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P.O. ftox 1347

Phone (Oil) 907-1533 Robert & Phyllis Mills

1450, ^Albcrton

PuBli^ers andprinters ofmi/licnsofSiMe StudyBooklets andtractsfor Afrka

January, 1993
Dear Co-Workers

Having personaliy sig

ned the agreement to purchase the church buildings in 5th Avenue
to house all the work of

the Gospel Tract Centre and provide a

base for the start of a
new church in Alber-

ton, we found that the

actual funds for the

buildings were slmpiy not being freed and

transferred, so I have just returned from a rush trip to America to sign documents and

arrange those things. We hope that ail is in order now and are returned to sending urgent faxes. I left South Africa the day after Christmas and returned January 11th flying by way of Cape Town to Miami, Dallas and return. Without the trip, I am
sure nothing would have been done! Because of it, we hope to make the payments shortly and be allowed to start necessary alterations to the portion of the buildings that will be used for the Bible Shop and warehousing and were also able to take care of other needed business matters and do a little shopping on the same trip.

The actual flight from Johannesburg to Miami is a 16 hour flight, but one must also include the onward portion Inside America and airport time. Since I returned this week, 1 have been trying to catch up on accounts and other necessary matters, even though I have really not felt like going back to work as yet. Today is a little nearer normal, and all the accounts that have been received have been paid and new stock priced and put on the shelvesl As I also managed to get the video camera repaired while I was in America, it is ready for use and can be used to make a video in the new buildings. May God be praised for that as well. One of our shop windows is damaged. It looks like a bullet hole, so 1 must make arrangements for that to be repaired before we move. I really plan to delay that until February, so that I can clear the area of the window and just move the items to the new building at the same time. They will have to remove the security bars to put in the new plate glass.

We are thrilled to have the offer of Phyllis's cousin and her husband, (Archie and Margeurite Fairbrother), to come and take over the management of the shop and leadership of the church while we are away for our furlough break, starting with the North American Christian Convention in St Louis in early July. They are considering coming back after they complete their trip when we return and working here in their retirement years. May God be praised for that, if only more people would do the same. Pray with us that God may use this opportunity to get a really blessed spirit of evangelism and training going using these buildings to His glory.

As you are probably already making your plans for the year ahead. We earnestly hope that you will make an opportunity for us to visityour church and present what has been happening here and whal is under preparation for the future. I include our

entire telephone number should you want to phone us here so that we can enter a dale reservation directly. If you phone about 7:00-8:00 a.m., Iwill get the call about 3:00-4:00 p.m, at the Bible shop where I have the appointment diary next to the phone. (011-27-11-907-1533). We presently have open time for July through September and possibly into October.
May God bles%nd be with you all.

Your's In Jesus Christ, ^

Bob ond Phyllis

June and Haymond Anderson, T/A

706 East Washington Street

Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.tA.

Go yc Into all the ivoilrf., and preach the gospel to cuery creature. Ke tfiat belleueth and Is baptized shall be saued; but he that helleveth not shall be damned.
(CHRIST) - narfe 16:16

The Lord gape the Word: great u^re the company of those that published It. - Psalms 68:11


P.O. Box 1347

I4S0, ^Uerton

Fax/Phone (011) 907- 1S33

Robert & PhyULs Milts

PuBUshets andptintetsofmtUlons ofBiMeStudyBookiets and^ctsfortAftica

March, 1993

Dear Co-workers,

Phyllis and I just returned from Umzumbi where I chaired the annual school board meeting of the Bible Institute. This is a more than 1400 kilometer round trip and came at rather an awkward time as the Bible shop lease also expired the same week end. This is the same trip on which we had our car accident last year! Thankfully, my term of office expired this year. We were not at all sure that we cojuld fit that trip in, but In the end, I planned our shop closure and move earlier in the week and by Wednesday everything was cleared out and dumped rather unceremoniously into the middle of the space we hope to use for it in the new buildings. That floor is not finished and has to be carpeted, so everything will

have to be shifted yet again, including the printing equipment! This time, I muM hire a hydraulic fork lift
for the day.

