on:t "e scared to do the Sigil differently if the first time it
didn:t +ork or you +eren:t satisfied +ith the resulting Sigil.
'ppendix B
*his is from the series of articles called Gath "reaker. In this series I "roke some
of oaths of silence to gi7e you information that is normally not pu"licly a7aila"le
%editation is 7ery complex and "eautiful topic. Bnfortunately one "ound +ith a
lot of gar"age. 3fter all= it:s a good "usiness model to allo+ this kno+ledge only to
those +ho pay +ell. )ut "ecause there is no copyright a"out meditation= no one
really can keep this kno+ledge for their o+n gain.
Some fragments of full meditation +ere already re7ealed= either "y initiated or
through re7ealed +isdom.
%any of you ha7e already practiced +ith these fragments and had great results
"ecause e7en fragments of full meditation are po+erful enough.
*oday I am going to "reak one 7ery old oath of silence and learn you something
you +ould normally had to pay for= "e guided into or had to figure it out
What is meditation+
%editation is a complex process of self5initiation and self5empo+erment= many
fragments of this sacred procedure +ere already pu"lished and made a7aila"le to
"roader pu"lic. 4ractices kno+n as focal meditation and 7oid meditation are ust
pieces of "igger pie= mantras are ust another +ay of focal meditation= "ut purpose
stays the same.
How long time does it take to master meditation+
It is said it take years to master meditation and it takes a long time to get results.
*hat "asically applies ust for indi7idual fragments= +hen practicing meditation as
the +hole complex procedure= mastery can easily come in mater of months= minor
results comes during the meditation itself and maor results in couple of days.
I am not going to re7eal all effects to spoil it for you= ust to name fe+;
%inor results include "u66ing= tingling= un"eara"le feelings of heat and cold=
losing feeling of any "orders= losing feeling of one:s o+n "ody.
Some maor results are; &lair7oyance or GG)2 experience.
How does the full meditation work+
Full meditation is a process consisted of couple of steps= gradually "uilding
energies= changing mindset and reducing one:s mundane senses in regard to allo+
the practitioner to fully concentrate on more su"tle experiences.
Fragment 120 Comfort
First important fragment= unfortunately "eing omitted= a lot. When your "ody
feels some pain or stiffness= this feeling is proected into your mind= causing mental
chatter and reducing effects of another fragments of meditation.
First of all= you should take comforta"le position= any position +here you can
sit.lay a couple of hours +ithout pro"lems and nothing "others you is fine enough.
3s next step you should relax your "ody. )est +ay is to focus on specific "ody
part +ith intention to relax it and +hen this part is completely relaxed= then mo7e
on the next one= till your +hole "ody is relaxed.
It is also a good thing to do some stretching exercise "efore you start +ith "ody
relaxation= you +ill "e a"le to relax your muscles +ith greater ease and more
oxygen +ill get to your "lood= as +ell.
?ote; /uring this fragment= it is pretty common that flashes +ill start appearing
in the front of your eyes= "eing it either scenes or simply some color filling your
+hole field of 7ision and then slo+ly 7anishing in the center. *his is pretty
common and you don:t need to +orry a"out it. 3ctually this can happen at any
point of the meditation= so it is good to kno+ it is nothing +rong.
3nother common effects are; tingling= 7i"rating= itching. 2specially itching of
the nose is 7ery annoying= "ut you shouldn:t mo7e during the +hole meditation=
simple +ay ho+ to get rid of itching focusing on the itching part and direct your
"reath there= feel your "reath= feel ho+ it fills your lungs= direct this feeling to the
part +ith each "reath5in and directs it out of your mouth during your "reath5out.
It can also happen that you +ill astrally proect during this fragment.
Fragment 130 Mental relaxation
Gur "ody is relaxed and as next step= our mind should "e relaxed= as +ell.
/uring this fragment you should get to the point +hen no ne+ mental chatter
appears= this is preparation for the 7oid mind Emind 7acancyF.
