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..--------- ----- ---- --- -- -------

' :

I ,
VOLUME 6 NO v 9 30, 1927
Published Every Ot her
Har bo r Sp r ings High School J ourna lism Cla ss
Pr ices
The Coyy-----------5
Ha r bo r Spr ings , Michigan
The of the No r t h
Advi so r--------------------------------Mr . Br own
Business Manager------------ ---------Le l b.nd
Vr i ght
News Dep ' t --------------------Hc:_ r r iet Ma es er
Athletic Dep
t ---- - ----------------- - Ford Mo ulton
Dep ' t ----------- - ----Leo Cuss idy
Art Ar mstrong
Socia l
Typi ng ::::>ep ' t
Josephine St ein- - ------ - -------------Juli a Booth
,... ...
HARBOR RUIJ:e:::\;_ U? El CL.'U:io (j
Harbor Gets To Finals :tn Regio;_lal At Petosl-:ey I,Teet By De fe ating
Charlevoix and Mance l ona In Hard Fought Games .
The Harbor tossers were forced to their utmost to win from Coach
'Wiles fighting ij Uint from Maney. In the final game Harbor could not
locate t he hoop and lost to St . ] r anees of Trav3rse City. This
game was one of the best seen at the Tournament .
In Class B Cadillac vJon the honors while in Ch1.SS D, St . Anne of
Alpena had an easy time winning.
Manistee played Cadillac in t he fina ls gave them a hard fight.
The final gace in D, brought Ellsworth and St. Anne together,
St. Anne winning easily 68 -15 .
Hurbor ' s first game was \"Ji th Clmrlevoix. 'i'be gume was VJe ll fought
and Charlexoix they but w2s too fast, and won
15-8. The H.S. Subs pl:,:. yed the qm.l.rtor. 'i'he wJ.1 ole Harbor team
did s pl endidly. For McCann the t es t.
Ha rbor Springs J?ree Go o. ls Free Throws Persona l F.
F. 3 0 0
Taylor F. 0 0 0
Corne 11 F. 0 0 0
McBride F . 0 0 0
St ewa rt C. 3 1
Grimes C. 0 0 0
G. 0 0 1
Allerding b. 0 0 0
Li noh2.n G. 0 0 1
Campbell G. 0 0 2
Bec::. udoin
Coope r
l'-I c Cc_;_nn
0 J
s nJxt g;::, me a thrille r. H'l rtor ,-Jon tllis .L.!.me f r om
lvl<,_;lomc in the l ;'>st three s0conds . 1\I.:nc;J '' .s out for blood c.nd
gJ.vo Ha r'uor a fight . The :: fine r-. nd the
H&rbor men to fi ght their to win. With three
seconds to go , tho scoro 19-18 us, dro?pod in
c., goul just tho gun nont off . EvJ r ;T on both clean.

Lane ---F.
3 2 1
Cornel l F. 3 0

St0wu. rt C. l 3 1
H.-:1lfn G. 0 1 4
be 11 G. 0 0 0
LJ.nohcm G. 0 0
-7- -6- g-
1}1 vi ci s on F. 4 3 0
Cockrt: n F. 1 1 2
Loffl er c. 0 l 3
Br own G. 2 0 2
_; o 0 2
-r n-
Hf..;. rbor' s finz-.1 g:.mJ for the in Class C.
4 of fi ghting fina lly lost of TrcvJrSo
Both DLtyo d fine g>,mos. 'l
ho K.;. rb or Teem fine tos.mwo r k
and show0d spood , but could no t find tho bs. s l-: r:Jt. H;::,rbor shouikdd be
given gr ea t credit for the gamo fi ght they put up . And wo shoul d
fool pr oud of our toum. Fo r Harbor no individual starred. They
all played toge ther; their teamwo r k wa s thei r best . For !t . Francis
Emme rson was the bri ght light . -
Harbor :
Lane 1 0 1
Cornell 2 1 0
Stewart 1 1 2
Hahn , Capt. 0 1 1
Linehan () C' 3
l !.._l-.:.L._:....._La!....,.:
;-.. .-. ,, , .. . - :. .:
.. ,.,.. v. .., ' .. ,..

