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This House Would Go Vegetarian Ira Rahmawati, 1106023070.

Text of affirmative: Humans have the right to choose his way of life, including choosing a vegetarian lifestyle. As we know that a vegetarian is to consume only products of vegetable or plant and not to eat foods that come from animals. However, there are several types of vegetarians that still allows for the consumption of processed from animals, such as butter, milk, eggs, cheese, and even fish., but they still didnt want to eat the meat. Many of the reasons people choose vegetarianism because of being vegetarian gives many benefits for the man himself. These benefits in accordance with the data that has been implemented on the research, including: In 1961, the magazine Journal of the American Medical Association states that vegetarian diets can prevent heart artery blockage up to 97%. In 2011, the British Medical Journal published the results the research, in which researchers measured the IQ of a number of respondents at the age of 10 years and then follow their progress until the age of 30 years. The available data indicate that those who became vegetarian when the children had an IQ of about five points higher than the average adult who is not a vegetarian. In 2013, stated that the research of English, which states that vegetarians have a lower risk in a third of suffering from heart disease than those eating meat. These data suggest that being a vegetarian is very useful. Therefore, the benefits of being a vegetarian are: 1. Be healthier, longevity, and youthful. According to research in America, vegetarians will be healthier, longevity and youthful. Being a vegetarian makes us healthy physically and mentally as well as extend the life of our life because animal foods, such as meat generally can narrow the blood vessels so that nutrients and oxygen which will consequently reduce impaired immune system.

2. Longer life. Conclusion of the research team from Loma Linda University, U.S., said compared with meat eaters, vegetarians live 15 years longer. When compared to the vegan, vegetarians tenuous life over 7 years long. Adherents totally vegan does not eat meat and animal products of any kind, including non-meat ingredients were obtained without killing such as eggs, milk, cheese, yoghurt. While the perpetrators of vegetarians still eat non-meat animal ingredients. The study results reinforced some conclusions of other similar studies. China Health Project found that Chinese people who eat the least amount of animal fats have the least risk of cancer, heart disease, and other chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes. Another study conducted in the UK for 12 years, involving 6,000 vegetarians and 5,000 meat eaters. The result, vegetarian actors who died of cancer 40% lower than meat eaters, while others died from the disease 20% lower.

3. Awake heart health. Deaths from heart disease increases, so too in our country. The same as in the U.S., in Indonesia also had heart disease the number one killer. This is due among other things the wrong diet, increased levels of blood cholesterol, lack of exercise, and stress. From a study found that children as young as 5 years old who grew up with a lot of spending fast food (fast food) and the nutrient-poor foods (junk food) showed early signs of heart disease. The team of researchers from Louisiana University, the U.S., the data obtained one of nine women aged 45-65 years suffering from heart disease. Currently the average U.S. man meat eaters 50% chance of dying from heart disease. This risk will drop to 15% if they stopped eating meat, and only a 4% risk if they stop eating meat, eggs, and processed products of animal.

4. Free of cancer. According to several studies conducted by health experts meat eaters have a higher risk of cancer than vegetarians. The experts concluded that the plant products such as fruits and vegetables have many important chemical substances that suppress the risk of cancer, such as antioxidants and some phytochemical substances.

One study, Harvard Nurse Health Study mentions alleged meat linked to breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute says women who eat meat every day four times greater chance of developing breast cancer than those who do not eat meat every day. Otherwise the risk of cancer in women who ate vegetables every day reduced 20-30%. Another study conducted in Germany concluded vegetarians immune system more effectively kill the tumor cells of the immune system rather than meat eaters. Vegetables protect them from prostate cancer, colon cancer, and skin cancer. David Pumantel, an ecologist, said the average U.S. person generally eating everything and not vegetarian, consume 112 grams of protein per day, twice the recommended adequacy of the National Academy of Science. It can cause cancer and stress on the urinary system. Excessive protein also result in increased risk of cardiovascular (heart vessel disorder), mainly due to protein-dense foods generally also quite a lot of fat, such as meat and chicken.

5. Free of cholesterol disease. It is common knowledge that the meat or animal products can cause increased bad cholesterol levels that would pose a dangerous statement, such as heart disease and stroke. Cholesterol is dangerous because it can block blood flow to the heart. When the blood flow stops, it means a heart attack has come.

