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V. N. MAZALOV and Ju. V. NEMIROVSKY Novosibirsk, Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch of Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R.


MI, Mz radial and circumferential bending moments per unit length. respectively; shearing force per unit length; Q. intensity of uniformly distributed load; 4 MO.MO. limit bending moment per unit length for plates without or with holes, respectively; W deflection; surface density of plate; Y.. Yo external and internal radii of plate; 6,a r radial co-ordinate; time;. t some specific time; to volume of plates with or without holes, of the same external radius; K, v . . curvature rates in radial and circumferential directions, respectively; Ktr K2 complete limit loads for plates with or without holes, respectively. E.6


Comparatively few papers are devoted to investigations of the dynamic behavior of annular plates. The first investigation in this direction belongs to Shapiro[4], who considered an annular plate with a fixed interior boundary and an exterior boundary moving with constant velocity during a short time. The dynamics of an annular plate, simply supported along the external boundary and subjected to the action of uniformly distributed transverse pressure and shearing force along the internal boundary has been the object of [S] by Mroz. The load-time dependence was assumed to be rectangular in form. An approximate soIution has been obtained for large values of load when the shearing force is absent at the interior boundary of a plate. The residual d~placement of a rigid-plastic annular plate, clamped along the interior boundary and free afong the exterior and subjected to a transverse linear pulse along a narrow strip by the exterior edge ofthe plate has been investigated[6]. For large deflections, the solution has been constructed taking into account membrane forces. Exact and approximate analysis of dynamical bending of pulse loaded annular plates by taking into account strain rate sensitivity has been given in [7]. The interior boundary was free, while the exterior one was hinge-supports. The plate was subjected to a linear distribution of initial velocity which is equal to zero at the exterior boundary and takes its maximum value at the free interior one. The essential simplification of solution has been achieved by identifying the flow mechanism with that for the analogous static problem. Mathematical difficulties of determination of validity limits of such a solution have been discussed. Finite deflections of dynamically loaded rigid-plastic and rigid-viscoplastic strain



and Jr. V.


hardening annular plates have been determined in the papers [8,9] by Jones. Load and support conditions coincided with those from [7]. It was found that membrane forces considerably reduce the residual deflections. It appears that the influence of material strain rate sensitivity is somewhat exaggerated in the paper [7]. Recently Aggarwal and Ablow[ lo] have applied the general ideas which were developed for circular plates by Wang[2], and Wang and Hopkins[3] to the case of annular rigidplastic plates, free of load at the interior boundary and support conditions coinciding with those in [2,3]. The condition of equality of radial bending moment to its limit value along the hinge circle, at which the derivative of deflection rate with respect to the radius undergoes a break[ 11,121, has been left unsatisfied. The aim of the present paper is to determine the residual deflections of an angular rigidplastic plate, rigidly fixed along the exterior boundary and free along the interior one, when it is dynamically loaded under the action of uniformly distributed blast-type load[l]. The rectangular form of load-time characteristic considered in the paper[5] is only a particular case of this more general type of load. The procedure of determining the residual deflection at every point of a plate with the aid of an electronic computer is also given here. This procedure allows further development of the analysis in order to examine arbitrary dependence of load on time. Usefulness of the solution of such a problem depends not only on our wish to give it, in contrast to the paper [lo] which attempts an exact solution of the problem in the spirit of Wang[2], Wang and Hopkins[3] for circular plates without cut-outs, but also on reasoning developed later insection 2. Ifa hole with a radius exceeding some specific value is cut in the center of a circular plate, and the material which is removed is used to make the plate thicker, then the limit load increases. In other words, the weight of an annular plate may be less for a given limit load. The radius of such a hole is comparatively small, it constitutes no more than 32.1% of the complete radius of a plate. Hence, our wish to obtain a solution for annular plates under dynamical loading is quite reasonable. The solution is useful for examining the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the residual deflections of circular plates with or without a concentric hole when subjected to the same instantaneously applied uniformly distributed transverse loads. Such comparisons are given later in section 4. The so-called boundary parameter for radial bending moment along the outside boundary is introduced in this paper. It lets us not only solve the problem for hingesupported and fully clamped plates, but allows us to investigate the dynamical bending of a plate with a radial bending moment which corresponds to any value lying between an ideal hinge and ideal clamping. In the process of solution, the effect of such boundary conditions on residual deflection is evaluated. The qualitative picture (without any formulae) of dynamical bending of an annular plate in the setting of Wang[2], and Wang and Hopkins[3] is given at the end of the paper, but in distinction to the work[lO], all necessary conditions ofdynamical equilibrium along the hinge circle are satisfied according to the theory of Hopkins and Prager[ll, 121.
Section 1. The setting of the problem and basic hypothesis