Free Goal
Free Throw

1920-----Class B, Soo.
Cha rlevoix.
Clas_s C,
1921-----Cla ss
Clas s
Class C,
B, Chebo ygan.

C, Harhor Springs.
B, Pet oskey
C, Harbor
B, Petoskey.
C, Rogers City.
Here are the leading score make rs
Erwin, Bellarie--37
Burch, Pellston--29
Diet z , Mack inaw Ci ty--25
Pebbles, Ellsworth--22
Ande rs on ,
in Class D:
ll i gni t e, Alba--22
E. Alba--21
H. Hoo re,
The leade rs in Class C are as follows:
Davidson , IVIance l ona--31 Brown,
Cornell, Ha rbor Springs,2 Harbor Surings--20
Shepherd, Ea st Jordan--16
I have picked my tournament team, bel ovv . In some places , I have
change d the men ar ound , but I believe they are bes t fitted for the
pl aces in whi ch I have nut them.
Lst Team
F: Harbor Spri ngs ; David.son, 1\lancelons o C: Stev:ar t , Harbor
Spr ings; G. Hahn, Ha rbor Bailey, ilance l ona .
2nd. Team
F : Larie, Harbo r S) rings ; Eas t Jordan. C: Rothenberge r,
Boyne City. G: Barne tte, East Jordan; McCann, Charlevoix.
3rd Team
F : Higrnan , Cha rlevoix ; Bo rwn, I.Iancelona . C: Laffl er, Manc el ona .
G; Li nehan , Ha r bor Er ber, Boyne City.
Ist Team
F : Er wi n , Bellaire; Dietz, Ma cki naw City. C: Pebbles,
G: Vanderar k , El lswr oth ; Anderson, Pellston.
2nd Team
F : Burch Pellston; H. Moore, Alans on. C: Des y , Mackinaw Cit y .
G: Kloost e r, Ellsworth; Gi l l ett,
3rd Team
J : Wellman, Be llai re; Locke, Boyne Falls. C: B. Rusnell, Abba.
G: Shi,py, Bellaire; Cass id;y, Ma cki naw City.
Pre sentation of trop11 i es t ook .ll ace Lm-;1ed i a tel y follovJ ing the close
of the Harbor-eharl evo ix game.
Fat ge t the s ki nny ma r ks . A survey on nhys ical unfitness in
the colleges mad e by Dr. William R. F . fo r The Women's Home
Companion reveals tha t obesit y and }"'O Or s chol a r shi r go hand i n hand.
An Obese stuC::ent, in :Dr . E:11erson' s l"e) ort, is de:i:"L1ed as "one who s e
weight , on the basis of he i g:;t , i s rJore than 20)S the average .
"l .... .::;_
U"V l .JU .LV U ...i.. ..t"".... .L.L:J
There was general rejoicing in Harbor Springs last week when it
became known that through lack of funds, St. Francis of Traverse City,
tournament winners in Class "C" at Petoskey, were unable to travel
to the State Tournament, and that Harbor Springs, runners-up at
Petoskey, were going in place.
7ednesday evening that team drove to Indian River and took the
train from there.
first game was with Three Oaks at l o'clock, Thursday afternoon.
James Mitchell installed a radio reueiving set in the auditorium SoJ
that all of us could hear the gameo Since 1 orclock in Detroit is 12
o'clock here, Mr. Kaake excused school early Thursday morning to
give us time to get our dinner and get ba ck . However, the radio had
nothing but music to offer, so we heard nothi ng of the game until a
telegram arrived. Three Oaks defeated Harbor 25-12 The game was
interesting throughout. Harbor could not find t heir strade, and
mi 8sed many easy trys at the ba s ket. Oaks was a rug5ed team,
playing the rushing tyep of ball. The fact that our locals
made only two field goals,(both by Lane) show that we met a new
type of basket ball in Three Oaks. A feature of they game was the
large nwnber of fouls called on Three Oaks. As one witty Harborite
put it, "The Detroit gym m.1st l ooked like a chicken yard after
so many f oul s were mace. "
No single man starred for Ha rbor. player on Coach Dickies
quintet fought hard a nd fastc
The team got back in Harbor Springs early Sunday morning. From all
re1Jorts, Detroit must be relei ved to get rid of them. They tore up
the city pretty ba dly during their visit
A l arge number of young :)OOple v.r ere present a t the Spring Pc: ,rty l a st
Friday night, given by the Presbyt erinn C. E. a t Bluff Cott a ge.