The school committee had a very successful meeting and there was time for a few hours of relaxation before starting home again on Monday morning. Our friends, Lynn and Lucille Stanley, have retired and are moving this week to an apartment in Port Shepstone so we went to look it over. I think it will be very comfortable when they get their own things around them there. Naturally, they are rather upset at moving after living in the same home for 27 years.
A few hours after we arrived home, Michael Stanley, principal of the school, phoned to tell me that he had been attacked by one of his students who had ordered him to leave the classroom, and when he didn't, had drawn a large well sharpened knife and threatened to kill him. He was roughed up and his neck was bleeding so at least was scratched but he was not planning a police involvement at the time

he phoned. I do not know the background of the problem, but obviously the man has been angry for some time about some personal matter. While we were there, the students all seemed to be in a very good mood, though one of our young committee members is a very loud and talkative young hothead.

He may have agitated a pre-existing situation. He certainly does not do a great deal of in depth thinking
before he starts talking.

Our daughter, Kathy, tells me that the phone kept ringing for us and that there were people looking for
the Bible shop or one of us. all week end. I knew people were ignoring our notices and doubted the new tenant directing them to us, but someone must be doing so; perhaps the builder who is working on
the alterations for the new tenant.

At least one preacher looked up the minister of the church we moved things into and collected a Bible from our stored stock. He just now telephoned to tell me that the check is ready and he will bring it past the house after a funeral he is conductying this chilly rainy day. I appreciate this, as it was an expensive large print leather Bible. I will place an advertisement in the paper as soon as we are organized again there. It is very difficult just now with the computer, photocopier, and telephone being here at the house and the envelopes, paper, desks, stock and records all being stored hit and miss elsewhere a mile away. I can't find half of the things I need! On the other hand, I have things that have to be done and it is no day to be out shopping in the rain and cold either.

We are praying for the funding to come through for the new buildings so that we can properly start the alterations that need to be done and get things into order again. As we have now signed the necessary documentation for this, we think that should be any day now. Once again, we thank you for your prayers and interest. We are looking fonward to seeing you in America during our furlough. Pray for us in our move and our furlough plans as well as for the Fairbrothers who plan to come care for things during our absence. I enclose furlough appointment cards which I hope you will completeand return to our forwarding agent as soon as possible. May the Lord bless and watch over you and yours in Him.

Your's in Jesus Christ,

June and Hammond ^Anderson, V/A

Bob and Phyllis

706 East Washington Street

Urbana, It 61801, U.S.A.

Go yo Into alt tfie tvortd, and preach the gospel to every creature. Jle that

belUueth and Is baptized shall be saued; but he that belUueth not shall be damned. (CHRIST) Mar^ 16:16

The Lord qave the Word: great u>ere the company of those that published It. - Psalms 68:11


P.O. Box 1347

1450, :Albertort

Phone (011) 907-1533

Ilobert & PhyttLs MUls

Pi46{ishpty andprinters ofmiffwnsofSlBfe StudyBookfetsandtmctsfor yifrica

Dear Co-Workcr:

April, 1993

Praises lo the Lord, ihc funds lor

llie new Gospel Tracl Cenlre build ings; also lo be Ihc home of the
"Central Christian Church" in

Albcrion, finally arrived in South

Africa and were converted lo Rands

a few days ago! Wc lhank the Lord

lhal the ()ank allowed immediale

access lo the money and that the exchange rale was also very favor able. Payment in full was made on

March 3()lh lo the allorncy who will keep the money on deposit al
iniercst until the actual transfer is

finali/cd. The buildings are being registered in the name of the "Gos pel Tract Cenlre", and our conslitulion allows for, publishing, church planting, a non-profit book store, and a school of evangelism.

We have already contacted two builders for quotations for llie completion of the hall to our needs; a third did not follow up his initial promises, so we may have to contact another. The carpel installer also has not followed up on his initial c|uolat!ons. We have |)laced an order for a security roller chain-screen door lo be put on the entrance of the part lhal will be used for the book shop iinmcdialcly as we arc hesitant lo pul expensive equipment there until the premises are more secure. The carpels may not be so very serious a problem as one of tlic conlraclors assures us that he uses a firm regularly and lhal they will be happy lo (juotc for tlic job and wc rcali/.e that they might di)vctail with his other work better than a stranger would.

In the meantime, I have set up the print-shop area for work and have already printed five booklets, all of
wliich are finished and ready for the shelves, with the exception of the last one which still musl have the picture printed on the covers and be collated. That is a one day job for the 500 copies! As tiie grandchildren are home from boarding school for a short break at this lime, Phyllis is single handedly teaching a two week Daily Vacation Bible School in the new buildings, mainly for Ihem. There was no time lo promote it ahead of lime, but the Lord willing, wc plan lo be in America when the usual DVBS
limes comes around. It was either now, or not at all.

