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[1103/1] [1103/2]

Bahasa Melayu
ANALISIS SOALAN RUMUSAN SPM 2008 -2012 2008 Faedah-faedah penerokaan angkasa lepas 2009 Tidur dari segi saintifik 2010 Faedah-faedah makan choklat 2011 Kepentingan bahasa kebangsaan 2012 Kepentingan bahasa kebangsaan


ANALISIS SOALAN 2008 -2012 Tahun Nov 2008 Nov 2009 Nov 2010 Nov 2011 Nov 2012 Soalan (a) Dua sebab bahagian permulaan novel menarik minat anda Ketabahan watak utama Sebab-sebab novel memberi kesedaran Perwatakan watak utama Latar masa Soalan (b) Bandingkan persamaan dan perbezaan satu latar masyarakat dalam dua buah novel yang dipelajari Nilai kasih-sayang berdasarkan dua buah novel Nilai keberanian berdasarkan dua buah novel Persoalan Nilai kemanusiaan

SENARAI NOVEL TINGKATAN 4 DAN TINGKATAN 5 MENGIKUT ZON TINGKATAN 4 AZFA HANANI (Halis Azhan Mohd Hanafiah) PAPA...AKHIRNYA KAU TEWAS JUA (Deana Yusof) RENYAH (Gunawan Mohamad) MELUNAS RINDU (Hartini Hamzah) TINGKATAN 5 KEMBARA AMIRA (Amer Hamzah L. Kadir) KONSERTO TERAKHIR (Abdullah Husain) SUTERA DALAM LUKISAN (Abd Talib Hassan) KABUS DI PERBUKITAN (Muhamad Kholid Hamzah) ZON Zon 1: Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak Zon 2: Selangor, Wil. Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Wil. Persekutuan Putrajaya, Negeri Sembilan Zon 3: Melaka, Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan Zon 4 : Johor, Sabah, Sarawak, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan

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Bahasa Melayu

Kertas 1
Bahagian A [30 markah] [Masa dicadangkan 45 minit]


Lihat gambar di bawah dengan teliti. Huraikan pendapat anda tentang tanggungjawab seseorang terhadap komuniti. Panjangnya huraian anda hendaklah antara 200 hingga 250 patah perkataan.


Prihatin kepada yang kurang bernasib baik

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Membantu golongan yang memerlukan

Bergotong-royong meringankan beban

Bahagian B [100 markah] [Masa dicadangkan 1 jam 30 minit] Pilih satu daripada soalan di bawah dan tulis sebuah karangan yang panjangnya lebih daripada 350 patah perkataan. 1. Generasi remaja hari ini didapati kurang berminat untuk menyertai aktiviti-aktiviti serta program keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan. Fenomena ini dikaitkan dengan kewujudan teknologi komunikasi. Tuliskan satu rencana yang lengkap bertajuk Mendekatkan Remaja dengan Program Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan melalui Teknologi Komunikasi. 2. Unit beruniform sekolah anda telah mengadakan aktiviti perkhemahan di Taman Negara Pahang. Selaku setiausaha persatuan, anda diminta menulis laporan berkenaan aktiviti tersebut. Tulis laporan itu selengkapnya. 3. Kesesakan lalulintas merupakan satu isu yang sering menghantui penduduk terutama di bandar-bandar besar. Salah satu usaha untuk mengatasinya ialah dengan meningkatkan keupayaan dan kecekapan sistem pengangkutan awam. Bincangkan usaha-usaha yang telah dilaksanakan oleh pihak yang bertanggungjawab untuk merealisasikan hasrat tersebut. 4. Akhir-akhir ini isu kebanjiran buruh asing yang datang bekerja tanpa permit semakin serius dibincangkan kerana telah mengundang banyak masalah terutama yang melibatkan kegiatan jenayah. Pelbagai langkah dilakukan oleh kerajaan untuk menyekat kebanjiran kumpulan ini, namun banyak kekangan yang dihadapi. Huraikan kekangan-kekangan yang dihadapi oleh pihak kerajaan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut serta langkah-langkah untuk mengatasinya. 5. Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan nilai murni kejujuran.


Bahasa Melayu

Kertas 2
Soalan 1 : Rumusan [30 Markah]


Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian buat satu rumusan berkenaan langkah-langkah untuk memartabatkan bahasa Melayu dan kekangan penggunaannya di Malaysia. Sejak beberapa dekad yang lalu, Malaysia telah melalui beberapa fasa pembangunan. Bermula daripada Dasar Ekonomi Baru, Dasar Pembangunan Negara, Dasar Wawasan Negara, dan mutakhir Model Ekonomi Baru. Namun hakikat yang menyedihkan, perkembangan dan penggunaan bahasa Melayu seolah-olah dipinggirkan daripada pakej pembangunan tersebut. Walaupun pembangunan negara berjaya membawa perubahan dari aspek sosiopolitik, sosioaekonomi, dan tuntutan masyarakat, namun bahasa Melayu masih tidak berubah walaupun suatu ketika dahulu pernah menjadi bahasa sarwajagat terhebat di Nusantara. Tuntutan ekonomi kapitalisme telah menghanyutkan perjuangan nasiolisme sehingga Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia yang suatu ketika dahulu menjadi pemangkin dalam memartabatkan bahasa Melayu kini sama seperti universiti lain di Malaysia. Era digital dan globalisasi tanpa sempadan menyaksikan bahasa Melayu terpaksa bersaing hebat dengan bahasa lain terutamanya bahasa Inggeris. Aplikasi dan dasar liberalisasi sejak 1980-an melihat penggunaan bahasa Inggeris semakin meluas dan bahasa Melayu pula seolah-olah perlu bersedia untuk diturunkan ke liang lahat. Melihat kepada senario yang berlaku pada hari ini, usaha bersepadu perlu dilakukan untuk mengembalikan semula semangat nasiolisme dan jati diri negara bangsa. Langkah pertama adalah dengan meletakkan keagungan bahasa dan sastera Melayu pada tempat selayaknya. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) yang mempunyai kematangan, sumber, kepakaran, dan kemampuan perlu melaksanakan hasrat ini tanpa membataskan sasaran terhad kepada sekolah kerajaan semata-mata. Sekolah-sekolah persendirian, sekolah Cina dan sekolah Tamil yang mempunyai silibus bahasa kebangsaan yang berbeza dengan sekolah kerajaan sepatutnya diberi perhatian yang lebih dalam memantapkan penggunaan bahasa Melayu. Dalam usaha negara mencapai status negara maju, adunan bahasa Kebangsaan dan jati diri bangsa perlu diacu serentak memandangkan usaha memartabatkan bahasa Melayu harus melalui satu anjakan paradigma. DBP sebagai badan induk yang bertanggungjawab perlu melipatgandakan promosi di segenap lapisan masyarakat, malah penglibatan semua kaum dalam usaha membudayakan bahasa Melayu perlu giat dijalankan bagi menyemai semangat dan rasa cinta terhadap bahasa Melayu kepada semua kaum Penubuhan Bahagian Pengembangan Bahasa Pelbagai Kaum yang dilakukan DBP merupakan satu langkah awal yang sungguh baik kerana usaha mengembangkan bahasa Melayu, khususnya kepada masyarakat bukan Melayu perlu diperhebatkan. Antara isu pertama yang perlu diselesaikan ialah menangani 20% daripada kanak-kanak yang ketinggalan dari segi literasi. Ukuran bagi kejayaan ini dinilai dengan melihat keyakinan ibu bapa sebagai penanda aras untuk menghantar anak-anak ke sekolah kerajaan dan bukan sekolah swasta. Satu Bahasa, Satu Malaysia yang dicetuskan oleh Perdana Menteri, Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak dilihat sebagai satu langkah yang meyakinkan untuk mengembalikan peranan Asia sebagai generasi dunia. Jepun sebagai contoh yang paling berjaya membentuk negaranya melalui acuan sendiri melalui budaya dan bahasa. Tidak mustahil Malaysia mampu mengikut langkah Jepun sekiranya rakyat berbilang bangsa di negara ini bersatu untuk memulihhara budaya bansa. Perlu ditegaskan bahawa bahasa Kebangsaan bukan milik mutlak DBP, tetapi milik bersama masyarakat Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia kerana bahasa adalah jiwa bangsa. (Dipetik daripada Bahasa Melayu Hak Rakyat Malaysia Dewan Masyarakat, September 2010)

Soalan 2 : Pemahaman
[35 markah] Soalan 2 (a) - Petikan Umum Berdasarkan petikan Soalan 1, jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri. i. Berikan maksud mengembalikan peranan Asia. [2 markah] ii. Nyatakan faktor-faktor bahasa Melayu dipinggirkan [3 markah] iii. Cadangkan dua langkah untuk mermartabatkan bahasa Melayu dalam kalangan murid sekolah rendah. [4 markah]

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Soalan 2 (b) - Petikan Prosa Moden Baca petikan cerpen di bawah dengan teliti dan kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri Abang tak mahu pergi kebun? Apa kata abang pergi sebelum abang jadi ahli korporat nanti, rayu Mikraj. Tak perlu! Israk mengayun kata-kata. Mengapa? Abang takut nyamuk? Agas? Atau seram dengan nyanyian cengkerik? Mengapa abang terlalu berlagak akhir-akhir ini? Suara Mikraj makin lama makin meninggi. Israk menarik nafas dalam-dalam, dan berkata, Mengapa kau terlalu menjaga tepi kain orang? Saya kasihan melihat Wah. Abang menghina, mengeji, menyakiti Wah. Paha kanan tercubit paha kiri turut berasa sakit. Abang sedar tak, Wah lebih tua daripada abang! Saya ajak pa dan ma bawa abang balik kampung semata-mata mahu abang mengenali Wah yang membela abang sejak berusia satu hari lagi. Abang tahu, Wah benar-benar terhiris sewaktu atuk Perth bawa abang lari. Sejak itu abang langsung tak mengenali Wah. Saya mahu abang belajar erti kepayahan, kekecewaan, dan ketabahan seorang wanita. Wah orangnya..., butir bicara Mikraj diiringi mutiara mata. Sudah hujan, perli Israk. Abang jangan terkejut kalau saya mampu membuatkan abang menangis nanti! Israk bersahaja. Dia mencapai gitarnya lalu lagu sumbang itu kembali beralun. Perasaan meluat mula bersarang dalam kalbu Mikraj. Kalau tersilap jolok, pasti terjolok sarang itu. Bahaya. Kalau bercakap dengan abang mesti ada kompromi, katanya, memandang tepat ke wajah Israk. Fikirannya di awang-awangan. (Dipetik daripada cerpen Israk oleh Erda Roslan khairi, dalam Harga Remaja, DBP) i. Apakah reaksi Israk apabila Mikraj mengajaknya ke kebun? [2 markah]

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ii. Berikan beberapa cadangan untuk mendekatkan golongan muda agar berminat untuk menyertai aktiviti-aktiviti yang melibatkan kegiatan kekeluargaan. [3 markah] iii. Nyatakan satu pengajaran yang terdapat dalam petikan, dan satu pengajaran lain yang terdapat dalam keseluruhan cerpen. [4 markah] Soalan 2 (c) Petikan Tradisional Baca petikan prosa tradisional di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya menggunakan ayat anda sendiri. Maka Tuan Puteri Seri Ratna Gemala Nehran pun tersenyum mendengar sembah bidadari itu. Maka ujar, tuan puteri, Kita telah bermain-main semalam tadi dengan biti-biti itu. Maka kita tidur lalu bermimpi hampir dinihari juga rasanya. Maka datang seekor naga maka dipagutnya pinggangku, tiada lekat pada tubuhku rasanya dan aku lihat rupa naga itu terlalu indah-indah sekali. Seketika kita berselimut bau bunga rasanya, dan bau bunga itu pun datang sekarang kepada hidungnya kita rasanya. Hatta maka naga itu pun melancar ke atas kemuncak mahligai ini. Maka ditelannya gemala yang di atas kemuncak mahligai ini. Sebab itulah mukaku pucat ini. Segala bidadari itu pun berdatang sembah seraya tertawa, Segera rupanya tuan puteri ini akan kahwin dengan paduka kakanda itu Raja Dewa Lela Mengerna itu. Tuan puteri pun tersenyum tunduk malu rupanya dan segala bidadari itu pun tertawa seraya ia berpantun demikian bunyinya: Burung bayan terbangnya tinggi, Terbang melayang berpangkat-pangkat; Jikalau malam termimpi-mimpi, Jika siang terlihat-lihat. Setelah tuan puteri mendengar pantun itu adalah muka tuan puteri itu antara masam dengan tiada berseri. Maka tuan puteri pun berkata kepada inangdanya, Hai inangda, bilamana kita akan pergi mandi ke Tasik Semendera Jin itu? Maka sembah inangdanya, Ya tuanku tuan puteri, esoklah kita akan pergi mandi. (Dipetik daripada cerita Hikayat Indera Nata dalam Antologi Harga Remaja DBP) i. Mengapakah muka bidadari pucat? [2 markah] [3 markah] [3 markah]

ii. Nyatakan gambaran naga yang terdapat dalam mimpi bidadari seperti yang diceritakan kepada Tuan Puteri Seri Ratna Gemala Nehran? iii. Pada pendapat anda, apakah bekalan yang perlu ada dalam diri seseorang remaja untuk mengelakkan diri daripada diperdaya oleh orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab.


Soalan 2 (d) Gurindam Baca gurindam di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri. Gurindam 12 Fasal yang Keenam Cahari olehmu akan sahabat, Yang boleh dijadikan ubat. Cahari olehmu akan guru, Yang boleh tahukan tiap seteru. Cahaya olehmu akan isteri, Yang boleh menyerahkan diri. Cahari olehmu akan kawan, Pilih segala orang setiawan.

i. Apakan yang dimaksudkan dengan: Cahari olehmu akan sahabat Yang boleh dijadikan ubat ii. iii. Sahabat amat penting pada masa susah maupun senang. Cadangkan ciri-ciri yang perlu ada pada seseorang sahabat yang setia. Nyatakan dua nilai yang terdapat dalam gurindam di atas.

[3 markah] [3 markah] [3 markah]

Soalan 3: Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Bahasa [30 markah] Jawab semua soalan. (a) Tulis satu ayat bagi setiap kata kerja di bawah ini untuk menunjukkan bahawa anda faham akan maksud dan penggunaannya. Anda boleh menambahkan imbuhan tetapi tidak boleh menggunakan perkata itu sebagai kata nama khas. i. tonton ii. tengok iii. keluar iv. terbit v. halus vi. teliti [6 markah] (b) Baca ayat di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian tentukan subjek dan predikat dalam ayat tanpa mengubah maksud asal. i. ii. iii. Melukis telah menjadi kegemarannya sejak kecil lagi. Warna oren merupakan warna pilihan Hani untuk majlis perkahwinannya . Ibu pejabat syarikat tersebut terletak di Labuan, Sabah. [6 markah]

(c) Dalam setiap ayat di bawah terdapat satu kesalahan ejaan dan satu kesalahan penggunaan imbuhan. Senaraikan dan betulkan kesalahan-kesalahan itu. Bagi setiap ayat, anda tidak boleh menyenaraikan lebih daripada satu kesalahan ejaan dan satu kesalahan penggunaan imbuhan. Anda tidak perlu menyalin petikan itu semula. i. ii. Kebanyakkan pengguna memilih untuk berbelanja di pusat membeli belah berbanding di kedai runcit. Puan Halimah dan Encik Halim cadangan untuk menyambut ulangtahun perkahwinan mereka di Hotel Kasturi pada hari Ahad nanti. [6 markah]

iii. Di mana harus saya mengantungkan gambar pemandangan ini. Aqil bertanya kepada Irfan.

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(Abu Hassan Sham (Penyelenggara) Puisi-puisi Raja Ali Haji, Dalam antologi Harga Remaja, 1993 DBP)


(d) Dalam setiap ayat di bawah, terdapat satu kesalahan penggunaan kata atau istilah dan satu kesalahan tatabahasa. Senaraikan dan betulkan kesalahan-kesalahan itu. Bagi setiap ayat anda tidak boleh meyenaraikan lebih daripada satu kesalahan pengunaan kata atau istilah dan satu kesalahan tatabahasa. Anda tidak perlu menyalin ayat itu semula. i. ii. iii. Bendera-bendera yang berwarna-warni itu bertebaran di sepanjang jalan. Masalah yang institusi pengajian tinggi hadapi adalah kekurangan pendapat yang cerdas. Beliau sering diajak untuk membentangkan kertas kerja di dalam beberapa seminar. [6 markah]

(e) Nyatakan maksud peribahasa di bawah ini. i. ii. Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan Tak lapuk dek hujan, tak lekang dek panas [6 markah]

iii. Bermandi peluh

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Soalan 4: Novel [15 markah] Jawab soalan di bawah. Jawapan anda hendaklah berdasarkan novel-novel yang anda pelajari. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Azfa Hanani karya Halis Azhan Mohd Hanafiah Papa...(akhirnya kau tewas jua!) karya Deana Yusof Renyah karya Gunawan Mohamad Melunas Rindu karya Hartini Hamzah Konserto Terakhir karya Abdullah Hussain Kabus di Perbukitan karya Muhamad Kholid Hamzah Kembara Amira karya Amer Hamzah L. Kadir Sutera Dalam Lukisan karya Abd. Talib Hassan

(a) Watak utama banyak memaparkan nilai-nilai murni yang boleh dijadikan teladan oleh pembaca. Berdasarkan novel yang telah anda kaji, huraikan dua nilai murni yang terdapat pada watak utama. (b) Huraikan dua persoalan yang dikemukan oleh pengarang dalam novel yang anda kaji. [8 markah] [7 markah]



[1119/1] [1119/2]


Paper A PAPER 1

Section Directed Writing

Descriptive Argumentative Reflective Narrative Descriptive/ Narrative 1 2 5 Poster Graphic Organiser Descriptive Theres Been a Death in the Opposite House The Drovers Wife Important incident in the story

Descriptive Argumentative Reflective Narrative Descriptive/ Narrative 1 1 4 2 Poster Graphic Organiser Narrative In the Midst of Hardship Favourite part of the story

Descriptive Discussion Reflective Narrative Descriptive/Narrative 1

Continuous writing

Advertisement Charts, Tables & Graphs Comic strips, Maps & Pictures Short Texts Notices & Signs Information Transfer Comprehension & Summary Poem

2 2 4 Short passage

1 1 5 Book review

1 4 2 Descriptive Table Narrative Nature Part of the story that make them angry



Table & question Table & Question Narrative If The Sound Machine Ending of the story Narrative Monsoon History The Necklace Difficult decision made by a character

Short Story Novel

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2008 Article Descriptive/ Narrative Argumentative Reflective Narrative Descriptive/ Narrative -

2009 Report Descriptive/ Narrative Argumentative Reflective Narrative Descriptive/ Narrative 1

2010 Informal letter

2011 Talk

2012 Informal letter



Paper 1


Time: One hour and forty-five minutes This question paper consists of two sections : Section A and Section B. Answer both sections. You are advised to spend 45 minutes on Section A and one hour on Section B.
Section A: Directed Writing (35 marks) As the head of the Students Disciplinary Board, you are very concerned over the increasing number of complaints filed by students about those who are involved in gangsterism in schools. Write an article for your school newsletter on how to prevent gangsterism in schools. Use the notes below to write your article.

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motivational talks campaigns recreational activities weekend activities community work close monitoring by teachers regular spot checks counselling sessions peer observation fines harsh punishment rewards

When writing the article, you should remember: to give it a suitable title to mention the writers name to use all the notes given

that your readers are mainly students Note: For your article, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points, and up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.


Section B: Continuous Writing (50 marks) Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics. 1 Describe a school activity that you have participated in. 2 Tuition is it really necessary? Discuss. 3 Write a story ending with Wait for me! Im coming too. 4 Libraries no longer have a place in society. 5 Traditions


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Paper 2


Time: Two hours and fifteen minutes The question paper consists of four sections: Section A. Section B, Section C and Section D. Answer all sections in this question paper. Questions in Section A have four options.
Section A (15 marks)

Sling your bag in front of you so that you can keep an eye on it. Also make sure that it is properly fastened or zipped up. Do not leave handbag in a shopping basket or trolley. Check your wallet or handbag immediately if someone jostles or bumps into you. Do not doze off in the bus or train and leave your belongings unattended.
1 The most suitable title for the tips above is A Beware of Strangers B Keeping Your Cash Safe C How to Use Public Transport D Protecting Yourself from Pickpockets 3

His sweaters been thrown on the floor, His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV, And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door. His books are all jammed in the closet, His vest has been left in the hall. A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed, And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall. Extract from a Shel Silverstein poem

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The poem probably describes A a messy classroom B an untidy bedroom C a chaotic living room D a cluttered dining room

Excite your taste buds with Delights sensational choice of burgers. Our chefs have prepared five variations of burger from the United States, Australia, Mexico, Germany and the United Kingdom. All burgers are served with homemade bread. Each burger patty is prepared using seasoning unique to the country of origin. Prices range from RM25 to RM35 per plate

FIRE KILLS: Prevent It Be Prepared To Face Emergencies Ensure that your family is prepared and knows the escape route in case of a fire REMEMBER 994
4 What is the purpose of the notice? A to warn the public about the dangers of fire B to warn the public about potential fire hazards C to remind the public what to do in case of a fire D to inform the public about fire prevention methods

According to the advertisement, Delights A prepares their own bread B has chefs from five different countries C charges RM25 for each plate of burger D import the patties from five different countries


While reviewing Math symbols with my Form 1 students, I drew a greater-than (>) and a less-than (<) sign on the blackboard and asked, Does anyone remember what these mean? A few moments passed, and then a boy confidently raised his hand, One means fast-forward, he exclaimed, and the other means rewind!
5 Which of the following is true about the joke? A the boy answered the teacher correctly B the teacher did not understand the boys answer C the teacher was revising some Mathematics symbols D the teacher was trying to teach the students how to operate a DVD player


Shoot your daughters and frame your mother-in-law!

8 The sign above is found outside a A photo studio B police station C hospital D cybercaf

Questions 9 15 are based on the following passage.


Tigers are different from one another as A their body shape and size differ greatly B they have stripes on the sides of their body C the colour of their stripes differs in intensity D the stripes on the sides of their body do not form the same patterns

9 A myself C yourself 10 A a C the 11 A this C these 12 A order C stipulate 13 A start C started 14 A in C at 15 A has C have

B herself D ourselves B an D some B that D those B advise D prescribe B starts D starting B on D from B had D having

Chocolate contains essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins. Magnesium content in cocoa powder is beneficial for the heart and hypertension patients. The fat in high quality pure cocoa chocolate can be considered cholesterol free as studies indicate it does not fur up the arteries or contribute to high cholesterol levels. Eating chocolate also releases these agents into the system, thus it can provide a lift when we are feeling down.

From the extract, we know that A fats in all chocolates are cholesterol free B eating chocolate can make someone feel less depressed C cocoa powder is the highest natural source for magnesium D calcium in cocoa powder will worsen the hypertension patients

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Have you ever had a bad habit you wanted to get rid off but failed? Now you can successfully kick your bad habit using the following steps. First, you must be aware that your habit is bad and is limiting your performance. Second, ask 9 why you want this habit to be replaced. The more good reasons you can think of, the higher the chance of replacing it. Writing down your reasons will force you to think and make 10 commitment. Third, set a suitable time frame to replace 11 habit. Most experts 12 a minimum of 21 days. Fourth, 13 a new habit that will counter the bad habit you want to kick. Fifth, you must be very conscious of your new habit 14 the beginning. If you repeat the bad habit, remember to tell yourself that you already 15 another habit to replace it. Finally, enjoy your new habit and it will soon become part of you and the old habit will soon be forgotten.



Section B (10 marks) Read the following information on the different fares and answer the questions that follow. Fly from KL to Brisbane/Perth From RM149 one way! Everyday low fares!
International > Hong Kong RM2 200 now from RM99 one way > Guangzhou RM2 650 now from RM149 one way > Shanghai RM3 709 now from RM149 one way ASEAN > Jakarta RM1 279 now from RM50 one way > Manila RM1 375 now from RM10 one way > Phuket RM747 now from RM50 one way > Hanoi RM2 200 now from RM99 one way ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Book early. Book online. No refunds. Booking period: 9 to 22 June 2013 Travel Period: Perth and Brisbane 1 November 2013 to 30 April 2014 Other destinations 15 July to 14 October 2014 JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web

The above economy fares exclude fuel surcharge insurance levy, airport tax and other applicable charges. Low fares are not available during peak periods. Terms and conditions apply.
Question 16 - 25 Using the information given, write the most appropriate fares in the boxes below Questions 21 25 Complete the sentences below using the information given. 21 Joshua pays RM2 650 for a one-way ticket to Guangzhou because ______________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 22 Marilyn paid RM149 for a one-way ticket to Brisbane but she must travel ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 23 The fares advertised exclude _______________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 24 Tom cannot get an offer ticket to Perth for Christmas because ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 25 When Ana visits her pen-pal in Manila, she pays ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Description 16. May May and her parents are going to Hong Kong for a holiday. How much must they pay? 17. Minh Ho wants to buy a ticket to Hanoi 18. Rahim wants to buy a ticket to Perth 19. Ari wants to buy a ticket to Phuket 20. Sassy wants to go to Shanghai

One-Way Fare From

From From From From


Section C (25 marks) Questions 26 -31 are based on the following passage.


