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TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Ufsm 2001) BRITAIN'S INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE During the nineteenth century Britain was transformed from a mainly AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY into an industrial one. This change has been called the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION because of the dramatic effect it had on the British way of life. People moved to the rapidly EXPANDING TOWNS and cities, RAILWAYS were developed to transport goods around the country and by 1900 Britain had become a major WORLD POWER. The Industrial Revolution in Britain was built on the use of MACHINE in factories. Since the 1950s Britain's manufacturing industries have replaced the machine operators with computers, and this 'automation' has led to a decline in the number, of employees in manufacturing industries. More manufactured goods are bought and used than ever before but a lot of these goods are imported. By the beginning of the twentieth century other industrial countries, like the USA, were competing with Britain's exports, and countries in the Far East have been able to provide cheaper products since the 1970s. Areas where HEAVY MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES are located have suffered high UNEMPLOYMENT. LAVERY, Clare. "Focus on Britain Today", MacMillan Publishers. p. 98-99. 1. Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente os espaos no trecho a seguir. Britain __________ been an industrialised nation for two centuries. It _________ a variety of industries __________ can be divided __________ three main categories. a) has - has - which - into b) have - has - who - in c) has - have - which - in d) have - has - who - into e) has - has - who - in TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Unesp) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente cada lacuna da questo a seguir: 2. Those two women always help ______ ______. a) other each. b) each other. c) one other. d) other one. e) another each. TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Ufv 2000) RELIGION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR 1 Does life have meaning? What gives it meaning? Why do we act the way we do? What is the best way to live? How can we find peace? 2 These are questions that people have struggled with throughout history. Philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, and physicists are among the many thinkers who have tried to give us answers. We look for answers within ourselves, but few are satisfactory. In the end, it is religion that gives most of the world answers to these questions. 3 Hundreds of religions exist in the world, yet all religions try to answer the same questions. Every religion teaches basic ideas that help humans understand their nature and their behavior. Every religion describes two sides of human nature - the animal and the divine. It is these opposing sides that cause conflicts. Every religion gives people a method that they can follow to resolve the conflicts. All religions have a goal, which is in one form or another the transformation of humans from the animal to the divine. This spiritual transformation is common to all religions, though it has many names: nirvana, heaven, salvation. 4 All cultures in the world have religious beliefs. For that reason, every part of life is affected by religions, whose teachings offer guidelines on ways to live. (WERNER, P. K. "Mosaic: a content- based grammar". New York: Random House, 1985.) 3. In the sentence "We look for answers within OURSELVES" (par.2), the capital word has a meaning related to: a) them. b) him. c) you. d) us. e) her. TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Unb) METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Curiously, universities are very anxious to do research on every institution in society except themselves. They know a lot about how smart students are on arrival, but very little about how much has been learned by graduation time. Because educators do not investigate how well they teach or how much students learn, they do not have any process of trial and error by which to improve methods of instruction. And so teaching remains one of the few human activities that does not get demonstrably better from one generation to the next. 4. In the text: (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) "themselves" (ref.1) refers to "universities" (ref.2). "are very anxious" (ref.3) the same as ARE VERY EAGER. "has been" (ref.4) is a perfect form. "a lot" (ref.5) can be correctly substituted by A GREAT DEAL. "next" (ref.6) refers to "generation" (ref.6)




