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M/M "Lloyd MorrisBox k66


Mrs. Edith Dailey 2308 Michelle Lane

Gi^eensboro, N.C,

Mc^itogo Bay Jamaica, West Indies JANUARY, i973


The follrwing figures are to give yru a general idea of the monthly income on which the work of the Lli^yd Morrises
#^perateG. Those monthly figures include mailing expenses and any bills which Lloyd sends me to pay as well as a varying salary check sent each month to them for living purposes.
As you,can see - support fluctuates from month to month; therefore, what I am able to send them to live off of also

Let us thank G^-d for their marvelous faith! !

Very few

of us would endure the physical and emotional sacrifices that Pat Eind Lloyd have had to endure for Christ,

Please keep in mind while reading thece figures, that

OTJtr U.S. dollar is ^^nly worth about 75^ in Jamaica. BALANCE ON HAND - April, 1972 May
* June

-706.50 286.50


" llO^OO


370. 00



EXPENSES,FOR May,1972-Juno



July August SeptemberOctober November-December--





Three hundred-thirty-six dollars is the amount specifically designated to date for the "Community Services Center." This

includes $135.00 given for a sewing machine to be used in this


If you want your money to go to this project, please so

designate on your check.

Pat*s expenses go on.

Also, please remember that Lloyd and

I hope that you will not "take from Peter

to give to Paul." The next letter will give some interesting details of the work going on in this Center,


mwres^ B0tU

A* CnRisi


M/M Lloyd Morris

Box ^66


^irs. Edith Dailey

2308 Michelle Lane Greensboro, N.C.

Montego Bay Jamaica, West- Indies



the Lord and feeling excited at the accomplishments. We spent a quiet Christmas visiting with my parents and
for the most part, spending time with Pat and the children.
services during the month of December were well attended and

"Greetings, my Friends in Christ I

We are here working for


we had many visitors from the U.S.A. attending our services. "Community Services Center" opened its doors on the 9th of January. We opened with I6 students. We now have 23, although they do not attend regularly. However, we are excited about the prospects. The young people and myself have beauti

concrete slabs as a walkway, and believe me the place is look ing good. The lawn is watered twice each day. One section
of the lawn is set aside for flowers. The flower seeds were sown and they are now pushing their heads through the earth."
In another three months we will have the most beautiful lawn
in the area.

fied the place.

We planted grass so as to make a lawn* placed

three instructors for the girls. will pay their salaries.

paid a weekly salary.

We have two young men who are instructing the boys and

These young people are not

In the future, the items that are sold

One of the frustrating problems is

that we have no money for buying stock for the kids to work with. So sometimes they sit doing nothing and that's when the trouble

begins. I have written several letters to organizations in Montego Bay, but no response as yet. However, we are hopeful that things (financially) will begin to improve. Working with kids on a one to one basis is great, but
when they are together it is another matter. Talk about

troublesome kids, I've got them., They are sulky, provoking,

determined to work with them. You cannot put anything down as your back is turned, it is gone. So you can imagine what things are like. V^/e have guest speakers and everybody is doing his own thing. V/ith all this, the kids are hard workers and they are pulling their weight in keeping the place clean,(sometimes). When I look at what is happening I think they are trying me and also to see how much they can get away with.*
is to be disciplined, we call the group together; then the
group decides on the punishment.

teasers, fighters, have no manners, etc., etc., but I am

We are having our group counciling sessions.

If someone

This is a delicate matter to

work out but so far the main responsibility is on the students themselves. With all the difficulties, they speak freely and they are very intelligent and knowledgeable. All of us are responsible for keeping the premises clean.
want to get away with doing as little as possible.

This is really a trying situation.

The girls, in particular,

force them to keep the bath room clean and to pick up after, themselves. They eat and throw the garbage on the floor ajid keep on walking over it. Sometimes I have to ask myself if

I have to

I am trying to punish myself. Many of the girls are clannish. If a girl that is not within a certain group looks on a girl that is in another group, they are ready to fight/ We have a lot of discussions going, so in time I hope that they will see the reasons for living together in peace. We have our devotions at 9 A.M. every morning.. Each
student has his or her turn, but no one wants to "be respon

sible, or even to read the Bible.