6. Strengthen bones. According to the study, the bones will be stronger if it gets enough calcium supply. However, if a person consumes animal products that are rich in protein, excess protein can block the absorption of calcium in the body so that the body steals calcium from the bones and cause bone loss. Vegetarians typically consume calcium from several plants such as spinach, broccoli, beans, or cassava. Decrease in bone mass in women aged 65 years vegetarians by 18%, while the non-vegetarian women are twice as large. The researchers came to the conclusion that based on a study of excess protein consumption. The average American woman consumes 144% of the recommended protein adequacy, while men consume 175%. Excess protein interferes with the absorption and retention of calcium, thus encouraging

deplete the body of calcium can lead to brittle bone disease (osteoporosis). Animal protein, including dairy, cause acidic blood. To compensate for the situation, the body steals calcium deposits in the bones. Reduction in bone calcium deposits make bone density is reduced, so that it becomes brittle. Without the need to rely on milk, vegetarian actors can get calcium from other foods rich in calcium, such as leafy green vegetables (spinach, cinnamon leaves, papaya leaves, cassava leaves, broccoli), pod vegetables (beans, chickpeas, cowpeas), and nuts and beans (red beans, green beans, soybeans, tofu).

7. Reduce the risk of obesity. Based on research conducted by the British Medical Association, vegetarians tend to be leaner with weight close to ideal weight and obesity have on average lower. This is related to the amount of fiber consumed at least animal fat intake. Vegetarians generally more slender-bodied than meat eaters. The reason, proteinrich vegetables, such as bean sprouts, fresh red beans, red spinach, cassava leaves, bean leaves, contain less fat and calories than the standard diet. I wonder if the perpetrators were rarely affected vegetarian diseases associated with excess weight, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes (diabetes mellitus).

8. Protected from food-borne illnesses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated nearly 80 million Americans each year are affected by food-borne illnesses, 9,000 of them died. According to The Center for Science, 25% of all chicken sold in the U.S. contain salmonella bacteria, while the CDC suspect 70-90% of chicken campylobacter bacteria (some strains of the bacteria are resistant to antibodies). In other words, being a vegetarian will keep you from such threats. Free of menopausal disorders. One of the benefits of being a vegetarian is to minimize any disruption before menopause commonly occurs in women. While going through menopause, female hormone estrogen will drop and cause a series of disorders. The disorder can be soaked by consuming the types of vegetables or some fruit. For example, soy is rich in phytoestrogens, which is a substance that has characteristics very similar to ekstrogen.

9. Making more happy and reduce stress. Recent research published in the Journal of Nutrition shows that eating a vegetarian diet can make you feel happier and reduce stress. Foods such as fish and meat found to contain Arachidonic Acid (AA), a type of omega-6. Previous research has shown that eating foods that contain high levels of AA can cause mood swings that interfere with the brain's performance. In theory, eating fish is very good because it contains omega-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Even EPA and DHA can resist the negative effects of AA. Researchers also revealed that eating foods containing omega-3 fatty acids associated with increased brain health, better mood, and so on. But recently, a study showed that people who ate meat and fish food department reported experiencing mood swings worse than a vegetarian, although intake of DHA and EPA was high. In a follow-up study, researchers looked at 39 people eating meat and divided into three groups. The first group was asked to eat meat, fish and poultry eggs every day. The second group was told to eat fish only 3-4 times per week, while the third group ate versatile vegetable. After two weeks, researchers found a change in mood scores in the group of fish and meat eaters. However, vegetarian groups in fact have mood is significantly better and less stressful. Investigators also found in fish-eating groups, the amount of EPA and DHA they have increased by 95-100 percent, and unfortunately was not able to fight stress and mood changes, compared to the vegetarian group.

10. Prevention of Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is becoming more common with the rise of obesity around the world, and vegetarian diets may even can prevent it by including complex carbs and fiber that help the body manage insulin more efficiently.

11. Stockpiles of toxins in your body will be depleted. Some studies suggest that when animals experience fear, the adrenaline rush causes a release of epinephrine, steroids, and other stress hormones into the bloodstream. These are then ingested by the meat eater, presenting a range of toxins that can accumulate in the blood. Not eating meat helps purge toxins in the body, which can cause disease. Examples: environmental pollution and food additives (food additives) such as preservatives, dyes, and synthetic sweeteners. If you want to start a detoxification program, the first step is to replace meat and other animal products with fruit and vegetables, fruit juices as well as vegetable juices. These materials contain a phytochemical that helps eliminate toxins naturally.

12. Healthy skin. Diets rich in water-based and plant foods are a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins-ideal for healthier skin every season.

13. Protect the body from pollution Allegedly almost 95% of pesticide residues from food we come from meat, other animal products, and fish. Especially fish contain cancer-triggering substances (from agricultural pesticide sprays are soluble in water, such as DDT and PCBs) and heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium). Fat tissue in fish, other animal food also binds toxins so difficult eroded, although the fish have been washed, frozen, and even cooked. Meat and other animal products (dairy products) also contain steroids and hormones. Restrict animal foods means to minimize the entry of contaminants into the body.

14. Chemical-free food. Meat-based diets take in animal cells and fats, along with chemicals and by products used on the animals during processing. This can include chemicals sprayed on the dead animal, preservatives, and other unnatural ingredients used for packaging and mass distribution.