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TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Ufv 2002) How important is leisure time? How important is time to relax and to collect yourself? Many doctors believe that learning to relax in order to relieve day-to-day tension could one day save your life. In our fast-paced world, it is almost impossible to avoid building up tension from stress. All of us confront stress daily; anything that places an extra demand on us is stress. We encounter stress on the job, and we face it at home. The body responds to stress by "mobilizing its defenses." Blood pressure rises and muscles get ready to act. If our tension is not relieved, it can start numerous reactions, both physical and psychological. Yet, we can learn to cope with stress effectively and to avoid its consequences. How? By relaxing in the face of stress. According to researcher Hans Selye of the University of Montreal, the effects of stress depend not on what happens to us, but on the way we react. In times of stress, taking a few moments to sit quietly and relax can make anyone feel better. Some people enjoy listening to classical music, while others are interested in going to rock concerts. One person may be fascinated by watching an eagle in its nest, whereas another might be bored by sitting in a field for hours, studying the eagle through binoculars. It may be pure pleasure for you to play endless hours of chess, but for others it could be pure frustration. Fortunately, people have invented countless ways of amusing themselves, and whatever your particular taste is, no doubt there's a physical or mental activity for you to get involved in and enjoy. Of course, finding the activity that is right for you is half the fun! And don't forget: Take your time to smell the flowers. (WERNER, P. K. "Mosaic I: A content-based Grammar". New York: Random House, 1985.) 5. The word "themselves" (ref. 5) is a(n): a) personal pronoun. b) possessive pronoun. c) reflexive pronoun. d) objective pronoun. e) possessive adjective. TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Mackenzie 98) The following text refers to questions 21 to 25. LIFE WITHOUT CHILDREN It's not that Haruko Nishioka hates kids. But at 32, she's become accustomed to an independent life. Days are spent working at a bank or playing tennis and the piano. And nights are filled with fun in Tokyo's countless restaurants and bars. At odd moments Nishioka gets a slight (ref.1) TWINGE of regret. One day last month, for instance, she noticed mothers pushing strollers and shopping with...(I)... kids near...(II)... suburban home. "We live in two completely different worlds," she thought then. "If I never have children, then I will never cross the line into that other world. And I can't decide if that would be good or bad." An astounding number of Japanese women of childbearing age are sitting...(Ill)... that same fence. As the country celebrated Children's Day last week, the government announced that Japan today has fewer children under 15 than at any other time since the first national census, in 1920 (ref.2). AS THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN DWINDLES, THE NUMBER OF ELDERLY PEOPLE SHOOTS UP. Japan has the fastest-aging population in the world,...(IV)... ranks of gray-haired seniors swelling at a rate unprecedented in human history. That makes Nishioka more than just another ambivalent young woman. It makes her - and women like her - a major headache for Japan's policymakers. The number of people between the ages of 15 and 64 - those considered employable - began shrinking last year. And the actual Japanese labor force, estimated at 65 million, is expected to diminish by 9 million over the next three decades. "If current population and productivity trends continue, there will be no improvement in living standards for the next 30 years," says Robert Feldman, an economist with Salomon Brothers in Tokyo. A recent government poll showed that a record 55.5 percent of respondents thought Japan's future was bleak. The percentage of pessimists was higher even than in December 1995, the same year an earthquake razed the city of Kobe. Nishioka, when she lists the reasons she doesn't want children, includes everything from environmental problems to an increase in the teen sex trade. In the eyes of the country's (overwhelmingly male) leaders, however, Nishioka...(V)... is a major problem - along with all the other childless women of Japan. (Adapted from Newsweek. May 19, 1997.) 6. As lacunas I, II, IV e V devem ser preenchidas, respectivamente, por: a) I - her; II - her; IV - its; V- himself b) I - their; II - her; IV - its; V- herself c) I - theirs; II - their; IV - it; V- she d) I - its; II - his; IV - their; V- itself e) I - them; II - your; IV - itself; V- herself TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Unb 98) Jobs may not come back, but work will. Of new jobs being created in the industrial nations, the vast majority are originated by people working for themselves or in small partnerships. We are a painful transition from an industrial economy to one of knowledge and services. It can furnish most people with meaningful work between school and old age if they can acquire new skills in mid-life and if we adapt life-styles to the foremost priority: decent work for this and the next generation. Instead of regretting lost jobs, we need to take the future in our hands and create work in the area of knowledge and services. 7. In the text, (1) (2) (3) (4) "themselves" (ref.1) refers to "people" (ref.2). "painful" (ref.3) is the opposite of effortless. "one" (ref.4) refers to "painful" transition (ref.3). "they" (ref.5) refers to "skills" (ref.6).

TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Ufal 2000) THE KOSOVAR RAPE VICTIMS Thanks for the article "Rape and Aftermath", which shows the world the plight of the Kosovar rape victims (SPECIAL REPORT, May 24). Do the people sitting comfortably in the Vatican know what a rape victim has to go through?...(I)... has more right to decide the number of children a woman should bear, and under what circumstances? The man who rapes her? The man who orders the rape? The man who sits on his chair in Rome? Or the woman ...(II)...? Mindy Roseman (Adaptado de Newsweek. June 21, 1999)




