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adoring the unknown God, es una psbd vlida dentro del cristm. sjna pens v-hacia adelante xq pens v-hacia atrs. Max-atrs es max-adelante. What Heidegger can be seen to have articulated in the context of his 1934-35 Hlde rlin lecture courses is a figuration of transition that is not a mere bridging b etween two points, but rather, a movement of reciprocal attuning and attunement. ambrose, isaac/soul: (4.33) Today also, if any soul seeks after him much, she will merit much mercy, because very much is owed to the man who seeks much. Therefore if any soul searc hes for him with greater zeal, she hears his voice from afar and, although she i nquires of others, she hears his voice before those from whom she is asking. She sees that he is coming bounding to her, that is, hastening and running and leap ing over those who cannot receive his strength from weakness of heart. Then, by reading the prophets and remembering their words, she sees him looking through t heir riddles,82 looking, but as if through a window, not yet as if present. She sees him standing above the nets.83 What does this mean, unless perhaps that the nets are ours, not his? Nets, because the soul is still among material and worldly things, and these generally capture the mind of a man and wrap it in a f old of their own, as it were. (4.34) Then he says to the soul of this kind, "Arise, come, my dearest one";84 t hat is, arise from the pleasures of the world, arise from earthly things and com e to me, you who still labor and are burdened,85 because you are anxious about w orldly things. Now she ought not to fear the nets, and rightly so, since he who cannot be captu red by the temptations and nets of the world87 is summoning the soul to himself. . "Come you also, my dove, in the shelter of the rock near the wall, show me your face and let me hear your voice". cantar de cantares xa el jg de voces en vez de hgg y el ser destinante. Puede pa recer degradado pero caute q el cristm lleva 2000 aos "degradndose" y se lo ve heal thy. ........ fineza: He has given resurrection to the body and has united the soul to Himself go out from the body and divest yourself of it wholly, for you cannot be with me , unless you are first absent from the body, because those who are in the flesh are absent from the kingdom of God. .gilada lo toma at face value, en vez de re-ccr su costado mstico (pato-conejo), l o q aparece cm una mfk de la sjd, es un esfuerzo xa dar a entender qt max-vi. whether present or absent, you ought to be present to the Lord your God and to p lease Him. .ko hld hgg y esos q xq sienten asc de dios, recurren a grecia y esas baratijas, ie, a la mesa de saldos. .. occ se viene desprendiendo del cristm (de cristo!). Est llegando el tm en q se pre sente la hora de la decisin: te vas? la vergenza de tus padres y el castigo de tus hijos.

... hld andenken vs hgg: she asks the heavy north wind to be at rest, so that it may not destroy the flow ers, but the south wind to blow; that is, she wishes the winter to pass and the season of gentler breezes to burst into springtime. ... Then there is at once another advance in the going of the Word, because the soul went out at his word. That is, following his word, she went out of the body, li fting herself up from its dwelling and making herself a stranger to it

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