Dancing, with music furnished by Mrs. Helen Tubbs snd r.I r. George
Beak, took up most of the time.
The games we re int erspe rsed bet we en danc es, in the form of tourna -
ment in "Class E",. SonlG vary e:xci t i nt cQntests took pla ce, and the
bea utiful was wo n by the t oam from Stutsmanville with Mr. J nmos
Roe as cppt a in.
A fine program was pr es ent ed lf..:, te in the The numbors were:
"The Sqxt ette
"Tr;<Umer a i" -----Violin Solo----- t rico
Dunce----------------------------Els ie Crowl
Lee Gould
Refr e shments consisting of sherbet and cake were served, and sever a l
a ucti oned off. Danci ng continue d until 12:30 , when everyone
wa s rea dy t o go home.
The Christi an Endeavor Society which wishes to tha nk the High
School student s who so &ttended t he pa rty, and to that
tho s e who did not come will be at thd next one.
Th e l a st Ag Club mee t ing he l d 3Vening , March 22, was curtain-
L not much to bos. st :::: bout. Only a f ow memb-er s were The
pr ogr am and ov0r ything elso Now wha t's the matt e r? Are
we a l l ge tt i ng t he Sp r i ng If s o we try soma of Dr.
He s s's 8tock Tonic or Poultry Pana cea it oi ght hulp. He have over
30 memb ers i n Ag . Club, n f ew of girls. At the l a st
meeting five girls a f ew mor e boys wJ r e p resnt. Is this tOJ
go on? Of cour se you say no, but ca nnot nllow our a ttendanc e _tD
j .. . 1 ...
Charlette and John r r adl cy ret urned to schoo l after a few
weeks quarntine.
The l a tin 2 class is s : l s y :::." or t he "to }3e
l a tin Blub
part y . The actors a ll t het r part perfe . t ly. Oh, the is
a \Vow!
Several of the boys were very disa,uointed ove r at the t ournament,
a s for some r eason or othe r tl1e '' L:.1. dy Fri e n ds," f r om East Jorda n
f ound it impossible to at t end this tournament. '
I f yo u hear the t 2l k ing r athe r strange l y don 't b l bme
them or t heii They baen t or a tt empting t o )
Rob e rt Bilrns,
T_m l 0 s:wnt e r' rr It V/C;,p hard t o reu d s:. nd speak
it that since they have this ieat t hey c2n't r e si st the
tempta ti on of showi ng off a bite
We a re a ll look ing torwa r d to t he c oming waek with horror, shudde rK,
quak i ng ond fearso It 's but the mid semeste r exams ye t we
r en. ll:r call them f un.
'-'J e ve r ;l proud of Jur High School , fo r a t the r ecent
tournament, there was not a be tt Jr show of good snortsms n-ship from
any otl1er school. Ha rbor wss well rep r e sent e d o t - the 'wh old mee t
most of the r oo ters g r ouped t oge thor to yell l oud a nd lus tily fo r
our deserving t eam.
Sc vJ r a l J a ys l as t week t he wea thJr was s o l ove l y s ome of the
stu6.ents mwe.mbed to h:l ve the out - of - doo rs, but :..:o r s ome
myst e r ous r 0asun the t ecche r s would n ot c ll ow this.
Thera is c Qystory in scha ol u Dhe r o ha ve 211 the mu rbl e s, bird
shJ rt, b eobi us, etc. c Jme r thJ f l oor Jf tho
come i r am? Vu wa nQJr . DJ you?