1 Todays youth will be tomorrows leader. But the scenario of todays youth is a dismal one as they are plagued with so many social ills. 2 Firstly, what are the social ills? An alarming large number of youths are involved in smoking, taking drugs and alcoholism. Many youths are destroying their future because they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Drink-driving, reckless driving and illegal racing have become popular pastimes for youths. AIDS and HIV are diseases that have surfaced with drug abuse. Young teenagers like to roam the city streets, especially at night. In school, they play truant and skip classes and are disruptive. They prefer to loiter around shopping complexes instead of studying. Teenagers under peer pressure also vandalise public property in order to gain acceptance of their peers. They form gangs and take part in violent fights and criminal activities. These are the various social ills that are plaguing the youths. 3 What are the causes of this dreary situation? One of the factors responsible for the rise of ills among young children is parents. Parents play a pivotal role in the raising of their children and moulding their characters. However, due to the pursuit of material wealth and career advancement, parents have made their children feel neglected and unloved. Youths then turn to their friends and start to misbehave in order to get their parents attention. 4 The deteriorating discipline in schools is a contributing factor. Schools are given limited power to wield the cane and mete out punishment to errant students. Schools have also becoming boring to many students. They find playing truant more interesting. Besides, the school curriculum does not put equal emphasis on instilling moral and religious principles as well as nurturing the intellect. 5 Many children run away from poverty, broken families and abusive parents. An alarming number of youths are physically and mentally abused by their parents. Marital disharmony due to divorce, unemployment and financial problems contributes to family breaks-up and the children end up feeling lost and unloved. They leave the house and mix with the bad hats. 6 Something must be done fast or our youths will ruin their future and become a destructive factor that will undermine nation building. Parents play a crucial role in bringing up their children. There should be communication between children and parents. Parents should keep track of their childrens friends and their movements. Daily discussions about schools, checking their exercise books and going on holiday together will go a long way in creating a strong emotional bond between children and their parents. 7 Schools should play more caring role too. Teachers and counsellors play an important role in teaching discipline and imparting knowledge. They should collaborate with their students parents and let the parents know if their children misbehave, play truant or have problems. Cooperation between schools and parents is important to overcome many disciplinary problems. They should instil religious and moral values in youths so that they can think rationally and evaluate their actions correctly. 8 The government also play an effective role in curbing social ills. The setting up Rakan Muda camps, summer camps and motivational camps can teach youths to be independent and constructive and encourage team spirit. These will contribute to multiracial integration and unity. A disciplined society can contribute to the development of the nature. 9 To put it in a nutshell, the youths of today have to stand up, hold hands with other youths and rise to the challenge of becoming more productive and useful citizens.








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26 From paragraph 2, (a) state one social ill those youths involved in. __________________________________________________________________________ (1mark) (b) state one disease associated with drug abuse. __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 27 From paragraph 3, give two reasons why parents neglect their children. Reason 1: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) Reason 2: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 28 From paragraph 4, give two reasons why are schools become boring to many students. Reason 1: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) Reason 2: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 29 From paragraph 5, (a) which phrase has the same meaning as escape? __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) which phrase tells you that people who deliberately stir up problems? __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 30 From paragraph 7, (a) (b) define the role of school counsellors. __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) explain why it is good for cooperation between schools and parents. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

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31 Based on the passage given, write a summary of: social ills face by todays youths the role of parents and schools to help the youths Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning. Your summary must: be in continuous writing form (not in note form) use materials from line 3 to line 37 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below Begin your summary as follows: (15 marks)

Todays youths are plagued with so many social ills which


Section D (20 marks) 32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. Are you still playing your flute? When there is hardly time for our love I am feeling guilty To be longing for your song The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo Uncovered by the breath of an artist Composed by his fingers Blown by the wind To the depth of my heart Are you still playing your flute? In the village so quiet and deserted Amidst the sick rice field While here it has become a luxury To spend time watching the rain Gazing at the evening rays Collecting dew drops Or enjoying the fragrance of flowers Are you still playing your flute? The more it disturbs my conscience to be thinking of you in the hazard of you my younger brothers unemployed and desperate my people disunited by politics my friends slaughtered mercilessly thus world is too old and bleeding Zurinah Hassan (a) Which phrase in stanza 1 refers to the flute? _________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)


(b) In stanza 1, (i) what is hidden in the flute? _______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (c) (ii) who uncovers it? _______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) What do you think is a luxury for you as a student? Give a reason to support your answer. Luxury: ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) Reason: ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language. The Curse - Lee Su Ann Step By Wicked Step - Anne Fine Catch Us If You Can - Catherine MacPhail

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below. Based on the novel that you have read, describe an element of love that is shown in the novel. Support your answer with close reference from the text. (15 marks)


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[1449/1] [1449/2]

Polygon I, II 08 7 9,10 11 19 21 20 22 23 24 20 21 22 23,24 25 19 20 21 22 23,24 25 19 21 20 22 23,24 25 19 21 20 22 24,25 25,26 4 3 5 8 25,26,27 1,2,3,4 19 29,30,31 32,33 34,35 8 12,13 15 14 5,6 28 39,40 36,37,40 29,30,31 32,33 34,35 8 11,12,13 15,16 14 4,5 28 39,40 36,37,40 29,30,31 32,33 34,35 8 11,12,13 15,16 14 5,6 28 39,40 36,37,40 29,30,31 32,33 34,35 8 11,12,13 15,16 14 5,6 28 39,40 36,37,38 31,32 33,34 29 35,36 9 12,13 15,16 14 5,6 30 39,40 37,38 13 12 11 9 7 17 18 40 16 17,18 40 17 18 40 17 18 40 17 18 40 15 16 16 13 16 16 15 16 16 16 15 16 16 15 16 1,12 15 9 10 8 12 13 8 9 10 12 13 8 11 10 12 13 11 8 10 2 5 11 4 2 26,27 1,2,3 26,27 1,2,3,4 26,27 1,2,3,4 27,28 1,2,3,4 3 1 6 10 14 7 5 16 3 3 1 5 6 14 3 1 5 6 14 3 1 5 7 14 11 6 4 7 7 9 6 9 2 2 2 4 09 6,7 9,10 PAPER 1 10 7 9,10 11 7 9,10 12 7,8 10,11 08 09 PAPER 2 10 11 12

2 Transformations I, II Trigonometry I Algebraic Expressions I,II,III Algebraic Formulae Algebraic Fractions Linear Equations Indices Linear Inequalities Graph of Functions I Solid Geometry I,II,III Circles I,II Statistics I,II Standard Form Quadratic Expressions and Equations Sets Mathematical Reasoning The Straight Line Statistics III Probability I Circles III Trigonometry II Angles of Elevation and Depression Lines and Planes in 3-Dimensions Number Bases Graph of Functions II Transformations III Matrices Variations Gradient and Area under a Graph Probability II Bearing Earth as a Sphere Plans and Elevations Total

F O R M 1 3

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3

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F O R M 4

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

F O R M 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Answer all questions

Paper 1

8 In Diagram 8, PQRTU is a regular pentagon and RST is a straight line. Find the value of m.

1 Round off 6.059 correct to two significant figures. A 6.05 C 6.1 B 6.06 D 6.0 2 State 0.0003008 in standard form A 3008 x 107 C 3008 x 10-7 4 B 3.008 x 10 D 3.008 x 10-4 3 A cube with sides of 43 mm. Find its volume, in cm3, correct to three significant figures. A 80.0 C 79.50 B 79.5 D 79.500 4 A B




5 . 94 10 2 ( 3 10 3)
1.98 x 10 1.98 x 104

C D 6.6 x 10 6.6 x 104

9 Diagram 9 shows a circle with centre O. LM and LN are tangents to the circle at points M and N respectively. Find the value of x.

5 101002 11112 = A 1012 B 1112 C 10012 D 10112 N 50o O

6 What is the value of digit 3 in base five in the number 49 32810 ? A 1200 C 2200 B 2020 D 2220 7 In Diagram 7, PQRST is a regular polygon. PUT is a straight line. VP = VU L




A 30 B 40


50 60

10 In the diagram, the straight line PQ is the image of the line RS under a reflection.

Find the value of x. A 36 B 54

4 2 S 2 4 Q

C 60 D 72


-2 R

0 -2 -4 -4

The axis of reflection is A x = 2 B x -axis


y=2 y-axis

11 The point A (-5, 7) is the image of point A under a translation 8 . Find the coordinates of point A


(3, 1) (-3,-1)


(1, 3) (-13, 13)

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A 36 B 58

C 65 D 72



12 In Diagram 12, SPQ and PRU are right angle triangles. STQ and PTU are straight lines.

15 In Diagram 15, Q and S are two points on a horizontal plane. R is the top of a vertical flagpole SR.

S T y Q R


It is given that cos yo = 12 and PQ = QR . Calculate the length in 13 cm, of PTU C D 27.67 25.54



The angle of elevation of R from Q is 520 . The distance between Q and S is 14 m. Calculate the height, in m, of flagpole RS. A 10.94 C 11.03 B 15.59 D 17.92 16 Diagram 16 shows two towers on a horizontal plane Q

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A 70.17 B 65.94

13 Diagram 13 shows the graph of y = sin x.

1 p O



The value of p is A 90 B 360

P and Q are two points on the top of the towers as shown. R is a point vertically below Q. The angle of elevation of Q from P is 550 and the angle of elevation of R from P is 400. Calculate the distance, in m, from Q to R. A 10.58 C 15.53 B 35.34 D 29.50 17 In Diagram 17, P, Q and R are three points on a horizontal plane such that PR = RQ = QP



270 180

14 Diagram 14, shows a pyramid PQRS. The horizontal base PQR is a right-angled triangle. Vertex P is vertically above S.




Given that Q is due east of P, find the bearing of Q from R. A 330 C 120 B 150 D 060 18 P and Q are two points on the surface of the earth and the latitude of P is 55N. Given that Q is located 15 south of P, find the latitude of Q. A 40 S C 40 N B 70 S D 70 N 19 A C B D

Name the angle between the line PR and the plane PSQ. A RPS C PRS B




20 Express from. as a single fraction in its simplest 28 Diagram 28 is a pie chart showing how Adam uses his income each month. Adams income is RM3 500 per month. Adams savings is RM350 and he spends 40% of his income on miscellaneous.


21 Given that

, express r in terms of p.



yo Car

x o House
!0&)2 !

29 Table 29 shows the frequency distribution of the scores obtained by a group of pupils in a game.
Score Frequency 1 6 2 k

3 9

4 9

5 8

6 6

23 Given that

, find the value of x.

If 2 is the modal score, the minimum value of k is A 6 C 10 B 9 D 11 30 Which of the following graphs represents 24 Simplify A C
x y y

25 Which of the following inequalities satisfy the simultaneous linear inequalities and ? B D
O x O y y

26 List all the integers x which satisfy the inequality A 3, 4 C 2, 3, 4 B 2, 3, 4, 5 D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

27 Table 27 is a frequency table which shows the scores of students in a test.

Score 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18

31 Diagram 31 is an incomplete Venn diagram showing the number of elements in sets P, Q and R.

Frequency 8 9 11 16 14 12

P 4 6 2 7 R


It is given that the universal set Find . C D 12 17


Calculate the mean score of the students. A 11.36 C 10.36 B 9.36 D 9.17

A 5 B 6

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22 Given that

, calculate the value of a.

It is given that x : y = 2 : 3. Find the value of x. A 72 C 108 B 144 D 216



32 Diagram 32 is a Venn Diagram showing the universal set , set P, set Q and set R. 36 Table 36 shows the result of a Mathematics test for a group of students.
Pass Boys Girls 8 20


Fail 4 x


A student is chosen at random from the group. The probability of choosing a student who failed the test is . Find the value of x. A 1 B 3 C 4 D 5

Which region, A, B, C or D represents the set

y P

37 It is given that y varies inversely as the cube root of x and y = 6 when x =8. Calculate the value of x when y = 4. A 3 B 9 C D 12 27

33 In Diagram 33, POR is a straight line and O is the origin.

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38 Table 38 shows some values of the variables x and y such that y varies directly as the square root of x.Find the relationship between y and x.
x 4 25 y 8 20

R(3, 5)


Find the gradient of POR.

34 The gradient of the straight line

is 39 Given A -3 B -8 calculate the value of k . C D 4 7

35 24 students in a class are computer club members. A student is chosen at random from the class. The probability of choosing a student who is not a computer club member is . Find the total number of students in the class A 32 B 36 C D 40 72

40 Find the value of h and of k in the following matrix equation:





Paper 2
Section A [52 marks] Answer all questions in this section.


1 On the graph in the answer space, shade the region which satisfies the three inequalities 2y x 4, y 2x + 1 and y < 1. [3 marks] Answer :

2 Diagram 2 shows a right prism with a horizontal rectangular base JKLM. Trapezium JKQP is the uniform cross-section of the prism. The rectangular surface QRLK is inclined. KL = 12cm, RS = 5cm and JP = 8cm

8 cm


5cm ! R!

8 cm



12 cm


Calculate the angle between the plane RSJ and the vertical plane RSML. Answer :

[4 marks]

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3 Solve the quadratic equation [4 marks] Answer :

4 Calculate the values of e and of f which satisfy the following simultaneous linear equations : [4 marks]

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5 (a) State whether the following sentence is a statement or a non-statement. (b) Write down a true statement using both of the following statements: Statement 1 : (c) Statement 2 :

All multiples of 2 are divisible by 4

Write down two implications based on the following sentence:


[4 marks]

y < x if and only if

(a) ______________________________________________________________________________ (b) ______________________________________________________________________________ (c) Implication I : _________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ Implication II: _________________________________________________________________



6 Diagram 6 shows a solid, formed by joining a cylinder to a right prism. Trapezium AFGB is the uniform cross-section of the prism. AB = BC = 9 cm. The height of the cylinder is 6 cm and its diameter is 7 cm. Calculate the volume, in cm3, of the combined solid.



Use . [4 marks]

7 In diagram 7, O is the origin.

y P 6

Q (k, 8)

0 -4 R

The gradient of the line PQ is (a) the value of k.

. Find,

(b) the equation of the straight line QR.

(c) the x-intercept of the straight line QR. [5 marks]

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8 Diagram 8 shows the speed-time graph of a vehicle for a period of 15 seconds.


Calculate the (a) distance traveled during the first 12 second. (b) value of v, if the rate of change of speed during the last 3 seconds is 5 ms-2. [6 marks]

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9 In diagram 9, LK is an arc of a circle with centre P and PQRS is an arc of a circle with centre O. PORL is a straight line.

60 * +!


Given a) b)

KOL = 600, PK = 21 cm and OP = 7 cm. Using

, calculate [7 marks]

the area , in cm2 of the shaded region the perimeter in cm, of the whole diagram.



10 Diagram 10 shows six labelled cards in two boxes, P and Q,



A card is picked at random from box P and then a card is picked at random from box Q. By listing the sample of all the possible outcomes of the event, find the probability that (a) a card with an odd number and the card labelled J are picked, a card with a number which is multiple of 2 or the card labelled H are picked. [5 marks]

(b) Answer:

11 (a) It is given that matrix M = Find the values of p and q.

and matrix

such that

(b) Using matrices, calculate the values of x and y that satisfy the following matrix equation: 2x - 3y = 13 4x + y = 5 [7 marks] Answer

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Section B [48 marks] Answer 4 questions from this section.
12 (a) Complete Table 12 in the answer space for the equation by writing down the values of y when x = 1 and x = 2. [2 marks] (b) For this part of the question, use the graph paper provided. You may use a flexible curve. By using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on the . [4 marks]

x-axis and 2 cm to 10 units on the y-axis, draw the graph of

(c) From your graph, find: (i) the value of y when x = 24, (ii) the value of x when y = 12 (d) Draw a suitable straight line on your graph to find all the values of x which satisfy the equation for . State these values of x. Answer : (a)
x y -3 533 -2 8 -1 05 32

[2 marks] [4 marks]

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0.5 32

1 16

3 -5.33

(b) Refer graph. y = _________________________________________________________________ x = _________________________________________________________________

(c) (i) (ii)

(d) x = ________________________________________________________________________


Graph for question 12


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13 (a) The transformation R represents a 900 anticlockwise rotation about the center (3, 2). The transformation T represents a translation . State the coordinates of the image of the point (1, 1) under the following transformations. (i) R (ii) RT Answer: (a) (i) (ii) (b) Diagram 13 shows three quadrilateral EFGH, ABCD and OFJK on a Cartesian plane. EFGH is the image of ABCD under the transformation U and EJKO is the image of EFGH under the transformation V . [3 marks]

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Describe completely the transformation, (i) U, (ii) V.

[6 marks] [3 marks]

(c) Given that the shaded area is 120 unit2 , find the area of ABCD.

Answer: (b) (i) (ii) (c)


14 The data in the table shows the weight of 40 students in a class.


60 45 50 56 66 51 44 46 54 47 53 48 49 49 48 65 52 50 51 51 52 52 42 51 41 54 46 54 56 60 58 39 53 59 58 63 47 64 43 59

(a) Based on the data in the table above, complete the table provided in the answer space using 5 kg as the size of the class interval. [4 marks] (b) By using a scale of 2 cm to 5 kg on the x-axis and 2 cm to 5 students on the y-axis, draw an ogive for the data. [4 marks]

(c) Based on the ogive in (b), i) Find the inter quartile range. ii) Briefly explain the meaning of the third quartile in the graph. Answer: (a)

[4 marks]

Class Interval


Cumulative Frequency

30 35
36 40 41 45

c) (i) _________________________________________________________________ (ii) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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Graph for question 14

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15 (a) Diagram 15(i) shows a solid prism with rectangular base JKLM on a horizontal plane. ADEHJK is the uniform cross-section of the prism. The rectangles ABCD and AFGH are horizontal planes. AK, BI, CF, DE, GM and HJ are vertical edges. Draw to full scale, the plan of the solid. [3 marks]


DIAGRAM 15 (i)

(b) A solid prism is joined to the prism in Diagram 15(i) at the vertical plane BCFGML to form a combined solid as shown in Diagram 15(ii). The trapezium MNRS is the uniform cross-section of the prism. TBL, SGM, RN and QP are vertical edges.
T 3 cm B A C 4 cm E H G(.- ( J M 5 cm L F P G 3 cm R 2 cm N S

DIAGRAM 15 (ii)

Draw to full scale, (i) (ii) The elevation of the combined solid on a vertical plane parallel to KJ as viewed from X. [5 marks] The elevation of the combined solid on a vertical plane parallel to JMN as viewed from Y. [4 marks]

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16 J (70S,37E), K and L are three points on the surface of the earth such that JK is the diameter of the parallel of latitude 70S. An aeroplane takes off from J and flies due east along its parallel of latitude until it reaches town K. Upon arrival in town K the plane changes its crew and flies back to J using the shortest distance measured along the surface of the earth. After refueling in J , the aeroplane is instructed to fly to town L which is located 5400 nautical miles due north of J. (a) Find the longitude of town K. (b) Find the latitude of town L. (c) Calculate the distance, in nautical miles, traveled by the plane, (i) From J to K , measured along the parallel latitude. From K back to J. [5 marks] [2 marks] [2 marks] [3 marks]


(d) Calculate the average speed, in knots, for the whole journey of the plane if the time taken to reach L is 22 hours. Answer: (a)

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(c) (i)






[1249/1] [1249/2]

Tajuk 2008 2009 K1 K2 K1 K2 Tingkatan 4 1 5 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 1 3 2 2 6 1 2 8 2010 K1 K2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 7 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 9 4 9 3 40 7 3 6 1 2011 K1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 40 5 2 6 7 4 8 K2 1 K1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 9 9 6 2012 K2

N o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 5

2 2 2 8 2 Tingkatan 5 3 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 40 8 4 9 7 3 2 3 2 2 2 4 1 1 3 40

Kemunculan dan Perkembangan Nasionalisme Di Asia Tenggara Nasionalisme di Malaysia sehingga Perang Dunia Kedua Kesedaran Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa Malaysia Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa Merdeka Pengukuhan Negara dan Bangsa Malaysia Sistem Pemerintahan dan Pentadbiran Negara Malaysia Pembangunan dan Perpaduan untuk Kesejahteraan Malaysia dalam kerjasama Antarabangsa JUMLAH

3 7 8 4

8 4 9 9

3 9 9

K1 - Bilangan soalan K2 - No soalan

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Kemunculan Tamadun awal dunia Peningkatan tamadun Tamadun Awal Asia Tenggara Kemunculan Tamadun Islam dan perkembangan di Makkah Kerajaan Islam Madinah Pembentukan Kerajaan Islam dan Sumbangannya Islam di Asia Tenggara Pembaharuan dan Pengaruh Islam di Malaysia Sebelum Kedatangan Barat Perkembangan di Eropah Dasar British terhadap Ekonomi Negara




Kertas 1


Arahan: Jawab semua soalan yang diberikan. Soalan aneka pilihan sila jawab di bahagian yang telah disediakan manakala soalan struktur, perlu jawab dalam ruangan jawapan setiap soalan.
1 Petempatan kekal merupakan satu ciri penting kemunculan tamadun Apakah unsur penting yang menentukan pemilihan sesuatu kawasan sebagai petempatan kekal dalam tamadun tersebut? A Kelangsungan bekalan makanan B Kewujudan sistem kepercayaan C Kepadatan penduduk D Keluasan tanah 2 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan tamadun Mesopotamia Mempunyai pintu gerbang pelbagai bentuk Apakah kepentingan pintu gerbang tersebut? A Lambang Kekayaan B Panduan laluan kapal C Sempadan empayar D Simbol keagamaan 3 Agora merupakan sebahagian daripada institusi polis dalam Tamadun Yunani. Apakah fungsi agora tersebut? A Kawasan pertanian C Tempat pertemuan rakyat B Pusat keagamaan D Tempat bangunan kerajaan 4 Mengapakah dilantik dua orang konsul dalam sistem pemerintahan republik Rom ? A Mengimbangi kuasa B Mematuhi dasar negara C Melicinkan pentadbiran D Meringankan beban tugas 5 Apakah bukti yang menunjukkan kerajaan Kedah Tua pernah menjadi sebuah pelabuhan entrepot A Tembikar Qing Pai B Candi di Lembah Bujang C Gendang Gangsa Dongson D Batu Besurat Terengganu 6 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan kemahiran masyarakat kerajaan maritim. Pada zaman kerajaan awal, masyarakat kerajaan maritim merupakan pelaut yang unggul di Asia Tenggara Mengapakah masyarakat tersebut mampu menjadi pelaut yang unggul? I Perebutan tanah jajahan II Mendapat galakan pemerintah III Memiliki kemahiran membina kapal layar IV Memiliki semangat menjalankan perdagangan jarak jauh A I dan II B I dan IV C II dan III D III dan IV 7 Mengapakah dakwah Islamiah pada peringkat awal di Makkah dilakukan secara rahsia? I Tindakan itu adalah suatu strategi dalam penyebaran Islam II Ajaran Islam masih belum lengkap III Ini adalah untuk mengelakkan daripada diketahui oleh orang ramai IV Bilangan umat Islam masih kecil

A I dan II C III dan IV B II dan IV D I dan IV 8 Senarai berikut merupakan individu yang telah memberikan sumbangan penting terhadap agama Islam. Siti Khadijah Ummu Salamah Aisyah binti Abu Bakar Apakah sumbangan individu tersebut? A Membantu perjuangan Islam B Memperkukuhkan ekonomi Islam C Menyusun perundangan Islam D Menubuhkan pusat kegiatan Islam 9 Pada zaman pemerintahan Khulafa al-Rasyidin , seseorang khalifah dilantik melalui sistem syura. Apakah kebaikan sistem tersebut? A Meneruskan tradisi masyarakat Arab B Memastikan kesenambungan pemerintahan C Mendapat sokongan orang bukan Islam D Menjamin pemilihan pemimpin berkelayakan 10 Mengapakah Cordova dianggap penting kepada dunia Islam dan Eropah pada abad ke-10 M? I Pusat kebudayaan II Pusat pertahanan A I dan II B I dan IV III Pusat penterjemahan IV Pusat pengajian tinggi C II dan III D III dan IV

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11 Apakah sumbangan Ibn al-Nafis terhadap terhadap peradaban dunia? A Teori algebra C Teknik pembedahan B Perundangan D Penetapan hukum syarak 12 Apakah faktor yang mengakibatkan kemerosotan kuasa politik dan ekonomi Empayar Turki Uthmaniyah pada abad Ke-16? A Pertambahan penduduk yang pesat B Kebangkitan golongan monarki C Pengaruh pahlawan tentera D Kejatuhan ekonomi dunia


13 Mengapakah undang-undang Islam sukar dilaksanakan sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah Islam di Asia Tenggara? A Pembesar kurang memberi galakan B Mendapat tentangan daripada penduduk C Masih terikat dengan undang-undang adat D Perang saudara di kalangan pemimpin tempatan 14 Mengapakah Sultan Mansur Shah menghantar kitab al-Dur alManzum ke Samudera-Pasai? A Untuk dibahaskan C Untuk diterjemahkan B Sebagai mas kahwin D Sebagai tanda persahabatan 15 Perkara yang manakah menunjukkan kedatangan Islam ke Asia Tenggara mempengaruhi cara hidup masyarakat tempatan? A Amalan bersemah C Adat persandingan B Persaudaraan ummah D Cara bercucuk tanam 16 Pada tahun 1833, Akta kilang telah digubal bagi melindungi kepentingan pekerja di Britain. Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah berkaitan dengan akta tersebut? A Penggunaan mesin ditegah B Pengambilan buruh mahir dipertingkatkan C Melarang wanita bekerja di lombong arang batu D Melarang kanak-kanak bawah sembilan tahun bekerja Pada zaman Revolusi Perindustrian Akta Anti penggabungan melarang penubuhan Kesatuan Sekerja 17 Merujuk kepada pernyataan di atas, apakah implikasinya kepada pekerja? A Kenaikan gaji disekat B Wanita dilarang bekerja C Pergaulan pekerja disekat D Eksploitasi pekerja dilarang 18 Bagaimanakah Akta Tanah Simpanan Melayu yang diperkenalkan oleh British pada 25 November 1913 memanfaatkan orang Melayu? A Memperkenalkan sistem perladangan B Mengekalkan hak milik C Mempelbagaikan jenis tanaman D Meneruskan ekonomi tradisional 20 Pada tahun 1917, undang-undang perkhidmatan syarikat insurans telah mengasingkan insurans nyawa daripada insurans A kesihatan C kenderaan B kebakaran D perkhidmatan 21 Jadual berikut berkaitan dasar pendidikan Belanda di Indonesia


Sistem pendidikan di Indonesia awal abad ke-19 Bandar Anak golongan priyayi Kampung Anak orang kebanyakan
Mengapakah Belanda mengasingkan sistem pendidikan tersebut? A Mengelak masalah pemberian bantuan B Menyekat penghijrahan penduduk C Memecah belah perpaduan penduduk D Menghapuskan amalan tradisi tempatan 22 Mengapakah corak gerakan nasionalisme di Asia Tenggara berubah daripada sederhana kepada radikal? A Sekatan pengaruh luar B Perjuangan tidak berkesan C Kekurangan sumber kewangan D Sokongan pemerintahan tempatan 23 Akhbar berikut digunakan oleh Kaum Muda sebagai wadah perjuangan mereka di Tanah Melayu pada 1930-an. Al-Imam Neracha Saudara

Apakah isu yang dimuatkan oleh akhbar tersebut A Peranan golongan pembesar B Mengkritik kelemahan raja C Penghapusan amalan penghambaan D Menggalakkan pendidikan barat 24 Dialog berikut mungkin berlaku antara ahli Kaum Muda Azmi : Kita tidak dapat bergerak di Negeri-negeri Melayu Yusuf : Ya, memang betul Mengpakah perkara tersebut berlaku? A Kekurangan kewangan B Sekatan undang-undang C Sikap dingin masyarakat D Kesukaran sistem perhubungan 25 Bagaimanakah Bismarck berjaya memenangi dan membangkit semangat rakyat Prussia di Medan peperangan? A Melaksanakan pelbagai taktik kotor B Melancarkan sistem kediktatoran C Mengadakan kerjasama dengan ahli D Menggunakan isu membenci kuasa asing

19 Apakah implikasi daripada sistem pendidikan di atas? A Pengasingan kaum B Sukatan pelajaran selaras C Pegawai kerajaan bertambah D Pengurusan tenaga pengajar mudah

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26 Apakah peranan Buapak dalam sistem pemerintahan yang berasaskan Adat Perpatih di Negeri Sembilan? I II III IV Menasihati Undang Memilih Anak Buah Mengetuai Perut Melantik Lembaga C II dan III D III dan IV 31 Mengapakah parti berikut ditubuhkan? PARTI PENGASAS TAHUN PENUBUHAN

Parti Kemerdekaan Malaya DatoOnn bin Jaafar 1951

A I dan II B I dan IV

A Menyekat pengaruh komunis B Mewujudkan perpaduan kaum C Mempertahankan hak peribumi D Mengurangkan pengaruh golongan radikal

27 Rajah berikut berkaitan dengan negeri-negeri warisan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.

8 Februari 1946

Vyner Brooke menyerahkan Sarawak kepada kerajaan British

Mengapakah negeri-negeri tersebut dianggap sebagai warisan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka? I II III IV Negeri naungan Mengahwini kerabat diraja Menggunakan gelaran sultan Sistem pembesar Empat Lipatan C II dan III D III dan IV Piagam Atlantik 1945

32 Mengapakah penyerahan tersebut ditentang oleh pemimpin dan persatuan kaum tempatan Sarawak? A Penentangan Majlis Negeri B Penipuan terhadap pembesar C Penghapusan hak istimewa peribumi D Percanggahan dengan Perlembagaan 1941 33 Jawatankuasa berikut ditubuhkan pada bulan Julai 1961 JAWATANKUASA PENGERUSI

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A I dan II B I dan IV

Jawatankuasa Perunding Perpaduan Kaum

Donald Stephens

28 Apakah gesaan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu ( PBB) yang terkandung dalam piagam di atas? A Dasar liberalisasi B Amalan realpolitil C Dasar Dekolonisasi D Amalan monarki 29 Senarai berikut menerangkan pertubuhan yang ditubuhkan di Tanah Melayu selepas Perang Dunia Kedua Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API) Angkatan Wanita Sedar (AWAS) Barisan Tani Malaya (BATAS) Apakah persamaan pendirian ahli pertubuhan tersebut? A Menyokong Malayan Union B Menyetujui pendidikan sekular C Menentang kemasukan imigran D Membubarkan Sistem Ahli 30 Apakah manfaat yang diperoleh orang Melayu melalui Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948? A Kedudukan istimewa dilindungi B Menentukan kerakyatan C Menguasai pentadbiran D Kebebasan berpolitik

Apakah peranan jawatankuasa tersebut? A Merangka perlembagaan tersebut B Menetapkan tarikh pilihan raya umum C Menjelaskan tentang gagasan Malaysia D Merintis kerjasama pelbagai parti politik 34 Situasi berikut merujuk kepada masalah yang dihadapi oleh seorang rakyat Malaysia Disabitkan dengan kesalahan Jenayah oleh mahkamah Diisytiharkan muflis Dalam sistem pilihan raya di Malaysia, individu tersebut tidak berhak A Membuang undi B Menganggotai parti politik C Menyediakan manifesto D Menjadi calon 35 Rajah di bawah menerangkan langkah kerjasama untuk memajukan ekonomi negara.

