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leopards may sometimes be confused with two other large spotted cats, the cheetah and the jaguar.

however, the patterns of spots in each are different: the cheetah has simple spots, evenly spread; the jaguar has small spots inside the polygonal rosettes; while the leopard normally has rounder, smaller rosettes that those of the jaguar. the leopard is larger and much more muscular than the cheetah, but slightly smaller and more lightly built than the jaguar. wolves: Their auditory perception is very sharp, being able to hear up to a frequency of 26kH,[59] and is greater than that of foxes. Their hearing is sharp enough to register the fall of leaves in the autumn period. Their eyesight is not as powerful as that of dogs, though their night vision is the most advanced of the Canidae.

chameleon: They can rotate and focus separately to observe two different objects simultaneously, this lets their eyes move independentely from each other. It in effect gives them a full 360-degree arc of vision around their body. When prey is located, both eyes can be focused in the same direction, giving sharp stereoscopic vision and depth perception. They have very good eyesight for reptiles, letting them see small insects from a long (510 m) distance. Chameleons have very long tongues (sometimes longer than their own body length) which they are capable of rapidly extending out of the mouth.

pit viper: pit viper, Any species of viper (subfamily Crotalinae) that has, in addition to two movable fangs, a heat-sensitive pit organ between each eye and nostril which together help it accurately aim its strike at its warm-blooded prey. Pit vipers are found from deserts to rain forests, primarily in the New World. They may be terrestrial, arboreal, or aquatic. Some species lay eggs; others produce live young.

frog: The frog's digestive system begins with the mouth. Frogs have teeth along their upper jaw called the maxillary teeth, which are used to grind food before swallowing. These teeth are very weak, and cannot be used to catch or harm agile prey. Instead, the frog uses its sticky tongue to catch food (such as flies or other insects). Some frogs use their sticky tongues to catch fast-moving prey, while others capture their prey and force it into their mouths with their hands.

Porcupines are rodents with a coat of sharp spines, or quills, that defend them from predators.

cactus: With a few exceptions, cacti are succulent plants and, like other succulents, they have a variety of adaptations that enable them to survive in hot and dry environments. Pereskia grandifolia: Pereskia is a weakly succulent genus, which also possesses leaves, and is believed to be similar to the ancestor of all cacti. Barrel cactus growing on a cliff in the Mojave Desert. These cacti can reach up to six feet tall. Organ pipe cactus in Arizona Many species of cactus have long, sharp spines. In most species of cacti the leaves have evolved into spines which not only defend the cactus against herbivores but also provide shade that lowers the plants water loss through transpiration. the bodies of many cacti have become thickened during the course of evolution, and form water-retentive tissue that is in the optimal shape of a sphere or cylinder (combining highest possible volume with lowest possible surface area). By reducing its surface area, the body of the plant is also protected against excessive sunlight. The plant body itself is also capable of absorbing moisture (through the epidermis and the thorns), which is especially important for plants that receive most of their moisture in the form of fog.

rubber tree: The capsule explodes when ripe and can send the seeds shooting out a long distance.

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