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What important changes, both positive and negative, has the Internet caused within gaming development?
Platform and Distribution 02
The Internet is a fantastic resource for video gamers: never has it been easier to find the solution to a puzzle, to access instant games ratings and watch videos to help decide whether to buy a new game; or indeed to play a game, download it or simply shop for it online. (Berens, 2008) The Internet has created several possibilities in terms of platform, such as Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs/MMOs) and Online Multiplayer on console games; the Internet is shaping gaming content as well as type of gamer's. However there are limitations within these forms of game play - both for the Game Designer and the player. Things have changed dramatically within gaming both on and off the Internet, from graphics, to narrative and content, to games like World of Warcraft, where the player can personalize their avatar to represent themselves as a person within games your online self. A recent talk by Carsten Kisslat from Robot Riot - a company known best for their Free- To-Play browser games - spoke of their companys use of the Internet for testing their games by placing demos on online forums to gain feedback. As well as using forums, the Internet can be used for advertisement for example, such as AAA websites containing trailers and interactive content through to social media websites such as Facebook.

Online Gaming is today one of the most popular entertainment activities on the World Wide Web. (Bizymoms, 2009) With all the types of gaming available such as social, educational or entertainment, its no wonder that there are so many people using the Internet for gaming, with 217 million people worldwide play online games, according to new figures released by comScore (Riley, 2007). With the growth of the Internet, online gaming started gaining status in the 1970s but it became popular during the 1990s... (Bizymoms, 2009) it was around this time that Internet gaming started evolving into a common pass time.

As it stands there are a few main forms of online entertainment; Online Multiplayer (within console gaming), Free-To-Play browser games, & on social media websites such as Farmville on Facebook. And others previously mentioned such as Massive Multiplayer Online games (MMO), you can easily find a hoard of MMOs online (Figure.1). In April 2003, there were 51 MMOG's available for game players world-wide, today more than 120 MMORPG's exist. Most of them focus on fantasy theme and are so called MMORPGs (Fritsch,T, 2005). the Industry in the US takes in $2 billion a year (GamesIndustry, 2013) the platform also has many different forms for an MMO role playing, FPS, real-time strategy, turn-based strategy, simulations, sports, racing, casual, music and rhythm, and social (such as Second Life). However the most category of online game are MMORPGs. World of Warcraft is one of

the most successful MMORPG, being the highest grossing MMORPG in the Western Game Market claiming 60% of the subscribing player base. This bases consists of 11 -12 million subscribers worldwide pulling in a cumulative revenue of $2.2 billion since 2005. (Wikipedia, 2012) Looking at the Internet from a non-gamer perspective, one can see (an outsiders point of view on the Internet), how as a whole, it has many different positives and negatives. However within gaming there seems to be an equal level of opinion on either side of the fence. Consider the positives; many argue that gaming on the Internet has many productive outlets aside from shooting and fighting. Despite parents and teachers concerns about the negative impact of Internet games, the games can help children focus... as well as helping with co- ordination... and also using games to learn. Many computer games are based on aspects of life, such as city building, farm living, outer space and the earth (Smith, D. 2013). Such as the educational game 'High Tea', with elements of mathematic thinking and also having a historical plot. (Kongregate, 2011). The Internet is helping within society, however there is research being conducted to

look into the possibility that gaming is dangerous - both console gaming and Internet. Something that has often been questioned is the aspect of gaming addiction... for some, gaming has become an uncontrollable compulsion. Studies estimate that 10 percent to 15 percent of gamers [show signs of] addiction. Just like gambling and other compulsive behaviours(Video-game-addiction. 2013) This a significant concern within the Industry, what long term impact can this have on gamers, with the number of children playing games as their main entertainment outlet. Accessibility is another concern within Internet gaming, as well as consoles, studies have published findings such as 90% of teenagers claim that their parents "never" check the ratings before allowing them to rent or buy video games

(Wikipedia, 2013). These results suggest it is highly unlikely that parent's would therefore put measure's in place to protect their children from the dangers of the Internet. The Internet has opened up the ability to access a heap of information, for all generations and ages. Now young children can access violent, sexual and disturbing content through the Internet if there has been no parental block been put in place. It is a shock to find that merely a search for a violent video game will result in a host of links leading to numerous games (Figure 2.), which are available for players of any age to play that are not restricted to play like an age rating on a console game making you question if it is this simple to access violent games what else is easily available and what could this exposure lead to. These issues all outline the safety pro's and con's
Figure 2.