>ou should inhale and exhale slo+ly and deeply= still the +hole process should
"e natural= make sure each inhale and exhale takes a"out the same time.
Slo+ly focus on your "reath= feel ho+ it fills your lungs= feel your lungs from
inside= feel and direct the "reath through your lungs from up to "ottom. )reathing
to the "ottom of your lungs is easily accomplished +hen your chest stays still
during the "reathing= "ut your "elly expands during inhale and gets to the original
state during exhale= focus on your "reath for couple of minutes.
Fragment 140 %acanc! of mind
/uring this fragment= you should fully stop the mental chatter in your mind= no
ne+ thoughts should "e created and your mind should "e as clear as lake:s surface
under the %oon light. 3nd most important of all= this state should "e passi7e=
acti7ely non5thinking doesn:t e@ual to 7oid mind.
*here are couple of +ays ho+ to accomplish this task. >ou can either acti7ely
command your mind to "e @uiet and then slip into passi7e o"ser7antion= you also
can imagine t+o completely opposite things at the same time E"lack.+hite 7ision
screenF= you can also try to induce t+o completely different emotions at the same
time Eeg oy and sorro+F. 4ractice this for couple of minutes.
?ote; /uring this fragment= it can happen you +ill completely stop feeling any
"order of your "ody or you +ill e7en astrally proect= don:t +orry a"out it and don:t
let your fear to destroy your experience= "e completely open5minded and positi7e
a"out +hate7er happens to you= feeling of no "orders= feeling of 7oid= feeling of
your self melting= are pretty common in this stage.
Fragment 150 Concentration
In next fragment you should slip from 7acancy of mind state to full
concentration upon one o"ect.e7ent= state. For this fragment you can use sym"ols=
candle flame= mandalas= noises= some point in your "ody= generally any single
o"ect. Focus and fully concentrate on the o"ect= ga6e at the o"ect +hen the o"ect
is 7isual. >ou can use sym"ol of your religion or e7en a custom crafted sigil. 0a6e
at the sym"ol and let your +hole mind and get de7oured "y it= Keep this
concentration for couple of minutes.
*hen slip "ack into 7acancy of mind and then "ack into state of relaxation= then
you can consider your meditation session complete.
Few recommendations0
For fragment <,; When you are using sym"ol of your religion= "eing it
chaosphere= hexagram= pentagram= Hesus on the cross or some sort of saint:s
picture= "e sure to put your hands a"o7e the sym"ol after the meditation and let the
accumulated energy enter your "ody. >ou can use 7isuali6ation to help this process=
"ut choice is yours. *his +ay you can also use !eiki sym"ols= "y dra+ing
accumulated energy from !eiki sym"ol you can then use !eiki +ith greater ease
+ithout official attunement. >ou can also use this fragment to concentrate eg on
some chakra or energy center of your choice.
1isions can "e induced +hen you concentrate on some reflecti7e surface= "eing
it glass= coffee:s surface= "lack mirror or +ater:s surface.
>ou can also concentrate on tarot cards to gain ne+ understanding regarding the
cards in the process.
S+itching "et+een stages; 3t the "eginning= the s+itch should "e as slo+ as
possi"le= do +hat is natural to you. 8ater you should learn to ho+ s+itch "et+een
stages more fluently "ut +ithout omitting anything.
3nnoying.scary noises; 1ery common during meditation and during astral
proection are 7ery loud noises that can easily scare you. 4oint is that during the
meditation +e are more a+are and e7en the most silent noise in great distance can
sound as "eing 7ery near and 7ery loud= some unde7eloped entities can also scare
you this +ay= don:t pay any attention to it= it is not +orth of your attention.
1isions; /uring meditation you can ha7e 7isions. When some 7ision appears=
don:t focus on it acti7ely= the 7ision +ill fade= simply keep doing +hate7er
fragment you +ere at and 7ision +ill "ecome more clear and self5explaining. Same
applies to astral proection as +ell= don:t pay any attention to the process and don:t
focus on 7i"rations +hen they appear.
