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GODI[EN GLOBALEN PLAN ZA REALIZACIJA NA PROGRAMA PO ANGLISKI JAZIK ZA VI (devetgodi{no) ODD. 2013/2014 STRUKTURA NA GODI[NIOT GLOBALEN PLAN Vokabular Komunikativni modeli Communicative models Obrabo tka na novi sodr`i ni Uve`bu vawe na sodr`i ni Utvrdu vawe na sodr`i ni Orient. vreme na realizaci ja na nastavnit e celini I nedela septemvri II nedela oktomvri

Re de n Br .

Nastavn i celini





Module 1 (Unit 1, 2)

Can Personal Pronouns To Be Wh-Questions Plural of the Nouns


Module 2 (Unit 3, 4)


Module 3 (Unit 5, 6)

Have Got Possessive Adjectives Possessive 's a, an, some, any this, that, these, those Present Simple Tense Wh-Questions Adverbs of Frequency Have + a meal etc. There is/There are Uncountable Nouns Prepositions Can (ability and

-The Alphabet -Numbers and Dates -Things in the classroom -Members of a band -Activities -Countries and Cities -Geography -Everyday things -Families -Appearance and Personality -The Body

-Talk about yourself and your friends -Write a letter to a pen-friend -Ask for and give information -Talk about an imaginary band -Describe your interests -Talk about cities and countries


-Talk about possessions and things you use at school -Say who something belongs to Write and talk about people's appearance and personality


III nedela oktomvri IV nedela noemvri

-Things you do regularly -Scary things -Food, drink and meals -The time -Daily routines -Homes -Things in a room -Food -Abilities -Places in a town


Module 4 Unit (7, 8)

-Describe things you do -Write about teenagers -Talk about, fears, likes and dislikes -Talk about daily life and habits -Write a questionnaire -Talk about food -Ask for and tell the time -Describe and write about different homes and rooms -Ask about places and food -Write a recipe -Talk about your abilities


V nedela noemvri IV nedela januari


I nedela fevruari II nedela mart

permission) Must/Mustn't Imperative


Module 5 (Unit 9, 10)

Present Continuous Tense Object Pronouns Suggestions Going To

-Clothes -Football -The weather -Future time expressions


Module 6 (Unit 11, 12)

Past Simple Tense: -Occupations To Be -Past time expressions Past Simple Tense (regular and Irregular verbs)

-Describe things you can do in your town -Describe the sights and sounds around you -Tell people what to do -Describe things in progress at the moment -Talk about clothes -Talk about future arrangements, plans and intentions -Write a message to a friend -Talk about the weather -Write a holiday postcard -Talk and write about people from the past and things that happened in the past -Write about a person's life -Talk about your early childhood -Talk about your school year


III nedela mart IV nedela april


I nedela maj II nedela juni

Celi na nastavata: 1. Vokabular - ~itawe i preveduvawe na tekst, interpretirawe na tekst, pi{uvawe i pravilen izgovor na novi zborovi 2. Gramatika - prepoznavawe na gramati~kite vremiwa: Present Simple Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Past Simple Tense prepoznavawe na formata Going To, glagolot Can, pravilna upotreba na predlozite, pravilna upotreba na Must i Mustn't, formata Should, kako i na prisvojnite zamenki, postavuvawe pra{awa so pra{alni zbor~iwa (Wh-Questions) 3. Komunikacija (usna) - iska`uvawe sposobnosti, zboruvawe za sega{ni, minati i idni dejstva, kako i planovi i nameri, iska`uvawe frekfencija, davawe naredbi, predlozi 4. Komunikacija (pismena) - pi{uvawe tekst na dadena tema Postapki i instrumenti za vrednuvawe na postigawata na u~enicite: formativno i sumativno ocenuvawe, opisno ocenuvawe, tematski testovi, polugodi{ni testovi, diktati, usno i pismeno razbirawe i izrazuvawe, samoocenuvawe, ocenuvawe od sou~enici, ~ek-listi, pra{alnici. Nastavnik Direktor




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