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8. Preenche corretamente a lacuna (II) do texto a) her b) hers c) herself d) himself e) themselves TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Ufpe) INTERNET: AN INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA DISPLAY? Sally: Why has Internet boomed so dramatically? David: Part of the answer is fashion. Technology for young people today is new, it is exciting and it is the difference between __ (1) __ and the older generation. But the __ (2) __ fundamental reason is that Internet fulfills the desire to communicate with other people, through E-mail, File transfers and Telnet services. Sally: Wow! Is there __ (3) __ missing from this electronic wonderland? Clifford: Yes, human contact. Computers and networks isolate us from __ (4) __. A network chat line is a limp substitute for meeting friends over coffee. No interactive multimedia display comes close the excitement of a live concert. (Adapted into dialog form from "World Report Internet", SPEAK UP, October 1995, N103, pages 6 to 8.) 9. The correct choice to fill in the blank space n__(4)__ is a) each other b) ourselves c) one another d) themselves e) herself TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Ufc) Este texto foi extrado e adaptado da mensagem do Papa Joo Paulo II, por ocasio do incio da Quaresma de 1996. Nele, o Papa externa sua preocupao com um dos grandes problemas que aflige a humanidade: A FOME 01 Each day we see people who are hungry, outcasts or homeless. Today we are aware that the means at our disposal are certainly insufficient to meet the needs of the almost eight hundred million people who suffer from hunger and malnutrition, and still struggle for survival, on the threshold of the Year 2000. 02 Hunger is a great tragedy afflicting humanity. We urgently need to acknowledge this and to offer resolute and generous support to the various Organizations and Movements founded to alleviate the sufferings of those who risk death from starvation. We must give special consideration to people that are not assisted by government or international programmes. It is necessary to continue the fight against hunger both in less advanced countries and in highly industrialised nations where there is a growing gap separating the rich from the poor. 03 The earth has the natural resources necessary to feed all humanity. We need to learn to use them intelligently, respecting the environment and the rhythms of nature, guaranteeing fairness and justice in business dealings and making sure that the distribution of wealth takes into account the duty of solidarity. Some people might believe that this is a utopia. However, the social teaching and activity of the Church demonstrate the contrary: when men and women are converted to the Gospel, this project of sharing and solidarity becomes a remarkable reality. 04 As a matter of fact, on the one hand we witness the destruction of great quantities of products necessary for human life. On the other, we are saddened to see long lines of people waiting for the distribution of needed supplies by Humanitarian Organizations. Even in great modern cities, it is not uncommon to see people sorting through refuse bins when the local markets close. 05 A feeling of inner revolt arouses from such scenes symptomatic of profound contradictions. Thus, we feel spontaneously moved to Christian charity. Authentic Christian solidarity, however, is not just a transient feeling. Only as the result of a patient and responsible training since childhood does solidarity become a fundamental personal attitude that affects all our actions and areas of responsibility. Consequently, a general process of consciousness is needed, a process capable of involving society as a whole. VOCABULARY Outcasts (1st paragraph) - marginalizados, excludos Gospel (3rd paragraph) - Evangelho Threshold (1st paragraph) - s portas, no limiar To witness (4th paragraph) - testemunhar To acknowledge (2nd paragraph) - reconhecer To sort through (4th paragraph) - catar Gap (2nd paragraph) - abismo, diferena Refuse bins (4th paragraph) - depsitos de lixo Dealings (3rd paragraph) - negociaes, transaes To arouse (5th paragraph) - despertar Wealth (3rd paragraph) - riqueza Nas questes a seguir escreva no local apropriado a soma dos itens corretos. 10. Choose the correct alternatives which can complete the sentence below. Human beings __________ to preserve__________ . 01. 02. 04. 08. 16. are doing too little - themselves did not do much - nature has done a lot - hungry people expecting - natural resources will try - the human race )