Apakah kesan langkah tersebut? A Pembukaan tanah pertanian secara besar-besaran B Perkembangan pesat kemudahan asas C Peningkatan produktiviti sektor perkilangan D Penglibatan bumiputera dalam sektor perusahaan


36 Kerajaan telah memperkenalkan program pembangunan in-situ melalui Dasar Pertanian Negara (DPN) Apakah tujuan program tersebut? A Membuka petempatan baru B Menambah peluang pekerjaan C Memperkemaskan sistem pemasaran D Memulihkan kawasan berproduktiviti rendah Dasar luar Malaysia Sebelum 1971 Pro-Barat Selepas 1971 Berkecuali 37 Jadual di atas menunjukkan perubahan dasar luar Malaysia Mengapakah berlaku perubahan dasar di atas? A Suasana aman di Vietnam B Bantuan pertahanan dari komanwel C Pengaruh Britain di Timur berkurangan D Perjanjian Inggeris-Tanah Melayu ditandatangani 38 Apakah faktor pembubaran Liga Bangsa? A Kemelesetan ekonomi dunia B Perluasan pengaruh komunis C Kegagalan menghalang peperangan D Pengisytiharan kemerdekaan kebanyakan negara 39 Apakah masalah yang dihadapi oleh negara bekas tanah jajahan Barat selepas Perang Dunia kedua? I Membentuk kerajaan baru II Mewujudkan perpaduan ekonomi III Membangunkan sektor ekonomi IV Menghapuskan warisan penjajah A I, II dan III C I, III dan IV B I, II dan IV D II , III dan IV Persatuan Negara-negara Asia Tenggara (ASA) - 1961 Persatuan Negara-negara Asia Tenggara ( ASEAN) - 1967 40 Kedua-dua pertubuhan di atas mempunyai matlamat yang sama iaitu A Menyelaraskan sistem pentadbiran B Mengadakan pakatan ketenteraan C Mewujudkan kebudayaan serantau D Menjalinkan kerjasama dalam pelbagai bidang



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Kertas 2
BAHAGIAN A ( 40 markah) Jawab semua soalan


1 Peningkatan ekonomi merupakan tulang belakang kemajuan sesebuah tamadun. a Nyatakan kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh tamadun India dan China i ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

ii ________________________________________________________________________ b Senaraikan dua sumbangan tamadun China dalam bidang pertanian i ________________________________________________________________________

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ii ________________________________________________________________________ c Nyatakan 2 peranan sresthin dalam peningkatan ekonomi tamadun India i ________________________________________________________________________

[2 markah]

ii ________________________________________________________________________ d Pada pandangan anda, mengapakah kemajuan ekonomi penting kepada sesebuah negara? i ________________________________________________________________________

[2 markah]

ii ________________________________________________________________________ e Sebagai seorang pemimpin, bagaimanakah anda memajukan sektor pertanian negara i ________________________________________________________________________

[2 markah]

ii ________________________________________________________________________

[2 markah]


2 Rajah di bawah merujuk kepada kesan yang berlaku di Asia Tenggara akibat daripada pengaruh Islam Pengaruh Islam terhadap perkembangan ekonomi di Asia Tenggara --------------------> a Apakah pengaruh Islam dalam aspek perdagangan di Asia Tenggara? i ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] Mata wang


ii ________________________________________________________________________ b Nyatakan ciri-ciri Islam yang terdapat pada mata wang di Asia Tenggara. i ________________________________________________________________________

i ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

ii ________________________________________________________________________ d Berdasarkan pengetahuan sejarah anda, apakah yang akan terjadi sekirannya urusan perdagangan dijalankan tanpa menggunakan mata wang ? i ________________________________________________________________________

ii ________________________________________________________________________ e Malaysia merupakan sebuah kuasa perdagangan yang penting di Asia Tenggara. Pada Pendapat anda, apakah langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil bagi menjadikan negara kita terus unggul sebagai kuasa perdagangan terpenting di Asia Tenggara? i ________________________________________________________________________

[2 markah]

ii ________________________________________________________________________

[2 markah]

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ii ________________________________________________________________________ c Jelaskan peraturan-peraturan cukai yang dikenakan kepada pedagang dan orang asing di Melaka

[2 markah]



3 Gerakan Islah adalah satu gerakan yang menyarankan agar orang Islam memperbetulkan pandangan terhadap ajaran Islam yang sebenarnya. Gerakan ini dipelopori oleh Kaum Muda yang mendapat pendidikan aliran agama. a Namakan dua tokoh gerakan di atas i ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

ii ________________________________________________________________________ b Berikan dua akhbar dan majalah yang menyebarkan idea gerakan tersebut i ________________________________________________________________________

ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] c Apakah idea-idea yang diperjuangkan oleh gerakan ini? i ________________________________________________________________________

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ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] d Nyatakan halangan-halangan yang dihadapi oleh oleh Kaum Muda dalam perjuangan mereka? i ________________________________________________________________________

ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] e Malaysia bercita-cita akan menjadi sebuah negara maju pada tahun 2020. Pada pendapat anda, apakah cabaran-cabaran yang mesti ditempoh bagi menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara maju. i ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

ii ________________________________________________________________________



Jun 1961

Tunku Abdul Rahman membuat lawatan ke Sabah dan Sarawak

Menerangkan matlamat penubuhan Malaysia

4 a

Apakah langkah-langkah yang dijalankan untuk menjayakan pembentukan Malaysia? i ________________________________________________________________________

c Nyatakan dua laporan hasil tinjauan pendapat yang dijalankan oleh Suruhanjaya Cobold i ________________________________________________________________________ ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] d Berikan dua cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh Suruhanjaya Cobbold i ________________________________________________________________________ ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] e Berdasarkan pengkajian anda, mengapakah penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak menerima cadangan pembentukan Malaysia? i ________________________________________________________________________

ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

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ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] b Senaraikan dua orang tokoh yang terlibat dalam Suruhanjaya Cobold i ________________________________________________________________________ ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]



Bahagian B [ 60 markah ] Jawab mana-mana tiga soalan daripada bahagian ini

5 Pembentukan Kerajaan Islam di Madinah pada tahun 622M telah menimbulkan perasaan iri di kalangan orang Arab Quraisy a) Jelaskan strategi yang digunakan oleh Nabi Muhamad s.a.w untuk memperkukuhkan kedudukan negara Islam. b) Berdasarkan pengetahuan anda, nyatakan prinsip peperangan mengikut ajaran Islam [8 markah] [6 markah] [6 markah]

c) Pada pendapat anda, apakah langkah yang sewajarnya anda lakukan untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan negara. 6 a) Apakah maksud Reformation. b) Apakah idea-idea penting yang diperjuangkan oleh Martin Luther?

[2 markah] [6 markah] [12 markah]

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c) Jelaskan kesan-kesan Zaman Reformation terhadap Eropah. 7 a) Masyarakat Melayu mula menggunakan sistem mata wang sejak zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka lagi. Jelaskan jenis mata wang yang digunakan di Tanah Melayu sejak zaman tersebut hingga awal abad ke 20. b) Kepesatan ekonomi Tanah Melayu telah membawa kepada penubuhan institusi kewangan. Terangkan perkembangan institusi kewangan di Tanah Melayu sehingga awal abad ke 20.

[6 markah] [8 markah]

c) Berdasarkan pengetahuan sejarah anda, apakah kesan pengenalan institusi kewangan ke atas ekonomi di negara kita ? [6 markah]

Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan langkah ke arah mencapai kemerdekaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948 Suruhanjaya Reid Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu Mac 1956 Ogos 1957

a) Apakah isu yang menjadi perhatian Suruhanjaya Reid? b) Jelaskan isi kandungan Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1957.

[4 markah] [8 markah] [8 markah]

c) Sebagai rakyat PTM yang merdeka pada masa itu, nyatakan kepentingan yang diperolehi apabila termeterainya Perjanjian PTM 1957?


9 Malaysia permerupakan sebuah negara yang melaksanakan pemerintahan bercorak Demokrasi. Pilihan raya aspek penting dalam sebuah negara Demokrasi. Pilihan raya membolehkan rakyat terlibat secara langsung dalam pemilihan pemimpin negara. a) Jelaskan proses pilihan raya b) i. Nyatakan syarat-syarat yang perlu dipatuhi oleh calon yang hendak bertanding dalam pilihan raya ii. Syarat-syarat untuk menjadi pengundi [7 markah] [4 markah] [4 markah] [5 markah]


c) Pada pandangan anda, apakah kepentingan pilihan raya di Malaysia

10 Rajah berikut berkaitan dengan langkah-langkah kerajaan meningkatkan perpaduan di Malaysia

a) Jelaskan langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan untuk memartabatkan bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan. b) Apakah kepentingan Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan ? c) Pada pendapat anda bagaimana aktiviti sukan menjadi alat perpaduan di Malaysia.

[10 markah] [5 markah] [5 markah]

11 a) Jelaskan matlamat penubuhan ASEAN b) Huraikan sumbangan dan peranan Malaysia dalam ASEAN c) Pada pengetahuan sejarah anda, apakah kelebihan dasar luar Malaysia yang berbaik-baik dengan semua negara ?

[6 markah] [10 markah] [4 markah]


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[1511/1] [1511/2]

P1 3 5 4 4 4 3 3 26 5 3 3 2 5 2 2 2 24 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2008 P2 A B 1 C P1 3 4 4 3 2 5 2 23 4 1 4 5 4 4 2 2 2 27 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2009 P2 A B C 1 P1 3 5 5 3 2 3 2 23 5 2 2 4 5 4 3 2 27 4 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2010 P2 A B 1 1 C P1 5 3 4 3 2 5 2 24 3 2 4 5 5 2 2 3 26 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2011 P2 A B C P1 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 22 5 4 4 3 5 2 2 3 28 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2012 P2 A B 1 C

CHAPTER 1. Scientific Investigation 2. Body Coordination 3. Heredity & Coordination 4. Matter & Substances 5. Energy & Chemical Changes 6. Nuclear Energy 7. Light, Color & Sight 8. Chemicals In Industry NO. OF QUESTION FOR FORM 4 9. Microorganisms and their Effects On Living Things 10. Nutrition & Food Production 11. Preservation & Conservation of the Environment 12. Carbon Compound 13. Motion 14. Food Technology & Production 15. Synthetic Materials In Industry 16. Electronics & Information & Communication Technology NO. OF QUESTION FOR FORM 5

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1 1


50 4 5 3 50 4 5 3 50 4 5 3 50 4 5 3 50 4 5 3




Paper 1


This question paper consists of 50 questions. Each question is followed by four options A, B, Cand D. Choose one correct answer for each question. Answer all the questions. 1. The following information shows a step in the scientific method. Woodlice prefer living in moist soil to living in dry soil. What is the step ? A a variable. B a hypothesis. C a problem statement. D the aim of an experiment. 6. What is P ? A Brain B Receptor C Hormones D Spinal cord The functions of the brain may be disturbed because of I injury of the brain II mental stress III malnutrition

J - Forming a conclusion K - Control the variables L - Analyse and interpret data M Identify the problem Which of the following is the correct sequence of the scientific method ? A J, K, L, M B K, M, L, J C M, K, L, J D M, L, K, J

7. Diagram 3 shows one of the endocrine glands in the body.


3. Diagram 1 show a type of nerve cell.


What is the type of neurone shown in Diagram 1 ? 4. A B C D Relay neurone Sensory neurone Motor neurone Middle neurone

What will happens to a person if his gland M secretes excessive hormones into the blood ? A The metabolic rate increases B The blood pressure increases C The salt level in the blood decreases D The glucose level in the blood decreases

8. Diagram 4 shows the positions of some endocrine glands in the body.

Pituitary gland

Which of the following actions is a reflex action ? I We can button our shirts without looking at buttons. II Blinking the eyes to avoid an object entering an eye. III Jumping up in pain on stepping on a sharp nail accidentally. A B C D I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

5. Diagram 2 shows the pathway of impulses in an action.



Which gland produced the hormones that sometimes known as the fight, flight or fright hormones? A P C R B Q D S

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2. The following statement shows some of the steps in a scientific method.


I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

9. Withdrawal symptoms due to drugs include .. I diarrhea and shivering II having hallucination III pain in the abdomen and limbs A B C D I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III


What is the process shown in Diagram 6? A Mitosis B Meiosis II C Fertilisation D Crossing- over

15. Diagram 7 shows the development after the fusion of sperm and ovum.

10. What is the harmful effect of taking alcoholic drinks excessively ? A Diarrhoea B Brain cancer C Liver cirrhosis D Sickle-cell anaemia 11. Why is meiosis important to humans? A Increasing the number of cells B Injured organs can be repaired C For replacing dead or worn out cells D Number of chromosomes is maintained from generation to generation 12. An imbalance of hormones in women can .. I hinder the development of secondary sex characteristics II encourage pregnancy III cause foetal abortion A B C D I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

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Name the process of X and Y ?

13. Diagram 5 shows the sex determination in humans.

16. Encik Wahid and Puan Sarah has two sons. What is the probability that their third child will still be a boy? A 100% C 25% B 50% D 75% 17. Which of the following atoms contains 11 protons, 11 electrons and 12 neutrons?


Which of the children are girls ? A U and V B U and W C V and W D V and X

18. Crystals can be obtained from a A. diluted solution B. miscible solution C. saturated solution D. concentrated solution 19. Diagram 8 shows an incomplete Periodic Table.

14. Diagram 6 shows the process occurs in a cell division.



Element S is a .. A. gas B. metal C. non- metal D. transition element


20. Diagram 9 is best to describes the process of ... 23. Diagram 12 shows the process of ...



A. B. C. D.

evaporation condensation sublimation vaporization

21. Diagram 10 shows the electrolysis of copper chloride solution using carbon electrodes as the anode and cathode. A. B. C. D. nuclear fusion nuclear fission nuclear decay nuclear effect


24. Diagram 13 shows the process of formation of a rainbow.


What will be obtained in electrodes X and Y ?


22. Diagram 11 shows how radioactive radiations penetrate through different material. What are the radiations P, Q and R ?

What are the processes involved? A. Refraction and diffraction. B. Diffraction and reflection C. Reflection and dispersion D. Scattering and refraction

25 Diagram 14 shows the location of the object in front of a convex lens.


A. B. C. D.

P Alpha Gamma Beta Alpha

Q Beta Alpha Alpha Gamma

R Gamma Beta Gamma Beta


The image formed by the lens is .. A. Real, upright and smaller than object. B. Real, inverted and larger than object C. Virtual, upright and is the same size as the object. D. Virtual, inverted and is the same size as the object.

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26. Diagram 15 shows a pinhole camera


31. Greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is caused by I. Respiration II. Transpiration III. Photosynthesis A. B. C. D. I and II only I and III only II and III only I,II and III


Predict what will happen to the image on the screen if the pinhole is enlarged and the camera is brought closer to the object? A. The image becomes bigger and brighter but less clear. B. The image becomes bigger, brighter and clearer. C. The image becomes smaller but brighter and clearer D. The image becomes smaller, brighter but less clearer .

29. Diagram 17 shows the structure of bronze.

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27. Diagram 16 shows a beam of white light passing through a yellow and magenta filter. Magenta filter

What are K and L ? K Copper Copper Copper Tin L Zinc Tin Aluminium zinc


What colours are lights X and Y passing through the filters ? X Yellow, red and green Red and green Yellow, red and green Red and green Y Green and red Cyan and red Green and blue Cyan and blue



32. Diagram 18 shows a situation in a river. Many fishs in a river died.

28. Colour is used by animals .. I. for growth II. as warning signals III. to attract the attention of their mates A. B. C. D. I and II only I and III only II and III only I,II and III


29. Which of the following are the uses of colours in daily life ? I. traffic lights II. electrical wiring III. colour printing A. B. C. D. I and II only I and III only II and III only I,II and III

Which of the following pollutants in the water are likely to have killed them ? I. Toxic waste II. Mercury III. Oil spill A. B. C. D. I and II only I and III only II and III only I,II and III


33. Diagram 19 shows the life cycle of a female Aedes mosquito. 37. Diagram 21 shows the carbon cycle.




Give a method to control the mosquito at stages Q. I. using chemicals. II. spreading oil over the surface of water III. using biological control such as rearing fish A. B. C. D. I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

X Y A. Respiration Respiration B. Respiration Decomposition C. Photosynthesis Respiration D. Photosynthesis Excretion

37. Diagram 22 shows the symbol of recycling.

34. Which of the following can be treated by antifungal drugs? A. Ringworm B. Malaria C. Common cold D. Gonorrhoea 35. A farmer observed symptoms as stated below on his crops. Very few flowers and fruits Dark green leaves with red spots on them Which of the following macronutrients needs to be added to the soil? A. Nitrogen B. Sulphur C. Calcium D. Phosphorus

What is the important of recycling? A. Reduce air pollution B. Increase economic resources C. Protect extinction of marine life D. Reduce the use of natural resources

36. Diagram 20 shows the roots of a long bean plant.

38. Which of the following are inorganic compounds? I. Alcohol II. Carbon dioxide III. Calcium carbonate A. B. C. D. I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

39. The equation below shows a polymerisation process.


How does the presence of root nodules benefit leguminous plants ? A. The root nodules provide shelter for nitrifying bacteria which are beneficial to the plants. B. More nitrates are available for the plants to synthesise proteins. C. Denitrification can occur more easily D. Putrefaction can occur more easily.

What is polymer Z ? A. B. C. D. Rubber Starch Protein Polythene

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What are process X and Y ?



40. Without using a spark plug, how does a four-stroke diesel engine ignites its fuel? A. By friction B. By chemical reaction C. By using electrical energy D. By compressing the air in the cylinder to a very high pressure and temperature 41. A car traveling on a straight road takes 5 s to increase its speed from 10 m/s to 50 m/s. What is its acceleration? A. 2 ms-2 B. 6 ms-2 C. 8 ms-2 D. 14 ms-2 42. What are the factors affecting the pressure acting on a surface? I. Size II. Force III. Surface area A. B. C. D. I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III 46. Plastics cause environmental pollution because I. they are non-biodegradable II. they block the drainage system III. the burning of plastics produces toxic gases. A. B. C. D. I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

47. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched? A B C D Synthetic Polymer Polythene Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Polystyrene Perspex Use Plastic bags Electric plugs and sockets Protective packaging for electronic goods Windows of aeroplanes

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43. The statement below explains how fresh milk is preserved. FRESH MILK IS HEATED TO 63C FOR 30 MINUTES, AND QUICKLY COOLED Based on the above statement, which of the following methods is used to preserve fresh milk? A. Cooling B. Sterilisation C. Dehydration D. Pasteurisation

48. Waves are generated by A. electricity B. solar energy C. compression D. forces that cause vibrations or oscillations 49. A communication satellite functions as I. a receiver II. a transmitter III. an amplifier A. B. C. D. I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

43. Which of the following will happen if the human population increases faster than food production? A. More R&D activities will be carried out. B. People will suffer from starvation C. People will suffer from disease D. Land will be wasted 45. Which of the following is an example of thermosetting plastics? A. Perspex B. Polythene C. Polystyrene D. Bakelite

50. In radio transmission system, sound waves are changed into audio signals by A. an oscillator B. a microphone C. a modulator D. an aerial





Paper 2


Section A [20 marks] Answer all the questions in this section. (You are advised to spend 60 minutes on this section.)
1. Diagram 1 shows an experiment to study the melting point of substance Q.


The result of the experiment are recorded in Table 1.



Based on Table 1, draw a graph of temperature against time.

[2 marks]

(b) Based on the graph in (a), determine the melting point of substance Q. Mark the melting point of substance Q on the graph. _________________________________________________________________________ (c) What is the relationship between the temperature of substance Q and time in the first 10 minutes. _________________________________________________________________________ (d) State one responding variable in this experiment? _________________________________________________________________________

[1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark]

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2. Diagram 2 shows an experiment to compare the reactivity of metals X, Y and Z with dilute acid.


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(a) Write down one observation for the above experiment _________________________________________________________________________ (b) Write down one inference that can be made from the above observation _________________________________________________________________________ (c) State the manipulated variable in this experiment _________________________________________________________________________ (d) Predict what are metals X and Y in Diagram 2 using the following information:

[1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark]

Aluminium Magnesium

[2 marks]
3. Diagram 3 shows an object K in front of a convex lens


(a) Draw a ray diagram of the image formed by object P in Diagram 3 [2 marks] (b) Measure and write down the size of the image

__________________ cm [ 1 mark ] (c) State one characteristic of the image formed in Diagram 3. _________________________________________________________________________ (d) Name one optical instrument which uses the principle shown in Diagram 3? _________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ] [ 1 mark ]


4. Diagram 4.1 shows the apparatus set up to study the hardness of copper and brass



Diagram 4.2(a) and Diagram 4.2(b) shows the effect on the copper and brass when weights of the same mass are dropped on them



(a) State one fixed variable in this experiment? _________________________________________________________________________ (b) State one inference that can be made based on the observation _________________________________________________________________________

[1 mark] [1 mark]

(c) Based on Diagram 4.2(a), measure and write down the depth of the dent made by the copper block __________________ cm [1 mark] (d) State the composition of brass. _________________________________________________________________________ (e) What is the operational definition of a copper block _________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 mark]

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Section B [30 marks] Answer all questions. (You are advised to spend 50 minutes on this section.)
5. Diagram 5 shows a section through the human brain


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(a) Name Q and R in the space provided in Diagram 5 Q: _______________________________________________________________________ R: _______________________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (b) State one function of the part labelled P _________________________________________________________________________ (c) P has folded surfaces. What is the reason for having folded surface? _________________________________________________________________________ (d) Tick( ) the actions controlled by part R of the brain [1 mark] [1 mark]

6. Diagram 6 shows chromosome sets in a Child Q with a genetic disorder


(a) What type of mutation is formed in Diagram 6? _________________________________________________________________________ (b) Name the disease that Child Q may be suffering from? _________________________________________________________________________ (c) How many chromosomes did Child Q have? _________________________________________________________________________ (d) Which pair of chromosome can cause the child to suffer from the disease named in (b) _________________________________________________________________________ (e) Give one characteristic features of Child Q _________________________________________________________________________ (f) Based on Diagram 6, what would be the sex of Child Q? _________________________________________________________________________

[1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark]


7 Diagram 7 shows the apparatus set-up to obtain pure ethanol from a solution



(a) Name the method shown in Diagram 7. _________________________________________________________________________ (b) Why is water let into the condenser from the lower tube? _________________________________________________________________________ (c) Suggest one use for the pieces of porcelain? _________________________________________________________________________ (d) The method of purification is a combination of two processes. What are they? _________________________________________________________________________ (e) Based on Diagram 7, name the distillate? _________________________________________________________________________ 8. Diagram 8 shows three radioactive rays, each with different penetration force.