The manager for the old premises has served me with a demand that v^e replace damaged floors lo their
shop. Those were so loose and damaged or missing when we nuwcd in that we simply covered ihem wiih carpel tiles, but the movers of the heavy machinery stripped more of ihcm off. 1 have replied lhal ihe condition of the floor was one of the reasons we left. However, as it is ihe Lord's money and He has aumonislieu us to go the second mile, I iold them lo gel the work done and send us a fully ilemizcd bill.

There is no way that 1 can personally do the installation since ihc moving of all the shop fillings and slock has so played havoc with my back and hiatus hernia that 1am battling to eat and otherwise keep going.
Originally, it was j)lanncd lhal wc would personally live above the shop next to the church and wc are planning the alterations to make lhal possible, but at the same lime, it is also highly possible thai the spacc may be needed for an advanced School of Evangelism and that we may need that space for a library and
reading room, slack rooms, a student cenlre, a kitchen, and teacher's studies. The actual class rooms and

church office can be accommodated in the church building proper. Please be in prayer with us lhal we shall soon know what the Lord will have us do now that Michael Stanley has resigned as principal al Um/umbi Bible InstilulC) and although the school is planning to re-open shortly and planning until the end of the year. Fulure plans beyond that are uncertain. Your's in Jesus Christ,
Bob and

June and Raymond :Anderson, T/A

706 East Washington Street

Urbana, \l 61801, U.S.A.

Go ye into all the u>otld, and preach the gospel to euery creature. He that belUueth and Is baptized shall be saued; but he that belleueth not shall be damned. (CHRIST) Mark 16:16

The I.ord gaue the Word: great ivere tfie company o| those that published it. - Psalms 68:11


1 ;. _ U S1450, O -Atbcrton ^tbcrton

Phone (011) 869-8331

Robert & Phyllis MUts

PuSflsfters andpiint^rs ofmU/lons ofSi^e StJidi/Bookfrt^ andtimtsfor Afrim

Dear Co-workers,

May, 1993

Today is "Workers Day". Already, we have the holidays of the Communist worldl All is quiet, though virtually all the shops In
Alberton City Mail were open. The parking lot was packed when I stopped to pick up some slides that had been left for

Two months ago I would not have believed that by this time I would still be working in an unfinished shop with most of the slock still In boxes, but it is so. Things happen slowly anyway In Africa, but this job has to happen in a progressive order, so we are still wailing for the property to be officially transferred, The contractor has submitted his bid and we are waiting for others for comparisons. Even so, I would hesitate to tell him to start until we officially own the property, though I did finally have a chain-link security shutter install on the shop area door which enabled us to take the computer there. The double
entrance doors were just too flimsy to leave expensive equipment there at first. The first two items on the contractor's

schedule are to build the walls forthe toilet and the partition wall at the back of the shop. Only after that dirty job Is finished
can we install the carpels and re-stock the shelves. Hopefully, by that time the telephone will also have been transferred. (I

find it very annoying to have an unconnected telephone sitting on my desk while I have to dash across the building to
answer one sitting on a far away window sill.) That phone has a long cord to the connection in the church office next door. In any case, that telephone number Is not on any of our materials. It is in the phone book as "Pinkster Protestante Kerk", {Pentecostal Protestant Church), from whom we bought the building.

My first job in the new building was to set up the print shop again and we have been able to print and assemble 3500 copies divided among 6 different booklets. The first edition is alwaysfor 500 copies, and we file the negatives and printing plates for later reprints. This makes It possible to make corrections sooner. There is a reprint that very soon needs to be done and negatives are also ready for another new booklet. I will have to print Monday as the Alberton Christian Women's Club is out of foldersfor their program. Ithing their next meeting is this Wednesday.

I am sure that most of you probably saw the TV news of the Chris Hani funeral "side-show". He was a self proclaimed atheist and leader ofthe Communist party, destined to take overthe government as soon as the ANC came into power. We were attending and speaking for an Easter week end church gathering when Hani was killed; fortunately it took time for things to erupt and we were off that particular location early in the day. The funeral was held in a football stadium on one side of us and the burial on the other side. The procession passed around Alberton. The police came warning everyone that mobs had burned "Shareworld" and several houses and that we should close up and go home as there were rumors that
they were going to come through Alberton and not around as announced. That would have been between the church where

Iwas and the house where Phyllis was, with Kathy at the hospital virtually on their route, Idid go home and picked up Kathy who was just then coming off shift, but all remained quiet in Alberton and we could not even find out whatwas happening
anywhere until the normal evening news broadcast some hours later.