A circular ring-shaped plate fixed along the exterior boundary and load-free at the interior one is loaded at some instant of time t = 0 by an instantaneously applied uniformly distributed transverse load q(t) of high intensity which decreases in time by some law, so that for any t the condition (1.1) is satisfied:

where q. is the limit load determined by the usual methods of limit equilibrium theory. The loading of the annular plate and typical plots of q(t) are presented in Fig. la. Loads of type (1.1) are known approximations for blast wave pressures, called loads of blast type[l]. The simplest of these is a rectangular pulse of duration r. which may be obtained by taking the equality sign in the first two inequalities of (1.1). Just as in [2-6,10-123, thematerial ofthe plate is considered to be ideally-rigid-plastic and controlled by the Tresca yield condition and associated flow law. The plate moves, since q(0) 2 qo. If

f s

q(t)dt 3 tq(t),

dqldt G 0, do) 2



Dynamical bending of rigid-plastic annular plates



onst r

Figs. la, b.

we take the co-ordinate origin at the centre of the plate, deflection axis W in the direction of the load, abscissa r along the radius, neglect rotatory inertia and membrane forces, then the equations of motion in nondimensional form[ 121 are [XQ(X, T)]-mz(x, 5) = mi = MiMd, . . . (i = 1,2), QX=bQrM&, ~=tti,
w =

x [6(x, T)- p(t)]x dx sI ~y~b2Mo~1t~2, p = qb2h&, a=ab-...(O,<a<l)



Here and henceforth dash refers to differentiation with respect to x, and dot-to The independent variables of equation (1.2) are considered in the intervals a,<xGl, o<s<5,

f. (1.3)

where the response duration of the plate 7s arising due to irreversability of plastic deformation is determined from the condition +x, TV)= 0. Initial boundary value conditions for our problem have the form w(x, 0) = ,iJ(x, 0) = 0 (1.4) Qx(a, T) = ml(a, ml(l,T)=
7) =

~(1, T) = ti(l, t) = 0

(1.5) (1.61


When the plate moves, the radial bending moment at the support corresponds to an ideal hinge (/I = 0) or ideal clamping (p = 1) or to any value lying between these two limit cases (0 < b < 1). The plasticity condition in the plane (ml, m2) has the form of Trescas hexagon, and according to the plasticity potential law the curvature rates Izl and Ritz up to arbitrary positive multiples are given in [ll, 123 iti = dF/dmi . . . (i = 1,2); (;rt, = -G, rtz = -G/x) (1.7)

where the potential F(ml, m2) is represented by the hexagon in Fig. 1. The strain rate vector E(&, kZ) in (1.7) has the direction of an exterior normal to the curve in Fig. 1 at its regular points; at singular points it may have any direction lying between exterior normals forming a non-zero angle[ 111. Conditions of dynamical equilibrium require continuity of w(x, r), ti(x, T) with x and r, and ml(x, T) with x. The problem is solved if three functions w(x, r), ml@, r), mz(x, z) are determined in such a way, that for any x and t from (1.3) the equations of motion (l-2), initial boundary value conditions (1.4-1.6), the plasticity condition of Fig. 1 and associated flow law (1.7) are satisfied. Parameters of the problem are a, /I and the parameter of peak load p(O). The complete solution of the problem is now considered in two stages. Section 2. The case of low loads tpO < p(0) G p,) The stress profile in the moving plate coincides with that of the static problem[13,14] a,<x<c-+B-(A)-& 6GxGl-+B-C (2.1)



and at x = 5, the plastic regime B controls the behavior (Fig. 1). Since rni(5--O,?) = nli(<+O, r) = 0 then [ 121 G(c:- 0, T) = ti(< + 0, ?) (2.3) (2.2)

From (1.7), taking into account (2.1), (1.5) and (2.3) the following velocity field is deduced: $yP(o+a-x)...a<x<5 i -ti,o-51nx...<<x<l w = < - ci - < In <, k,(s) = 6+x, f),
rit(x, 7) =

(2.4) 5 = t(5)

The curved surface of the plate is schematically plotted in Fig. 2a. In the same figure the plastic regimes are shown corresponding to the stress profile (2.1).







Fig. ?a, b.

Let us differentiate (2.4) with respect to T and substitute the result into equations (1.2). Then the functions mi(x, 7), m2(x, T) are easily determined with the aid of (2.1) and boundary conditions (1.5) and (2.2): ml = (1-cc/x)(l+[(x-cr)/12][(x2+2slx+3~2)k+2(~-p)(x+2c()]}
m2= m2=

l...x<x,<5 l+m,...<<xGl


m, = [-(.u2-~2)/4][p+~(l-1nx)]+{1+~Q~+(~2/2)[~+~(1-1n~)])1n(x/~) <Q; = (;1/3)(+~~)+(~-Pp)(~~-a~)/2 where k: ti, % are derivatives of the expressions k = -\)i,o-, B = *Jl+ro-I), C = -$JIo- (2.6)

