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IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 1996


For r~aiiiplc. it is assiui~c(l tliat small PI. stalled on a, largc nitni1x.r of roofs iii ii coiiii wlierc high laiid pricm pro1iil)it. t.hc t.oiistruction of large, isolated P\' arrays. .Iccnratcly iiig tlic iiiipact of P\' tcclinology 011 tlip local pon-rr grid tlicrcfort. reqiiircs cvrtliiat,ioii of PV oiit,piit cIiaract,eristir at two levels. First, iiidivitlual PV syst,crns will geiieratc fliictua.tiiig l e i ~ l sof electricity rlcpcndent, on geographic loca.tion. seami, m d m-catlicr. Secoiid, t,iir complex iutcractioii aiiioiig millioiis of siiiali. indcpeiideiit, PV s y s t e m d l place iiiiiisiial tleiiiaiitls oii tlic overs11 agcwient capacity. -icw)rdiiigl;l!-. t.his prcsent study uscd siiiishinc. diirat,ion tlat,a Datta Acquisition ol,tilinctl from tlic .iiitoiiiat~ed~,~ctc.orologic.d Systciii ( .-UIeD.4!3) t,o cst,iiiiilt<lsolar rwtliitt,ioii iiitciisity at a 1i~uiil~rr of locat,ioiis in hletropolitaii Toliyo. 011 tlic 1)iLSis of this da.ta, n-t c.onld c d d a t e tlir total outpiit of a dispersed P\? system ol-er a loca1izPd t w a . Thc tlegrec of substitiition providctl by the PI wistiiig po~vers?-stciii n-as cdciilatctl i.~ssiuiiiiigthat, t,he tot,al oiitput of P \ : geiierat,ed clcctricity aiitl r1t.ctric p o w r dcinaiid fluctuate oil a stochastic lmis among scrics of iiiiiiiit~ly subdithese 1-itlcd time scctors throiiglioiit tlw y w r . T l - 0 ;q)proxiinat>ed flnrtuatioiis iisiiig iioriiial tlist~ril)utioris, tilki~igt,lic. correlat,ion lwtmen the two factors into co~isiderat~ioii, aiid applying t,he condition of a const.aiit loss of lox1 probabilit,y (LOLP). The cc.onoiiiic conclitions t.liat ~voiiltlpcriiiit, t,lif> iiit,roductiori of PV s y s t e m to t2heexisting: dcct.ric power system ~l-cre cdculated as the hrea.l-crPn cost. 1T-e also assumed t.hat..over tiriic. t lir aclditioii of.~ievcPV stane m that, relat,iw proport ion of p o w r cleiiiaiid iiiet s ~~-oiiltl also iiic.reasc. Uiitler tlicsc conditions, t,he ioii of t.lw syst,eiii n-oiiltl l)c iiiorc strongly affected by stochastic ~-ariations in PIoiitput. In LFC', for cxaiiiple, reiiiarkalile o n t p t fluct.uat,ions iii tlic F ' \ - , t o tlie csistiiig load fluctua.tioiisiu tlic coiivciitioiial system. Conscqnently, lm6h the freqiimcy tltriatioii ~ i i t l tlic t,ie-liiie power flon- deviation vioiild iiicrrasr. To E I I S U ~ Pcoiisistcnt tlclivcry of i ~ i i ii.dcqiiatc dectrical supply, oiir iiiodcl incorporated il rcquiiciiieiit of iiicwii.srtl LFC' capacit.y THE APPROACH as thc P\7-tleri.c-cdproport,ioii of rlcctririty gtwwtioii iiicreased. 11i ortlrr to rTxliiiitr tliv PIsystciii, it is not siifficioiit to siim by cstiiiiating t,hc short-t.triii Tliis adjiistiiicnt to LFC' n-as iii;~tlc its (,iil)i1citvof electricity gmerittioii a i d . cost. xi-itli fiiictuatioiis of both e1ectricit.y driiiili~dand P\' power generalily (~oiii1)~irr t rit(Iitioiiii1. l q g c ~ - s ( d1)oiwr (~ griirrat,ioii tecliiiologiw t,ioii. and iiicreineiit,iiig LFC'c it,y iicrortlingly t o ha.ndle the potcrit,idly largcr ol-erall fliictiiat,ions. 95 SM 619-7 EC A paper recommended and approved
by the IEEE Energy Development and Power Generation Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at the 1995 IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, July 23-27, 1995, Portland, OR. Manuscript submitted December 29, 1994; made available for printing June 5, 1995

DATA USED FOR EXAMINATION Estimation Method for the Total Output of a Dispersed P V Network

0885-8969/96/$05.00 0 1995 IEEE


surface IA. by cquatioii (3).