We are beginning to feel the pinch between getting everything done we want to do, and the date we are to leave for America and furlough, Archie and Margeurlte Fairbrother have written that they will arrive on the 11th of June, the Lord willing, and we hope to have a "Praise and Thanksgiving Service" in the completed buildings on the 20th, then be ready to

leave on the 27th. I have our re-entry visas in hand now. The main thing now is to buy traveller's checks and pay for the
Delia air passes. In the meantime, we hopeto get that contractor working!

We hope to hear from you soon, if you would like us to visit while we are there, the Lord willing. September Is totally available as yet. We also hope to visit several Bible Collegeswhile we are in America, as we desperately need to recruit
a minister to lead the establishment of the Central Christian Church in Alberton, and a President and all the staff for the proposed Central Christian School of Evangelism in the same buildings. We are making provision for these as we refurbish
the Gospel Tract Centre buildings.

Please praise the Lord with us for His care and abundant blessings. The results of your prayers are both strongly felt and

IJours In ]esus ChrLst,

Bo[> aui Phy{(Ls Mf((s

June and Jlaymond sAndt^rson, T/K

706 East Washington Street

Urttana, XL 61801, U.S.A.

Go \je Into all the tvorld, and, preach the gospel to euery creature. He that

belUveth and, Ubaptized sholl be saved; but he that belleveth not sholl be damned. (CJIRIST) Mark. 16:16

The Lord qave the Word: grcot ttcre the company of those thot published It. - Psalms 68:11


r.O. I\ox 1347

Mf)0, Mbnton

Phone. (Oil) 907- 1533

Robert & J'hyllls MUts

Pubfishers andpiinters ofmUfIonsofSiSfeSUuftj Bookfcts ondtractsfor dfiica

Dear Co-workers,
June, 1993

Iwo have cnga^ conlraclor and submilted plans lor work to complclc them lo our own speeifications. The Trad Centre ilscIC is already in place, the shelves are again filled, and the print shop is operative, but other rooms need atlenlion. The ehief expense of the alterations will be swallowed up in necessary plumbing changes, two classrooms, basement alterations to add storage shelves and a darkroom. Not the least, arc three large security shullers covering all the main street entrances and hopefully a display window for the sliop.

Please be praying with us that during our three months in America, at and between the two conventions, wc shall be able to locate suitable persons to minister to the Central Christian Church, (to meet in the chapel), and to direct and teach in a School of Evangelism, using the classrooms, and space upstairs for a proper library, reading room, and offices.
Righl now, wc arc really putting on pressure i<) get Ihc consiruction done during the ncxl three weeks, and are working on a special "Praise and Thanksgiving" service for the afternoon of the 20lh. Wc have invited all the missionaries and African ministers plus as many of our customers as possible to this afternoon service, followed by ' 'icn". We have no way of knowing how many will actually come, bul wc hope lo have an excellent attendance, and a wonderful afternoon in His praise. This place is certainly a testimony to the ))ower of prayer!

We look forward to the arrival of Archie and Margcurile Fairbrother next week. They will be continuing the Lord's work in our absence, and will certainly need a little time to learn their way around and where lo gel supplies and pay accounts.

(Ikgoipil ro ciKtj
Your's in Jesus Christ,
]une and Hatjmond rAniferson,

Bob and Phyllis




706 East WashLnqton VoshLngton Street

Urf>ana, IL IL 61801, 61801, I U.S.cA. Urbana,

Go ye Into alt tne wotid, and preach the gospel to euery creature. !Le that bclUfeth and Is boptlzed shall be soued; but he that belteyeth not shall be damned. (CHRIST) nark. 16:16

The Lord qav6 the Word: great were the company o} those thot published It. - Psalms 68:11


P.O. Box 1347

1450, A.lberton

Phone (Oil) 907-1533

Robert & PKijULs MUU

PuBUsfieiy andpdnters ofmUllcns ofSl6(e Study Booklets andtmctsfor Africa

Dear Co-Workers,

July, 1993

in very well. Archie lost his wallet with
his driver's licence and credit cards on

the way, so there is a mad scramble for duplicates as he can not drive here without the licence. Kathy has been working in a Hillbrow hospital this month, but she will be back for the week-end and to see us to the airport and them to church. We are very glad she got her driver's licence a few months ago!