Quit.:; .. imJ of our Hurbor Sp r illf:'S Sn,:; b::. .s r::1<...6.0 tho G.cqm:. int ..::. nce of
outsid0r 2 t t ho tournJ y
a t P oto s koy. At a c co r ding t o r o; ort s , was
wo l l r up r os ont od.
Lo s t! Ono of fudge Gould's l ust Sunday
e ve ning ab out six at c l ock . Finder p l JaSG r a turn the Dlatter to hl r.
Gould's and r e c .:; ive CJns
Mari o Dunk l ey v.Ja s out ri di ng J il thJ sho r e r ead l a st Sunday and
r epo rts many int e r es t ing sights but s he will no t t e ll us what.
Flo31'L Lane is- -ve ry anxi ous to spend. hYs sp ring va cation in Greenville
Vfhy? Wh o knows?
Th e Grace and. Marga ret \'ilhi tehill e nterta ined several o:f their
:friends l ast Wed.nesd.a}f eve ning .. As t hey t ook t h eir depal'ture the gir-1 8
passed_ out a generous supply of dates--
Jim Roe was seen in a clee:p r:everie: pacing the street in front of
t h e Presbyteria n Chur ch_ Sunday a f ternoon abou t 6 otclock. Oh, so
Ch ick Erwin s :pent Saturday i n hauling junk to t h e city junk heap.
S'u sp ici ans are abr oa d. that he h ad over run h is a llowance and. wanted. to
g irl to the tournament that evening.
Misses Du. nkle;y and. Mar garet. Stant on enterta i ned Nsta Lee Gould.
with a wa ffle su_:p:p er l ast Wedne sd.ay o
On Sunda y a fternoon of March 12th Miss Emma Johnson a rose a t t wo
o'clock, and., a fter e a ting a light a c.Jompanied. Nfay Allen on a
s i ght seeing tour ab out the eity of ITarbor Spr ing s.
It is re:Q orted. t hat a new style i s ou t .. Girls are wearing their hair
with a ba rette on t he lef t s id.e vvhile on the right the h eaviest part is
pu shed. behi nd. the e a r and. a well groomed. nspit-curl'' is r1orn just in
f r ont. We believe some of our high cla ss Junior g irl s to be responsibl :_
for t h is new f a d..
On Mar ch 22 , the E"pvwr t h Leat,'118 of" the Mo E. Chur ch gave a n Irish
:;, arty for the Hi gh School stuclent s., It wa s Irish and n o mistalce ! To
e, ain a dmittance every one wore green and brought a d.ime. The progr am
con sist e d. of Irish liTilSi c and. I rish r eading s or stuHt s. The refreshments
v;r ere potat o s alad. a nd. broad. and. bu ttcr a nd. cocoa.
Every one h opes the Epworth League. \"t ill g i ve them a notho r party s ome
day .
Miss Vi v i an Lane bo camo suc1d.enl y d igni fied. l a st Sa turday a nd. chap e r-
oned. a part y of lit tl e folkC. out to Id.el-Wilde. It ha s n 't affected. h er
g ood s ens e of hu mor as yet for she is l au ghing as much as usual.
Agnes Mattison h a s r e c eived. t;)<p ist c e rtifi cate .
Mi ss Gochl i n s pent t he v,cck- cnd. at her .tm:1e i n Tra-g,crsc City"'
All sh orthand. and t;y-:p 1ng stu6_cnt3 vrcr k ine; exc eptionally hc:. rd.,
d.ue to a conte st tha-c. vvill be hel d. sometime in


UT: i. T
On :b
riday, April 8, the coun(.r i 21 sti t ute fo r teachers will be held
at .l?etoskey. The speakers f or thi s rnee tinf. are: Dr. Sinai, from
University of I.1ich ., , :Jr. Ernest :Su:cnham , l:al8.mazoo NoTmal; Proffessor
PaulVoelxe r, Battle Creek
The program will consist of:
lOFM-----Dr. Sinai-----Health Tallc .
llAM--.,...--Dr. Burnham---Inspirational Adcl ress
1:30PM---:Jr. Sinai -----Health Address
2:30PM---Dr. Bur nham---Talk on Education
3:30PM---Prof. Voelker--Talk High School
7:30PM---Pro'. Voelke r--A. B.C. 01t
musical selections will be vlayed on the interva ls
Betty Hathaway and Miss hi ked out to Betty's home, where
they spent l a st week-end.