0 Meteorological stations (5 pointntc)

Figuic 1 Lo( atioii of A l k D A S olxeiv&ioii poiiits

I = I,, siii ho I, (2) = I~P/~ siii /~ t o~ + ~f ( ~ / t o ), I , ,~(P./I( = ~ ) (O.GG - 0.32siii/ro)(l- P / l t ~ ~ ) s i n / i o x (0.5 (0.1 - O X ) siii / t o } IA. = I,/{siii 110 (os H cos / I O siii H cos( A() - - A p ) } 1+ C O S H 1 - cos0 +I,* ___ I p(3) 2 2 Assuiniiig t,lw inverter c.oiir.ersion dficieiicy t~o be 0.9, we were ablp to calcul~itmc the PV oiit,put, at, each point,, usiiig the obtained quaiit,ity of solar radiitt,ioii oii t.he tilt,ed surfxr 4 and the PV capacity. The PV oiit,piit,was obtained by assmiiiig that the solar radiation iiieasnrcd at ea,cli AMeDAS poiiit approxiiiiat,ed that, locittioiis peripheral solar radiation. The PV capacit,y for t hc whole systriii was (list ri1)iitcd to each prefectsure in I)roport,ioii to tlw iiiiiiil~erof coiitract,s. The PV capacit,y of rad1 prefect,urc was obt,aiiietl by taking its iuvcra,gr over every AhIeDAS point,.

+ +

Short-Period Fluctuation of Electric Power Demand To. oht,aiii t,he fluetiintioil cliaravtcristics of cdcct,ric power deiiiaiid, m 7 e used tlat,a oil c4txtric pon-cr dciiiimtl collcct,ed over a pcriod of 10 days tliiriiig Angust aiitl Septt~ml)cr of 1993. Because t,hc t,otal dciiiaiitl rec~ortlctlat the1 cwitral load rlis, at the generating patching stat,iori signifies the>tot a1 dcinaatl P (~1s. the load quiliitity PLO at the standard frequency is obtitilied a.s follows:

0.8 I

Short-Period Fluctuation of P V Output

Diiriiig t l i ( 3 iiiontli of .higiist 1992. n'e obtiiiiiotl solar railkition iiitriisity (lata froiii oiio sit0 at 10-s int.ervals. T l i ) applied the sliort-tcriii varia,tioiis iii solar illtensity t,o oiir stantlard tilt.et1 si1rfac.c to cleriw n i o d ~swiiipliiig l dat,a for short,-t,crinfliict,uat,ioiis in PIpower oiit.piit. s in First. tliv iir-cmigc' solar radiatioii intensity ~ w iic.c.ordwiic~ n-itli tlit' saiiipliiig cycle of load fluctuation. The data n-cw tlim passtd tliroiigli ill(. siiiiip filt,ers as t.lic loatl fluctiia.tioiis to obtain data on solar rdiatioii intensity, coiisisting of LFC iillot t ( ~ N 1 ~ C ~ S Tlitx . fluctucttiiig speed wns o1,taiiietl fro111 the tlifftwxtial loid data. Tlic tlispcrsioii and spac~lof fliwtuat.ion ~v(w c~stiiiiiit~c~tl froiii tlic' tiiiic.-srries c1at.a.
66 8
12 14




Figure 3: Sertsond diffeieiice in correlation coefficient


Xorinaliziiig G uith icspcvt to each tinic sc( tor gave the folIon-iiig cquatioiis:

If t.he of proba1)ilit.y tlist,riljiitioii tlia,t tlie U follows is thc same (F,v)irrespect,ive of tiiiic scct,ors, tlic LOLP could lie deteriiiined as fdlows:


T i



If we ca.lculat-ethe LOLP of tlie iiitservalwith t,lic highest, demand iIist.eacl of equation (5), theii,
F ~ ( - l - < i5 ) LOLP s,, = F,;'(LoLP)


The required syet,riii capacity wit,li PV syst,c\iiis,I\, is giveii as follovis:


dependent uniform arob.dist.
-n 7

System capacitv Ariiiualiml facto1


tciii power described Tlic tlegrres of PI7subst.itut,ioiifor the t hc t WO iu each t iiiir iou, aiid distrilmtiou srctor, are iisrd for tlir ltrcaalr-evrii (Aciilatioiis. The c.oiidit.ioiis aiicl various coiist,ant,s arc siiiiiiiiarizctl iii Tiil)lc 1. Thc results of thrse calculations are sho~vii in Figs. 3 aiitl G . The following ( a i






PV penetration


Figurr 5: PI, peiictratioii vs. 1)reaIccwii cq)ital cost




1.5 20 2 . 5 PV penetration [%I


Figiiio G C'dpiicity valw of I'j-


.41)plici\tioiis iii i\ Liirgci Electric. L-t,ilitySystc'iil". IEEE P..1S, \-o1.102. 1\:0.8. pp.2811-2816. 1983 [3] .J.C'.S(h+r. "R(Y-~(T of Plioto\-oltxic Pon-or Plaiit Pcrforiiiiiiic(h iuid Ecoiioiiiic.~" . IEEE Trwsiirt ioiis oii Eiic~gy Coliwrsioii, 1-01.5. No.2. 1,1).232-'3S..Jiui(, 1990.
[4] Saifiir Ri\liiiiiiii. 1Ioiuiir Bollzgii(~iitlii."-4 llotlc>l t.o DEt(wiiiiic tlicl D~grc'c, of Pviic,tratioii iiiitl Eiivrgy Cost, of Liirgci S(xl(sI-t ilit y Iiit c'riic-t i w Phot owlt i i i c Systciiis" , IEEE Triiiisiwt,ioiis oii E i i ( ~ g y Coiiwrsioii. 1-01.9. Ko.2. pp.224230, 1994

[3] S. 11. C'li~liii(w.11. 31. Hitt. .J. T. I-iitl(~rliil1. P. M..Antlorsoii. P. L. 1i)gt. R . Iiigcwoll. "Tlic. E f k t of PhotoT-olt,iiic.Pon-er Gciicriitioii oii Utility Opmition" . IEEE P.4S. 1-01.104. 3 0 . 3 . 1)1).524-330, 1985

BIOGRAPHIES Hiroslii =Zsaiio (AI '88) was l~oriiiii Gifii, .Japaii, oii March G , 1960. HP rcwivEtl t,lic B.Eiig., LI.Eiig. aiitl D.Eiig.degrees iii Elcct,ricd Eiigiiiceriiig froiii the> Ciiiwrsit,g of Tokyo. HE is prcwiitly ail :issociiitc professor. tlw Viiivcrsity of Tokyo. From 1988 to 1989, hc was a \'isit,ilig Scholar at tlio Energy Modeling Foruiii for Stiiiiforrl Uiiiwrsity. HP is ii iiimn1)cr of IEEE, t,lie histitntc of Elrlc.tricxd Eiigiiicws of .Japaii. tlic Societ,y of Iiistruiiicut aiitl Control Eiigiiiecm. thr .Japaii Socirty of Energy aiid


Tokyo iii 195i and rcceiwd Eiigiiieeriiig froiii tlie saiiie iiiiivcrsity iii 1959 aiitl 19G2. rcy)c.c.tiwly. Hv is l)rcsciit,lg a Profwsor at tlicl Uiiivcrsit,y of Tokyo. His fic,ltls of iiit,eiit arc syst.ein iiiialysis aiid iiiotlrliiig of cwrgy systcmis aut1 social is ii iiiciii1)cr of IEEE, tlic Iiistitiitc' of Elrctricd Eiigiiieers of Japaii, tlic Socict,y of Iiist~ruiii<~iit. iiiid Coiiirol Engineers, Japan


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