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Oncogene: a) Are genes responsible of delaying cancer b) Are not detected in viruses c) Products may affect signal transduction in a cell d) Are not involved in causation of any cancer e) Are the same as protooncogenes 2. Characteristics of cancer cells include: a) Loss of contact inhibition b) Altered membrane permeability c) Diminished requirement for growth factors d) Altered cellular enzymes profile e) All of the above is correct 3. Biochemical changes that occur in transformed (cancer) cells include all of the following except: a) Increased pyrimidine catabolism b) Increased rate of glycolysis and lactate formation c) Increased activity of ribonucleotides reductase d) Increased rate of nucleic acid synthesis e) Inappropriate synthesis and secretion of proteases 4. Which of the following is a possible cause of cancer? a) Introduction of a novel gene into the cell genome by an oncogenic virus b) Damage of the cellular DNA by exposure to a radiant energy c) Alteration of DNA base sequence as a result of exposure to chemical mutagens d) Inheritance of defective tumor suppressor gene e) All of the above is correct 5. The following is correct about the regulation of cell division: a) It is triggered by phosphorylation of various cellular proteins b) It is mainly regulated by a complex protein called maturation promotion factor (MPF) c) The regulatory protein, cyclin is degraded at the end of the mitotic phase d) DNA is synthesized during the S phase of the cell cycle e) All of the above is correct 6. The following is incorrect about Ames test: a) It is used for evaluating the potential carcinogenicity of a chemical substance b) It is useful in diagnosis of cancer in human tissues c) It employs a mutated strain of Salmonella typhimurium d) It uses the ability of histidine synthesis as an indicator for mutagenicity e) It is used for screening the carcinogenicity of a chemical compound before introducing for human use

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