We have books and magazines

for everyone to read. Some students are willing to read during their lunch break; some could not care less. Ghetto living is a hell on earth. It affects the minds in such a way that young people are forced to behave like animals. We need the prayer of every Christian that the Lord will give me the wisdom to work with these young lives. I

think the young people like coming to the Center, because they are bringing their friends along. V/e will definitely
have to encourage some of the boys to take a bath. We have clothing so they can change Thanks to our many friends for sending us clothing from the U.S.A. Some of our students are High School dropouts and former gang members. We now have one sewing maching, thanks to Miss Nellie
Shultz and friends of the Faribault Church of Christ."







I ,



/. ;a



3232 Yanceyville Street Greensboro, N.C. 27^05

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fioK Cnaist



Mr.?Mrs. Lloyd Morris

Box ^66

Mrs, Edith Dailey 23O8 Michelle Lane

Greensboro, N.C.

Montego Bay Jamaica, West Indies MARCH, 1973



I have never found i t difficult to serve the Lord, yet

I have many times found it difficult to accept His will. You see, it is easier to want to do my own thing. Still I have come

to realize that in doing His will, I find it more easier to live

with myself, I have a greater peace and a Blessed Assurance. In listening to friends and watching the things that they do, especially Christian friends, one would like to accept
customs and culture over the Bible, But i f we are to "Be

Christians Only", we must accept the great truth that the

^ibie-^nd: its teachings transcends culture, customs, sind prejudices. This is why I would like to pay tribute to all our loyal supporters
over the years.

The Morris family would like to thank our many friends for support given to us over the years. Things have not been easy. Financially we have never had enough to really meet our needs,

but we have had the strength and courage to believe that we will never go hungry. Looking back we have felt that we have lost some great opportunities because we had no funds to carry them through. But your many letters of encouragement have kept our
eyes on Jesus.

It is good to know that the things that I have been writing and saying for years and for which I was openly criticized, are
becoming central issues in the Christian Standard. For years I have advocated a change in how missionaries are sent out, how money is being spent; that the missionary should really be
accountable to someone. I notice that articles are also

appearing on this matter in the Christian Standard. Many of my friends withdrew their support because of my stand, so it is good to know that my brothers and sisters are finally seeing
the truth in what nationals have been saying for years. You can how see why I would like to pay a special tribute to you my ' ~

friends who have supported me in spite of great opposition. Programs must change, approach must change, but the V/ord of God 'never changes. I have been offered some very lucrative jobs; on the l6th of February, I received the last one, and I have tiJirned- them down. They all pay three or four times what

I am now getting.
accepted His will.

But until the Lord says yes, I am staying

put. The Government offered me a scholarship to study in Swansea, Wales for two years, but the Lord said no, and I have
We need an increase in oir support so as to make ends meet.

Our car is now 7 years oldj it has travelled 9^,000 miles and
it is shaking. Those of you who have been in Jamaica realize
Our car makes so much that our roads leave much to be desired.

noise that when I hit a pot-hole, it sounds like a tin cf bolts falling from off the work bench. The floor is rotted out. We


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have placed cardboard under the rubber mat to keep water out.

We know that the Lord will continue to supply our_need,s:. _

Clinic July 15-26, or at the North American Convention. why I must serve the Lord.
North American,

We look forward to seeing you all at our Caribbean Missions

A friend

is paying my way for me to attend the Convention.

I have never attended a convention

You see

and I was not thinking about it when the offer was made to me. So I am looking forward to meeting you all again at the

The Lord is working in the hearts of people everywherel Thanks to one and all for your support! Let 1973 be a year of
challenge for all of us.



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G^^EENSBORO CHURCH OF CHRIST 3232 Yanceyville Street Greensboro, N.C. 274-05

Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage

Greensboro, N.C.
Permit No. 297






A* CnRist



IVir. /Mrs ;~L3:Dy?i~'-Morrs"


Montego Bay Jamaica, VJest Indies

APRIL, 1973

-Mrs-. -E-di-th-Da-iiey2308 Michelle Lane Greensboro, N.C, .