Unknown functions w,(r) and r(r) are determined from (2.5) by taking into account (2.6), (2.2) and (1.6). This gives the following system of equations o[2C0(<+2r)-52+a2]ti,-~tiz(~2-a2)1n~+2c02[6(t;-a)-1-(~+2a)p] = 0 o[3~(1-52)+2(a3+2~3+3a20)ln~]~ii,+4ti~(5-a) x [3(1-~2)+6~1n<-2(~2+a~+rx2)ln2~] (2.7)


= 0

In the particular case C, E 0 then 5 = const from (2.5-2.7) and we get the solution of the static problem, which at /_I = 0 (or 5 E 1) and b = 1 reduces to known solutions published in [ 131 and [ 143, respectively. If we let a tend to zero, then we get the limit load derived by Hopkins and Prager[ll] for circular plates without holes. The limit load p. and the boundary of regimes 5 in the limit state and dependence on the boundary parameter fl for various values of a are shown at Fig. 3. When the dimension z of the hole grows it is evident that the limit load p. is highly sensitive to the boundary parameter. From the same figure it is seen also that sagging of a circular plate due to a hole is possible only for

Dynamical bending of rigid-plastic annular plates


Fig. 3

comparatively small radius of hole. The intensivity of load p. begins to increase when the radius of a hole begins to exceed some specific value. It is easy to show that the complete load acting on the plate in the limit state is P, = scb2qo( 1 - a2) (2.8) which decreases along with growth of a for any value of fi. On the other hand the situation is quite the opposite, if the mass of material of an annular plate and a plate without a hole are made equal, viz. :
v, = v (2.9)

Under the condition (2.9) let us introduce the non-dimensional quantity A, = PJP,, where PO is the value of P, at a = 0. Determine P, and PO from relations (2.7) having set in the former 6, = 0 and 5 = const. Then under the condition (2.9) we have Ai = (<-a)(~+2a)(l-a2)~~2 where < is the root of the equation (a < 5 c 1) (2.10)

3(1-~2+2a21n5)-2(j?-ln5)(5-a)(5+2r)= 0 and to the value of 5 at a = 0. In Table 1 is shown the dependence on x for plates hinged
Table 1 Hinge support (B = 0) A; 000 0.05 0100 015 0158 0159 Q20 Q25 030 0321 Q35 040 045 050 Q55 060 065 070 Q75 Q80 1+000 1.0424 1.0692 1.0801 1.0804 1.0752 1.0547 1.0192 10300 09696 09072 08334 07500 Q6591 05632 04649 03672 02734 01872 Av 1GOOO I.0210 1.0340 1.0393 1.0394 1.0368 1.0270 1.0097 1.0000 09848 0.9529 Q9130 08660 Q8119 07508 06815 06060 05228 04329 Clamped support (P= 1) A; l@OO 1.0200 1.02 14 1.0043 1WOO 09699 09197 08554 07794 06944 06034 05096 04161 Q3263 02434 01701 01091 00617 A, 1WOO 1.1010 1.1011 1.1002 lGQO0 09848 09590 Q9249 08828 08333 07768 07138 06450 05713 Q4933 04124 03303 02484

014 = a3 = a: =

a: =



(p = 0) and clamped (fl = 1) along the exterior boundary. For other values of fi from (1.6) the results lie between these two limit cases. The specific values cc0 and a* are indexed 1 and 2 for hinged and clamped boundaries, respectively. Values of A, = I, V-i computed at P, = PO are also given and expressed in a form using AP from (2.10) by the formula A = A;1:2. As is seen from Table 1, the load capacity of annular plates is higher than that if continuous plates of the same weight, if a* c a < 1, where a* belongs to the segment 0.158 < a* < 0.321 for any fi from (1.6). It should be remarked that the parameter a from (1.2) cannot be close to unity, since shearing stresses acting at the section r = const would then become comparable to the radial and circumferential bending stresses. Hence, instead of two-dimensional conditions it is necessary to consider three-dimensional equilibrium and plasticity conditions at every point of the plate. Let us return now to the investigation of the dynamic solution determined by (2.5-2.7). Just as in the static case, for any t, /3, and a respectively from (1.3), (1.6) and (1.2), m,(x, T) in the interval x c x < 5 has a maximum at some point x0, at which m;(xo -0,~) = m;(xo+O, 7) = 0. Let p(O) monotonically increase from the value po. Thus <, x0 and ml(xo, 0) also monotonically increase, as is shown in Fig. 4 at a = 0.4 and fl = 0.4;

E X0

Fig. 4 fi =

1 (for all other values of a and /? plots are similar to these). For some p(O) = p* the condition ml (x0, 0) = 1 holds. When the peak load p(0) increases further, the velocity field (2.4) does not remain valid, since in the interval z < x < < a plastic circular hinge is formed where the radial bending moment is equal to the limit value. Thus, the solution determined by (2.5-2.7) holds in the load interval
PO G P(O) G P*