Soma (




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TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Mackenzie 99) Hong Kong and Singapore call their upwardly mobile young Chinese "Chuppies", an adaptation of Western slang. The People's Republic ...(I)... the world, but many of its young executives ...(II)... briskly to the lifestyle. In fact, evidence of Chuppiedom's full flowering is everywhere. A company called New Generation Market Survey has just published a study of purchases in 12 cities. It found that Chinese between the ages of 15 and 59 fall into two board categories: "practical buyers" and "trend followers." The trend-follower segment is rising fast: About 36% of households have at least one pager, and 12% now have cell phones. This consumerist revolution is largely sparked by rising home ownership. As part of Premier Zhu Rongji's housing reform, it is now government policy to remove Chinese from welfare-state accommodations and shepherd them into homes they will own ...(III)... .The Chuppies are leading the way. At the China Build '98 exhibition at Beijing's World Trade Center, for example, more than 250 participants from 16 countries were seeking ...(IV)... share of the booming upper market. And just who are the Chuppies facing this consumerist feast? Chinese call the female of the species bailingliren (literally, "white-collar beautiful person"); the male usually gets the slang term gaojidagongzai ("upper-class employee offspring"). Explains Zhang Hanzhi, 34 ...(V)... a Shanghainese bailingliren, somewhat Westernized: "Typically, a Chuppie has to have the Big Eight - an apartment, a car, a cell phone, a brand name watch and suit, regular trips abroad, health club or golf club membership, and, for disco hopping, a sleek girlfriend. (Fortune. August 3, 1998.) 11. As lacunas ...(III)..., ...(IV)... e ...(V)... devem ser preenchidas, respectivamente, por: a) III - theirs; IV - their e V - himself b) III - themself; IV - its e V - her c) III - its; IV - his e V - itself d) III - themselves; IV - their e V - herself e) III - them; IV - our e V - himself TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Uece) Read the passage below very carefully: 1 Slowly and inexorably the years dragged by onwards. The two prisoners were faced with a new problem. The original plan of escape from the Chteau d'If* was now impracticable for the Abb Faria was too weak and ill. Again and again the old man urged Dantes to go alone. Dantes refused even to consider the suggestion. He could not bring himself to abandon his friend now that they could not escape together. 2 One night, as they were talking together in Faria's cell, the old priest had another heartattack. The pain was so severe that he knew that this time he would die. Backoning Dantes to kneel beside the bed, he raised himself with a final effort. 3 'Forget not Monte Cristo!' he gasped. 'Its treasure is yours. God bless you, Edmond!' 4 The death-rattle sounded in his throat and he slumped back on the bed. The tears streaming down his cheeks, Edmond Dantes realized with a sudden shock that this was the end of the only human companionship he had known during his long imprisonment. 5 He crept sadly back through the tunnel to his own cell and waited for the jailer to arrive at its door with his morning food. As soon as it had been placed on the floor of the cell, he crawled back along the tunnel to find out what was happening in Faria's cell. He knelt in the dark outside his friend's last resting place. Saddened and bewildered, he leaned closer with his ear to the wall. He heard the jailer open the creaking door and then utter a loud cry. He must have seen the old priest's corpse lying there. The door was slammed and in a few moments the jailer returned with the Governor of the prison. Dantes could hear the tramp of the marching feet of the Governor's guards. 6 The next sound he heard was the voice of the Governor giving his orders to the guards. They were to sew up the body in a sack without delay. They were to return in the evening and remove the corpse for burial. The thickness of the wall made it impossible for him to catch every word. Despite his discomfort he remained on his knees. His one idea was to glean what information he could about what was happening on the other side of the wall. He heard the bed creak as the corpse was lifted from it. There was a gruesome thud as, presumably, the body in its sack was dropped back on the bed. There followed what seemed a long silence during which, he guessed, the end of the sack was being sewn up. Finally, the cell-door clanged as the last guard pulled it to behind him. 7 Dantes waited a few minutes until he was sure that the guards would not return. He then cautiously opened the end of the tunnel and crawled through into the cell of his dead friend. His eye fell on the sack containing the old man's body. He must have heard correctly that it would be left on the bed until the guards came back for it in the evening. 8 He stood by the bed and a wave of misery and loneliness swept over him. There was now no one to talk to, nobody to care about him, no prospect of relief in the years of misery that lay ahead. He felt that he had lost everything that made life bearable. He hoped that he too would soon die; there was no other hope of escape from the silent solitary hell of life in this prison-fort. 9 'Yes,' he said to himself in this mood of utter despair, 'I expect I shall leave these dungeons in the same way as Faria, my good friend Faria. The only way I shall ever leave this place is tied up in a sack as he is now.' Glossary: *Chteau d'If was an island-fortress near Marseilles. 12. Take the reflexive pronoun in paragraph 01 as an example and choose the incorrect alternative: a) The hunter shot itself with his own gun b) She wants to buy herself a new coat c) Most girls like to look at themselves in the mirror d) I locked myself out of the house TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Uel) It's no easy task to do justice ...(I)... Leonardo da Vinci, but "Leonardo the Inventor", a CDROM from InterActive Electronic Publishing, ...(II)... an outstanding new entry in the rapidly growing field of multimedia biographies. The screen ...(III)... introduces the inventions features a cleverly animated Mona Lisa. There are animations of each invention and videos of modern versions of ... (IV)... visionary creations (the helicopter and tank, among others). A multimedia kind of guy ... (V)..., Leonardo ...(VI)... it. 13. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna (V) do texto a) myself b) herself c) themselves d) himself e) ourselves