Last Sunday were our last* major services before we leave this week end. That afternoon was also the formal "Praise and Dedication" services for the new GOSPEL TRACT CENTRE PLAZA buildings. We had a tremendous day with three black choirs, and friends and missionaries from afar. Itaped much of the activities on video and took a roll of slides and one of prints for our Convention and Furlough display. Our new buildings were well filled with happy people. (Partfcu/a/iy when they came to tea and spotted the cakes and other bakedgoods that had been prepared for them.) The area of the church lounge where they were being served, was so tightly packed that 1 got nothing at all. I asked Phyllis after they had gone if anything was left, and she said, "Yes, if you get it from the scraps In the garbage

The needed alterations to the buildings have not been started as the plans have only been verbally
approved, however the first load of building materials, in this case the tiles for the kitchen and church

lounge floor, were delivered Wednesday. We expected the tiler Thursday morning, but typically, he did
not appear.

At the present time, It appears that our speaking Itinerary has most mid-week days open, and a number of Sunday evenings, but that most Sunday mornings are booked. Sunday morning, August 29th is available for the Flora area of Southern Illinois and all day is available on October 10th. If your church, Bible College, or Christian Service camp can use a mid-week date or a Sunday evening, we would be delighted to fill these gaps! They make me feel guilty at being so far away when so much is expected to be happening here that we could be directly Involved in, the Lord willing.

We especially thank the North Harter church (betweenLewisvi/le andF/ora, ///ino/s), for coming to our
rescue with the kind offer of the use of their church parsonage while we are in that area. 1do not know If ther6 is a telephone in the parsonage at the present time, but brother Dennis Arnold's phone number

is 1-618-665-3667 and 1am sure that he can supply the number If there is one. We first expect to arrive

at North Harter on July 17th. Before that we will be mostly travelling. We will probably hire a vehicle on the 17th as we also have no means of transport arranged as yet and wii! need that immediately we
are no longer travelling by air.

Your's in Jesus Christ,

]une and Raymond ^AncUrson, TfA

Bob and Phyllis

706 East Washington Street

Ur6ana, IL 61801, U.S.tA.

Go ye Into ali the u^otid, and preach the gospet to every creature. He that

belteyeth ond Ls baptized shoU be saved; but he that beltepeth not shatt be damned. (CHRIST) Mar^ 16:16

The Lord gwe the li^ord: great were the compony of those that pubtLshed It. - PsaCms 68:11

Central Christian Ciiurch Conference Centre

Bible Book Shop F'ublisher


r. , Dear Co-worker: n.S. MILLS

November, 1993

Our thanks to you all for one of our most fruitful and enjoyable
furloughs ever, and particularly to Dennis and our friends at North

Harter Church who so graciously opened their parsonage for our use.

It is wonderful to be back in our own home again and to see things

start- to come right though. In spite of the fact that the lawn mower is broken and the grass is approaching knee high, and I have found, especially our photographic equipment, to be a shambles and

some completely missing, things are really starting to come right.

slowly bringing the stock from the "store room" at home, a few boxes each day to the shop. I now have to go to the hardware for a new electric hammer/drill, shelf strips, grouting, exterior

The alterations to the Plaza were well done. Thank you Archie, and thank you Vic! (The contractor.) I am now getting the finishing touches done. The "show window" has been ordered for the shop, the auditorium and kitchen blinds are being installed right now, and I have the white boards for the class room on hand and must get out to the factory to see and order the class room seating. I am also

varnish, etc, etc. We now have the Bible Shop, church lounge, and
kitchen tidied up and it is time to start on the classroom and

We are excited that the building is being used for the Lord. The

auditorium was used for memorial services for an employee who works with Ann Le Roux, while we were away. This was a tragic occasion as he was sought out and shot, then waited for so that they could finish the job when he came out of his home the next morning. Our local Black ministers conducted the services for the family. The
local missionaries are coming tomorrow for a scheduled monthly fellowship and Bible study here, and the building is booked
for brothers Smith and Conley of Bophutatswana who are to hold a










advertisement for the local weekly advertiser newspaper of our own planned activities in the building. I plan to handle Sunday as if we were holding two services in the same place, only they will be
fifteen miles apart.