Denote by x& 5, values of x0 and < corresponding to p*. Indicated values are plotted at Fig. 5 as functions of the boundary parameter @. Let a rectangular pulse of duration to act on the plate (in the first two relations (1.1) the inequality sign is absent), a value p(0) satisfies inequalities (2.11). Then while the load acts (0 < 7 < 1) 5 z to = const in (2.7). The system of differential equations (2.7) reduces to a system of algebraic equations with respect to Gi;,= a, and < = to. The last one is convenient to solve for the unknowns--a, and p(D) by taking to as an independent parameter. The function w(x, 7) is easily determined from (2.4) with the help of zero initial conditions (1.4)
7) =

(r2/2)a,wi (~0~ + a - x) . . . a < x < to < xG1 i -(r2/2)a,0~~01n,u...~o wo=~O-a-~Oln~o



When deforming only by inertia loads (1 G 7 < rf), the plate moves until the kinetic energy stored is dissipated through plastic deformation. Numerical integration of the



of rigid-plastic






0.4 B



Fig. 5

system (2.7) is performed by the help of the Rounge-Kutta conditions at t = 1 9(l) = 509 2w,( 1) = &( 1) = a,

method and using the initial (2.13)

For an arbitrary blast-like load (in the first two inequalities (1.1) the equality sign is absent); then numerical integration of the system (2.7) is performed in the time interval 0 < r < T/. Initial conditions for the functions W,(T),G,(r) are zero, and t(O) is determined from the algebraic system of equations derived from (2.7) j(0) = lo = const,
Section 3. The case ofhigh loads (p(O) 2 p*)

p = p(O)


For some x = q in the interval z < x < 5 in some initial segment of time 0 < T ,< r1 the point A is realized, so that the following stress profile holds (Fig. 1)
a<x<rj-+B-A, q<x<S+A-B,


(3.1) we get the obvious (3.2) (3.3)

At x = q the plastic regime A holds (Fig. 1); as a consequence conditions mt(~-O,t)=mi(rj+O,r)= I m;(q-O, t) = m;(q+o, r) = 0 The velocity field in this case has the form

ti,-i(x-a)(~-u)- . ..a ,< x < fj [l+(u-x)w,]ti,,...q,<x<< 1 i -&O;iGVlnx...t,<x< o,, = 5-q-5

5 = t(r),


i(r) = G,(r)-GV(t), SX(r) = @(a, r),

In 5
q = q(r)

k&r) = b+(v,r),

The form ofthe deformed plate surface for some initial value of time (0 < T < ri) is shown in Fig. 2b. This form of the surface corresponds to the stress profile (3.1). Just as in $2, equations (1.2) when taking into account (3.1-3.4), (1.5) and (2.2) are easily integrated with respect to x. This gives mi = 1+[(x-~)~/l2x][~(x~+2~x+3~2)+2(tj-p)(x+2F$J, m2 = 1 . ..q <.x < < (3.5) c = -o,,c,, D = (1 +P#V0,;)\*,, (3.6) In the remaining segments a < x < q, 5 < x < 1 the result of integration determines the relations (2.5) where A, 8, % are now given by the derivatives of expressions k = -i(q-a)-,
k = (qti,,-ati,,)(q-a)-l, C = -&~~,ti~



V. N.


and Ju. V.


The quantity tQt is <Q; = (E/3)(<3-~3)+(tj-~)(~2-12)/2 (3.8)

where E and tj are determined by differentiation of(3.6). Furthermore, in the relations (2.5) the boundary 5 in the interval !x < x G 5 should be replaced by q. From the derived relations on m,(x, r), m2(x, T) by the help of (3.5-3.8) and conditions (3.2), (3.3) (2.2), (1.6) the following system of differential equations for determining the unknown functions w,(r), w,(r), q(r), 5(r) follows:
a11 =


(i = 1,. . . ,4) bl = 2[6a(q-a)-+(q+2a)p], bz = 3(9+cc)p, b3 = 2~~[(<+2~)p-6{(C:-~)-~], -b,(<-+,,.

~(24 = 03~ = ~41 =







a21 = q+2r, a32 = w,,co,

022 = 21+,

az3 = I@/-x)-(2q+r),
= flo?,,, cz44 =

a33 = COG,,,
a42 =

a34 = -ti,,({2-~2)ln<,


b4 = 3~~[(1-<2+2~21n<)~-4(~-ln~)],

~~4 =


no = 3<( 1 - t2) + 2(q3 + 2c3 + 3~~0,) In <

b. = 3(1-<2)+6<21n~-2($+r]<+~2)ln2<

co = 20,(5+2~)++5* When the peak load p(0) increases beyond the value p* the stress profile (3.1) preserves its form for any P(0) 2 P* (3.10)

only boundaries ~(0) E q. and c(O) 3 to change their place, as is shown in Fig. 6 at a = 0.4 and /? = 0.4; 1.

p (0)

Fig. 6.