[1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] [2 marks] [1 mark]


(a) On Diagram 8, name the radioactive rays P, Q and R? _________________________________________________________________________

[3 marks] [1 mark]

(b) Which ray does not deflect in an electric field _________________________________________________________________________ Radioisotopes in Table 8 are important for human beings


(c) Based on Table 8, write down the radioisotopes used for agriculture purposes? _________________________________________________________________________

[2 marks]

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9. Diagram 9 shows an apparatus set-up to study the reaction of different metals with oxygen.


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(a) On Diagram 9, name K and L using the following information:

Glass wool Potassium manganate(VII) Metal powder [2 marks] (b) State the function of potassium manganate(VII) in this experiment? __________________________________________________________________________ Table 9 shows the observation of this experiment

[1 mark]


(c) Based on Table 9, state the most reactive metal ___________________________________________________________________ the least reactive metal ___________________________________________________________________

(i) (ii)

[2 marks] (d) Arrange the metals descendingly occording to their reactivity with oxygen __________________________________________________________________________

[1 mark]


Section C [20 marks] Answer Question 1 and any of Question 2 or Question 3. (You are advised to spend 40 minutes on this section.)
10. Study the following statement : Different colour filters transmit different coloured lights when white light passes through it You are given red filter, blue filter, green filter and other apparatus. (a) Suggest a suitable hypothesis for this scientific investigation [1 mark]


(b) Using red filter, blue filter, green filter and other apparatus, describe an experiment based on the following criteria (a) (b) Aim of the experiment The variables [1 mark] [2 marks] [1 mark] [4 marks] [1 mark] [4 marks]

List of apparatus and materials Procedure Tabulation of data State four differences between physical change and chemical change. Figure 11 shows examples of several metals



Study the above figure. Explain how you would develop a concept based on the information in Figure 11. Your answer should be based on the following steps: Identify two common characteristics Develop initial concept [2 marks] [1 mark] [2 marks] [1 mark]

Give another example and non-example in relation to the concept Explain the actual concept

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12. (a)


State three purposes of alloying and give one example of alloy [4 marks]


Sungai Pasir Industrial Park has become heavily polluted with toxic gases released by factories. After several years, acid rain takes place at the industrial park.You, as an environment officer, have been asked to explain to the factory managers how to overcome this problem

Your answer should include the following: Identify the problem Clarification of the problem Solving methods Choose the best method and explain your choice [1 mark] [1 mark] [3 marks] [1 mark]

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[3472/1] [3472/2]

Additional Mathematics
PAPER 1 2006 1,2 3 4,5 6,7,8 12 24 16 17, 18,19 9,10 11 20,21 15, 15 22 23 25 25 2007 1,2,3 4 5,6 7,8 13,14 22 18 19, 20 9, 10,11 12 21 17 22 24 25 25 2008 1,2,3 4 5,6 7,8 13,14 22 18 19, 20 9, 10,11 12 21 17 23 24 25 25 2009 1,2,3 4 5,6 7,8 15 24 12 19, 20 9, 10,11 12 18, 20,21 16,17 22 23 25 25 2010 1,2,3 5 4,6 7,8 13,14 22 17 20, 21 9, 10,11 12 19 18 23 24 25 25 2011 1,2,3 5 4,6 7,8 13,14 22 17 19, 20,21 9, 10,11 12 15,16 18 23 24 25 25 2012 1,2,3 5 4,6 7,8 13,14 22 17 19, 20,21 9, 10,11 12 15,16 18 23 24 25 25 2006 2 1 9 6 10 13 15 3 7 8 4 11 12 14 15 2007 1 2 5 9 4a, 4b 15 13 6 7 4c, 10 3 11 12 14 15 2008 2 1 10 5 9 7a 14 13 3 8 7b,7c 4 11 12 15 15 PAPER 2 2009 2a,2c 2b 1 9 10 3a, 7a 12 13 6 8 3b,7 4 11 15 14 15 2010 1 5 6 11 8 13 15 3 7 4 2 10 12 14 15 2011 1 5 6 11 4b, 8 13 15 3 7 4a 9 2 10 12 14 15 2012 2 1 10 4 9 8 14 13 3 7 5 6 11 12 15 15

NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

TOPICS Functions Quadratic Equations Quadratic Functions Simultaneous Equation Indices and Logarithms Coordinate Geometry Statistics Circular Measures Differentiation Solution of Triangles Index Number Progressions Linear Law Integration Vectors Trigonometric Functions Permutations And Combinations Probability Probability Distributions Motion Along A Straight Line Linear Programming TOTAL

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Additional Mathematic Paper 1

Answer all questions. Jawab semua soalan.


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1 The Cartesian graph above represents a relation of set A = {1, 3, 5, 6} and set B = {1, 2, 3, 4}. State Graf pada rajah di atas menunjukkan hubungan set A = {1, 3, 5, 6} dan set B = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Nyatakan (a) the image of 1, imej bagi 1, (b) whether the relation is a function or not. samada hubungan ini merupakan fungsi atau tidak. [2 marks] Answer : (a) ______________________________ (b) ______________________________ 2 Given that , find .

Diberi fungsi , cari . [2 marks] Answer : ________________________________

3 Find the value of p if the quadratic equation p(x2 + 1) = 6x has two equal roots. Cari nilai p jika persamaan kuadratik p(x2 + 1) = 6x mempunyai punca-punca yang sama. [2 marks]

4 Given that Diberi

Answer : ________________________________

, find the range of values of x which satisfy the inequality , cari julat nilai x yang memuaskan ketaksamaan [2 marks] Answer : ________________________________

5 Given that

, find the value of k and of m.

Diberi , cari nilai k dan nilai m. [3 marks] Answer : (k) _____________________________ (m) _____________________________


6 Solve the equation Selesaikan persamaan . . [2 marks]


Answer : ________________________________ 7 Given that 4 logx 2 + 2 logx 7 logx 98 = 3, find the value of x. Diberi 4 logx 2 + 2 logx 7 logx 98 = 3, cari nilai x . [3 marks]

Answer : x = _____________________________ 8 Given that 11, p + 1, 19 are three consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression and (p + 1) is the sixth term, find the value of Diberi 11, p + 1, 19 ialah tiga sebutan berturutan dalam satu janjang aritmetik dan (p + 1) ialah sebutan keenam, cari nilai (a) p, (b) the first term. sebutan pertama. [3 marks] Answer : (a) p = __________________________ (b) _____________________________

9 Express the recurring decimal 2133333. as a fraction in its simplest form. Ungkapkan perpuluhan jadi semula 2133333 dalam bentuk pecahan yang termudah. [3 marks]

Answer : (a) m = __________________________ 10 The common ratio of a geometric progression is State the first three terms of the progression. and the sum to infinity is 21. (b) _____________________________

Nisbah sepunya suatu janjang geometri ialah dan hasil tambah sehingga ketakterhinggaannya ialah 21. Nyatakan tiga sebutan pertama janjang ini. [3 marks]

Answer : ________________________________ 11 Given the straight line 4x + 3y 6 = 0 is parallel to the straight line y = ax + b which passes through the point (12, 5), find the value of a and of b. Diberi garis lurus 4x + 3y 6 = 0 adalah selari dengan garis lurus y = ax + b yang melalui titik (12, 5), cari nilai a dan nilai b. [3 marks]

Answer : (a) _____________________________ (b) _____________________________

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12 The diagram above shows the straight line graph obtained by plotting

against x. melawan x.

Rajah di atas menunjukkan graf garis lurus yang didapati dengan memplotkan

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(a) Calculate the value of p. Hitungkan nilai p. (b) Express y in terms of x. Ungkapkan y dalam sebutan x. [4 marks] Answer : (a) _____________________________ (b) _____________________________

13 Given that O is an origin and M(3, 4). If MP = 2i 3j, Diberi O ialah titik asalan dan M(3, 4). Jika MP = 2i 3j, (a) Express OM in terms of i and j. Ungkapkan OM dalam sebutan i dan j. (b) Find | OP |. Cari | OP |. [3 marks]

Answer : (a) _____________________________ (b) _____________________________

14 Given that a = 2i + (p + 1)j and b = 3i + 6j, find the value of p in each of the following cases : Diberi a = 2i + (p + 1)j dan b = 3i + 6j, cari nilai p bagi setiap kes yang berikut :

(a) a + b is parallel to x-axis. a + b selari dengan paksi-x (b) a is parallel to b. a selari dengan b. [4 marks] Answer : (a) p = __________________________ (b) p = __________________________


15 Find the equation of the curve which has the gradient function x2(x + 3) and passes through the point (2, 14). Cari persamaan lengkung yang mempunyai fungsi kecerunan x2(x + 3) dan melalui titik (2, 14). [3 marks]


Answer : ________________________________ 16 Given Diberi , find the value , cari nilai

(a) (b) k if k jika [4 marks]

Answer : (a) ______________________________ (b) k = ___________________________ 17 Given Diberi , find the value of f (1). , cari nilai bagi f (1). [3 marks]

Answer : ________________________________ 18 The volume of the liquid in a container, V cm3 is given by V = 2x3 + 4x2 + 5, where x cm is the depth of the liquid in the container. Given that V increases at a rate of 32 cm3s1, find the rate of increase of x when x = 2. Isipadu cecair dalam sebuah bekas V cm3 diberi oleh V = 2x3 + 4x2 + 5, di mana x cm ialah kedalaman cecair dalam bekas itu. Diberi bahawa V bertambah dengan kadar 32 cm3s1, cari kadar pertambahan x pada ketika x = 2. [4 marks]

Answer : ________________________________ 19 Find the equation of the normal to the curve Cari persamaan normal kepada lengkung at the point (2, 8). pada titik (2, 8). [4 marks]

Answer : ________________________________ 20 The right diagram shows a semi circle with centre O and diameter POR = 8 cm. Given that the arc length of PQ is 387 cm, calculate Rajah kanan menunjukkan sebuah semi bulatan berpusat O dengan diameter POR = 8 cm. Diberi panjang lengkok PQ ialah 387 cm, hitungkan

(a) the value of in radian, nilai dalam radian, (b) the area of sector OQR, luas sektor OQR. (Use/Gunakan = 3142) [4 marks] Answer : (a) _____________________________ (b) _____________________________

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21 Given that cos A = Diberi kos A = (a) sin 2A, and sin B = dan sin B =


where A and B are obtuse angles, find the value of

dengan sudut A dan B ialah sudut cakah, cari nilai

(b) cos (B A). kos (B A). [4 marks] Answer : (a) _____________________________ (b) _____________________________

22 Five letters from the word T S U N A M I is to be arranged in a row begins with a vowel. Find the probability that the arrangement begins with the letter U. Lima daripada huruf-huruf dalam perkataan T S U N A M I disusun sebaris bermula dengan suatu vokal. Cari kebarangkalian jika susunan itu bermula dengan huruf U. [3 marks]

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Answer : ________________________________ 23 The mean of a set of 25 numbers is 24. Min bagi satu set yang mempunyai 25 nombor ialah 24. (a) If every number in the set is added by 2, determine the new mean of the set. Jika setiap nombor dalam set itu ditambah dengan 2, tentukan min baru bagi set itu. (b) If two numbers k and k + 2 are taken out from the set, the new mean is 22, find the value of k. Jika dua nombor k dan k + 2 dikeluarkan daripada set itu, min baru bagi set itu ialah 22, cari nilai k. [4 marks] Answer : (a) ______________________________ (b) k = ___________________________ 24 In a chess competition, Peter plays five games. The probability that Peter wins one of the games is won . Calculate the probability that Peter

(a) three games after playing four games, tiga permainan selepas empat permainan,

Dalam satu pertandingan catur, Peter bermain lima permainan. Kebarangkalian bahawa Peter memenangi mana-mana satu permainan ialah . Hitungkan kebarangkalian bahawa Peter memenangi

(b) the first game and the last game. permainan pertama dan permainan terakhir.

[4 marks]

Answer : (a) _____________________________ 25 X is a continuous random variable with X ~ N(, 25). If P(X < 9) = 07257, find the value of . X ialah pembolehubah rawak selanjar dengan X ~ N(, 25). Jika P(X < 9) = 07257, cari nilai . [4 marks] Answer : ________________________________ (b) _____________________________




Additional Mathematic Paper 2

Section A / Bahagian A [40 marks / 40 markah] Answer all questions from this section Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.


1 Solve the equation 2p + k = p2 + k2 5 = 5 [6 marks] Selesaikan persamaan 2p + k = p2 + k2 5 = 5.

2 A function is defined by Satu fungsi ditakrifkan oleh

, for all values of x except x = h, and m is a constant. , bagi semua nilai x kecuali x = h, dan m ialah pemalar.

(a) Determine the value of h. Tentukan nilai h. (b) Given that 2 maps onto itself under the function g, find Diberi nilai 2 dipetakan kepada dirinya sendiri di bawah fungsi g, cari (i) (ii) the value of m, nilai m, the value of nilai bagi the value of p if g(2p) = 5 nilai p jika g(2p) = 5 [7 marks]


3 The straight line x + 4y = p is normal to the curve y = (2x 1)2 + 1 at the point Q. Garis lurus x + 4y = p adalah normal kepada lengkung y = (2x 1)2 + 1 pada titik Q. Find / Cari

(a) the coordinates of Q, [4 marks] koordinat-koordinat Q, (b) the value of p, [1 mark] nilai p, (c) the equation of the tangent at the point Q. [2 marks] persamaan tangen pada titik Q. 4 In Diagram 1, the equation of the straight line PQR is 2x y + 4 = 0. If PQ : QR = 2 : 3, find Dalam Rajah 1, persamaan garis lurus PQR ialah 2x y + 4 = 0. Jika PQ : QR = 2 : 3, cari

(a) the coordinates of R, [3 marks] koordinat-koordinat R, (b) the equation of perpendicular bisector PR, [4 marks] persamaan pembahagi dua sama serenjang PR.

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5 Solve each of the following equations : Selesaikan setiap persamaan berikut : (a) (b) log5 3x log5 (x 2) = 1


[3 marks] [3 marks]

6 (a) The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic progression is given by Sn Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama suatu janjang aritmetik diberi oleh Sn Find / Cari (i) (ii) the first term and common difference, sebutan pertama dan beza sepunya, the sum of the all the terms from the 5th term to the 10th term. hasil tambah sebutan ke 5 hingga sebutan ke 10. [5 marks]

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(b) Given that the 5th and the 8th terms of a geometric progression are 2 and respectively, find the common ratio of this progression. Diberi sebutan kelima dan sebutan kelapan suatu janjang geometri masing-masing ialah 2 dan , carikan nisbah sepunya janjang tersebut. [2 marks]


Section B / Bahagian B [40 marks / 40 markah] Answer four questions from this section Jawab empat soalan dalam bahagian ini.
7 Diagram 2 shows two sectors of a circle, sector OCBA with centre O and sector PCOA with centre P. OAP and OPC are two congruent equilateral triangle with sides 8 cm. Find Rajah 2 menunjukkan dua sektor bulatan iaitu sektor OCBA yang berpusat di O dan sektor PCOA yang berpusat di P. OAP dan OPC adalah dua segi tiga sama sisi yang kongruen dan mempunyai sisi 8 cm. Cari



8 Table 1 shows the values of two variables, x and y which are related by the equation y = ax (x + b) , where a and b are constants. Jadual 1 menunjukkan nilai bagi dua pembolehubah x dan y yang dihubungkan oleh persamaan y = ax (x + b) , dengan keadaan a dan b ialah pemalar. [1 mark] [4 marks]

(a) Reduce the equation y = ax (x + b) to the linear form. Tukarkan persamaan y = ax (x + b) kepada persamaan bentuk linear. (b) Plot the graph of against x . / Lukiskan graf

melawan x .

(c) Use the graph from (a) to find Gunakan graf anda dari (a) untuk mencari (i) (ii) the value of a and of b nilai a dan nilai b, the value of y when x = 6 nilai y apabila x = 6. [5 marks]

9 (a) A set of game score x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 and x5 has the mean 6 and standard deviation 12. Satu set skor bagi suatu permainan x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 dan x5 mempunyai min 6 dan sisihan piawai 12.

(i) Find the sum of the squares of the score, x2 Cari hasil tambah kuasa dua skor itu, x2 [2 marks] (ii) If each score is multiplied by 3 and 2 is added to it, find the mean and variance of the new score. Jika setiap skor itu didarabkan dengan 3 dan ditambah dengan 2, cari min dan varians bagi set skor yang baru. [3 marks]

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DIAGRAM 2 (a) the reflex angle AOC in radian, sudut refleks AOC dalam radian, [1 mark] (b) the perimeter of the shaded region, perimeter kawasan berlorek, [3 marks] (c) the area of the major sector OCBA, luas sektor major OCBA, [2 marks] (d) the area of the shaded region. luas kawasan berlorek. [4 marks] [Use/ Gunakan = 3.142]




(b) Table 2 shows the marks obtained by a group of students in a particular test. Jadual 2 menunjukkan markah yang diperoleh sekumpulan pelajar dalam satu ujian. (i) Without drawing an ogive, find the median marks. Tanpa melukis ogif, cari median bagi markah-markah itu. [3 marks]

(ii) Calculate the mean marks. [2 marks] Hitungkan markah min. 10 Given the quadratic function f(x) = 4x2 + 8x 1. Diberi fungsi kuadratik f(x) = 4x2 + 8x 1. (a) Express the quadratic function f(x) in the form p(x + q)2 + r , where p, q and r are constants. Determine whether the function f(x) has a minimum or maximum value and state its value. Ungkapkan fungsi kuadratik f(x) dalam bentuk p(x + q)2 + r dengan keadaan p, q dan r ialah pemalar. Tentukan sama ada fungsi f(x) mempunyai nilai maksimum atau nilai minimum dan nyatakan nilainya. [3 marks] (b) Sketch the graph of the function f(x) for the domain 1 x 3. State the corresponding range for this domain. Lakarkan graf fungsi f(x) untuk domain 1 x 3. Nyatakan julat yang sepadan dengan domain ini. [3 marks] (c) Find the range of values of k such that f(x) = kx has no real roots. Cari julat nilai k supaya f(x) = kx tidak mempunyai punca nyata. [4 marks] 11 (a) Given that ABCD is a parallelogram where BC = 2i + 3j and CD = 2i 2j, find Diberi ABCD ialah sebuah segi empat selari dengan BC = 2i + 3j dan CD = 2i 2j, cari (i) (ii) AC, the unit vector in the direction of AB. / vektor unit pada arah AB. [4 marks]

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(b) Diagram 3 shows a triangle ABC where CP = CB.

Given that AB = a and AC = b . Rajah 3 menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC dengan CP = CB Diberi AB = a dan AC = b . (i) Show that AP = a + (1 )b Tunjukkan bahawa AP = a + (1 )b If BP = 3a + 3b, find the value of .


Jika BP = 3a + 3b, cari nilai . [6 mark]


Section C / Bahagian C [40 marks / 40 markah] Answer two questions from this section Jawab dua soalan daripada bahagian ini.
12 A particle moves along a straight line from a fixed point O. Its displacement, S m is given by S = 9t2 t3 , where t is the time in seconds after leaving the point Q. (Assume that motion to the right is positive) Suatu zarah bergerak di sepanjang suatu garis lurus bermula dari satu titik tetap O. Sesarannya, S m, diberi oleh S = 9t2 t3 , dengan keadaan t ialah masa, dalam saat, selepas meninggalkan titik Q. (Anggapkan gerakan ke arah kanan sebagai positif) Find / Cari


(b) the time at which the velocity of the particle is uniform, masa ketika zarah mencapai halaju seragam, [3 marks] (c) the value of t when the particle passes the point Q again, nilai t apabila zarah itu melalui titik Q semula, [2 marks] (d) the range of values of t during which the particle is moving towards the point Q after instantaneous rest. julat nilai t apabila zarah menuju ke titik Q selepas rehat seketika. [3 marks]


13 Table 3 shows the price of a set of football jersey which has been worn by a particular team at Lion Championship tournament in the year 2003 and 2004. Jadual 3 menunjukkan harga bagi satu set jersi bola sepak yang dipakai oleh satu pasukan di kejohanan Piala Lion untuk tahun 2003 dan 2004.

(a) Calculate the values of x, y and z. Hitung nilai x, y dan z. [4 marks]

(b) Given that the index number of Adibas jersey is 120 in the year 2003 based on the year 2002, find the price in the year 2002. Diberi indeks harga untuk jersi Adibas ialah 120 pada tahun 2003 berasaskan tahun 2002, cari harganya pada tahun 2002. [2 marks] (c) If the price of Nikas jersey increases at a constant rate every year, determine the price in the year 2005 to the nearest RM. Jika harga jersi jenama Nikas bertambah dengan kadar tetap setiap tahun, tentukan harganya pada tahun 2005 kepada RM terdekat. [4 marks]

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(a) the distance travelled the 2nd second, [2 marks] jarak yang dilalui dalam saat kedua,



14 Given that x and y are positive integers with the following conditions : Diberi x dan y ialah dua integer positif dengan keadaan berikut : I : The value of x is more than the value of y by 5 or more Nilai x melebihi nilai y sebanyak 5 atau lebih. II : The minimum value of 2x + 3y is 60 Nilai minimum bagi 2x + 3y ialah 60. III : The maximum value of 4x + 3y is 5 times the minimum value of 2x + 3y Nilai maksimum bagi 4x + 3y ialah 5 kali nilai minimum bagi 2x + 3y. (a) Write down three inequalities which satisfy the above conditions. Tulis tiga ketaksamaan bagi setiap keadaan di atas. [3 marks] (b) Construct and shade the region R that satisfies all of the above conditions. Bina dan lorekkan rantau R yang memuaskan syarat-syarat di atas. [3 marks] (c) By using your graph from (b), answer the following questions : Dengan menggunakan graf anda dari (b), jawab soalan-soalan berikut : (i) Find the minimum value of the sum of the integers. Cari nilai minimum bagi hasil tambah integer tersebut. [1 mark] (ii) Given that x and y represents the number of item M and item N respectively which was sold by the company. Find the total maximum sale obtained if the price of one unit item M and N are RM15 and RM30 respectively. Diberi bahawa x dan y masing-masing mewakili bilangan barang M dan barang N yang dijual oleh sebuah syarikat. Cari jumlah jualan maksimum yang diperoleh jika harga seunit barang M dan barang N masing-masing ialah RM15 dan RM30. [3 marks]

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15 (a) Diagram 4 shows a triangle PQR. Calculate QPR. Rajah 4 menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga PQR. Hitungkan QPR. [3 marks]


(b) In Diagram 5, ABC and BCD are two triangles which attached at BC. Calculate Dalam Rajah 5, ABC dan BCD ialah dua buah segi tiga yang bertemu pada garis BC. Hitungkan (i) (ii) the length of BC, / panjang BC, BCD,

(iii) the area of whole diagram, / luas seluruh rajah. [7 marks]


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[4531/1] [4531/2] [4531/3]

Introduction Of Physics

3 7 8 5 5 6 4 5 4 3

3 8 7 5 5 6 4 5 4 3

2 9 8 4 4 8 5 6 1 3

3 9 5 4 5 7 5 3 6 3

4 8 7 5 5 6 4 4 3 4


Forces And Motion Forces And Pressure Heat Light Waves



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Electricity Electromagnetism Electronics Radioactivity

Introduction Of Physics

1 1 1 1 1 1 2/3 1 -

SECTION A 09 10 11 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1

SECTION B 08 09 10 11 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -

1 1 -

SECTION C 09 10 11 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -


Forces And Motion Forces And Pressure Heat Light Waves


Electricity Electromagnetism Electronics Radioactivity

Introduction Of Physics Forces And Motion Forces And Pressure Heat Light Waves Electricity Electromagnetism Electronics Radioactivity

SECTION A 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2008

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -

SECTION B 2009 2010 2011

1 1 1 1 1 1 -

1 1 -




Paper 1


Each question is followed by either three, four or five options. Choose the best option for each question and then blacken the correct space on the answer sheet.
1. Which of the following physical quantity is a derived quantity? A Mass C Length B Temperature D Area 2. Sensitivity of a measuring instrument is the ability of the instrument. A to avoid zero error. B to produce an accurate reading. C to detect a small change in the quantity to be measured. D to avoid parallex error. 3. Diagram 1 shows part of a micrometer screw gauge. The momentum of the object is zero from A 0 s to 2 s C 2 s to 6 s B 2 s to 4 s D 6 s to 8 s

7. Diagram 5 shows a horizontal force of 100 N being exerted on a box of mass 20 kg.

Diagram 5

Diagram 1 What is the reading of the micrometer? A 4.28 mm C 4.78 mm B 4.32 mm D 4.82 mm Which of the following displacements is the same as 234.6 Gm ? C 2.346 x 109 m A 2.346 x 1011 m B 2.346 x 1010 m D 2.346 x 108 m Diagram 2 shows trolley A and B of same masses.

4. 5.

Pail Diagram 4 Which of the following represents the forces in equilibrium acting on the pail? A
W F1

F2 W

Diagram 2 Which comparisons are true for the momentum of trolleys A and B after collision? Trolley A Trolley B A Increase Increase B Increase Decrease C Decrease Increase D Unchanged Unchanged 6. Diagram 3 shows a displacement-time graph for the motion of an object. B


F1 F2 W




9. A coconut falling freely from a tree takes 1.2 s to reach the ground. What is the distance between the initial position of the coconut and the ground? (Acceleration due to gravity = 10 ms-2) A 1.44 m C 10.0 m B 7.2 m D 12.0 m

Diagram 3

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The box moves with an acceleration of 4.0 ms-2. Calculate the frictional force between the box and the floor. A 20 N C 80 N B 40 N D 400 N 8. Diagram 4 shows two men are lifting a full of water pail with forces F1 and F2 respectively. F1 F2



10. Diagram 6 shows a 150 g ball is moving at a speed of 45 m s -1 when it is hit by a baseball bat. The ball rebounds at a speed of 55 m s -1 and its time of contact with the bat is 0.04 s. 15. Diagram 9 contains incompressible liquid. A downward force of 12 N is exerted on piston K. What will be the magnitude of the upward force experienced by piston L?

Diagram 6 What is the impulsive force on the ball? A 37.5 N C 375.0 N B 60.0 N D 540.0 N A B Lift pump Hydrometer

Diagram 9 C D Bunsen burner Hydraulic Jack

11. Diagram 7 shows two identical springs.

16. Diagram 10 shows the pressure-temperature graph for a fixed mass of gas at constant volume.

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Diagram 7 Calculate the value of x. A 3 cm C 5 cm B 4 cm D 6 cm 12. Which of the instruments applies the Pascals principle? A Lift pump C Bunsen burner B Hydrometer D Hydraulic Jack 13. Gas in an enclosed container exerts a pressure inside the container. This is because the gas molecules A are spherical in shape. B attract each other. C collide with each other. D collide with the walls of the container. 14. Diagram 8 shows a manometer is used to measure the pressure of the gas in the container.

