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Polynomial is an expression constructed from variables (also called indeterminates) and constants (usually numbers, but not always),

using only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponents (which are equivalent to several multiplications by the same value). However, the division by a constant is allowed, because the multiplicative inverse of a non-zero constant is also a constant. For example, x2 x/4 + 7 is a polynomial, but x2 4/x + 7x3/2is an algebraic expression that is not a polynomial, because its second term involves a division by the variable x (the term 4/x), and also because its third term contains an exponent that is not a non-negative integer (3/2). Monomial is a product of powers of variables with nonnegative integer exponents, or, in other words, a product of variables, possibly with repetitions. The constant 1 is a monomial, being equal to the empty product and x0 for any variable x. If only a single variable x is considered, this means that a monomial is either 1 or a power xn of x, with n a positive integer. If several variables are considered, say, , , , then each can be given an exponent, so that any monomial is of the form with nonnegative integers (taking note that any exponent 0 makes the corresponding factor equal to 1). Exponent is a mathematical notation that implies the number of times a number is to be multiplied by itself. Constant is a non-varying value, i.e. a value that is completely fixed or fixed in the context of use. The term usually occurs in opposition to variable (i.e. variable quantity), which is a symbolthat stands for a value that may vary. By convention, constants in formulas are denoted by letters from the beginning of the alphabet (e.g. a, b, c), while letters at the end of the alphabet (e.g. x, y, z) are reserved for variables. Coefficient is a multiplicative factor in some term of an expression (or of a series); it is usually a number, but in any case does not involve any variables of the expression. For instance in the first two terms respectively have the coefficients 7 and 3. The third term 1.5 is a constant. Trinomial is a polynomial consisting of three terms or monomials the term quadratic describes something that pertains to squares, to the operation of squaring, to terms of the second degree, or equations or formulas that involve such terms. Quadratus is Latin for square.

Linear is the branch of mathematics concerning vector spaces, often finite or countably infinite dimensional, as well as linear mappings between such spaces. Such an investigation is initially motivated by a system of linear equations containing several unknowns. Such equations are naturally represented using the formalism of matrices and vectors. Degree (in full, a degree of arc, arc degree, or arcdegree), usually denoted by (the degree symbol), is a measurement of plane angle, representing 1360 of afull rotation; one degree is equivalent to /180 radians. It is not an SI unit, as the SI unit for angles is radian, but it is mentioned in the SI brochure as an accepted unit. Binomial is an algebraic expression (or a polynomial) containing two terms that are not like terms. sum is amount obtained as a result of adding numbers.

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