Sleep paralysis; It can happen that your "ody +ill "ecome too relaxed that you
+ill actually lose a"ility to mo7e the "ody for short period of time. *his e7ent can
"e reduced +hen you focus on some specific "ody part +ith intent to +ake it up.
0ood method is to +ake up your hand this +ay and use it to massage rest of your
"ody= this +ay you +ill "e fully operation5a"le again in no time.
I tried to make this article as descripti7e and as uni7ersal as possi"le so no
matter +hat you practice or you "elie7e in= you can still use it.
Still it is possi"le I omitted something or didn:t make it clear. Feel free to ask for
clarification and I +ill update this article accordingly.
Ma"tery of element" exerci"e
I ha7e made my mind to once more "reak the oath of silence and share +ith you
another ad7anced techni@ue. *his techni@ue is "asically the essence of %agick. It is
simple techni@ue= you +ill immediately remem"er it= "ut it:s dangerous for
"eginners and you +ill find out +hy during the course.
"uality of elements
*hose of you +ho kno+ II9= you also kno+ that each element has "oth positi7e
and negati7e @uality. In %94 +e don:t really care a"out these @ualities= elements
are taken as +holes. 3d7antage of this doing is +ithing much greater source of
energy= energy %94 can use is ra+= po+erful and aggressi7e. *hat:s +hy there is
also a disad7antage. 8eading unfiltered full elemental energy into your "ody
creates a great distress and if this energy is kept in the "ody= maor elemental
im"alance happens. Such stress to your "ody can easily de7elop into sickness=
"eing it mental= emotional or physical.
#rocedure of the e$ercise
4rocedure is pretty simple= one "y one= you in7oke elemental energy into your
"ody and then you let it out. In the "eginning you 7isuali6e "eing surrounded "y
the specific element= then you slo+ly start inhaling the energy +ith pore "reathing.
3fter your astral "ody is full of the energy= then you exhale the energy +ith the
pore "reathing.
/uring fire element= you should see flames all around you and you should feel
sensations of the heat. *ransparent +ater 7isuali6ation +ith sensations of cold for
+ater element= transparent 7isuali6ation +ith feeling of lightness for air element
and green."ro+n."lack 7isuali6ation +ith feeling of the hea7iness for the earth
%ake sure that after +orking +ith each element you feel ust like "efore the
exercise. 27en a small fragment of the element left in your "ody may lead to maor
changes. 3l+ays make sure that all of the in7oked element gets out of you.
What2s ne$t
I +ish to continue in the oath "reaker series and slo+ly expose a +hole system
of %agick in it. In this series you +ill learn the most efficient +ay ho+ to +ork in
3stral plane. 8ook for+ard for the next article in the series.
4riesthood no+adays is a term exchangea"le +ith clericalism= "ut in %agick the
priesthood means still the same thing. 3deptM of %agick should take a role of priest
and do common actions associated +ith priesthood; )lessings= exorcisms= healings=
confessions listening= pu"lic ser7ice and at least 1 month each year= during this
time the adept should follo+ a simple set of rules to remain pure.
,ule 453 6o e$ceptions
Whether a person in need is of opposite religion than you are or a complete
skeptic= there is no reason to a7oid your duty= you should also "e a"le to pray in
any holy house +hether it is church= mos@ue= pyramid or ancient temple. If you do
not "elie7e in 0od then you can pray to and "less through di7ine force or +hate7er
sounds appealing to you.
,ule 473 6o anger
I personally hate this rule= no matter +hether someone ust stomped on your foot
or "urned do+n your +hole house= there is this Dno angerD rule and +hene7er you
start ha7ing any kind of anger symptoms= you ha7e to immediately "anish them "y
sending "lessings to the person that is causing you the trou"le.
*he "lessing can "e as simple as saying D%ay 0od "less youD +ith the cross
gesture or as complex as a complete 2 hours ritual E"e creati7eF.
