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A Translation of Susan Okie's Fed Up: Winning the War Against Childhood Obesity


University of XXXX College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Arabic Language and Literature

Supervisor Prof. XXXX


1. Introduction Translation is an important field that has enjoyed a prominent place throughout human history. It is a complex concept, and as such has inspired different theorists and scholars to come up with many different definitions to describe what it means. Some theorists such as Catford see translation as substituting the text in the original language, referred to as the source language or SL, by equivalent text in a different language, referred to as the target language or TL (20). Other scholars such as Nida and Taber view translation as " reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meanings and secondly in terms of style" (12). As the above demonstrates, though definitions abound, they all primarily center on looking at translation as a process of, or at least an attempt at, establishing equivalence between a source language and a target language. This process is complicated due to the problems that arise in the process of establishing equivalence. These difficulties come at different levels, such as the lexical, syntactic, textual, stylistic and cultural levels. As such, translators should be aware of these difficulties as well as the methods and strategies used to overcome them. Part of translation's importance is due to the many functions it performed and continues to perform. One of the most important roles that translation fulfilled and continues to facilitate is the distribution of information and the spread of knowledge between different cultures. The Golden Age of the Islamic world in the Abbasid era was possible in great part due to transfer of knowledge through translation of the Classics of the time into Arabic, for instance (Gregorian 27). Furthermore, as per Gregorian " from the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries, many Arabic translations of classic works were, in turn, translated into Turkish, Persian, Hebrew, and Latin" (27). This function of translation is still essential in our modern

world of course, and one of the fields of study in which utilizing translation is especially important is that of health. The field of human health has made strides in understanding diseases of the body that afflict human societies and how to prevent and cure them. These days, there is a worldwide focus on illnesses that are due to amendable lifestyle choices, and one such illness is obesity. As per the World Health Organization, or WHO, "Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980" ("Obesity and Overweight"). This upswing in obesity rates affects not only adults, but children as well. In fact, the WHO reports that "More than 40 million children under the age of five were overweight in 2010", and these overweight children are more likely to become obese, and as a result " associated with a higher chance of obesity, premature death and disability in adulthood" ("Obesity and Overweight"). Thus a lot of research, studies and reports were and continue to be written about the issue of childhood obesity: how to prevent, understand and treat it. These works and studies done on the causes, effects and cures of childhood obesity should be translated into Arabic so that everyone from health providers to parents to educators are aware of the problems and solutions to this issue, because children of the Arab world are not exempt from this global epidemic. The book at hand titled Fed Up: Winning the War against Childhood Obesity by Susan Okie is an easy read and an informative text that tackles the issue of childhood obesity. It provides ample background information, gives instructive case studies and offers scientific advice in overcoming this issue. In this study, the book Fed Up: Winning the War against Childhood Obesity by Susan Okie will be translated, and a commentary on the problems the translator encountered during the translation process will be given. In addition, the strategies and methods used by the translator to deal with these problems will be explained.

2. Purpose of the Study This study aims to accomplish the following: 1. Provide a fluent translation of the selected book titled Fed Up: Winning the War Against Childhood Obesity from English into Arabic. 2. Identify the problems encountered in the process of translation on the lexical, syntactic and textual levels. 3. Propose appropriate strategies, methods and solutions to the problems encountered. 3. Significance of the Study The significance of this study derives from the following points: 1. The rising rates of childhood obesity worldwide have prompted interest in understanding and finding solutions to this epidemic. As such, this issue has been subject of scientific and academic research and discussion. 2. The book to be translated is not merely a general overview of the issue, it interviews children and families suffering from childhood obesity, and it talks to researchers in this field. It also looks at the problem from a multifaceted point of view starting from the period of pregnancy and after birth, going through the family environment and reaching all the way to the school environment and then the community as a whole. It also provides practical strategies and solutions to implement in order to solve this problem at all these different levels. 3. There is a serious lack of authoritative books or studies written in the Arabic language that deal with childhood obesity in an in-depth manner and provide families, schools and communities with practical strategies and solutions for this problem in comparison to literature published in English.

