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Running head: 440 JOURNALING

Andrew Kanyote Nursing 440-Journaling Spring, 2013

Running head: 440 JOURNALING 1. What are your learning goals for the next 2 weeks - be very specific? My learning goals for the next 2 weeks are to carefully plan and stay on target as far as completing all my readings and assignments on time. I also plan to meet specifically with

SoDoTo II instructors to address care plan issues which are not clear to me especially on how to incorporate the concept map into the care plan.

2. Describe how you are using the KSVME model in your clinical practice. SDCs KSVME model guides me gain knowledge through selected reading material, the skills lab and the clinical rotations helps me gain nursing experience. The program has put together a package that teaches personal discipline and value which I believe goes a long way in giving nursing a meaning.

3. Describe how your philosophy of nursing is developing.

My Philosophy of Nursing is that Nursing is an evolving field. It changes with times as far as care is concerned and as evidence based replaces ineffective methods. My philosophy continues to develop as I gain knowledge and experience. Such experience is always viewing the patient as a whole at all times. As a whole meaning that the patient, their family and community make up the patient.

4. Describe how you are integrating reducing health disparities in your care of your clients. I believe diversity is the answer to health disparities. Age, race and gender affect health care outcomes. Diversity, advocating and educating all is my way of reducing health disparities.

Running head: 440 JOURNALING

5. Describe the components of your practice that lend themselves to professional behaviors. Professional behaviors are greatly encouraged and enforced by the SDC nursing program. Components and practice that depict in me are being on time for every class, integrity, meeting deadlines and portraying a professional look by wearing SDC nursing uniform.

Skill Taught: Measuring temperature.

Nursing diagnosis: Pain r/t improper placement of digital thermometer AEB pain of 4/10 under the tongue.

Unexpected outcome: Injury to the mouth under the tongue.

Strength: The willingness and interest to learn the skill was outstanding.

Goals: Preventing adverse effects of obvious nature and negligence. Also training on proper use of equipment planned.

Changes and improvements: Preparing lesson handouts and compiling resources for the learner to be able to benefit fully.

Running head: 440 JOURNALING

Concept Map

Nursing diagnosis Pain r/t improper placement of digital thermometer AEB pain of 4/10 under the tongue.

Adverse Reaction Patients injury to the mouth due to assessment performed incorrectly.

Skill Measuring Strength Patients great interest to learn.


Goals Preventing unexpected outcomes like injury by obviously being more careful. More equipment use trainings.

Changes and Improvements Prepare handouts and resources for future lessons.

Running head: 440 JOURNALING Reference Smith, Duell &Martin. (2012). Clinical Nursing Skills. Basic to Advanced Skills. 8th Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.

Ebersole, P., Hess, P., Touhy, T.A., Jett, K., & Luggen, A.S. (2010). Toward healthy aging: Human needs and nursing response. 8th Edition. St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

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