,ule 483 6o!ility
?o 7ulgar +ords= no curses= no paid occult related ser7ices= priesthood must "e
executed no"ly and for free. >ou also must dedicate yourself fully to the
priesthood= e7en if ust for that one month per year.
4riesthood is categori6ed as one of the 0reater Gaths= that means the successful
execution and finishing of the priesthood +ill greatly impro7e your +illpo+er=
cleanse your astral "ody from any external influences and impro7e your personality
Erule <2 is great anger management exerciseF. 4riesthood is also one of 7ery fe+
oaths that also increases your spiritual authority= that +ill "e fully apparent e7en
after finishing the first priesthood cycle.
/efinition of 3dept in this article is a "it different than +hat you usually
consider an adept to "e. %odern definition is a person that is 7ery skilled in occult
phenomena= an enlightened person if you +ish= definition used in the article is the
older one; 3dept is a person aspiring to the next degree in %agick.
'ppendix C
Fe+ sample %agick systems I ha7e created.modified o7er the years
%nitiation %nto i&ine 'ight Manipulation
What is -iine Light
/i7ine 8ight= also called simply 8ight or 3kasha is primal 2lement Eprima
materiaF +hich all remaining 2lements origin from. /i7ine 8ight is positi7e energy
as opposed to negati7e dark energy called /eath 2ssence "y ?ecromancers.
8ight and /ark energy are mutually exclusi7e. *o "e more exact= /i7ine 8ight is
+here is no /ark energy and /ark energy is +here 8ight is missing.
/ark energy can "e "anished either "y extraction or "y manipulation +ith /i7ine
8ight= I +ill teach you "oth.
(asic rituals !ased on -iine Light
%ost +ell kno+n ritual "ased on /i7ine 8ight is Ra""alistic &ross Gf 8ight. It:s
7ery good ritual for 3ura purification and also for "uilding Spiritual 3uthority.
Ra""alistic &ross of 8ight +as used a lot in 0olden /a+n together +ith 8esser
)anishing 4entagram !itual E8)4!F= 0reater )anishing 4entagram !itual and
9exagram !ituals. I recommend learning "oth Ra""alistic &ross of 8ight and
8esser )anishing 4entagram !itual.
8)4! is "ased on "anishing , 2lements using pentagrams dra+n into air. *hese
pentagrams are then charged +ith 3kasha +hile 7i"rating /i7ine names.
3nother great ritual is %iddle 4illar !ite.
-iine Light (ody
*his is the most "asic techni@ue used as "eginning for /i7ine 8ight
!elax yourself and takS three deep "reaths to get ready.
Imagine your "ody as empty shell ready to get filled +ith energy
Imagine /i7ine 8ight as pure +hite energy "eing e7ery+here around you.
With each "reat in= dra+ a part of /i7ine 8ight into your "ody using either pores
on your skin or ust "y imagination E4ore "reathing techni@ue is 7ery useful for
thisF. )efore dra+ing the energy into yourself you can also culti7ate it "y
imagining some @uality of the 8ight you +ant to suck into yourself Eclair7oyance=
protection= "anishing= etcF
!epeat step , till your "ody is totally full of /i7ine 8ight
Clairoyance 'echnique
Bse /i7ine 8ight )ody techni@ue +hile imagining /i7ine 8ight +ith @uality of
When your "ody is full= start dra+ing all of the energy directly into your
eye"alls lending them the po+er of &lair7oyance.
>ou can also use a confirmation formula; TI eyes are filled +ith po+er to see
unseenJ or something like that
When you are finished +ith the exercise= let /i7ine 8ight out of your "ody either
directly from eyes or dra+ it "ack to your "ody and then let it go out +ith pores or
*his techni@ue is +ell descri"ed in Initiation Into 9ermetics "y Fran6 )ardon
toghether +ith Fire Water used for enhancing your sight and this 7ery techni@ue
EStep 1IIF.