Greetings! from the land of sunshine!1

Community Services

Center is moving along nicely. V/e have just "built our salesroom and display room, and the girls decorated'the building and they have done a marvelous job.: We now have finished products
for sale. So far we have not been able to sell anything, but the public is visiting to inspect the work.

At the moment we a^re out of materials for the girls to ^

work with, but we are praying that the needs of the center will
be met, I feel that within two years the center will be totally

self-supporting. We need about $200,00 per month for two years. If the general public buys the items made, then I am convinced
that the center can be self-supporting in this amount of time. I believe that if we genuinely love and care for people,

they will eventually respond to us. The way the^girls have been responding is worth the hard work involved in working with them. The language they use is improving and they are communicat

ing with each other on a higher level. At least two of the girls are going to church regularly and some of the others are asking questions about the Bible, Can you imagine I6 year old girls
unable to pray! V^e are starting out with the Lord's Prayer,
The latter two articles would need to

We are now trying to raise (1) A dining table; (2) Twelve,

(3) One refrigerator; (4) One stove j for teaching the
girls to COOK and bake. be bought in Jamaica.

One of the great privileges I have is to witness to the young people daily, V^e are always a&le to apply some Bible truth to every situation that arises. All in all, we are having a great time living and working together. We have prayer meeting and Bible Study every Monday night. V/hen it is my turn, I always tell our congregation that iho of the church is dependent on our personal involvment.

I rjiust .praisfc T.ri-rd that our young people have started their own calling program and so a.i ii&ve seen good results.

Sister Yvonne Campbell has started a Bible Club ax Granvile,

three miles from Montego Bay, We meeb tit Or-anville Primary School every Saturday at 3:30 P.M, The first Saturday we met, no children came outs however, for the next week we went call

ing and so far we have over 4o children" attending regularly. Upon my return to Jamaica in 1967 I made a decision that with the guidance of the Lord, I would not only be concerned
about the area in which I would work, but with the whole of


I, have.spent alot of time travelling to our churches?

written articles to motivate our people; gotten our camp going

and so on, I spoke to our men about the church buildings we had that were half finished and the ugliness about them and that it was our responsibility to help the ministers to complete the buildings. So Brother Delroy Brown launched "Operation Build Day" and many of our churches sent workers to complete the Gayle Church of Christ. After the Gayle building is completed we will work on the Free Hill building. Many people are writing to find out how they can help our



When I attend the North American Christian Convention,

I will "be in Indianapolis from July 9-1^.

things can be sent ahead of time,

I am willing to take

home with me all the wool and yarn that is sent to me.


hy address will "be:

Idianapolis Athletic Club 350 N, Meridion Street

Indianapolis, Indiana ^620^

VJe are planning 6-8 weeks of D.V.B.S,

from Minnesota Will be with us.
singspirations and so on.

A team of 6 students

We are concentrating on

f/lontego Bay: this summer, V/e want to saturate P/lontego Bay with the message of Christ's love. V/e plan to hold "rap" sessions,
I felt pleased a month ago when the young people living

in my area come and asked me if I would form them into a youth group, V/e now have 30 members and the kids are doing a good job of organising themselves. We are; planning a week of
D.V.B.S. in this area also.

We would like to thank all the churches for sending us

Sunday School literature. V/e appreciate the thoughtfulness of everyone. I would like to convey my deep felt gratitude to our many friends for all the ways you are remembering us. I would especially like to ask for your continued prayers
for us.

Yo'urs for a Christian World,

:I .



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A.,, 1 '






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9-(oO c/^

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A* Cn/iist


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B'lr.A^S' Lloyd Morris

Montego Bay Jamaica, West Indies

i.'irs, Edith Dailey 2308 Kichelle Lane

Greensboro, Ti.C.


Greetings! from Camp! Things have been going great for us but we are very tired. The summer has been so very busy and we have seen the Lord glorified in so many ways by so many people. Please forgive us for not getting out our summer news letters. I would li^e to encourage each of you who need information or news

concerning us to please write to our forwarding agent.

