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Date : 25 August 2008

Class : Year 3
Time : 1130-1230
Enrolment : ___/16 pupils
Theme : Learning about the World Around Us
Learning Area : 3. Springs
Learning Objectives : Pupils should learn
3.1 that a spring returns to its original size and shape
after being bend, twisted, stretched or squeezed.
Learning Outcomes : Pupils
• state that a spring returns to its original size and
shape after being bent, twisted, stretched or
• state that it is easier to bend, twist, stretch and
squeeze some springs than others.
Topic : Springs
Duration : 60 minutes
Method : Hands on activities, Discussion.
Science Process Skills (SPS) : Observing
Thinking skills (TS) : Attributing
Comparing and contrasting
Manipulative Skills (MS) :
• Use and handle science apparatus and substances.
Science Attitudes and Noble Values (SANV):
• Being cooperative
• Being confident and independent

Teaching and Learning Resources (T&L):

Springs Pen Hand spring Balance Springs

Steps/Phase Contents Teaching and Learning Activities Remarks
Set Induction The uses of spring Teacher shows some materials to T&L:
(5 minutes) in daily life. pupils. Pen
1130-1135 Hand spring
Teacher asks question: Balance springs
1. How the stuffs functioning?
Teacher state the topic of the lesson’s • Observing
today. “SPRINGS”.
• Attributing
• Relating
Eliciting Idea Bend Teacher asks pupils to form groups. SANV:
(15 minutes) Twist • Being
1135-1155 Stretch cooperative
Squeeze MS:
Teacher distributes springs to the pupils Use and handle
and asks them to discuss and list down science apparatus
what they can do with the springs. and substances.

Teacher asks each group presents their T&L:

answer in front of the class. Springs

• Observing
• Relating

Restructuring Teacher shows word cards to pupils T&L:

Ideas and asks them to demonstrate by using Word cards
(15 minutes) A spring returns to the spring given according to the word Springs

1155-1215 its original size cards. (Appendix A)
and shape after SPS:
being bent, Teacher discusses with pupils about the • Observing
twisted, stretched demonstrations. TS:
or squeezed. • Attributing
Teacher questions:
• Relating
1. What happen to the springs after
being bent, twisted or squeeze?
Application It is easier to bend, Teacher distributes two types of springs T&L:
(20 minutes) twist, stretch and to the pupils together with the Springs
1215-1225 squeeze some worksheet. (Appendix B)
springs than SPS:
others. Teacher explains the worksheet to the • Observing
pupils. • Classifying

Pupils are required to complete the SANV:

worksheet given. Being confident
and independent
Teacher discusses the answers with

Teacher asks pupils to do some
• Attributing
exercises in their activity book as
• Comparing
homework. (My Science – SASBADI.
Book B and Book C. Year 3)
• Relating
Closure A spring returns to Teacher summarizes today’s lesson by
(10 minutes) its original size asking: SANV:
1225-1230 and shape after 1. What happen to the size and shape Being confident
being bent, of the springs after we bent, twist, and independent
twisted, stretched stretch and squeeze the springs?

or squeezed. 2. Which types of springs are easier to
bend, twist, stretch and squeeze?

Prepared by, Checked by,

……………………………………. ………………………

(Aryiana Clarence Gaup) (EN. WILLE CHARLI)

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