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Campus15-2013 II / 90170A / Cuestionarios / Act 3. Reading Assignment 1 / Intento 1

Act 3. Reading Assignment 1

Question 1 Puntos: 1 According to reading 3 To whom would mostly this lecture be presented? Seleccione una respuesta. a. Hospital staff b. Embassy staff c. School staff d. Hotel staff Question 2 Puntos: 1 According to reading 1 John Chapman crossed America, because: Seleccione una respuesta. a. He was looking for shoes and clothing. b. The Indians told him to. c. He was escaping from people d. An angel told him to Question 3 Puntos: 1 According to reading 2 Scientists see the solution in: Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Well paid people b. Well dressed people c. Well educated people d. Well informed people Question 4 Puntos: 1 Reading 1 According to Reading 1 answer the following question John Chapman was born in the _____ century. Seleccione una respuesta. a. 18th b. 21st c. 20th d. 15th Question 5 Puntos: 1 According to reading 3 The word to cope with can be replaced by? Seleccione una respuesta. a. To pay b. To try c. To solve d. To feel Question 6 Puntos: 1 According to reading 1 Indians loved Johnny because he taught them about the bible and gave apples to them. Seleccione una respuesta. a. False b. None of these are true c. True d. It is not said in the text. Question 7 Puntos: 1 According to reading 1 answer the following question John Chapman was called "Appleseed", because: Seleccione una respuesta. a. He crossed America planting apple seeds. b. Every American person wanted to eat apples c. He read the Bible. d. He ate a lot of apples Question 8 Puntos: 1

According to reading 2 What do you thing is the purpose of the reading? Seleccione una respuesta. a. Raise awareness of environmental care b. Invite people to sign a law to defend natural resources. c. Invite people for using all natural resource before they finish. d. Ask people to raise money for environmental purpose. Question 9 Puntos: 1 According to reading 1 In the text, "God bless you" expresses mainly: Seleccione una respuesta. a. Compassion. b. Fear c. Happiness. d. Surprise Question 10 Puntos: 1 According to reading 3 you can infer that the person leading this speech is a? Seleccione una respuesta. a. Teacher b. Manager c. Employee d. Doctor Tiempo restante Usted se ha autentificado como JUDY ANDREA FIGUEROA (Salir) 90170A

Act 3. Reading Assignment 1

Dear Students: For the following quiz, you will be asked to solve some questions according to your reading comprehension from the texts found in the previous link. The assignment will have 10 questions and will last 1 hour. Enjoy the reading

Lmite de tiempo: 1 hora Cuestionario abierto: jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013, 00:05 Cuestionario cerrado: martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013, 23:55

Resumen de sus intentos previos

Intento Completado Puntos / 10 Calificacin / 20 Comentario 1 Usted se ha autentificado como JUDY ANDREA FIGUEROA (Salir) 90170A

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