Just as for low loads, the dynamical behavior of a plate depends on simultaneous satisfaction ofeither equality or inequality in the first two relations (1.1). Let a rectangular pulse of duration to act on the plate, and p(0) satisfy the inequality (3.10). As in the segment 0 < T < 1 the load remains constant so that 4 E q. = const, As a consequence unknowns 5 E to = const (3.11)

(3.9) reduces to a system of algebraic equations with respect to the 8, z n,, iti, z a,,,
q = 40, < = 50


For its solution the following method, for example, can be recommended. Since S,, 3,, and p(O) enter linearly in the system, they can be expressed in terms of the remainder by the help of Cramers formulae from any three equations. Having substituted the result into

Dynamical bending of rigid-plastic annular plates


the fourth equation, the

7 <




is determined from the condition w(tl-0,7J

= w(q+O, 7.1)


The initial conditions at

7 =

1 have the form (2.13) and q(l) = rlo, 2w,(l) = $(l) = a,

At the instant T = TVthe stress profile (3.1) is replaced by the profile (2.1), and velocity field (3.4) is replaced by (2.4). In the final stage (pi < 7 < zJ) the motion is the same as the scheme of section 2 for the phase of inertial motion. In the first two relations (l.l), and also in (3.10) when the inequality holds, integration of (3.9) should be performed on the segment 0 G T < rl, where tl, as earlier, is determined from condition (3.13). The initial conditions for functions w,(7), c=(r), w,,(7), ti,(r) are zero, and ~(0) and t(O) are determined from the algebraic system of equations, derived from (3.9) under the conditions (3.11), (3.12) and (2.14). The final stage motion is described by the system of equations (2.7).

Fig. I.

Section 4. Numerical examples and discussion of results

Numerical integration of the systems (3.9) and (2.7) have been performed with the help of an electronic computer M-220 using the method of Rounge-Kutta. In Figs. 7-8 the results of integration of the system (3.9) for hinge-supported (j? = 0), and Figs. 9-lo-for clamped (B = 1) plates at a = 0.4 are plotted. The load-time parameters, and specific values r1 are indicated on each of these figures. The plots in Figs. 9-10 have been derived by integration of the system (2.7) in the interval TV< 7 < 7/. Increase of velocity G=(r) in the interval 1 < T Q rl is caused not only by external load, but by internal moments, localized at the hinge circle x = 1. Until vanishing of this hinge these moments do not help tiit,to decrease. It is distinctly seen in Fig. 9, where after vanishing of the hinge (7 2 TV) the velocity tiit,decreases to zero at 7 = TV. As is shown in Figs. 8 and 10 at 7 = 7. the realization of maximum velocity &Jr) means that the beginning of deceleration is in the vicinity of x = r,i.In T = rl this deceleration propagates to the entire plate. Figures 11-12 illustrate the effect of /I on the greatest residual deflections corresponding to low and high rectangular-type loads. Values of residual deflections w,(rJ for other B in the
NLM Vol. 11, No. 1-C





71 6

I2 T






Fig. 9

~p(Ob53704...04f~l \ pI dO~era(I-rI...r.I



~,=80.21 Tng4.397

1 I

I32.J I

I 7 ,

igl II

23 , T





Fig. 10

Dynamical bending of rigid-plastic annular plates






Fig. 11


310crp N b

p(O)=const OrThl 0 . ..T=-0

Fig. 12 p(O)=const.
60 _____--_-_--___.O~TSl


f oe 3

_---__ 30











Fig. 13

interval 0 <: B < 1 lie between the curves in Figs. 11-12. In Fig. 13 is illustrated the effect of the hole dimension a on the greatest residual deflections of plates which are hingesupported along the exterior boundary and for which the condition (2.9) is satisfied. Equation (2.9) may be written as &M&l = (1 -a?)*

For convenience the dependence of the load on time is taken as a rectangular pulse of


V. N. MAZALOV and Ju. V.


duration to. Complete dynamical loads P: determined by formulae (2.8) where q. is changed to q(0) do not change. Hence, the external energy applied to the plate remains constant. Under these conditions the residual deflection of an annular plate can be less than a plate without holes, provided the radius of the concentric hole is not too small. In Fig. 13 are indicated specific values of r o, zI, r2 for P(0) = 4,3,2. The non-dimensional deflection w and complete non-dimensional load Pare expressed in terms of the parameters of a plate without a hole -2, P = P;/6nMo w = Wy,bMo -I lo From Figs. 7-10 it follows that boundaries of regimes q and < move in the same direction from the exterior boundary of a plate to the interior boundary for the cases when the load is absent (phase of inertial motion, see Figs. 7 and 9), and when it is monotonically decreasing (Figs. 8, 10). Knowing this, formulae can be derived with the help of which the deflection function w(x, 7) can be computed at every point of a plate using an electronic computer. Let us show this for a more general case of section 3. First of all, when integrating (3.4) we obtain