associated with the Internet, however in terms of industry and game development there is a whole other side to what the Internet has opened up for gamers. When looking into the Internets development, you can see how it has impacted all level of gamers but it also has had a major impact of game designers. There are many limitations for Game Designers at present compared to when Online

gaming first began. This is mostly due to MMOs or Online Multiplayers as FTP browser games are simple in terms of what must be considered in its design. However when you have

something like a MMO you have a huge number of users to maintain, and monitor, which must be done within World of Warcraft, it is common for players to act in offensive ways toward other players (harassment) as well as being unfair in the way they play, such as sabotaging other players progress. Blizzard have had to put in place a Harassment Policy to protect players as well as

inform players of their rights within the game (Blizzard, 2012). In some cases within certain MMOs the game play is monitored (with the likes of Club Penguin where by you are banned from play for using foul language). In terms of Blizzard their Harassment Policies gives players instructions on what to do if they are harassed, such as ignore the other player's or report them. In other cases such as League's of Legend's other serious method's are being taken to protect players: League of Legends [go to such lengths as] professional player based on toxic behaviour, [therefore] questions have arisen on Blizzards forums about bad behaviour and what theyre doing about it in World of Warcraft. Riots methods of combating unsportsmanlike behaviour in League of Legends have been well publicized, with their use of neuroscientists and psychologists to design a system [that] has been revolutionary, and players are reporting improvements in the in-game atmosphere.(Grace, O. 2012.) These methods of consideration are needed for these new gaming platforms as these

games have developed with the Internet. Online platforms give gamers different avenues of entertainment as well as in the case of MMOs a form of socialising or alternate realities for the player. However you can start to question whether having to monitor a game starts to indicate that its place in society is a negative. Internet gaming is creating a new generation of players that now play for more than entertainment, for status and achievement as well, meaning that players are taking different actions within their game play that they would not

have previously. These actions can be questionable if you considered them in a real world situation. A suitable example to consider is the means of Hacking. This is both a common act

within Console gaming as well as Internet gaming. You will often here of games like Call of Duty being hacked online, whereby players will alter their abilities or their character so that they have an unfair advantage over other players. (Grace, O. 2012.)

Figure 3. A recent event in October last year shows the extent that some hackers can go to. In the

event, hackers... massacred all the virtual characters in some of online adventure game World of Warcraft's major cities. (See Figure 3.) (BBC News, 2012) A spoke person from Blizzard spoke on the issue: "We don't know exactly what they did, but somehow they were able to kill every single player's character in that city and every single computer controlled character - and they were doing this repeatedly." (BBC News, 2012)

Even with monitoring and security methods put in place the designers have little

means of stopping hackers both within MMOs and Online Multiplayer's on consoles. This area within online gaming opens up a very debatable issue, and lays out a very important area that the Internet has affected - the player themselves, how they have matured and grown as the Games Industry has. With games having a more violent, sexual and disturbing nature the players open themselves up to question their own morals and make choices that defines them as a person. It is fair to say that for the someone to massacre all those players in World of Warcraft its put into question their morals and ethics, as it is a shocking act even within a virtual world. Therefore one of the biggest changes the Internet has caused is within the player themselves, allowing the player to create a second life in the form of this digital world a life free from the authoritarian constraints of real life. Therefore with certain players choosing to kill other characters or NPCs, one wonders what changes, (i.e. mentally, personality, morals) these people are going through from playing online games. Morality is now a common mechanic within games, in all platforms. Carmageddon

tested this idea - where you drove around hitting people for extra points. (Woolley, B. 2010). With games like Carmageddon (a graphically violent vehicular combat game made in 1997 for PC where by you complete races in time, however more time can be collected through running over pedestrians.) It is an early example of a game using violent content to merely be provocative, from this it has developed into the likes of Grand Theft Auto The game is desperate to shock - going from a casual second reality to a killing spree. GTA relishes its role as a rebel and rule breaker probing the boundaries of whats possible and acceptable within a video game. (Woolley, B. 2010) and others that seem to continue this intention such as Hitman or Manhunt. Even though research has shown that claims linking video games to violence are yet

unproven. A study from the Journal of Psychiatric Research found no link between playing violent video games and real-world violence, It still makes you consider the issue and concerns with gaming content and morality associated within gaming. Kain, E. 2012. In conclusion, there are many different positives and negatives in concern with online

gaming and its development, both for the gamer with relevance towards safety for the player as well as benefits such as educational benefits. However as you start to look deeper into the impact the Internet has had on gaming you realise, that there are many limitations and issues that are arising for Game designers and the players alike. When you look at games like Super Columbine Massacre RPG you start to question how far can game designers go before you start pushing the boundaries of morality and ethics for the player. (Kain, E. 2012.) Word Count: 2,028 Figure 4.

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