The Seniors have deci ded UlJOn t he ir commenc ement invitations.
With Senior play op8retta and orations, the eveninfs a re
all occu-pied.
Carrie Wa rner has resorted to the foot vvet:t r of her dtt ;,rs--
roller skates! We fear it will soon h&ve to be snowshoes .
When Mr. :Z:aake announced there vJ e re some eYt r u, men in
town Els ie ' s cheery, but unusually enthusiastic voice could be heard
yelling, "Where?" ,
Al l the Sen Lors have givan their or at i ons excep t Bob and Rudy , who
a re still(anxiously?) wa iting fo r mat erial to a rrive.
Miss Hamilton has r esorted to collecting ma r bles in her assembly
period. I f you see t he faculty ma rblas f or a Spring
pastime :;ou can wi t h tl1e who los t theirs.
ATi-ILETIC I31NQ'JL7 Ivl4.RCH 31st.
At six -o 'clock in -the evening of IJ<:t-rch- 31, the local Cham be"!' e f
Commerce is gi ving a chic1cen su::: Y-) <Jr in the Hethodist Church bas ement
in honor of Harbor's and Foot Ball men. The will be
open to the general :!J Ublic c:nd the admission will be 505( t o all
exc ep t the gue sts and their Afte r the eat s e re served the
remai nce r of the evenlng will be in s inging songs , yelling--
and enjoying whatever program is planned for the occa sion. At this ti
time next year's capta ins will be elected by the bo ys, for both
Foot Ball and Basket Ball. T:1 i s v1 ill be the filst Athletic Banquet
of the season so, as it is sur e to be a great success l et 's ev3r yone
plan to BE at the Methodi st Church at thirty-first of this month
can be pruchii sed from either l.f r. Pi fe r or Mr. Cl yde Bra dfield
f or OIJLY 50.
ORATORY & D:GCJ:,AI.lP..TOR 1-t:::rJD E:S?C A?RI L 8
Thur sday night April 8, the Annual sub- dist rict .Jeclawa t ory and
Orator t orical contest will be he ld in the a uc1i toriurn. The wim1ers
of e&ch local contest will compete in this sub- di s trict contest.
Mr. Spitler of Petoskey is chairman of the first s ub-district under
district 5, which i ncludes Charlevoix, Chebo;jgan, and Emmet

Judges fo r delivery a re select ed f r om teachers and superintendents
f r om Hi gh Schools in this part of t he state . There wi ll be 3 Judges
f r om the count y in which the conte s t is held.
The vr i nning orat ions are s ent to l.'Iount Pleasant, Ka l ama zoo, and
Ysiplanti to be j ud ged on , content and thought.
Son1e schools intering this contest a re: Boyne City, Boyne Falls ,
Cha rlevoix, Cheboygan, Pellston, Petoske y , Tower, Wolverine ,
Harbor Springs, and many
lRepresenta ti ves fron.1 our ovvn s chool a re: Vivian Lane--Oration
and Elsie Crawl--Declamation
Advanc ed membe r s of the in numlJe r, with Miss
Silhavy , attended t he Sjlyle show at s in Petoskey yesterday
afternoon. They drove i n fur n i 8hed by Phyllis Powers and
Margaret St anton.
