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SOAL 1 Soal Penyisihan 1. How do you spell the following word: LIBRARY 2.

How do you spell this word : SCHOOL 3. How do you spell this word : CLASSROOM 4. How do you spell the following word: FLOWER Cadangan: 1. How do you spell the word : TEACHER 2. How do you spell the word : DILLIGENT Soal Rebutan 1. What do you say if some helps you? Jawaban: Thank you Cadangan: 3. What do you say if you meet your friend in the morning? Jawaban: Good morning SOAL 2 Soal Penyisihan 1. What is the opposite of BAD? Jawaban: Good 2. What is the opposite of FAR? Jawaban: Near 3. What is the opposite of TAKE? Jawaban: Give 4. What is the opposite of LAZY? Jawaban: Dilligent Cadangan 1. What is the opposite of STRONG? WEAK 2. What is the opposite of OLD? YOUNG Soal Rebutan 1. Someone who flies an aeroplane is called. Jawaban: PILOT Cadangan 1. Someone who usually helps a doctor is called.. Jawaban: NURSE)

SOAL 3 Soal Penyisihan 1. Complete this sentence: I need to . I am so thirsty.

Jawaban: DRINK 2. Complete this sentence: Lets go to . I need to borrow some books. Jawaban: LIBRARY 3. Complete this sentence: If you are sick you should see a . Jawaban: DOCTOR 4. Complete this sentence: May I borrow your I need to look up words I dont know. Jawaban: LIBRARY Cadangan 1. Complete this sentence: I need to go to .. to save my money. Jawaban: BANK Soal Rebutan 1. Change the following sentence into present continuous tense : He waters the flowers Jawaban: He is watering the flowers Cadangan: Change the following sentence into present continuous tense : I wash my clothes Jawaban: I am washing my clothes SOAL 4 Soal Penyisihan 1. What is the past form of the verb GO? Jawaban: WENT 2. What is the past form of the verb DO? Jawaban: DID 3. What is the past form of the verb COME? Jawaban: CAME 4. What is the past form of the verb FIND? Jawaban: FOUND Cadangan 1. What is the past form of the verb TAKE? Jawaban: TOOK 2. What is the past form of the verb WRITE? Jawaban: WROTE Soal Rebutan 1. Determine whether this sentence is true or false : MY MOTHER ARE COOKING Jawaban: FALSE Cadangan 1. Determine whether this sentence is true or false : I DOES NOT HAVE ANY MONEY Jawaban: FALSE SOAL 5 Soal Penyisihan

1. What day comes after Tuesday? Jawaban: WEDNESDAY 2. What day number comes after eleven? Jawaban: TWELVE 3. What month comes after July? Jawaban: AUGUST 4. What year comes after 2010? Jawaban: 2011 Cadangan 1. What day comes after Saturday? Jawaban: SUNDAY 2. What month comes after March? Jawaban: APRIL Soal Rebutan 1. Someone who flies an aeroplane is called. Jawaban: PILOT Cadangan 1. Someone who delivers letters is called Jawaban: POSTMAN SOAL 6 Soal Penyisihan 1. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns. I have a car. This is car. Jawaban: MY 2. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns. You have two horses. They are horses. Jawaban: YOUR 3. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns! He has a basket. That is basket. Jawaban: HIS 4. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns. She has two baskets. Those are baskets. Jawaban: HER Cadangan: 1. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns. We have five apples. These are apples. Jawaban: OUR 2. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns. They have boat. It is boat. Jawaban: THEIR

Soal Rebutan 1. Change the following sentence into simple past tense I do not have much money Jawaban: I DID NOT HAVE MUCH MONEY Cadangan 2. Change the following sentence into simple past tense. I cannot open the door Jawaban: I could not open the door ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SOAL 7 Penyisihan 1. Complete the sentence with appropriate word! You go to a to check your teeth. Jawaban: DENTIST 2. Complete the sentence with appropriate word! .helps a doctor to examine a patient. Jawaban: NURSE 3. Complete the sentence with appropriate word! Amakes wooden tables and chairs. Jawaban: CARPENTER 4. Complete the sentence with appropriate word! A makes a shirt for you. Jawaban: TAILOR Cadangan 1. Complete the sentence with appropriate word! Your . gives you homework everyday Jawaban: TEACHER 2. Complete the sentence with appropriate word! Every restaurant has Jawaban: COOKS Soal Rebutan 1. What is the sport played by eleven players of each team? Jawaban: SOCCER/ FOOTBALL Cadangan 2. What is the sport played by six players of each team? Jawaban: VOLLEYBALL -------------------------------------------------------------------SOAL 8 Soal Penyisihan 1. What is the appropriate question for the following response! My full name is Dede Yusuf Jawaban: What is your full name?