By the time

I answer each letter at length from our supporters, I have very little

time to get our news to our agent and our time is so limited. We love each of you and enjoy hearing from you so please understand that
to make us freer to serve the Lord.

it is not that we do not want to be bothered in answering your letters, but that we are so very busy. This is another way that you can help

I enjoyed the fellowship with all God's people - especially those that were in college with me. It was greal;. talking over old times. The sermons were thought-provoking and a lot of work was put into them. The singing was glorious! F^y greatest deligjt was in attending the workshops on missions. The ideas that some of us have been talking about was the "in thing." Members of the con^rep-ations visiting the mission field, churches knowing something about the people they support instead of giving them ^10 and not seeing them again, and only supporting the person that the church
is responsible for. To me it makes sense!

The Korth American Convention was a great experience for me.

I attended as many sessions as I could so I was on the go all the time. I bought a lot of books and after camp I am going to do a lot of reading. I am trying out some new concepts in the church- like conversational prayer, prayer groups, etc., and we have all been blessed. The young people are enjoying this new fellowship. Our church attendance this summer has been very good, also
States who are challenging our people to do more personal

our giving. This can be attributed to our young people from the evangelism. The Lord has really been blessing the church and our ministry. The alcoholic who we mentioned several newsletters back,
has been to church once? but this is a start. We are calling on

him and our prayers are that the Lord will really knock him down on the "Damascus Road". His wife is a regular visitor to our services, so please continue to remember this family in your prayers. We are now negotiating for church property. I will send you
Montep'o Bay - 2.^ miles from V/est Gate . Our kids from the States are doing a tremendous job!
are also learning from us.

all the'details later. Cost $J18,000 - down payment^is $3,000 - and $15,000 payable in six months acres of land miles from .
convinced more and more that this internship programme is a good idea. The young people are making a great contribution and they
I am




So far we have had k weeks of D.V.B.S. The kids have done a beautiful jobs July 2-6 Railway Lane Had I30 children July 9-13 North Gully Had 90 children Mt Salem Had 300 children July 16-21 July 30-Aug.3 Still going on.

The children enjoyed every minute.

They were kept off the

streets and they were taught about God.

the literature. Praise the Lord!

Over $900 was spent on


The Rochester and Blanchard Churches gave the money for

for this contributinn.

children appreciated the interest shown in them and they responded

by not wanting the classes to be dismissed.

V/e are in the first week of camp. V/e have I25-I30 children (ages 9-13)-for this week. The children are having, a great time. . However I am in the dorm and these kids are never tired. Although lights are out at 9 P.M., they rarely fall asleep till about 12 midnight. And they wake up by 5 A.11. Of course they have a hard time keeping awake in chapel and inclass. The spirit at camp is
just great! The Carribran Missions Clinic was very successful and our hearts were blessed by the messages and the great spiritual feast
declared from the \Vord of God,

Community Services Center is coming into its own. Many government agencies and individuals are studying the concept behind the center and they are liking what they see. The government is

setting up a center like Uontego Bay in a town about 3^ miles from

This will be off the ground by the end of the year. Our house this summer, has been the meeting place for all of the teenagers in our community. The young people from Hopefield Church in Kingston are with uss some are working.while others are just fellowshiping and we are thankful that the Lord has provided the means to be host to these young Christians. I received two.boxes of yarn in Indianapolis for,the Center. JtoLjnanyLjiiany__hanks-tQ.,th.as5^Chrisiians.. wh_o_.contributed._in_this^ way_._ May God continue to bless each of you as you are His witnesses through your sharing and concern for His work here in MontegG Bay! here.


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Mr/Mrs. Lloyd Morris

Box ^66 Montego Bay Jamaica, West Indies

Mrs. Edith Dailey 2308 Michelle Lane

Greenstoro, N.C.


Greetings from the Friendly City! For the first week in camp Vv'e had I25 campers s 1? decisions for Christ j 11 of these were "baptised; ? of these were from Montego Bay, For the second week we

had 111 campers?