4. The translation of this book will fill a gap in the field of children's health in the Arabic library seeing as there are hardly enough books on this particular subject that provide more than a superficial overview or few generalized solutions to what is a complex matter. 4. Limitations of the Study There are some impediments to this study. One problem is that there are not nearly enough academic articles or studies that deal with translating documents in the field of health, especially pediatric health, into Arabic. Furthermore, since there is a deficiency of Arabic books that tackle the subject of childhood obesity, there is no consensus on the medical terms to be used in the process of translation. As such, the Arabic equivalents the translator will choose to use after much deliberation and research might not be unanimously accepted or even understood completely. Finally, even though the book provides practical advice that could be used in any country, it still deals with childhood obesity in the United States specifically. Furthermore, it adopts an informal tone and utilizes many personal experiences from children, families and researchers dealing with child obesity. All of this might lead to Arab readers overlooking the authoritative nature of the translated book and dismissing it as not being academic enough. 5. Review of Literature As mentioned previously, translation has as many definitions as theorists and scholars care to opine. However, almost all definitions circle back to talking about translation as a process of establishing equivalence between the source language, SL, and the target language, TL. But what is equivalence? It must be emphasized that the concept of equivalence is a controversial one among scholars and theorists. In his essay "On Linguistic Aspects of Translation", Roman Jakobson identifies three types of translation: intraligual which involves

rewording or paraphrasing in the same language, interligual that happens between different languages and intersemiotic which deals with translation between signs (233). When it comes to interligual translation which is the type translation studies deal with generally, Jakobson advances the idea of "Equivalence in difference", a notion he reaches as a result of his view that " on the level of interlingual translation, there is ordinarily no full equivalence between code-units" (233). So for Jakobson, a grammatical category available in the source language but not the target language does not mean that translation cannot take place; it just means that the translator faces a problem of equivalence and should find a way to solve it (235). Indeed, "All cognitive experience and its classification is conveyable in any existing language" according to Jakobson, and where gaps arise " terminology may be qualified and amplified by loan-words or loan-translations, neologisms or semantic shifts, and finally, by circumlocutions" (234). Jakobson's view, in summary, is that equivalence exists between linguistic items even in the absence of a direct literal correspondence between them. For their part, Nida and Taber divide equivalence into two types: 1) dynamic equivalence, and 2) formal correspondence- which was previously termed 'formal equivalence' but was revised and renamed in the second edition of their book. Dynamic equivalence is defined as a " quality of a translation in which the message of the original texts has been so transported into the receptor language that the RESPONSE of the RECEPTOR is essentially like that of the original receptors" (Nida and Taber 200). Here the emphasis is on the meaning rather than the form, and naturally it follows that when tension between both arises, the form is sacrificed (Nida and Taber 13). Nida and Taber define formal correspondence on the other hand as an approach wherein the source language's form is maintained as much as possible during the process of translation, which might sometimes lead to problems in the comprehensibility of the translated text (201). As all of the previous highlights the fact that

the dynamic and formal types of equivalence are on opposite sides of each other in terms of their emphasis on meaning above form and vice versa. Peter Newmark suggests eight methods of translation that differ in the degrees of their fidelity to either the source language or the target language, and these methods are: word-forword translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptation, free translation, idiomatic translation and communicative translation (45). Among these eight, Newmark considers the semantic and communicative methods to be the only methods that " fulfill the two main aims of translation, which are first, accuracy, and second, economy" (47). The semantic translation method is defined as being similar to faithful translation in the sense that both attempt to " reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures", with the difference between the faithful and semantic methods being that " the first is uncom-promising and dogmatic, while the second is more flexible, admits the creative exception to 100% fidelity and allows for the translator's intuitive empathy with the original" (Newmark 46). Alternatively, the communicative translation method is defined as " [rendering] the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership" (Newmark 47). It should be noted that Newmark's semantic and communicative translation methods correspond to Nida's notions of dynamic equivalence and formal correspondence. Nevertheless, Newmark disagrees with the notion of what he calls the Equivalent Effect, which is basically Nida's Dynamic Equivalence, in that he does not accept the idea of producing a translation with the aim of having the same effect on the readers that the original had on its readers. Instead Newmark views this effect as occurring as a result of the process of translation rather than a goal of it (48), so Newmark was actually critical of Nida.