By Gu:,r c;a ge
Mr. Waldon was a very rich man lmd spent htl:s' life collecting
pearls and other gems . He had that had come from all parts of
the world, and his collecti on vvas valued at several hundred thousand
Now, Mr. Waldon was getting old and felt that he woul d s oon die, and
he not know what to do with his collec tion of gems . He had many
relatives but he did not know which one of them most deserved the
fo rtune of pearls and other stones. He put his collection in a
special metal box and locked the cover on and left a note attached
to the handle. '
A few weeks a f ter Mr. Wa ldon's death the wi ll was Mr. Waldon
had lett his money evenly distributed bet ween his relatives. In the
wi ll was a clause concerning the collection of It said that
who ever opened the box should have the collection of valuable gems.
The relatives took the box f rom its re s ting place and seeing the
note decided to read This note said that a contri' vance had been
arranged inside of the box in such a way that anyone opening the
cover would be blown to atoms o However, if anyone could open the box
safely they could have the treasure
The box occupies a ro om in the home of one of Mr. Waldonrs
relatives. No one dare open it and get the pearls . Can any one tell
what is inside of the box be s i des the pearls? If they are able to do
so, there is treasure awaiting you.
By Arlene Cum111 ings
I get so disgusted vJ ith my lat est ovmer . li y f irst owner was very
considerate of me; she did not mark on me or turm my pages down. Now,
I am handled very carelessly. My ownar slams me around on the floor
every day. She does not seem to like me. My naoes is Physics.
Sometimes I think that it is the name doesn't like. She turns the
edf:8 s of my pages down and it me look dirsorderly. _She rn:'l.I'kS
all over- pat?'e-s--;-and -I - fee-1 so dirt-y- tria t I wish sometimes, I had
the abi li to use an eras er, and could clean myself up. She puts
her in oe and leaves them there. I begin to bul ge out a lthough
I try har d to hold myself together.
Would you not get discourage d if you were in my pl&ce?
HlL.YJ.ter Jadd
Well, I hear there is to be a game toni ght. I SUlJ -l OSe I'll ge t
knocke d around as usuc l. I hope they are a little more considerate
of my f e elings this tims. The game starts at 7:30 so bo sura to be
there . See you lat 0r.
We ll, thare goJ S the wh istle . Yoo -hoo, girls, horc I Wha t!
Are th0y roing to us e t hat old "pun1:::i n" toni t:ht? And this the pig
3'ame of the "Go sh", I hat u to sit on the bunch and watch
thi s game . I
m t wic e good a s . t hat ol
wr a cL; Aw!gac , f Uess Irll go
and blow up! Good-bye folks.
I am a basket -ball and I only move when s omeone moves me .
I am us e d in a ba s ke t-ba ll and I travel quit o sometimes.
am t hr own f r om one pa rson to anoth0r . and other f ellows wnnt me SG
tha t they try, and sometimes t ake me away from the opnosito feam
hc wny they f i ght somot imes you would think I wa.s a f! i rl a t a d[1. ncc
all wa:qt <J d to danc e vv i th me, and sti':. rt t i ghtinr to s <J o who would
Somdt ime s I f et joltJd protty ha rd. Tha t is t he time when a pl aye r
l ro'NS me at c piece of ro und. iron with :: string net hc:"nging from itr
.nd I go threw the not . I hit tho with an nwful whollap . Other
that I gc; t jolt,;d is whn a fo llow st:.J. rts dribbling dovm the 'floor
1: <.e m Sl)innine: n. nd tho dr i bbl 3r slans me over.
I h:l vc :1 minutos r est :.t ciu:: rt ,; rs minut os <:.t th<J hci l fs , but
;oe , I am tired when the is ovJ r.
The co.:. ch puts me in r oom und0 r thu st;: irs till L1o ndc.y ni gl1t
II GE'l'':L'I ne- L s c;!i.OOI P 1--. RTT'
J am'3s Cla r k e
Shirts a re the -p r imary :..t:c t or in tLe cl r ess . If :rou can find one
without a dirty collar and aulfs you can consi der yourself very
lucKy. A p resse d suit rJakes t11.e crOY' l ook liko a man'; a f lashy
tie changes a to a rose; glliJ -boots put that touch of
snap int o a young man and dad's ha t silk s J cks top it al l off, so thus
the preliminary p r oceadure is .