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TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Ufal 2000) TRAVEL 'CHAMPAGNE, PLEASE' lf you're planning a trip abroad ...(I)... summer, don't let phrasebooks leave you TONGUETIED. With the help of your PDA, Small Talk ( allows you to communicate in real time with foreigners. Need to find a room? Just tap on the appropriate question or customize your OWN. The phrase is instantly translated, and the innkeeper can respond by choosing from a list of answers in his native language. The response is then translated into English. Bon voyage. (Newsweek, 1999) 14. In the text, OWN refers to a) room. b) foreigners. c) phrase. d) question. e) innkeeper. TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Mackenzie 98) EUROPE'S TRAFFIC TRAUMA The costs of staying dirty are real. Parisians anxious to spend four weeks in traffic jams on the Cte d'Azur this summer first had to negotiate the Peripherique, the city's infamous ring road, ... (I)... is often a circular jam. It's been calculated that 300,000 hours a day is now lost in the city's traffic snarls, an increase of 150 percent in 10 years. Still, when you're stuck somewhere around the Porte d'ltalie, you can always amuse...(II) sniffing the air; Paris now often has higher ozone levels than Los Angeles. For seven days last year, the center of Rome was closed to all but emergency traffic when air quality sank dangerously low. Britain's clean-air laws of the 1950s banished the Dickensian smogs of coal-burning London. But now a thin brown film covers the city center on windless days. Nationwide, asthma cases among small children are up 80 percent in the last 20 years, and many scientists blame exhaust fumes for exacerbating the condition. Even Oslo (population: 485,000) is suffering. Air quality is bad enough for regular wintertime warnings against allowing kids to play outdoors. Madrid (population: 3.2 million), ...(Ill)... the authorities are investing in a third ring road and a $900 million extension to the subway system, expects to see 500,000 more cars on ...(IV)... roads within the next 10 years. (ref.2) WHY ARE EUROPEAN CITIES SO CLOGGED? Blame history, the root cause of the problem in Bologna, Brussels or Bergen. The car is a latecomer to cities that developed in the horse-and-cart era. The highway ends at the suburbs; then it's a (ref.1) CRAWL into a city center with narrow streets and a haphazard layout that can date from medieval times. (That's why German cities have been spared the very worst congestion., flattened in World War II, they were often rebuilt with broad boulevards, which - sometimes - allows cars to flow freely.) After World War II Europeans moved out of town - and soon brought traffic jams with them. (Adapted from Newsweek. August 25, 1997.) 15. As lacunas I, II, Ill e IV devem ser preenchidas, respectivamente, por: a) I - that; II - them; Ill - which; IV - its b) I - which; II - yourself; III - where; IV -its c) I - which; II - itself; Ill -when; IV - theirs d) I - who; II - yourselves; Ill - where; IV - itself e) I - where; II - yourself; Ill - when; IV - their TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Mackenzie 99) In 1993 Victoria Cunninghan was tired of the "plastic people" and long hours associate with running ...(I)... own adversiting agency. Today she works half the hours, makes double what she did and toils only for people she likes. How? By reinventing ...(II)... as roving computer consultant, with some help and brokering from Robert Half International. No more dealing with disagreeable clients, or employees whose egos are bigger than ...(III)... abilities. "Sometimes I cuss and take a computer apart," Cunninghan says. "Sometimes I stay home with my dog. I think it's the lifestyle to have." To Cunningham, Half is more like a talent agent than employment agency. When she is out of town, her Half representative, whom she regards as personal friend, deposits checks for her. "Everybody else seems to be appalled at what I charge," she says. Throught Half she makes something shy $200,000 a year, benefits not included, contracting with the likes of Merrill Lynch in Seattle. In an information age with a tight U.S. labor market, people with the skills can demand jobs that suit their lifestyles rather than having to adapt their lifestyles to their job. Now retired in Florida, Robert founded his eponymous company in 1948 to place full-time accountants. As more and more companies preferred to use part-time people even for high-level work, and as more Americans took to a free-lance way of working, the firm boomed. For the past five years revenues ...(IV)... an average 43% annually, to $1,3 billion in 1997, and the company's stock ...(V)... one of the market's top performers, climbing 1,762%. (Forbes, August 10, 1988.) 16. As lacunas ...(I)..., ...(II)... e ...(III)... devem ser preenchidas, respectivamente, por: a) I - its; II - it e III - theirs b) I - their; II - itself e III - her c) I - it; II - her e III - its d) I - her; II - herself e III - their e) I - her; II - themselves e III - their 17. (Fuvest) Traduza para o ingls apenas as expresses entre aspas: 'Ela prpria' escolheu a cor; mas o vestido 'em si' era feio. 18. (Uel) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: "Here is some money. Go and buy ...... some decent clothes." a) myself b) herself




