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Mehan Gardens, Ermita Manila

TITLE: Relationship in level of awareness and compliance in six rights of medication preparation and administration PERSONAL PROFILE:

Name:(optional) Gender: ___ Male ___ Female Pharmacology Grade: ___ 1.00 - 1.75 ___ 2.00 - 2.50 ___ 2.75 - 3.00

Area of Exposure:

___ Medicine Ward ___ Intensive Care Unit ___ Surgery Ward ___ Pedia Ward ___ OPD ___ Emergency Room

DIRECTION: Put a check in the box provided: 5-always, 4-frequent, 3-sometime, 2-rarely or 1-never. LEVEL OF AWARENESS 5 Right Drug 1. I check the medication label and check the MAR while preparing the medications. 2. I recheck the label on the container before putting back to medication box. 3. I check the interactions of the drugs to other drugs prior to administration. Right Dose 4 3 2 1

4. I measure the medication in eye level using medication cup. 5. I compute the desired dosage. Right Route 6. I know that the route is safe and appropriate for medication administration. 7. I know how to assess and check the route before giving the medication. Right Time 8. I know if the medication should be administered before or after meals. 9. I know the standard time according to the hospital policy. 10. I know when to give the medication if the order is single dose. Right Patient 11. I check for the patients identity before giving the medication. 12. I check the wrist band for the name of the patient before giving the medication. Right Documentation 13. I know how document the drug, dose, route, time, and patients data before and after

administering the medication. 14. I know that the MAR should also include the exact time of administration and the signature of the nurse providing the medication. 15. I know that documenting the medication is after giving it to the patient.

LEVEL OF COMPLIANCE 5 Right Drug 1. I read the medication record and patients medications from the client drawer, verify that the clients name and room number match with the MAR. 2. I consulted the drug handbook for the action and indication of the drugs prior to administration. Right Dose 3. I calculated the exact amount of the drug using the right formula before administering to the patients. 4 3 2 1

4. I checked the label of the drug and the quantity. 5. I aspirated accurately the exact amount of drug to be given to the patient. Right Route 6. I assessed and checked the route before giving the medication. 7. I administered the medication according to doctors order. 8. I knew the appropriate landmarks for the right route of a certain medication. Right Time 9. I checked the doctors order for the frequency of the drug. 10. I checked the doctors order for the interval and absorption of the drug three times. Right Patient 11. I asked the patient state his/her name prior to administration. 12. I explained the purpose of medication prior to administration to the patient. 13. I checked for the wrist band of the patient prior to the medication administration.

Right Documentation 14. I documented any untoward or side effects and patients response. 15. I documented the date, time, route and dosage of medication given.

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