-iine Light (arrier
*his "arrier is good for protection against /ark negati7e energy.
Bse /i7ine 8ight )ody +ith @ualities of protection and "anishing.
/ra+ 8ight from your "ody to either 9eart or Solar 4lexus or !oot chakra
With each "reath5in focus more on the energy and intention to protect and
"anish. With each "reath5out let the 8ight gro+ into sphere.
!epeat steps 2 and ( till sphere is enough large to shield your +hole "ody.
1ery good imagination techni@ue also is to imagine /ark energy e7ery+here
around you forcing it a+ay +ith each gro+ of the "arrier.
-ifference !etween -iine Light (arrier and Aura (arrier
I don:t like to compare these as /i7ine 8ight itself is @uite complex topic= "ut
let:s say that 3ura )arrier uses only your o+n energy as /i7ine 8ight )arrier uses
positi7e energy all around you Eand also +ithin youF
-ark &nergy &$traction
*his techni@ue is especially good for healing purposes. %ost of diseases are
attached to some part of "ody +hich makes it easier to locate it.
1. Imagine that "ody part as full of /ark energy Eif you are not sure a"out the
location= imagine +hole "ody of patient full of this negati7e energyF.
2. 4ut your hands in front of your "ody= palms facing each other. 9ands should
"e a"out (' cm apart Ea"out one feetF.
(. Imagine /ark energy flo+ing from "ody of patient directly "et+een your
palms forming a sphere there.
,. When you are done +ith extraction= use /i7ine 8ight )ody +ith @uality of
-. &hannel 8ight from your "ody to your hands.
6. &lap strongly imagining scattering /ark 2nergy E7ery good in this case is
also to imagine sound of "reaking glass.
-ark &nergy &$traction9 ersion 7
I ha7e recently had an accident +ith axe resulting +ith , stitches on my index
finger and ina"ility to clap for a +eek. *hat meant I had to de7eloper another
7ersion of /ark 2nergy 2xtraction +here you use ust one hand.
%ethod is a"out to same except you hold your hand like you +ere going to
create a 4si "all and you dra+ /ark 2nergy there.
&ontraction of /ark 2nergy is limited so it can o7ergro+ a "it= don:t let it get
under your 3ura= al+ays ha7e some distance.
When you are done= point your palm facing do+n and send /ark 2nergy to
2arth Egrounding of energyF.
#ersonal e$perience with -ark &nergy &$traction
I ha7en:t chosen +hite and "lack intentionally or "ecause some con7ention= it:s
ho+ I see it. /i7ine 8ight as 7ery "right glo+ and /ark 2nergy as a "lack or rather
7ery 7ery dark grey smoke.
First time I had seen this +as @uite scary as I had seen /ark 2nergy getting
through my handO. It +ould "e also good to say that /ark 2nergy is not forming
perfect sphere in your handEsF= "ut rather a fluffy sphere5like shape Emay"e similar
to cloudF.
/uring sending negati7e energy to 2arth the energy doesn:t mo7e as sphere Eat
least not in my caseF= "ut rather slo+ly expand mo7ing do+n+ard in a shape of
pillar. It really looks like a pillar of smoke.
>ou can also use +ater for grounding negati7e energy E7ery similar Water
%agick techni@ue +as descri"ed "y Fran6 )ardon in Initiation Into 9ermetics.
/on:t forget to perform Ra""alistic &ross of 8ight and 8)4! after any +ork
+ith /ark energy.
-iine Light Healing
*his is different style of healing= you are not +orking +ith /ark 2nergy directly=
"ut rather "anishing it +ith /i7ine 8ight.
I don:t ha7e good experience +ith this as /ark energy al+ays seemed to simply
a7oid /i7ine 8ight "y mo7ing to different parts of "ody. It:s funny feeling for
patient +hen their pain mo7es.