Diagram 10 Which statement is correct about the gas? A The gas pressure is zero at 0C. B The gas molekul are stationary at 0K. C The kinetic energy of the molecules is maximum at 0K. D The gas pressure is inversely proportional to the temperature. 17. Table 1 shows three solids and their respective specific heat capacity.

Table 1 By assuming all three solids have high melting points, which is suitable for making the base of a frying pan and which is suitable for making the handle of the frying pan? A B C D Base of frying pan Handle of frying pan R T T R S T T S

Diagram 8 Which of the statements is true about the pressure of the gas in the container if the atmospheric pressure is 76.0 cm Hg? A The gas pressure is zero B The gas pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure C The gas pressure is 24.0 cm Hg less than atmospheric pressure D The gas pressure is 24.0 cm Hg more than atmospheric pressure

18. What is the process that causes the smell of durians in the market to be detected from a faraway place? A Vaporisation C Diffusion B Convection D Expansion


19. Diagram 11 shows a cuboids immersed in water. Which face of the cuboids is acted upon by the largest pressure? 24. A student stands at a distance of 4 cm in front of a vertical plane mirror. How far is his image from him? A 2 m C 8 m B 4 m D 12 m 25. A student draws ray diagram for light directed towards mirrors M, N, O and P as shown in the diagrams below. F is the focal point of mirrors M, N, O and P.



Diagram 12 Thermal equilibrium is achieved when A temperature of P = temperature of Q B mass of liquid Q displaced = mass of P C volume of liquid Q displaced = volume of P D specific heat capacity of P = specific heat capacity of Q 21. Which of the following graphs correctly represents Pressure Law? A C

Which ray diagram is correct? A I only B I and II only


I, II, and IV only I, II, III and IV

Side mirror of car Blind corner mirror

26. What is the similar nature of the mirror used in the two applications above? A It produces multiple reflections. B It provides a wide field of vision. C Its image is enlarged. D It concentrates light at the principal focus. 27. The critical angle of light passing from rock salt into air is 40.5. What is the refractive index of the rock salt? A 1.54 C 0.025 B 0.65 D 1.32 28. Diagram 13 shows plane waves moving towards a slit.

22. What is the physical quantity that is kept constant in Boyles Law, Charles Law and Pressure Law? A Volume C Absolute temperature B Mass D Pressure 23. A piece of metal with specific heat capacity 200 J kg-1 C-1 dropped from an aeroplane flying at an altitude of 800 m above the ground. Assuming that all the gravitational potential energy of the metal is converted to heat when the piece of metal hits the ground, what is rise in temperature? A 35C B 40C C 45C D 50C

Diagram 13 The motion of the waves through the slit will cause a change in the A amplitude C wave speed B wavelength D frequency

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20. A metallic sphere P, which has been heated to 70C is submerged into a cooler liquid Q as shown in Diagram 12.

29. Diagram 14 shows sound waves from a piano.


33. If the electrical energy consumption tariff is 22 cents per unit,what is the cost of using an 800 W air conditioner for 8 hours a day within 30 days ? A RM 20.13 C RM 35.21 B RM 26.08 D RM 42.24 34. Diagram 17 shows a graph which shows how the potential difference, V, across the terminals of a cell changes with the current, I, through the cell.

Diagram 14 Which of the following statements is true? A P has a higher pitch than Q B Q has a higher pitch than R C R has the highest pitch D P, Q and R have the same pitch

30. Which of the following have the longest wavelength? A Ultraviolet light C X-rays B Visible light D Radio waves 31. Diagram 15 shows an electric circuit

Diagram 17 What is the internal resistance of the cell? A 0.80 C 1.25 B 1.16 D 1.43 35. In the domestic electrical circuit, which of the following is correct? Devices are connected in Fuses place in A Series Live wire B Series Neutral wire C Parallel Earth wire D Parallel Live wire 36. Diagram 18 shows a bar magnet moving towards a solenoid.

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Diagram 15 Which of the following graph V against I is correct? B

Diagram 18 32. Diagram 16 shows the electric circuit. A voltmeter reading is 1.5V when the switch is opened. The voltmeter reading drops to 1.35V when a bulb is connected to the battery and the ammeter reading is 0.3 A. Which of these actions will not increase the deflection of the galvanometer pointer? A Reversing the polarity of the magnet B Increasing the number of coils in the solenoid C Increasing the speed of the bar magnet D Increasing the number of magnets used

Diagram 16

What is the internal resistance of the battery? A 0.5 C 4.5 B 1.0 D 5.0


37. Diagram 19 shows the polarities of the parts labeled X and Y of the horseshoe electromagnet. 41. Which of the following statements is correct? A In a step down transformer, the output voltage is higher than the input voltage. B The output power of a transformer can be greater than the input power. C A transformer uses electromagnetic induction to produce e.m.f. in its secondary coil. D Energy loss in a transformer due to eddy currents can be reduced by using a soft iron core. 42. Diagram 21 shows a waveform on cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) screen.


X A North B North C South D South

Diagram 19 Y North South North South

38. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the ways to increase the strength of the magnetic field produced by a solenoid? A Increase the number of turns per unit length of the solenoid. B Replace the direct current flowing in the solenoid with alternating current. C Insert a piece of soft iron into the solenoid. D Increase the magnitude of the current flowing in the solenoid. 39. Diagram 20 shows a copper wire PQ in a magnetic field.

Diagram 21 If the Y-input of CRO is set at 5.0 V cm-1, what is the peak voltage? A 20.0 Volt C 5.0 Volt B 10.0 Volt D 2.0 Volt 43. Diagram 22 below contains

Magnet Bare copper wire

Diagram 20 The direction of motion of PQ can be determined by A Lenzs law C Flemings left hand rule B Faradays law D Flemings right hand rule A B C D

Diagram 22 two NOT gates and one AND gate. two NOR gates and one NAND gate. two OR gates and one AND gate. two OR gates and one NAND gate.

40. The core of a transformer is normally made of soft iron. The reason for this choice is because soft iron A is a good conductor of electricity. B rust easily. C can be easily magnetized and demagnetized. D is a good conductor of heat.

44. The input signal 1101101 is applied to a NOT gate. The output is A 1100010 C 0010010 B 1011001 D 0011100

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45. If c, b and e have the usual meanings for a transistor, which one of the transistors above is correctly labelled? A C 48. The equation above represents a nuclear fusion. What conditions must exist before the reaction above can take place? A Very high temperature and pressure is required. B A catalyst must be added. C Neutrons must be bombarded to the reacting materials. D Oxygen must be present 49. Two types of emission from a radioactive source are separated by passing them through a magnetic field. The deflections are shown in diagram 24.

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46. Diagram 23 shows a radioactive source emits radiation that can pass through a sheet of paper but not through thick aluminium. A B C D Emission P Alpha particles Beta particles Gamma rays Gamma rays

Diagram 24 Emission Q Gamma rays Gamma rays Alpha particles Beta particles

Diagram 23 What type of radiation is emitted? A -particles C -particles B -particles D X-rays 47. Which of the following is a neutral atom? Proton number A 12 B 8 C 16 D 14 Neutron number Electron number 12 5 14 14 7 16 15 16

50. The table below shows several safety measures that should be taken when dealing with radioactive substances except A Avoid direct contact with the radioactive substances. B Always keep the radioactive substances in a lead container. C Wash your hand with soap and water when contaminated with radioactive substances. D Do not drink or eat when handling radioactive substances.





Paper 2
Section A [60 marks] Answer all questions in this section.


1. Diagram 1 shows a man as he jogs from P to R and back to Q.

Diagram 1 (a) Name one physical quantity relating to the boys position as he jogs? __________________________________________________________________________ (b) What is the type of the physical quantity that you state in (a)? Tick ( ) the correct answer in the box provided. Scalar quantity [1 mark]

Vector quantity [1 mark] (c) If he took 30 s to complete the motion, calculate his average velocity? [2 marks] 2. Diagram 2.1 shows an observer near a pool. Water wave is a transverse wave and from his observations, the pattern of the water wave is as shown as the diagram below.


Concrete wall of the pool

Diagram 2.1

(a) What is meant by transverse wave? __________________________________________________________________________

[1 mark]

(b) (i) Name one type of transverse wave besides water wave? _______________________________________________________________________ (ii) What is the wave phenomenon that was observed by the observer above? _______________________________________________________________________

[1 mark] [1 mark]

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(c) Complete the water wave pattern that propagates from the shallow region to the deep region in a ripple tank as shown in the Diagram 2.2 below.

[2 marks] Diagram 2.2 3. Diagram 3 shows a boy extending the elastic rubber of a catapult.

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Diagram 3 (a) State the change of energy when the stone is released from the catapult. __________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (b) What happens to the distance of movement of the stone when a bigger mass of stone is used? __________________________________________________________________________ (c) The mass of the stone used is 0.02 kg. When the elastic rubber is extended 0.2 m by a force of 10 N, (i) Calculate the stored potential energy in the elastic rubber? [1 mark]

[2 marks] (ii) What is the velocity of the stone? [2 mark]


4. Diagram 4 shows an arrangement of apparatus used to determine the atmospheric pressure in a laboratory. The length of the glass tube is 100 cm and the atmospheric pressure is 75 cm Hg.


Diagram 4 (a) Name the apparatus shown in the diagram. __________________________________________________________________________ (b) What is the space P? __________________________________________________________________________ (c) What is the value of h? [1 mark] (d) Determine the pressure in unit cm Hg at points J and K [2 marks] (e) Given that the density of water and mercury is 1000 kg m-3 and 13 600 kg m-3 respectively. If the mercury in the apparatus is replaced by water, determine the height of water column in the glass tube. [1 mark] [1 mark]

[2 marks] 5. Diagram 5.1 shows an airplane maintaining a steady and level flight under the influence of four forces. Diagram 5.2 shows an load hanging from the middle of the string. T1 and T2 are tensions of the string and W is the weight of the load. The dotted line shows the resolved component of the tensions T1 and T2.

Diagram 5.1

Diagram 5.2

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(a) What is meant by weight? __________________________________________________________________________ (b) Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, (i) compare the forces acting on the airplane vertically : ____________________________________________________________ horizontally : ____________________________________________________________ (ii) compare the forces acting on the load. vertically : ______________________________________________________ horizontally : ______________________________________________________ (c) Compare the type of motion of the airplane and the object __________________________________________________________________________ (d) (e) Based on your answer in 5(b) and 5(c), relate the type of motion with the resultant forces acting on the aeroplane or on the load. __________________________________________________________________________ Name the phenomenon shown in Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2. __________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

[2 marks]

[2 marks]

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[1 mark]

[1 mark] [1 mark ]

6. Diagram 6 (a) shows three resistors P, Q and S, each having resistance of 20 , connecting to 6 V d.c power supply.

Diagram 6 (a) (a) What is the meaning of resistance? __________________________________________________________________________ (b) Calculate the effective resistance of (i) the combination of Q and S, and [1 mark]

[1 mark] (ii) the whole circuit.

[1 mark] (c) Calculate the current flowing through resistor S

[2 marks] (d) Calculate the energy released by S in 1 minute. [2 marks]


(e) Diagram 6 (b) shows an electric kettle connected to a 240V power supply by a flexible cable.


Diagram 6 (a) (i) (ii) State one precautionary measure that should be taken to ensure safe usage of the kettle. ___________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] Mention one fault that might happen in the cable that will cause the fuse in the plug to melt. ___________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

7. Diagram 7 (a) shows a smoke detector contains a radioactive source which is a -particles emitter.

Diagram 7 (b) (a) The ammeter shows bigger reading when there is no smoke in between the electrodes compared to when there is smoke. State the nature of -particles. ___________________________________________________________________ Explain the presence of electric current flowing in the circuit. ___________________________________________________________________ Explain why -particles emitters are not used in this detector. ___________________________________________________________________ Americium-241 is an -particle emitter and is represented by the symbol [1 mark]

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

[1 mark]

[1 mark]

It decays into Neptunium 237. The symbol for neptunium is Np. Write down the equation that represents the decay of Americium-241.

[2 marks]

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(b) Diagram 7 (b) shows the penetrating powers of three radioactive radiations X, Y and Z.

Diagram 7 (b) (i) Arrange, in increasing order, the penetrating powers of these radiations. ___________________________________________________________________ In diagram (b) i. below, draw the path taken by these radiations when they travel into an area where the direction of the magnetic field is directed into the paper. [1 mark]

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Diagram (b) i [2 marks] (iii) (iv) What happen to the proton number and the nucleon number if a radioactive nuclide were to emit radiation X? ___________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] Among the three radiations, state two properties of radiation Z. ___________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

8. Diagram 8 shows object O with 1 cm height placed on the left side of convex lens P. The focal length of the convex lens is 5 cm.

Diagram 8 (a) In Diagram 8, draw the ray path from the object to form an image. [2 marks]

(b) State the characteristics of the image formed. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

[2 marks]


(c) If the object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from the lens, calculate (i) the image distance


[2 marks] (ii) the linear magnification

[1 mark] (d) You are given convex lens Q with +10 D power. You are required to create a simple astronomical telescope using the convex lenses P and Q. State what lens is suitable to be the objective lens and eyepiece. Objective lens Eyepiece : _________________________________________________ : _________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 mark]

(e) Draw the arrangement of the lenses and sketch the ray path from a distance object using convex lens P and Q to form a simple astronomical telescope.

[2 marks]

Section B [20 marks] Answer any one question from this section.
9. A slide projector is used to view an image from a slide. The power of the lens used by the projector slide is + 5D. (a) What is meant by power of lens? [1 mark] (b) A student used a slide projector to view the image from the slide. When the slide is place nearer to the lens the sharp image form on the screen as shown in Diagram 9.1. When the slide is place further from the lens the sharp image form on the screen as shown in Diagram 9.2.

Lens Image Screen

Lens Slide Image Screen Slide

Diagram 9.1 Diagram 9.2

Based on Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the object distance, the image distance and size of image that formed on the screen. Relate the object distance to the image distance and the object distance to the size of image that formed on the screen. [5 marks]

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Diagram 9.4 (c) While driving a car on a hot day, you may see a mirage on the road. Explain how mirage occurred.

[4 marks]

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(d) Diagram 9.5 shows a simple astronomical telescope.

Diagram 9.5 By using two prisms and a telescope in Diagram 9.5, suggest modification that can be done to make a binocular. In your explanation, (i) draw the arrangement of the prisms and lenses (ii) draw ray diagram to explain how the image form (iii) state two advantages using binocular compared to telescope when observing far object on the ground. [10 marks]

10. (a) Diagram 10.1 shows water waves moving towards the shore.

Diagram 10.1 i. Name the wave phenomena in Diagram 10.1. ii. What happens to the waves as it approaches the headland? Give reasons. [1 mark] [3 marks]


(b) Situation 1


Diagram 10.2 Situation 2

Diagram 10.3 Situation 1 A student can hear the sound from the stopwatch at its loudest when cardboard tube B is at the position shown in Diagram 10.2. Situation 2 Diagram 10.3 shows a man fishing. Eye A can see the mans image on the waters surface. i. Name the types of waves in Situation 1 and Situation 2. [2 marks] [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark]

ii. Based on Diagrams 10.2 and 10.3, compare the directions of wave propagation. iii. Based on Diagrams 10.2 and 10.3, compare the angles of wave propagation and the normal. iv. Based on Diagrams 10.2 and 10.3, relate the angles before and after the wave phenomena. v. State the wave phenomena for Situation 1 and Situation 2.

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To attract more tourist to the island in Diagram 10.4 , a contractor wants to build a beach resort .As a consultant you are asked to give suggestions on the proposed project based on the following aspects: i. ii. iii. The location of the resort Features to reduce the erosion of the shore Features to enable children to enjoy swimming in calm water.

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Diagram 10.4

[10 marks]

Section C [20 marks] Answer any one question from this section.
11. (a) Archimedes principle states that: An object that is totally or partially submerged in fluid experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of fluid displaced (i) What is meant by buoyant force? [1 mark] (ii) Diagram 11.1 shows a block is submerged in a liquid.

liquid surface

P1 A

Keys: h1 : depth of upper surface h2 : depth of bottom surface

Diagram 11.1 Using the idea of difference in pressure P1 and P2 for different depth, h1 and h2 , show that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of liquid displaced. [4 marks]


(b) Table 11.2 shows four hot air balloons, P, Q, R and S, with different specifications.


Table 11.2

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You are required to determine the most suitable balloon which can be used for safe recreation. Study the specifications of all the four balloons from the following aspects: the balloon envelope the size of the balloon the number of burner used the type of basket used to carry the passenger.

Explain the suitability of the aspects. Justify your choice. [10 marks]

(c) A hot air balloon is adhered to the ground. The balloon contains 1200 m3 of hot air of density 0.8 kg m-3. The mass of the balloon (not including the hot air) is 400 kg . The density of the surrounding air is 1.3 kg m-3. Calculate

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i. the total weight of the balloon and the hot air. ii. the buoyant force exerted on the balloon. iii. the net force exerted on the balloon when it is released?

[2 marks] [1 mark] [2 marks]

12. Fuses are used to prevent damage of electrical appliances due to current surges. (a) Diagram 12.1 shows a typical circuit on a household electrical appliance that has not been earthed.

Diagram 12.1 i. ii. What are the properties of a fuse wire? How does a fuse wire work to prevent damage to the electrical coil due to overheating? [1 mark] [3 marks] [1 mark] [1 mark]

iii. Why is it unwise to connect the fuse to the neutral wire?

iv. Some electrical appliances have an outer chasis made of metal. What modification has to be done to prevent electric shock when the coil is damaged and the live wire touches the metal chasis? (b) Fuse takes some time to melt or blow. A fast-blowing fuse is required to protect semiconductor equipments which cannot stand high current surge for too long. When a fuse blows, sparking may occur which produces high temperature. The fuse wire is placed in a sheath or catridge as shown in diagram 12.2 to prevent its sparks from causing damage.

Diagram 12.2


Table 12.1 shows the specifications of five fuses that can be used to protect a semiconductor device.


TABLE 12.1 Determine the most suitable fuse to protect a 240 V, 2400 W semiconductor device. Study the specifications of all five fuses based on the following aspects. The thickness of wire. The catridge type. The rating of the fuse. The melting point. [10 marks]

Explain the suitability of the aspects and justify your choice. (c) Diagram 12.3 shows two bulbs connected in series. Diagram 12.4 shows the same bulbs connected in parallel. Assuming the battery has no internal resistance, calculate the power output of bulb A and B in both the circuits.

Diagram 12.3

Diagram 12.4

[4 marks]


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Paper 3
Section A [28 marks] Answer all questions


1 A student carries out an experiment to investigate how the temperature of water increases with the time of heating. Diagram 1.1 shows the set up of the apparatus for the investigation. Before the heater is switched on, the initial temperature, 0, of the water is measured. Diagram 1.2 shows meniscus of the mercury column in the thermometer.

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Diagram 1.2

Diagram 1.1

A stopwatch and the heater are switched on simultaneously. At time, t = 20 s, the temperature, , of the water is read on the thermometer. Diagram 1.3 shows the meniscus of the mercury column in the thermometer. The procedure is repeated for heating time, t = 40 s, 60 s, 80 s, and 100 s. The positions of the meniscus of the mercury column in the thermometer are shown in Diagrams 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7.


(a) For the experiment described above, identify: (i) the manipulated variable ________________________________________________________________ (ii) the responding variable ________________________________________________________________ (iii) a constant variable ________________________________________________________________


[1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark]

(b) Based on Diagram 1.2, determine the initial temperature, 0, of the water. Initial temperature, 0 = ______________________ [1 mark] (c) Based on Diagrams 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7, (i) Record the thermometer readings, , in the spaces provided on page 3. [1 mark]

(ii) Calculate the values of for each heating time using the formula = - 0. Tabulate your results for and for all values of t in the space below. (d) On the graph paper on page 94, plot a graph of against t.

[5 marks] [5 marks]

(e) Based on your graph, state the relationship between and t. _______________________________________________________________________

[1 mark]

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2 A student carries out an experiment to study the interference of sound waves. He wants to investigate the relationship of the distance between two coherent sources of sound waves, a, and the distance between two consecutives of constructive interference, x. The distance between the location where the sound is detected, D, is 5 m. The results of the experiment is shown in the graph of x against as in Diagram 2.1. (a) Based on the graph in diagram 2.1. (i) (ii) State the relationship between x and a. ________________________________________________________________ Determine the value of x if a = 4 m. Show on the graph, how you determined the value of x. [1 mark]


[3 marks]


Calculate the gradient of the graph x against

. Show on the graph how you determine the gradient.

[3 marks] (ii) By using equation = and the value of the gradient obtained in b (i), calculate the wavelength of sound waves, , used in this experiment.

[3 marks] (c) State two precaution steps that should be taken to improve the results of this experiment. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ [ 2 marks]

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(b) The wavelength of sound waves, , is given by the equation



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Diagram 2.1


Section B [12 marks] Answer any one question from this section
3. Diagram 3(a) shows Bobby riding on his motorcycle with an acceleration. Diagram 4(b) shows Sam riding pillion on Bobbys motor and the acceleration is noticeably reduced.


Diagram 4(a)

Diagram 4(b)

Based on the information and observations above:

(a) State one suitable inference. [1 mark] (b) State one suitable hypothesis. [1 mark] (c) Using apparatus such as a ticker timer, a.c power supply and other appropriate apparatus, describe an experiment ramework to investigate the hypothesis stated in part (b). In your description, state clearly (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Aim of the experiment. Variables in the experiment. List of apparatus and materials. Arrangement of the apparatus The procedure of the experiment which include the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable. The way you would tabulate the data. [10 marks]

(v) (vi)

(vii) The way you would analyse the data.

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4. Water is dripped at a constant rate into two different containers as shown in Diagram 4. The cross-section of the water waves formed from the droplets in the containers are shown in diagrams below.

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Diagram 4 Based on the information and observation above: (a) State one suitable inference. [1 mark] (b) State one suitable hypothesis. [1 mark] (c) With the use of apparatus such as a ripple tank , a vibrator motor and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4 (b).

In your description, state clearly the following; (i) Aim of the experiment. (ii) (iii) (iv) Variables in the experiment. List of apparatus and materials. Arrangement of the apparatus.

(v) (vi)

The procedures of the experiment include the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable. The way you would tabulate the data. [10 marks]

(vii) The way you would analyse the data.




[4541/1] [4541/2] [4541/3]

Paper 1
08 09 10 11 12 08 09 10 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6

Section A

12 1/3 1 1/3 1 1/3 1 1 1 6

08 09 1 1 2 -

Paper 2 Section B
10 1

11 12 08 09 10 11 12 08 09 10 11 12 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2

Section C


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2

7 3 3 6 3 2 2 2 5 3 2 1

4 5 3 5 4 3 4 3 4 2 4 3

7 4 5 5 4 2 3 3 4 3 4 2

7 2 3 5 3 1 1 4 6 6 4 2

1/2 1 1 1 1 1 6

1 1/2 1 1 1 1 6

1/2 1 -

11. Carbon compound 3 Oxidation and 12. reduction 13. Thermochemistry Chemical for 14. consumer Total 6 3 4

1/2 1/2 2 1/2 2

50 50 50 50 50


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Introduction to chemistry The structure of atom Chemical formulae and equation Periodic table of elements Chemical bond Electrochemistry Acids and bases Salts Manufactured substances in industry Rate of reaction


1/2 1/2



Chemistry Paper 1


Each question is followed by either three, four or five options. Choose the best option for each question and then blacken the correct space on the answer sheet.
1. Which substance is an ionic compound? A Magnesium, Mg C Magnesium dioxide, MgO B Carbon dioxide, CO2 D Tetrachloromethane, CCl 2. What is the meaning of molecular formula? A Formula that shows the type of element in the compound B Formula that shows how the atoms of elements are bonded together C Formula that shows the simplest ratio of atoms of each element in the compound D Formula that shows the actual number of atoms of each element in the compound 3. The diagram shows the arrangement of particles in a substance in room temperature. 7. Diagram below shows the inter-conversion of the state of matter of a substance

Which inter-conversion involves the absorb of energy? A water ice C steam water B ice steam D steam ice

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8. The chemical formula for sodium thiosulphate is Na2S2O3. What is its relative formula mass? [Relative atomic mass : Na = 23, S = 32, O = 16] A 39 C 142 B 71 D 158 9. Calcium carbonate, CaCO3 is the main component of marble. What is the number of particles in 0.5 mol of calcium carbonate? [Avogadro constant = 6.02 x 1023 mol-1] A 3.01 X 1022 C 3.01 X 1023 22 B 6.02 X 10 D 3.01 X 1023 10. Which of the following gases contains 0.2 mol of atoms at room temperature and pressure? [1 mol of gas occupies the volume of 24 dm3 at room temperature and pressure] A 4.8 dm3 He C 4.8 dm3 SO3 3 B 4.8 dm H2 D 4.8 dm3 CO2 11. Table below the melting point and boiling point of substance P, Q, R, and S.

This arrangement of particles can be found in A Zinc C Helium B Oxygen D Sodium chloride 4. Table below shows the number of neutrons for chlorine isotopes.

What is the value of X? A 17 B 18

C 19 D 20

5. Element Y has the same chemical property as the element with the electron number of 19. The letter of Y is not the actual symbol of the element. Which of the following is the electron arrangement for an atom of element Y? A 1 C 2.8.2 B 2.1 D 6. In the periodic table, J is below K in the same group. If the proton number of atom K is 12, what is the electron configuration for ion J? A 2 C 2.8.2 B 2.8.8 D

Which substance is a solid at room temperature? A P C R B Q D S 12. The diagram shows the molecular formula for glucose.

Which of the following is its empirical formula? A CH2O C C2H2O2 B CH2O2 D C2H4O2


13. The following chemical equation shows the reaction between 19. Elements X and Y dissolve in water to form acidic solutions which are also bleaching agents. What is element X and Y? I. Chlorine III. Iodine II. Bromine IV. Astatine A I and II B I and III C II and IV D III and IV


Which of the following statements is correct? A 2 mol of magnesium atoms react with 1 mol of oxygen atom. B 2 mol of magnesium atoms react with 2 mol of oxygen gas. C 2 mol of magnesium atoms react with 1 mol of oxygen atom producing 2 mol of magnesium oxide molecules. D 2 mol of magnesium atoms react with 1 mol of oxygen molecules producing 2 mol of magnesium oxide molecules.