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c) themselves d) himself e) yourself 19. (Unesp) You can do that_______. a) myself b) himself c) herself d) yourself e) ourselves 20. (Unesp) Assinale a alternativa correta. People should know about ______. a) yourself b) herself c) himself d) themselves e) yourselves 21. (G1) Fill in the blanks with REFLEXIVE or emphasizing pronoun: a) I've cut __________ with that knife. b) Why don't you clean it __________? 22. (G1) Supply the correct REFLEXIVE PRONOUN: a) He and she enjoy _________________ at the concert. b) You and Mary looked at _________________ in the mirror. 23. (G1) Choose the correct answer. The boys hurt _____ when they were playing in the garden. a) herself b) yourselves c) themselves d) himself e) ourselves 24. (G1) Choose the correct answer. My brother and I bought _____ a new car. a) myself b) himself c) herself d) ourselves e) itself 25. (G1) Choose the correct answer. "Behave _____, boys!" said Mrs. Tennison. a) himself b) yourselves c) herself d) themselves e) yourself 26. (G1) Complete com o pronome reflexivo: The animal defended ___________ during the night. 27. (G1) Preencha os espaos em branco com os Pronomes Reflexivos: a) Sylvia is destroying ____________ . She's addicted to drugs. b) I like to dress _____________ well. c) John was singing to ____________ in the bathroom. d) Children like to look at ____________ in the mirror. e) You must protect ____________ from the sun. f) Our teacher _____________ prepared the examination. g) I made the cake ____________ . h) The children _____________ built the dog's house. i) My sister usually makes her breakfast ____________ . 28. (G1) Preencha os espaos em branco com os Pronomes Reflexivos: 9/11/13 12:56:22 pag.6

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a) We prefer to do the work ____________. b) The Pope has to make the decision by ____________ . c) Christopher and Angela walked in the park by ____________ . d) Do this by ____________ . Nobody will help you. e) I must solve this problem by ____________ . f) Robert did the exercise by ____________ . g) The children dressed ____________ to go to the party. h) We must behave ____________ in class. i) The students talked to the fireman ____________ . j) You must wash ____________ before dinner. 29. (G1) Assinale a alternativa correta. Os testes a seguir referem-se a Pronomes Reflexivo e Enfticos: 1. Mirela is outside, waiting for you. If you don't trust me, go out and see it for __________. a) themselves b) yourself c) himself d) itself e) herself. 2. I know this report is correct because I've written it __________. a) myself b) yourself c) yourselves d) himself e) herself 3. Camila collected those stamps all by __________. a) myself b) themselves c) itself d) herself e) ourselves 4. I was trying to tell ___________ that I wasn't wrong about you. a) herself b) himself c) myself d) themselves e) ourselves 5. They blame __________ for their children not be having well at school. a) ourselves b) herself c) yourself d) themselves e) myself 30. (G1) Assinale a alternativa correta. Os testes a seguir referem-se a Pronomes Reflexivos: 1. She told me she was little out of practice, so I typed the letters by __________. a) myself b) herself c) himself d) themselves e) ourselves 2. Lenita and I always look at __________ in the mirror before leaving for school. a) themselves b) ourselves c) yourself d) yourselves e) myself 3. She __________ had told her children not to misbehave. a) himself b) itself c) ourselves d) myself e) ourselves 4. Donald did the exercise __________, but his teacher didn't believe in him. a) herself b) himself c) itselves d) myself e) ourselves 5. Did you like the cake? Yes, It's great. Did you make it _________? a) yourselves 9/11/13 12:56:22 pag.7