For her part, Mona Baker regards the term equivalence as not holding any special status, and she states in the introduction to her book In Other Words that the only reason she uses the word equivalence is " for the sake of convenience" (5). For Baker, equivalence exists and should be studied on several levels. In her book, she discusses these problems from the lowest level which is at the word level, moving to above world level, passing by grammatical level, proceeding to the textual level and then finally reaching the pragmatic level (Baker 5). It comes as no surprise that defining what equivalence is leads to becoming conscious of the problem of non-equivalence. In general, the farther away two languages are from each other in terms of their genetic makeup and geographical/ cultural distance, the farther away the linguistic and cultural aspects of those two languages are, and thus the more difficult the task of establishing equivalence is. Baker tackles some problems of non-equivalence on all of the five equivalence levels mentioned above and provides a number of solutions to them. At word level, Baker discusses some non-equivalence problems such as culture-specific concepts, semantically complex words and differences in expressive meaning among other problems (21-22, 23). Strategies to deal with problems at word level as per Baker include translation using a more general word, using a neutral or less expressive word and using cultural substitution and these are only a few examples of strategies used by professional translators to overcome nonequivalence problems at the word level (26, 28, 31). On non-equivalence problems above word level, Baker talks about the problems encountered in translating collocations, idioms and fixed expressions (47). Some of the problems with collocations arise due to assigning an incorrect meaning to them, or because of the cultural-specificity of the collocation, plus other various issues (Baker 55, 59). Baker

briefly touches upon some solutions for these problems, like replacing collocations in the source language with established target language collocations, for instance (56). As for idioms, Baker indicates that the biggest difficulty is due to the fact that to translate an idiom correctly, the translator has to be able first to identify that the construct they face is in fact an idiom (65). Various problems occur in the process of translating idioms due to many issues, such as the absence of an equivalent idiom in the target language and the fact that an idiom might be utilized simultaneously in an idiomatic and literal manner (Baker 6869). These are only two examples of the problems Baker talks about when it comes to idioms. Baker provides many strategies for dealing with the problems that arise when attempting translation of idioms. One strategy is finding and using an idiom of similar meaning and similar form (Baker 72). When such an idiom is unavailable, the strategy moves to using an idiom of similar meaning and dissimilar form (Baker 74). These strategies descended from the strongest to the weakest, which is omission (Baker 77). Baker also talks about the problems of non-equivalence on the grammatical level. Because grammar systems are naturally different (Baker 85), when dealing with two different languages translators are bound to face difficulties. So, grammatical categories such as number, gender, person, voice and tense and aspect might exist in the source language but not the target language which creates difficulties within the process of translation (Baker 87110). According to Baker, problems at the textual level have to do with the thematic/ information structures and cohesion and how both are achieved in the source language text and the target language text (119-225). Non-equivalence problems on the pragmatic level are concerned by the implicit communicative meaning of a text (Baker 217-259).


6. Research Methodology The main aim of this study is to produce as good a translation as possible of the English language book Fed Up, and to that end the translator will be using a combination of the communicative and semantic translation methods, which have been already explained. These methods are adopted because the communicative method is concerned with the target language rather than the source language and as such will help the text be more reader friendly, while the semantic method will help maintain the accuracy of the source text. 6.1. Research Instruments The translator will rely on dictionaries in the process of translation. In addition, she will utilize online dictionaries and glossaries for any specialized terms, collocations and idioms that she will face. Internet searches and reading up articles and studies will be done when necessary. 6.2. Research Procedures A time frame for the translation is set. The text will be read for the first time in order to have a general overview of it. Next the translation process starts along with the commentary. The translation problems and issues that are bound to surface throughout the process will be identified and the level on which they occur (lexical, grammatical, textual, etc.) will be described. Then the items that have come up in each level will be arranged into separate groups- with each level as a heading- and the individual problems will be explained along with the strategies used to deal with them. After that, the translation will be read one last time in order to ensure it is free of mistakes and reads like a fluent and natural text. 7. Data Analysis