\+(x, 7)ds + Ii/(x) . . . ci < x < 1 (4.1) i6 where 6 = 1 for a rectangular pulse, and 5 = 0 for any other load of type (l.l), and IL(x) is the function that should be determined. Introduce the notation *s-u) . * Cl<X<rl
Ii/(.x) = l&(x)...q < x < t

w(x, 7) =


i It/;(x). . . s < x < 1 If 6 = 1 then at segments a < x 6 q, lo < x < 5, to < x 6 1 the function I&X)is determined by integrating (3.4) with the help of (3.11), (3.12) and initial conditions (1.4). This gives 2$,(x) = a,+(a,-n,,)(x-~)(~O-a)- . ..a <x d 9 2$,,(x) = a,,[1 +(~o--x)wo;L] . . . qo < .Y < < 21j~(x) = -~OO;,~a,r lnx . . . to < x G 1 (4.3)

where wo,, is the value of w,, under conditions (3.11). If 6 = 0, then by zero initial conditions (1.4), $(x) = 0 in segments (4.3). All other ring-shaped parts of a plate (4.4) rl G x < rlo, 5GxG50 are specific, in distinction from (4.3) in that they have moving boundaries q and 5, and the boundary q leaves after itself the first, and the boundary <-the second of segments (4.4). For determination of J/(x) on the segments (4.4) we should use the obvious conditions of continuity (1-0,7) = rv(q+O, 7), w(<-0,7) = w({+O, 7) (4.5) Taking into account (3.4) we write out the expression (4.1) for each segment (4.2) w(x,~)=$,(x)+ J :[~~~+i(.~-.)(o-.)-]d7....~x~~ < x< 5 (4.6) (4.7)

r W(X,T)= 1+5,,(x)+ [l+(q--x)o,]w,dr...t Jd w(x,r) = tj&x)-(lnx)



The obvious relation dr = dq/rj is used to replace the integral variable 7 by 1. Then quantities entering into integrands should be considered as functions of q G,p= *Z(q), i = iO(q), WY= W;($, tii),o(q), fiO= 40(q) (4.9) As a result of numerical integration of the system (3.9), the functions (4.9) become known. Substituting (4.6) and (4.7) in the first of conditions (4.5) we get the required function G&x)= G,(x)+



of rigid-plastic




where I++,(X) is determined by (4.3) at 6 = 1 and $,(x) = 0 at 6 = 0. Analogously, from (4.7), (4.8) by the help of the second condition from (4.5) we get: (4.11) X(@to) [ 1 + (q - x)/w: + (j/o:) In x] d5.. . 5 :o where t&(x) is determined by formula (4.10). Quantities entering into the integrand of formula (4.11), indexed by zero, are considered as functions of 5. For rl < T < 7/ the velocity field (2.4) has been used for the derivation of deflection using the formula (4.1). The procedure of determining the deflection function is similar to above. As a result the dependence of the distribution of residual deflection on radius is determined. Reasoning illustrated by formulae (4.1-4.11) is true, generally speaking, only for loads of the type (1.1) when boundary of regimes 5 and hinge q can move only in the same direction. It is quite clear that similar reasoning applied to formulae analogous to (4.1-4.11) may be produced and for the case of increasing load, when moving boundaries can move to the exterior boundary of a plate. This circumstance allows us to broaden the above analysis to the case of arbitrary dependence of load on time. Here may arise some technical difficulties relating not only to numerical integration of systems (2.7), (3.9) and determination of the corresponding initial conditions at every new arising or vanishing of hinge at the point x = 1,but computation of integrals of the types (4.1), (4.10), (4.11). It is necessary to compute these latter ones again at every change of direction of moving boundaries or at every vanishing or arising of plastic hinge q. So for determination of this deflection at some point of a plate it is necessary to know the entire history of this deflection step by step. Change of motion direction of boundaries and transition of the systems (2.7) and (3.9) one into another complicates this history. For loads of type (1.1) the numerical analysis, as remarked earlier, is relatively simple, since integration of systems (2.7), (3.9), and computation of integrals of the type (4.1), (4.10) and (4.11) is performed only once. $:(x) = I&(X)+
Section 5. The problem of Wang and Hopkins for annular plates

,< x Q to

The investigation of dynamical behavior of circular plates without holes has been proposed in the papers [2,3] based on the following hypothesis: at some given instant of time every point of a plate has the same velocity, excluding its edge, with zero velocity, and later only edge forces act on the plate, forcing the fulfilment of support conditions under its movement. Quite recently Aggarwal and Ablow[lO] have applied this set-up to the case of annular plates, hinge-supported or clamped along the external boundary and load-free along the internal one. Just as in [2,3] the initial velocity field has been taken in the form (see formula (5) from [lo]) a<x<l K(x, 0) = u; . . . x = 1 (5.1)
i ...