20. The table below shows the electron arrangement for elements W, X, Y and Z. The letters used are not the actual symbol of the elements.

14. The diagram shows the electron arrangement of atom Q.

Where is element Q placed in the Periodic Table of Element?

Which of the following is an element that able to form an amphoteric oxide? A W C Y B X D Z 21. The diagram shows the electrolysis of molten lead (II) bromide using carbon electrodes.

15. Diagram below shows the electron arrangement of atom R and S.

xx x x x R xx x x x

xx xx

x x x x x x x S x x x xx xx
Which half equation shows the reaction at the anode? C D

Which of the following is true about R and S? A Element R is more reactive than element S. B Both elements R and S react with bromine gas. C Both elements R and S are monoatomic gas. D Element R reacts with element S to perform a compound with formula RS.


22. The following elements located in Period 4 of the Periodic Table of Elements. Chromium, Cr Manganese, Mn Iron, Fe Cobalt, Co Nickle, Ni Copper, Cu

16. What are the anions present in aluminium nitrate solution? C Al3+, NO3 A OH-, NO3- + 3+ B H , Al D Al3+, H+, OH-, NO317. Substance X form white precipitate when added sodium hydroxide and ammonia solution until excess. It is insoluble in both excess sodium hydroxide solution and ammonia solution. What is X? A Magnesium sulphate C Aluminium sulphate B Zinc sulphate D Lead (II) nitrate 18. Which statement explains why the size of Potassium atom is bigger than Lithium atom in the Periodic Table? A The number of protons in Potassium atom is greater than Lithium atom. B The relative atomic mass of potassium atom is greater than Lithium atom. C The number of valence electrons is same. D The number of shells filled with electrons for potassium is greater than lithium.

Which of the following is true about the elements? A They have a low melting point. B They do not able to conduct electricity. C They are able to conduct heat. D They are able to show same oxidation numbers in their compounds.


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27. Table below shows information about three chemical cells.

23. Diagram below shows the positions of elements P, Q, R, S and T in the Periodic Table. P, Q, R, S and T are not the actual symbol of the elements

Which of the following pairs of elements react to form an ionic compound? I. S, P III. R, T II. R, P IV. Q, T A I and II B I and III C II and IV D III and IV

Which of the following is the correct descending order of these metals in the electrochemical series? A U, T, S, R C R, U, T, S B R, T, U, S D S, T, U, R

24. Table below shows the proton number of elements E, F, G, and H.

28. Glacial ethanoic shows acidic properties when it is dissolved in water. In which pairs of substances does a reaction occur? A Glacial ethanoic acid + pH paper B Glacial ethanoic acid + Magnesium ribbon C Glacial ethanoic acid + Calcium carbonate chips D Glacial ethanoic acid + Sodium carbonate solution 29. Which medicine can relieve a headache and paint in joint? A Aspirin C Streptomycin B Vinegar D Insulin 30. Sulphuric acid, H2SO4 has the concentration of 0.5 mol dm3. What is the volume of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, 1.0 mol dm3 that can neutralize 25.0 cm3 of sulphuric acid, H2SO4, solution? A 6.25 cm3 C 25.00 cm3 B 12.50 cm3 D 50.00 cm3 31. A student is stung by an ant which contains acidic sting. Which of the following substances is the most suitable to be applied to the part stung to treat the student? A Magnesium hydroxide C Cooking oil B Vinegar D Sodium chloride 32. Diagram below shows the double decomposition reaction between solution X and solution Y.

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Based on table above, which two elements that form a compound with a high melting and a high boiling point? I. E, F III. F, H II. E, G IV G, H A I and II B I and III C II and IV D III only

25. Diagram below shows the set up of the apparatus to plate an iron key with silver.

After 30 minutes, it is found that no plating took place on the iron key. What should be done to ensure electroplating takes place? A Use a bigger silver rod B Increase the cell voltage C Interchange the terminals in the cell D Rub the iron key with sand paper Which equation represents reactions to form a precipitate. I. AgNO3 + NaCl AgCl + NaNO3 II. ZnCl2 + Na2SO4 ZnSO4 + 2 NaCl III. CuSO4 + Na2CO3 CuCO3 + Na2SO4 IV. CuSO4 + Mg(NO3) Cu(CO3)2 + MgSO4 A I and II B I and III C II and IV D III and IV

26. Diagram below shows the setup of the apparatus to build a chemical cell.

33. The diagram shows a polymerization process.

Which of the following metal can be replaced the iron nail to obtain the highest voltage reading? A Tin C Silver B Lead D Copper

Which of the following properties is identical for substance P and Q? A Density C Melting point B Percentage composition D Relative molecular mass


34. Why is ceramic used for the wall of object that has higher temperature? A Ceramic is very hard B Ceramic is malleable C Ceramic is inert towards chemicals D Ceramic is very high melting point 35. The reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid produces carbon dioxide gas. The reaction is complete in 50 seconds and the maximum volume of gas produce is 25 cm3. What is the average rate of the reaction? A 0.5 cm s-1 C 2.0 cm s-1 B 1.0 cm s-1 D 4.0 cm s-1 40. The equation shows the chemical change that occurs to compound F.


Which of the following is the compound F? A n butane C But 2 ene B Prop 1 ene D Butan 2 ol

41. The diagram below shows the molecular formula of pent 1 ene.

37. Experiment I and Experiment II are carried out as follows:

A I and IV only B II and III only

C I, II, and IV only D I, II, III, and IV

Which graphs of volume of carbon dioxide collected against time in both sets is correct?

42. Natural rubber has to be treated first before it can be used to make car tire. What is the name of the process? A Hydrolysis C Vulcanization B Esterification D Polymerisation 43. Methods below are used to stop iron from rusting.

Coating with zinc Coating with tin Connecting to magnesium rod

Which metal is most often used to protect iron in water pipelines, roofing sheet, and in food containers?

38. Which of the following statements correctly related to the collision theory affected by rise in temperature on the reactant particles? I. The total surface area of the reactant particles increases II. The kinetic energy of the reactant particles increases III. The frequency of the collision between the reactant particles increases IV. The number of the reactant particles per one unit volume increases A I and II only B II and III only C III and IV only D I and IV only

44. A metal W lies between magnesium and iron in the reactivity series. Which reaction is W most likely to undergo? A It liberates hydrogen from dilute hydrochloric acid B It reduces magnesium oxide to magnesium on heating C Its forms a hydroxide which dissolves in water D Its oxide decomposes to give the metal on heating 45. Which statement is correct for all exothermic reactions? A The reactants gain energy from the surrounding. B The reactants of the reaction have more energy than the products. C The temperature of the reaction decreases. D The symbol for heat of reaction is H = + kJmol-1

39. Oils can be converted to fat by process Q. Which of the following is process Q? A hydrogenation C hydration B Halogenation D dehydration


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36. Zinc reacts with acid to produce hydrogen gas, H2. Which solution would give the highest initial rate of reaction? A 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 of nitric acid, HNO3 B 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid, HCl C 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 of sulphuric acid, H2SO4 D 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 of ethanoic acid, CH3COOH

Which of the following are correct names for isomers of pent -1 ene? I. pent 2 ene III. pent 3 ene II. 3 methylbut 1 ene IV. 2 methylbut 2 ene



49. Diagram below shows the experiment to determine the heat of neutralization.

46. The reaction between 25 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 copper (II) sulphate solution, CuSO4 and excess zinc releases 2625 J of heat. What is the temperature change of the mixture? [Specific heat capacity of solution = 4.2 J g-1 OC-1. Assume that 1cm3 of a solution is equal to 1g of the solution] A 100C C 200C B 150C D 250C 47. Table below shows the heat of combustion of methanol, ethanol, and butanol.

What is the approximate value for the heat of combustion of propanol? A 1050 kJmol-1 C 3310 kJmol-1 -1 B 2020 kJmol D 3970 kJmol-1

Which experiment gives the highest rise in temperature?

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50. The diagram below shows the energy diagram for the 48. Why are soaps less effective than detergents? precipitation of silver chloride. A Soaps decrease the wetting ability of water whereas detergents increase the wetting ability of water. B Soaps are biodegradable substances whereas detergents are non-biodegradable substances C Soaps form scum in hard water whereas detergents do not form scum in hard water. D Soaps are cheap to make whereas detergents are expensive to manufacture. Which of the following is true about the diagram? I. The reaction is exothermic. II. The heat of reaction is 60.5 kJ mol-1. III. The temperature increases during the reaction. IV. The energy content of the product is higher than the reactants. A I and II only B I and III only C I, II, and III only D I, II, III, IV




Chemistry Paper 2
SECTION A [60 marks] Answer All Questions
1. Table 1 shows the proton number and nucleon number of four atoms T, U, V, and W.


Table 1

(a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Write the arrangement of V atom. _____________________________________________________________________ How many valence electrons does an atom of U have? _____________________________________________________________________ State the number of shells does an atom of T have. _____________________________________________________________________ Draw the electron arrangement of atom U.

[1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark]


[2 marks]

(b) Atom T reacts with oxygen to form a covalent compound. (i) State two physical properties of covalent compound. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (ii) Write the chemical formula of covalent compound formed.

[2 marks]

[1 mark] (iii) Complete the realationship below. Nucleon number = proton number + [1 mark]


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Based on Table 1:



2. The diagram below represents a reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to produce water.

(a) (i) (ii)

Name the type of particle present in water, H2O. Calculate the relative molecular mass of water. [Relative atomic mass: H = 1; O = 16]


[1 mark]

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[1 mark]

(b) 20g of hydrogen are reacting completely with excess oxygen to form water.

(i) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (ii) Calculate the numbers of moles are the in 20g of hydrogen.

_____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(c) (i) Presence of water can showing the properties of acid. State the role of water in showing the properties of acid. _____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (ii)

Ethanoic acid, CH3COOH dissolved in propanone, CH3COCH, has no effect on blue litmus paper. Explain this observation.
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

[2 marks]


3. E, F, G, H, J, K, and L are the symbols used to represent elements. They form compounds in which they exist as ions with the following formulae in the Table 3


Table 3 Based on Table 3: (a) State the Group of element F in the Periodic Table. ___________________________________________________________________________

[1 mark]

(c) (i)

State the elements is most likely to form coloured compound and gives a reason for your answer.
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]


_____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

Write the formulae of the two oxides this element is likely to for

(d) (i) Which element forms an amphoteric oxide? _____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (ii)
_____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

Write the equation for the reaction of this Oxide with hydrochloric acid.


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(b) Which element is a noble gas? Explain your answer. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]



4. Hydrogen sulphide is a compound of hydrogen and sulphur. Sulphur is an element found in Group 16 of the Periodic Table. (a) What is a compound? ___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (b) Name two types of chemical bonds.

___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (c) (i) JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web (ii) What type of bond is formed between the hydrogen and sulphur atom?

_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Draw the electron arrangement of the bond formed between hydrogen and sulphur atom.

_____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (d) (i) (ii) Hydrogen sulphide has the melting point of 850C and a boiling point of 610C. Write the physical state of hydrogen sulphide at 280C. Draw the arrangement of particles in the substance in d (i).

_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]


_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Hydrogen sulphide has the smell of rotten eggs but sodium sulphide has no smell. Explain why sodium sulphide has no smell?
___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]


5. The diagram below shows the reaction between magnesium with sulphuric acid.


Diagram 5 (a) (i) (ii) (b) Write the balance chemical equation for the reaction. Write an ionic equation for this reaction.
_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

_____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

In this reaction, which substance is (i) oxidised? = __________________________________ (ii) reduced? = __________________________________ (iii) oxidizing agent? = __________________________________ (iv) reducing agent? = __________________________________

[4 marks]

(c) Magnesium also can react with copper (II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution. The chemical equation as follows:

(i) (ii)

Write half-equations showing what happen to the reactants.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

Explain why this is a redox reaction.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]


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6. A student carried out an experiment to determine the heat of precipitation for the reaction between lead (II) nitrate, Pb(NO3), solution and sodium sulphate, Na2SO4 solution. In this experiment, 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 lead (II) nitrate solution was added to 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 sodium sulphate solution. The result are given below:

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Diagram 6 (a) State the meaning heat of precipitation. ___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (b) Why is a polystyrene cup used in the experiment? ___________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (c) State the type of reaction that occurred in this experiment. ___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (d) (i) (ii) (e) (i) State the colour of the precipitate formed in this experiment. Give the reason for observation in (d) (i).
_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Complete the ionic equation for the reaction that occurred. _______________ [1 mark]

(ii) (iii)

Calculate the heat change of the precipitation reaction between lead (II) nitrate and sodium sulphate. [Specific heat capacity of solution = 4.2 Jg-1 OC-1. Assume that 1 cm3 of a solution is equal to 1g of the solution]
_____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

Calculate the heat of precipitation for this experiment.

_____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]


SECTION B [20 marks] Answer any one Questions 7 (a) The following are three examples of chloride salts that can be prepared in the laboratory Silver chloride , AgCl Lead(II) chloride , PbCl2 Potassium chloride , KCI (i) From these examples , identify the soluble and insoluble salts


(ii) State the reactants for the preparation of lead(II) chloride , PbCl2

[2 marks]

[2 marks]

(b) With the aid of a labelled diagram , explain the preparation of soluble salts which are potassium chloride , KCI [6 marks] (c) Table 7 shows the observations from some tests carried out from salt X

I. II. Table 7 Based on the information in table 7 : (i) Identify an anion that is present in Test I and describe a chemical test to verify the anion.

[4 marks]

(ii) Identify two cations that are present in Test II and describe a chemical test to verify the cations

[6 marks]


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8. (a) What is meant by the heat of neutralisation?


[1 mark]

(b) Two experiments are carried out to compare the heat of neutralisation:


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(i) Explain the difference of temperature changes between experiment I and experiment II. [4 marks]


Calculate the heat change in Experiment I and Experiment II. [Specific heat capacity of solution = 4.2 Jg-1 oC-1. Assume that 1 cm3 of a solution is equal to 1g of the solution]

[4 marks]

(iii) Based on Experiment I and Experiment II, explain both experiment according to their: Balanced equation Number of moles of water Heat of neutralisation

[11 marks]


SECTION C [20 marks] Answer any one Questions 9. Diagram 9 shows the arrangement of particles of a compound in molten state and solid state.


Diagram 9 [1 mark] [3 marks] JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web (a) The compound can conduct electricity in molten state but cannot do so in solid state. Name one example of a compound with this property. (b) Write one of the two half equations for the electrolysis of the compound you named in 9(a).

(c) Draw a labeled diagram of the apparatus that u can use to electrolyse the compound you named in 9 (a). In your drawing show by using arrows the movement of particles that that occurs in the compound. [10 marks] (d) Describe the electrolysis process that occurs in 9 (a). [6 marks]




10. Table 10 shows the data from Experiment I and Experiment II that were carried out to study the rate of reaction of zinc with two acids, P and Q.

Table 10 (a) (i) By choosing either experiment I or Experiment II, state the name of the acid used. Write the chemical equation for the reaction of this acid with zinc. [2 marks] (ii) Draw an energy profile diagram for the reaction in 10 (a)(i). On the energy profile Diagram shows the: Heat of reaction, H Activation energy without a catalyst, Ea Activation energy with a catalyst, Ea

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Explain the energy profile diagram. [10 marks] (b) Compare the rate of reaction between Experiment I and Experiment II. Explain the difference in the rate of reaction in the experiments accordingly to the collision theory. [8 marks]




Chemistry Paper 3
[50 marks] Answer All Questions


1. Diagram 1.1 shows the apparatus set up for the experiment, using metal P and copper. Given that copper is placed at the positive terminal. The reading of the voltmeter is recorded as shown in Diagram 1.2.


The experiment is repeated using metal Q, R, and S (one at a time) and copper. Voltmeter readings are shown below.


Based on the Diagram 1.2, construct a table to record the reading of the voltages. (b) Complete the Table 1 based on the experiment.

[3 marks]

Table 1

[6 marks]

(c) State one hypothesis for the experiment. ____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks] (d) Based on the observation shown in the above diagram, arrange metal P, Q, R, S, and copper in descending order of reactivity. ____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks] (e) If another metal, T, which is a higher position then Q is used, predict the voltage which will be produced. ____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]


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Set-up of apparatus Observation on the mixture

2. Diagram 2.1 shows the set up of apparatus to study the reaction of metal oxides with carbon.

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Diagram 2.1 (a) Complete Diagram 2.1 by stating the observations for the reaction of metal oxides with carbon powder. State all the variables in this experiment: Manipulated variable: ___________________________ Responding variable : ___________________________ Controlled variable : ___________________________ [3 marks]


[3 marks] [3 marks]

(c) State the inference that can be made for this experiment. _________________________________________________________

(d) Based on the observations in Diagram 2.1, arrange metals M, Z, C, S and carbon in ascending order of reactivity.

[3 marks]

(e) The experiment is repeated by using the oxides of N with carbon powder. The result of the experiment is shown in Set-up of apparatus Observation on the mixture

Diagram 2.2 How would you determine whether metal M or metal N is higher in the reactivity series? [3 marks]


3. Diagram 3 shows the conversation between a teacher and her students.


Diagram 2 Based on the situation, plan a laboratory experiment to study the action of heat on nitrate salts. Your planning should include the following aspects: (a) Problem statement (b) All the variables (c) Statement of the hypothesis (d) List of materials and apparatus (e) Procedure for the experiment

(f) Tabulation of data [17 marks]



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[4551/1] [4551/2] [4551/3]

P1 2008 2009 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 2010 2011 2012 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 O A B Q1 Q2 O A B Q1 Q2 O A B Q1 Q2 O A B Q1 Q2 O A B Q1 Q2

1. Introduction to Biology 2. Cell Struc. and Cell Org. 3. Movement of Sbst acr Pl. Mbr F O 4. Chemical Comp. of the Cell R M 5. Cell Division 4 6. Nutrition 7. Respiration 8. Dynamic Ecosystem 9. Endangered Ecosystem No. of question for Form 4 10. Transport 11. Locomotion F and Support O 12. Coordination R and Response M 13. Reproduction 5 & Growth 14. Inheritance 15. Variation No. of question for Form 5 TOTAL

2 1 3 3 2 1 8 1 3 3 3 1 1 1

2 0.5 1 5 0.5 3 2 7 1 1 6 1 3 4 1

4 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 0.5 6 1 5 1 5 2 1

4 1 4 1 3 3 5 0.5 0.5 3 0.5 1 4 3 0.5 1 1

4 1 3 1 4 3 1 4 1 4 1 6 1 3 1

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27 2 3 1 1 32 2 2 1 1 28 3.5 2 1 1 29 3 2 1 0 31 4 2 1 0 5 5 4 1 5 1 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 5 5 1.5 1 1 1 0.5 1 3 1 1 4 8 3 3 0.5 1 1 3 5 1 4 1 3 5 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 4 4 3 2 3 1 3 1 1 1

23 3 1 0 0 18 3 2 0 0 22 1.5 2 0 0 21 2 2 0 1 19 1 2 0 1 50 5 4 1 1 50 5 4 1 1 50 5 4 1 1 50 5 4 1 1 50 5 4 1 1




Paper 1

5. Which of the following onion cells were immersed in a hypotonic solution?

1. Diagram 1 shows the structures of a cell in a Hydrilla sp.

Which of the structures on Diagram 1 are not found in a cheek cell? A Q and R C R and S B Q and S D R and T

2. The following statements are about an organelle of a cell. - Exist freely in the cytoplasm or attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum - Site of the protein synthesis. What is the organelle? A Vacuole B Nucleus C Ribosome D Golgi body

3. Diagram 2 shows the structure of a cell organelle. Which cell does not possess this organelle?

Which point A, B, C or D, shows the concentration of the cell sap of the potatoes?

7. Diagram 5 shows the movement of molecule X across the plasma membrane through process Y.

Diagram 2 A Guard cell B Spongy mesophyll cell C Epidermal cell D Palisade mesophyll cell

4. Diagram 3 shows the appearance of a cell after being immersed in a particular solution. What is process Y? A Osmosis B Simple diffusion

Diagram 5 C Active transport D Facilitated diffusion

8. Diagram 6 shows the mechanism of an enzyme reaction. Diagram 3 Which of the following is the cell undergoing? A Crenation C Haemolysis B Plasmolysis D Deplasmolysis

What is M? A An enzyme C The substrate B The product D The enzyme-substrate complex

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6. An experiment was conducted to determine the concentration of the cell sap of potatoes. The results obtained were plotted on a graph shown in Diagram 4.



13. Diagram 10 shows part of the human digestive system.

9. Diagram 7 shows the phospholipid bilayer in a plasma membrane.

Diagram 7 Identify the hydrophobic and hydrophilic layers. Diagram 10 Which of the following menu is suitable for a patient whose organ P is dysfunctional? A B C D Fried fish and steamed rice Steamed fish and steamed rice Steamed chicken and fried rice Fried chicken and steamed rice

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10. Diagram 8 shows the molecular structure of three classes of food.

14. The following data is the result of an experiment to determine the energy value of a cashew nut.

Diagram 8 Which food classes do P, Q and R belong to?

The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 J g-1 C-1 . Calculate the energy value of the cashew nut. A 1680 J g-1 B 3360 J g-1 C 7560 J g-1 D 11 760 J g-1

15. The table below shows an experiment to determine the content of vitamin C in orange juice.

11. Diagram 9 below shows a phase of mitosis taking place in the nucleus of an animal cell.

What is the concentration of vitamin C in orange juice? A 0.02 mg/cm3 C 0.5 mg/cm3 3 B 0.2 mg/cm D 5.0 mg/cm3

16. Diagram 11 shows the structure of a chloroplast seen under an electron microscope.

Diagram 9 What is the phase? A. Prophase B. Metaphase C. Anaphase D. Telophase Diagram 11 Which of the following processes occurs in P? A B C D Production of starch Production of glucose Reduction of carbon dioxide by hydrogen Dissociation of water molecule by sunlight

12. Which of the following diagrams is a stage in meiosis?


17. Which of the following is true about the enzyme and its function? A B C D Enzyme Pepsin Rennin Trypsin Erepsin Function Emulsifies milk Curdles milk Digests fat Hydrolyses fat 22. The following information is about a habitat.


18. The following information shows the results of an experiment to determine the oxygen and carbon dioxide content in inhaled air using J-tube.

Which of the following is the most suitable method to use to estimate the population of Pleurococcus in the habitat? A Quadrat of size 1 m 1m C Quadrat of size 10cm 10cm B Quadrat of size 5m 5m D Line transect

23. The following information is related to a process occurring in an ecosystem.

The percentage of carbon dioxide content in the inhaled air is A 4.0 % B 14.0 % C 11.4 % D 21.0 %

The process is A colonisation B competition

C succession D evolution

19. Diagram 12 shows an experiment of yeast respiration.

24. The table below shows the results of an experiment to study the population of garden snails in Muthus vegetable farm.

Diagram 12 Which of the following mixtures can increase the rate of respiration of yeast? A 1 g of yeast and 20 ml of 5% glucose solution B 1 g of yeast and 20 ml of 7% glucose solution C 1 g of yeast and 20 ml of 10% glucose solution D 1 g of yeast and 20 ml of 15% glucose solution

What is the approximate population of the snails in the farm? A 140 C 330 B 240 D 520

25. Which term refers to a group of organisms of the same species living in the same habitat? A Niche C Community B Ecosystem D Population 26. The table below shows the result of an experiment to compare the qualities of water from areas, X and Y.

20. The following equation shows Glucose +oxygen carbon dioxide + water + ATP A condensation of glucose B hydrolysis of glucose C anaerobic respiration D aerobic respiration Which of the following statements explain the result of the experiment? I Water sample from area X is more polluted than area Y II Water sample from area X has a lower BOD value than area Y III Water sample from area X has less microorganisms than area Y IV Water sample with a higher BOD value causes slow decolourisation of methylene blue A I and III only B II and III only C II and IV only D III and IV only

21. Diagram 13 shows a crab with barnacles on its shell.

Diagram 13 What is the interaction between the crab and the barnacles? A Parasitism C Saprophytism B Mutualism D Commensalism

27. Which of the following organs is not part of the excretory system in the human body? A B C D

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28. Diagram 14 shows a cross section of the heart and its associated blood vessels. 32. Diagram 17 shows a potometer used to study the effect of light intensity on the rate of transpiration of a plant.

Diagram 14 Which of the following A, B, C and D is the pulmonary vein? Diagram 17 When the potometer is under the shade, the reading of the air bubble is at 4.5 cm after 10 minutes. If the experiment is repeated by putting the potometer in the sun, what is the expected reading of the air bubble after 10 minutes? A 3.5 cm B 4.0 cm C 4.5 cm D 5.5 cm

29. Diagram 15 shows a cross section of a part of a dicotyledonous plant. Which labelled part functions to transport the products of photosynthesis?

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Diagram 15

33. P, Q, R and S in Diagram 18 are vertebrae found along the spine.

30. Diagram 16 shows a blood circulatory system. What type of the blood circulatory system is this? Diagram 16 A Open circulatory system B Double circulatory system C Single, closed and complete circulatory system D Single, closed and incomplete circulatory system P Q Diagram 18 R S

Which of the following shows the correct arrangement of the vertebrae in the spine? A R, S, P, Q C Q, R, S, P B P, Q, R, S D S, P, R, Q

34. The plant in the diagram 19 is an aquatic plant. Which of the parts help the plant to float?

31. The role of P is

A B C D Diagram 19 35. Diagram 20 shows human elbow joint. Which of the parts labelled A, B, C and D is strong and inelastic? A B

A to absorbs fatty acid and glycerol. B to produce antibodies to destroy bacteria C to destroy red blood cells of more than 120 days D to ensures the flow of lymphatic fluids in one direction only Diagram Diagram 20 20


36. Diagram 21 shows the structure of the human fore-limb. What happened to the parts labelled R, S, T and U to enable the arm to be in the position as shown in the diagram? 41. Diagram 24 shows the female reproductive system?


R U S Which of the parts labeled A, B, C or D is the place where fertilisation occurs?

37. Diagram 22 shows a synapse at the nerve ending of a neuron. What is substance P? Mitochondrion Vesicle Synaptic bulb Substance P Diagram 22 A Dopamine C Adrenaline B Oxytosin D Prolactin

43. Which of the following is not true about the formation of identical twins and fraternal twins? Identical twins A B C D Produced from a single a sperm cell which fertilised one ovum Produce two different zygotes Share the same placenta Produce two identical individuals Fraternal twins Produced from two sperm cells which fertilised two different ovums Produce two similar zygotes Have two separate placentas Produce two different individuals

38. Diagram 23 shows four coleoptiles, Q, R, S and T that are exposed to light from one direction. After three days, which coleoptile will move towards the right?

