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Spiritus Immortalis, Spiritus Noblis ,

Spiritus Immortalis, Spiritus Noblis , .................................................................................1

The Beauty Of Democracy The Strenght of The Spirit,..................................................1
Sie Walk Art Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica W.I.................................................................1
On A Wall In Three Miles, ..........................................................................................2
In Kingston...................................................................................................................2
Art From A Lane From Central Kingston....................................................................7
A Wall In Arnett Gardens............................................................................................9
Spiritus Immortalis, Spiritus Noblis , ...............................................................................14

The Beauty Of Democracy The Strenght of The Spirit,

Sie Walk Art Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica W.I.

There are times when situations and circumstances callenge us to review our
attitude to those things we value the most, to question their importance , to
examine their worth. It is at these times it is important to remember, that
situations and circumstances can influence ones impressions, can influence
ones emotions but are not able to touch or influence without volunarly given
permission ones self, ones sense of being, individuality, ones spirit. The
world and all within it are powerless against the spirit of the weakest of
person, unless an invitation has been given or permission granted.

Democracy is beautiful not because of the desires or wishes of man, but

rather because of its ability to recreate itself , to preserve itself even in
conditions of the graves of oppression, because of its ability to implant
dreams, to create hope,creating space for man to be man, confirming the
power of God. Democracy at times is like a dirty river full of rocks, full of
boulders, stones, broken away tree trunks and all the garbage it picks up
along the way. It does not flow through a pipe line straight to the sea, but
rather making all the twists, all the turns on its way down, at times
disappearing underground only to reappear where least expected.

There are times when Comrades are led to believe that all hope is gone, the
distance is too far, the challenges are too many, yet it is at precisely at these
times we that we need to look at the words of the ordinary man who has
little or no choices in the scheme of things. Is he or she given up? Has he or

she stopped dreaming? Below are the words of the ordinary man, taken from
the wall at Three Miles, from the walls in Arnett Gardens and from walls in
Central Kingston, words of ordinary PNP people, those who were denied
nearly all.

Basil Fletcher

On A Wall In Three Miles,

In Kingston

Art From A Lane From Central Kingston

A Wall In Arnett Gardens


Will the community of Havana, in Arnett Gardens, respects the skills of the painter of the
above paintings, the work of this young painter who has a mental illness is most valued
and appreciated by tourists visiting Trench Town. These tourist general stop their buses
and or private cars, to take pictures of the paintings on the wall.

The question facing the community and its Member of Parliament , is how to encourage
this young artists and what can be done so that the work of this artist and others like him
are able to be of some benefit to them and to the wider community.

The paintings above seek to remind us, that even when we think that things are hard, even
when we begin to question our own foundamental values, those who are bearing the most
paint, struggling under the heaviest of loads, those who bear the brunt of burdens of this
society has not given up hope, have not ceased dreaming and have not lost faith. The
message painted on the ground in front of the old fridge is instructive.

Spiritus Immortalis, Spiritus Noblis ,

Basil Fletcher


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