In the process of translating the book, many problems were encountered. These problems were on the lexical, grammatical and textual levels. Brief explanations of each identified problem, along with illustrative examples of them and how they were solved are described below: 1. Lexical Problems Naturally, different languages use different words to express concepts, notions and ideas. Sometimes the same concept will be expressed by different words and other times the same words will contain different connotative meanings. Some languages assign a word to a specific idea that does not exist in another language. This clash is the reason lexical problems occur. As mentioned previously, lexical problems can be found on both the word and above word levels. Examples for both are given below: 1.1. Non-equivalence at Word Level Some of the non-equivalence problems at word level encountered in the translation process: 1.1.1. Synonymy In linguistics, a synonym is " a word that means the same or nearly the same as another word" according to The Free Dictionary. Example on page 2: The words pasta, macaroni, noodles and spaghetti can be all considered synonymous. They are used when describing a school activity one of the overweight children interviewed in the book is engaging in with her best friend. If the differences between these words were to


be fleshed out, then we'd either end up with four unnecessary transliterations, or too many additional words to explain the distinctions between them, which would lead to an awkward and unnatural Arabic text. That's why the translator decided to forego emphasizing these small dissimilarities and go with translating all of these words as . 1.1.2. Use of interjections According the Ameka, interjections form a significant subset of those seemingly irrational devices that constitute the essence of communication (qtd in Thawabteh 5). Carter and McCarthy have noted that interjections affect discourse because implicit within them are hidden meanings which illuminate the responses and reactions of the speaker to the discourse (qtd in Thawabteh 6). So, interjections play an important role in facilitating communication. Example on page 2: In the quotation "Mmm, tasty" the interjection Mmm is used to signify satisfaction and pleasure. Since an equivalent Arabic interjection is available, the translator simply translated this interjection literally into , which signals the same emotions in Arabic when used in this context. 1.1.3. Acronyms: According to online dictionary Merriam-Webster, acronyms are defined as " a word (as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; also : an abbreviation (as FBI) formed from initial letters" (author's emphasis). Example from title page:


The author's name is followed by the acronym M.D., which stands for Medical Doctor, or in other words holding a degree allowing the author to work as a doctor. The term used in Arabic to describe this degree is . Since there is no Arabic acronym to describe this degree, unlike English, and because creating an acronym from the initial letters of will produce .. which is nonsensical in this context as it is not recognized nor accepted unanimously, the translator decided to translate the full meaning of the term rather than use an acronym. 1.2. Non-Equivalence above Word Level A few of the non-equivalence problems above world level that were encountered are as follows: 1.2.1. Collocations According to Oxford Dictionaries online, collocations are " the habitual juxtaposition of a particular word with another word or words with a frequency greater than chance". In other terms, some words co-occur together frequently, and these are called collocations. Example on page 1: The collocation tend goal has an equivalent in Arabic that the translator searched for and found, which is , so since an equivalent collocation exists, it was used. 1.2.2. Idioms Loos, et al, briefly explain that an idiom is " a multiword construction that is a semantic unit whose meaning cannot be deduced from the meanings of its constituents, and has a non-productive syntactic structure" ("What is an idiom"). Example on page 2:


The traffic is described as being "bumper to bumper". This is an idiom that means to convey that the traffic is moving very slowly. The translator could not find an Arabic idiom equivalent in form and meaning nor could she find one that was equivalent in meaning but not in form that was appropriate and didn't sound strange in this context, and so she decided to translate the meaning of the idiom and discard the form. As such, the translation of this idiom is .

1.2.3. Compounds In the simplest terms, and as per The Free Dictionary, a compound is "a word composed of two or more words". Wikipedia tells us that compounds specifically speaking are created through bringing together two or more words that are already established, which leads to the creation of a new word with a new meaning, and so compounding is basically one of the ways languages compose and come up with new words ("Compound (linguistics)"). There are three types of compounds when it comes to form: " the closed form, in which the words are melded together the hyphenated form and the open form" (Capital Community College Foundation). Some of examples the translator came across: Closed Form Compounds Example on page 1: The closed form compound classmates is translated as . It could have been left as merely and it would have been probably understood from context, but for the sake of disambiguating the meaning completely the translator chose to add . Hyphenated Compounds Example on page 2:


The hyphenated compound single-story is translated as , which fulfills the meaning of the compound. Open Form Compounds Example on page 2: The word ice cream is an open form compound and it is translated as . The first thought the translator had was to transliterate the word, since some other candy names that had no equivalents in Arabic were transliterated. However, since not all of those names had been transliterated and this particular open form compound already has an equivalent in Arabic, the translator decided to use the equivalent available. 1.2.4. Cultural-specific terms Cultural specific terms are those terms which are related to the culture they were born in. Concepts that only occur in specific cultures will be lexicalized to fit in that culture, and as such are difficult and sometimes impossible to translate into another culture. Examples of cultural specific terms are: Example on page 2: The term cancan kicks talks about the style of kicks performed in a music hall French dance. Because in the context it occurs in, wherein Megan and her friends are competing to see who can perform the highest cancan kick, it's not important that the kind of kick they do is associated with the cancan dance. Having to explain what the cancan dance is would have taken up space and still be considered useless in this context. That is why the translator opted to omit the mentioning of 'cancan' and used the general term of instead. 1.2.5. Technical Terms


According to Wikipedia, technical terms are "the specialized vocabulary of any field, not just technical fields" while Jargon " is similar, but more informal in definition and in use" ("Technical terminology"). Example from subtitle: Obesity is the topic of this book and is used in the subtitle and repeated many times throughout the text. The translator was initially considering three translations, which are: .1 .2 .3 After some research, and as per as the World Health Organization Arabic webpage, I discovered that the actual term is simply ") (". In addition, Actually means 'overweight' and not obesity. The confusion remains over whether the term is actually the general consensus for obesity, as research on the internet showed me that it is used to describe an obese and an overweight person interchangeable. The translator committed to this term because the WHO uses it. 1.2.6. Proper Nouns Proper nouns basically mean those names that are specific to a person, a place or a thing (Loos, et al. "What is a proper noun") Names of People Examples on pages 1, 2 and 3: The names of people mentioned in the book such as Meagan, Julia and others are all transliterated. So they become and . Since the whole book is culturally tied to the


United States, it makes sense to transliterate the names rather than attempt a strategy of domestication. 2. Grammatical Problems Grammatical problems in translation relate to those difficulties that occur in the process of rendering a text from one language to another because of the differences in the grammatical systems of both languages. Some of the grammatical problems faced in the process of translating this book are as follows: 2.1. Word Order Through a general examination of English and Arabic, one would find that both retain different word orders when it comes to verbs, subjects and objects in the context of sentence structures as well as the word order of modifiers and adverbials (Wikipedia "Word order"). Example on page 2: Hot chocolate is translated into Arabic by rearranging the word order, and so it becomes , and because the adjective follows the noun in Arabic, changing the word order of the English- where the adjective precedes the noun- was necessary to achieve a correct Arabic translation. 2.2. Passive and Active Voice In English, a passive sentence might be agentless or agentive, and there are many features and traits specific to English passive and active sentence structures (Baker 102-109). Arabic's rules and traits for passive and active sentence structures differ, and Arabic as a rule prefers active structures to passive ones (Khafaji 19). Example on page 2:


"Meagan and her best friend, Julia, are assigned a special activity" is a passive sentence. The agent is without doubt their teacher. Because Arabic prefers an active structure and the agent is known from the context, the appropriate translation is . So the passive is turned into active voice. 2.3. Phrasal verbs A phrasal verb consists of a " verb and one or more following particles and acting as a complete syntactic and semantic unit" (The Free Dictionary). Example in the title: The tile of this book is Fed Up, which is a phrasal verb. It is also a pun. The translator looked for an equivalent Arabic phrasal verb and found , which works as well as a pun as it was intended to be in the original text. 2.4. Agreement Issus Agreement is defined as "The correspondence of a verb with its subject in person and number, and of a pronoun with its antecedent in person, number, and gender" (Nordquist "Agreement"). 2.4.1. Gender Example on page 1: The word dietitian in the quote "Meagan has seen a dietitian, who taught her about portion sizes and how to rate her hunger on a scale of 1 to 10" does not tell us the gender of the dietitian since in general words in English lack a feminine or masculine quality. Nor is any context beyond that sentence available that might clue the translator on the gender of the dietitian. In the absence of any information, the translator decided to write the dietitian as female due to the fact that most dietitians do tend to be women. So the translation is:


" " The whole sentence is turned into active and the verb made to agree with the feminine noun as is appropriate for Arabic (Al-Muhtaseb and Mellish 5). 2.4.2. Number Example on page 1: In Arabic, "Some agreements in number (and other features) should be imposed in between verbs and names" (Al-Muhtaseb and Mellish 10), and while English does not have a grammatical category of dual, Arabic does. So when 2 miles is translated it becomes . So the English lexical item '2' becomes a grammatical category in Arabic that is inflected as per it's placement in the sentence. 3. Textual Problems Textual problems are those problems that arise on the level of the text during the translation task. These relate to the comprehensibility, coherence and cohesion of the text. Examples on this aspect are as follows: 3.1. Connectors and Punctuation Connecters are one of the most used cohesive devices that allow the text to flow smoothly and cohesively. Punctuation marks, too, help greatly in creating this cohesiveness. Example on page 1: Meagan gets up early, before her father and brother are awake, and fries up a batch of soy bacon. Ten and a half years old, she is a committed vegetarian who likes the taste of meat, and she is ravenous. She washes the bacon down with a glass of water, then gets ready for school. Shes in the fifth grade at a


public school about 2 miles from her home in Palos Verdes, a seaside Los Angeles suburb. The Arabic translation on the other hand is: . English prefers full short sentences that give you an idea before moving to the next in a cohesive manner, while Arabic is attracted to long continuous sentences generously sprinkled with connectors that bind them together in one smooth flow. In the English text, there are four complete sentences, while the Arabic translation consists of only one long sentence. The Arabic translation contains about seven or eight repetitions of a few connectors such as and . The usage of these connectives, along with the usage of commas throughout the translated text and a period at the end of it, both assist in making the Arabic translation run smoothly and achieve a cohesive quality. This helps greatly in making the translation an appropriate and correct one. 8. Conclusion The purpose of this study is to produce an appropriate translation of the book Fed Up: Winning the War Against Childhood Obesity by Susan Okie. In order to accomplish that, the problems of non-equivalence at the lexical, grammatical and textual levels will be explored. Solutions for the difficulties identified will be then proposed and implemented. The result is what is hopefully considered a reader


friendly and informative text that could be a source of enrichment to the Arabic library. 9. Recommendations 1. Translator trainees should recognize that it's not enough to rely on dictionaries alone as they do not give the full meanings of terms and words in different contexts. 2. Translator trainees should make use of the internet when terms and concepts prove difficult to decipher even after consulting dictionaries, or if they are facing concepts that are too cultural specific and background information about them is needed. Online searches also assist in determining how widespread the use of a term is, and in this way they help the translator decide on which term to use when several options are available.


Works Cited "Acronym." Merriam-Webster, 2012. Web. 18 Dec. 2012. Al-Muhtaseb, Husni, and Chris Mellish. "Some Differences Between Arabic and English: A Step Towards an Arabic Upper Model." King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. Web. 17 Dec. 2012. Baker, Mona. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge, 1992. Print. Catford, John. A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistics. London: Oxford, 1965. Print. "Compound (Linguistics)." Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary. C. & G. Merriam, 1913. Web. 24 Dec. 2012. "Compound (Linguistics)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Dec. 2012. Web. 17 Dec. 2012. "Compound Words." Grammar. Capital Community College Foundation. Web. 19 Dec. 2012. "Collocation". Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press, April 2010. Web. 24 Dec. 2012. Okie, Susan. Fed Up: Winning the War Against Childhood Obesity. Washington: Jospeh Henry, 2005. Print. Gregorian, Vartan. Islam: A Mosaic, Not a Monolith. Washington: Brookings, 2003. Print. Jakobson, Roman. "On Linguistc Aspects of Translation." Stanford. Stanford. Web. 19 Dec. 2012. Khafaji, Rasoul. "Arabic Translation Alternatives for the Passive in English." UAM.