44. Which of the following sequences about the formation of sperm is true? A Spermatogonium spermatid spermatocyte sperm B Spermatocyte spermatogonium spermatid sperm. C Spermatid spermatocyte spermatogonium sperm D Spermatogonium spermatocyte spermatid sperm. 45. Diagram 25 shows a cross section of a pistil of a flowering plant.

A P only B R only

Diagram 23 C Q and S D Q, R and S

39. Which of the following hormones in the blood increases immediately after absorption of digested food by the villus? A insulin C glucagons B estrogen D antidiuretic hormone 40. The growth hormone that is used to speed up the ripening of fruits for export is A auxin C cytokinin B ethylene D giberellin

Diagram 25 Which of the structures labelled A, B, C or D, is a female gamete?

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T Diagram 21

42. Which of the following sequence is the development of the human zygote? A Zygote morula blastocyst embryo B Zygote blastocyst morula embryo C Zygote morula foetus embryo D Zygote embryo foetus blastocyst



48. A normal couple gives birth to a Down Syndrome child. Which statement explains the situation? A Chromosome number 21 is not separate. B Segregation of alleles are not complete. C Recombination of chromosomes does not occur D Fusion of gamete is not at random 49. Which of the following characteristics show continuous variation?

46. Diagram 26 shows a pair of homologous chromosomes. T and t represent

Diagram 26 A alleles B genotypes C phenotype D linked genes

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47. Diagram 27 shows the karyotype of an individual who suffers from a disability due to a genetic disease. The genetic disease suffered by the individual is

50. The following is information about two individuals, P and Q.

Diagram 27 A Haemophilia B Down Syndrome C Turner Syndrome D Klinefelter Syndrome

Which factor causes the differences in traits for the two individuals? A Genetic C Mutation B Environment D Hormone





Paper 2
SECTION A [60 marks] Answer All Questions In This Section.


1. Diagram 1 shows the cross section of a leaf.

Diagram 1 (a) (i) Name the structure labeled Q. _______________________________________________________________ [1mark]

(ii) State two tissues that form the structure named in (a)(i). 1. _____________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

In different habitats, plants have different distribution of stomata and chloroplasts.

(b) Explain how the structure labeled P in Diagram 1 is adapted for optimal photosynthesis. _____________________________________________________________________

(c) Explain how the above statement enables the following plants to carry out photosynthesis at an optimum rate. i) Aquatic plants

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

ii) Desert plants _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

[2 marks]

d) Explain the importance of green plants to living organisms. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

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2. Diagram 2 illustrates an enzyme-catalyzed reaction according to a hypothesis.

Stage 1

Stage 2 Diagram 2

Stage 3


_____________________________________________________________________ [1mark]

Name the hypothesis.

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b) Name stage 2. _____________________________________________________________________ [1mark] c) What is formed at stage 3? _____________________________________________________________________ [1mark] d) State three characteristics of enzymes that can be observed based on diagram 2. _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

e) The diagram below shows a shirt stained with oil. A branded washing machine is provided with temperature regulator.

i) A housewife uses some detergent containing enzyme to wash the shirt at 35oC. By using the information given, explain why? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ii) Suggest one way to increase the effectiveness of the detergent. Explain how it reacts? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

[2 marks] [2 marks]

iii) Name the enzyme that can be found in the detergent. _______________________________________________________________ [1mark] iv) Suggest an enzyme which can be used to remove starch stains from clothes. _______________________________________________________________ [1mark]


3. Diagram 3.1 shows a section through the human heart.



Diagram 3.1

[2 marks] [1 mark]

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(ii) In Diagram 3.1, shade the cavity of the ventricle which contains oxygenated blood. (b) Explain why the wall around the chamber Q is much thicker than that around chamber R? _____________________________________________________________________

(c) (i) In Diagram 3.1, label the bicuspid valve with letter T. [1 mark] (ii) Explain the function of bicuspid valve. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] Diagram 3.2 shows a part of the circulatory system in human. From the heart To the heart

X W Blood capillaries Diagram 3.2 d) What happen to the blood pressure as the blood flows from W towards X? _____________________________________________________________________ [1mark] e) Explain how muscles at X prevent the backflow of blood. _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

f) Our normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. Explain what the figure represents. _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

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(a) (i) Name the parts labelled P and S. P : _______________________________________________________________ S : _______________________________________________________________



4. Diagram 4.1 shows gland X and organ Y which are involved in osmoregulation in human. Gland X

Organ Y

Diagram 4.1

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(a) Name gland X and organ Y. Gland X : ____________________________________________________________________ Organ Y : ____________________________________________________________________ Diagram 4.2 shows an excretory unit and its associated blood vessels found in organ Y. P Q R

[2 marks]

Collecting duct

Diagram 4.2 (b) Explain the process which causes the movement of some of the blood components from P into Q. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (c) Explain the difference in the solute concentration of the filtrate in R and Q. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (d) The contents of urine which passes through the collecting duct are influenced by various factors. Describe how gland X is involved in the formation of urine in the body of an athlete running a 10km race. _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

In a normal healthy person, the concentration of urea in renal artery is higher than in renal vein.

(e) State the changes in urea concentration in the renal vein after eating meat. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (f) Explain the importance of osmoregulation in human. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]


5. Diagram 5 shows a type of variation.


Diagram 5 (a) (i) Name the type of variation shown in diagram 5. _______________________________________________________________ (ii) State the factor that causes the above variation. _______________________________________________________________ (iii) State how the factor in (a) (ii) causes variation. _______________________________________________________________ (b) State two traits which show the same type of variation as in (a)(i). Trait 1 : ________________________________________________________________ Trait 2 : ________________________________________________________________ (c) (i) Height is a type of variation. [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark]

[2 marks]

Explain the differences between the type of variation shown by a(i) and height. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (ii) Name two other examples which is of the same type of variation as height. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (d) Explain how variation can ensure the survival of a species. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

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Section B [40 marks] Answer any two questions.

6. Diagram 6.1 shows a respiratory structure of an insect.

Tracheol Body cells

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Diagram 6.1 (a) (i) Explain the gaseous exchange between tracheole and body cell. [4 marks]

(ii) Chitin is a polysaccharide on the outer surface of structure P. Due to the change in the environment, the insect is unable to form the polysaccharide. Explain how the absence of chitin affects inhalation and the energy production.

(b) Diagram 6.2 shows the rate of oxygen intake before, during and after a vigorous exercise of an athlete. Oxygen intake (litre/min)

[6 marks]

Diagram 6.2 (i) Based on the graph, compare the respiration before and during the vigorous exercise. (ii) Explain how the oxygen intake by the athlete returns to the normal level at the 25th minute. [8 marks]

[2 marks]



7 (a) Diagram 7 shows the development of a follicle in the female ovary, thickening of uterine endometrium and the hormones involved.

Diagram 7 Explain the relationship between development of the follicle, changing of the respective hormonal level in the blood and the thickening of the uterine endometrium in a female. [10 marks]

b) The fallopian tubes of a married woman are blocked, making it impossible for her to conceive through the natural process. She and her husband insist to have their own child. Explain one modern technique that can be used by the childless couple to conceive. Justify your choice. [10 marks]

8 (a) Encik Saiful with blood group A married Puan Zalina with blood group B and they have 4 children. Of their 4 children, 3 of them have blood group O and one with blood group AB. Explain why there is a variation in blood groups of the offsprings.

[10 marks]

(b) Genetic engineering is widely used in the field of agriculture and medicine. Justify the impact of genetic engineering on humans and the environment.

[10 marks]

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Biodiversity is the variety of plants, animals and microorganisms living on Earth. These organisms live in different ecosystems and are important to our lives.

9. (a) (i) Based on the above statement, discuss the importance of biodiversity.

[4 marks]

(ii) Diagram 9 shows an ecosystem in Malaysia.

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Diagram 9 Discuss the importance of the ecosystem shown in diagram 9 to the environment and economy of Malaysia. [6 marks]


Biotechnology is the application of organisms or microorganisms or their biological processes in the production of materials for use in medicine and industry.
Discuss the uses of microorganisms in (i) the waste treatment process.

(ii) food processing

[10 marks]





Paper 3
Answer all questions.


1. A group of students carried out an investigation to check the water pollution level of Sungai Zarina near their small town, Kampung Zarina.

Four water samples are obtained from four different sources of water along Sungai Zarina: near an oil palm factory, at the river mouth, at Kampung Zarina near a park. The volume of each water sample is 100 ml. The water samples are collected in reagent bottles and covered immediately. A syringe is used to place 1 ml of 0.1% methylene blue solution at the bottom of each water sample. The bottle are immediately closed and placed in a dark cupboard. The time taken for the methylene blue solution in each sample to decolourise is shown in Table 1.

Syringe Reagent bottle 1 ml of 0.1% methylene blue Bottle stopper 100 ml Water sample Table 1

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Table 1 (a) Record the time taken for the methylene blue solution to decolourise in the boxes provided in Table 1. [3 marks]


(b) (i) State two different observations made from Table 1.


Observation 1: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Observation 2: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks] (ii) State the inferences from the observation in 1(b)(i).

Inference from observation 2: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ [3 marks] (c) Complete Table 2 based on this experiment.

Table 2

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Inference from observation 1: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________



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Table 2 [3 marks]

(d) State the hypothesis for this experiment. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks] (e) (i) Construct a table and record all the data collected in the experiment. Your table should have the following titles: Water sample Time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise BOD level according to high, medium, low and very low.

[3 marks]

(ii) Use a graph paper to answer this question. Using the data in 1(e)(i),draw a bar chart to show the relationship between the water sample and time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise. [3 marks]


(f) Based on the bar chart in 1(e)(ii), explain the relationship between the level of pollution in the water samples and the time taken for methylene blue to decolourise.


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks] (g) The experiment is repeated on a water sample taken upstream. Predict the time taken for the decolourisation of methylene blue solution. Explain your prediction.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks] (i) Diagram 1 shows some of the materials and apparatus used in this experiment. Classify all the materials and apparatus labeled in Diagram 1 into Table 3.

Table 3 [3 marks]

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_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks] (h) State the operational definition for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD).



2. Ah Meng has an orchard. He plants watermelons and pineapples in his orchard. He is curious to know the content of vitamin C in the watermelons and pineapples that he has planted.

Based on the statement above, design a laboratory experiment to determine the content of vitamin C in watermelon and pineapple. The planning of your experimental must include the following aspects:

Problem statement Hypothesis Variables List of apparatus and materials Experimental procedures or methods Presentation of data [17 marks]

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[3756/1] [3756/2]

Prinsip Perakaunan

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Prinsip Akaun

Kertas 1

8 Berdasarkan keratan cek dalam Rajah 1 di bawah, berapakah jumlah bayaran gaji yang dibuat kepada Encik Razikin pada 31 Mac 2013?

1 Di antara berikut yang manakah bukan ciri-ciri kod etika akauntan profesional? A Keutuhan B Kerahsiaan C Kebolehpercayaan D Urus Tadbir yang Baik 2 Antara berikut, pernyataan manakah yang salah? A Keuntungan koperasi diagihkan dalam bentuk bonus B Keuntungan milikan tunggal diperoleh oleh pemilik sendiri C Keuntungan syarikat berhad diagihkan dalam bentuk dividen dan bonus D Keuntungan perkongsian diagihkan menurut Ikatan Perjanjian Perkongsian

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3 Pengguna luaran penyata kewangan adalah seperti berikut kecuali A Pemiutang B Pihak bank C Pemegang saham D Pihak pengurusan 4 Pasangan manakah yang betul bagi akaun kontra dan akaun induk A B C D 5 Akaun Kontra Akaun Ambilan Akaun Diskaun diberi Akaun Pulangan masuk Akaun Peruntukan Hutang Ragu Akaun Induk Akaun Modal Akaun Penghutang Akaun Belian Akaun Jualan A. B. C. D. RM 500 RM 600 RM1 400 RM2 000

Keratan Cek RAJAH 1

9 Makluman debit dihantar oleh pihak bank kepada pelanggan atas sebab-sebab berikut kecuali A B C D Pindahan kredit Perintah sedia ada Pengeluaran buku cek Caj terhadap cek tak laku

Antara berikut butiran manakah merupakan liabiliti semasa? A Komisen diterima terdahulu B Belanja iklan terdahulu C Stok alat tulis D Gadai janji

6 Barang niaga bernilai RM400 dijual RM568 secara kredit Apakah kesan urus niaga ini ke atas persamaan perakaunan? Stok Berkurang RM400 Berkurang RM568 Bertambah RM400 Bertambah RM568 Penghutang Bertambah RM568 Bertambah RM400 Bertambah RM568 Bertambah RM400 Untung bersih Bertambah RM168 Berkurang RM168 Bertambah RM168 Bertambah RM168


RAJAH 2 10 Berdasarkan Jurnal Pulangan Jualan di atas, apakah butiran yang mungkin diisikan pada ruangan X? A Pelbagai penghutang B Akaun Pulangan Jualan C Jumlah Pulangan Jualan D Jumlah Jurnal Pulangan jualan 11 Nota debit salinan hendaklah direkodkan ke dalam A Jurnal Jualan B Jurnal Belian C Jurnal Pulangan Belian D Jurnal Pulangan Jualan

7 Dokumen-dokumen yang terlibat untuk kerja-kerja perekodan dalam buku perakaunan ialah I Memo II Sebut harga III Nota serahan IV Slip Pindahan Wang A I dan II B I dan IV C II dan IV D III dan IV


12 Antara urus niaga berikut, yang manakah tidak direkodkan dalam buku tunai I Pembayaran bil telefon dengan cek II Menghantar invois kepada pelanggan III Ambilan tunai untuk kegunaan persendirian IV Membawa masuk komputer bimbit peribadi untuk kegunaan perniaagaan A B C D I dan III I dan IV II dan IV III dan IV 16 Yang manakah antara berikut direkod sebagai hasil dalam Penyata Pendapatan? I Pengurangan peruntukan hutang ragu II Penambahan peruntukan hutang ragu III Faedah simpanan tetap IV Hutang lapuk terpulih A B C D I, II dan III I, II dan IV I, III dan IV II, III dan IV


13 Butiran manakah yang terdapat di sebelah debit akaun kawalan pemiutang? A B C D Belian Kontra Diskaun diberi Pulangan masuk

17 Akaun manakah antara berikut mempunyai baki kredit dalam imbangan duga A B C D Ambilan Pulangan belian Pulangan jualan Angkutan keluar

14 Catatan lejar yang betul bagi pembayaran balik jumlah tunai runcit yang telah dibelanjakan adalah Debit Kredit A Bank Tunai Runcit B Tunai Bank C Tunai Runcit Akauntan D Tunai Runcit Bank RAJAH 3 15 Berikut merupakan penyata pendapatan bagi tahun berakhir 30 Jun 2013 Penyata Pendapatan bagi tahun berakhir 30 Jun 2013

18 Tempoh perakaunan bagi perniagaan runcit Syauqi Enterprise bermula 1 Jun hingga 31 Mei. Sewa bulanan ialah RM300. Sehingga akhir tempoh perakaunan, perniagaan ini telah membayar sewa sebanyak RM 4 200. Berapakah jumlah sewa yang terdahulu? A B C D RM300 RM600 RM3 600 RM4 200

19 Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah tidak benar tentang peruntukan hutang ragu? A Suatu anggaran hutang yang tidak dapat dikutip B Suatu kerugian dan dikelaskan sebagai belanja C Suatu keuntungan dan dikelaskan sebagai hasil D Hutang yang pasti tidak dapat dikutip 20 Butiran berikut diambil daripada buku Syarikat Zarul pada 30 Jun 2013.

Bagi tahun berakhir 30 Jun 2013, kenderaan ini disusutnilaikan dengan kadar 10% setahun mengikut kaedah baki berkurangan. Hitungkan susutnilai kenderaan bagi tahun berakhir 30 Jun 2013. A B C D RAJAH 4 Butir yang patut dicatatkan di tempat X dan Y ialah A B C D X Diskaun diberi Diskaun diberi Diskaun diterima Diskaun diterima Y Upah atas belian Angkutan masuk Angkutan keluar Insurans atas belian RM2 680 RM3 900 RM5 120 RM10 480

21. Pada 1 Januari 2012, sebuah mesin dibeli dengan harga RM10,000. Kadar susutnilai ialah 15% setahun atas kos. Mesin itu dijual pada 31 Disember 2012 dengan harga RM8 000. Pilih pernyataan yang betul. A B C D Rugi daripada pelupusan sebanyak RM500. Rugi daripada pelupusan sebanyak RM1 500. Untung daripada pelupusan sebanyak RM500. Untung daripada pelupusan sebanyak RM1 500.

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27 Item manakah yang tidak terdapat di bahagian pembayaran slip gaji? A B C. D. Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) caruman pekerja Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) caruman majikan Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (PEKESO) caruman pekerja Potongan Cukai Berjadual Debit A B C D Akaun Untung Rugi Akaun Penghutang Akaun Hutang Lapuk Pulih Akaun Hutang Lapuk Pulih Kredit Akaun Hutang Lapuk Pulih Akaun Hutang Lapuk Pulih Akaun Penghutang Akaun Tunai

22 Catatan Hutang Lapuk Pulih akan direkodkan seperti berikut:

23 Diberi maklumat seperti berikut:

28 Catatan jurnal am bagi merekod pembayaran potonganpotongan kepada pihak-pihak tertentu ialah Debit A B C D Gaji Gaji Bank Yuran Koperasi Kredit Yuran Koperasi Bank Yuran Koperasi Bank

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Hitungkan harga pelupusan kenderaan. A B C D RM 30 000 RM 31 000 RM 29 000 RM 44 000

29 Antara berikut, yang manakah bukan kesan kemasukan rakan kongsi baru A B C D Aset dan liabiliti perlu dinilai semula Mengubah kedudukan aset dan liabiliti Ikatan perjanjian perkongsian tidak perlu dibuat semula Hak dan tanggungjawab pekongsi diperuntukkan semula

24 Kehilangan tunai bukan disebabkan perkara berikut: A Kecurian B Penipuan C Penyelewengan D Kebolehpercayaan

30 Pembubaran perkongsian disebabkan perkara-perkara berikut kecuali A B C D Arahan mahkamah Perkongsian ditukarkan ke koperasi Tamat tempoh perjanjian perkongsian Ketidak mampuan membayar hutang perniagaan

25 Maklumat berikut diperoleh daripada buku perniagaan En. Tan pada bulan Julai 2013

31 Akaun Modal pekongsi berbaki debit atas sebab-sebab berikut kecuali A B C D Hitungkan baki kredit di Penyata Bank pada bulan Julai 2013? A B C D RM1 520 RM1 535 RM1 715 RM1 750 Modal yang disumbangkan rendah Ambilan yang dibuat terlalu sedikit Rugi realisasi melebihi baki kreditnya Nilai aset yang diambil alih terlalu tinggi

32 Pekongsi meminjamkan RM10 000 kepada perkongsian dengan kadar faedah 6% setahun. Faedah atas pinjaman yang telah dibayar oleh perkongsian adalah RM400. Catatan untuk faedah atas pinjaman ialah

26 Kesan varian manakah memberikan gambaran yang benar Item Kesan Varian Penerimaan dalam belanjawan melebihi A Memuaskan penerimaan sebenar Pembayaran sebenar melebihi B Memuaskan pembayaran dalam belanjawan Baki akhir dalam belanjawan melebihi C Memuaskan baki akhir sebenar Lebihan sebenar melebihi lebihan dalam D Memuaskan belanjawan


Pilih pernyataan yang benar tentang dividen interim I Dividen sementara II Lazimnya dibayar setahun sekali III Dibayar setelah keuntungan syarikat diketahui IV Dibayar sebelum keuntungan syarikat diketahui A B C D I dan III I dan IV II dan III II dan IV


34 Butir-butir dalam tatawujud syarikat adalah seperti berikut kecuali A B C C Cara pembayaran dividen Jenis perniagaan yang dijalankan Pernyataan tentang liabiliti pemegang saham Modal berdaftar, bilangan saham dan jenis saham 38 Antara berikut, yang manakah bukan kos overhed kilang A B C D Belanja alat kecil Cukai taksiran kilang Gaji pentadbiran pejabat Gaji pengawal keselamatan


35 Pada 1 Januari 2013, Kelab Rekreasi HNR, mempunyai aset dan liabiliti seperti berikut:

39. Data di bawah dipetik daripada buku Firma ABC bagi tahun berakhir 31 Mac 2013

Hitungkan unit pengeluaran sekiranya firma ingin mendapatkan keuntungan RM14 000.

Berdasarkan maklumat di atas, dana terkumpul Kelab Rekreasi HNR pada 1 Januari 2013 ialah A B C D RM47 650 RM47 350 RM44 350 RM38 350

A 400 unit B 600 unit C 1 000 unit D 2 000 unit 40 Maklumat berikut dipetik daripada buku akaun Perniagaan Awang Bakar Modal awal Modal akhir Untung kasar Untung bersih RM60 000 RM73 800 RM33 000 RM13 800

36. Yang manakah belanja modal bagi sesebuah kelab dan persatuan A B C D Susutnilai aset bukan semasa Belanja pengubahsuaian bangunan pejabat Pembelian barang untuk kegunaan kelab seperti bola tenis Belanja penyelenggaraan dan pembaikan aset bukan semasa

Berdasarkan maklumat di atas, kirakan pulangan atas modal bagi perniagaan ini A 44.72% B 55.00% C 18.70% D 23.00%

Soalan 37 adalah berdasarkan maklumat di bawah.

Diberikan bahawa modal tambahan dalam tahun 2013 berjumlah RM2 500 dan ambilan oleh pemilik ialah RM2,000. Hitungkan untung atau rugi bersih perniagaan itu dalam tempoh tersebut. A B C D RM4 170 (Rugi Bersih) RM4 170 (Untung Bersih) RM3 630 (Rugi Bersih) RM3 630 (Untung Bersih)


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Prinsip Akaun

Kertas 2
Bahagian A (60 markah) Jawab semua soalan


1 (a) Nyatakan satu nama akaun dalam setiap kod item carta akaun berikut:

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(b) Nyatakan akaun yang didebit dan dikreditkan dalam urus niaga berikut:

(2 markah)

Menjual stok barang niaga secara kredit

(c) Maklumat berikut diambil daripada Perniagaan Perabot Misran (2 markah)

Hitung susutnilai skru bagi Perniagaan Perabot Misran

(2 markah)

(d) Kelaskan perkara berikut samada terkandung dalam peruntukan akta perkongsian 1961 ataupun dinyatakan dalam ikatan perjanjian perkongsian

(e) Kelaskan belanja berikut kepada 2 kategori belanja sesebuah kelab dan persatuan

(2 markah)

(2 markah)


2 Imbangan Duga berikut diperolehi daripada buku Perniagaan Siadah pada 31 Ogos 2013


Maklumat tambahan: (i) Penilaian: Stok RM5 000 Alat-alat kecil RM3 500 (ii) Hutang sebanyak RM500 dihapuskan sebagai hutang lapuk: (iii) Peruntukan hutang ragu diselaraskan pada kadar 10% atas baki penghutang (iv) Sewa tahunan ialah RM1 200 (v) Terakru: Gaji RM 200 (vi) Ambilan barang berjumlah RM 200 belum direkod dalam mana-mana buku perniagaan (vii) Polisi susut nilai: Kenderaan : 10% mengikut kaedah garis lurus Lengkapan : 5% mengikut kaedah baki berkurangan Alat-alat kecil : penilaian semula Anda dikehendaki menyediakan : (a) Penyata Pendapatan bagi tahun berakhir 31 Ogos 2013 [15 markah] [10 markah]

(b) Kunci Kira-Kira pada 31 Ogos 2013 (bentuk penyata)

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3 Aset dan liabiliti Kelab Warga Taman Ria pada 1 Januari 2013 adalah seperti berikut: Baki bank Stok kantin Yuran tertunggak Yuran terdahulu Alatan sukan Pemiutang kantin 3 000 1 500 200 300 5 500 4 020

Ringkasan Penerimaan dan Pembayaran Kelab bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2013 adalah seperti berikut:

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Maklumat Tambahan: i. Stok kantin pada 31 Disember bernilai RM1 500 ii. Pemiutang pada 31 Disember RM3 600 iii. Yuran ahli belum diterima RM600 iv. Susutnilai alatan sukan 10% v. Kadar bayaran terakru RM55 vi. Belanja am terdahulu RM100 vi. Insuran dibayar adalah untuk setahun berakhir 1 April 2014 Anda dikehendaki menyediakan: (a) Akaun Kawalan Pemiutang (b) Akaun Yuran keahlian (c) Akaun dagangan kantin bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2013 (d) Penyata Pendapatan dan perbelanjaan bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2013 (3 markah) (3 markah) (4 markah) (8 markah) (7 markah)

(e) Kunci Kira-kira pada 31 Disember 2013


Bahagian B (40 markah) Jawab dua soalan sahaja 4. Baki bank berbeza dengan baki buku tunai seperti berikut: RM Penyata bank 3 480 Buku tunai 3 451 Setelah membandingkan penyata bank dengan buku tunai, Erni telah mengenal pasti perkara berikut: Cek RM100 yang diterima daripada Saleh tidak dilayan oleh pihak bank



(ii) Cek RM900 diterima daripada penghutang belum lagi didepositkan

(v) Akaun bank telah dikreditkan dengan dividen RM200 (vi) Deposit RM300 telah dikreditkan oleh bank tetapi direkod di sebelah kredit buku tunai (vii) Pihak bank telah membayar premium takaful RM300 atas Perintah Sedia Ada (viii) Sekeping cek bernilai RM450 yang dibayar kepada Omar tersilap catat sebagai RM540 dalam buku tunai (ix) Cek bernilai RM400 untuk bayaran sewa belum dikemukakan untuk pembayaran (a) Sediakan Penyata penyesuaian bank pada 31 Mei 2013 tanpa mengemaskini buku tunai (b) Apakah 3 tujuan penyediaan penyata penyesuaian bank (c) Nyatakan 5 sebab cek tak laku (12 markah) (3 markah)

(5 markah)

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(iii) Pihak bank telah mengenakan RM28 untuk faedah atas overdraf (iv) Faedah atas simpanan RM82 dan buku cek RM15 belum direkodkan dalam buku tunai



5 Encik Farid dan Halim ialah pekongsi-pekongsi dalam sebuah perniagaan. Perkongsian Farha dengan nisbah pembahagian untung atau rugi 3:2 Kedudukan kewangan perkongsian Farha tersebut pada 30 September 2013 adalah seperti berikut:-