Our cleaning lady at home was tragically killed a few weeks ago

AK47 gunfire. We must also find a replacement for her as Phyllis has too many home Bible Study groups meeting each week to care for all the tasks of house cleaning, washing and ironing herself. Our daughter Becky has hired a replacement already as Mavis had worked for her as well. We hope to get her to come two days a week to see
how she works out with us.

when the taxi in which she was riding was ambushed and riddled with

The first morning we were home, as we were getting ready to go to church, our neighbour's home directly across the street, was burgled and many items taken, but the clothing and other things piled onto their curtains to make a bag, were abandoned. It is likely that we frighten them off without realizing it. Our car
it with the engine running while Phyllis made her final preparations. They must have seen or heard me and thought they had
been seen.

would not start that morning, so I backed the van out and sat in

Sincerely Yours in Jesus Christ,

Bob and Phyllis Mills ^


P.O. Box 1347

1450, Albciioi)

(Oil) 907-1533

R. Mills - nils^sloiicr

Publishers and prinlcrs of millions of fiihle Study booklets and tracts for Africa

Dear Co-workers in Christ Jesus,

December, 1993

We praise the Lord that the building is now ready for use and we have held worship services in it the past two weeks as well as the Bible book store being open daily, and being able to host a very successful seminar on the 13th. Brothers Smith and Gonley from Bophuthatswana led in the latter. There are many smaller projects that are still needing attention. For example, since our return, I have "varnished" nearly all 28 of the ground floor doors, and will still have to do another coat on many of them. Actually, I am using Woodoc plastic sealer and not varnish. I have now started doing all the wooden cabinets in the large church kitchen. As soon as that is completed, there are floor tiles to be laid in two toilets, and endless shelves and their contents to be removed from our garage and put back up in the basement

here. The results of this early morning work is unbelievable though! The only problem so far has been that the smell lingers all day and 1 usually end up with a pounding headache before evening. Obviously, that is not very good for a person.
We hired a cleaning lady to come do the church one day a week. She only does the church and kitchen area since we really can not afford her full time. At the present time, we are hardly using the upstairs or basement in any case. Susan is a friendly lady, seems to have a good education, and takes pride in her work. She keeps the pews gleaming and the kitchen tiles and counters looking very nice. She really has the personality and capabilities to be a shop assistant in the Bible shop rather than cleaning.

We are really looking fonward to the return of Dennis and Linda Messimer in mid-January, the Lord willing. The work needed for starting a new congregation in Alberton, the Bible Shop, correspondence
lessons, and printing work are really enough for several people and I see that I simply can not keep on at the present pace. Yesterday, Is an example of what can happen. We had worship services in Alberton at 9:30, then in Johannesburg, fifteen miles away at 11:00. After that, we dashed back to Alberton for lunch and left again for Jordan House old folks home some twenty or thirty miles away at 1:30. As soon as that was over, we had been invited to our daughter Becky's for tea, by then about 4:00. They decided to accompany us back to our house as they wanted to watch a favorite TV program, and left only at about 6:15. We left fifteen minutes later, after Phyllis gave two small black boys coffee and sandwiches at the front door. They were still eating when we drove away. We were hardly home from evening sen/ices

when Thomas knocked on the door again. They stayed till after I fell asleep in my chair! We were both about finished! On Saturday, we had been out to a missionary Thanksgiving dinner after closing shop at 1:00 as well, and, today it is work as usual, after varnishing a dozen kitchen cabinet doors! (There are thirty.) Please be in prayer for us that the Lord of harvests will send workers unto the harvest quickly. We want to start classes for the school of evangelism after the holidays, but there are times I think it might be better to limp along slowly than to be totally down! We need help fast!

Phyllis has just gone onto tablets for high blood pressure. She had not been feeling really well for some time. They seem to have helped, but she will only really know when she returns to the doctor for a follow
up visit.

Be much in prayer for South Africa. Elections are not far away, and interesting agreements between unusual partners are starting to form. The mighty Zulu nation has formed an agreement with the far right wing white party, who have been threatening war, and they in turn have several other alliances with
smaller political parties.

I wouldn't hazard any sort of guess, but I do know we need to put it all before the Lord in prayer! South Africa has the potential of being a great power in Africa if the Lord is leading. The election posters are starting to appear in the streets already. This is the time to be in prayer. Not after a tragic decision.

You^ir^ Jesus Christ,

June and Raymond Anderson, F/A 706 East Washington Street

Go yc Into alt the world, and prcach tlic Rospcl (o every crcatiirc. Uc that hellcvctli and Is baptized
shall be saved; but he that bellovpth not shall be damned. (CHRIST) - Mark 16:16

The Lord gave the Word: great were the company of those that published It. - Psalms68:11

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