UAM. Web. 22 Dec. 2012. Loos Eugene, et al, eds."What is an Idiom?" Glossary of Linguistic Terms. SIL International, 29 Jan. 2004. ---."What is a Proper Name?" Glossary of Linguistic Terms. SIL International, 5 Jan. 2004. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation. New York: Prentice Hall, 1988. Print. Nida, Eugene, and Charles Taber. The Theory and Practice of Translation. 1969. Reprint. Leiden: Brill, 2003. Print. Nordquist, Richard. "Agreement." Web. 21 Dec. 2012. "Obesity and Overweight." World Health Organization. World Health Organization, May 2012. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. "Phrasal verbs." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003.Web. 20 Dec. 2012. "Synonym." Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged. HarperCollins Publishers, 2003.Web. 24 Dec. 2012. "Technical Terminology." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Dec. 2012. Web. 18 Dec. 2012. Thawabteh, Mohammad. "The Translatability of Interjections: A Case Study of ArabicEnglish Subtitling." rudit 55.3 (2010): 400-515. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. " ".World Health Organization. World Health Organization, May 2012. Web. 20 Dec. 2012.


Appendix 1 The Translated Text: ! .

. . . ( ) 1 . " " . . .


. . - " " " " " ". " . " . ( )2


Appendix 2 The Original Text: Fed Up! Winning the War Against Childhood Obesity Susan Okie, M.D.

The Fattest Generation

Meagan gets up early, before her father and brother are awake, and fries up a batch of soy bacon. Ten and a half years old, she is a committed vegetarian who likes the taste of meat, and she is ravenous. She washes the bacon down with a glass of water, then gets ready for school. Shes in the fifth grade at a public school about 2 miles from her home in Palos Verdes, a seaside Los Angeles suburb. Meagan has shiny brown hair in a ponytail and new glasses. Smart and funny, shes an extrovert who loves to sing and dance and to tend goal in soccer games. Recently, though, she has gained a lot of weight, especially around her middlea fact that has started to provoke occasional teasing by classmates and to worry her parents, both of them doctors who have been treating heart disease, high blood pressure, and other complications of obesity in adults for their entire careers. Meagan has seen a dietitian, who taught her about portion sizes and how to rate her hunger on a scale of 1 to 10. She would like to (Page 1)

be leaner, to put a stop to the teasing, and to be able to move faster in soccer, but she also wants to be in charge of her own life and of what she eats.


She loves sweets and can name all the doughnut and ice cream stores near her neighborhood. Shes especially partial to one ice cream parlor where you can choose your favorite candy bar or chocolate chips and they mush it in. This morning traffic is bumper to bumper on the way to school. Although theres a bike lane beside the road, Meagan rarely rides to school. Despite their concerns about the traffic, her parents have been urging her to do so for the sake of the exercise, but she has difficulty pedaling the steepest part of the route, and she cant transport her cornet by bicycle on band practice days. Driving her to school is usually easier for her mother and father than overcoming her resistance. The elementary school is a cluster of single-story buildings connected by courtyards and walkways, backed by playgrounds and a large grassy field for soccer and other games. After the first bell rings, students are allowed a few minutes on the playground. Meagan waits for a turn to spin on a big tire swing. Ten minutes and one spin later, the second bell sends her off to homeroom. This morning Meagan and her best friend, Julia, are assigned a special activity: they are to research bridge design on the Internet and build an example using dried pasta and glue. Hoping to make an arch, they painstakingly glue tubes of macaroni end to end, but their constructions keep falling apart. Eventually they settle for laying out noodles side by side to make a beam bridge. Ninety minutes go by, and the girls get hungry. They munch on pieces of dried spaghetti. At recess the two go outside to the courtyard. Julia, chatty, slender, and constantly in motion, unscrews a thermos of steaming hot chocolate and opens a plastic bag of marshmallows. Meagan, you want hot chocolate? Mmm, tasty, says Meagan, slurping a cupful. Maybe we can dip the noodles. Friends join them and Julia passes around the marshmallows. The girls throw them in the air and catch them in their mouths. They compete to see who can do the highest cancan kicks, then the widest split. Im going to break my jeans if I do a split, Meagan predicts. (Page 2)

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