where u. is some non-dimensional velocity. The mechanisms of motion in [lo] have been taken to coincide with those of [Z, 33 for plates without holes, as for hinge-supported, as for clamped exterior boundaries (see (11) in [lo] and (4) in [2], (23) in [lo] and (13) in [3]). The authors employed the theory of dynamic bending of circular rigid-plastic plates, developed by Hopkins and Prager[ 11,123. One of the most important requirements of this theory is the satisfaction of the condition Im(x0,7)l = 1 (5.2) along every so-called hinge circle x = x0, at which the following inequality holds: ti(xo - 0, ?) # 3(xo + 0,r) (5.3)

In [lo] the break (5.3) holds at x0 = p. (see formulae (11) and (23)). But (see formulae (12) and (25) in [lo]), m,(pof0,7) = l-r/x and equality (5.2) is possible only when a = 0 for plates without holes ([2,3]). Under dynamic loads the condition (5.2) is fulfilled at x0 = q for arbitrarily large values of


V. N.

and Jti.

p(O) >, p*, as it has been shown above in this paper. If to has meaning of duration of (l.l)-type dynamical load, then the initial velocity field (5.lf can be derived from the field (3.4) with the help of system (3.9) under limit transitions (l(O)-+ SC, to + 0, such that f0 q(t) dt = constant (5.4) s0 I. As a consequence under the initial since under such limit transition <(to) + 1, q(to) ---* velocity field (5.1) condition (5.2) should be satisfied at least in the segment 0 ,< T < ri, where r1 is the instant when the plastic hinge vanishes at x = q and is determined from the condition (3.13). This way, in the segment 0 < 7 < r, motion mechanism of annular plate should have the form of (3.4) and for pulse load under the initial velocity field (5.1). The following initial conditions should be taken: w(s, 0) = 0, ((0) = g(O) = 1 ii,(O)= \i;(O) = 110, t+,,(o) 5 ri.(q-0,O) Just as in [2,3] the function m,(x, r), generally speaking, is not uniquely determined at x = 1 and 7 = 0 since, on the one hand, rni(l,O) = -/? by the boundary condition (1.Q and on the other hand--mi( 1,O) = 0 and mif 1, 0) = 1 as a consequence of conditions (2.2) and (3.2) and equality C:(O) = ~(0) = 1. As it is clear from our paper, such indeterminacy should be absent, if we do not exclude the consideration of dynamic load, even if its time to of application is arbitrarily small. In conclusion we point out some problems, which are derived from the considered one by limit transitions of parameters r, & q(0) and ro. First of all, if a + 0, p -+ 0 and in the first two relations (1.1) we take the equality sign, then the known solution by Hopkins and Prager[IZ] follows. If we now replace the limit transition 6 -+ 0 by the limit transition p -+ 1, then the solution of Florence[lfi] results for a clamped plate without holes. Solution of the problem[5] with a free interior boundary with a rectangular pulse is derived if 0 < a < 1, fi -+ 0 in the first two relations and the equality sign is used in (1.1). Let q(0) -+ co and to + 0, so that (5.4) is satisfied; then the problem of an annular plate subjected to an ideal pulse, which when a + 0 and p --) 0 reduces to the solution of Wang[Z] and when a --+0, p --, 1 reduces to the solution of Wang and Hopkins[3] for circular hingesupported and clamped plates without holes, respectively. Authors thank I. Polunina for the program she had written and computation of the numerical examples presented in this paper.

Dynamic bending of annular rigid-plastic plates with immovable external and free internal boundaries under the action of uniformly distributed dynamic load of the type (1.1) has been investigated. The analysis shows relations between the type of a load and interval of time and some of the mechanisms of motion, plotted in Fig. 2b. The mechanism ptotted in Fig. 2a is described by the system of differential equations (2.1), and the one plotted in Fig. 2b by (3.9). The results of numerical integration of these systems by the method of Rounge-Kutta are presented. At the same time the influence of the central hole ofthe plate on its load capacity (Table 1) and on its maximum residual deflection (Fig. 13) under the condition (2.9) have been shown. The procedure for determining the residual deflection at any point of the middle surface of a plate from formulae (2.1-Cll), which can be realized with an electronic computer, have been presented also. This procedure generalizes the above-mentioned analysis of the dynamical problem to the case of arbitrary dependence of load on time. The use of a boundary parameter for radial bending moment at the supporting contour enables us solve the problem for hinge-supported as well as clamped external boundaries. It enables us also to investigate the dynamic bending of an annular plate, when the radial bending moment at the immovable external boundary during motion corresponds to any intermediate value between ideal hinge and ideal clamping. The influence of these boundary conditions on maximum residual deflection is presented in Figs. 11 and 12.