A hot tub oi wat cH will aacor:J_:: li :Jh menwles if' you &re lucky enough
to ge t l:o t \V<:.;. ter you come out a ne\; man .. Scrm:J ing the :.:l1 is:z: ers is a
bloody :)crroces s and the tlJe. t coDes out o::L tte still recogniz-
a ble is a lways ma rvel e d at.
Al ter the woo l is 2nC combed , snd the teeth brushed, the
assembling begins.
Broken shoel2 c as r aise the ternpratur e of an ordinar y ' boy 50
C. but t his man I am sneoki np a bout di d not mcke a f uss
but toss e d the whol e unf0 r t ho bed und his brother's
... "tis motto w;_t s fi1st ; )On ' s susoonCe1s eame inver;'
A good. ha nd::c"ull at siste rs ;:... nd CU'1 i'ull of h<J l' p 8 r i VIr10 set
him o:t f like u flowe r shop in ;_; t :.nn<b:'rrg f ac tory.
going out, one critic2 l l iliok in the mtrrow to
move e hu ir or t wo in the to tho l e:.. t sink , blazer
handk0rchief out littl0 s nd ti ght 0n t he necktie.
Mud-puddles '.i r e mos t convi entl-,, locE1 tec1 :::. t th . .; ::o at of stc;)S ::.:md
into our h e ro strecheQ l angth. Eo lour nJd t o' miss
mo re five st uus wh en n a hur r y.
Pe r 8erve nca co unls 1n t h 8 shfuik wunt b2ct to start ove r
rJ. gs. in.
JUlH O::: r.: IG:':l

LGwis Zatchms n
Most bo:rs tll :J. t if thGy '": ro __ i nd_ to their r.wtho r O;. n d fuihor a.nd
he l f) them tln t t hoir l>-rGnts wi:l .. l l : bo __ inG to t11om.
Tho boy VJhO c; Ol.i BS h omo :t' rom school cncl .. Il o:,.. c oinf quiekly to th2
p l oy r:-roun(l ;__._ s1cs his ,_, otl10r i:f b o co uld help h J Y finish h .;r n ark is a.
toy who:mc ps. r Gnts :.. ru p roud of. 'dh:Jn :; boy doJs t rl -3bo l: i nd o:t. things
th3 p;.: rGnts b,;gin to h '..'. V,j r.1o r 0 int ;:c H:lt in th<3 il sons s.nd :.r il l t ,_ka
thorn with thew to difldront
:Sut th0 b oy c orn ..: s :iJOm; .. nd r J ;s t o ;p Ly Yi i thout ;.;.ny r.:;p-<:.: rd f or
his moth.;r' s tir__: dn .;s s i s usu :lly : boy "Jnom t l.k }) :: r e n t s f ind to
hGlT) . i f .. f: . t h_n- .n(, l"1is son runs t o m:;d t him it
--r. : :' .-'8 ,, '""C' 11 n-.J_ r>ttF " ) "r"'O U d '"lQ' -11 ' .- ,-.. +o Sll"h ,, '-'i'10 son
.l JJ . ... '-"' .l..d <....v_ i..J '-" "''/ . ..... -'- . . U \... V ,_, -L J.. "
Tvvo boys f r om tho oi ghth gr . c1o nd thr.Jv boys from tho ninth gr s do
J L .. :1 0 d .:. g:c mo o:i: ;:g:--. inst t V.'O bovs :..: r om t he) t J n th and
b oys fr om t he e l eve n th f;.l. Cl de l !'J. st HondSty . The l ower grv. des
:J on 18 -1 '?
The the is ove r.

I.L rc':l 16, the eighth p-r ;, .c.1e l k Cl ::::. on VI het he r g irls
use i ul boys . Pa u l Li ghtfoot 2nd Lewis
,: et chrw.m up held -'c}le th-:t Loys ,;,; e r e r.wre Leon
:; :enneth 3 ur c;e tt und Geor ?-: 3 Ee.:.:;: t t e p irls . The
r3sult WL S 5-l of the .