2. What is the appropriate question for the following response! I am 14 years old Jawaban: How old are you? 3. What is the appropriate question for the following response! I am 160 cms tall Jawaban: How tall are you? 4. What is the appropriate question for the following response! I live in Bima Jawaban: Where do you live? Cadangan 1. What is the appropriate question for the following response! I have two brothers and one sister Jawaban: How many brothers and sisters do you have? 2. What is the appropriate question for the following response! My father is a musician Jawaban: What is your fathers job Soal Rebutan 1. How do you response to the following news; My father got an accident yesterday Jawaban: I am sorry to hear that Cadangan How do you response to the following news I have just won Olympic game Jawaban: Congratulation

SOAL 1 Soal Penyisihan 1. Where do students usually borrow books? Jawaban: Library 2. Where do students buy foods or cakes in school? Jawaban: Canteen 3. Where do students conduct experiment? Jawaban: Laboratory 4. Where do people go if they want to send letter: Jawaban: Post office Cadangan: 1. Where do people go to catch bush? Jawaban: Bus station Soal Rebutan 1. Change this sentence into simple past tense

I go to bed and then sleep Jawaban: I went to bed and then slept Cadangan: 2. Change this sentence into simple past tense! I do the homework with my friends Jawaban: I did the homework with my friend

SOAL 2 Soal Penyisihan 1. What do people usually use to cover themselves from the rain? Jawaban: Rain coat/ Umbrella 2. What do students wear to school? Jawaban: School uniform/uniform 3. What does a goal keeper use in his hand when playing football? Jawaban: Gloves 4. What do people use to cover their heads from the heat of the sun? Jawaban: Hat Cadangan: 1. What does a motorcycle wear to protect his head? Jawaban: Helmet Soal Rebutan 1. Change this sentence into present continuous tense! I and Nana watch a movie Jawaban: I and Nana are watching a movie Cadangan: 1. Change this sentence into present continuous tense! I and Nana do the homework Jawaban: I and Nana are doing the homework SOAL 3 Soal Penyisihan 1. What do people usually do when they are hungry? Jawaban: eat 2. What do people do when they are sleepy? Jawaban: Go to bed/ sleep 3. What do people do when they are thirsty? Jawaban: Drink 4. What do people do in swimming pool? Jawaban: swim Cadangan: 1. What do people usually do in front of television?

Jawaban: Watch Soal Rebutan 1. Change this sentence into simple past tense! I have to go to Bali Jawaban: I had to go to Bali Cadangan: 1. Change this sentence into simple past tense! I can do the homework Jawaban: I could do the homework SOAL 3 Soal Penyisihan 1. What do people usually do when they are hungry? Jawaban: eat 2. What do people do when they are sleepy? Jawaban: Go to bed/ sleep 3. What do people do when they are thirsty? Jawaban: Drink 4. What do people do in swimming pool? Jawaban: swim Cadangan: 1. What do people usually do in front of television? Jawaban: Watch Soal Rebutan 1. Change this sentence into simple past tense! I have to go to Bali Jawaban: I had to go to Bali Cadangan: 1. Change this sentence into simple past tense! I can do the homework Jawaban: I could do the homework SOAL 4 Soal Penyisihan 1. Complete the following sentence! Can you on the light please. It is dark in this room Jawaban: Switch/ Put 2. Complete the following sentence! I am so sorry for breaking your glass. Can you me please. Jawaban: Forgive 3. Complete the following sentence! You should see a .. if you are sick. Jawaban: Doctor

4. Complete the following sentence! Can you up please. Its hard for me to hear your voice. Jawaban: Speak Cadangan: 2. 1. Complete the following sentence! I thought the test would be difficult. As a matter of fact the test was so.. Jawaban: Easy Soal Rebutan 1. What is comparative sentence for the following data! Ani is 15 years old, Dedi is 16 years old and Alfi is 13 years old. Jawaban: Ani is older than Alfi/ Ani is younger than Dedi Cadangan: 1. What is comparative sentence for the following data! Ani is 150 cm tall, Dedi is 160 cm tall and Alfi is 130 cm tall. Jawaban: Ani is taller than Alfi/ Ani is shorter than Dedi SOAL FINAL 1. What is the antonym of STUPID? Jawaban: Clever 2. What is the antonym of STRONG? Jawaban: WEAK? 3. What is the antonym of BIG? Jawaban: Small 4. What is the antonym of UGLY? Jawaban: BEAUTYFULL/HANDSOME Cadangan 1. What is the antonym of LAZY Jawaban: Dilligent? 2. What is the antonym of CHEAP Jawaban: Expensive Soal Rebutan 1. Change the following sentence into future form I study tonight Jawaban: I will study tonight/ I am going to study tonight Cadangan 2. Change the following sentence into future form I watch television tonight Jawaban: I will watch television tonight/ I am going to watch television tonight

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