Dynamical bending of rigid-plastic annular plates


At the end of the article some problems are indicated, which are derived from the above-mentioned by limiting transitions of various parameters. In this paper the dynamic behavior of a plate has been investigated when the external loads are known. In reality they may be unknown. In this case one may consider various initial velocity fields as for example, in [2,3, lo]. But further distribution of loads in time in fact remains unknown, and choice of this or some other mechanism of dissipation of supplied external energy based on intuition can lead on to an error (as it happened, for example, in the paper [lo]). Hence, the analysis of the corresponding problems when dynamical loads are taken into account, has evidently a methodical value, even if the external loads acting to the structure are not fully known.
REFERENCES 1. P. S. Symonds, Large plastic deformations of beams under blast type loading, Proceedings of the 2nd U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, pp. 505-515 (1954). 2. A. J. Wang, The permanent deflection of a plastic plate under blast loading, J. Appl. Mech. 22.375-376 (1955). 3. A. J. Wang and H. G. Hopkins, On the plastic deformation of built-in circular plates under impulsive loading, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 3, pp. 22-37 (1954). 4. G. S. Shapiro, Shock on annular rigid plastic plates, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh. 23, 172 (1959) (in Russian). 5. Z. Mroz, Plastic deformations of annular plates under dynamic loads, Archs Mech. Stosowanej 10,499 (1958). 6. A. L. Florence, Annular plate under a transverse line impulse, Am. Inst. Aeronaut. Astronaut. J. 3, 1726 (1965). 7. N. Perrone, Impulsively loaded strain-rate-sensitive plates, J. Appl. Mech. 34 (1967). 8. N. Jones, Finite deflections of a simply supported rigid-plastic annular plate loaded dynamically, Inc. J. Solids Struct. 4, 593 (1968). 9. N. Jones, Finite deflections of a rigid-visco-plastic strain-hardening annular plate loaded impulsively, J. Appl. Mech. 35,349 (1968). 10. H. R. Aggarwal and C. M. Ablow, Plastic bending ofan annular plate by uniform impulse, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 6, 69 (1971). 11. H. G. Hopkins and W. Prager, The load carrying capacities of circular plates, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 2, l(l953). 12. H. G. Hopkins and W. Prager, On the dynamics of plastic circular plates, J. Appl. Math. Phys. (ZAMP) 5, 317 (1954). 13. A. A: Gvozdev, Analysis of Structures by the Method ofLimit Equikbrium. Stroiizdat (1949) (in Russian). 14. A. S. Grigorev, The limit state of annular plates, Inzh. Sbornik 16, 177 (1953). 15. A. L. Florence, Clamped circular rigid-plastic plates under blast loading, J. Appl. Mech. Series E, No. 2 (1966).

Dans cet article on 6tudie la flexion dynamique de plaques annulaires circulaires, rigides-plastiques, fix&es a' l'extgrieur et libres 2 l'int&ieur, lorsqu'elles sont soumises instantan&nent 2 un effet de souffle transverse distribue' uniformt$ment (1). On montre que les plaques annulaires sont p&f&ables aux plaques sanstrous puisque leur capaciti de charge augmente tandis que les d&flexions r&iduelles diminuent. On introduit un param;tre de limite pour estimer l'effet des conditions aux limites sur le moment du flexion radial. On d6veloppe une procgdure utilisable sur ordinateur pour dgterminer les d6flexions r&iduelles en chaque point de la plaque. On donne des exemples num&iques. Enfin on discute les particularit& de la solution de notre problsme pour des plaques annulaires correspondant h l'agencement de A. J. Wang (Z), A. J. Wang et H. G. Hopkins (3) pour des plaques snas trous.

Zusarnnenfassung: Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die dynamischen Biegung der kreis-ringfsrmigen Starr-plastischen Platten unter dem Einfluss der queren unerwartet beiliegenden



Belastung sprenges Typus LlJ. Die Belastung ist gleichfb'rmig iiber die ganze Platte verteilt. Der Aussenrand der Platte ist unbeweglich gelagert, wahrend der innere Rand frei ist. Es ist ein Vorzug der ringformigen Platten gegenuber den geschlossenen Platten sowohl vom Gesichtspunkt der Erh'dhung der Traglast als such vom Gesichtspunkt der Verkleinerung der restlichen Durchbiegungen behandelt. Der sogenannte grenze Parameter wird fiir eine Bewertung der grenzen Bedingungen auf das radiale Biegemoment am Aussenrand eigefiihrt. Es ist die Prozedur der Berechungen restilicher Durchbiegung in beliebiger Punkte der Platte behandelt. Es gibt die Azhlbeispielen. Die Aufgabe von A. J. Wang [Z], A. J. Wang und H. G. Hopkins [3] fiir die ringformigen Platten wird im Ende des Artikels behandelt.

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