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Perniagaan Farha telah dibubarkan pada 30 September 2013. Perkara berikut telah dipersetujui semasa pembubaran. Aset yang berikut dijual dengan harga: Lengkapan 11 000 Stok 5 000


(ii) Encik Farid mengambil alih kenderaan pada nilai RM15 000. (iii) Sejumlah RM3 000 berjaya dikutip daripada penghutang (iv) Belanja realisasi sebanyak RM2 000 telah dibayar (v) Pinjaman telah dijelaskan sepenuhnya. (vi) Diskaun sebanyak RM500 diterima daripada pemiutang. Encik Halim bertanggungjawab menjelaskan baki pemiutang. Anda dikehendaki menyediakan: (a) Akaun realisasi (b) Akaun modal pekongsi (8 markah) (8 markah) (4 markah)

(c) Akaun bank



6 (a) Perniagaan Masrif menyimpan buku tunai runcit mengikut sistem panjar dengan peruntukan RM500 sebagai dana runcit pada setiap bulan. Urus niaga yang berikut berlaku sepanjang bulan Jun 2013 2013 Jun 1 4 10 15 17 21 24 29 Terima sekeping cek daripada Akauntan untuk memulakan Buku tunai runcit Fail, kertas karbon dan dakwat pencetak Sampul surat dan setem Tambang teksi Telegram dan pos bungkusan Perabot baru pejabat Belanja membaiki telefon pejabat Pinjaman kepada pekerja 500 100 10 20 75 510 120 150

(i) Sediakan buku tunai runcit sehingga 1 Julai 2013 dengan menunjukkan lajur analisis alat tulis, tambang, pos, belanja am dan pelbagai (8 markah) (ii) Catatan jurnal am untuk - memulakan dana tunai runcit - memulangkan dana tunai runcit (2 markah) (2 markah)

6 (b) Maklumat urus niaga berikut diambil daripada buku Kedai Andong pada bulan Februari 2013 Februari 1 Baki buku tunai Tunai RM250 Bank RM100 (kredit) 2 Menerima tunai daripada Zaini RM1 000 6 Memasukkan tunai RM900 ke dalam bank 10 Membayar Syarikat Lim dengan cek RM400. Diskaun diterima RM40 15 Ambilan tunai RM210 untuk yuran tuisyen anak 20 Mengeluarkan tunai dari bank RM200 untuk kegunaan pejabat (8 markah)

(i) Sediakan buku tunai tiga lajur


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[3755/1] [3755/2]

2008 K1 3 5 2 2 2 3 5 5 2 2 2 1 2 4 40

Tajuk Asas Kepada Perdagangan Unsur Perdagangan Perniagaan Dalam Negeri Perniagaan Antarabangsa Industri Kecil Dan Sederhana Pemilikan Perniagaan Pelaburan Perbankan Insurans Pengangkutan Komunikasi Pergudangan Promosi Peranan Kerajaan 14 Dalam Perniagaan 15 Konsumerisme Jumlah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 K1 - bilangan soalan K2 - no soalan

K2 1 1 2 3 3 6 4 4 6 5 6 5 6 5

2009 K1 5 2 3 1 2 4 2 3 7 2 1 3 2 2 4 40

K2 1 2 3 3 3 6 4 6 4 5 5 5 6

2010 K1 6 1 6 5 3 2 1 1 5 1 2 2 2 2 1 40

K2 1 2 2 3,6 6 3 3 4 4,6 4 4 5,6 5 5 5

2011 K1

8 5 3
3 3

1 3 3 2 1 2 3 4 2 40

K2 1 1 2 2 3 3,6 3 6 4,6 4 6 4 5 5 5

2012 K1 6 1 7 2 1 4 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 40

K2 1 2 2,6 3 3,6 3 4,6 4,6 4 5 5 6 5

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Kertas 1

Apakah kelebihan pengkhususan kepada seorang pekerja? I Meningkatkan kemahiran II Meningkatkan produktiviti III Mewujudkan minat bekerja IV Melahirkan sifat kreatif A B C D I dan II II dan III II dan IV I dan IV

1 Pernyataan yang manakah benar mengenai keperluan? A B C D Diperlukan oleh manusia untuk terus hidup Berbeza-beza mengikut taraf hidup Keinginan manusia untuk hidup selesa Sesuatu yang dipelajari daripada pengalaman hidup

2 Pernyataan manakah yang menerangkan keperluan fisiologi dalam Hierarki Keperluan Maslow? A B C D Puan Nora memberikan hadiah sempena hari lahir anak perempuannya Encik Lee memenangi pertandingan golf untuk kali yang ketiga Puan Heng menyediakan sarapan untuk anaknya setiap pagi Encik Aru membawa ahli keluarganya bercuti ke Port Dickson

8 Apakah syarat yang membolehkan berlakunya sistem barter?

3 Apakah maksud pengeluaran langsung? A B C D Manusia memenuhi keperluan dan kehendak melalui bantuan orang lain Manusia menjalankan pengeluaran dijalankan secara pengkhususan Pengeluaran yang dijalankan untuk memenuhi keperluan sendiri Pengeluaran yang dijalankan secara besar-besaran

9 Pernyataan manakah merupakan fungsi peruncit dalam saluran agihan? A Lokasi kedai berhampiran dengan pemborong B Membiayai pemborong dengan membayar tunai C Membeli pelbagai jenis barang dari banyak pemborong D Menyediakan pengangkutan sendiri untuk mengangkut barang

4 Apakah nilai faedah yang terlibat dalam proses pengeluaran berikut?

10 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan ciri perniagaan runcit besarbesaran. Ditubuhkan oleh pengilang untuk memasarkan keluaran Mempunyai lebih daripada 10 cawangan di seluruh negara Pentadbiran dikawal oleh ibu pejabat


Nilai faedah masa Nilai faedah bentuk Nilai faedah milikan Nilai faedah tempat

5 Rajah berikut menunjukkan cabang pengeluaran.

Apakah jenis perniagaan runcit di atas? A Kedai sejaras B Pasar raya besar C Koperasi runcit D Gedung aneka jabatan 11 Maklumat berikut berkaitan sejenis kaedah jualan. Pelanggan membeli barang dan membayar secara ansuran Barang menjadi milik pembeli apabila bayaran pertama dibuat Sesuai untuk barang yang rendah nilai jualannya

Apakah aktiviti yang mewakili X? A B C D Melombong bijih timah Membina bangunan Memproses makanan Menggunting rambut

Apakah kaedah jualan tersebut? Jualan tunai Bayaran tertunda Jualan prabayar Sewa beli

Pernyataan yang manakah menerangkan ciri seorang usahawan? I Menyumbangkan idea yang kreatif II Mementingkan keuntungan perniagaan III Mementingkan khidmat kepada masyarakat IV Mengamalkan pengurusan yang statik I dan II I dan III II dan IV III dan IV



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Terdapat barang yang tidak tahan lama Barang mudah dibawa untuk ditukarkan Terdapat pertemuan kemahuan serentak Wujudnya mata wang sebagai perantara

12 Dokumen berikut berkaitan satu urus niaga.


16 Apakah ciri Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS)? A B C D Mempunyai tenaga pekerja mahir lebih daripada 150 orang Mudah ditubuhkan kerana beroperasi di tempat kediaman Terlibat dalam sektor membuat kenderaan Teknologi pengeluaran IKS berintensifkan mesin

17 Apakah kepentingan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) kepada pembangunan ekonomi negara? I Membantu mengurangkan masalah pengangguran II Membolehkan usahawan mengambil alih syarikat besar III Memberi peluang usahawan kecil mempelajari teknologi baru IV Menggalakkan pelabur asing melabur dan memegang ekuiti dalam IKS A B C D I dan II I dan III II dan III III dan IV

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Berapakah jumlah bersih yang akan dibayar oleh Butik Maju Makmur jika bayaran dibuat pada 22 Februari 2013?

A RM1 040.00 B RM1 019.20 C RM988.00 D RM967.20 13 Apakah faedah yang diperoleh daripada aktiviti perniagaan antarabangsa kepada pengeluar? I Lebih banyak sumber bekalan II Menggalakkan pertukaran pengetahuan dan teknologi III Barang dapat dijual pada harga yang lebih rendah IV Dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup A B C D I dan II II dan III II dan IV I dan IV

18 Apakah kebaikan memulakan perniagaan secara mengambil alih? A B C D Risiko yang dihadapi adalah rendah Mendapat bimbingan daripada pemilik asal Dapat mengurangkan persaingan dalam perniagaan Dapat menguruskan perniagaan mengikut gaya sendiri

19 Pilih pernyataan yang benar mengenai syarikat sendirian berhad. I II III IV Hal ehwal syarikat diumumkan Liabiliti pemegang syer tidak terhad Syer tidak boleh dipindah milik dengan mudah Bilangan pemegang syer terdiri daripada 2 50 orang I dan II II dan III I dan IV III dan IV

14 Antara berikut yang manakah merupakan eksport nyata? A B C D Pelajar Malaysia melanjutkan pelajaran di United Kingdom Pelancong Australia datang ke Malaysia untuk bercuti Malaysia menjual barang elektrik ke Hong Kong Pelancong Malaysia menaiki penerbangan Singapore Airlines


20 Mengapakah peniaga perlu bijak menguruskan stok? A B C D Supaya barang cepat habis dijual Modal tidak terikat dalam bentuk stok Mendapat diskaun niaga daripada pembekal Stok gerak cepat tidak melebihi stok gerak perlahan

15 Seorang saudagar import menerima inden tertutup daripada pengimport kasut. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan inden tertutup? A B C D Saudagar import perlu membeli jenama kasut seperti yang dinyatakan dalam inden Saudagar import boleh membeli kasut daripada mana-mana pengeluar Saudagar import boleh menentukan jenama kasut yang sesuai Saudagar import perlu membeli kasut secara kredit sahaja

21 Antara berikut, yang manakah benar mengenai bentuk pelaburan, risiko dan pulangan? Pelaburan A B C D Simpanan tetap Hartanah Saham Unit Amanah Risiko Rendah Rendah Tinggi Tinggi Pulangan Rendah Tinggi Rendah Tinggi


22 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan ciri sejenis syer keutamaan. Syer yang dibayar pada satu kadar dividen yang tetap dan dividen tambahan selepas pembayaran dividen kepada pemegang syer biasa Apakah jenis syer keutamaan di atas? A B C D Syer keutamaan kumulatif Syer keutamaan boleh tebus Syer keutamaan penyertaan Syer keutamaan boleh tukar 28 Apakah peranan insurans kepada peniaga? A B C D Mengelakkan kerugian akibat bencana alam Dapat menumpukan perhatian untuk memajukan perniagaan Mendapat keuntungan jika risiko yang diinsuranskan berlaku Merupakan satu cara menabung yang berkesan


29 Situasi berikut berkaitan dengan satu tuntutan ganti rugi. Encik Ramzan telah membeli insurans kesihatan untuk melindungi dirinya. Semasa mengisi borang cadangan, beliau tidak menyatakan bahawa beliau mempunyai masalah jantung. Apabila beliau dimasukkan ke dalam wad kerana sakit jantung, syarikat insurans tidak membayar sebarang ganti rugi. Apakah prinsip yang digunakan oleh syarikat insurans untuk menolak tuntutan Encik Ramzan? A Sumbangan B Kepentingan boleh insurans C Doktrin sebab hampiran D Penuh percaya mutlak

23 Apakah tugas utama Bank Negara Malaysia? A B C D Mengawal dan melaksanakan dasar kerajaan Mengawal dan melaksanakan dasar kewangan negara Mengawal dan melaksanakan dasar pembangunan negara Mengawal dan melaksanakan dasar bank-bank perdagangan

24 Dalam sistem perbankan Islam, simpanan wang atau harta pelanggan di bank merupakan suatu amanah. Apakah prinsip yang diamalkan? A Al-Mudharabah B Al-Musyarakah C Al-Wadiah D Al-Rahnu 25 Apakah faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh pihak bank untuk meluluskan permohonan pinjaman perniagaan? A B C D Lokasi perniagaan yang dijalankan Kedudukan kewangan peniaga Jenis perniagaan yang dijalankan Sasaran pasaran peniaga

30 Apakah peranan pengangkutan? A B C D Menggalakkan pengeluaran besar-besaran Mempengaruhi pengguna untuk membeli sesuatu produk Membolehkan peniaga berhubung antara satu sama lain Memudahkan kawalan dan pentadbiran perniagaan

31 Apakah kelebihan menggunakan saluran paip? A B C D Kos pemasangan yang murah Tidak memerlukan penyelenggaraan Risiko kerosakan dan kecurian dapat dielakkan Dapat mengangkut pelbagai jenis barang

26 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan perkhidmatan institusi kewangan. Membeli invois atau akaun belum terima daripada penjual serta mengutip bayaran daripada pembeli Mendahulukan wang tunai pada jumlah tertentu daripada nilai bil hutang kepada penjual

32 Pernyataan yang manakah benar tentang pengkontenaan? I II III IV Sesuai mengangkut muatan dalam kuantiti yang kecil Boleh mengangkut barang sekali gus Kukuh, boleh dikunci dan dipateri Kos modal yang rendah I dan II I dan IV II dan III III dan IV

Apakah institusi kewangan yang menjalankan perkhidmatan di atas? A B C D Syarikat pajakan Syarikat kewangan Syarikat pemfaktoran Syarikat Jaminan Kredit

A B C D 33

27 Mengapakah risiko perubahan cita rasa pelanggan tidak boleh diinsuranskan? I II III IV Kadar premium tidak dapat dikira Kerajaan mengawal cita rasa pelanggan Risiko kerugian dapat ditanggung oleh peniaga Perubahan cita rasa pelanggan tidak dapat dijangka I dan II I dan IV II dan III III dan IV

Mengapakah komunikasi penting dalam perniagaan? I II III IV Memudahkan peniaga menghantar barangan pukal Membolehkan peniaga mendapat maklumat dengan cepat Membantu peniaga mengurangkan kerugian dan kerosakan Menggalakkan pembukaan kawasan baru untuk perniagaan I dan II II dan III III dan IV I dan IV



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37 Puan Siti ingin membuka sebuah pusat tuisyen di Setia Alam. Kumpulan sasaran beliau ialah pelajar sekolah yang akan menduduki peperiksaan UPSR, PMR dan SPM. Apakah media pengiklanan yang sesuai untuk memperkenalkan pusat tuisyen tersebut? I II III IV A B C D Mengedarkan risalah dari rumah ke rumah Menyiarkan iklan dalam surat khabar tempatan Menggantung sepanduk berhampiran kawasan sekolah Menyiarkan maklumat pusat tuisyen di dalam laman web I dan II II dan IV I dan III III dan IV

34 Apakah perkhidmatan yang membolehkan seseorang pelabur mendapatkan maklumat tentang harga saham? A MyBursa B MAYPAC C Telestok D Telefaks

35 Berikut adalah ciri-ciri sebuah gudang.

Menyimpan barang yang dikenakan cukai tetapi cukai belum dijelaskan Peniaga dibenarkan masuk untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja akhir Barang dalam gudang boleh dicagarkan untuk mendapat pinjaman Apakah jenis gudang tersebut? Gudang pengilang Penyetoran sejuk Gudang peruncit Gudang berbon

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38 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan perundangan perniagaan. Akta ini melindungi pengguna daripada peniaga atau pengeluar yang memberi maklumat palsu atau salah tentang sesuatu produk Apakah akta tersebut? A B C D Akta Francais 1998 Akta Kawalan Harga 1946 Akta Jualan Langsung 1993 Akta Perihal Dagangan 1972

36 Rajah berikut berkaitan unsur dalam campuran pemasaran.

Pernyataan manakah yang benar tentang P dan Q?

39 Pernyataan yang manakah benar tentang taraf perintis? A B C D Potongan cukai dua kali untuk promosi eksport barang Pelepasan cukai selama lima tahun bagi syarikat yang berstatus MSC Pengecualian cukai bagi syarikat yang terlibat dalam pengeluaran makanan Pelepasan cukai mengikut peratusan tertentu selama lima tahun

40 Apakah yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh seorang pengguna bijak semasa membeli? I Meneliti kandungan bahan II Memilih jenama yang terkenal III Mengenal pasti tarikh luput barang IV Memilih barang yang murah A B C D I dan II I dan III II dan IV III dan IV





Kertas 2
BAHAGIAN A [75 markah] Jawab tiga soalan sahaja.


1 (a) Nyatakan dua perbezaan keperluan dan kehendak. [4 markah] (b) Dalam pengeluaran, sesuatu keluaran mempunyai nilai faedah jika ia memberi kepuasan kepada pengguna. Terangkan tiga jenis nilai faedah dalam pengeluaran. [6 markah] (c) Situasi berikut berkaitan dengan pengeluaran yang dijalankan Encik Rayyan. Encik Rayyan mengusahakan dusun durian di Raub, Pahang. Hasil tanaman durian diproses di kilang yang dibuka bandar berhampiran. Encik Rayyan menghasilkan pelbagai makanan daripada durian untuk dijual di pasar raya berhampiran dan di hantar ke Kuala Lumpur. Beliau dibantu oleh sepuluh orang pekerja. Terangkan tiga peranan Encik Rayyan sebagai seorang usahawan. [6 markah]

(d) Jelaskan empat kekurangan mengamalkan pengkhususan dalam pengeluaran.

(e) Situasi berikut berkaitan perbualan antara dua sahabat. Angah: Saya ada ayam dan saya perlukan beras. Man: Saya ada beras tetapi hanya cukup untuk keperluan kami sekeluarga. (i) Nyatakan dua syarat yang perlu dipenuhi dalam sistem barter.

[4 markah]

[2 markah]

(ii) Jelaskan tiga kelemahan dalam sistem barter. [3 markah]

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2 (a)


Huraikan perkaitan pengeluaran, perdagangan dan perniagaan. [6 markah]

(b) Gambar berikut menunjukkan sebuah peti sejuk yang dibeli oleh Puan Zarina dengan kaedah bayaran tertunda.

TUNAI : RM1800 @ PENDAHULUAN: RM300 ANSURAN BULANAN: RM67.50 selama 2 tahun

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(i) (ii)

Hitung jumlah faedah yang perlu dibayar oleh Puan Zarina. Jelaskan tiga kelebihan kaedah jualan di atas kepada pengguna.

[2 markah] [3 markah]

Rajah berikut menunjukkan jenis-jenis ejen.

Huraikan jenis ejen berikut:

(i) X [3 markah] (ii) Y [3 markah] (d) Situasi berikut berkaitan dengan Pak Atan, seorang peruncit. Pak Atan menerima bekalan roti dari Syarikat Roti Enak dua kali seminggu. Syarikat roti tersebut menyediakan rak untuk memperagakan roti di kedai Pak Atan. Pak Atan akan membayar roti yang habis dijual sahaja manakala selebihnya akan dipulangkan kepada Syarikat Roti Enak.

(i) Nyatakan jenis pemborong dalam situasi di atas. [1 markah] (ii) Jelaskan tiga peranan pemborong dalam (c) (i) di atas. [3 markah] (e) Syarat serahan terdiri daripada syarat masa serahan dan syarat bayaran angkutan. Terangkan dua syarat masa serahan. [4 markah]



3 (a) Malaysia mengimport hasil tenusu dari New Zealand dan mengeksport minyak kelapa sawit ke negara tersebut. Huraikan faktor yang menyebabkan wujudnya perniagaan tersebut.

[6 markah]

(b) Jelaskan empat halangan dalam perniagaan antarabangsa.

[4 markah]

(c) Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS). Encik Mustafa mengusahakan sebuah kilang perabot di Kuala Selangor. Kilang beliau membekalkan perabot ke sekolah-sekolah kerajaan melalui Pemasaran Bersepadu. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Pemasaran Bersepadu?

[3 markah]

(d) Seorang usahawan merupakan pemimpin dalam organisasi perniagaannya dan haruslah mahir dalam pengurusan sumber manusia. Terangkan tiga ciri pengurusan sumber manusia yang baik.

[6 markah]

(e) Terangkan tiga perbezaan antara syarikat awam berhad dan syarikat sendirian berhad.

[6 markah]

JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web

4 (a)


Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan pelaburan Encik Amran.

Encik Amran memiliki 2500 unit 8% syer keutamaan bernilai RM2.00 seunit dan 5000 unit syer biasa bernilai RM1.00 seunit dalam Syarikat Global Crystal Berhad. Syarikat tersebut telah mengisytiharkan pembayaran dividen 7% bagi bagi syer biasa, pada tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2012. Hitung pendapatan Encik Amran daripada pelaburan dalam Syarikat Global Crystal Berhad.

(b) Jelaskan empat faktor perlu dipertimbangkan semasa membuat pelaburan.

[4 markah]

[4 markah] (c) Encik Haikal bercadang untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan fotostat di kedai alat tulis yang baru dibuka. Beliau mempertimbangkan dua cara untuk mendapatkan mesin fotostat tersebut iaitu melalui syarikat pajakan atau membeli secara tunai. [1 markah]

JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web

(i) Tentukan cara pembelian yang sesuai dipilih oleh Encik Haikal.

(ii) Jelaskan tiga sebab bagi pilihan (i) di atas.

[3 markah]

(d) Situasi berikut berkaitan dengan polisi insurans. Puan Hannan memiliki sebuah kereta Perodua MyVi. Kereta beliau telah dicuri ketika diparkir di hadapan rumahnya. Syarikat insurans telah membayar pampasan kepada Puan Hannan di atas kecurian kereta tersebut. Sebulan kemudian, kereta beliau telah dijumpai semula tetapi syarikat insurans tidak membenarkan beliau menuntut hak milik kereta tersebut. Selain itu, Puan Hannan juga memiliki polisi Hayat Endowmen. Bagaimanapun beliau mendapati premium yang dikenakan lebih tinggi daripada adiknya yang tujuh tahun lebih muda darinya. (i) Mengapakan syarikat insurans tidak membenarkan Puan Hannan menuntut hak milik kereta tersebut? [3 markah]


Jelaskan empat faktor yang dipertimbangkan dalam pengiraan premium insurans hayat. [4 markah]

(e) Terangkan tiga peranan pengangkutan dalam membantu perniagaan.

[6 markah]


5 (a) Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan seorang pengimport kereta. Datuk Ghani adalah seorang pengimport kereta dari Eropah. Kereta-kereta yang diimport akan disimpan dalam sebuah gudang apabila sampai di pelabuhan. Kereta-kereta tersebut akan dikeluarkan dari gudang setelah cukai dikeluarkan.


(i) Nyatakan jenis gudang yang digunakan untuk menyimpan kereta import tersebut. [1 markah] (ii) Jelaskan empat kelebihan gudang tersebut.

(b) Rajah berikut menunjukkan unsur-unsur dalam campuran pemasaran.

[4 markah]

Huraikan berkaitan perkara berikut:

(i) P [4 markah] (ii) Q [4 markah] (c) Kerajaan memberikan galakan kepada peniaga yang terlibat dalam industri tertentu dengan memberikan pelepasan cukai. Huraikan pelepasan cukai berikut:

(i) Taraf perintis [3 markah] (ii) Elaun cukai pelaburan [3 markah] (d) Berikut adalah perbualan dua orang sahabat.

Razeef: Sudah lama saya menyewa rumah. Rumah yang saya beli sejak lima tahun yang lepas masih belum siap lagi. Apa yang perlu saya lakukan? Farhan: Adakah anda mengetahui latar belakang pemaju perumahan sebelum membeli rumah tersebut? Razeef : Saya tidak mendapat maklumat tentangnya.

Farhan: Bagaimanapun, anda boleh membuat tuntutan di Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna atas kelewatan pemaju menyiapkan rumah itu. (i) Apakah hak pengguna dalam situasi di atas. [2 markah] (ii) Jelaskan peranan Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna. [4 markah]

JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web



BAHAGIAN B [25 markah] Soalan ini wajib dijawab.

Puan Rafiza adalah pemilik Salun dan Spa Harmoni yang menjalankan perniagaan salun kecantikan untuk wanita di Bandar Bukit Tinggi sejak lima tahun yang lepas. Salun ini memberikan perkhidmatan rawatan kecantikan, spa dan mendandan rambut kepada wanita sahaja. Perkhidmatan yang berkualiti dan harga yang berpatutan telah menarik ramai pelanggan datang ke salunnya. Perniagaan salun ini dibuka setiap hari dari jam 10.00 pagi hingga 10.00 malam dan dibantu oleh tujuh orang pekerja yang mahir dalam bidang kecantikan. Untuk mengelakkan pelanggan menunggu lama, salun ini hanya menerima pelanggan yang membuat temu janji terlebih dahulu. Temu janji boleh dibuat melalui telefon dan internet. Salun ini juga menggunakan laman sosial facebook dan laman blog untuk mengiklankan perkhidmatan di sini. Disamping perkhidmatan yang disediakan, Puan Rafiza juga mengeluarkan sendiri produk kesihatan berasaskan herba. Beliau mempunyai kemahiran menghasilkan produk kesihatan yang dipelajari daripada ibunya. Produk ini amat digemari oleh pelangganpelanggannya. Ini telah menambahkan pendapatan perniagaan beliau disamping membantu pelanggan yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan. Produk ini juga boleh ditempah melalui internet. Barang yang ditempah akan dihantar menggunakan perkhidmatan kurier. Hasil pendapatan dari salun kecantikan ini disimpan di bank bagi menjamin keselamatan. Beliau mempunyai akaun semasa di salah sebuah bank perdagangan. Memandangkan perniagaan mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan dari orang ramai, Puan Rafiza bercadang untuk menambah pengeluaran produk kecantikan bagi memenuhi permintaan yang semakin bertambah. Namun begitu beliau masih kekurangan modal. Beliau bercadang untuk membuat pinjaman daripada bank perdagangan tetapi seorang kawan mencadangkan beliau memohon kemudahan overdraf dari bank berkenaan. Berdasarkan kes di atas, jawab soalan-soalan berikut: (a) Namakan jenis saluran agihan yang terlibat dalam situasi di atas dan nyatakan sebab saluran agihan tersebut dipilih. [2 markah]

JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web

(b) Jelaskan sebab perkhidmatan kurier digunakan dalam situasi di atas.

(c) [5 markah]

Jelaskan kelebihan E-dagang kepada pelanggan. [4 markah]

(d) Jelaskan empat peranan bantuan berikut kepada Puan Rafiza. (i) Promosi [4 markah] (ii) Perbankan [4 markah] (e) Berikan tiga perbezaan antara pinjaman dan overdraf.

[6 markah]


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