/i7ine 8ight )ody +ith @uality of healing and.or reducing pain= etc
4ut your hands on patient and channel energy to your palms
&hannel /i7ine 8ight out of your hands into affected area of patient forming it
into "ig or" touching your palms and sending a+ay /ark 2nergy
/on:t forget for purification rituals after this kind of healing else you are asking
for a great deal of side5effects.
3nother +ay is to suck /ark energy into your hands +hile channeling it through
your "ody to 2arth= "ut I don:t recommend this practice.
%nitiation %nto Aura Magick
3ura %agick E3%F is %agickal practice of +orking +ith 3ura on many different
le7els. 3% is pretty ne+ field for me so not many things done so far. 3lso my
clair7oyance is not +ell de7eloped so you can percei7e things differently than I do.
What is Aura
3ura is energetic co7er around our "odies. *his co7er protects us from 3stral
influences and also reflects health state of our physical "ody. Gr does physical
health reflects state of our 3uraA >ou "e the udge ;5F.
3lthough 3ura is under common circumstances in7isi"le to us= +e still percei7e
it +ith extra sensory perception. *hat means +e don:t kno+ or don:t see the 3ura=
"ut +e react on it.
*here is so much to kno+ a"out 3ura and if you +ant= you can ask Wikipedia
a"out it. I +ould ust like to say that you should take care a"out your 3ura and
cleanse it regularly. 0ood practice for that is 8esser )anishing 4entagram !itual or
Water %agick from )ardon:s +orking model Edetailed description of this techni@ue
can "e found in II9F.
How to see Aura
Ruite simple training techni@ue is this;
4ut a piece of +hite "lank paper on ta"le
4ut your hand on the paper and relax
4oint your eyes to your hand= "ut don:t look directly at it.... *ry to see through
the end to some distant place "ehind it.
If you succeed= 3ura +ill appear.
How not to fool yourself
)y looking a long time at some o"ect= its after5image +ill J"urnK into your
eyesight= gi7ing it delusional image of JauraK. *his effect is 7ery unpleasant as it
can lead to fail positi7es= "ut there is simple +ay ho+ to check +hat you really see.
*urn your head a "it Eor ust change positions of eyesF. If= +hat you really see= is
an 3ura= it +ill stay around your hand. I guess it:s useless to say that after5image
+ill mo7e together +ith your 7ision. If that happens= relax a "it and focus on
something else till the after5image disappears from your 7ision and then try it again
Eor you can use after5image to train *rataka= "ut that:s different storyF.
How to sense Aura with hands
*his techni@ue is much easier to learn and maintain as it needs less focus and
false positi7e can less likely happen= "ut al+ays "e cautious of your results.
Sensing 3ura +ith hands is also 7ery helpful for healers. We ha7e already told
that 3ura reflects a health and not only on physical plane ;5F.
How to do it3
!u" your hands till they are till they are hot= red and itchy. *his +ill make your
hands much more sensiti7e for 3ura perception
4ut your hands a"out 1 mm a"o7e o"ect +hich 3ura you +ant to JscanK. Ideal
o"ect in that case is an arm of your partner. For those unfamiliar +ith metric
system= 1 mm is as close to the o"ect as possi"le E"ut not touching itF.
?o+ start rising your handEsF slo+ly up E7ery slo+ly= 1 mm at timeF till you
meet a place of strong 7i"ration. It can "e also descri"ed as magnetic field or you
slightly hitting to some o"stacle. *hat:s the first layer of 3ura. If you are lucky
enough= you +ill feel e7en the second layer that is a"o7e the first.
Aura Manipulation
I ha7e already told you fe+ things a"out 3ura= most important +as that +e react
on it e7en +hen +e don:t physically see it Eor +e don:t sense it in common
mannerF. *his influence happens in su"consciousness. Gne of "asics of 3% is 3ura
%anipulation +hich gi7es you tools to transform and shape your 3ura. *his part
+ill "e good for /irect %agicians as it can +ell fit to their model.
