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</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="lightgrey"> <td class="headerSide" width="20%">Document Id:</td> <td class="lineTop" width="80%"> <b>6021</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="headerSide">Document Type:</td> <td class="lineTop">Informational</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="lightgrey"> <td class="headerSide">Keywords:</td> <td class="lineTop">Aloha Application Software Flag and Marker Files 1051 AKBID AKBID1051</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="headerSide">Attachment:</td> <td class="lineTop"> <font color="gray">(none)</font> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="lightgrey"> <td class="headerSide">Last Updated:</td> <td class="lineTop">02/20/2013 10:38 AM</td> </tr> <tr style="font-weight:bold"> <td class="headerSide">Title:</td> <td class="lineTop">Aloha Application Software Flag and Marker Files</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="lightgrey"> <td class="headerSide">Description:</td> <td class="lineTop"> Aloha Application Software Flag and Marker Files</td>

</tr> <tr bgcolor="white"> <td class="paddedTD lineTop" colspan="2">

<P>The ALOHA<SUP></SUP> application software often uses 'flag' files to co nfigure the behavior of the application software.&nbsp; While many of these file s are created and removed by the software during daily operations, some files ar e created manually.&nbsp; This document explains these files, their options, and where to create (or delete) them. <H2>Information</H2> <P>Unless otherwise noted, the contents of the flag file are unimportant.&nbsp; Create them using the following command line from the folder the file is to resi de in: <P>&nbsp; <P>ECHO 1 &gt; <I>x</I> <P>&nbsp; <P>Replace <I>x</I> with the name of the file. <H3>CHAMPS or CHAMPPS</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Instructs IBER.EXE to write 'CHAMPPS extensions enabled' to the terminal's de bout, changes 'extra' modifier text from 'XT' to Extra', and changes 'side' modi fier text from 'SD' to 'On Side'.</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Manually</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Error</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>CHANGED</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\EDC</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Signals Back-of-House (BOH) changes to EDC transactions so the Front-of-House (FOH) updates itself wit the changes (refer to document ID 5990).</P></TD></TR>

<TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>EDCSVR.EXE or EDC.EXE</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Error</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>CHICO</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Instructs GRIND.EXE to create ECSALE.DBF, ECTIME.DBF (only on the last day of the week), ECITEM.DBF and ECLABOR.TXT (ASCII) in the DATA or dated folder.</P>< /TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Manually</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Error</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>DEMOPMS</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Demonstrates the PMS functions with fake authorizations (refer to document ID 6032).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>User</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Error</B></P></TD> <TD width=469>

<P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>DONE30</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\<I>yyyymmdd</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Designates successful completion of the End-of-Day (EOD) process (refer to do cument ID 5985).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>IBER.EXE or IBERQS.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Waiting for End-of-Day to Complete</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>EOD</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\DATA</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Designates the EOD process has started (refer to document ID 5985).</P></TD>< /TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>IBER.EXE or IBERQS.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Processing End-of-Day</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>EODGRIND</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\<I>yyyymmdd</I></P></TD></TR>

<TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Used with Relational Databases (RDB), designates the successful completion of the Grind process after the EOD process (refer to document ID 5986).</P></TD></ TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>GRIND.EXE or GRINDQ.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Common Message</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Waiting for <I>yyyymmdd</I> to Grind</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>EXITING</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\TMP</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Signals other terminals that the local terminal is shutting down or is not cu rrently running IBER.EXE or IBERQS.EXE (refer to document ID 6299).</P></TD></TR > <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>IBER.EXE or IBERQS.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Waiting for Exiting File to Disappear</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>FASTFOOD</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR% (on terminal acting as file server)</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>In Aloha POS versions 6.7.34 (and higher), 7.0.19 (and higher), and 12.3.3 (a nd higher), the terminal acting as the file server creates this file to signal t he other terminals that a file server recovery is in progress.</P></TD></TR> <TR>

<TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Iber.exe or Iberqs.exe.</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>FSRECOVERY</H3> <P> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\Data</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Instructs Maintenance, Aloha Manager, Control, and Aloha Video to use QuickSe rvice functionality</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>SETUPPOS.EXE or manually</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; </P> <H3>FUDD</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Instructs IBER.EXE to write 'FUDD extensions enabled' to the terminal's debou t, disables the Open Drawer and Hold buttons on the order entry screen, changes the 'New Order' button text to 'Guest Name', changes the 'Add to Tab' button tex t to 'Add to Guest', and automatically displays the tenders screen after a tab i s named.</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Manually</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121>

