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Morgan R.

Edwin Scales, Ill
Vice Chair
Michelle Anchors
Matthew F. Carlucci
I. Martin Ford
Tom Freeman
Susan Horovitz Maurer
Linda McKee Robison
Stanley M. Weston
Mr. Timothy "Chaz" Stevens
Post Oflice Box 1123
Deerfield Beach, FL 33443
State of Florida
P.O. Drawer 15709
Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709
325 John Knox Road
Building E, Suite 200
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
"A Public Office is a Public Trust"
August 29, 201 3
RE: Complaint No. 11 -071, In re LEE GIANNJNO
Dear Mr. Stevens:
Virlindia Doss
Executive Director
C. Christopher Anderson, III
General Counsell
Deputy Executive Director
(850) 488-7864 Phone
(850) 488-3077 (FAX)
www.ethics.state.fl .us
Please disregard the August 28 meeting notification received from our office. The cmTespondence
included incorrect dates and meeting location.
The Conunission on Ethics will meet on Friday, October 25, 2013, for the purpose of taking final
action in the above-captioned complaint, based upon the Joint Stipulation of Fact, Law and
Recommended Order, a copy of which is enclosed. Pursuant to Conunission Rule 34-5.020(2),
F.A.C., any written response you wish to file will be provided to the Commission for its
consideration. If you wish to tile a response, it should be received by the Conunission no later than
Wednesday, October 23, 201 3. In addition, you will need to provide a copy of the response to the
Respondent at the address provided below.
The meeting will begin at 8:30a.m., in Room 37S of the Senate Office Building, 404 South Monroe
Street, Tallahassee, Florida. Jf you plan to attend, please notify our office at least two d?.ys prior tn
the meeting.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Advocate at (850) 4 14-3300 or our office if you have any
questions concerning this matter.

Complai nt Coordinator
cc: Mr. Lee Giannino, Respondent
5028 NW II'" Way
Pompano Beach, FL 33064-8624
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ComplaiDt No. 11-071
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ '
Respondent, Lee Gimmino IDd the Advocate for the Florida Cnnmissioo on Ethics enter
into this Joint Stipulation of ~ Law, 8Qd Recnmmmded Older with respect to 1hc above-
styled Complaint Subject to acaptmce by the Commission 011 Btbic:s. dlo parties agree that
they enter into this stipulated settlement in lieu of further bearinas in this cause. The parties
stipulate as follows:
1) At all times material to this Complaint, Respondent serled as a membet of the
Deerfieki Beach Housing Authority and as such was subject to the provisions of the Code of
Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, Part m, Chapter 112. Florida Statutes.
2) On May 31,2011, a sworn Complaint was filed with the Commission on Ethics
alleging that Respondent had violated the Code of Ethics.
3) Pursuant to Section 112.322. Florida Statutes. 1hc Executive Director of the
Commission on Ethics found that the Complaint was legally sufficient and r ~ a preliminaty
investigation of the Complaint for a probable cause detemllnation of wbetbet Respondent
violated the Code of Ethics. The Report of Investigation was released on July 2. 2012.
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4) On September 12, 2012. the Commission on Ethics fO\Dld probable cause to
believe Respondent had violated Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes.
The allecabon is:
RapoiKlaJt violated ScetioG 112.313(7)(a), Plorlda Statutes by having a
c:oDf1idiog employmc:nt ot contractual relatioasbip when he served as
presideDt of a private tUnpeny 1bat leased office space fiom the Housing
S) Respondeat admits 1be &as as 5d fOrth m the Rqlort of lllvestipticm, whioh is
incorporattd by rd:lcncc in this Joint S1ipulalion.
6) Respondent CDteiS into this Stipulation with 1bc uodetstaMing of the seriousness
of the alJeptioa.. Although he expressly deaics 1bat there was my intent to 'riolate 1bis SWUte,
be admits that his business_ <hand American 1itle and Escrow Company, entered into a lease
agreement prcpmd by tho Housing Deerfield Beach HousiDg Authority. Respondent recognizes
the importaDcc of iW1 and c:omplctc c:ompliaoce with all edlical SbiDdards aad requirements and
gives his asswance that this proc'Mding has affected the manner in vmich he conducts himself as
a public official in a positive way.
7) Respondeat is subja:t to tbe provisiODS of Part lilt Chapter 112, Florida Statates,
the Code ofEtbies for Public Officers and Employees.
8) The Commission on Ethics bas jurisdiction owr 1he Complaint filed in this
proceec:ting and over Rapondent.
9) Respondeat violated Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida S..Utes by having a
conflicting employment or conttactual rdationship when be served as president of a private
company 1bat leased office space ftom the Ho1ming Authority.
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10) Respondent admits the allegation as set forth in paragraph four of the Stipulated
F'mdings of Fact. above.
11) Tbe Advocate accepts Respondent's admission(s) in this proceeding.
12) The Advocate and R.espoadent have entered into this Joint Stipulation and urge
tbc Commission on Ethics 10 approve it in lieu of further bearings in this cause.
13) Therefore, the Advocate recommends that:
(a) The Commission on Etbics approve this Joint Stipulation, embodying the
stipulations, admissions, and recommendationa of the parties; and
(b) The Commission on Ethics enter a Final Order and Publio Report finding that
R.espoadeut violared Sectionl12313(7)(a1 Florida S1atutes, and recommending:
(1) A cM1 peaalty of$1,250.00 dollars.
14) Respondent and the Advocate stipulate and covenant that they have freely and
voluntarily entaul into this Joint Stipulation of Fact, Law. and Recommended Order with full
.lcnowledge 8Dd undersralldiDg of its contcDtS. Respondent and tbe Advocate further stipulate and
oovenant that this Joint Stipulation constitutes the full agreement of the parties and that there are
no otal or written unders1a:odings between the parties otbet than those contained in this
Stipulation ofrac;t, Law, and Recommended Otder.
15) Respondent and the Advocate stipulate and covenant that, in consideration of the
provisions of this Joint Stipulation of Fact, Law, and Recommended Order, Respondent and the
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Advocate accept and will comply with the above-referenced Final Order and Public Report of the
Commission on Ethics.
16) Respondent and the Advocate stipulate that this Joint Stipulation of Fact, Law,
and Recommended Order is submitted to the Commission on Ethics for its consideration and
ratification. In the event that it is not approved by the Commission on Ethics as written, this
document shall be of no purpose and effect and shall not be deemed an admission by
17) Effective upon approval of this Joint Stipulation of Fact, Law, and Recommended
Order by the Commission on Ethics, Respondent waives all time, notice, and hearing rights,
requirements, and entitlements, as to all subsequent hearings in this proceeding.
Signed. dated and entered into day 2013.
r . rvJ , I
AA a ,,4/ "' dbJI
Mefody A J'
Advocate for the Florida
Commission on Ethics
Florida Bar No. 0636045
Office of the Attorney General
The Capitol, PL-01
Tallaluwce, Florida 32399-1050


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