Aura (arrier
*his is "asic protection for 3ura %agicians. First of all you ha7e to relax and
feel the 3ura around your "ody. When you succeed= you can start slo+ly expanding
your 3ura around your "ody to the shape of sphere. *his is also 7ery good practice
+hen you feel sad or sick= not speaking a"out 3stral strength of such "arrier.
*his is also 7ery "asic techni@ue of 3ura %anipulation and e7ery else techni@ue
@uite follo+s in this manner.
)y transforming your 3ura you can also get some sort of Jin7isi"ilityK. It:s not
in7isi"ility in a physical sense= it:s more like you +ill remain unnoticed...
8et:s put it this +ay... >ou stand near "ar and +ait a 7ery long time to get a drink
+hile other people get a drink e7en +hen they ust arri7ed. >ou meet someone and
after fe+ minutes that person e7en doesn:t remem"er e7er speaking +ith you. *his
can "e 7ery depressi7e= "ut sometimes also 7ery helpful. Imagine ne7er getting
ticker for "lack ride again or ne7er get stopped "y those annoying people in
su"+ay trying to sell you some insurance.
9o+ to do itA 3ns+er is simple ;5F. 4eople +ill smaller 3ura are less likely to "e
noticed. In 3ura )arrier you ha7e learned ho+ to gro+ your 3ura into a "ig sphere=
here you ha7e to learn ho+ to JpackK it and make it as small as possi"le.
Gn the other side= if you +ant to make your idea +ork +ithout putting much
effort in protecting it= make your 3ura "ig and huge. )igger your 3ura is= more
7isi"le you are and also people +ill more likely stick to you and to your plans.
Aura 'ransformation
When you ha7e learned "asic method ho+ to see or sense 3ura and ho+ to
expand it= here is another tip. 3ura is an energetic co7er of our "ody and "y default=
it appears in the same manner as our "ody. While making 3ura expand like in 3ura
)arrier= you can also change its shape.
8et:s make this experiment. 8et:s expand your 3ura and then shape it to lion or
something people +ill most likely a7oid ERuasimodo= group of angry police
officers= +hate7er suits youF. When you are ready try to go through a street full of
people. If you get from point 3 to point ) +ithout any stop or need of a7oiding
people= you ha7e ust learned this trick. /on:t forget that e7en +hen people usually
don:t see the 3ura= they su"consciously feel it and react to it. 8et:s also make sure
that you ha7e a poker face so you are sure that people a7oid you "ecause of your
3ura and not "ecause you look at them like you:re gonna shoot.
/ifferent approach is to shape your 3ura as something nice Erose= tree= heartF to
attract people to you. 0ood to mention that you can also use 3stral colors or smells
to modify your 3ura e7en more.
Aura Connection
*his one is my personal in7ention I +arn you that you should take this seriously
"efore trying it. 3ura &onnection is the simplest method of healing others "ased on
the fact that 3ura of ill person is usually +eaker than 3ura of healthy indi7idual.
)y connecting t+o 3uras you +ill make them to "alance themsel7es "et+een each
other EI guess you see the pro"lem no+F.
*ouch person you +ant to connect +ith Eeasiest is to hold your palm on person:s
chest on heart chakraF. Feel 3ura around your "ody and also feel the +hole 3ura of
the other person. ?o+ comes the tricky part. 2rase the "order "et+een 3uras and
3ura ust one. >ou ha7e to feel shape of such connected 3ura in a perfect sense.
>ou can easily say it +orks "ecause you +ill lose a lot of energy E3% usually uses
only your o+n energy= so if you +ant to use some external source= dra+ in the
energy into yourself in ad7anceF.
*here are more side5effects. )y "alancing 3uras this +ay symptoms of decease
you are curing can also manifest on you= that:s also +hy it:s important to kno+ ho+
to ground negati7e energies.
*his is unfortunately out of the scope of Initiation Into 3ura %agick so let:s ust
stick +ith 3ura )arrier or one of your o+n practices.

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