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b) myself c) itself d) yourself e) themselves 31. (Faap) Assinale a alternativa correta: I took my husband to the airport .......... . a) himself b) oneself c) myself d) herself e) yourself 32. (Faap) Assinale a alternativa correta: Mr. Dean's secretary was ill yesterday, so he had to type the letters .......... . a) yourself b) themself c) himself d) herself e) itself 33. (Unesp 2000) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada. Catherine is making _______________ a dress. a) to him b) to her c) himself d) herself e) they TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO (Ufpe 2003) 1 Bill Joy is not afraid of new technology. On the contrary, _________ chief scientist at Sun Microsystems, the Silicon Valley company that devised JavaScript and countless other Internet-era computer innovations, he _________ in the vanguard of the high-tech revolution for more than 20 years. But recently Joy took a glimpse into the future and it scared him to death. 2 What he saw was a world in which humans have been effectively supplanted by machines, a world in which super-powerful computers with at least some attributes of human intelligence manage to replicate themselves and develop their own autonomy; a world in which people become superfluous and risk becoming extinct. 3 What he saw, in short, was something resembling the nightmare universe of the TERMINATOR movies. Previously, Joy _________ such scenarios as science fiction fantasy, but then he listened to his friends who were experts in robotics and realised that this brave new world is much closer than any of us might imagine - as close as 30 years away. What spooked him _________ was this passage, quoted in a book called THE AGE OF SPIRITUAL MACHINES, by the computing innovator Ray Kurzweil: "As society and the problems that face it become more and more complex and machines become more and more intelligent, people will let machines make more of their decisions for them, simply because machine-made decisions will bring better results than man-made ones. Eventually a stage _________ at which the decisions necessary to keep the system running will be so complex that human beings will be incapable of making them intelligently. At that stage the machines will be in effective control. People won't be able to just turn the machines off, because they will be so dependent on them that turning them off would amount to suicide." (From The End of Homo Sapiens, "SPEAK UP", October'00, n.161, page 10.) 34. Both "THEMSELVES" and "THEIR", respectively in "... manage to replicate THEMSELVES and develop THEIR own autonomy" (ref.2), make reference to: ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) humans. super-powerful computers. machines. attributes of human intelligence. people.




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1. [A] 2. [B] 3. [D] 4. R. Todos os itens esto corretos. 5. [C] 6. [B] 7. C C E E 8. [C] 9. [A] e [C] 10. 01 + 02 = 03 11. [D] 12. [A] 13. [D] 14. [D] 15. [B] 16. [D] 17. She herself / itself 18. [E] 19. [D] 20. [D] 21. a) I've cut MYSELF with that knife. b) Why don't you clean it YOURSELF? 22. a) He and she enjoy THEMSELVES at the concert. b) You and Mary looked at YOURSELVES in the mirror. 23. [C] 24. [D] 25. [B] 26. The animal defended ITSELF during the night. 27. a) herself b) myself c) himself d) themselves e) yourself/ yourselves f) herself/himself g) myself h) themselves i) herself. 28. a) ourselves b) himself c) themselves d) yourself / yourselves e) myself f) himself g) themselves h) ourselves i) themselves / himself 9/11/13 12:56:22 pag.9

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j) yourselves / yourself 29. 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. d 30. 1. a 2. b 3. e 4. b 5. d 31. [C] 32. [C] 33. [D] 34. F V V F F




SuperPro copyright 1994-2013 Colibri Informtica Ltda.

Nmero das questes: documento banco 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 4931 2481 4225 2717 5582 3464 3082 5495 711 1084 3064 2943 2373 5499 3472 3053 501 786 1006 1076 1864 1874 1953 1974 1976 1982 2015 2016 2152 2156 2285 2290 4040 5980 fixo 39839 19883 34937 23061 46257 27349 26967 46170 6619 9262 26949 23287 19775 46174 27357 26938 4451 6694 6914 6984 15527 15588 15667 15688 15690 15696 17494 17495 17631 17635 19687 19692 33514 46655




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