13 were "baptised into Christ;

6 of-'these from

Montego Bay, We had I6 rededications. We are looicing into plans for oiir own camp site. This year we "bought a freezer and 40 beds. We have seen the necessity to invest money in items that are needed. When we receive land for our camp site, we will "build the buildings by having work days, "hen-we will use the facilities year around for Seminars, Retreats,
and such as that.

For our last week of D.V.B.S, S.t Granville, we had 100


This group was the easiest to teach because of our

Saturday evening Bible Club,

Not only is our congregation growing in numbers but we are

growing spiritually. We are meeting in small groups for prayer and v/e are trying to develope the new concept of conversational prayer.

The spirit of sharing is just great!

Now we are planning a train

ing program for our new Christians. We are meeting every Sunday from 6-7 P.M. If new Christians are to grow, they must "be _ ^


One older Christian will be responsible for visiting

with a new Christian at least once each week. Many souls have been won to the Lord! V/e Pi^aise His Holy Name! There are many

other young people in our congregation who are thinking of accepting


Montego Bay.

break thi'ough with our young people in bringing them to Christ. If this is done we will cut down on the illigitimate birth-rate,^ We have been searching--for land to build a church building in

We need every one to fast and pray with us so that we can

We have found hi acres for $20,000,

The land is 2^^ -

miles from a very modern shopping center.

Dale housing development and is also adjacent to another housing development where 500-800 new homes will be built. About 200 yards up the road the government has just built a Botanical Gardens; a
tourist attraction. So many new families are moving into the ,area.

It is next door to Irvin

The government is also building a bridge to link the two developments

30 about 20,000 people will be moving back and forth. Next door to one side of these developments another 500 homes will be built. Hotels, condominiums, and apartments will also be built. The town

is moving out because there is no room for future developments in

We are asking Christians everywhere to assist us in buying
this land. We have until the end of December,

downtown Montego Bay.

they are asking $5,000. down and the rest at the end of December,
This is the Lord's work and we are^

As a matter of fact

We have $1,500. of our own.

leaving everything in His hands.

the Lord will answer our prayers.

We need 2,000 Christians to give

$10. each or 200 persons to give $100. each or for you to help us with any amount the Lord lays upon your heart. We are praying that

warming up but we are trying to keep things cool,

Jamaica is experiencing some serious times. Crimes, especially gun crimes, have reached a serious state here. Montego Bay is also

I am trying

to help every child with whatever he needs to go to schoolj even to provide lunch, shoes etc. To help adults , so that they do

not feel that no one cares. We are selling used clothing at Community Services Center and this money is not used at the Center. It is used to help the needy in the community. If some one has
no money, we give them the clothing, shoes, etc., free. It is

unbelievable the amount of people we have helped so far,

I am

suggesting that every person who receives our newsletter send us

sure the Lord will richly bless each of you for helping to clothe
some one in need.
Montego Bay Church of Christ

(one) box of used clothing so that more people could be helped.


The boxes or bags must be addressed as followss

C/O Lloyd Morris

P.0. Box 466

r/iontego Bay, Jamaica, West Indies


We can't give enough thanks to those who have already sent

clothing and yarn and money and especially, your sweet prayers on
behalf of our family and the Lord's work here. The literature that some of the churches have provided and other individuals have sent

done it unto one of the least of these my brethreni ye have done

it unto me,"
you real good!

or payed for has been an offering of love we shall not forget. Jesus said, "Verily, I say unto you, in as much as you have Matt, 253^0. r/iay the Lord continue to bless each of


^ ...

. K .' y.




. J ,

GREEfiSBORO CHURCH OF CHRIST 3232 Yanceyville Street Greensboro, N.C, 27^1-05

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' OCT 1 5

Greensboro, K.C, Permit I^o, 297





- f.


Mr./Mrs. Lloyd Morris

Montego Bay Jamaica, West Indies


Mrs. Edith Dailey

2308 Michelle Lane Greensboro, N,C.


Greetings from the city of love! Today is a beautiful day and the sun is shining in all its glory. People are walking up
and down the streeti some are on their way to work, while others

who are unable to find work are hungry aind are coming to my office asking me for something to eat. I just spok to one young man who
by profession is a painter. He has very good recommendations but

he has not worked for 5 weeks. He really looked hungry but our kitchen fixtiires are still being worked on so our cooking depart ment is still not ready, Ltamber, nails, and all building materials have gone up in prices so I had to lay off the carpenter until
more money can be found to continue the work.

