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The observed changes are in terms of shape, size or position of the object. Does it change from its normal position or distorted is callled monitoring survey. Application monitoring survey are more likely to measure the industry because it involves a dimensionless measurement and analysis. Did you know that this monitoring survey is one of the branches of the industry survey. Surveying the industry at present is also known as: measurement science industrial metrology engineering metrology large-scale dimensional metrology alignment Engineering Deformation survey means a change in the form of either geometric or physical. Deformation generally involve changes in the position of a point or object in question. Such changes can occur in absolute or relative motion. Changes and this movement also occurs at a point in the body or the difference in linear dimensions. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING SURVEY Among the main objectives of this measurement is introduced to: Review Inspect Adjusting Install Assembling Overhaul Among the examples that involve the above is in the monitoring of building structures such as dams, historic buildings, high towers, bridges and so on. While the manufacturing work such as installation of the machines, the aviation industry, transport, such as rail or railway installations, oil rigs. Studies done because it requires high accuracy to submm. Here are some examples of applications used in the engineering industry. Calibration pulley Hercules aircraft - Where surfers pulley system calibration aircraft require high accuracy of between 0.25 mm and 1:50 mm. So here the equipment used should be high precision tools such as precise leveling of the digitalized. Cutting Granite layer - Determining the granite layer section. The equipment used is the digital level tool and tilt meters. Dimensionless Dynamometer Calibration - For purposes of determining the distance between the axis of rotation of the tool with the point of hanging weight. The equipment used was observed using a theodolite triangulation method 1 ". Structural stability of the building - such as tall buildings and dam surveillance for security purposes. Automobile industry - such as the design of the car mol.

Medical and architecture - using photogrammetry methods to process digital photographs from a camera using special software. For example in plastic surgery for beauty and also review sections of the historic buildings. Block gauges - It requires high accuracy in maintaining the diversity of shapes such as squares, rectangles or circles.

a) Deformation related to the geometry of a point or object, for example: i. Structures such as dams, tall buildings or historic buildings and so on. ii. Specific objects such as antenna towers iii. Industrial products such as car parts, model airplane iv. Rail lines and so on. b) Physical Deformation i. Determination of the influence of the mining industry on the environment. ii. Studies of submerged soil conditions due to changes in groundwater levels. iii. Effects of changes due to tectonic movements iv. Physical changes the terrain by the earthquake or volcanic eruption. Work-related surveys and analyzes of monitoring will change the form of the object being studied. This is done by determining the magnitude or geometry changes that occur. The observation data will create models to explain the physical changes and make interpretations to identify the factors that cause deformation. Concept deformation survey i. Must involve the measurement of multi-epoch ii. Survey network consists of the control station and the measurement point on the object iii. Triangulation measurements either 2D or 3D iv. Require adjustment calculation and analysis of network v. Involves the determination of the amount of change coordinate (displacement) and comparing it with measurement variances megnitud. (error ellips) Procedure to analyze the deformation Analysis of the complete deformation needs to be solved through the various stages of the procedure or work. Intended procedure covers all the planning, acquisition and processing of data.This procedure involves also count adjustments and certain statistical measurement. The following are the steps to be taken in analyzing a deformation.

Pre-analysis The purpose of the pre-analysis; i. to obtain the optimal network design ii. to answer questions related to the required measurement data; What types of observations are necessary? How much should be observed? (This element is said also as a measurement scheme) iii. solve the initial analysis of the expected accuracy of the observations what is the accuracy required by the job specification? Estimating allow able error of observations. Determine the type and specification of equipment to be used. iv. Determine the type and specification of equipment to be used.

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