15. Do not suffer from back pain Back pain can be caused by a disturbance in the arteries, said Neil Barnard, MD, author of Foods that Fight Pain. He said also by consuming plant foods, the arteries become clean of deposits of cholesterol. Excess cholesterol lead to blockage, which can lead to stroke and coronary heart disease. Thus, foods derived from plants can maintain the health of your back.

16. Hormone-free eating. Fruits, vegetables, and soy products are never injected with growth hormones and other chemicals that may harm the human body.

17. Increased energy. With the body spending less time digesting animal protein, an energy boost is a nice side effect.

18. Lower blood pressure. Vegan and vegetarian diets can be naturally low in fat and sodium, helping reduce blood pressure and improve circulation instead.

19. Improved digestion. Plant-based foods and fresh fruita are rich in fiber, improving the digestion and elimination process. High fiber diets have also been linked to preventing certain types of cancer.

20. Lowered risk of diabetes. Steady blood sugar is easily achieved with the nutrition vegetarian diet, and the cycle of blood sugar peaks and crashes is almost eliminated without the meat and unhealthy carb combinations.

21. Mooth bowel movement. Eating lots of vegetables means eating lots of fiber that helps to push junk food out of the body. Mentioned in the conclusion of a study conducted at a hospital in Harvard and Brigham, the U.S., the people who consume a lot of fiber as eating lots of vegetables rarely suffer from constipation, hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids), and intestinal disorders.

22. Lower grocery shopping bills. By shopping the perimeter of the grocery store and stocking up on high-fiber, highly nutritious food, vegetarians can eliminate almost 25% of their food budgets without pounds of meat on the bill. In some cases this balances out if the vegetarian shopper chooses to buy premium veg brands and gourmet ingredients, but average costs do tend to be much lower per trip.

23. Healthy amino acids. Plant-based proteins (e.g. soy) can be an excellent source of amino acids that help with protein assimilation and metabolism.

24. Low or no saturated fat. Vegetarian menus typicall use all-natural oils and cooking methods to enhance flavor. This is free of unhealthy saturated fat which can lead to a variety of heart problems and cardiovascular disease.

25. Increased life span. With the body in harmony and free of harmful toxins and chemical buildup, vegetarians may live longer than their fellow meat eaters. According to William Cstelli, MD, director f or the Farmingham Heart Study, vegetarians can live up to 3-6 years longer than meat eaters.

26. Appreciation for simple flavors. After eliminating meat from the diet, it becomes much easier to differentiate flavors and get a real taste for fruits and vegetables. Palettes can become much more sensitive to different flavors, textures, and combinations.

27. Spending more efficient. Animal foods are generally more expensive than plant foods. Therefore, replacing meat, chicken, fish, and other animal products with vegetable and fruit can save money every day. Certainly not the vegetables and fruits you should buy imported, because the price is quite expensive. Variations of local fruits and vegetables pretty much affordable by the general public. Replacing animal foods with plant foods does not mean reducing the nutrients needed by the body. Importantly, each time preparing dishes always look at the adequacy of nutrition, in addition to the selection of materials and the type of food that will be served. The easiest way is to look at the composition of your food colors: green, white, yellow-orange, red-purple, brown.

28. Food taste better Vegetables are foods that can be processed into a variety of interesting dishes with color, texture, and flavor as well as diverse. This statement of Deborah Madison, founding Green Restaurant in San Francisco and author of Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone. Enrich the culinary variety of vegetables lets you serve food / dishes that taste delicious. Especially when considering the Indonesian people are generally not a meat eater, but more can enjoy dishes of vegetables and other plant foods.

29. Dish over moor interests. Dishes of meat, chicken, and fish, tend to beige to brown, so it looks similar and monotonous. In contrast to the color of vegetables and fruits, a lot more variations to be said like rainbow. This colorful dish enrich appearance, making food more appetizing published. Pigment colorful vegetables and fruits contain phytochemicals, substances that can fight disease. Eating a plant-based food ingredients colorful means you have to eat a variety of natural ingredients immune system boosters and deterrent various germs.

30. Being a role model for children. Children have the habit of eating habits as their parents. When parents, especially mothers, always providing healthy food, nutritious, and from natural materials, then the child will like these foods. Conversely, if the child is accustomed to eat fast food, like hamburgers or hot dogs, the kids will like these foods than the actual natural foods are healthier. We often see the kids do not like to eat vegetables. This is because their parents do not get used to eating vegetables in children. Cooking your own meals for everyday family consumption than fresher, more varied, and less expensive, not too much food containing additives, which in the long run can be detrimental to health.

Reference: Susianto. (2008). Diet enak ala vegetarian. Jakarta: Penebar Plus.

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