<P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>GNDDBF30.XXX</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\<I>yyyymmdd</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Designates the successful completion of the Grind process after the EOD proce ss (refer to document ID 5986).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>GRIND.EXE or GRINDQ.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Waiting for <I>yyyymmdd</I> to Grind</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>HALT</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>C:\</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>No longer used, it signaled CONNMGR.EXE to restart the terminal (refer to doc ument ID 6320).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>IBER.EXE or IBERQS.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>HIDEGRIND</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD>

<TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\STR<I>nnnn</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Used with a RDB and in conjunction with the GRINDHIDEWINDOW ALOHAl.INI variab le, disables the Grind applications user interface (refer to document ID 6157).< /P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Manually </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>IBMRES</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\BIN</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Used with the IBM 4695 POS terminal (refer to document ID 6002).</P></TD></TR > <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Manually </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Failed to Initialize IBM Error 336</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>IBEREXE.DLL</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\BIN</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Disables the BOH Super-Secret-Password (SSP) (refer to document ID 6298).</P> </TD></TR> <TR>

<TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Manually </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>LANDRYS</H3> <P><I>The LANDRYS flag is not supported in Aloha POS versions 6.4 and higher.</I ></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>C:\</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Changes the functionality of the SSP and the BOH Sales Report, and in version s 5.2.5.x and higher, creates Landry's-specific export files (refer to document ID 6246).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Manually </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>MCL</H3> <P> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>On the bartender order entry screen, it replaces the icon on the Working with Tabs button with the text Recall and replaces the text on the New Order button wi th Suspend .&nbsp; It is possible that this flag also performs other changes not do cumented here, so use this at your own risk.</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469>

<P>Manually</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Error</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; </P> <H3>MSYNC</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\DATA</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Signals to the FOH terminals that the Master terminal is synchronizing with t he file server&nbsp; (refer to document ID 6300).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>IBER.EXE or IBERQS.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Unable to delete %IBERDIR%\DATA\MSYNC</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>NOGRIND</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\STR<I>nnnn</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Disables the regrind process for a specific dated folder</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>GRIND.EXE or GRINDQ.EXE</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>NOREGRIND</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR>

<TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\<I>yyyymmdd</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>In versions, through 5.2.7.x, and and higher, the Regrind Subdirectories utility creates a NOREGRIND flag in the dated folder if it is una ble to regrind it.&nbsp; The enables the Regrind Subdirectories utility to move on to the next dated folder in the list.&nbsp; When this occurs, the dated folde r is noted as 'Noregrind' in the Regrind Subdirectories utility, and you can res elect the dated folder in order to attempt to regrind it again.</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Control, Aloha Manager, GRIND.EXE, GRINDQ.EXE, or Manually </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>OK</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\DATA</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Signals to the FOH terminals that the data on the file server is ready for us e (refer to document ID 6216).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>SETUPPOS.EXE or manually </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Waiting for System Configuration to Complete</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>PULLDONE</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\STR<I>nnnn</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121>

<P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Used with SuperSites, designates the FOH has finished synchronizing with the file server (refer to document ID 6301).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>IBER.EXE or IBERQS.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>QSTSBOTH</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Used with SuperSites, instructs Maintenance or Aloha Manager to display both TableService and QuickService configuration options</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Manually</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>REFRESH</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\STR<I>nnnn</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Used with SuperSites, instructs the FOH to refresh their data with the file s erver</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Aloha Control or Aloha Manager </P></TD></TR> <TR>

<TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>REGRIND</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\STR<I>nnnn</I>; %IBERDIR%\<I>yyyymmdd</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>The REGRIND flag has two separate and exclusive functions.&nbsp; If placed in the store folder on a file server using an RDB, it enables the Regrind utility to initiate the grind process on dated folders, even if a NOGRIND flag exists in the store's folder. <P>&nbsp; <P>In a separate function, once the grind process has completed regrinding a dat ed folder, then it creates a REGRIND text file that contains the version of GRIN D.EXE or GRINDQ.EXE that was used to regrind the dated folder.</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Manually; GRIND.EXE or GRINDQ.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>RUNGRIND or RUNGRIND<I>YYYYMMDD</I></H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\DATA\RUNGRIND or RUNGRIND<I>YYYYMMDD</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>On a non-RDB system,&nbsp;RUNGRIND instructs the CTLSVR.EXE to Grind the curr ent day's data.&nbsp; In Aloha POS versions 6.5.27 (and higher) and 6.7.15 (and higher),&nbsp;remote copies of Aloha Manager use Rungrind<I>yyyymmdd</I> files t o start the Grind process for a dated folder.</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Aloha Control or Aloha Manager </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD>

<TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>SETTLED</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\EDC\[processor]<PROCESSOR></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Indicates the last settlement process completed successfully (refer to docume nt ID 5990).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>EDC.EXE or EDCSVR.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>SETTLING</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\EDC\[processor]<PROCESSOR></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Indicates the settlement process is active (refer to document ID 5990).</P></ TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>EDC.EXE or EDCSVR.EXE</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Your last settlement was interrupted </P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>SHOWGRIND</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469>

<P>%IBERDIR%\STR<I>nnnn</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Used with a RDB and in conjunction with the GRINDHIDEWINDOW ALOHAl.INI variab le, enables the Grind applications user interface (refer to document ID 6157).</ P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Manually </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>SPOOLING</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\EDC</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Indicates the FOH is processing credit cards in Spooling Mode (refer to docum ent ID 5990).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>IBER.EXE or IBERQS.EXE</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>STOP</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\TMP</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Stops the FOH and reboots the FOH terminals</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD>

<TD width=469> <P>Control or Aloha Manager</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Waiting for Permission to Resume</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>&nbsp; <H3>WINHOOK</H3> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=121> <H4>Location</H4></TD> <TD width=469> <P>%IBERDIR%\<I>yyyymmdd</I></P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Purpose</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>Designates that the Winhook batch file has been initialized for this dated fo lder (refer to document ID 5998).</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Created by</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>CTLSVR.EXE </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=121> <P><B>Common Message</B></P></TD> <TD width=469> <P>None</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <H2>Extended Information</H2> <P>No information. <H2>Caveats</H2> <P>No information. <P>&nbsp; <P>See also: <P>Aloha QuickService or TableService User Manual <P>5985 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=5985','View Document #5985','EOD Process and Errors');return fal se" href="/radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=5985" target=_new>EOD Process and Errors</A> <P>5986 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=5986','View Document #5986','Grind Process and Errors');return f alse" href="/radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=5986" target=_new>Grind Proc ess and Errors</A> <P>5990 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=5990','View Document #5990','EDC Process');return false" href="/ radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=5990" target=_new>EDC Process</A> <P>5998 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=5998','View Document #5998','Winhook');return false" href="/radi antKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=5998" target=_new>Winhook</A> <P>6002 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=6002','View Document #6002','IBM 4695 POS Terminal');return fals e" href="/radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=6002" target=_new>IBM 4695 POS Terminal</A> <P>6032 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=6032','View Document #6032','Property Management Systems');retur n false" href="/radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=6032" target=_new>Propert

y Management Systems</A> <P>6157 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=6157','View Document #6157','Enable or Disable RDB Grind User In terfaces');return false" href="/radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=6157" tar get=_new>Enable or Disable RDB Grind User Interfaces</A> <P>6246 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=6246','View Document #6246','LANDRYS Flag');return false" href=" /radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=6246" target=_new>LANDRYS Flag</A> <P>6298 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=6298','View Document #6298','Using IBEREXE.DLL to Disable the Su per-Secret-Password');return false" href="/radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentI d=6298" target=_new>Using IBEREXE.DLL to Disable the Super-Secret-Password</A> <P>6299 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=6299','View Document #6299','EXITING File');return false" href=" /radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=6299" target=_new>EXITING File</A> <P>6300 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=6300','View Document #6300','MSYNC File');return false" href="/r adiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=6300" target=_new>MSYNC File</A> <P>6301 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=6301','View Document #6301','PULLDONE File');return false" href= "/radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=6301" target=_new>PULLDONE File</A> <P>6320 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=6320','View Document #6320','HALT File');return false" href="/ra diantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=6320" target=_new>HALT File</A> <P>6338 - <A onclick="parent.parent.taskFrame.loadTask('/radiantKS/document_view .cfm?documentId=6338','View Document #6338','RunGrind File in the Data Folder'); return false" href="/radiantKS/document_view.cfm?documentId=6338" target=_new>Ru nGrind File in the Data Folder</A> <P>&nbsp;</P> </td> </tr> </table> </body>

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