Hoover Doris De r e 2beent f r om school we ek on
siekness .
Th i s the ei ghth PTL' Ge been h.:.. v inR the ;)icture slides for
Hist ory r e vi ew.
Mi ss i oui 8e SchwerttE5eger return e d t o school , 14 , ui ter
Hono r Roll
June 28 point s Audrey Bliss 16 no i n ts
3e t ty Gra. h:J.rn 24 !! I-:Lri e 3.o.nsom 15 "
Miss Mor ri son on lng 7 e rc1 de r ooh1, is Ivi<J. r ie Ru. nsom? "
.. rion Armstrong , " She is c"iyeing ."
1/I i t> s Lio rrison t o Gr,;E:w , 1r. ve there Bo ttyf?l!
Be tty G. "Hothing.
Mil::t: ord Shn. de r( ve r y I it .
Father to son: Always try to be a
Son: llaw, I don't want to be a ge :1 tlaman; I want to be like
t.. .vnere are you goh1f , little flea?
I'm goi ng to the do gs.
"Name the five senses."
" Nickels."
Teacher: Can you hear me bauk there?
Students: No.
Tourist (in looki n g a t a :; eculL:.; r }:: h?ped toul der): And j ust where
did you say this rock caoe from?
Guide: A glacier brou?ht it down .
And whare did the gl a ciar go?
Guide: Oh, it went back rock.
Owne r of ancient car: I' m afrs. id I shall ha ve to to wal k up
Passenger: Right-ho, old c hap ; I
ll for yo u ut the
"Tired of wa L:i:ng, little g:i:rl? " a.s::ed the coll.e g::; l a d; c.s he r ace r:
up in his car.
"I sure hm ," rar> lied t ha objact oi' h is
"Then run u ;;l1 ile, r s u icl t l::::J coll0ge l ar1 c: s he rac od u. wL. y in his cr:, r.
"Tha t ha s u. rare voc-::.bul c.:.. r ;r . '!Ls ha ine d. on <:.
"Oh, no ; the gi rls broug:ht hi m from college."
How ::;. bout a li ttlo ride, cutie?l!
"Are you going north?"
"Yes , I am "
"Then givo my rega rds to th0 S::skimos."
She: di-d yo-u g0 t.o coll ugo'?
He: To study law.
She : Then why did you go to Europe?
He: To th0 l aw.
La dy, Ah wants a fl e sh-colored ba thin' suit for ma h gal,
Ah dontt want no p ink one e ithe r.
Fish: How old is
Fishy: Don't know, but everybody I'Jc :. s overcoa1c by the boa t from tho
candles o. t hor l n st )r ... r ty.
Jim: You ha ve a n
Arl une: Oh, Jim, so p oe tic. do you mc s n?
Jim: .It
s i nvisibl e t o tho n 2kad 0yo .
Pa ss cng0r (to sta tion a gent of a smull town out We st): Do trGins ever
stop here?
"Wa - a ll," wo. s the reply, nthey did once for Jesse J t.mes."
"When I w:::.. s I i.ll.Ttlldo up my mind to ge t rich."
"But you never becnr:: e 1ich."
NO. I ciecidod it WG. S easier to ch<..mge mind.
Lunoher (to mu.n who is mn.l:: ing cfff with his ove r coo. t) : I beg
-purdon, but in c;;.so we don't meet in, I couple of
;iga rs out of my )Ocket.
Ike :
Ho. s Mr. Smith be en here ?
Oh, yes, he here e n hour a go.
'.ia s I with h:!.m?
:r:Iahn: :Did you r end Sh.; r vJOod And3rson
Not obookrr?
Gr 2. ham: No, but I po. ssed cmY':I<l. Y
r:L'o D.cher: Whore vw1 s the ion of 1ndo::_)ondenc o signed?
J ohnny: At the

Toll c h
t 11 <.\ t
ern pt r Spot
l-1 6, s
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Sc 11 oo t
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s vp ,,) I i e 5
l)y' u <rS) etG
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F ., y' 5 -r;.

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