Everything that ypu can think of has gone up.

Last week a

5 lb, bag of flour was 47(^ Today it is being sold for $1.10, things that provided a staple diet for most people are so high
that one now has to look s:t the cook books to find substitutes.


We buy eggs only for Mary Beth and Kay for they are a $1,00 per

dozen. People who are earning $10.00 per week are really suffering, I can understand their suffering because we are really feeling the pinch too. The Government is trying to make flour from bananas
and breadfruit.

High protien flour will then be provided for the

Our Church is here to stay. However, sometimes one gets frustrated becuase everyone is not pulling their weight. We have a few that are really pressing ahead while the others appear not to even want to help themselves. Anyway I am pressing on. We

have a few good students of the Bible here. I have a training program for the young men of the Church on Sunday evenings and have only one student. He is doing well and is preaching some
Sunday nights.

Many of our new Christians have moved to Kingston in search of employment and also to attend school. We miss them, but they are involved with our churches in Kingston. Work is hard to come by in Montego Bay today, so things are tight. The hotels are not
doing so well at this time of the year. We are planning our Annual Christmas Retreat. If all goes well, Dr, Fife from Milligan College will be our guest speaker, . We expect 70-80 people to be in attendance. We transact no business
at our retreats, just Bible study, so we usually have a great

time. We are trying to have all our churches participating in the plannirig but with so many loyalties, that work usually falls on the shoulders of a few of us. Anyway, the Lord has been blessing so many lives that within a few years, attitudes should change. We are still receiving great blessings from our summer

activities. The Granville Bible Club continues to grow and many more children are attending our Sunday morning services, The

children are singing the many many songs that they were taught
by the kids from the States.

We would like to thank our supporters who have stuck with us over the years, The going has not been easys sometimes the

problems have been overwhelming, but through the prayers of our many friends the Lord has carried us through. The devil works

overtime to discourage us but we are fighting him off by living

with the promises of the Lord. So we say a big "THANK YOU" to everyone. Special thanks must go to the Truman, Pierre, arid
Faribault Churches of Christ for Bible School Literature received.

We distribute this literature to many churches, so hundreds of

children and adults are being benifitted by your generosity.

especially in need of .Teacher's Quarterleys. Thanks to the Blanchard Church for paying for our Sunday School Supplies.

We are

are really not enough to express our appreciation for your love and concern. The teachers have material to give to their child ren and they show a real interest in attending Bible School. To

the Meadow Park Church in Rochester, we thank you for helping the
summer interns to be able to work with us in Jamaica. I Imow.

that you all had to sacrifice to send so many young people to


The tools for Community Services Center were greatly

My prayer is that you will corae and see the


great works performed now because of these tools. To one and all we say thanks! As our church grows we see the need for our own land and

building. Thanks to all who are making an effort to help us in buying land here in Montego Bay, The price of land is going
up everyday, but we are confident that all God's Children will respond to the needs as presented. May each of you continue

to Praise God and His wonderful Son! for all the many victories
each of us has been allowed to accomplish for Him!

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V 6 o<-^ f ,
L 'i

fi&K CnRis't


Mr./Mrs. Lloyd Morris

Box ^66


Montego Bay Jamaica, West Indies


. _ Mrs. Edith palley '2308 Michelle Lane

Greensboro, NC.


would like to pay tribute to Brother and Sister George Haden; missionaries working in Montego Bay, When we think of mission

aries, we usually thinly of on^s sent by the church to evangelize

supporting churches. Brother and Sister Haden do not fit this

and one who has to return home on furlough and has to report to
description. Brother George, as he is called by all of us, is a sheet metal worker from Lexington, Kentucky. He has been a member of the Northern Heights '"Church of Christ for many, many
years. He came to Jamaica as an employee of Keramons Wilson Const. Co, to work on the Holiday Inn and Inter-Continental Hotels in V
Montego Bay,

The moment the Hadens came to Montego Bay, they went to work. Bro, George teaches a Bible School Class; he is in charge of the

communion meditation on Sunday mornings; assists in the training

program for our teachers; transports children to and from church;

^d shares financially in our church and camp programs.

His home

is open to all and he witnesses to all those with whom he comes in

contact. He preaches when I have to be away. What impresses me the most is that Bro, George and his family became members of the Montego Bay Church of Christ because they will be here for at least two years. He is a great Christian man, one who loves the Lord and he proves it by the way he lives. We need more missionaries like Bro. George, Sister Margaret, as she is called by everyone, is a stabilizer in her own rights. She teaches a Bible School Class, helps with the Granville Bible Club on Saturdays, teaches Daily Vacation Bible School, teaches at our Christian Summer Camp, and transports children to and from^church. She is very dedicated to the Lord's work and is a most gracious hostess. She is interested in everyone who attends church, but shows so much interest in our young

The Lord sent this fine family to Montego Bay to a young congregation when it needed a stabilizing family. With their years of experience in serving the Lord you can imagine how help ful they are to the Lord's work here. They are very beautiful

The Hadens are the proud parents of four children.

adults and one is still a child.

Three are

The adults have been involved

in our work also. They assist in sending children to camp ^d when they visitJamaica, we are just one big happy family. Their eldest son, Bro. George Haden, Jr., is the minister of the " Blanchard Church of Christ in Blanchard, Pennsylvania, This church
pays for all of our Sunday School literature and has been a real strength to our family and church. We need more missionary families like the Hadens. Maybe there

are other families like this one who can get a job for a few years away from home. Churches like this one would appreciate you so much. May God continue to bless this family and yours too during the coming months if the Lord sees fit to tarry. We count each or

you among our special blessings as we give thanks to God during

this special season of Thanksgiving celebrated by America.




Mr./Mrs, Lloyd Morris

Box k66


Montego Bay
Jamaica, West Indies

,..-p r, rj


Mrs. Edith Dailey 23O8 Michelle Lane Greensboro, N.C. 27^07



Greetings from the city of lrve., We^ are busy, busy, busy. Christmas is a very busy time and we are preparing the children for a special Christmas program. At first we were planning to hold it during the Bible School hour, but we are changing it to Sunday night. We are making a special effort to get the parents
out. This is avery big task but we are trying. The children are bright and willing to learn. We are also preparing special Christmas music for our Sunday morning worship. We plan on about 15 minutes, Pat is doing a good job with the young people.
Our church attendance is picking up.
month of November I spoke on the theme,

Every Sunday we have

at least two new faces, and they return regularly.

During the

"What i t means to be a

Christian," During the month of December, I am speaking on, "Prophecies on the Birth of Christ," Everyone brings their pencils and paper for writing down scriptures. This is proving to be a great asset to Bible learning, I find this study very rewarding,
A special thanks to all our friends in the Greensboro Church for placing their faith in the Lord's work here. It means more

to us than we can sayto know that you are behind us with your pray ers and financial gifts. Also, our heartfelt thanks to everyone

who has seen fit to be our co-laborers in this soul winning effort
for our Lord.

The going has not been easy but the future looks

As we" prepare ourselves to take a new look at the Christmas season, a time of giving, a time of reflection on the Birth of
Christ, I am reminded of these words:

"For Unto us a child is born, A Son is given imto us, and the government shall be upon His shoulders He shall wear the insignia of royalty.
And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace."

We do not worship the Baby in Bethlehem's manger, but we worship the Christ of our lives! As we worship Him, let us

remember that, if.we^wan^ knowledge He is the Counsellor,

want reconciliation witb God": He is the Prince of Peace.

If we f
If we, ..
, )

need support under ;the calamities of this life, He is the 'mighty


by opening "bhe'^tes of. eternal life to you, He is the Father of

If we hav^ need of one to comfort us from the fear of death,

Eternity. B/Iy brothers and sisters in Jesus, Pat, Mary Beth, Linda Kay, and myself would like to wish you all a very Blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

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